I have a 15 x 15 pixel box, that I draw several off in different colours using:
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, colour);
What I'd like to do is draw a one pixel line around the outside, in different colours, thus making it a 17 x 17 box, with (for example), a blue outline one pixel wide and a grey middle.
The only way I can think of doing it is to draw two boxes, one 17x17 in the outline colour, one 15x15 with the box colour, and layer them to give the appearance of an outline:
spriteBatch.Draw(texture17by17, position, outlineColour);
spriteBatch.Draw(texture15by15, position, boxColour);
Obviously the position vector would need to be modified but I think that gives a clear picture of the idea.
The question is: is there a better way?
You can draw lines and triangles using DrawUserIndexedPrimitives, see Drawing 3D Primitives using Lists or Strips on MSDN for more details. Other figures like rectangles and circles are constructed from lines, but you'll need to implement them yourself.
To render lines in 2D, just use orthographic projection which mirrors transformation matrix from SpriteBatch.
You can find a more complete example with the PrimitiveBatch class which encapsulates the logic of drawing in the example Primitives from XBox Live Indie Games.
Considering XNA can't draw "lines" like OpenGL immediate mode can, it is far more efficient to draw a spite with a pre-generated texture quad (2 triangles) than to draw additional geometry with dynamic texturing particularly when a single "line" each requiring 1 triangle; 2 triangles vs 4 respectfully. Less triangles and vertices in the former too.
So I would not try to draw a "thin" line using additional geometry that is trying to mimic lines around the outside of the other, instead continue with what you are doing - drawing 2 different sprites (each is a quad anyway)
Every object drawn in 3D is drawn using triangles. - Would you like to know more?
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Non-Affine image transformations in .NET
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I need to combine two images in C# ( 4.7.2 ), and have the top image transformed putting each of the four corners at specific coordinates in the image.
Is that possible? Preferably with a solution that doesn't require spending a ton of money. As far as I can tell i can't do it with the Bitmap/Graphics classes.
Image of what I'm trying to do
Shear (or skew), which is what an affine transform such as used in GDI+ or WPF, is unlikely to do what you want, if I understand the question correctly. With shear/skew the transformed coordinate space is still a parallelogram, whereas in your image, the original rectangle is squeezed or stretched arbitrarily.
Assuming that's correct, I would recommend using the features in the WPF Media3D namespace (WPF, simply because it's the most accessible 3D API in the .NET context). In particular, you will want to define a texture that is your original bitmap. Then you will want to define a quadrilateral 2D surface in 3D coordinate space with sufficient resolution (i.e. triangles) for your purposes (see below), and where the triangles in that surface are constructed by tessellating the shape that you want as your final image, and where you've interpolated the texture (UV) coordinates for that shape across the vertexes that result from the tessllation.
How many triangles you actually want depends on the desired quality. In theory, you could use just two. This is the simplest approach, and determining the UV coordinates is trivial, because you only have your original four corners. But there will be a visual discontinuity along the diagonal where the two triangles meet, where the interpolation of the texture pixels changes direction due to the triangles not being square to each other.
For better results, you'll need to use more triangles. But then this complicates the assignment of the UV coordinates. For each inner vertex of this surface, you'll need to interpolate across the surface. This is probably easier to do if you generate the tessellation in the first place by subdividing the quadrilateral with lines connecting opposite sides (which will form smaller interior quadrilaterals bounded by intersecting lines) and then just divide each of those quadrilaterals into pairs of triangles. If you do it this way, then you can use the distance along each line to determine the appropriate U or V coordinate at each vertex that line goes through.
Having created the appropriate texture and geometry, it's a simple matter to render the result into a RenderTargetBitmap via the Viewport3DVisual class, and then do whatever you want with that bitmap.
Now, all that said…
If it turns out that your problem can be simplified such that shear/skew is sufficient for your needs, you can look at De-skew characters in binary image for help with that. In that particular example, they are trying to undo skew caused by optical effects, but skewing is skewing; the same exact principle works in either direction.
Even if your problem is not amenable to shear/skew approaches, before you implement your own solution (e.g. based on my outline above), you may want to look at other available tools. Information about some options can be found in, for example, Image Modification (cropping and de-skewing) in C# and Image comparison - rotation, alignment and scaling.
I am trying to segment arms from a Kinect depth image in my app (click for larger picture):
I tried using joint positions to get the vector between elbow and wrist/hand-tip, and created a 2D bounding rotated rectangle between these two joints, and then removed all pixels outside the rectangle. The problem is that, depending on the distance from the sensor, this rectangle changes width, and can become trapezoidal (e.g. if hand is closer to the camera), so it can basically only allow me to discard parts of the image before doing actual processing.
When the hand is near the body (like my left arm below), I need to detect the edge of the hand - presumably by checking the depth gradient. But I couldn't find a flood fill algorithm which "stops" at gradients.
Is there a better approach perhaps? I could use an algorithm idea.
I'm trying to create tiled terrain in 3D with XNA. I checked tutorials on how to doit(Riemers and Allens). Allens tutorial has an exact result I want to achieve, however I'm not sure about performance - it seems he is using single quadrilateral to draw all terrain and process it with pixel shader, it means - whole terrain will be processed each frame.
Currently I'm drawing a quadrilateral for each tile(Example) - it allows to draw visible tiles only, but it also means that much more verticies need to be processed in each frame and a lot of "DrawIndexedPrimitives" is called.
Am I doing it right or Allens way is faster? Is there a way to do tiled terrain better?
Totally depends on your terrain complexity and size. Typically, you will have terrain tiles with more than one quad/tile (for instance, a tile could consist of 4096 triangles) and then displace the vertices to get the terrain you want. Still, each tile will be a indexed primitive, but a single draw call will result in lots of triangles and a larger part of the terrain. Taking this idea further, you can make the tiles in the distance larger so you don't get too much detail (look for quad-tree/clipmap based terrain approaches; you'll get something like this: http://twitpic.com/89y5kn.)
Alternatively, if you can displace in the vertex shader, you can use instancing to further reduce the amount of draw calls. Per-instance, you pass the UV coordinates into your heighfield and the world-space position and then you again render high-resolution tiles, but now you may wind up with a single draw call for the whole terrain.
For a small game, you might want to generate only a few high-resolution tiles (65k triangles or so) and then frustum-cull them. That gives you a large terrain easily and is still manageable; but this definitely doesn't scale too well :) Depends on your needs.
For the texture tiles, you can also use a low-resolution index texture and do the lookup into an atlas per-pixel or just store the indices in the vertex buffer and interpolate them (this is very common: Store 4 weights per vertex and use it to look up into four different textures.)
I read about rectangle structure in c# and the intersection function in it
My Question is: how to custom it such that I can have a 3D rectanlge, have x,y,z coordinates
and get it intersection with another one ?
Any idea
Just create your own. Here are some ideas:
a 3D rectangle not only has a width and a height, but also a plane
planes can be described with a normal vector and a point (origin)
the origin would be similar to the (x, y) in the 2D rectangle, that is, the "upper left" point, but any would do
intersecting with another rectangle could be as easy as intersecting the two plains and then checking to see if the intersection line "cuts" any of the rectangles
there are tons of math related websites to check for the formulas on how to do this
chances are pretty good, that in your application you won't need to do this in an optimized manner. Really. Just code it already and try it out. You can optimize later.
Wait. On second thoughts: An origin, a height, a width and a normal vector won't really cut it, since you don't have a sense of "up" as you do in 2D.
So, scratch that. Thinking about it reveals that the width and the height in 2D are actually vectors two, except that their direction is implied: Width is the length of a vector in x direction, Height is the length of a vector in y direction.
So, model your rectangle like this:
a point (Origin)
a vector Width (this is often called u in maths)
a vector Height (this is often called v in maths)
the normal vector is not necessary anymore since it is can be calculated by the vectorial product of Width x Height
The three other points of your rectangle can then be calculated as:
Origin + Width
Origin + Width + Height
Origin + Height
The rectangle class you have linked to models a 2D rectangle (I don't know what a 3D rectangle would be, BTW).
Pretty much the whole System.Drawing namespace deals with 2D, so you can't customise it that way.
The System.Drawing parent namespace contains types that support basic GDI+ graphics functionality. Child namespaces support advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality, advanced imaging functionality, and print-related and typographical services.
(emphasis mine)
(about the intersection function)
You cannot create such a function.
The intersecting function of 2 rectangles in 2D is interesting because it returns you a third rectangle (than can be empty).
Intersection of 2 "3D rectangles" in space is not always a 3D rectange!
(for example take 2 identical rectangles and rotate one, then take the intersection...)
So you cannot just create a rectangle object, then an intersection function that returns a rectangle object.
You need more complete 3D object management library.
A 3D rectangle is delimited by 6 planes.
so you can identify it by 6 constraints on x,y,z
Then the intersection of 2 3D rectangles will just be a 3D object identified by 12 contraints.
If these 12 constraints can be simplfied to 6 ones it can be a rectange (but it's not always the case)
and if it cannot then it's not a rectangle.
Here's the setup: This is for an ecommerce art site where some paintings are canvas transfers. The painting wraps around the sides and top and bottom of the canvas. We have high-res images of the entire painting, but what we want to display is a quasi-3D representation of the image in which you can see how the sides of the painting wrap around the canvas. Here's a rough sketch of what I'm talking about:
My question is, how can I rotate an image in 3D space? The approach I think I'd like to take, is to cut off a portion of the top and side of the image, and rotate then in 3D and then stich it back on to the top and side to give it the 3D look. How do I go about about doing that? It can be done using any .Net technology (GDI+, WPF etc.).
In WPF using the ViewPort3D class you can create a cuboid which is 8x5x1 units. Create the image as a texture and then apply the texture to the front face (8x5) and the side faces (5x1) and the top and bottom faces (8x1) using texture coordinates. The front face coordinates should be: (1/9, 1/6), (8/9, 1/6), (1/9, 5/6) and (8/9, 5/6) for the front face, and from the nearest edge to those coordinates for the sides, e.g. for the left side: (0, 1/6), (1/9, 1/6), (0, 5/6) and (1/9, 5/6) for the left side.
If you then want to be able to perform rotations on the 3D canvas model you can follow the advice here:
How can I do 3D transformation in WPF?
It looks like you're not needing to do real 3D, but only needing to fake it.
Chop off four strips along the top, bottom, left and right of the image. Toss the bottom and right (going by your sketch in the question). Scale and shear the strips (I'm not expert enough at .net/wpf to know how, but it can do it). The top would be scaled vertically by a factor of 0.5 (a guess - choose to fit the desired final 3D-looking image) and sheared horizontally. The result is composited onto the output image as the top side of the canvas. The left strip would be scaled horizontally and sheared vertically.
If the end user is to view the 3D canvas from different angles interactively, this method is probably faster than rendering an honest 3D model, which would have to do texture mapping and rasterizing the model into a final image, which amounts to doing the same math. The fun part is figuring out how to adjust the scaling and shearing parameters.
This page might be educational: http://www.idomaths.com/linear_transformation.php
and this could be useful reference http://en.csharp-online.net/GDIplus_Graphics_Transformation%E2%80%94Image_Transformation
I dont have any experience in this kind of stuff. But when i saw this question, the first thing comes to my mind is the funny Unicornify for SO.
In this making of article by balpha, he explained how the 2d unicorn sphere is rotated in 3d space.
But the code is written in python. If you are interested, you can take a look into that. But am not exactly sure this would help you.
The brute force approach (which might be the easiest approach), is to map the u,v texture coordinates for each of the three faces, onto three billboards representing three sides of the canvas (a billboard is just two triangles that make a rectangle). Then, rotate the whole canvas (all three billboards) using matrix transforms. Tada!
Alternately, you can move the 3-space camera position with a transform, rather than the canvas. Six of one, half the other - as they say.