I have wrote the following simple test:
public void TestUTF8()
var c = "abc☰def";
var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(c);
Assert.That(b.Length, Is.EqualTo(9));
//Assuming, you are reading a byte stream and got partial result with the first 5 bytes
var p = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(b, 0, 5);
Trace.WriteLine(new string(p));
Assert.That(p.Length, Is.EqualTo(3));
The Trace outputs abc� and the last assert fails because p.Length is 4.
However, I wanted Trace outputs abc and the last assert passes, since in reality I know the stream will have valid chars and when it is not the case for the last few bytes, just leave them there waiting for more data to come.
So how can I achieve this in C#?
Encoding.GetChars isn't really designed for bytes coming from a stream where some state needs to be kept track of during the decoding process because a single character might span multiple buffer segments. To do that work you should use a Decoder obtained from Encoding.GetDecoder. However, Decoder.Convert is really low-level allowing you control over both the input and output buffers and somewhat difficult to use. Decoder.GetChars is somewhat easier to use and does the important work of storing state between calls. We can easily expand on Peter Duniho's answer for arbitrary buffer size:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var c = "abc☰def";
var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(c);
var result = DecodeFromStream(new MemoryStream(b), Encoding.UTF8, 3);
Console.WriteLine(c == result);
private static string DecodeFromStream(Stream dataStream, Encoding encoding, int bufferSize)
Decoder decoder = encoding.GetDecoder();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int inputByteCount;
byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
char[] charBuffer = new char[encoding.GetMaxCharCount(inputBuffer.Length)];
while ((inputByteCount = dataStream.Read(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length)) > 0)
int readChars = decoder.GetChars(inputBuffer, 0, inputByteCount, charBuffer, 0);
if (readChars > 0)
sb.Append(charBuffer, 0, readChars);
return sb.ToString();
When I searched the method about decompress the file by using SharpZipLib, I found lot of methods like this:
public static void TarWriteCharacters(string tarfile, string targetDir)
using (TarInputStream s = new TarInputStream(File.OpenRead(tarfile)))
//some codes here
using (FileStream fileWrite = File.Create(targetDir + directoryName + fileName))
int size = 2048;
byte[] data = new byte[2048];
while (true)
size = s.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
if (size > 0)
fileWrite.Write(data, 0, size);
The format FileStream.Write is:
FileStream.Write(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
Now I try to separate part of read and write because I want to use thread to speed up the decompress rate in write function, and I use dynamic array byte[] and int[] to deposit the file's data and size like below
public static void TarWriteCharacters(string tarfile, string targetDir)
using (TarInputStream s = new TarInputStream(File.OpenRead(tarfile)))
//some codes here
using (FileStream fileWrite= File.Create(targetDir + directoryName + fileName))
int size = 2048;
List<int> SizeList = new List<int>();
List<byte[]> mydatalist = new List<byte[]>();
while (true)
byte[] data = new byte[2048];
size = s.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
if (size > 0)
test = new Thread(() =>
FileWriteFun(pathToTar, args, SizeList, mydatalist)
public static void FileWriteFun(string pathToTar , string[] args, List<int> SizeList, List<byte[]> mydataList)
//some codes here
using (FileStream fileWrite= File.Create(targetDir + directoryName + fileName))
for (int i = 0; i < mydataList.Count; i++)
fileWrite.Write(mydataList[i], 0, SizeList[i]);
(1)byte[] data = new byte[2048] into while loop to assign data to new array.
(2)change int[] SizeList = new int[2048] to List<int> SizeList = new List<int>() because of int range
As read on a stream is only guarantied to return one byte (typically it will be more, but you can't rely on the full requested length each time), your solution can theoretically fail after 2048 bytes as your SizeList can only hold 2048 entries.
You could use a List to hold the sizes.
Or use a MemoryStream instead of inventing your own.
But the two main problems are:
1) You keep reading into the same byte array, overwriting previously read data. When you add your data byte array to mydatalist, you must assign data to a new byte array.
2) you close your stream before the second thread is done writing.
In general threading is difficult and should only be used where you know it will improve performance. Simply reading and writing data is typically IO bound in performance, not cpu bound, so introducing a second thread will just give a small performance penalty and no gain in speed. You could use multithreading to ensure concurrent read/write operations, but most likely the disk cache will do this for you if you stick to the first solution - amd if not, using async is easier than multithreaded to achieve this.
I have a byte[] array that is loaded from a file that I happen to known contains UTF-8.
In some debugging code, I need to convert it to a string. Is there a one-liner that will do this?
Under the covers it should be just an allocation and a memcopy, so even if it is not implemented, it should be possible.
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
There're at least four different ways doing this conversion.
Encoding's GetString, but you won't be able to get the original bytes back if those bytes have non-ASCII characters.
BitConverter.ToString The output is a "-" delimited string, but there's no .NET built-in method to convert the string back to byte array.
Convert.ToBase64String You can easily convert the output string back to byte array by using Convert.FromBase64String. Note: The output string could contain '+', '/' and '='. If you want to use the string in a URL, you need to explicitly encode it.
HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncodeYou can easily convert the output string back to byte array by using HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode. The output string is already URL friendly! The downside is it needs System.Web assembly if your project is not a web project.
A full example:
byte[] bytes = { 130, 200, 234, 23 }; // A byte array contains non-ASCII (or non-readable) characters
string s1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); // ���
byte[] decBytes1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s1); // decBytes1.Length == 10 !!
// decBytes1 not same as bytes
// Using UTF-8 or other Encoding object will get similar results
string s2 = BitConverter.ToString(bytes); // 82-C8-EA-17
String[] tempAry = s2.Split('-');
byte[] decBytes2 = new byte[tempAry.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < tempAry.Length; i++)
decBytes2[i] = Convert.ToByte(tempAry[i], 16);
// decBytes2 same as bytes
string s3 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); // gsjqFw==
byte[] decByte3 = Convert.FromBase64String(s3);
// decByte3 same as bytes
string s4 = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(bytes); // gsjqFw2
byte[] decBytes4 = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode(s4);
// decBytes4 same as bytes
A general solution to convert from byte array to string when you don't know the encoding:
static string BytesToStringConverted(byte[] bytes)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
return streamReader.ReadToEnd();
public static string ConvertByteToString(this byte[] source)
return source != null ? System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(source) : null;
string result = input.ConvertByteToString();
Converting a byte[] to a string seems simple, but any kind of encoding is likely to mess up the output string. This little function just works without any unexpected results:
private string ToString(byte[] bytes)
string response = string.Empty;
foreach (byte b in bytes)
response += (Char)b;
return response;
I saw some answers at this post and it's possible to be considered completed base knowledge, because I have a several approaches in C# Programming to resolve the same problem. The only thing that is necessary to be considered is about a difference between pure UTF-8 and UTF-8 with a BOM.
Last week, at my job, I needed to develop one functionality that outputs CSV files with a BOM and other CSV files with pure UTF-8 (without a BOM). Each CSV file encoding type will be consumed by different non-standardized APIs. One API reads UTF-8 with a BOM and the other API reads without a BOM. I needed to research the references about this concept, reading the "What's the difference between UTF-8 and UTF-8 without BOM?" Stack Overflow question, and the Wikipedia article "Byte order mark" to build my approach.
Finally, my C# Programming for both UTF-8 encoding types (with BOM and pure) needed to be similar to this example below:
// For UTF-8 with BOM, equals shared by Zanoni (at top)
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
//for Pure UTF-8 (without B.O.M.)
string result = (new UTF8Encoding(false)).GetString(byteArray);
Using (byte)b.ToString("x2"), Outputs b4b5dfe475e58b67
public static class Ext {
public static string ToHexString(this byte[] hex)
if (hex == null) return null;
if (hex.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
var s = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in hex) {
return s.ToString();
public static byte[] ToHexBytes(this string hex)
if (hex == null) return null;
if (hex.Length == 0) return new byte[0];
int l = hex.Length / 2;
var b = new byte[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
b[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
return b;
public static bool EqualsTo(this byte[] bytes, byte[] bytesToCompare)
if (bytes == null && bytesToCompare == null) return true; // ?
if (bytes == null || bytesToCompare == null) return false;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(bytes, bytesToCompare)) return true;
if (bytes.Length != bytesToCompare.Length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; ++i) {
if (bytes[i] != bytesToCompare[i]) return false;
return true;
There is also class UnicodeEncoding, quite simple in usage:
ByteConverter = new UnicodeEncoding();
string stringDataForEncoding = "My Secret Data!";
byte[] dataEncoded = ByteConverter.GetBytes(stringDataForEncoding);
Console.WriteLine("Data after decoding: {0}", ByteConverter.GetString(dataEncoded));
In addition to the selected answer, if you're using .NET 3.5 or .NET 3.5 CE, you have to specify the index of the first byte to decode, and the number of bytes to decode:
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
var byteStr = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
The BitConverter class can be used to convert a byte[] to string.
var convertedString = BitConverter.ToString(byteAttay);
Documentation of BitConverter class can be fount on MSDN.
To my knowledge none of the given answers guarantee correct behavior with null termination. Until someone shows me differently I wrote my own static class for handling this with the following methods:
// Mimics the functionality of strlen() in c/c++
// Needed because niether StringBuilder or Encoding.*.GetString() handle \0 well
static int StringLength(byte[] buffer, int startIndex = 0)
int strlen = 0;
(startIndex + strlen + 1) < buffer.Length // Make sure incrementing won't break any bounds
&& buffer[startIndex + strlen] != 0 // The typical null terimation check
return strlen;
// This is messy, but I haven't found a built-in way in c# that guarentees null termination
public static string ParseBytes(byte[] buffer, out int strlen, int startIndex = 0)
strlen = StringLength(buffer, startIndex);
byte[] c_str = new byte[strlen];
Array.Copy(buffer, startIndex, c_str, 0, strlen);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(c_str);
The reason for the startIndex was in the example I was working on specifically I needed to parse a byte[] as an array of null terminated strings. It can be safely ignored in the simple case
A LINQ one-liner for converting a byte array byteArrFilename read from a file to a pure ASCII C-style zero-terminated string would be this: Handy for reading things like file index tables in old archive formats.
String filename = new String(byteArrFilename.TakeWhile(x => x != 0)
.Select(x => x < 128 ? (Char)x : '?').ToArray());
I use '?' as the default character for anything not pure ASCII here, but that can be changed, of course. If you want to be sure you can detect it, just use '\0' instead, since the TakeWhile at the start ensures that a string built this way cannot possibly contain '\0' values from the input source.
Try this console application:
static void Main(string[] args)
//Encoding _UTF8 = Encoding.UTF8;
string[] _mainString = { "Hello, World!" };
Console.WriteLine("Main String: " + _mainString);
// Convert a string to UTF-8 bytes.
byte[] _utf8Bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_mainString[0]);
// Convert UTF-8 bytes to a string.
string _stringuUnicode = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_utf8Bytes);
Console.WriteLine("String Unicode: " + _stringuUnicode);
Here is a result where you didn’t have to bother with encoding. I used it in my network class and send binary objects as string with it.
public static byte[] String2ByteArray(string str)
char[] chars = str.ToArray();
byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.Length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(chars[i]), 0, bytes, i * 2, 2);
return bytes;
public static string ByteArray2String(byte[] bytes)
char[] chars = new char[bytes.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
chars[i] = BitConverter.ToChar(bytes, i * 2);
return new string(chars);
string result = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
I am doing some data chunking and I'm seeing an interesting issue when sending binary data in my response. I can confirm that the length of the byte array is below my data limit of 4 megabytes, but when I receive the message, it's total size is over 4 megabytes.
For the example below, I used the largest chunk size I could so I could illustrate the issue while still receiving a usable chunk.
The size of the binary data is 3,040,870 on the service side and the client (once the message is deserialized). However, I can also confirm that the byte array is actually just under 4 megabytes (this was done by actually copying the binary data from the message and pasting it into a text file).
So, is WCF causing these issues and, if so, is there anything I can do to prevent it? If not, what might be causing this inflation on my side?
The usual way of sending byte[]s in SOAP messages is to base64-encode the data. This encoding takes 33% more space than binary encoding, which accounts for the size difference almost precisely.
You could adjust the max size or chunk size slightly so that the end result is within the right range, or use another encoding, e.g. MTOM, to eliminate this 33% overhead.
If you're stuck with soap, you can offset the buffer overhead Tim S. talked about using the System.IO.Compression library in .Net - You'd use the compress function first, before building and sending the soap message.
You'd compress with this:
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] data)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress);
ds.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
return ms.ToArray();
On the receiving end, you'd use this to decompress:
public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] data)
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
byte[] tempArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
List<byte[]> tempList = new List<byte[]>();
int count = 0;
int length = 0;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);
DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress);
while ((InlineAssignHelper(count, ds.Read(tempArray, 0, BUFFER_SIZE))) > 0) {
if (count == BUFFER_SIZE) {
tempArray = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
} else {
byte[] temp = new byte[count];
Array.Copy(tempArray, 0, temp, 0, count);
length += count;
byte[] retVal = new byte[length];
count = 0;
foreach (byte[] temp in tempList) {
Array.Copy(temp, 0, retVal, count, temp.Length);
count += temp.Length;
return retVal;
I have an encrypt routine in c++, I translate this to C#:
public void main()
string myPwd = "ÖFÖæ6";
string pwdCoded = XEncrypt.EncryptData_Patch_x_Net(myPwd);
//Result OK: ÖFÖæ–6
public static string EncryptData_Patch_x_Net(string Data)
byte[] bytes = new byte[Data.Length];
for (int n = 0; n < Data.Length; n++)
bytes[n] = (byte)Data[n];
System.Text.Encoding MyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default;
String MyResult = MyEncoding.GetString(bytes);
return MyResult;
I need to make the inverse routine that made it convert from:
ÖFÖæ–6 to ÖFÖæ6 (notice there's a dash in the left string)
I did this last function, but erroneously performs the encoding
public static string DecryptData_Patch_x_Net(string Data)
byte[] bytes = new byte[Data.Length];
for (int n = 0; n < Data.Length; n++)
bytes[n] = (byte)Data[n];
System.Text.Encoding MyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
String MyResult = MyEncoding.GetString(bytes);
return MyResult;
This is not encryption and you are seriously complicating what it actually is.
Encoding iso88591 = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591);
Encoding w1252 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
string pwd = "ÖFÖæ\u00966"; //The SPA control character will not survice a Stackoverflow post
//So I use \u0096 to represent it
string result = w1252.GetString(iso88591.GetBytes(pwd)); //"ÖFÖæ–6"
string original = iso88591.GetString(w1252.GetBytes(result)); //"ÖFÖæ6" with the hidden control character before 6
Console.WriteLine(result == "ÖFÖæ–6"); //True
Console.WriteLine(original == "ÖFÖæ\u00966"); //True
Your misnamed ...Encrypt... function makes a fundamental error. You take a string, which treat as a char[] (thats fine), then explicitly cast each char to a byte. That is a narrowing conversion. You'll lose any of the high bits and the ability to round trip more unusual chars. If you look at this question it should help to understand.
You could use this function to get the bytes without loss of information,
static byte[] GetBytes(string str)
byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length * sizeof(char)];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
return bytes;
The byte array will round trip on systems that share endianess.
As Esailija states, becuase its simple and it will explicitly return little endian results, you're better off calling
byte[] Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(string)
To achieve the same.
I have a byte[] array that is loaded from a file that I happen to known contains UTF-8.
In some debugging code, I need to convert it to a string. Is there a one-liner that will do this?
Under the covers it should be just an allocation and a memcopy, so even if it is not implemented, it should be possible.
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
There're at least four different ways doing this conversion.
Encoding's GetString, but you won't be able to get the original bytes back if those bytes have non-ASCII characters.
BitConverter.ToString The output is a "-" delimited string, but there's no .NET built-in method to convert the string back to byte array.
Convert.ToBase64String You can easily convert the output string back to byte array by using Convert.FromBase64String. Note: The output string could contain '+', '/' and '='. If you want to use the string in a URL, you need to explicitly encode it.
HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncodeYou can easily convert the output string back to byte array by using HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode. The output string is already URL friendly! The downside is it needs System.Web assembly if your project is not a web project.
A full example:
byte[] bytes = { 130, 200, 234, 23 }; // A byte array contains non-ASCII (or non-readable) characters
string s1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); // ���
byte[] decBytes1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s1); // decBytes1.Length == 10 !!
// decBytes1 not same as bytes
// Using UTF-8 or other Encoding object will get similar results
string s2 = BitConverter.ToString(bytes); // 82-C8-EA-17
String[] tempAry = s2.Split('-');
byte[] decBytes2 = new byte[tempAry.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < tempAry.Length; i++)
decBytes2[i] = Convert.ToByte(tempAry[i], 16);
// decBytes2 same as bytes
string s3 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); // gsjqFw==
byte[] decByte3 = Convert.FromBase64String(s3);
// decByte3 same as bytes
string s4 = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(bytes); // gsjqFw2
byte[] decBytes4 = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode(s4);
// decBytes4 same as bytes
A general solution to convert from byte array to string when you don't know the encoding:
static string BytesToStringConverted(byte[] bytes)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
return streamReader.ReadToEnd();
public static string ConvertByteToString(this byte[] source)
return source != null ? System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(source) : null;
string result = input.ConvertByteToString();
Converting a byte[] to a string seems simple, but any kind of encoding is likely to mess up the output string. This little function just works without any unexpected results:
private string ToString(byte[] bytes)
string response = string.Empty;
foreach (byte b in bytes)
response += (Char)b;
return response;
I saw some answers at this post and it's possible to be considered completed base knowledge, because I have a several approaches in C# Programming to resolve the same problem. The only thing that is necessary to be considered is about a difference between pure UTF-8 and UTF-8 with a BOM.
Last week, at my job, I needed to develop one functionality that outputs CSV files with a BOM and other CSV files with pure UTF-8 (without a BOM). Each CSV file encoding type will be consumed by different non-standardized APIs. One API reads UTF-8 with a BOM and the other API reads without a BOM. I needed to research the references about this concept, reading the "What's the difference between UTF-8 and UTF-8 without BOM?" Stack Overflow question, and the Wikipedia article "Byte order mark" to build my approach.
Finally, my C# Programming for both UTF-8 encoding types (with BOM and pure) needed to be similar to this example below:
// For UTF-8 with BOM, equals shared by Zanoni (at top)
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
//for Pure UTF-8 (without B.O.M.)
string result = (new UTF8Encoding(false)).GetString(byteArray);
Using (byte)b.ToString("x2"), Outputs b4b5dfe475e58b67
public static class Ext {
public static string ToHexString(this byte[] hex)
if (hex == null) return null;
if (hex.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
var s = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in hex) {
return s.ToString();
public static byte[] ToHexBytes(this string hex)
if (hex == null) return null;
if (hex.Length == 0) return new byte[0];
int l = hex.Length / 2;
var b = new byte[l];
for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
b[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
return b;
public static bool EqualsTo(this byte[] bytes, byte[] bytesToCompare)
if (bytes == null && bytesToCompare == null) return true; // ?
if (bytes == null || bytesToCompare == null) return false;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(bytes, bytesToCompare)) return true;
if (bytes.Length != bytesToCompare.Length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; ++i) {
if (bytes[i] != bytesToCompare[i]) return false;
return true;
There is also class UnicodeEncoding, quite simple in usage:
ByteConverter = new UnicodeEncoding();
string stringDataForEncoding = "My Secret Data!";
byte[] dataEncoded = ByteConverter.GetBytes(stringDataForEncoding);
Console.WriteLine("Data after decoding: {0}", ByteConverter.GetString(dataEncoded));
In addition to the selected answer, if you're using .NET 3.5 or .NET 3.5 CE, you have to specify the index of the first byte to decode, and the number of bytes to decode:
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
var byteStr = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
The BitConverter class can be used to convert a byte[] to string.
var convertedString = BitConverter.ToString(byteAttay);
Documentation of BitConverter class can be fount on MSDN.
To my knowledge none of the given answers guarantee correct behavior with null termination. Until someone shows me differently I wrote my own static class for handling this with the following methods:
// Mimics the functionality of strlen() in c/c++
// Needed because niether StringBuilder or Encoding.*.GetString() handle \0 well
static int StringLength(byte[] buffer, int startIndex = 0)
int strlen = 0;
(startIndex + strlen + 1) < buffer.Length // Make sure incrementing won't break any bounds
&& buffer[startIndex + strlen] != 0 // The typical null terimation check
return strlen;
// This is messy, but I haven't found a built-in way in c# that guarentees null termination
public static string ParseBytes(byte[] buffer, out int strlen, int startIndex = 0)
strlen = StringLength(buffer, startIndex);
byte[] c_str = new byte[strlen];
Array.Copy(buffer, startIndex, c_str, 0, strlen);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(c_str);
The reason for the startIndex was in the example I was working on specifically I needed to parse a byte[] as an array of null terminated strings. It can be safely ignored in the simple case
A LINQ one-liner for converting a byte array byteArrFilename read from a file to a pure ASCII C-style zero-terminated string would be this: Handy for reading things like file index tables in old archive formats.
String filename = new String(byteArrFilename.TakeWhile(x => x != 0)
.Select(x => x < 128 ? (Char)x : '?').ToArray());
I use '?' as the default character for anything not pure ASCII here, but that can be changed, of course. If you want to be sure you can detect it, just use '\0' instead, since the TakeWhile at the start ensures that a string built this way cannot possibly contain '\0' values from the input source.
Try this console application:
static void Main(string[] args)
//Encoding _UTF8 = Encoding.UTF8;
string[] _mainString = { "Hello, World!" };
Console.WriteLine("Main String: " + _mainString);
// Convert a string to UTF-8 bytes.
byte[] _utf8Bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_mainString[0]);
// Convert UTF-8 bytes to a string.
string _stringuUnicode = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_utf8Bytes);
Console.WriteLine("String Unicode: " + _stringuUnicode);
Here is a result where you didn’t have to bother with encoding. I used it in my network class and send binary objects as string with it.
public static byte[] String2ByteArray(string str)
char[] chars = str.ToArray();
byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.Length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(chars[i]), 0, bytes, i * 2, 2);
return bytes;
public static string ByteArray2String(byte[] bytes)
char[] chars = new char[bytes.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
chars[i] = BitConverter.ToChar(bytes, i * 2);
return new string(chars);
string result = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);