Google.Apis.Admin.Email_Migration_v2 [HTTP Status Code 412 – Limit Reached] - c#

Edit 2:
Client Library: After reviewing it is not easily suggested that this is for the .NET client library.
DLL: Google.Apis.Admin.email_migration_v2.dll
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Generate a process which contains a
Google.Apis.Admin.email_migration_v2.AdminService instance for each
unique Google Apps Gmail mailbox that will have messages sent to it.
All of the AdminService objects generated use the same OAuth2.0
credentials and application name. Each AdminService object generated
will only send messages to one Google Apps user’s mailbox. For
example, if we were sending messages to five different Google Apps
Gmail mailboxes we would generate five AdminService objects to send
messages; one for each user’s mailbox.
Biggest thing to note is that each AdminService object created is created on a separate process.
AdminService objects were given a FileDataStore object to change the location of where the refresh token is stored; C:\ProgramData\SomeFile\SomeFile.
Supplied appropriate scopes to the credentials.
Begin sending mail messages on each process. Using one thread to send messages in each process, so only one message is sent at a time to each user’s mailbox.
Each message sent gets its own instance of MailItem and MailResource.InsetMedia
The MailResource.InsertMedia object is generated for each item by calling AdminService.Mail.Insert(MailItem, string, Stream, string) method.
When our code makes the call to MailResource.InsertMediaUpload.UploadAsync(CancellationTokenSource).Result is where we can receive the error.
The error is caught and handled (logged) from the return type of the aforementioned call; the type is Google.Apis.Upload.IUploadProgress. The exception is handled using the IUploadProgress.Exception property.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The expected output would be a successful message response or the exception property of the IUploadProgress to be null after the return of the task. Instead we are receiving the following error message:
The service admin has thrown an exception:
Limit reached. [412]
Errors [Message[Limit reached.] Location[If-Match - header] Reason[conditionNotMet] Domain[global]]
at Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
at Google.Apis.Upload.ResumableUpload`1.d__e.MoveNext()
What version of the product are you using?
Google.Apis.Admin.Email_Migration_v2 (
What is your operating system?
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (SP1)
What is your IDE?
Visual Studio 2013 Premium
What is the .NET framework version?
Please provide any additional information below.
Non-consecutive messages can fail (with the 412 http status code
provided above) during the process of sending the messages. Once we
receive this error other messages sent after the failed message(s)
can succeed. (Items can fail at any point during the process
beginning, middle or end.)
Each message sent has nearly identical content. The size of the
messages range from 1KB to 100KB including the size of all associated
attachments, not all messages have attachments.
Reprocessing the failed items at a later time results in successful
message responses and the appropriate items are sent to the user’s
Google Apps Gmail Inbox.
The maximum number of Google Apps user’s mailboxes sent to at one
time was ten.
After checking the quotas of our Google Developers Console project:
We were nowhere near the specified limit of 20 requests a second for
the Email Migration API; maxed out at sending 7 requests a second.
Only 2% of the maximum daily requests had been reached.
All messages sent had the same label; the label was well under the
225 character limit. Actually all of the labels/sub-labels applied
together only surmounted to 40 characters.
This error message can still be received when sending to only one
Google Apps user’s mailbox; only using one process and one thread.
Each process is normally sending anywhere from 1000-5000 messages.
I have not found a lot of specific documentation to explain this particular error in enough detail to remedy the problem at hand.
So what exactly does this 412 http status code mean? What limit is being encountered that this message is referring to?
Shouldn’t we be receiving some form of 5XX error from the server if we are hitting a limit? In which case wouldn’t the built in exponential back off policy kick in?
a. Unless the server is checking the POST request for a pre-condition about a server side limit then telling the client to back off which is what a 412 error seems to typically indicate. In that case please give as much detail as possible for question 1.
Sorry for the extensive post! Thanks for your time! I will also be creating a defect/issue in Google's .NET issue tracker and providing a link.
Edit 1:
For anyone interested in following this issue here is a link to the submitted item in Google's issue tracker for .NET.
Submitted Issue
For reference it is issue 492.

I am not quite sure where you see the "the specified limit of 20 requests a second for the Email Migration API". Reminder: the QPS limit you see in the Google Developers Console project is not the actual default limit. You can change that limit to anything you want, and thus, that's not the actual limit for the API. It is really just for managing the consumption of the API quota (some APis will have a much higher QPS where you can adjust it to lower for different projects across your console).
According to the email migration APi documentation, the QPS is 1 request per second (the link is here:
I have experienced 412 errors when the QPS limit is being hit, and I have also seen the 412 error returned when I am uploading too much data to a single domain. How much data are you loading all at once? I would suggest doing an exponential backoff to see if the issue would disappear.

I believe I have found an answer to this problem, though I will advise a disclaimer, I do not work for Google and cannot be 100% sure of the accuracy; you've been warned. This should at least hold true for the .NET version of Google's Email Migration v2 API. I cannot guarantee how other APIs work because I do not use them..
Through working with this API in spurts for well over eight months now, it appears that if an application or multiple applications are to send messages to a single Google Apps user/mailbox consistently, at a faster rate than which Google servers can process, then at some rate you should start to get a bunch of GoogleApiExceptions stating "412 - Limit Reached" when sending new messages. What we have gathered through using our application is that each Google Apps user/mailbox has its own pending items queue. When you send a message to Google Apps it is first put into this queue before being processed by a Google Server and put into the user's mailbox. If this queue becomes full and you attempt to send another message you will receive a 412 error.
Options are to wait before sending another message, you'll have to wait however long the Google server takes to process the next message in the user's queue before sending another; which is unpredictable. The better option in my opinion is to start sending messages to another Google Apps user; because each user appears to have its own message queue. Be sure to stop sending to the user who is consistently getting 412 errors. This will give the Google server some time to process that user's packed message queue. Note each pending messages queue appeared to hold about 100-150 items before throwing 412 errors.
503 errors appear to occur when sending messages into a user's mailbox queue at a higher rate than 1 request per second. As Emily has stated "the QPS limit you see in the Google Developers Console project is not the actual default limit" it is truly 1 QPS per Google Apps user.
As for the exponential back-off it is supposed to be implemented automatically see this. Note Peleyal appears to be the gentleman in charge of the API; can be noted from the download page for the API.
This took us a little while to figure out so cheers if you're having this issue! Please if you find any contradicting information correct any mistakes found in this answer or make your own!!


Microsoft Graph API - Exchange Online Messages call returns ServiceUnavailable

I am fetching messages from Exchange in Office365 using Microsoft Graph API.
However, for some folders I seem to get intermittent exceptions.
What we are using:
Microsoft.Graph Version 3.9.0 - Microsoft Graph Client Library for .Net
Microsoft.Graph.Core Version 1.21.0 - Microsoft Graph Core Client Library for .Net
This is the call being used:
'GET /v1.0/users/{id}/mailFolders/{id}/messages'
And this is the error (ServiceUnavailable with UnknownError as inner exception):
Status Code: ServiceUnavailable Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException:
Code: UnknownError Message: Error while processing response. Inner
date: 2020-08-04T13:55:33
request-id: ** ClientRequestId: **
Code: UnknownError Message: Error while processing response. Inner error:
date: 2020-08-04T13:55:33
request-id: ** ClientRequestId: **
What I've tried:
These are usually the errors we would see with throttling. However, in this case, there seems to be no indication of throttling being applied. There isn't any 'back-off' time returned in the result. Other requests to different folders returns just fine too. By applying our own 'back-off' time (ranging between 5mins-20mins does not seem so make a difference either).
Beta endpoint:
The call posted above shows /v1.0 used. We've also switched to the /beta endpoint, with no difference.
Amount of mails retrieved:
Graph allows us to retrieve up to 999 mails at a time. We've reduced that all the way down to a mail or 2 at a time, but it still returns with the same error.
Delta token:
We've also tried switching over to using the delta token in order to retrieve the mails. This also returns with the same error.
Graph downgrade:
Hoping that there is some difference in the last few versions, we downgraded Graph. There was no difference.
Check local sync issues:
I've noticed in the past (quite a while back), that when doing this call for a folder that has potential local sync issues, this is the same type of error response returned. In this case, there is no reason to believe that these are local sync issues.
When setting up the httpProvider, I've removed the default retry handlers as well. I've seen that using the default retry handler, it would automatically catch the 'ServiceException' and do internal retries (not adhering to back offs (not that there is any)), and would result in a tooManyRetries or a timeout (hiding the actual issue). By removing the default retry handler, we can see the actual 'ServiceException' error returned by the server.
Based on our telemetry, this seems to have started happening a lot more frequently since around the 11-13th of June. Before that we did not experience any issues.
There are days that the requests work, but they are few and far in between.
This is quite a big issue for us, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Any specific Microsoft Support channel that I can log this with would also help.
Thanks in advance.

ActiveMQ access to previously published data on subscription

We're using ActiveMQ locally to transfer data between 5 processes that turn simultaneously.
I have some data I need to send to a process, both at runtime (which works perfectly fine), but also a default value on start. Thing is it is published when the process starts, it just doesn't read because it wasn't subscribed to the topic at the time the data was sent.
I have multiple solutions : I could delay the first publishing for a moment so that the process has time to launch (which doesn't seem very appealing) ; or is there a way to send all stored previously non-treated messages to some process that just subscribed ?
I'm coding in C#.
I don't have any experience with ActiveMQ, but other message system usually have an option which marks the subscription as persistent, which means that; after the first subscription; the message queue itself checks if a certain message is delivered to that system and retries with a timeout. In this scenario you need to start the receiver at least 1 time.
If this is not an option and you want to plug in receiver afterwards, you might want to consider a setup of your messages which allows you to retrieve the full state, i.e. if you send total-messages instead of differential- messages.
After a little google, I came upon this definition durable subscribers, I hope this helps:
since you are using C# client i don't konw if this is supported
topic = new ActiveMQTopic("TEST.Topic?consumer.retroactive=true");
So, another solution is to configure this behavior on the broker side by adding that to the activemq.xml and restart :
The subscription recovery policy allows you to go back in time when
you subscribe to a topic.
<policyEntry topic=">" >
<timedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy recoverDuration="10000" />
<fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy maximumSize="10000" />
I went around the issue by sending a message from each process when they're launched back to the main one, and then only sending the info I needed to send.

Dynamically set Endpoint definition in BizTalk Send Port using MQSeries adapter

We exchange income data with an external party. Each year income tax regulations change and a new message schema has to be implemented. Altogether we now have 8 different schema versions each of which are deployed in a separate 'year income tax' application and this amount increases by 1 each year.
Because we pay our hosting company per installed application, we want to decrease the amount of applications installed.
All these applications are functionally equal, which means we validate incoming messages, and forward valid messages into a specific MQSeries queue. Each invalid message is routed to a response queue. Each application has it's own 'valid' and 'invalid' message queues.
The plan
One generic application that processes all 8(+) messages. New schemas must be deployable without application changes or downtime for previous, running 'income year tax' flows.
So far...
I can receive multiple messages on the same BizTalk receive port (MessageType XmlDocument) and am able to validate these messages dynamically in an orchestration by calling a custom receive pipeline (XML Disassembler + XML Validator). Exceptions as well as valid messages are processed as prescribed. There are no references between the Schemas and the generic application, so schemas can be deployed without need to stop running processes. So far, so good.
The orchestration has 1 receive shape, and 2 send shapes (valid, invalid).
SSO contains the values for routing the 'valid' and 'invalid' messages to their correct queue. Based on the incoming messagetype SSO is questioned for the correct 'valid' or 'invalid' queuedefinition.
The problem
I have previously dealt with dynamic FTP, FILE, WCF and SMTP ports, which all worked flawlessly after supplying the adapter with the correct Context Properties. Even MSMQ seems to have a fairly straightforward approach on dynamically setting transport properties.
However, I cannot seem to find MQSeries MQMT ContextProperties to set the queuedefinition dynamically.
Microsoft does not provide much information on this, and extensive searches on the internet hasn't provided me with anything useful (examples) either.
I tried matching IBM's docs with Microsoft's, but altogether I am now stuck.
I would suggest to use MQSC adapter for IBM MQ integration. It is part of Host Integration Server MSI. It only requires MQ client to be installed on the server Vs MQ Server for Windows installation required by MQSeries adapter.
Set the OutboundTransportLocation property in following format mqsc://{channelName}/tcp/{server{({port})/{queuemanager}/{queuename}
TransportType = MQSC
Context Properties - Schema can be found within assembly MQSeriesEx.MQSPropertySchemaEx with namespace (
There are only few context properties you would need to set if at all required.
If additional properties are required than use MQSeries.MQSPropertySchema context properties.
Thanks Vikas for your suggestion.
I followed your directions and found it works!
However, I found it a little more complicated than needed as it required me configuring channel names for each flow.
The solution that best suited me was the one I had in mind all along, and it was right before me. My attempts failed because I made a fatal mistake by setting the outgoing message's properties where I should have set the dynamic send port's properties.

Let me know when mail was NOT received to the mail (for successful DB backup for example)

I have a site I'm building and have a DB backup running on it several times a day.
Every successful backup is sent to my mail (and directed by a rule to a folder since there are many backups..) and every failure is also sent to me (not directed by a rule).
I'm afraid that the task will stop running from some reason and I will not know (no alerts arriving but how can I notice it in the blur of mails).
Is there a SW or process that alerts me when a mail was not received during a specific time?
The reason I'm asking here is that I want to develop this kind of thing (if does not exist).
You cannot know, unless you create something for yourself. E.g. a rule to auto-reply the received message (at receiver's mailbox). Your program (that sent the e-mail) should check his own mailbox within x seconds for the reply after sending.
Normally it is just a send and goodbye system, unless the e-mail box is full, unreachable, etc.

Send thousands of emails at a time, pitfalls/best way?

Im writing a tool c# (and System.Net.Mail) which will be sending around 4000 emails fornigtly.
Can i simply loop through a list of 4000 email addresses and send emails one at a time?
or will this cause any potential problems?
Is there a better way to do this?
First of all you must have rDNS record that will map IP address back to domain name. Without it mail services like GMail will hold your e-mails for hours or even days. Furthermore you may become blacklisted after few dozens of letters. rDNS usually can be set using hoster's control panel or by support request.
Second, don't be tempted to use your ISP's or GMail's SMTP servers. You will quickly run out of daily quota. It is usually not allowed to send more than few dozens letters (50 for GMail AFAIK). So either send mail from your own server, or use a 3rd party service like auth smtp.
Such services are useful also if you're unable to set rDNS for some reason.
P.S. If the content of your letters is OK (i.e. they are not spam actually) and rDNS/SMTP are set correctly, you can send at any rate, without pauses.
Provided you don;t break any server limitations, such as memory or disk space, technically there is no issue. However you will run into problems with with ISP's and mail forwarders who may block your domains for spam - rightly or wrongly..
You could send the 4000 emails in one go, but you do run the risk of getting marked very quickly as a spammer.
Your best option is to 'burst send' so send maybe 100 straight away, in 10mins send another 100 etc.
If you do it this way your are less likely to be seen as a spammer.
Check that the machine sending the mails has a valid PTR record - i.e., if you're sending from with IP, that a PTR query on will return; I'd look into SPF and DKIM, too.
Some e-mail hosts have an incoming rate limit (e.g. Hotmail used that in the past) - "if you are sending us more than x emails/minute, you get a higher spam score". I had a script to "stir the queue", so that the per-minute rate to a single server was lowered.
Also, check this - it has plenty of good advice on e-mail content, but that's slightly off-topic.
In addition to what has been mentioned above, be sure to set up adequate logging.
I.e. you should log sent emails so if you need re-send emails you can be sure not to send duplicates.
Also, you can set up an app to log bounced emails and use this to remove addresses etc.
You can of course write your own software or purchase some.

