I am trying to parse X509 sertificate custom extension. (I have created a self signed certificate with custom extentions of type "certificate policy"). I need to parse this "certificate policy" and its values. Programatically I can get the name of the custom extention that is "certificate policy" but I can not get its values..The code that i am using is as the following:
public static bool ValidateServerCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
var cert = (X509Certificate2)certificate;
foreach (X509Extension ext in cert.Extensions)
// AsnEncodedData x = new AsnEncodedData(ext.Oid, ext.RawData);
MessageBox.Show("Name: " + ext.Oid.FriendlyName + "\nValue: " + ext.Oid.Value);
return true;
This code onlye display "Certificate Policy" but I need the parse elements of the policy shown in below:
The values under the Certificate Policy elements:
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[2]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[3]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[3,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
[3,2]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=User Notice
Notice Reference:
Organization=Tarzano Ltd
Notice Number=1, 2, 3, 4
Notice Text=Buraya mesaj yazilabilir
thanks for help !
At first, you will need an ASN.1 parser and use X.509 ASN.1 modules to decode extension value to a collection of policies. I wrote a managed class that extends existing X.509 extensions from .NEt library in my PowerShell PKI module. You can grab managed .dll or project sources from PSPKI project site: http://pspki.codeplex.com/ to get an idea how to decode this extension (I'm using my own ASN.1 parser, so code snippets here will not make much sense) if you want to have something your own (and do not rely on 3rd party assemblies).
there is a PKI.Core.dll (sources are attached too). X.509 extension classes are defined in System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespace. And documetation for this class in the library: http://pkix2.sysadmins.lv/library/html/T_System_Security_Cryptography_X509Certificates_X509CertificatePoliciesExtension.htm
Extensions are made in a similar way (they inherit from X509Extension class) as .NET native with the exception that my extensions are fully native (do not use CryptoAPI c++ functions, like in .NET).
There appears to be no built-in support in .NET for parsing the ASN.1 data of x509 extensions, beyond the .Format() method, which reverts to returning a hex-encoded string if it encounters any unknown object type.
But the widely used BouncyCastle library, https://www.bouncycastle.org/csharp/, also available through NuGet, has good ASN.1 parsing support. Here is a sample that prints all the OID-type objects found in the extensions of a certificate. It works well on extensions that .NET cannot parse and display. The Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Utilities.Asn1Dump.DumpAsString() method is also useful.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1;
public class AsnTest {
public static void Main() {
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(File.ReadAllBytes("Test.x509"));
foreach (var ext in certificate.Extensions) {
// This is as far as we reliably get with native .NET libraries, switch to BouncyCastle for additional parsing
var o = new Asn1InputStream(ext.RawData).ReadObject();
var q = new Queue<Asn1Sequence>();
var i = new List<DerObjectIdentifier>();
if (o is Asn1Sequence) {
q.Enqueue(o as Asn1Sequence);
} else if (o is DerObjectIdentifier) {
i.Add(o as DerObjectIdentifier);
while (q.Any()) {
var s = q.Dequeue();
foreach (var n in s.OfType<Asn1Sequence>())
if (i.Any()) {
Console.WriteLine("Found the follwing OID value(s) in the " + ext.Oid.Value + " extension: " + string.Join(", ", i.Select(j => j.Id)));
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Found no OID values in the " + ext.Oid.Value + " extension.");
Suppose my code possesses the knowledge about the metadata of a
nonexistent class library "mytest.dll", such as the types in this library, the functions of the types, the parameters and return types of the functions, etc.
How does my code manufacture this DLL using techniques such as reflection?
I know my code can generate the "mytest.cs" text file, then execute the compiler to produce the DLL, then delete the "mytest.cs" file. Just want to know if there are "more advanced" or "cooler" ways to do it.
There are 4 main steps in the process to compile and execute dynamic .net scripts from your application, even really complex scenarios can be simplified in this way:
Generate the code
Compile the script
Load the assembly
Execute the code
Lets generate a simple Hello Generated C# World App right now!:
Create a method that will generate an assembly that has 1 class called HelloWorldApp, this class has 1 method called GenerateMessage it will have X input parameters that will be integers, it will return a CSV string of the arguments that were passed in to it.
This solution requires the following package to be installed:
PM> Install-Package 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting'
And will require the following using statements:
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
The following method encapsulates the above steps:
private static void GenerateAndExecuteApp(int numberOfParameters)
string nameSpace = "Dynamic.Example";
string className = "HelloWorldApp";
string methodName = "GenerateMessage";
// 1. Generate the code
string script = BuildScript(nameSpace, className, methodName, numberOfParameters);
// 2. Compile the script
// 3. Load the Assembly
Assembly dynamicAssembly = CompileScript(script);
// 4. Execute the code
int[] arguments = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfParameters).ToArray();
string message = ExecuteScript(dynamicAssembly, nameSpace, className, methodName, arguments);
Generate the code
You say you already have item 1 sorted out, you can use StringBuilder, T4 templates or other mechanisms to generate the code files.
generating the code itself is its own question if you need help with that.
However, for our demo app, the following would work:
private static string BuildScript(string nameSpace, string className, string methodName, int numberOfParameters)
StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
code.AppendLine("using System;");
code.AppendLine("using System.Linq;");
code.AppendLine($"namespace {nameSpace}");
code.AppendLine($" public class {className}");
code.AppendLine(" {");
var parameterNames = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfParameters).Select(x => $"p{x}").ToList();
code.Append($" public string {methodName}(");
code.Append(String.Join(",", parameterNames.Select(x => $"int {x}")));
code.AppendLine(" {");
code.Append(" return $\"");
code.Append(String.Join(",", parameterNames.Select(x => $"{x}={{{x}}}")));
code.AppendLine(" }");
code.AppendLine(" }");
return code.ToString();
For an input value of 3, the following code is generated:
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Dynamic.Example
public class HelloWorldApp
public string GenerateMessage(int p0,int p1,int p2)
return $"p0={p0},p1={p1},p2={p2}";
Compile the script (and Load it)
These are two discrete steps, however it is easiest to code them together in the same method, for this example we will ignore the generated dll and load the assembly directly into memory, that is generally the more likely use case for this type of scripting scenario anyway.
The hardest element of this is usually the referencing of the relevant dlls. There are a number of ways to achieve this, including loading all the dlls that are in the current executing context, I find a simple way to do this is to access the Assembly reference from the Type reference for the types we want to use inside the dynamic script:
List<string> dlls = new List<string> {
Cut a long story short, this method compiles and loads the assembly into memory. It includes some crude compilation error handling, just to demonstrate how to do it:
private static Assembly CompileScript(string script)
SyntaxTree syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(script);
// use "mytest.dll" if you want, random works well enough
string assemblyName = System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName();
List<string> dlls = new List<string> {
MetadataReference[] references = dlls.Distinct().Select(x => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(x)).ToArray();
CSharpCompilation compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
syntaxTrees: new[] { syntaxTree },
references: references,
options: new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary));
// Now we actually compile the script, this includes some very crude error handling, just to show you can
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
EmitResult result = compilation.Emit(ms);
if (!result.Success)
IEnumerable<Diagnostic> failures = result.Diagnostics.Where(diagnostic =>
diagnostic.IsWarningAsError ||
diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
List<string> errors = new List<string>();
foreach (Diagnostic diagnostic in failures)
//errors.AddDistinct(String.Format("{0} : {1}", diagnostic.Id, diagnostic.Location, diagnostic.GetMessage()));
throw new ApplicationException("Compilation Errors: " + String.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors));
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return Assembly.Load(ms.ToArray());
Execute the code
Finally, we can use reflection to instantiate an instance of the new app and then we can obtain a reference to the method and it. The name of the parameters is irrelevant, as long
we pass them through in the correct order:
for this demo the order is sort of irrelevant to, given they are all the same type ;)
private static string ExecuteScript(Assembly assembly, string nameSpace, string className, string methodName, int[] arguments)
var appType = assembly.GetType($"{nameSpace}.{className}");
object app = Activator.CreateInstance(appType);
MethodInfo method = appType.GetMethod(methodName);
object result = method.Invoke(app, arguments.Cast<object>().ToArray());
return result as string;
The final output from all this for our method with 3 passed into it is:
So that was super crude, you can bypass most of the indirect reflection aspects through the use of Interfaces. If your generated script inherits from types or interfaces that the calling code also has a strong reference to, then ExecuteScript in the above example might look like this:
private static string ExecuteScript(Assembly assembly, string nameSpace, string className)
var appType = assembly.GetType($"{nameSpace}.{className}");
object app = Activator.CreateInstance(appType);
if (app is KnownInterface known)
return known.GenerateMessage(1,2,3);
throw new NotSupportedException("Couldn't resolve known type");
The major benefit to using an interface or base class reference is that you can natively set properties or call other methods without having to reflect references to them all or to resort to using dynamic which would work, but becomes a bit harder to debug.
Of course the interface solution is hard to implement when we had a variable number of parameters, so that's not the best example, usually with dynamic scripts you would construct a known environment, say a known class and methods, but you might want to inject custom code into the body of the method.
It's a bit of fun in the end, but this simple example shows that C# can be used as a runtime scripting engine without too much trouble.
I have to extract PDB signature from both .pdb and .dll file.
That's the code I use to extract it from .pdb file. Unfortunately I haven't found similiar way of extracting it from a DLL.
public static string GetPdbSignature(string pdbFilePath)
using (var pdbFileStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFilePath))
var metadataProvider = MetadataReaderProvider.FromPortablePdbStream(pdbFileStream);
var metadataReader = metadataProvider.GetMetadataReader();
var id = new BlobContentId(metadataReader.DebugMetadataHeader.Id);
return $"{id.Guid.ToString("N")}ffffff";
I found out that a PeNet nuget package can be used to perform the extraction, yet I'd prefer to achieve that without installing external dependancies.
Also, I managed to find the desired data using a dotPeek (screen), but as I need to resolve the problem programatically it doesn't solve my issue either.
I'd apreciate any hint how to aproach that problem. Either by using some built in dotnet mechanism or by some smart low level byte extraction.
I managed to find an official Microsoft's package - Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent that contains PEFile class allowing to extract the exact data I need.
public static string GetDllSignature(string dllFilePath)
var peFile = new PEFile.PEFile(dllFilePath);
peFile.GetPdbSignature(out string pdbName, out Guid pdbGuid, out int pdbAge);
return $"{pdbGuid.ToString("N")}ffffff";
Actually there also is a PEReader class in System.Reflection.PortableExecutable namespace that makes the reading possible using only the system libraries. However it requires some knowledge of the portable executable format, as the PEReader does not provide an explicit, user-friendly method for extracting the signature, instead it just allows getting all kind of data that the PE file contains.
public static string GetDllSignatureV2(string dllFilePath)
using (var pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbPath))
using (var peReader = new PEReader(pdbStream))
var debugDirectory = peReader.ReadDebugDirectory().First(entry => entry.Type == DebugDirectoryEntryType.CodeView);
var codeViewData = peReader.ReadCodeViewDebugDirectoryData(debugDirectory);
return $"{codeViewData.Guid.ToString("N").Replace("-", string.Empty)}FFFFFFFF".ToUpper();
I have a .Net standard 2.0 app that is referencing some contracts in a .Net45 dll. I was doing it this way under the impression that once these contract objects get serialised they will be done so using the .Net45 assembly types. Deserilising these using a .Net45 library (which is the end goal) is now giving the error:
Error resolving type specified in JSON 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib],[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib]], System.Private.CoreLib'
Which is obviously because it is trying to resolve the string type from the Standard assembly type, not from mscorlib. Is there any way of achieving what I am attempting?
There are many different ways to can tackle this.
For large code-base that cannot be easily converted to a custom ISerializationBinder
I have implement a redirect (not pretty but it works)
RedirectAssembly("System.Private.CoreLib", "mscorlib");
public static void RedirectAssembly(string fromAssemblyShotName, string replacmentAssemblyShortName)
Console.WriteLine($"Adding custom resolver redirect rule form:{fromAssemblyShotName}, to:{replacmentAssemblyShortName}");
ResolveEventHandler handler = null;
handler = (sender, args) =>
// Use latest strong name & version when trying to load SDK assemblies
var requestedAssembly = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
Console.WriteLine($"RedirectAssembly > requesting:{requestedAssembly}; replacment from:{fromAssemblyShotName}, to:{replacmentAssemblyShortName}");
if (requestedAssembly.Name == fromAssemblyShotName)
Console.WriteLine($"Redirecting Assembly {fromAssemblyShotName} to: {replacmentAssemblyShortName}");
var replacmentAssembly = Assembly.Load(replacmentAssemblyShortName);
return replacmentAssembly;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR while trying to provide replacement Assembly {fromAssemblyShotName} to: {replacmentAssemblyShortName}");
return null;
Console.WriteLine($"Framework faild to find {requestedAssembly}, trying to provide replacment from:{fromAssemblyShotName}, to:{replacmentAssemblyShortName}");
return null;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += handler;
I have these requirements coming from client every week for some new logic or verification. For which I have to code new logic (basically some if-else and loops) and launch a new build for him. I want to avoid it by simply coding my logic in visual studio then writing a utility to export it to XML or something and send it to client via e-mail. He just have to place this file in some appropriate folder and the application will behave considering this logic.
Please suggest some solutions. My platform is C# Asp.Net.
Using .NET 4.6 and the NuGetPackage Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting you could implement a scripting engine to run your c# code residing in a textfile without building an assembly.
Install NuGet Package:
Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.CSharp
Implement TestClass with some basic C#-Code-Content:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
private static async void TestScript()
// Code snippet: a class with one string-property.
string codeContent = #" using System;
public class ScriptedClass
public string HelloWorld { get; set; }
public ScriptedClass()
HelloWorld = ""Hello Roslyn!"";
new ScriptedClass().HelloWorld";
// Instanciate CSharpScriptEngine
var engine = new CSharpScriptEngine();
// Execute code and return string property (HelloWorld)
var scriptingState = await engine.ExecuteAsync(codeContent);
// Print return value from CSharpScript
Console.WriteLine("Returned from CSharpScript: {0}", scriptingState.ReturnValue);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");
Implement a ScriptingEngine:
internal sealed class CSharpScriptEngine
public async Task<ScriptState<object>> ExecuteAsync(string codeContent)
// Add references from calling assembly
ScriptOptions options = ScriptOptions.Default.AddReferences(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
// Run codeContent with given options
return await CSharpScript.RunAsync(codeContent, options);
Read ScriptCode from textfile:
So basically you could read some csharpcode from a textfile of your choice and run them on the fly:
private static async void TestScript()
// Read in script file
string codeContent = File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Temp\CSharpScriptTest.cs");
var engine = new CSharpScriptEngine();
// Run script
var scriptingState = await engine.ExecuteAsync(codeContent);
Console.WriteLine("Returned from CSharpScript: {0}", scriptingState.ReturnValue);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");
In case you are wondering how all of this works under the hood, Roslyn will create a so called submission from your script code. A submission is an in memory assembly containing the types generated around your script code, which can be identified among the assemblies in the current AppDomain by a ℛ prefix in the name.
The precise implementation details are not important here (though, for example, scriptcs heavily relies on understanding in detail how Roslyn works to provide its extra features), but it's important to know that submissions can be chained together. When they are chained, variables, methods or classes defined in an earlier submission are available to use in subsequent submissions, creating a feature of a C# REPL (read-evaluate-print loop).
C# and Visual Basic - Use Roslyn to Write a Live Code Analyzer for Your API
Hope it helps
Im trying to set the certificate friendly name during the certificate request/acceptance process. I understand that this a property of the microsoft store rather than the certificate and an wondering what .net/c# technique might be used to set it.
Use X509Certificate2.FriendlyName. However, you must export the certificate as PFX/PKCS#12:
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(...);
certificate.FriendlyName = "MyName";
File.WriteAllBytes(path, certificate.Export(X509ContentType.Pkcs12));
So here is a commmand line example of how to do this. You need CAPICOM from microsoft which wraps the CryptoAPI.
The friendly name is a property of the cert store rather than the certificate so this code imports a certificate to the cert store and sets the friendly name as it does so.
The code takes two parameters the path to the cert file and the friendly name you wish to set.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using CAPICOM;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CertTool
class Program
static private String _currStoreName = "My";
static private String _FriendlyName = "Not Set";
static private String _CertPath = "C:\\test.cer";
static StoreClass _oCurrStore;
static ExtendedPropertyClass _friendlyProp;
static CertificateClass _certificate;
static ExtendedProperties _extendedProp;
static void Main(string[] args)
//Friendly name Argument
if (args.Length > 0)
_FriendlyName = args[0];
//Certpath argument
if (args.Length > 1)
_CertPath = args[1];
//Set and open the Store
_oCurrStore = new StoreClass();
//Call the import certificate function
catch(Exception ex){
//Function import the certificate to the machine store and sets the friendly name
static bool importCert()
//Create Certificate Object
_certificate = new CertificateClass();
//Load the certificate into the obejct from file
//Create extended property Class for friendly name
_friendlyProp = new ExtendedPropertyClass();
_friendlyProp.set_Value(CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE.CAPICOM_ENCODE_BINARY, _FriendlyName);
//Add extendedProp on cert object
_extendedProp = _certificate.ExtendedProperties();
//Set extendded prop to friendly name object
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return true;
Ok, found an answer to that here:
Please have a look at this to check if it suits your need:
When you run the .net Code in X64 Environment you will get the following error message.
" Failed --Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID ...."
E.g. in CMS Export / Import server side .net code = "ExportSiteContentIncremental(...) Failed --Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {CA0752B3-021C-4F99-82E3-2C0F19C5E953} failed due to the following error: 80040154."
The possible workaround is modify your project's platform from 'Any CPU' to 'X86' (in Project's Properties, Build/Platform's Target)
The VSS Interop is a managed assembly using 32-bit Framework and the dll contains a 32-bit COM object. If you run this COM dll in 64 bit environment, you will get the error message.