I want to get the coordinates of a PowerPoint shape.
here is my c# implementation
Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint._Application myPPT = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Slide curSlide = myPPT.ActiveWindow.View.Slide;
foreach (Shape current in curSlide.Shapes)
foreach (ShapeNode n in current.Nodes)
double x = n.Points[1, 1];
double y = n.Points[1, 2];
Debug.Print("X: " + x);
Debug.Print("Y: " + y);
This works fine for a "freehand"-shape, but not for the pre-installed ones (like rectangle, big arrow, star, ...) there I get error COMException.
Has anyone an idea how to implement that and access the points of a shape ?
I tried numerous ways and always ended up with the HRESULT: 0x800A01A8 error.
A workaround was to export shape as an image and use AForge to determine the edges of this image. Not pretty but did the work. I haven't find-tuned the code below to handle diffs in transformation and offsets.
static List<Tuple<float,float>> ShapeToPoints(Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Shape shape)
string path = #"C:\Temp\bpmimg\Test1.png";
if (File.Exists(path))
List<Tuple<float, float>> points = new List<Tuple<float, float>>();
//Shape.Export is an internal method, but we access it via reflection this way
var args = new object[] { path, Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.PpShapeFormat.ppShapeFormatPNG, 0, 0, Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.PpExportMode.ppRelativeToSlide };
shape.GetType().InvokeMember("Export", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, shape, args); // Export to file on disk
// locating objects
BlobCounter blobCounter = new BlobCounter();
blobCounter.FilterBlobs = true;
blobCounter.MinHeight = 5;
blobCounter.MinWidth = 5;
//Important that the dispose is called so that the temp-file cleanup File.Delete doesn't crash due to locked file
using (System.Drawing.Bitmap image = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(path))
Blob[] blobs = blobCounter.GetObjectsInformation();
SimpleShapeChecker shapeChecker = new SimpleShapeChecker();
if (blobs.Length != 1)
//Unexpected number of blobs
return null;
var blob = blobs[0];
List<IntPoint> edgePoints = blobCounter.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blob);
List<IntPoint> untransformedPoints;
// use the shape checker to extract the corner points
if (!shapeChecker.IsConvexPolygon(edgePoints, out untransformedPoints))
IConvexHullAlgorithm hullFinder = new GrahamConvexHull();
untransformedPoints = hullFinder.FindHull(edgePoints);
var untransformedWidth = untransformedPoints.Max(p => p.X);
var untransformedHeight = untransformedPoints.Max(p => p.Y);
var widthRatio = untransformedWidth / shape.Width;//How many time bigger is the image-based figure than the shape figure
var heightRatio = untransformedHeight / shape.Height;//How many time bigger is the image-based figure than the shape figure
points = untransformedPoints.Select(p => new Tuple<float, float>(shape.Left + p.X / widthRatio, shape.Top + p.Y / heightRatio)).ToList();//Transform
if (File.Exists(path))
return points;
Need help because I'm new to OpenGL.
So, my task is to create a control that will draw in real time the process of cutting a workpiece on a CNC machine.
I tried to do it classically through glBegin, glEnd and everything works fine, but due to the large number of vertices, it starts to work slowly at the end. Therefore, I decided to try using VertexBufferArray () and VertexBuffer () - this also works, but in this situation I do not understand how to change the line width and its type (specifically, I have two types - a regular line and a dash-dotted line).
Here is my method where i use array
private void CreateBufferAndDraw(OpenGL GL)
if (shaderProgram == null && vertexBufferArray == null)
var vertexShaderSource = ManifestResourceLoader.LoadTextFile("vertex_shader.glsl");
var fragmentShaderSource = ManifestResourceLoader.LoadTextFile("fragment_shader.glsl");
shaderProgram = new ShaderProgram();
shaderProgram.Create(gL, vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource, null);
attribute_vpos = (uint)gL.GetAttribLocation(shaderProgram.ShaderProgramObject, "vPosition");
attribute_vcol = (uint)gL.GetAttribLocation(shaderProgram.ShaderProgramObject, "vColor");
if (_data == null)
_data = new vec3[_Points.Count];
if (_data.Length != _Points.Count)
_data = (vec3[])ResizeArray(_data, _Points.Count);
if (_dataColor == null)
_dataColor = new vec3[_Points.Count];
if (_dataColor.Length != _Points.Count)
_dataColor = (vec3[])ResizeArray(_dataColor, _Points.Count);
for (int i = _dataTail; i < _Points.Count; i++)
_data[i].y = _Points[i].Y;
_data[i].x = _Points[i].X;
_data[i].z = _Points[i].Z;
_dataColor[i] = new vec3(_Points[i].ToolColor.R / 255.0f, _Points[i].ToolColor.G / 255.0f, _Points[i].ToolColor.B / 255.0f);
_dataTail = _Points.Count;
// Create the vertex array object.
vertexBufferArray = new VertexBufferArray();
// Create a vertex buffer for the vertex data.
var vertexDataBuffer = new VertexBuffer();
vertexDataBuffer.SetData(GL, attribute_vpos, _data, false, 3);
// Now do the same for the colour data.
var colourDataBuffer = new VertexBuffer();
colourDataBuffer.SetData(GL, attribute_vcol, _dataColor, false, 3);
// Unbind the vertex array, we've finished specifying data for it.
// Bind the shader, set the matrices.
// Set matrixs for shader program
float rads = (90.0f / 360.0f) * (float)Math.PI * 2.0f;
mat4 _mviewdata = glm.translate(new mat4(1f), new vec3(_track_X, _track_Y, _track_Z));
mat4 _projectionMatrix = glm.perspective(rads, (float)this.trackgl_control.Height / (float)this.trackgl_control.Width, 0.001f, 1000f);
mat4 _modelMatrix = glm.lookAt(new vec3(0, 0, -1), new vec3(0, 0, 0), new vec3(0, -1, -1));
shaderProgram.SetUniformMatrix4(GL, "projectionMatrix", _projectionMatrix.to_array());
shaderProgram.SetUniformMatrix4(GL, "viewMatrix", _modelMatrix.to_array());
shaderProgram.SetUniformMatrix4(GL, "modelMatrix", _mviewdata.to_array());
// Bind the out vertex array.
// Draw the square.
GL.DrawArrays(OpenGL.GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, _dataTail);
// Unbind our vertex array and shader.
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("CreateAndPlotData" + "\n" + ex.ToString()); }
This is what i get
As you see, all lines have the same width. So, my question is: Does anyone know what i can do about this?
And another one: what if i need to show a point of the current location of the instrument? I should create another array with one Vertex ?
p.s. Sry for my english, and here here is picture of what i get with glBegin/glEnd
No tag spamming intended.
I'm doing this project partially guided by tutorials in C ++ and C #. Therefore, if someone knows how to do this in C ++, then in this case I will just try to implement the same in C#.
My first time working with OpenCV. The code below uses the Emgu package, but I've also tried it using OpenCVSharp and have got exactly the same results.
I am calibrating the camera using 6 chessboard photos, then using the calibration to Undistort an image. The test image is a photo of some squared paper. The camera really isn't very distorted - I can't tell that it is distorted by eye, only when I draw a straight line over the lines in a paint program.
However - the resulting image comes out way more distorted than the original - adding a lot of barrel distortion.
When I run the commented out lines, the "DrawChessboardCorners" show that it is identifying the points perfectly.
What am I doing wrong here?
static void Main(string[] args)
Size patternSize = new Size(9, 6);
List<VectorOfPointF> ListOfCornerPoints = new List<VectorOfPointF>();
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(#"Z:\Simon\Dropbox\Apps\OpenCVPlay\Image Processing\Chessboard Pattern Photos With Pixel");
Size calibrationImageSize = new Size(0,0) ;
foreach (var file in dir.GetFiles())
VectorOfPointF corners = new VectorOfPointF();
var calibrationImage = new Image<Rgb, byte>(file.FullName);
bool find = CvInvoke.FindChessboardCorners(calibrationImage, patternSize, corners, CalibCbType.AdaptiveThresh | CalibCbType.FilterQuads);
//CvInvoke.DrawChessboardCorners(calibrationImage, patternSize, corners, find);
//calibrationImage.Save(#"Z:\Simon\Dropbox\Apps\OpenCVPlay\Image Processing\Chessboard Pattern Photos With Pixel\test\" + file.Name);
calibrationImageSize = calibrationImage.Size;
PointF[][] arrayOfCornerPoints = ListOfCornerPoints.Select(a => a.ToArray()).ToArray();
var modelPoints = CreateModelPoints(ListOfCornerPoints.Count, patternSize.Width, patternSize.Height);
var arrayOfModelPoints = modelPoints.Select(a => a.ToArray()).ToArray();
Matrix<double> cameraDistortionCoeffs = new Matrix<double>(5, 1);
Matrix<double> cameraMatrix = new Matrix<double>(3, 3);
Mat[] rotationVectors;
Mat[] translationVectors;
new MCvTermCriteria(),
out rotationVectors,
out translationVectors);
var imageToProcess = new Image<Rgb, byte>(#"Z:\Simon\Dropbox\Apps\OpenCVPlay\Image Processing\Test data\squarePaper.jpg");
Rectangle Rect2 = new Rectangle();
var newCameraMatrix = CvInvoke.GetOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, cameraDistortionCoeffs, calibrationImageSize, 1, imageToProcess.Size, ref Rect2, true);
Image<Rgb, byte> processedImage = imageToProcess.Clone();
CvInvoke.Undistort(imageToProcess, processedImage, cameraMatrix, cameraDistortionCoeffs);
processedImage.Save(#"Z:\Simon\Dropbox\Apps\OpenCVPlay\Image Processing\Test data\squarePaperFixed.jpg");
static List<List<MCvPoint3D32f>> CreateModelPoints(int length, int chessboardCols, int chessboardRows)
var modelPoints = new List<List<MCvPoint3D32f>>();
for (var k = 0; k < length; k++)
var chessboard = new List<MCvPoint3D32f>();
for (var y = 0; y < chessboardRows; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < chessboardCols; x++)
chessboard.Add(new MCvPoint3D32f(x, y, 0));
return modelPoints;
I am trying to create a collage of images with Magick.net. I am using MagickImageCollection and .Mosaic(). I tried already a few of the functions provided by MagickImageCollection but all of them increase the brightness of the final image. The only one that worked so far was .Montage(), but with .Montage() I don't get the padding right.
How do I need to configure it, that .Mosaic() keeps the colors as they are in the single images?
using (var collection = new MagickImageCollection())
for (var i = 0; i < thumbnailCount; i++)
var image = new MagickImage(TempThumbPathFor(i));
image.Resize(256, 0);
var posX = (image.Page.Width + margin) * (i % 2);
var posY = (image.Page.Height + margin) * (i / 2);
image.Page = new MagickGeometry(posX, posY, new Percentage(100), new Percentage(100));
using (var result = collection.Mosaic())
Collage of images with washed out colors:
For more information why the problem occurred in the first place have a look at this issue: GitHub
Figured out how to create a montage with padding and proper color. Couldn't get it to work with .Mosaic but with .Montage().
The important part is to add the margin to X, Y, Height and Width and call .Trim() on the final image. You will most likely have to play around a bit with the margin to get a balanced looking padding between the images, but other than that it works quite well.
const int margin = 2;
MagickGeometry geometry = null;
using (var collection = new MagickImageCollection())
for (var i = 0; i < thumbnailCount; i++)
var image = new MagickImage(TempThumbPathFor(i));
image.Resize(256, 0);
if (i == 0)
geometry = image.BoundingBox;
geometry.X += margin;
geometry.Width += margin;
geometry.Y += margin;
geometry.Height += margin - 1;
using (var result = collection.Montage(new MontageSettings()
Geometry = geometry,
BackgroundColor = MagickColor.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)
I'm adding a feature to a project that will allow users to see a heat map representation of their mouse movements on the screen in real time. My goal is to make this API as dynamic as possible.
By dynamic, I mean I would like users to be able to use this API to generate the heat map in real time and then plug that heat map into their third party graphics software to view that heat map. (i.e Unity, React, Mobile, etc.. )
For testing purposes the third party graphics software that I am using is Unity.
I have created a .cs unity script that does the following per frame:
Start recording mouse locations.
Have ExternalProgram.exe generate a bitmap image using the
points that unity just recorded.
Then have Unity display the updated .bmp image on the screen.
Right now the problem that I am having is that the .bmp file is not being created when I use ProcessStartInfo in my unity script to run the .exe that is in charge of creating the .bmp image.
I've been debugging this code for the past week trying to figure out what is wrong with it. I know for a fact that Unity is successfully recording the mouse's location and passing those values to the .exe after calling ProcessStartInfo.
But for some reason it doesn't actually create the .bmp file. This is weird because if I independently run the ExternalProject in Visual Studio then it works just fine and it creates the .bmp file and shows the correct heat map representation on the image.
I figured that maybe starting a program and passing it tons of data and having that program create a file would be a lot of work for unity to do every single frame. (I am open to suggestions on ways to get around having to do that)
So I decided to just have the script record points for the first 15 seconds and then try to write that data to the .bmp file but that didn't work either.
Main program file for ExternalProject.exe
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
string arguments = "";
foreach (string arg in args)
arguments += arg;
Console.WriteLine("My Args: " + arguments + "--EOF");
bool noArguments = String.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments);
if (noArguments)
// Test input data
arguments = "(111,222)|(333,444)|(555,777)|(888,999)|(1000,1000)|(1000,1000)|(1000,1000)";
// The method ConvertStringToSignalsList() has already been tested and it works.
List<MouseMovementSignal> signals = ConvertStringToSignalsList(arguments);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to close...");
private static void CreateMouseHeatmap(List<MouseMovementSignal> argumentSignals)
int Height = 2100;
int Width = 3800;
List<MouseMovementSignal> mouseSignals
= argumentSignals; // Program perameters
//= getRecordedMouseData(); // DB
//= createFakeMouseSignals(Height, Width); // Generates fake signals
HeatmapStructure<MouseMovementSignal> mapper =
new HeatmapStructure<MouseMovementSignal>(Height, Width);
// .BMP Image is created inside of this method !!
//MouseMovementSignal mms = argumentSignals[argumentSignals.Count - 1];
//Console.WriteLine("Last: " + mms.Channels[0].Name + ": " + mms.Channels[0].Values[0] + ", "
// + mms.Channels[1].Name + ": " + mms.Channels[1].Values[0]);
//finalHeatmap.Save("MyFirstBitmap.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
Console.WriteLine("Image actually Complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e);
My Unity Script
public class HeatmapScript : MonoBehaviour {
private List<string> points;
private Camera cam;
private RawImage ri;
private string heatmapBmpPath = #"C:\Users\not-showing-you-my-file-structure-LOL\MyFirstBitmap.bmp";
private int frameCount = 0;
string pointsAsString = "";
Stopwatch sw;
// Use this for initialization
void Start() {
// Initialize the raw image.
cam = Camera.main;
GameObject imageObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("imageView");
ri = imageObject.GetComponent<RawImage>();
// Initialize points list.
points = new List<string>();
sw = new Stopwatch();
bool stop = false;
// Update is called once per frame.
void Update() {
float xValue = Input.mousePosition.x;
float yValue = Input.mousePosition.y;
Vector2 newPoint = new Vector2(xValue, yValue);
int tSecs = 15000;// 15 seconds
// After 15 seconds of recording points pass them to the program that creates the heat map.
if (stop == false && sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > tSecs)
stop = true;
//Update the raw image on the screen.
UnityEngine.Texture2D newTexture = CreateTextureFromBitmap(heatmapBmpPath);
//Set the RawImage to the size of the scren.
ri.texture = newTexture;
ri.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
IEnumerator UpdateBMP()
// Show mouse position in unity environment
float xValue = Input.mousePosition.x;
float yValue = Input.mousePosition.y;
Vector2 newPoint = new Vector2(xValue, yValue);
// EX:
// (123,123)|(123,123)|(123,123)|(123,123)|(123,123)|(123,123)
// display list contents without loop
pointsAsString = string.Join("|", points.ToArray());
// Every frame call Behavior's Program.cs that calls HeatmapStructure.cs to update .bmp file
ProcessStartInfo processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
processInfo.FileName = #"C:\Users\not-showing-you-my-file-structure-LOL\ExternalProgram.exe";
processInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
processInfo.Arguments = pointsAsString;
Process process = Process.Start(processInfo);
yield return null;
private UnityEngine.Texture2D CreateTextureFromBitmap(string completeFilePath)
BMPLoader loader = new BMPLoader();
BMPImage img = loader.LoadBMP(completeFilePath);
UnityEngine.Texture2D myTexture = img.ToTexture2D();
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("File Size: " + img.header.filesize);
return myTexture;
HeatmapStructure.cs class
public class HeatmapStructure<T> where T : ISignal
public class COGPoint
public double X, Y, Z;
//public Color Color;
public byte Intensity;
public bool isD3Point = false; // 3D Point check
public const double DEFAULT_AXIS_LOC = 0.0001;
public COGPoint()
//Color = Color.Blue;
Intensity = 0;
// NOTE: double z has a default value therefore it is optional
public COGPoint(byte intensity, double x, double y, double z = DEFAULT_AXIS_LOC)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
this.Z = z; // Optional
//Color = Color.Blue; // Cold: Blue / Hot: Red
this.Intensity = intensity;
isD3Point = true;
public override string ToString()
string output = (isD3Point == true) ?
("(x,y,z) " + X + "," + Y + "," + Z) : ("(x,y) " + X + "," + Y); // 3D : 2D
output += //" Color: " + Color.ToString() +
" Intensity: " + Intensity;
return output;
private List<COGPoint> points;
private int Height;
private int Width;
public HeatmapStructure(int Height, int Width)
this.Height = Height;
this.Width = Width;
points = new List<COGPoint>();
private Bitmap CreateIntensityMask(Bitmap bSurface, List<COGPoint> aHeatPoints)
// Create new graphics surface from memory bitmap
Graphics DrawSurface = Graphics.FromImage(bSurface);
// Set background color to white so that pixels can be correctly colorized
// Traverse heat point data and draw masks for each heat point
foreach (COGPoint DataPoint in aHeatPoints)
// Render current heat point on draw surface
DrawHeatPoint(DrawSurface, DataPoint, 45);
return bSurface;
// TODO: How to draw updating Bitmap in unity in real time ??
private void DrawHeatPoint(Graphics Canvas, COGPoint HeatPoint, int Radius)
// Create points generic list of points to hold circumference points
List<Point> CircumferencePointsList = new List<Point>();
// Create an empty point to predefine the point struct used in the circumference loop
Point CircumferencePoint;
// Create an empty array that will be populated with points from the generic list
Point[] CircumferencePointsArray;
// Calculate ratio to scale byte intensity range from 0-255 to 0-1
float fRatio = 1F / Byte.MaxValue;
// Precalulate half of byte max value
byte bHalf = Byte.MaxValue / 2;
// Flip intensity on it's center value from low-high to high-low
int iIntensity = (byte)(HeatPoint.Intensity - ((HeatPoint.Intensity - bHalf) * 2));
// Store scaled and flipped intensity value for use with gradient center location
float fIntensity = iIntensity * fRatio;
// Loop through all angles of a circle
// Define loop variable as a double to prevent casting in each iteration
// Iterate through loop on 10 degree deltas, this can change to improve performance
for (double i = 0; i <= 360; i += 10)
// Replace last iteration point with new empty point struct
CircumferencePoint = new Point();
// Plot new point on the circumference of a circle of the defined radius
// Using the point coordinates, radius, and angle
// Calculate the position of this iterations point on the circle
CircumferencePoint.X = Convert.ToInt32(HeatPoint.X + Radius * Math.Cos(ConvertDegreesToRadians(i)));
CircumferencePoint.Y = Convert.ToInt32(HeatPoint.Y + Radius * Math.Sin(ConvertDegreesToRadians(i)));
// Add newly plotted circumference point to generic point list
// Populate empty points system array from generic points array list
// Do this to satisfy the datatype of the PathGradientBrush and FillPolygon methods
CircumferencePointsArray = CircumferencePointsList.ToArray();
// Create new PathGradientBrush to create a radial gradient using the circumference points
PathGradientBrush GradientShaper = new PathGradientBrush(CircumferencePointsArray);
// Create new color blend to tell the PathGradientBrush what colors to use and where to put them
ColorBlend GradientSpecifications = new ColorBlend(3);
// Define positions of gradient colors, use intesity to adjust the middle color to
// show more mask or less mask
GradientSpecifications.Positions = new float[3] { 0, fIntensity, 1 };
// Define gradient colors and their alpha values, adjust alpha of gradient colors to match intensity
GradientSpecifications.Colors = new Color[3]
Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White),
Color.FromArgb(HeatPoint.Intensity, Color.Black),
Color.FromArgb(HeatPoint.Intensity, Color.Black)
// Pass off color blend to PathGradientBrush to instruct it how to generate the gradient
GradientShaper.InterpolationColors = GradientSpecifications;
// Draw polygon (circle) using our point array and gradient brush
Canvas.FillPolygon(GradientShaper, CircumferencePointsArray);
private double ConvertDegreesToRadians(double degrees)
double radians = (Math.PI / 180) * degrees;
return (radians);
// old name : button1_Click
public Bitmap IdentifyHeatRegions()
// Create new memory bitmap the same size as the picture box
Bitmap bMap = new Bitmap(Width, Height);
// Call CreateIntensityMask, give it the memory bitmap, and use it's output to set the picture box image
Bitmap bm = CreateIntensityMask(bMap, points);
Bitmap coloredBitmap = Colorize(bm, 243); // <-- NOTE: should be 255. But my palette.bmp is 243x5
coloredBitmap.Save("MyFirstBitmap.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
return coloredBitmap;
public static Bitmap Colorize(Bitmap Mask, byte Alpha)
// Create new bitmap to act as a work surface for the colorization process
Bitmap Output = new Bitmap(Mask.Width, Mask.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
// Create a graphics object from our memory bitmap so we can draw on it and clear it's drawing surface
Graphics Surface = Graphics.FromImage(Output);
// Build an array of color mappings to remap our greyscale mask to full color
// Accept an alpha byte to specify the transparancy of the output image
ColorMap[] Colors = CreatePaletteIndex(Alpha);
// Create new image attributes class to handle the color remappings
// Inject our color map array to instruct the image attributes class how to do the colorization
ImageAttributes Remapper = new ImageAttributes();
catch (Exception e)
// Draw our mask onto our memory bitmap work surface using the new color mapping scheme
Surface.DrawImage(Mask, new Rectangle(0, 0, Mask.Width, Mask.Height), 0, 0, Mask.Width, Mask.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, Remapper);
// Send back newly colorized memory bitmap
return Output;
private static ColorMap[] CreatePaletteIndex(byte Alpha)
ColorMap[] OutputMap = new ColorMap[Alpha + 1];
// Change this path to wherever you saved the palette image.
Bitmap Palette = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(#"C:\Users\cdowns\Desktop\palette.bmp");
// Loop through each pixel and create a new color mapping
for (int X = 0; X <= Alpha; X++)
OutputMap[X] = new ColorMap();
OutputMap[X].OldColor = Color.FromArgb(X, X, X);
OutputMap[X].NewColor = Color.FromArgb(Alpha, Palette.GetPixel(X, 0));
catch (Exception e) {
return OutputMap;
public void LoadSignalsFromObjects(List<T> allSignals) // ISignal Object
Random random = new Random();
foreach (T signal in allSignals)
COGPoint newPoint = new COGPoint();
if (allSignals[0].GetType() == typeof(MouseMovementSignal))
string axis1 = signal.Channels[0].Name;
List<double> value1 = signal.Channels[0].Values;
string axis2 = signal.Channels[1].Name;
List<double> value2 = signal.Channels[1].Values;
// Make sure to enter signals into database in this format
//Console.WriteLine(axis1 + " " + axis2);
newPoint.X = value1[0];
newPoint.Y = value2[0];
// TOOD: Implement
newPoint.Intensity = (byte)random.Next(0, 120);
// Display newPoint values
//Console.WriteLine("COGPoint Numbers: X: " + newPoint.X + " , Y: " + newPoint.Y
// + /*" Color: " + newPoint.Color + */" Intensity: " + newPoint.Intensity);
else if (allSignals[0].GetType() == typeof(EyePosition))
// Add to main list of heat points
Expected result is that the .bmp image is created after the first 15 seconds.
(P.S. I am very new to both Unity and C# to I am probably doing this completely wrong. I am open to an entirely new idea for going about making this work. Thanks)
After doing a little more browsing on here for similar problems that other people have had I found this post pictureBox.Image.Save() in c# doesn't work. It answered my question regarding why my .bmp wasn't being generated.
It turns out that my program was working correctly after all. It was correctly generating the .bmp file. However, when I called ProcessStartInfo from within unity to run the ExternalProgram.exe that called Bitmap.save("filename.bmp") the working directory changed. Therefore, the image was not being saved in the location that I was expecting to find it in.
I have a template file (.vsdx) which contains a graph with a fixed x and y axis that I load into a new Visio document. I've managed to insert a shape onto the Visio document but it doesn't position according to the the x and y axis of the graph.
Example: Setting the vshape with co-ords 0,0 positions to the bottom left corner edge of the document.
I have the following code so far:
//decalre and initialize Visio objects
var vApp = new Visio.Application();
Visio.Document vDoc, vStencil;
Visio.Page vPage;
Visio.Shape vToShape, vFromShape, vConnector;
Visio.Master vConnectorMaster, vFlowChartMaster;
double dblXLocation;
double dblYLocation;
Visio.Cell vBeginCell, vEndCell;
int iCount;
string TEMPLATEPATH = #"C:\temp\TestProject\testTemplate.vsdx";
//Change this constant to match your choice of location and file name.
string SAVENEWFILE = #"C:\temp\TestProject\testFile.vsdx";
vFlowChartMaster = vStencil.Masters[aryValues[0, 0]];
dblXLocation = 1;
dblYLocation = 1;
vToShape = vPage.Drop(vFlowChartMaster,
dblXLocation, dblYLocation);
vToShape.Text = "Test";
vDoc.Pages[1].Name = "Flowchart Example";
//Delete the previous version of the file.
catch (Exception e)
vDoc = null;
vApp = null;
The graph that gets loaded onto the Visio doc is here
Ok, thanks for the update comment. In that case, here's a quick sample. I've created a drawing with a basic 'Graph' master shape, which defines an origin, and a 'Dot' master which is simply a small circle to drop as a dta marker.
The code (using LINQPad) looks for the first instance of the Graph master and then looks for 'known' cells (which it's up to you to define) to get hold of the origin. It then drops two 'Dot' shapes relative to the Graph origin.
Here's what the Graph shape looks like:
[Note - that you can reference a PNT type in an X or Y cell and Visio will extract the corresponding X or Y coordinate]
void Main()
var vApp = MyExtensions.GetRunningVisio();
var vPag = vApp.ActivePage;
var graphShp = vPag.Shapes.Cast<Visio.Shape>()
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Master?.Name == "Graph");
if (graphShp != null)
var dotMst = vPag.Document.Masters["Dot"];
//Get x / y back as a named tuple
var origin = GetGraphOrigin(graphShp);
//Green fill is the default defined in the master
var greenDotShp = vPag.Drop(dotMst, origin.x, origin.y);
//Use offest based on graph origin
var redDotOffsetX = -0.5;
var redDotOffsetY = 0.25;
var redDotShp = vPag.Drop(dotMst, origin.x + redDotOffsetX, origin.y + redDotOffsetY);
redDotShp.CellsU["FillForegnd"].FormulaU = "RGB(200,40,40)";
private (double x, double y) GetGraphOrigin(Visio.Shape targetShp)
const string originX = "User.OriginOnPageX";
const string originY = "User.OriginOnPageY";
if (targetShp == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (targetShp.CellExistsU[originX, (short)Visio.VisExistsFlags.visExistsAnywhere] != 0
&& targetShp.CellExistsU[originY, (short)Visio.VisExistsFlags.visExistsAnywhere] != 0)
return (x: targetShp.CellsU[originX].ResultIU,
y: targetShp.CellsU[originY].ResultIU);
return default;
So if you run this code, you should end up with something like this (assuming you started off with the a drawing as described above):
So there are lots of ways you could approach this, but probably you need some method or reading where in your Graph shape the origin is and then use that in positioning your 'dot' shapes.