Make popup on button click without new window class? - c#

I have a button that when you click it a popup is supposed to be displayed just showing a simple text message until the user clicks on the canvas. Do I have to do something like this in my button click method?:
Window win2 = new Window();
I just don't want to have another .xaml file for that window when all it's going to be doing is displaying a message for a short amount of time. Right now I'm using a Popup TextBlock but it's not quite what I want, since I can't make it movable.

WPF has a built in message box which you can use to display information then can easily be closed. This is used in many Windows applications as error popups.
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Text here ","Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Question);
Just place this inside your button click method and change the "Text Here" to whatever you want.


WinForm closing when 'ok' is selected on messagebox

I have a mainform where you can open another window and change options. One of the options is to copy highlighted text to the clipboard. if the user doesn't highlight text and clicks btnCopy then I want a message to be shown that no text was highlighted. When the user selects 'ok' I want the messagebox to close but I want the 'options' window to stay open.
Right now when the user clicks 'ok' both the message box and 'options' window closes. Why is the 'options' window closing?
Here is my code:
private void btnCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string copySearch = txtSavedSearches.SelectedText;
if (copySearch == "")
DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("You did not select anything to copy. Please select the query to copy.", "Copy search", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
You obviously set the DialogResult property of btnCopy to something different than DialogResult.None.
If - in a Form that is not the application's main window - a Button is clicked that has the DialogResult property set (to something different than None), this click causes the Form to close and the calling ShowDialog() method to return that DialogResult.
Find out where you set that property and remove it.
From MSDN (Button.DialogResult):
If the DialogResult for this property is set to anything other than None, and if the parent form was displayed through the ShowDialog method, clicking the button closes the parent form without your having to hook up any events. The form's DialogResult property is then set to the DialogResult of the button when the button is clicked
Why is the 'options' window closing?
The following line will cause the options form to close:
You don't need to do anything to close a MessageBox; it goes away by itself when the user clicks OK, and then your code resumes running from the point where MessageBox.Show was called. MessageBox.Show is a method that returns a value denoting which button the user clicked to get the box to go away (the value varies depending on a) which buttons you chose to show as part of the call to .Show(...) and b) which button the user clicked
Right now when the user clicks 'ok' both the message box and 'options' window closes. Why is the 'options' window closing?
This cannot be, as the message box is shown in the do-if-true part of the IF, and the call to close the options form is called in the ELSE (do if false) part. These two parts cannot run in succession, they must be one or the other. Either your option form closes without a messagebox showing, or a messagebox shows and your form doesn't close
Renee believes you have set this property:
on your btnCopy button to be something other than None
And then you have also opened your options form like this:
OptionsForm f = new OptionsForm();
These two things combined will conspire to cause your form options to close any time that btnCopy is clicked (unless the clickevent is canceled)

Activate MessageBox dialog of the C# Win Form

I have a Tray app.
On clicking its tray-icon, it Show()s one form.
Then that form Show()s one MessageBox.
Then I'd click outside its window to make it lose Focus.
Now again, as it normally happens, when I click the form's window, the MessageBox blinks once & gets the focus.
What I want to do, is that if I click on the tray-icon, the MessageBox should again get the focus.
On the tray-icon click, doing the form.Activate() too wouldn't give focus to the MessageBox window! but activates the form window, keeping the MessageBox afloat defocused over the focused form window.
Can you help me implementing the behavior??
Thank you.
Try this:
notifyIcon.DoubleClick += delegate {
MessageBox.Show(form, "text", "caption");
form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

Show a tooltip on the Close (X) button on the form

I have a form, wherein I prohibit the user from closing it when the user clicks the Close (X) button. Is it possible to show a tooltip on the Close (X) button whenever it is clicked? I want to do it to notify the user why the form would not close.
I thought of a messagebox but then I thought it would be too annoying to close the messagebox every time you click the Close (X) button.
Is there a better way to notify the user, than what I'm trying to do?
This is my code for the FormClosing event
private void InputForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing)
e.Cancel = true;
if (!mCloseReason)
e.Cancel = false;
I have a method that will save the inputs in the form. Once that method is finished, I need to automatically close the form. The if-statement will be true once I call this.Close(), this means I can't close the form. That's why I used a variable called mCloseReason to be able to close the form automatically. Now, that's why I was asking if I can notify the user through a tooltip once the Close (X) button is clicked.
I believe the default tooltip for the close(X) button is not editable without some hacking (and it is not practical).
Maybe what you could do is have a status field below your form, so when the user clicks the close button, it says in the status field "cannot close form (...)"
Or another idea is to have a message pop up somewhere on the form and go away after a little, indicating the form cannot be closed.
Another good idea was mentioned by Roger... just have a Close button somewhere on the form with a tooltip coded to it, and hide the forms' title bar?

Click textbox to show popup, click outside to close popup

I am designing a WPF usercontrol, and there is a textbox and a popup under the textbox. I want to click the textbox, then the popup shows. If I click outside of the textbox, the popup closes.
Now the problem is how to unfocus the textbox if I click outside the usercontrol area? Is any better way to design this control? Thanks.
On click inside you should show your popup, and to close it ater click on non-user are try to use solutions from link Is there an event handler that is fired when mouse is clicked outside textbox in c# Windows Form application?

How to create a non-modal form but blocking?

Should sound weird, but this is just for my hobby. I would want a (custom) messagebox to pop up with a YesNo buttons which should ideally block the code. But I should be able to click on the parent form so that I can dismiss the message box without having to specifically click on the messagebox buttons (equivalent to clicking No on the message box)..
something like this:
void Foo()
CustomMsgBox.Show("do you really wanna delete?", CustomMsgBox.Buttons.YesNo);
//block the code here, but user should be able to click on form, so that its equivalent to have clicked No;
//if clicked No, return;
So the solution I thought was make the custom message box non modal - so that user can click on form, but I'm not able to block code.. How can i do that?
It would look like this:
void Foo()
NonModalMsgBox.Show("do you really wanna delete?", CustomMsgBox.Buttons.YesNo);
//block thread till user clicks on form or messagebox buttons.
//unblock when user clicks.
//if No, return;
Edit: I know this is not a standard practice and I know non modal forms do not block, while modal forms do. So please do not recommend to be content with either modal form's or non-modal form's behavior. My question would be is there any way to simulate the behaviour of ContextMenu with windows forms.
You can solve this quite easily. Create and use a modal dialog but override the WndProc of the dialog and process the WM_MOUSEDOWN event. Check the position of the mouse down and if it is over the parent window but not over the dialog itself then simply dismiss the dialog.
Essentially you can't do this in a 'blocking' call easily. What you could do easily enough is to either pass the information required to perform the delete, or a delegate to perform the operation, to the form. When they click Ok you simply perform the operation. If they activate the parent form, then just close the child.
You want the user to be able to click the background window to cancel the dialog box? Add a handler to the background window so that when the user clicks on it you check to see if the non-modal window is displayed, if so close it.
Sounds easy, but you will need to be careful to handle every possible click on the background window and child windows. That sounds like a can of worms I wouldn't want to go down.
Perhaps instead you could detect if the non-modal dialog box loses focus and automatically close it. I can see this behavior making sense for a simple "confirm delete" dialog box, but as a user my first reaction is going to be to spam the ESC key to close the dialog box.
Another way of handling this is by manually enabling the parent form when calling ShowDialog, from here
private static extern bool EnableWindow(IntPtr hWnd, bool enable);
internal static DialogResult ShowDialogSpecial(this Form formToBeShown, Form parent)
parent.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => EnableWindow(parent.Handle, true)));
return formToBeShown.DialogResult;
Just call the extension method from any parent form like this:
var f = new Form();
//blocks but parent window will be active.
Of course you need to handle the clicks on parent form to close child form.
You could do something like:
public void ShowMe() {
while (!_receivedDeactivateEvent)
I'm not sure I'd recommend it, though -- I'm not sure how stable it would be, nor am I sure whether it would behave the way you want if you click the Delete button on the parent form while the 'dialog' is up (would it close the first dialog first, or leave it up? might be the latter, which could get messy).
An easier way: set form's "TopMost" property to be True. Then it will act like blocking

