I have a simple IObservable that provides NMEA strings from a serial device:
var source = Observable.Create<string>(
observer =>
var port = new SerialPort("COM4", 4800, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
string output = string.Empty;
port.DataReceived += (sender, eventArgs) =>
var input = (SerialPort)sender;
var buffer = new byte[input.BytesToRead];
input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch (Exception exception)
var encoding = Encoding.ASCII;
var data = encoding.GetString(buffer);
if (data.StartsWith("$") && output != string.Empty)
if (output.StartsWith("$") || data.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine))
output = output.TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
output = data;
else if ((output == string.Empty || data.StartsWith("$")) || output.StartsWith("$"))
output += data;
catch (Exception error)
return port;
Now I want to parse these strings to concrete message types that can be filtered later on.
Thus the IObservable needs to be more specialized as IObservable.
This can be solved by .Select() statements where the Result is reprojected into NMEAMessage...
(the following is just an example for a simple reprojection)
var selected = source.Select(s => { return new NmeaMessage(s); });
... but what happens if a reprojection can't be made (e.g. unknown message type or parse error for the delivered string). How to handle that? I can't call OnError here (because it is an Observable not an Observer. Just suppress the parse error and return nothing in this case? How to state that the source may be not a valid NMEA source? Should I create a virtual "Device" class (that uses the string source inside) instead of cascading or filtering Observables? The "Device" class could use events and then an Observable on top (Observable.FromEventPattern<>) could be created again.
I also want the "observing" Parser to be able to subscribe to different sources of IObservable. What is the best way to integrate the parser and reprojection into this scenario?
Wrap your NmeaMessage constructor in a static function like this:
public static NmeaMessage TryParseNmeaMessage(TInputData d)
if (IsValidInput(d))
return new NmeaMessage(d);
return null;
Then you can do something like this:
var inputData = Observable.Create(...);
var parsed = inputData.Select(d => TryParseNmeaMessage(d))
.Where(d => d != null);
Obviously you need to define IsValidInput() too.
Instead of null you could also return some BadNmeaMessage (subclass of NmeaMessage containing error info) from ParseMessage.
Then you can react on the good/bad messages separately using .OfType<(Bad)NmeaMessage>().
Or you could signal OnError (throw inside ParseMessage) and then restart the sequence.
See here for advanced error handling.
There is an excellent article about this sort of error handling in F#: Railway oriented programming.
The same principles can be used in C# with RX.
I'm creating a BLE application using xamarin forms. Everything is working fine in Android I'm able to read and write GATT characteristics. In iOS I'm able to read successfully but the write operation doesn't update the characteristics value. There is no error in the write operation as well it is executing but the characteristics value is not changing. I tried iOS native application called light blue there its working fine the characteristic value is updated I'm facing issue only in Xamarin forms app. This is my code
private async Task<string> ProcessDeviceInformationService(IService deviceInfoService)
await adapter.ConnectToDeviceAsync(device);
var sb = new StringBuilder("Getting information from Device Information service: \n");
var characteristics = deviceInfoService.GetCharacteristicsAsync();
var characteristic = await deviceInfoService.GetCharacteristicAsync(Guid.Parse("00002a2b-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"));
if (characteristic != null)
var sbnew = new StringBuilder("BLE Characteristics\n");
byte[] senddata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.IsNullOrEmpty(SendMessageLabel.Text) ? "12" : SendMessageLabel.Text);
characteristic.ValueUpdated += (o, args) =>
var bytes = characteristic.Value;
await characteristic.WriteAsync(senddata);
string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(senddata);
sbnew.AppendLine($"Characteristics found on this device: {string.Join(", ", str.ToString())}");
CharactericsLabel.Text = sbnew.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
//return ex.Message;
DisplayAlert("Notice", ex.Message.ToString(), "OK");
I tried delay and I also tried to get write without response from peripheral but it doesn't work. This is my peripheral code
// Current Time characteristic
BluetoothGattCharacteristic currentTime = new BluetoothGattCharacteristic(CURRENT_TIME,
//Read-only characteristic, supports notifications
BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_READ | BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_NOTIFY | BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE,
BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PERMISSION_READ | BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE);
BluetoothGattDescriptor configDescriptor = new BluetoothGattDescriptor(CLIENT_CONFIG,
//Read/write descriptor
BluetoothGattDescriptor.PERMISSION_READ | BluetoothGattDescriptor.PERMISSION_WRITE);
// Local Time Information characteristic
BluetoothGattCharacteristic localTime = new BluetoothGattCharacteristic(LOCAL_TIME_INFO,
//Read-only characteristic
BluetoothGattCharacteristic sampleText = new BluetoothGattCharacteristic sampleText = new BluetoothGattCharacteristic(SAMPLE_TEXT,
//Read-only characteristic
BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE | BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_READ | BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_NOTIFY,
BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PERMISSION_WRITE | BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PERMISSION_READ);
I have no clue how to fix this any suggestions.I tried even Semaphore but it didn't help as you can see in my code
private static async Task<string> WriteAndWaitForResponseAsync(
ICharacteristic characteristic,
byte[] senddata)
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
string result = null;
characteristic.ValueUpdated += (o, args) =>
var bytes = characteristic.Value;
result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); // Note I don't know if this is your intended behaviour with the values you get back, you can decide what to actually do with the response.
// Notify a value has been received.
await characteristic.WriteAsync(senddata,new CancellationToken(true)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Wait until we receive a notification.
await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // I strongly suggest you look in to CancellationTokens but I am not going in to that now.
return result;
I suspect that threading is part of the problem here and that you subscribe for the event, call WriteAsync but then you ultimately leave the method before the data/event has been received. I suggest you need to try blocking the method from leaving before you receive your data.
Try something like:
private static async Task<string> WriteAndWaitForResponseAsync(
ICharacteristic characteristic,
byte[] senddata)
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
string result = null;
characteristic.ValueUpdated += (o, args) =>
// Make sure you read from the new value in event not the existing characteristic.
var bytes = args.Characteristic.Value;
result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); // Note I don't know if this is your intended behaviour with the values you get back, you can decide what to actually do with the response.
// Notify a value has been received.
await characteristic.WriteAsync(senddata);
// Wait until we receive a notification.
await semaphore.WaitAsync(); // I strongly suggest you look in to CancellationTokens but I am not going in to that now.
return result;
Then you can call this method from within your current one like:
string str = await WriteAndWaitForResponseAsync(characteristic, senddata);
I came across a back pressure issue with RX.net I can't find a solution for. I have an observable real-time stream of log messages.
var logObservable = /* Observable stream of log messages */
Which I want to expose via a TCP interface which serializes the real-time log messages from the logObservable before they are sent over the wire. So I do the following:
foreach (var message in logObservable.ToEnumerable())
// 1. Serialize message
// 2. Send it over the wire.
The problem arises with the .ToEnumerable() if a back pressure scenario happens e.g. if the client on the other end pauses the stream. The problem is that .ToEnumerable() caches the items which result in a lot of memory usage. I'm looking for a mechanism something like a DropQueue which only buffers, let say, the last 10 messages e.g.
var observableStream = logObservable.DropQueue(10).ToEnumerable();
Is this the right way to way to solve this issue? And do you know to implement such a mechanism to avoid possible back pressure issue?
My DropQueue implementation:
public static IEnumerable<TSource> ToDropQueue<TSource>(
this IObservable<TSource> source,
int queueSize,
Action backPressureNotification = null,
CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
var queue = new BlockingCollection<TSource>(new ConcurrentQueue<TSource>(), queueSize);
var isBackPressureNotified = false;
var subscription = source.Subscribe(
item =>
var isBackPressure = queue.Count == queue.BoundedCapacity;
if (isBackPressure)
queue.Take(); // Dequeue an item to make space for the next one
// Fire back-pressure notification if defined
if (!isBackPressureNotified && backPressureNotification != null)
isBackPressureNotified = true;
isBackPressureNotified = false;
exception => queue.CompleteAdding(),
() => queue.CompleteAdding());
token.Register(() => { subscription.Dispose(); });
using (new CompositeDisposable(subscription, queue))
foreach (var item in queue.GetConsumingEnumerable())
yield return item;
I have a class that receives standard .Net events from an external class.
These events have an address property (in addition to a lot of other properties, of course) that I can use to synchronize my events, so that I should be able to create a method to Get something, wait for the correct event, then return the data from the event in the Get method.
However, I'm fairly new to synchronization in C# and was hoping any of you could help me out. Below is somewhat pseudo code for what I want to accomplish:
Someone calls DoAsynchronousToSynchronousCall
That method waits until an event have been received with the same address (or until it times out)
The event checks against all current requests. If it finds a request with the same address, let DoAsynchronousToSynchronousCall know the reply has arrived
DoAsynchronousCall gets (or retrieves) the reply and returns it to the caller
public class MyMessage
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
public Main
externalClass.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
public void MessageReceived(MyMessage message)
MyMessage request = _requestQueue.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Address = message.Address);
if (request != null)
// Do something to let DoAsynchronousToSynchronousCall() know the reply has arrived
private List<MyMessage> _requestQueue = new List<MyMessage>();
public MyMessage DoAsynchronousToSynchronousCall(MyMessage message)
// Do something to wait for a reply (as checked for above)
MyMessage reply = WaitForCorrectReply(timeout: 10000);
return reply;
I feel like I'm missing an opportunity to use async and await (yet I don't know how), and I hope you're able to understand what I'm trying to accomplish based on the information above.
You really can't have multiple calls on the fly and have synchronous responses. If you want synchronous responses for multiple calls then you need to do the calls synchronously too.
I would look at using Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (NuGet "Rx-Main") to make what you're doing as simple as possible. Rx lets you turn events into streams of values that you can query against.
Here's what I would do.
I would first define a stream of the received messages as IObservable<MyMessage> receivedMessages like this:
receivedMessages =
.FromEvent<MessageReceivedHandler, MyMessage>(
h => externalClass.MessageReceived += h,
h => externalClass.MessageReceived -= h);
(You didn't provide a class def so I've called the event delegate MessageReceivedHandler.)
Now you can redefine DoAsynchronousToSynchronousCall as:
public IObservable<MyMessage> DoAsynchronousCall(MyMessage message)
return Observable.Create<MyMessage>(o =>
IObservable<MyMessage> result =
.Where(m => m.Address == message.Address)
IObservable<MyMessage> timeout =
.Select(x => (MyMessage)null);
IDisposable subscription =
.Amb(result, timeout)
return subscription;
The result observable is the receivedMessages filtered for the current message.Address.
The timeout observable is a default value to return if the call takes longer than TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0) to complete.
Finally the subscription uses Observable.Amb(...) to determine which of result or timeout produces a value first and subscribes to that result.
So now to call this you can do this:
DoAsynchronousCall(new MyMessage() { Address = "Foo", Data = "Bar" })
.Subscribe(response => Console.WriteLine(response.Data));
So, if I make a simple definition of ExternalClass like this:
public class ExternalClass
public event MessageReceivedHandler MessageReceived;
public void Send(MyMessage message)
this.MessageReceived(new MyMessage()
Address = message.Address,
Data = message.Data + "!"
...I get the result Bar! printed on the console.
If you have a whole bunch of messages that you want to process you can do this:
var messagesToSend = new List<MyMessage>();
/* populate `messagesToSend` */
var query =
from message in messagesToSend.ToObservable()
from response in DoAsynchronousCall(message)
select new
.Subscribe(x =>
/* Do something with each correctly paired
`x.message` & `x.response`
You're probably looking for ManualResetEvent which functions as a "toggle" of sorts to switch between thread-blocking and non-blocking behavior. The DoAsynchronousToSynchronousCall would Reset and then WaitOne(int timeoutMilliseconds) the event to block the thread, and the thing checking for the correct reply arrived would do the Set call to let the thread continue on its way if the correct thing arrived.
TL;DR I have an application that is reading messages from a USB device in the background, and displaying the messages on the screen. I am using a BlockingCollection, as I need to read messages quickly so the device does not get a BufferOverflow.
I am reading messages like this (my producer):
private void ReadMessages(BlockingCollection<object> logMessages)
uint numMsgs;
Status status;
Message[] msgs = new Message[10];
numMsgs = (uint) msgs.Length;
status = readMessages(channel, msgs, ref numMsgs, 1000);
if(status == Status.ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
logMessages.Add(CopyMessages(msgs, numMsgs));
else if(status == Status.STATUS_NOERROR)
logMessages.Add(CopyMessages(msgs, numMsgs));
throw new Exception("Error");
The readMessages() method will fill the msgs array with the Message objects read, and the numMsgs reference holds the number of messages that were read (up to 10). I use a function called CopyMessages() so I only pass a Message[] that is the right size. i.e. if 5 messages are read, I send a Message[5] instead of Message[10].
I read the messages (my consumer) like this:
private void DisplayMessages(BlockingCollection<object> messages)
string[] msgs;
foreach (var item in messages.GetConsumingEnumerable(_cancellationTokenSource.Token))
if (item is string)
msgs = new string[] { item.ToString() };
else if (item is PassThruMsg[])
msgs = FormatMessages((PassThruMsg[])item);
msgs = new string[0];
Task.Factory.StartNew(new Action(() => outputTextBox.AppendText(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, msgs) + Environment.NewLine)), _cancellationTokenSource.Token, TaskCreationOptions.None, uiContext);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
I start the tasks inside a button click, like this:
var results = new BlockingCollection<object>();
var display = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DisplayMessages(results));
var readMessages = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ReadMessages(results));
Task[] tasks = new Task[] { display, readMessages };
await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, result => { results.CompleteAdding(); }, _cancellationTokenSource.Token, TaskContinuationOptions.None, uiContext);
catch (TaskCanceledException)
This works fine, and when running idly it prints the messages from the device without a problem. However, after the device starts doing work under a really heavy load (the consumer is called so quickly it locks the UI temporarily) that I notice the output textbox is repeating values. It is my understanding that GetConsumingEnumerable() also removes items from the blocking collection, but I don't know why else I would see the messages printed multiple times. Each message has a timestamp, and when I readMessages from the device it clears the buffer so I know that I am not reading that message multiple times.
Am I missing something here? Is there a better way to handle this producer/consumer scenario to ensure accurate data? I have looked to see if there are references somewhere that may be overlapping, but I don't see it.
Here is the function I have now that obviously doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is because WebClient is asynchronous and data is empty before it gets filled by WebClient and crashes on the XML reader. How can I call WebClient within this function and still allow it to return ServerResult as required with or without needing an external event handler?
static public ServerResult isBarcodeCorrectOnServer(string barcode)
Dictionary<string, IPropertyListItem> dict = configDictionary();
string urlString = (string.Format("http://www.myurl.com/app/getbarcodetype.php?realbarcode={0}&type={1}", barcode, dict["type"]));
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string data = "";
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) =>
if (e.Error == null)
//Process the result...
data = e.Result;
wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(urlString));
StringReader stream = new StringReader(data);
var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream);
var document = XDocument.Load(reader);
var username = document.Descendants("item");
var theDict = username.Elements().ToDictionary(ev => ev.Name.LocalName, ev => ev.Value);
if (theDict.ContainsKey("type") == true && theDict["type"].ToString() == dict["type"].ToString())
return ServerResult.kOnServer;
else if (theDict.ContainsKey("type") == true)
return ServerResult.kWrongType;
return ServerResult.kNotOnServer;
You can't without "hacks" and you shouldn't - embrace asynchrony and pass in a delegate that you want to be executed once the download is completed:
static public void isBarcodeCorrectOnServer(string barcode, Action<string> completed)
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) =>
if (e.Error == null)
//Process the result...
data = e.Result;
You can move all your processing code now into a separate method which you call with the download result.
You can't, basically. Or at the very least you shouldn't. You've got a method which is designed to be synchronous, on a platform which is designed for asynchronous IO.
Fundamentally, you should design your code to work with the platform. Accept that it will be asynchronous, and make the calling code deal with that.
Note that when C# 5 comes out and when it's supported by Windows Phone, all of this will be a lot simpler using async. You'd return a Task<ServerResult> from the method, and await the result of the WebClient. If you're only developing for fun (so don't mind working with a CTP which has some bugs, and may not be valid to ship for marketplace apps) you can do that today.