Unable to get the IP Address of network printer? - c#

I need to find the IP address of the installed printers on my laptop. I move my laptop between different locations and networks. Each network has its own set of ip addresses. The laptop has different printers installed for each location with all connections being made wirelessly.
In using the below code (.net 4.0), the QueuePort.Name returns:
WSD-27e3f972-cdc7-459d-b0c1-20e8410fb1db.0032 and
Since these are network printers, I assume these have to resolve to a real IP Address??
Where am I going wrong? Or is there a better way? Any help is really appreciated.
IEnumerable<Printer> GetLocalPrinters()
EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes[] enumerationFlags = { EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Local, EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Connections };
LocalPrintServer printServer = new LocalPrintServer();
var x = printServer.GetPrintQueues(enumerationFlags).Select(y =>
new Printer
Fullname = y.FullName,
QueuePortName = y.QueuePort.Name,
Location = y.Location
.OrderBy( z => z.QueuePortName);
return x;

The portname is NOT the IP address. Sometimes they are the same text.
They answer appears to be here:
Determine the IP Address of a Printer in C#
Edited 31-Oct-2011:
Query the WMI for the printer port IP address.
using System;
using System.Management;
namespace WMI_example_01
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var scope = new ManagementScope(#"\\.\root\cimv2");
var query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM win32_tcpipprinterport");
var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
var collection = searcher.Get();
foreach(var col in collection)
Console.WriteLine("Port name: {0}\tHostAddress: {1}", col["Name"], col"HostAddress"]);

The printing queue has a corresponding port that is handled by the port monitor.
There are different port monitors (not only standard monitors like TCPMON and WSD but also custom and vendor-specific), as far as I know, there is no universal way to deal with all kinds of them.
From the provided port name, I assume you are dealing with the WSD port. Here things become a bit tricky, I suggest you read my answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/63705944/4700228 for the solution.


How to get a PrinterName for a given ip address

I am printing using PrintDocument class.
I have a DB table having doc info to be printed. Instead of having its PrintName I just have IP address of the printer. All printers are installed locally. And I'm working on a windows service that will print those documents.
There is another app, out of my scope, where the user chose one printer, but just its IP is stored at DB... so
How can I set PrinterSettings.PrinterName having just its IP address??
By printername I assume you mean the name the printer is set up with in Windows and not the printer model, or sharename.
I don't really understand what you mean by the printers are installed locally. Is your computer acting as a printserver for the printers, since you have their IP address, or are they installed and shared from another printserver?
What you are actually looking for, when you only have the IP address is the printers TCPIPPrinterPort, which then is related to a printer. Unfortunatly the PrintServer class in C# doesn't return the hostaddress of the associated port (which is why we always name our ports "IP_10.200.49.230" or the like, because then you can find the port by name instead of hostaddress, which IS included in the printserver class.
In your situation I would do something like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
String serverName = "Print-Server"; //set servername (your own computername if you truly are hosting the printers locally)
String ipToSearchFor = "";//ip to search for in this example
//this loads all TCPPrinterPorts into a Dictionary indexed by the ports Hostaddress (IP)
//I'm loading all because I assume you are going to iterate over them at some point, since It seems you have a list
Dictionary<string, ManagementObject> printerPorts = LoadScope(serverName, "select * from Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort");
//after we've got the ports, open the printserver
using (PrintServer ps = new PrintServer("\\\\" + serverName))
//find the queue where queueport.name equals name of port we look up from IP
var queue = ps.GetPrintQueues().Where(p => p.QueuePort.Name == printerPorts[ipToSearchFor]["Name"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
//print sharename
//Loads everything in scope into a dictionary, in this case indexed by hostaddress
private static Dictionary<string, ManagementObject> LoadScope(string server, string query)
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + server + "\\root\\cimv2");
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(query);
ManagementObjectSearcher search = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, q);
ManagementObjectCollection pp = search.Get();
Dictionary<string, ManagementObject> objects = new Dictionary<string, ManagementObject>();
foreach (ManagementObject p in pp)
string name = p["HostAddress"].ToString().ToLower();
if (!objects.ContainsKey(name))
objects.Add(name, p);
return objects;
I would advise for you to loop through your list and from here on, also save the sharename and servername of the printer.

Discovering all computers and their shares on local network in C# [duplicate]

There are a lot of questions about getting the name and IP addresses of the local machine and several about getting IP addresses of other machines on the LAN (not all answered correctly). This is different.
In windows explorer if I select Network on the side bar I get a view of local machines on my LAN listed by machine name (in a windows workgroup, anyway). How do I get that same information programatically in C#?
You can try using the System.DirectoryServices namespace.
var root = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT:");
foreach (var dom in root.Children) {
foreach (var entry in dom.Children) {
if (entry.Name != "Schema") {
You need to broadcast an ARP request for all IPs within a given range. Start by defining the base IP on your network and then setting an upper identifier.
I was going to write up some code examples etc but it looks like someone has covered this comprehensively here;
Stackoverflow ARP question
This seems to be what you are after: How get list of local network computers?
In C#: you can use Gong Solutions
Shell Library
public List<String> ListNetworkComputers()
List<String> _ComputerNames = new List<String>();
String _ComputerSchema = "Computer";
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry _WinNTDirectoryEntries = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT:");
foreach (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry _AvailDomains in _WinNTDirectoryEntries.Children)
foreach (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry _PCNameEntry in _AvailDomains.Children)
if (_PCNameEntry.SchemaClassName.ToLower().Contains(_ComputerSchema.ToLower()))
return _ComputerNames;

Get MAC Address when network adapter is disabled?

Is there any way i can retrieve MAC Address when Network Adapter is disabled in .net?
Thanks in advance,
It is not possible to get the MAC address of an adapter which is disabled: this is because getting the MAC address requires querying the driver, and the driver for a disabled adapter is not loaded (source).
You can, however get the MAC address of an adapter which is not currently connected.
The WMI route is no good here, because it shows the MAC address as null for adapters which are not connected. The good news is that the NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() route works just fine:
// using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
var nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
// pick your NIC!
var selectedNic = nics.First();
var macAddress = selectedNic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
Refer this link.
The example here displays physical address of all interface irrespective of their operational stage. HTH.
You can use WMI:
public static string GetMACAddress()
ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
string MACAddress=String.Empty;
foreach(ManagementObject mo in moc)
if(MACAddress==String.Empty) // only return MAC Address from first card
MACAddress= mo["MacAddress"].ToString() ;
return MACAddress;
Using MS PowerShell command get-NetAdapter one can get the disabled network adapter's MAC Address.
More info at get-NetAdapter

How can I find out a COM port number of a bluetooth device in c#?

My company developed a device that communicates with a PC via Bluetooth using a virtual COM port.
Now we need a user to pair a device with a PC (MS Windows OS) first and then enter it's com port number manually into our application(I bet 95% of users will fail on this taks).
So I'd like my application to present a user with a list of paired bluetooth devices (a list of their "friendly names") and after that I'd like to find out the selecded device's COM port number automatically.
How can I do it in c#? (a solution independent of installed bluetooth stack is appreciated).
Thanks in advance.
See my answer at Widcomm bluetooth : how to open the virtual COM for my understanding of the licence: using the binary version is free for commercial use. And, also that I'm maintainer of the library.
So a brief slight digression. I'm not a big fan of virtual COM ports. It always seems much easier to use a direct 'sockets' connection, rather than attempt to setup a COM port, and try to find what name it was created as (see below!), and then have to open a SerialPort to use it, and then if the connection is lost one doesn't know and have simply to keep retrying... With the library its so much easier to just to create and use that direct Bluetooth connection!
However you may want a solution to your current task at the moment. :-) So, use WMI to find the current COM ports in place and see if any of them are for your device. For example in PowerShell:
C:\> Get-WmiObject -query "select DeviceID,PNPDeviceID from Win32_SerialPort"
DeviceID : COM66
PNPDeviceID : BTHENUM\{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}\7&1D80ECD3&0&00803A686519_C00000003
In that big long string one sees the address of the target device: 00803A686519. One can use WMI from .NET, run that query, filter the ones with "BTHENUM", and then parse out the address.
If you the do need to create a new Bluetooth virtual COM port, use 32feet.NET's BluetoothDeviceInfo.SetServiceState(BluetoothService.SerialPort) API. See the "Bluetooth Serial Ports" section in the User Guide e.g. at http://www.alanjmcf.me.uk/comms/bluetooth/32feet.NET%20--%20User%20Guide.html, and the class documentation in the release.
Unfortunately the native Win32 API we call does not tell what name of COM port it created! :-( So run the WMI query before and after the call to see what new name appeared (or use System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames as its simpler).
That's all specific to the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. I haven't investigated how other stacks behave in this regard. After a brief check Widcomm's serial ports appear in SerialPort.GetPortNames but not in the WMI query...
First, create a Management Object Searcher to search the WMI database:
ManagementObjectSearcher serialSearcher =
new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",
"SELECT * FROM Win32_SerialPort");
Next, use LINQ to get all the serial ports into a query:
var query = from ManagementObject s in serialSearcher.Get()
select new { Name = s["Name"], DeviceID = s["DeviceID"], PNPDeviceID = s["PNPDeviceID"] }; // DeviceID -- > PNPDeviceID
You can now print all the COM ports, their friendly names and you can even filter through their PNPDeviceID's to find the bluetooth device address. Here's an example:
foreach (var port in query)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", port.DeviceID, port.Name);
var pnpDeviceId = port.PNPDeviceID.ToString();
var bluetoothDeviceAddress = pnpDeviceId.Split('&')[4].Split('_')[0];
if (bluetoothDeviceAddress.Length == 12 && bluetoothDeviceAddress != "000000000000")
Console.WriteLine(" - Address: {0}", bluetoothDeviceAddress);
I manage to get the bluetooth name and the COM port by fiddling the registry key
The pseudo code to obtain the bluetooth information is below:
enumerate all the COM port available in the PNP
obtain the device classGuid
search the bluetooth address from the classGuid
when the bluetooth address is known, the bluetooth name can be obtained from the this registry SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Devices
The code is below, just call the GetBluetoothPort(), it will return a list of bluetooth devices, and you could connect them by passing the COM port number to the SerialPort class
public static string[] GetBluetoothPort()
Regex regexPortName = new Regex(#"(COM\d+)");
List<string> portList = new List<string>();
ManagementObjectSearcher searchSerial = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity");
foreach (ManagementObject obj in searchSerial.Get()) {
string name = obj["Name"] as string;
string classGuid = obj["ClassGuid"] as string;
string deviceID = obj["DeviceID"] as string;
if (classGuid != null && deviceID != null) {
if (String.Equals(classGuid, "{4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) {
string[] tokens = deviceID.Split('&');
if (tokens.Length >= 4) {
string[] addressToken = tokens[4].Split('_');
string bluetoothAddress = addressToken[0];
Match m = regexPortName.Match(name);
string comPortNumber = "";
if (m.Success) {
comPortNumber = m.Groups[1].ToString();
if (Convert.ToUInt64(bluetoothAddress, 16) > 0) {
string bluetoothName = GetBluetoothRegistryName(bluetoothAddress);
portList.Add(String.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", bluetoothName, bluetoothAddress, comPortNumber));
return portList.ToArray();
private static string GetBluetoothRegistryName(string address)
string deviceName = "";
string registryPath = #"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Devices";
string devicePath = String.Format(#"{0}\{1}", registryPath, address);
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(devicePath)) {
if (key != null) {
Object o = key.GetValue("Name");
byte[] raw = o as byte[];
if (raw != null) {
deviceName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(raw);
return deviceName;
Maybe it is not what you are looking for, and maybe you already found your answer...
I just found a question not exactly like yours but worked for me.. With this one you can find out which one of your COM Ports are from a Bluetooth device:
StackOverflow - Determine if serial port is normal COM or SPP
I hope it helps somehow. If you find out how to do what you wanted, please let me know. Thanks.
So, to get the information about a remote device including its name, using 32feet.NET do:
BluetoothAddress addr = ... ...
BluetoothDeviceInfo info = new BluetoothDeviceInfo(addr);
string name = info.DeviceName;
If not using the library you'll have to P/Invoke Win32's BluetoothGetDeviceInfo.
private static string FindSerialPortForRFIDReaderCore()
string serialPort = "";
List<string> ports = new List<string>();
System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher Searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from WIN32_SerialPort");
foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject Port in Searcher.Get())
if (Port["PNPDeviceID"].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("MacAddress"))
if (ports.Count > 1) // There are more than one Serial Ports created for the bluetooth device.
serialPort = ports.OrderByDescending(p => p).FirstOrDefault();
else if(ports.Count == 1)
serialPort = ports[0];
return serialPort;

Is there a .NET way to enumerate all available network printers?

Is there a straightforward way to enumerate all visible network printers in .NET? Currently, I'm showing the PrintDialog to allow the user to select a printer. The problem with that is, local printers are displayed as well (along with XPS Document Writer and the like). If I can enumerate network printers myself, I can show a custom dialog with just those printers.
Get the default printer from LocalPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue
Get the installed printers (from user's perspective) from PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
Enumerate through the list:
Any printer beginning with \\ is a network printer - so get the queue with new PrintServer("\\UNCPATH").GetPrintQueue("QueueName")
Any printer not beginning with \\ is a local printer so get it with LocalPrintServer.GetQueue("Name")
You can see which is default by comparing FullName property.
Note: a network printer can be the default printer from LocalPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue, but not appear in LocalPrintServer.GetPrintQueues()
// get available printers
LocalPrintServer printServer = new LocalPrintServer();
PrintQueue defaultPrintQueue = printServer.DefaultPrintQueue;
// get all printers installed (from the users perspective)he t
var printerNames = PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters;
var availablePrinters = printerNames.Cast<string>().Select(printerName =>
var match = Regex.Match(printerName, #"(?<machine>\\\\.*?)\\(?<queue>.*)");
PrintQueue queue;
if (match.Success)
queue = new PrintServer(match.Groups["machine"].Value).GetPrintQueue(match.Groups["queue"].Value);
queue = printServer.GetPrintQueue(printerName);
var capabilities = queue.GetPrintCapabilities();
return new AvailablePrinterInfo()
Name = printerName,
Default = queue.FullName == defaultPrintQueue.FullName,
Duplex = capabilities.DuplexingCapability.Contains(Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge),
Color = capabilities.OutputColorCapability.Contains(OutputColor.Color)
DefaultPrinter = AvailablePrinters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Default);
using the new System.Printing API
using (var printServer = new PrintServer(string.Format(#"\\{0}", PrinterServerName)))
foreach (var queue in printServer.GetPrintQueues())
if (!queue.IsShared)
found this code here
private void btnGetPrinters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Use the ObjectQuery to get the list of configured printers
System.Management.ObjectQuery oquery =
new System.Management.ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");
System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher mosearcher =
new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(oquery);
System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection moc = mosearcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
System.Management.PropertyDataCollection pdc = mo.Properties;
foreach (System.Management.PropertyData pd in pdc)
if ((bool)mo["Network"])
"This API function can enumerate all network resources, including servers, workstations, printers, shares, remote directories etc."
PrinterSettiings.InstalledPrinters should give you the collection you want
In another post(https://stackoverflow.com/a/30758129/6513653) relationed to this one, Scott Chamberlain said "I do not believe there is anything in .NET that can do this, you will need to make a native call". After to try all the possible .NET resource, I think he is right.
So, I started to investigate how ADD PRINTER dialog does its search. Using Wireshark, I found out that ADD PRINTER send at least two types of packages to all hosts in local network: two http/xml request to 3911 port and three SNMP requests.
The first SNMP request is a get-next, which is Printer-MIB. The second one, is a get which is pmPrinterIEEE1284DeviceId of PRINTER-PORT-MONITOR-MIB. This is the most interesting because is where ADD PRINTER takes printer name. The third is a get, which is sysDescr of SNMP MIB-2 System.
I do believe that the second SNMP request is enough to find most of network printers in local network, so I did this code. It works for Windows Form Application and it depends on SnmpSharpNet.
Edit: I'm using ARP Ping instead normal Ping to search active hosts in network. Link for an example project: ListNetworks C# Project
Note that if you're working over RDP it seems to complicate this because it looks like it just exports everything on the host as a local printer.
Which is then a problem if you're expecting it to work the same way when not on RDP.

