I need to process a numeral as a string.
My value is 0x28 and this is the ascii code for '('.
I need to assign this to a string.
The following lines do this.
char c = (char)0x28;
string s = c.ToString();
string s2 = ((char)0x28).ToString();
My usecase is a function that only accepts strings.
My call ends up looking cluttered:
someCall( ((char)0x28).ToString() );
Is there a way of simplifying this and make it more readable without writing '(' ?
The Hexnumber in the code is always paired with a Variable that contains that hex value in its name, so "translating" it would destroy that visible connection.
A List of tuples is initialised with this where the first item has the character in its name and the second item results from a call with that character.
One of the answers below is exactly what i am looking for so i incorporated it here now.
{ existingStaticVar0x28, someCall("\u0028") }
The reader can now instinctively see the connection between item1 and item2 and is less likely to run into a trap when this gets refactored.
You can use Unicode character escape sequence in place of a hex to avoid casting:
string s2 = '\u28'.ToString();
Well supposing that you have not a fixed input then you could write an extension method
namespace MyExtensions
public static class MyStringExtensions
public static string ConvertFromHex(this string hexData)
int c = Convert.ToInt32(hexCode, 16);
return new string(new char[] {(char)c});
Now you could call it in your code wjth
string hexNumber = "0x28"; // or whatever hexcode you need to convert
string result = hexNumber.ConvertFromHex();
A bit of error handling should be added to the above conversion.
I did quite a lot of researches but still could not figure it out. Here is an example, I got a string contains "\uf022" (a character from another language), how can I change the whole string into the char '\uf022'?
the string "\uf022" is retrieved during runtime (read from other sources) instead of directly putting a static character into the string.
For example:
string url = "https://somesite/files/abc\uf022def.pdf";
int i = url.IndexOf("\\");
string specialChar = url.substring(i, 6);
How do I get the char saved in the string specialChar?
I would like to use this char to do UTF-8 encoding and generate the accessible URL "https://somesite/files/abc%EF%80%A2def.pdf".
Thank you!
how can I change the whole string into the char '\uf022'?
Strictly speaking, you can't change the characters of the string you have (because strings are immutable), but you can make a new one that meets your demands..
var s = new string('\uf022', oldstring.Length);
Your title of your question reads slightly differently.. it sounds like you want a string that is only the F022 chars, i.e. if your string has 10 chars and only 3 of them are F022, you want just the 3.. which could be done by changing oldstring.Length above, into oldstring.Count(c => c == '\uf022')
..and if you mean your string is like "hello\uf022world" and you want it to be like "hello🍄world" then do
var s = oldstring.Replace("\\uf022", "\uf022");
If you have the \uf022 in a string (6 chars) and you want to replace it with its actual character, you can parse it to int and convert to char when you replace..
var oldstring = "hello\uf022world";
var given = "\uf022";
var givenParsed = ((char)Convert.ToInt32(given.Substring(2), 16)).ToString();
var s = oldstring.Replace(given, givenParsed);
I have a bit of a weird question here at hands. I have a text that's encoded in such a way that each character is replaced by another character and I'm creating an application that will replace each character with a correct one. But I've come across a problem that I have trouble solving. Let me show with an example:
Original text: This is a line.
Encoded text: (.T#*T#*%*=T50;
Now, as I said, each character represents another character, '(' is 'T', '.' is actually a 'h' and so on.
Now I could just go with
string decoded = encoded.Replace('(','T'); //T.T#*T#*%*=T50;
And that will solve one problem, but when I reach character 'T' that is actually encoded character 'i' I will have to replace all 'T' with 'i', which means that all previously decoded letter 'T's (that were once '(') will also change along with the encoded 'T'.
//T.T#*T#*%*=T50; -> i.i#*i#*%*=i50;
in this situation it's obvious that I should've just went the other way around, first change 'T' to 'i' and then '(' to 'T', but in the text I'm changing that kind of analysis is not an option.
What's the alternative here that I could do to perform the task correctly?
Thank you!
One possible solution is do not use replace string method at all.
Instead you can create method which for every encoded character will output decoded one, and then go through your string as through array of char and for every character in this array use "decryption" method to get decoded character - thus you'll receive decoded string.
For example (using StringBulder to create new string):
private static char Decode(char source)
if (source == '(')
return 'T';
else if (source == '.')
return 'h';
//.... and so on
string source = "ABC";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var c in source)
var result = builder.ToString();
Using .Replace() probably isn't the way to go in the first place, since as you're finding it covers the whole string every time. And once you've modified the whole string once, the encoding is lost.
Instead, loop over the string one time and replace characters individually.
Create a function that accepts a char and returns the replaced char. For simplicity, I'll just show the signature:
private char Decode(char c);
Then just loop over the string and call that function on each character. LINQ can make short work of that:
var decodedString = new string(encodedString.Select(c => Decode(c)).ToArray());
(This is freehand and untested, you may or may not need that .ToArray() for the string constructor to be happy, I'm not certain. But you get the idea.)
If it's easier to read you can also just loop manually over the string and perhaps use a StringBuilder with each successive char to build the final decoded result.
Without knowledge of your encryption algorithm, this answer assumes that it's a simple character translation akin to the Caesar Cipher.
Pass in your encrypted string, the method loops over each character, adjusting it by the value of shiftDelta and returns the resulting string.
private string Decrypt(string input)
const int shiftDelta = 10;
var inputChars = input.ToCharArray();
var outputChars = new char[inputChars.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < outputChars.Length; i++)
// Perform character translation here
outputChars[i] = (char)(inputChars[i] + shiftDelta);
return outputChars.ToString();
I am writing a program in which I want to group the adjacent substrings, e.g ABCABCBC can be compressed as 2ABC1BC or 1ABCA2BC.
Among all the possible options I want to find the resultant string with the minimum length.
Here is code what i have written so far but not doing job. Kindly help me in this regard.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace EightPrgram
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string input;
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the set of operations: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
char[] array = input.ToCharArray();
List<string> list = new List<string>();
string temp = "";
string firstTemp = "";
foreach (var x in array)
if (temp.Contains(x))
firstTemp = temp;
if (list.Contains(firstTemp))
temp = "";
temp += x;
/*foreach (var item in list)
You can do this with recursion. I cannot give you a C# solution, since I do not have a C# compiler here, but the general idea together with a python solution should do the trick, too.
So you have an input string ABCABCBC. And you want to transform this into an advanced variant of run length encoding (let's called it advanced RLE).
My idea consists of a general first idea onto which I then apply recursion:
The overall target is to find the shortest representation of the string using advanced RLE, let's create a function shortest_repr(string).
You can divide the string into a prefix and a suffix and then check if the prefix can be found at the beginning of the suffix. For your input example this would be:
This input can be put into a function shorten_prefix, which checks how often the suffix starts with the prefix (e.g. for the prefix ABC and the suffix ABCBC, the prefix is only one time at the beginning of the suffix, making a total of 2 ABC following each other. So, we can compact this prefix / suffix combination to the output (2ABC, BC).
This function shorten_prefix will be used on each of the above tuples in a loop.
After using the function shorten_prefix one time, there still is a suffix for most of the string combinations. E.g. in the output (2ABC, BC), there still is the string BC as suffix. So, need to find the shortest representation for this remaining suffix. Wooo, we still have a function for this called shortest_repr, so let's just call this onto the remaining suffix.
This image displays how this recursion works (I only expanded one of the node after the 3rd level, but in fact all of the orange circles would go through recursion):
We start at the top with a call of shortest_repr to the string ABABB (I selected a shorter sample for the image). Then, we split this string at all possible split positions and get a list of prefix / suffix pairs in the second row. On each of the elements of this list we first call the prefix/suffix optimization (shorten_prefix) and retrieve a shortened prefix/suffix combination, which already has the run-length numbers in the prefix (third row). Now, on each of the suffix, we call our recursion function shortest_repr.
I did not display the upward-direction of the recursion. When a suffix is the empty string, we pass an empty string into shortest_repr. Of course, the shortest representation of the empty string is the empty string, so we can return the empty string immediately.
When the result of the call to shortest_repr was received inside our loop, we just select the shortest string inside the loop and return this.
This is some quickly hacked code that does the trick:
def shorten_beginning(beginning, ending):
count = 1
while ending.startswith(beginning):
count += 1
ending = ending[len(beginning):]
return str(count) + beginning, ending
def find_shortest_repr(string):
possible_variants = []
if not string:
return ''
for i in range(1, len(string) + 1):
beginning = string[:i]
ending = string[i:]
shortened, new_ending = shorten_beginning(beginning, ending)
shortest_ending = find_shortest_repr(new_ending)
possible_variants.append(shortened + shortest_ending)
return min([(len(x), x) for x in possible_variants])[1]
Open issues
I think this approach has the same problem as the recursive levenshtein distance calculation. It calculates the same suffices multiple times. So, it would be a nice exercise to try to implement this with dynamic programming.
If this is not a school assignment or performance critical part of the code, RegEx might be enough:
string input = "ABCABCBC";
var re = new Regex(#"(.+)\1+|(.+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); // RegexOptions.Compiled is optional if you use it more than once
string output = re.Replace(input,
m => (m.Length / m.Result("$1$2").Length) + m.Result("$1$2")); // "2ABC1BC" (case sensitive by default)
Reviewing some old code of mine, and wondered if there was a better way to create a literal string with unicode symbols...
I have a REST interface that requires certain escaped characters; for example, a property called username with value of john%foobar+Smith that must be requested like this:
My c# method to replace certain characters like % and + is pretty basic:
public static string EncodeUTF8(string unescaped) {
string utf8_ampersand = #"\u0026";
string utf8_percent = #"\u0025";
string utf8_plus = #"\u002b";
return unescaped.Replace("&", utf8_ampersand).Replace("+", utf8_plus).Replace("%", utf8_percent);
This seems an antiquated way to do this; surely there is some single line method using Encoding that would output literal UTF code, but I can't find any examples that aren't essentially replace statements like mine... is there a better way?
You could do it with Regex:
static readonly Regex ReplacerRegex = new Regex("[&+%]");
public static string Replace(Match match)
// 4-digits hex of the matched char
return #"\u" + ((int)match.Value[0]).ToString("x4");
public static string EncodeUTF8(string unescaped)
return ReplacerRegex.Replace(unescaped, Replace);
But i don't suggest it very much (unless you have tens of replaces). I do think it would be slower, and bigger to write.
How do you convert an integer to a string? It works the other way around but not this way.
string message
Int64 message2;
message2 = (Int64)message[0];
If the message is "hello", the output is 104 as a number;
If I do
string message3 = (string)message2;
I get an error saying that you cant convert a long to a string. Why is this. The method .ToString() does not work because it converts just the number to a string so it will still show as "104". Same with Convert.ToString(). How do I make it say "hello" again from 104? In C++ it allows you to cast such methods but not in C#
message[0] gives first letter from string as char, so you're casting char to long, not string to long.
Try casting it back to char again and then concatenate all chars to get entire string.
ToString() is working exactly correctly. Your error is in the conversion to integer.
How exactly do you expect to store a string composed of non-numeric digits in a long? You might be interested in BitConverter, if you want to treat numbers as byte arrays.
If you want to convert a numeric ASCII code to a string, try
Another alternative approach is using ASCII.GetBytes method as below
string msg1 ="hello";
byte[] ba = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg1);
//ba[0] = 104
//ba[1] = 101
//ba[2] = 108
//ba[3] = 108
//ba[4] = 111
string msg2 =System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ba);
//msg2 = "hello"
Try this method:
string message3 = char.ConvertFromUtf32(message2);
104 is the value of "h" not "hello".
There is no integer representation of a string, only of a char. Therefore, as stated by others, 104 is not the value of "hello" (a string) but of 'h' (a char) (see the ASCII chart here).
I can't entirely think of why you'd want to convert a string to an int-array and then back into a string, but the way to do it would be to run through the string and get the int-value of each character and then reconvert the int-values into char-values and concatenate each of them. So something like
string str = "hello"
List<int> N = new List<int>();
//this creates the list of int-values
for(int i=0;i<str.Count;i++)
//and this joins it all back into a string
string newString = "";
for(int i=0;i<str.Count;i++)
newString += (char)N[i];