generic error occurred in GDI+ saving bitmap to file in a loop witin c# - c#

I'm saving a bitmap to a file on my hard drive inside of a loop (All the jpeg files within a directory are being saved to a database). The save works fine the first pass through the loop, but then gives the subject error on the second pass. I thought perhaps the file was getting locked so I tried generating a unique file name for each pass, and I'm also using Dispose() on the bitmap after the file get saved. Any idea what is causing this error?
Here is my code:
private string fileReducedDimName = #"c:\temp\Photos\test\filePhotoRedDim";
foreach (string file in files)
int i = 0;
//if the file dimensions are big, scale the file down
Stream photoStream = File.OpenRead(file);
byte[] photoByte = new byte[photoStream.Length];
photoStream.Read(photoByte, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(photoByte.Length));
Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(photoByte));
Bitmap bm = ScaleImage(image);
bm.Save(fileReducedDimName + i.ToString() + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);//error occurs here
Array.Clear(photoByte,0, photoByte.Length);
i ++;
Here's the scale image code: (this seems to be working ok)
protected Bitmap ScaleImage(System.Drawing.Image Image)
//reduce dimensions of image if appropriate
int destWidth;
int destHeight;
int sourceRes;//resolution of image
int maxDimPix;//largest dimension of image pixels
int maxDimInch;//largest dimension of image inches
Double redFactor;//factor to reduce dimensions by
if (Image.Width > Image.Height)
maxDimPix = Image.Width;
maxDimPix = Image.Height;
sourceRes = Convert.ToInt32(Image.HorizontalResolution);
maxDimInch = Convert.ToInt32(maxDimPix / sourceRes);
//Assign size red factor based on max dimension of image (inches)
if (maxDimInch >= 17)
redFactor = 0.45;
else if (maxDimInch < 17 && maxDimInch >= 11)
redFactor = 0.65;
else if (maxDimInch < 11 && maxDimInch >= 8)
redFactor = 0.85;
else//smaller than 8" dont reduce dimensions
redFactor = 1;
destWidth = Convert.ToInt32(Image.Width * redFactor);
destHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Image.Height * redFactor);
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(destWidth, destHeight,
bm.SetResolution(Image.HorizontalResolution, Image.VerticalResolution);
Graphics grPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
grPhoto.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
new Rectangle(0, 0, destWidth, destHeight),
new Rectangle(0, 0, Image.Width, Image.Height),
return bm;

If I'm reading the code right, your i variable is zero every time through the loop.

It is hard to diagnose exactly what is wrong, I would recommend that you use using statements to ensure that your instances are getting disposed of properly, but it looks like they are.
I originally thought it might be an issue with the ScaleImage. So I tried a different resize function (C# GDI+ Image Resize Function) and it worked, but i is always set to zero at beginning of each loop. Once you move i's initialization outside of the loop your scale method works as well.
private void MethodName()
string fileReducedDimName = #"c:\pics";
int i = 0;
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(fileReducedDimName, "*.jpg"))
//if the file dimensions are big, scale the file down
using (Image image = Image.FromFile(file))
using (Bitmap bm = ScaleImage(image))
bm.Save(fileReducedDimName + #"\" + i.ToString() + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);//error occurs here
//this is all redundant code - do not need
//Array.Clear(photoByte, 0, photoByte.Length);
//ResizeImage(file, 50, 50, fileReducedDimName +#"\" + i.ToString()+".jpg");


Resize and optimize Image before upload C#

I am using C#,MVC5 and I am uploading image from my web application but I realize that I have performance issues because I don't optimize them and I need to fix it and is important to keep the quality.
Below you can see the results of the report why is slow.
How can I do it?
I am saving the files into a path locally with the below code.
string imgpathvalue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RestaurantPath"];
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(imgpathvalue));
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
string pic = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(restaurantImg.FileName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("%", "_"));
path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(imgpathvalue), pic);
// file is uploaded
I have try the code below but I am getting the error "A generic error occurred in GDI+."
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpPostedImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(restaurantImg.InputStream);
System.Drawing.Image objImage = ResizeImages.ScaleImage(bmpPostedImage, 81);
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
objImage.Save(ms, objImage.RawFormat);
public static System.Drawing.Image ScaleImage(System.Drawing.Image image, int maxHeight)
var ratio = (double)maxHeight / image.Height;
var newWidth = (int)(image.Width * ratio);
var newHeight = (int)(image.Height * ratio);
var newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
return newImage;
You are missing some of the code to resize your image correctly. Appending is a function that correctly resizes images depending on the Width and Height Values you give to it (in this example the image gets resized to 120*120 if possible).
Function Call:
ResizeImage("Path to the Image you want to resize",
"Path you want to save resizes copy into", 120, 120);
To make a function call like that possible we need to write our function. Which takes the image from the sourceImagePath and creates a new Bitmap.
Then it calculates the factor to resize the image and depending on if either the width or height is bigger it gets adjusted accordingly.
After that is done we create a new BitMap fromt he sourceImagePath and resize it. At the end we also need to dispose the sourceImage, the destImage and we also need to dispose of the Graphics Element g that we used for different Quality Settings.
Resize Function:
private void ResizeImage(string sourceImagePath, string destImagePath,
int wishImageWidth, int wishImageHeight)
Bitmap sourceImage = new Bitmap(sourceImagePath);
Bitmap destImage = null;
Graphics g = null;
int destImageWidth = 0;
int destImageHeight = 0;
// Calculate factor of image
double faktor = (double) sourceImage.Width / (double) sourceImage.Height;
if (faktor >= 1.0) // Landscape
destImageWidth = wishImageWidth;
destImageHeight = (int) (destImageWidth / faktor);
else // Port
destImageHeight = wishImageHeight;
destImageWidth = (int) (destImageHeight * faktor);
destImage = new Bitmap(sourceImage, destImageWidth, destImageHeight);
g = Graphics.FromImage(destImage);
g.InterpolationMode =
g.SmoothingMode =
g.PixelOffsetMode =
g.CompositingQuality =
g.DrawImage(sourceImage, 0, 0, destImageWidth, destImageHeight);
// Making sure that the file doesn't already exists.
if (File.Exists(destImagePath)) {
// If it does delete the old version.
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("*** ERROR-Terror: " + ex.Message)
if (g != null) { g.Dispose(); g = null; }
if (destImage != null) { destImage.Dispose(); destImage = null; }
sourceImage = null;

c# How to resize any image to specific kilobytes while retaining image type

I've seen a ton of stackoverflow articles for reducing image size, but none of them maintain the original image type (or so I've found). They usually have steps to reduce pixel dimensions, reduce image quality, and convert to a specific type of image (usually jpeg).
I have a group of images that I need to resize. They have various image types, and the filenames are all stored in a database, which makes converting from one image type to another somewhat problematic. I can't just change the filename from png to jpg because then the database won't point at a real file.
Doe anyone have an example of how to resize / reduce images to '256 kilobytes' and maintain the original image type?
For examples, here is the code I'm currently fiddling with.
public static byte[] ResizeImageFile(Image oldImage, int targetSize) // Set targetSize to 1024
Size newSize = CalculateDimensions(oldImage.Size, targetSize);
using (Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(newSize.Width, newSize.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb))
using (Graphics canvas = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
canvas.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
canvas.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
canvas.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
canvas.DrawImage(oldImage, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), newSize));
MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();
newImage.Save(m, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
return m.GetBuffer();
Maybe there is a way I can get file fileinfo or mime type first and then switch on the .Save for the type of image?
Here is what I came up with (based on some examples that I found online that weren't 100% complete.
private void EnsureImageRequirements(string filePath)
if (File.Exists(filePath))
// If images are larger than 300 kilobytes
FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
if (fInfo.Length > 300000)
Image oldImage = Image.FromFile(filePath);
ImageFormat originalFormat = oldImage.RawFormat;
// manipulate the image / Resize
Image tempImage = RefactorImage(oldImage, 1200); ;
// Dispose before deleting the file
// Delete the existing file and copy the image to it
// Ensure encoding quality is set to an acceptable level
ImageCodecInfo[] encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
// Set encoder to fifty percent compression
EncoderParameters eps = new EncoderParameters
Param = { [0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 50L) }
ImageCodecInfo ici = (from codec in encoders where codec.FormatID == originalFormat.Guid select codec).FirstOrDefault();
// Save the reformatted image and use original file format (jpeg / png / etc) and encoding
tempImage.Save(filePath, ici, eps);
// Clean up RAM
catch (Exception ex)
this._logger.Error("Could not resize oversized image " + filePath, ex);
private static Image RefactorImage(Image imgToResize, int maxPixels)
int sourceWidth = imgToResize.Width;
int sourceHeight = imgToResize.Height;
int destWidth = sourceWidth;
int destHeight = sourceHeight;
// Resize if needed
if (sourceWidth > maxPixels || sourceHeight > maxPixels)
float thePercent = 0;
float thePercentW = 0;
float thePercentH = 0;
thePercentW = maxPixels / (float) sourceWidth;
thePercentH = maxPixels / (float) sourceHeight;
if (thePercentH < thePercentW)
thePercent = thePercentH;
thePercent = thePercentW;
destWidth = (int)(sourceWidth * thePercent);
destHeight = (int)(sourceHeight * thePercent);
Bitmap tmpImage = new Bitmap(destWidth, destHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tmpImage);
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
g.DrawImage(imgToResize, 0, 0, destWidth, destHeight);
return tmpImage;

Totally stumpted - System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.'

I've written a quick winform app that can take some entered text, generate images based on all the system fonts and then consolidate those images into a single image to give examples of the fonts. For ease, I've separated the two functions, one to generate the images and another to consolidate them so I can remove fonts I don't want in the single image. It was all working yesterday, but now when it comes to saving the consolidated image (""consolidated.png");) it gives the useless GDI+ error. I've checked paths and access, all are fine and correct. Nothing is locking the image, so I'm totally at a loss as what is causing this. Any ideas? Code below
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
List<string> files = FileSystemUtilities.ListFiles("fonts");
int height = 0;
int width = 0;
Bitmap test = new Bitmap(1000, 1000);
Graphics gTest = Graphics.FromImage(test);
Font font = new Font("Arial", 128);
int numWidth = 0;
int count = 1;
foreach (var file in files)
sb.AppendFormat("{0}\r", FileSystemUtilities.GetFileName(file).Replace(".png", string.Empty));
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(file);
height = height + bitmap.Height + 10;
if (width < bitmap.Width)
width = bitmap.Width;
SizeF numSize = gTest.MeasureString(Convert.ToString(count), font);
if (numWidth < numSize.Width)
numWidth = Convert.ToInt32(numSize.Width + 1);
numWidth = numWidth + 10;
count = 1;
Bitmap complete = new Bitmap(width + numWidth, height);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(complete);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, complete.Width, complete.Height);
int y = 0;
foreach (var file in files)
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(file);
g.DrawString(Convert.ToString(count) + ".", font, Brushes.Black, 0, y);
g.DrawImage(bitmap, numWidth, y);
y = y + bitmap.Height + 10;
string filename = "consolidated.png";
if (File.Exists(filename))
TextFileUtilities.WriteTextFile("consolidated.txt", sb.ToString());
Turns out it was due to excessive height... I couldn't see it. Thank you for all that commented and helped me out.

How to show multi paged image in <img/> tag?

I have created a image bytearray from ReportViewer like below
bytes= reportViewer.ServerReport.Render("Image", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings);
And i saved in a physical path using below code which created a image has 12 pages in it.
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(#"C:\test.jpeg", bytes);
I wanted to show this image in <img> tag with all the pages one after other.
I have tried <img src="c://test.jpeg" /> which shows up only first page in it.
Can anyone help me on this ?
Find the answer below which i used to resolve this.
Find the steps
First- Get all the frames from the stream of image as list of Images
public List<Image> GetAllFrames(Stream sm)
List<Image> images = new List<Image>();
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(sm);
int count = bitmap.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Page);
for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
bitmap.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, idx);
MemoryStream byteStream = new MemoryStream();
bitmap.Save(byteStream, ImageFormat.Tiff);
return images;
Second - Combine all frames in to a single bitmap.
public Bitmap CombineAllFrames(List<Image> test)
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
Bitmap finalImage = null;
foreach (Bitmap bitMap in test)
height += bitMap.Height;
width = bitMap.Width > width ? bitMap.Width : width;
finalImage = new Bitmap(width, height);
using (System.Drawing.Graphics gc = Graphics.FromImage(finalImage))
int offset = 0;
foreach (Bitmap bitmap in test)
gc.DrawImage(bitmap, new Rectangle(0, offset, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
offset += bitmap.Width;
catch (Exception)
return finalImage;
this methods creates a bitmap which will append all the frames into single one vertically.
If you want it horizontally make update it to
width += bitmap.Width;
height = bitmap.Height > height ? bitmap.Height : height;
new System.Drawing.Rectangle(offset, 0, image.Width, image.Height));
Third step - Now if you want a byte array for the created image
call the below method.
public byte[] GetBytesFromImage(Bitmap finalImage)
ImageConverter convertor = new ImageConverter();
return (byte[])convertor.ConvertTo(finalImage, typeof(byte[]));
I think this will helps some one really needed. Please post if someone find a easy way to do it.
To show several pictures, use the html <img> tag.
To show unique pictures, I recommend you relabel your pictures to something like img1, img2, img3, etc... so that in your img tag you can do something like this:
<img src="folder/img<?php echo rand(1,10); ?>.jpg" />

C# change dpi of an uploaded image

I've got to following function which is called to change the resolution of an image. I want to do this so uploaded image with for example 300dpi will be modified to 72dpi (for web). This question is related to another question here on SO where i'm working on.
I'm creation an extension method for this to be able to use this function on more places in my application, instead of only when uploading new files. (See above mentioned question)
public static byte[] SetDpiTo72(this byte[] imageToFit, string mimeType, Size newSize)
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(), newMemoryStream = new MemoryStream())
memoryStream.Write(imageToFit, 0, imageToFit.Length);
var originalImage = new Bitmap(memoryStream);
using (var canvas = Graphics.FromImage(originalImage))
canvas.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
canvas.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
canvas.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
canvas.DrawImage((Image)originalImage,0,0, newSize.Width, newSize.Height);
newBitmap.SetResolution(72, 72);
newBitmap.Save(newMemoryStream, ImageFunctions.GetEncoderInfo(mimeType), null);
return newMemoryStream.ToArray();
The mentioned extension methode is being called in a function similar to the situation below;
if (newSize.Width > originalImage.Width && newSize.Height > originalImage.Height)
newSize.Width = originalImage.Width;
newSize.Height = originalImage.Height;
uploadedFileBuffer = uploadedFileBuffer.SetDpiTo72(uploadedFile.ContentType, newSize);
return CreateFile(newSize, uploadedFile, uploadedFileBuffer);
The bytearray coming in is the file as an bytearray. It already has the correct size, but I want to change the resolution to 72dpi. However after exectution and saving the image the resolution is still the originale entered resolution, which is 300dpi. How can I do this?
public static byte[] SetDpiTo72(this byte[] imageToFit, string mimeType, Size newSize)
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(), newMemoryStream = new MemoryStream())
memoryStream.Write(imageToFit, 0, imageToFit.Length);
var originalImage = new Bitmap(memoryStream);
using (var canvas = Graphics.FromImage(originalImage))
canvas.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
canvas.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
canvas.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
canvas.DrawImage((Image)originalImage,0,0, newSize.Width, newSize.Height);
originalImage.SetResolution(72, 72);
var epQuality = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 75);
var epParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
epParameters.Param[0] = epQuality;
Image newimg = Image.FromStream(memoryStream);
//Getting an GDI+ exception after the execution of this line.
newimg.Save("C:\\test1234.jpg", ImageFunctions.GetEncoderInfo(mimeType), epParameters);
originalImage.Save("test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//This line give me an Argumentexception - Parameter is not valid.
//originalImage.Save(newMemoryStream, ImageFunctions.GetEncoderInfo(mimeType), epParameters);
return newMemoryStream.ToArray();
The stackstrace which comes with the exception is telling me the following;
at System.Drawing.Image.Save(String filename, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams)
at Extensions.ByteArrayExtensions.SetDpiTo72(Byte[] imageToFit, String mimeType, Size newSize) in C:\Website\Project\Extensions\ByteArrayExtensions.cs:line 356
at CMS.Presentation.FileFunctions.CreateFullsizeImage(HttpPostedFileBase uploadedFile, Size newSize, Byte[] uploadedFileBuffer) in C:\Website\Project\CMS.Presentation\FileFunctions.cs:line 197
at CMS.Presentation.FileFunctions.CreateFile(HttpPostedFileBase uploadedFile, INodeService nodeservice, Guid userId, Node parentNode) in C:\Website\Project\CMS.Presentation\FileFunctions.cs:line 53
In the mean time I've also developed another function (see below) resizing just a bitmap. And this seem to work correctly. I can't use this function with my current implementation though because it returns just an Bitmap. Or should i change everything to work with bitmaps?
private static Bitmap ResizeImage(Image image, int width, int height)
var frameCount = image.GetFrameCount(new FrameDimension(image.FrameDimensionsList[0]));
var newDimensions = ImageFunctions.GenerateImageDimensions(image.Width, image.Height, width, height);
Bitmap resizedImage;
if (frameCount > 1)
//we have a animated GIF
resizedImage = ResizeAnimatedGifImage(image, width, height);
resizedImage = (Bitmap)image.GetThumbnailImage(newDimensions.Width, newDimensions.Height, null, IntPtr.Zero);
return resizedImage;
Ok, I tried it only on files on harddrive, but it should work with streams too.
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(loadFrom);
Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap);
newBitmap.SetResolution(72, 72);
Took me a while, but I finally found the problem!
The problem lied in the ResizeImage function I used. In the 'GetThumbnailImage' to be specific. I ran into another problem with blurry images, which was explainable because GetThumbnailImage would stretch up the created ThumbNail to the desired size. And the resolution off the thumbnail never changes.
private static Bitmap ResizeImage(Image image, int width, int height)
var frameCount = image.GetFrameCount(new FrameDimension(image.FrameDimensionsList[0]));
var newDimensions = ImageFunctions.GenerateImageDimensions(image.Width, image.Height, width, height);
Bitmap resizedImage;
if (frameCount > 1)
//we have a animated GIF
resizedImage = ResizeAnimatedGifImage(image, width, height);
resizedImage = (Bitmap)image.GetThumbnailImage(newDimensions.Width, newDimensions.Height, null, IntPtr.Zero);
return resizedImage;
By modifying the function above to the function below I was able to solve the problem using Graphics.DrawImage to redraw the new image before rendering it. Also the GenerateImageDimensions was slightly modified. This taken together the problem was solved.
private static Bitmap ResizeImage(Image image, int width, int height)
var frameCount = image.GetFrameCount(new FrameDimension(image.FrameDimensionsList[0]));
var newDimensions = ImageFunctions.GenerateImageDimensions(image.Width, image.Height, width, height);
var resizedImage = new Bitmap(newDimensions.Width, newDimensions.Height);
if (frameCount > 1)
//we have a animated GIF
resizedImage = ResizeAnimatedGifImage(image, width, height);
//we have a normal image
using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(resizedImage))
gfx.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gfx.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
var targRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, newDimensions.Width, newDimensions.Height);
var srcRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
gfx.DrawImage(image, targRectangle, srcRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return resizedImage;
By "changing the resolution", do you actually mean you want to reduce the number of pixels in the image by 72/300? I.e. change a 4000x3000 image to 960x720?
If so, I can't see where your code actually does that. The overload of DrawImage() you're using does this:
Draws the specified image, using its original physical size, at the location specified by a coordinate pair.
Which is exactly what is happening.
Try one of the other overloads such as this one:
Draws the specified Image at the specified location and with the specified size.
for example:
// Create image.
Image newImage = Image.FromFile("SampImag.jpg");
// Create coordinates for upper-left corner of image and for size of image.
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int width = 450;
int height = 150;
// Draw image to screen.
e.Graphics.DrawImage(newImage, x, y, width, height);
EDIT: per the comments, I understand the OP wants to reduce file size without reducing pixel count. Therefore the files must be recompressed.
I've borrowed some sample code from here:
ImageCodecInfo iciJpegCodec = null;
// This will specify the image quality to the encoder. Change the value of 75 from 0 to 100, where 100 is best quality, but highest file size.
EncoderParameter epQuality = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 75);
// Get all image codecs that are available
ImageCodecInfo[] iciCodecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
// Store the quality parameter in the list of encoder parameters
EncoderParameters epParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
epParameters.Param[0] = epQuality;
// Loop through all the image codecs
for (int i = 0; i < iciCodecs.Length; i++)
// Until the one that we are interested in is found, which is image/jpeg
if (iciCodecs[i].MimeType == "image/jpeg")
iciJpegCodec = iciCodecs[i];
// Create a new Image object from the current file
Image newImage = Image.FromFile(strFile);
// Get the file information again, this time we want to find out the extension
FileInfo fiPicture = new FileInfo(strFile);
// Save the new file at the selected path with the specified encoder parameters, and reuse the same file name
newImage.Save(outputPath + "\\" + fiPicture.Name, iciJpegCodec, epParameters);
Rob, I believe that issue with your code is at saving the image - the actual digital image data would be certain number of dots/pixels i.e. (m x n) and setting resolution at bitmap wouldn't/shouldn't change the number dots (and hence physical byte size of image). The resolution information will be stored in the image header (to be used by programs while printing/editing images) - what happens if you store the new bitmap to file instead of mem stream
newBitmap.Save("c:\test.png", ImageFormat.Png);
Check dpi for above file from file -> properties -> summary (advanced). It should be 72 dpi.

