ASP.Net MVC 4 w/ AttributeRouting and multiple RoutePrefix attributes - c#

I need a way to programtically choose which RoutePrefix is chosen when generating URLs based on the properties of a user in my MVC app
I have an MVC 4 app (with the AttributeRouting NuGet package)
Due to the requirements of the hosting environment I have to have two routes for a lot of my actions so that the hosting environment can have different permissions for access.
I am solving this by decorating my controller with with [RoutePrefix("full")] [RoutePrefix("lite)]. which allows each action method to be accessed via /full/{action} and /lite/{action}.
This works perfectly.
public class ResultsController : BaseController
// Can be accessed via /full/results/your-results and /lite/results/your-results and
public async Task<ActionResult> All()
However, each user should only use either full or lite in their urls, which is determined by some properties of that user.
Obviously when I use RedirectToAction() or #Html.ActionLink() it will just choose the first available route and won't keep the "correct" prefix.
I figured I can override the RedirectToAction() method as well as add my own version of #Html.ActionLink() methods.
This will work, but it will involve some nasty code for me to generate the URLs because all I get is a string representing the action and controllers, but not the reflected types. Also there might be route attributes such as in my example, so I am going to have to replicated a lot of MVCs built in code.
Is there a better solution to the problem I am trying to solve?

How about something like:
Then, when you create your links:
#Url.RouteUrl("SomeRoute", new { version = "full" })
#Url.RouteUrl("SomeRoute", new { version = "lite" })
You could even do the following to just keep whatever was already set:
#Url.RouteUrl("SomeRoute", new { version = Request["version"] })

I ended up finding a solution to this
I just overrided the default routes to include this. ASP.Net automatically keeps the usertype value and puts it back in when it regenerates the routes
const string userTypeRegex = "^(full|lite)$";
routes.Add("Default", new Route("{usertype}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
new { controller = "Sessions", action = "Login", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { usertype = userTypeRegex }));
I found that this didn't work with the Route or RoutePrefix attributes, and so I had to remove all of them. Forcing me to add specific routes in these cases
routes.Add("Profile-Simple", new Route("{usertype}/profile/simple",
new { controller = "ProfileSimple", action = "Index" }, new { usertype = userTypeRegex }));
I thought that a half-dozen hard coded routes in my RouteConfig file was a better solution than having to manually add values to each place I generated a URL (as in Chris's solution).


Regarding SLUG in MVC

Working on a MVC Application that basically is a front end database of my City's listings/Directory.
Registered Listings are called like the following:{some-guid}
Is it possible to display in this format:{slug version of the destination name}
This would be of great ease to share the links with clients, also SEO Friendly.
I think it would be difficult to match your slug at the root of your application as this would not allow for other routes in your application. However if you can achieve something like what you want by doing the following{slug}
With this you would just need a simply rule to match this to a suitable action that takes your slug as a parameter.
new { controller = "Listings",
action = "ViewBySlug" });
and your action would be something like this
public ActionResult ViewBySlug(string slug){
var listingGuid = _service.GetGuidFromSlug(slug);
return RedirectToAction("View", "Listing", new { id = listingGuid);
If you really want that then you could have a route like
new { controller = "Listings",
action = "ViewBySlug" });
You'd want to put this after other routes you need as this route matches anything to your application. In effect it should be your last declared route. Also you could not have a controlller with the same name as a slug

Proper way to route to controllers in Umbraco ASP.NET / IApplicationEventHander vs ApplicationEventHandler vs RouteConfig.cs, RenderMvcController etc

I have a Solution structure like this:
My Umbraco instance uses the models and controllers from my "Core" project. There is nested directory structure, because of multiple websites in one installation, in the "Core", and also in the "Views" directory in the Umbraco instance.
I am still fairly noob to .NET MVC, and I understand route hijacking, but the documentation for Umbraco's routing is slim. I have the following:
namespace MyApp.Core.Events
/// <summary>
/// Registers site specific Umbraco application event handlers
/// </summary>
public class MyAppStartupHandler : IApplicationEventHandler
public void OnApplicationInitialized(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
public void OnApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
public void OnApplicationStarting(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
private static void RegisterCustomRoutes()
// Custom Routes
controller = "Directory",
action = "FDirectory",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
new PublishedPageRouteHandler(1000));
controller = "Directory",
action = "SDirectory",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
new PublishedPageRouteHandler(1001));
controller = "HomePage",
action = "Index",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
new PublishedPageRouteHandler(1002));
public class PublishedPageRouteHandler : UmbracoVirtualNodeRouteHandler
private readonly int _pageId;
public PublishedPageRouteHandler(int pageId)
_pageId = pageId;
protected override IPublishedContent FindContent(RequestContext requestContext, UmbracoContext umbracoContext)
if (umbracoContext != null)
umbracoContext = ContextHelpers.EnsureUmbracoContext();
var helper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
return helper.TypedContent(_pageId);
namespace MyApp.Core.Directory.Controllers
public class DirectoryController : RenderMvcController
public DirectoryController() : this(UmbracoContext.Current) { }
public DirectoryController(UmbracoContext umbracoContext) : base(umbracoContext) { }
public ActionResult FDirectory(RenderModel model)
return CurrentTemplate(new DirectoryModel(model.Content));
public ActionResult SDirectory(RenderModel model)
return CurrentTemplate(new DirectoryModel(model.Content));
So Umbraco does not install with an App_Start folder. I would like to know what the best approach is for a multi-site installation of Umbraco for registering the routes to the controllers. My implementation works, but it seems like I shouldn't have to create actions for every single page I am going to have in a site, in every controller. I know Umbraco has its own routing, so using Umbraco concepts, ASP.NET MVC concepts, and whatever else is available, what is the best way to implement this type of solution structure? Should I even worry about using a RouteConfig.cs and create a App_Start directory? Or is what I am doing the best approach? Should I use IApplicationEventHandler or ApplicationEventHandler?
Also, I have to hard code the node ID's. I've read that there is a way to Dynamically? And example of this would be great.
Examples of the best way to implement a structured multi-site Umbraco MVC solution is what I am asking for I guess, in regards to routing the controllers, with some detail, or links to strong examples. I have searched and researched, and there are bits and pieces out there, but not really a good example like what I am working with. I am going to have to create a RouteMap for every single page I create at this point, and I don't know if this is the most efficient way of doing this. I even tried implementing a DefaultController, but didn't see the point of that when your solution is going to have multiple controllers.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve with this, but I'll try to explain how it works and maybe you can clarify afterwards.
I assume you have the basics of Umbraco figured out (creating document types + documents based on the document types). This is how Umbraco is normally used and it will automatically do routing for you for each of these "content nodes" (documents) you create in a site.
So create a document named document1 and it will be automatically routed in your site at URL: http://localhost/document1. By default this document will be served through a default MVC controller and it will all take place behind the scenes without you having to do anything.
Route hijacking allows you to override this default behavior and "shove in" a controller that lets you interfere with how the request is handled. To use hijacking you create a RenderMvcController with the alias of your document type. That could be HomePageController : RenderMvcController.
This controller should have an action with the following signature:
public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
In this action you are able to modify the model being sent to the view in any way you like. That could be - getting some external data to add on to the model or triggering some logic or whatever you need to do.
This is all automatically hooked up by naming convention and you will not have to register any routes manually for this to work.
The other type of Umbraco MVC controller you can create is a SurfaceController. This one is usually used for handling rendering of child actions and form submissions (HttpPost). The SurfaceController is also automatically routed by Umbraco and will be located on a "not so pretty" URL. However since it is usually really not used for anything but rendering child actions and taking form submits, it doesn't really matter what URL it is located at.
Besides these auto-routed controllers you are of course able to register your own MVC controllers like in any standard MVC website. The one difference though is that unlike a normal ASP.NET MVC website, an Umbraco site does not have the automagical default registration of controllers allowing the routing to "just work" when creating a new controller.
So if you want to have a plain old MVC controller render in an Umbraco site without it being related to a document/node in Umbraco, you would have to register a route for it like you would do in any other MVC site. The best way of doing that is to hook in and add it to the Routes using an ApplicationEventHandler class. That will automatically be triggered during application startup - essentially allowing you to do what you would normally do in App_Start.
Just to be clear though - if you plan on using data from Umbraco, you should not be using normal MVC controllers and should not require any manual route registration to be done. You usually want to render a template/view in context of a document/node created in Umbraco (where you can modify data/properties of the document) and then the route hijacking is the way to go.
From what it looks like, it could seem that the correct way to do what you are trying to do is to simply create two document types:
FDirectory and SDirectory
You click to allow both of these to be created in root and then you create documents called FDirectory and SDirectory and they will be automatically routed on these URLs. Creating a RenderMvcController's called FDirectoryController : RenderMvcController will then make sure it is used to hijack the routing whenever that page is requested.
If you're simply trying to set up a multi-site solution I would suggest you create a Website document type and create a node for each site you want, in the root of your Umbraco content tree. Right click each of these nodes and edit the hostname to be whatever you need it to be. This can also be some "child url" like /fdirectory or /sdirectory in case you need to test this on localhost without using multiple hostnames.
Hope this gives you the pointers needed, otherwise try to explain what you are trying to do and I'll see if I can refine my answer a bit!

Change Controller and Action name according to language selected

I have a Controller with the name "Hem" and Action name is "Om".
And default language i have set Swedish.
So route will be on Swedish site, it's
Now I want to change language to "en" by clicking English in language section.
So route will be set automatically like this way :
But functionality should be work of /sv/Hem/Om and In address bar should be display as /en/Home/About
Experts can you please help me out.
You can do this way.
"English route",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", language = "en" },
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", language = "fr" }
or you can do that way:
public class GenericRoutes
public string Controller {get;set;}
public string Action {get;set;}
public string Url{get;set;}
public string RouteName{get;set;}
public List<GenericRoutes> Routes = new List<GenericRoutes>();
Routes.Add(new GenericRoutes{Cotroller="bl",Action="cl",Url="bl/cl"})
for(int i=0;i<Routes.count();i++)
new { controller = Routes[i].Controller, action = Routes[i].Action },
I personally would avoid this approach for multilingual sites. Yes it is technically possible to do what you are asking but most sites do not handle multiple languages in this way. has had ability to localize pages for a long time and I would recommend this approach instead.
Localization involves putting resource keys in your view template instead of hard coding your strings. Then you would set the culture of your thread, usually by the http accept-language header and the site would chose the appropriate strings for that culture to put into the page view. The only thing you need to maintain then is sets of strings for each language.
The benefit for this approach is that you write your views only once. When you have 2 or even 3 sets of views you run the risk of having those versions of your site diverge. I personally have seen this happen and its a hard problem to get back from. Also you get to separate your "language problem" from whatever problem your website is solving, meaning your domain isn't cluttered with boilerplate code to maintain a fancy language switching technique, instead of going with the solution that's included with the platform.
If you are interested in doing multi-language sites in .net the right way I would recommend learning about Localization and Globalization, here is a good place to start :)
Beginners Tutorial
Scott Hanselman tutorial - MVC 3 + Jquery version
First of all, I am not an expert. But in order to route user to different controller you can implement custom routing and configure routes dynamically.
To understand how routing works you may consider checking this link out.
Here is a quick trick to do that:
Here is RegisterRoutes method which register all routes for application
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
now get current language from url(get first segment of url (en in your case))
query your data source for current language
add your routes here from database or any other source using foreach.
foreach (var route in RouteValues)
new { controller = route.Controller , action = route.Action , id = route.Id });

MVC Routes... How do I set up my controller to deal with /configuration/building/add

I have an architecture where I have numerous objects I can configure. Examples of URLs I want are as follows:
I have a Configuration controller but how do I intercept or deal with building/add and building/edit/1 etc... If it were AddBuilding I could simply add an AddBuilding() function, and similarily how do I get it to work for configuration/building/edit/
Here's what you can do for the first one - open up the Global.asax.cs file of your site and put this in RegisterRoutes before the standard MVC catch-all route (the one that uses the route "{controller}/{action}/{id}"):
routes.MapRoute("AddBuilding", "configuration/building/add",
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "AddBuilding" });
The others will be the same, but different names (first parameter) and action, whislt the edit routes but would include an {id} route placeholder and route parameter (but not optional - unlike the MVC default route):
routes.MapRoute("EditBuilding", "configuration/building/edit/{id}",
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "EditBuilding" });
By leaving the id off the route defaults we make it required. I'm assuming this, because I'm guessing the Url /Building/Edit doesn't logically map to anything.
As a side node - including verbs in your urls isn't really in keeping with REST methodology, however you're not the first to do it by a long way (I include myself in that too). That said - trying to keep to it usually makes your life a lot easier, as you'll find your controllers will be cleaner, as will your route table, and your site's URL space will be a lot smaller and more obviously hierarchical. This last point is - handy for zooming around the site at dev time, but more importantly it's crucial for SEO.
So (I've commented this code heavily, hopefully enough to provide some nuggets of knowledge!):
public class ConfigurationController{
////HTTP GET /Buildings
public ActionResult Buildings(){
//get model and return view that shows all buildings with perhaps a
//partial in that for creating a new one (or you can use another action)
//The HTML form on that view will POST to the URL handled by the method below.
////HTTP POST /Buildings
//use ActionName here to make this and the method above accessible through
//the same URL
public ActionResult CreateBuilding(BuildingModel model){
//validate the model, create the object and return the same
//view as the Buildings() method above (after re-loading all the
//buildings. Or, you can issue a redirect, effectively transferring
//control back to the method above.
////HTTP GET /Configuration/Building/id
public ActionResult Building(int id){
//get building and return view, which also contains Edit functionality
////HTTP POST /Configuration/Building/id
public ActionResult Building(int id, BuildingModel model){
//very similar to the CreateBuilding method - and again you might
//either simply return a building view at the end, or redirect
//to the method above.
//Note that we don't need [ActionName] here because this and the
//get method can have the same method names, because they are overloads
//i.e. since they have different method signatures we can call them the same
//thing in code.
I've left off the group stuff to keep it short, and hopefully you'll be able to see how to do it from there.
With this in place, we only need at most two routes in Global.asax.cs - although I think the order will be important:
//handles both GET and POST to this URL, i.e. our view & edit operations
routes.MapRoute("IndividualBuilding", "/configuration/buildings/{id}",
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "Building" });
routes.MapRoute("Buildings", "/configuration/buildings",
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "Buildings" });
Now we are using the HTTP verbs to signify what we intend to do with a particular request, and our URLs have become more 'logical'.
Another refactor
If you want to be 'clever' you can lump both buildings and groups under two routes
//handles both GET and POST to this URL, i.e. our view & edit operations
routes.MapRoute("Individual", "/configuration/{controller}/{id}",
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "List" });
//again, handles GET and POST
routes.MapRoute("Collection", "/configuration/{controller}",
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "Single" });
Now you do both buildings and groups controllers as I showed above, but replace Buildings (remembering the ActionName attribute on the second method) with List and Building with Single.
One final thing to consider is that because of the default MVC route:
routes.MapRoute("Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
new { controller = "Default", action="Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
Both of your two controllers can still be routed via /Buildings/Single/1 or /Groups for example. This is a minor issue (dupe content isn't great SEO) but it can be something that people can use to sniff your site.
If you absolutely want to prevent this other url format; you can take out the default route, meaning you'd have to explicitly route other stuff that might already work (not a great issue).
Or you can use a little trick that will make it far harder: use explicit [ActionName] attributes with characters in the route name that won't be allowed through IIS - e.g. ":Single" or ":List", and then adjust our two routes from a couple of code blocks back accordingly.
So firstly you can create a controller action called AddBuilding() as you have hinted.
Then in your Global.asax file in the RegisterRoutes method you can add a route like so:
"AddBuilding", // Route name
"configuration/building/add", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "AddBuilding" }
You should not though that you will likely still be able to access the page using "/configuration/addbuilding" because of your default route mapping.
You edit one will be similar expect you will want to map the ID value for this:
"EditBuilding", // Route name
"configuration/building/edit/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Configuration", action = "AddBuilding", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
I think you will need to add this code with the default MapRoute setup to ensure that one does not take priority
Another approach would be to create a Configuration MVC area, and then have a building and group controller in that Area.
You can do that by Attribute Routing in ASP.NET MVC 5. Something like following;
// eg: /reviews
public ActionResult Index() { … }
// eg: /reviews/5
public ActionResult Show(int reviewId) { … }
// eg: /reviews/5/edit
public ActionResult Edit(int reviewId) { … }
You can add multiple route for the same controller as well. For details please check here

ASP.NET MVC: how to make all unspecified URLs direct to one controller

I've got an ASP.NET MVC app that's working nicely with a handful of controllers, e.g. "Home", "Services" and "Go". The "Go" controller is where all the content is.
Now the marketing folks have come and said they don't want to see the word "go" in the URL. In other words, instead of:
they want to have:
I cannot create a controller for every path that they might want... so is there any way of writing my routing in Global.asax.cs in such a way that requests to "services" and "home" will be treated the normal way, but anything else will implicitly be routed to the "go" controller?
Are you on IIS7? It might be easiest to just implement URL rewriting on the server for this, rather than hacking about with your routes in Global.asax.cs.
EDIT: I've only ever done URL rewriting in Apache. For what it's worth that would be done using something like this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^go/(.+)$ /$1 [R=301,L]
Have a look at and Hopefully they'll give you enough info to be able to get this working in IIS 7
Hey, I worked it out myself, without URL rewriting!
Inside RegisterRoutes() in Global.asax.cs:
routes.MapRoute("Services", "services/{action}/{*qualifier}",
new { controller = "Services", action = "Index", qualifier = UrlParameter.Optional });
// and other controllers that I want to work the normal way
routes.MapRoute("Default", "{*path}",
new { controller = "Go", action = "Index", path = UrlParameter.Optional });
And in my GoController class
public ActionResult Index(string path) { ... }
Works perfectly!
You could try adding a mapping that does "geography/{country}" and have it specify the controller manually and add the country as a parameter. I've seen it done to prevent things like "Dashboard/Dashboard" etc.
An example can be seen at Kazi Manzur Rashid's Blog - ASP.NET MVC Best Practices (Part 2) #15 for what I am describing.
Have you seen this: ?
you could try mapping a route of "{action}/{id}" with a default set for the controller. But that'll also match anything of the form "{controller}/{action}" too - unless you can do some clever constraining.

