Receive JSON from a MS Message queue - c#

I have some trouble reading Json formatted message from a MS queue.
I am able to connect to the queue and read the first message but when trying to access the Body property the value is null.
Also when trying to read from the body stream I have also an error message saying the stream was not readable.
The queue is transactional but I don't think this is relevant here.
private readonly MessageQueue _queue;
private bool _listen;
private Func<object, bool> _messageHandler;
public Listener(string queuePath)
_queue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);
public void Start(Func<object, bool> messageHandler)
_listen = true;
_queue.PeekCompleted += OnPeekCompleted;
_messageHandler = messageHandler;
private void StartListening()
if (!_listen)
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred when peeking");
private void OnPeekCompleted(object sender, PeekCompletedEventArgs e)
var messageId = string.Empty;
using (var transaction = new MessageQueueTransaction())
using (var message = _queue.Receive(transaction))
if (!_listen || message == null)
messageId = message.Id;
if (ProcessMessage(message))
catch (Exception exception)
Is there something special to do when sending json via MSMQ to retrieve message body ?
Many thanks


RabbitMQ doesn't retrieve messages after resetting OnMessageReceived

I am using RabbitMQ.Client(C#) to work with RabbitMQ. I am having trouble retrieving the messages from the queue once I remove and re-add the message received event handler.
consumer.Received -= OnMessageRecieved;
I have a complex system, where a windows service subscribes to the RabbitMQ queues and process the messages. There are multiple threads running for various things - timer to call PUSH api, another timer to do api authentication etc. If api authentication fails, we don't want to process the messages from the queue. We want to keep the messages in ready state. Only, when the api authentication is success, we want to process the messages. So, on failure event, we remove the event handler and on success we add it back. When we do that, the event handler is added successfully, but now the messages are not retrieved from the queue.
To simulate this, I have created a console app. I have written this in less than an hour, I know this code is very raw and dirty - please excuse me for that.
sub.StopReceiveMessages(); has the code that removes handler consumer.Received -= OnMessageRecieved. And, sub.StartReceiveMessages(); has the code that removes handler consumer.Received += OnMessageRecieved. When you add it back I thought it would work as normal. But, it doesn't hit the MessageReceived() anymore. Is it that we have to call BasicConsume again although I am using the same consumer? Any help would be appreciate.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Client = RabbitMQ.Client;
namespace RabbitMQTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MessageBusSubscription sub = new MessageBusSubscription();
sub.Subscription("EmployeeDataChanged", "HR", "CompanyA", 5, 5000);
sub.MessagesReceived += MessageReceived;
Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to exit");
while (!(Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape))
// Simulating an event where we have to stop pulling the messages from the queue
// After some time, the issue is resolved and now we resume reading the messages from the queue
private static bool MessageReceived(string topic, string subscription, List<MessageContainer> messages)
List<MessageContainer> data = null;
data = messages as List<MessageContainer>;
foreach (var messageContainer in data)
// Do something with the message
// Ack or Reject based on some logic
return true;
public class MessageBusSubscription : IDisposable
#region variables
Client.Events.EventingBasicConsumer consumer;
Client.ConnectionFactory factory;
private System.Timers.Timer _timer = null;
private Client.IModel _channel = null;
private string _topic = string.Empty;
private string _subscription = string.Empty;
int batchCounter = 0;
int batchSize = 0;
ManualResetEvent _waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
bool _disposing = false;
bool _isSubscribed = false;
List<MessageContainer> messages = new List<MessageContainer>();
private object _processMessageLocker = new object();
public event Func<string, string, List<MessageContainer>, bool> MessagesReceived;
public MessageBusSubscription()
Client.IConnection conn = GetConnection();
_channel = conn.CreateModel();
public void Subscription(string exchangeName, string queueName, string routingKey, int batchSize, double batchInterval)
_topic = exchangeName;
_subscription = queueName;
DeclareExchangeAndQueue(exchangeName, queueName, routingKey);
if (batchInterval > 0 && batchSize > 1)
_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(batchInterval);
_timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => {
ProcessMessagesReceived(exchangeName, queueName, true);
Subscribe(routingKey, exchangeName, queueName, batchSize, batchInterval);
public Task Subscribe(string routingKey, string topic, string subscription, int _batchSize, double batchInterval)
consumer = new Client.Events.EventingBasicConsumer(_channel);
batchCounter = 0;
batchSize = _batchSize;
consumer.Received += OnMessageRecieved;
_isSubscribed = true;
//RabbitMQ PUSH implementation using RabbitMQ.Client library
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
if (_timer != null)
var queueName = string.Join(".", routingKey, topic, subscription);
if (!_disposing)
_channel.BasicConsume(queueName, false, consumer);
if (_timer != null)
if (_channel != null)
if (_channel.IsOpen)
catch (Exception ex)
return t;
catch (Exception ex)
var exTask = new Task(() => { throw new AggregateException(ex); });
return exTask;
public void OnMessageRecieved(Client.IBasicConsumer sender, Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs e)
string sourceExchange = string.Empty;
string sourceQueue = string.Empty;
string body = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(e.Body);
string routingKey = e.RoutingKey;
ulong deliveryTag = e.DeliveryTag;
sourceExchange = "";
sourceQueue = "";
MessageContainer msgContainer = new MessageContainer();
msgContainer.Message = body;
msgContainer.DeliveryTag = deliveryTag;
lock (_processMessageLocker)
ProcessMessagesReceived(_topic, _subscription, false);
catch (Exception ex)
public void ProcessMessagesReceived(string topic, string subscription, bool hasTimerElapsed)
// if it's the last message in the batch, or the interval has elapsed
if ((batchCounter % batchSize == 0 && messages.Count > 0) || (hasTimerElapsed && messages.Count > 0))
if (_timer != null)
lock (_processMessageLocker)
// process the message
if (!MessagesReceived(topic, subscription, messages))
throw new Exception("Message processing exception - look in the default error queue (broker)");
batchCounter = 0;
if (_timer != null)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public Client.IConnection GetConnection()
factory = new Client.ConnectionFactory();
factory.UserName = "guest";
factory.Password = "guest";
factory.VirtualHost = "/";
factory.HostName = "localhost";
factory.Protocol = Client.Protocols.AMQP_0_9_1;
factory.Port = 5673;
return factory.CreateConnection();
public void DeclareExchangeAndQueue(string exchangeName, string queueName, string routingKey)
using (var exchangeConn = factory.CreateConnection())
using (Client.IModel channel = exchangeConn.CreateModel())
channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchangeName, Client.ExchangeType.Direct);
var queue = String.Join(".", routingKey, exchangeName, queueName);
channel.QueueDeclare(queue, false, false, false, null);
channel.QueueBind(queue, exchangeName, routingKey, null);
public void StartReceiveMessages()
if (_timer != null && !_isSubscribed)
if (consumer != null && !_isSubscribed)
consumer.Received += OnMessageRecieved;
_isSubscribed = true;
public void StopReceiveMessages()
if (_timer != null)
if (consumer != null)
consumer.Received -= OnMessageRecieved;
_isSubscribed = false;
public void Dispose()
_disposing = true;
_waitHandle = null;
if (_timer != null)
public class MessageContainer
public ulong DeliveryTag { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
Don't unsubscribe from the Received event, instead use the BasicCancel method to stop consuming messages, then use BasicConsume again to start consuming.
A lot of the thread synchronization code as well as running the consumer in a Task isn't really the best practice. If you'd like further assistance with this code, save it in a git repository or gist somewhere and follow-up on the official mailing list.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

How to correctly use NetMq Poller for Receiving data

I have been given the task to create a interface where I receive data through socket from the sender, for this purpose I am using NetMQ PushSocket for the sender side and then I receive the data at client side sung PullSocket and I have to update the UI (WPF app) when data is received so I receive data using poller in ReceiveReady event of the PullSocket when I do this in a seperate service class and call that class in UI ViewModel the UI thread hangs, so I use Poller.Run in a task, now the problem is that when I stop the poller and then restart it again it doesn't call the ReceiveReady event
Here is the ReceiverService for receiving the data.
public class ReceiverService
string msg;
string _address;
int _port;
PullSocket receiver;
NetMQPoller poller;
private MapViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
public ReceiverService(MapViewModel mapViewModel, int port = 5555)
_address = GetComputerLanIP();
_port = port;
receiver = new PullSocket($"tcp://{_address}:{_port}");
receiver.Options.Linger = TimeSpan.Zero;
this.ViewModel = mapViewModel;
poller = new NetMQPoller { receiver };
receiver.ReceiveReady += receiver_ReceiveReady;
public void Start()
public void Stop()
private void receiver_ReceiveReady(object sender, NetMQSocketEventArgs e)
// receive won't block as a message is ready
msg = e.Socket.ReceiveFrameString();
// send a response
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
//Updaing the ViewModel here
catch (Exception ex)
private string GetComputerLanIP()
string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);
foreach (var ipAddress in ipEntry.AddressList)
if (ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
return ipAddress.ToString();
return "";
private string GetValueFromMessage(string identifier)
msg.Replace("{", "");
msg.Replace("}", "");
identifier = /*" " + */identifier + " = ";
int index = msg.IndexOf(identifier) + identifier.Length;
if (index != -1)
int index2 = msg.IndexOf(";", index);
if (index2 == -1)
index2 = msg.Length;
return msg.Substring(index, index2 - index);
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
return null;
return null;
and in my ViewModel I have set commands for these
private void StartReceiver()
Task.Run(() => ReceiverService.Start());
private void StopReceiver()
Task.Run(() => ReceiverService.Stop());
What am I doing wrong? I am new to NetMQ and WPF. TIA
at first it would be good to make a task inside ReceiverService, kind of an ActorModel, because in the end if You would like to reuse it anywhere You need to remember that You should creat a Task first.
always it would be good to have socket in using statement, because You should always close socket if You are not using it
public async Task StartAsync() {
await Task.Run(() => ThreadBody())
public void Stop()
private void ThreadBody()
using (PullSocket receiverSocket = new PullSocket())
using (_poller = new NetMQPoller())
receiverSocket.ReceiveReady += receiver_ReceiveReady;

BlockingCollection having issues with byte arrays

I am having an issue where an object with a byte[20] is being passed into a BlockingCollection on one thread and another thread returning the object with a byte[0] using BlockingCollection.Take(). I think this is a threading issue but I do not know where or why this is happening considering that BlockingCollection is a concurrent collection.
Sometimes on thread2, myclass2.mybytes equals byte[0]. Any information on how to fix this is greatly appreciated.
[EDIT] The original code.
I removed the above code that seemed to run just fine so I took the time to go through my original code and post it.
public class MessageBuffer : BlockingCollection<Message>
In the class that has Listener() and ReceivedMessageHandler(object messageProcessor)
private MessageBuffer RecievedMessageBuffer;
On Thread1
private void Listener()
while (this.IsListening)
Message message = Message.ReadMessage(this.Stream, this);
if (message != null)
catch (IOException ex)
if (!this.Client.Connected)
catch (Exception ex)
Message.ReadMessage(NetworkStream stream, iTcpConnectClient client)
public static Message ReadMessage(NetworkStream stream, iTcpConnectClient client)
int ClassType = -1;
Message message = null;
ClassType = stream.ReadByte();
if (ClassType == -1)
return null;
if (!Message.IDTOCLASS.ContainsKey((byte)ClassType))
throw new IOException("Class type not found");
message = Message.GetNewMessage((byte)ClassType);
message.Client = client;
if (message.Buffer.Length < message.MessageSize + Message.HeaderSize)
return null;
catch (IOException ex)
throw ex;
catch (Exception ex)
//throw ex;
return message;
On Thread2
private void ReceivedMessageHandler(object messageProcessor)
if (messageProcessor != null)
while (this.IsListening)
Message message = this.RecievedMessageBuffer.Take();
while (this.IsListening)
Message message = this.RecievedMessageBuffer.Take();
public class PlayerStateMessage : Message
public GameObject PlayerState;
public override int MessageSize
get { return 12; }
public PlayerStateMessage()
: base()
this.PlayerState = new GameObject();
public PlayerStateMessage(GameObject playerState)
this.PlayerState = playerState;
public override void Reconstruct()
this.PlayerState.Poisiton = this.GetVector2FromBuffer(0);
this.PlayerState.Rotation = this.GetFloatFromBuffer(8);
public override void Deconstruct()
this.AddToBuffer(this.PlayerState.Poisiton, 0);
this.AddToBuffer(this.PlayerState.Rotation, 8);
public override void HandleMessage(object messageProcessor)
Message.GetVector2FromBuffer(int bufferlocation)
This is where the exception is thrown because this.Buffer is byte[0] when it should be byte[20].
public Vector2 GetVector2FromBuffer(int bufferlocation)
return new Vector2(
BitConverter.ToSingle(this.Buffer, Message.HeaderSize + bufferlocation),
BitConverter.ToSingle(this.Buffer, Message.HeaderSize + bufferlocation + 4));
So this was a hard problem to solve. As far as I know, I was just receiving random bytes so I changed up my "Message" quite a bit. there is now a header buffer and a data buffer. The entire message is encapsulated with a beginning marker and an ending marker while the header and data buffers are each encapsulated by different markers. this has allowed me to tell when I have received bad data and can discard the message. If the message does get discarded, on the next message read, instead of just checking if the first 4 bytes received is the opening marker, it will read byte by byte until the last 4 bytes read are equal to the marker.

Asynchronous HttpListener has each request is received twice

I have implemented an asynchronous http listener in c#.
I followed the tutorial provided here by Microsoft
and found another tutorial which i stupidly not bookmarked and now can't find again. Meaning that I have some code that I would not have written that way myself but the explanations provided made sense so I followed that.
Now I am facing two problems:
First, I have to restart the listener after each request with Listener.Stop() and then call the StartListening method and again and second, when I do this, I receive each request twice.
The request does net get sent twice, but I receive it twice.
It does not however get received twice when I pause the Thread I am listening on for about 2 seconds.
I am sorry if I am quite vague in my explanations, but so is my understanding of my problem, I have no idea what is causing it.
Since the callback method is where most of the stuff happens, I will just post it, please tell me if you need any more code.
Any help will be gladly appreciated, since I am really stuck on this one.
public void ListenAsynchronously()
if (listener.Prefixes.Count == 0) foreach (string s in prefixes) listener.Prefixes.Add(s);
catch (Exception e)
System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(Listen));
private void Listen(object state)
while (listener.IsListening)
listener.BeginGetContext(new AsyncCallback(ListenerCallback), listener);
private void ListenerCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
HttpListener httplistener = ar.AsyncState as System.Net.HttpListener;
System.Net.HttpListenerContext context = null;
int requestNumber = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref requestCounter);
if (httplistener == null) return;
context = httplistener.EndGetContext(ar);
catch(Exception ex)
if (context == null) return;
System.Net.HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request;
if (request.HasEntityBody)
using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(request.InputStream, request.ContentEncoding))
string requestData = sr.ReadToEnd();
//Stuff I do with the request happens here
using (System.Net.HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response)
//response stuff happens here
byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString);
response.ContentLength64 = buffer.LongLength;
response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
//If I dont set the thread to sleep here, I receive the double requests
catch (Exception e)
I am not sure why you are calling StopListening() and ListenAsynchronously() in your ListenerCallback() method. The Listen() method is being run in a thread and will continue to get each next incoming request. If I was writing this, I would not be using a instance variable of HttpListener. Create a new one in your ListenAsynchronously method and pass it in your state object, for example,
public class HttpListenerCallbackState
private readonly HttpListener _listener;
private readonly AutoResetEvent _listenForNextRequest;
public HttpListenerCallbackState(HttpListener listener)
if (listener == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("listener");
_listener = listener;
_listenForNextRequest = new AutoResetEvent(false);
public HttpListener Listener { get { return _listener; } }
public AutoResetEvent ListenForNextRequest { get { return _listenForNextRequest; } }
public class HttpRequestHandler
private int requestCounter = 0;
private ManualResetEvent stopEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public void ListenAsynchronously(IEnumerable<string> prefixes)
HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
foreach (string s in prefixes)
HttpListenerCallbackState state = new HttpListenerCallbackState(listener);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Listen, state);
public void StopListening()
private void Listen(object state)
HttpListenerCallbackState callbackState = (HttpListenerCallbackState)state;
while (callbackState.Listener.IsListening)
callbackState.Listener.BeginGetContext(new AsyncCallback(ListenerCallback), callbackState);
int n = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { callbackState.ListenForNextRequest, stopEvent});
if (n == 1)
// stopEvent was signalled
private void ListenerCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
HttpListenerCallbackState callbackState = (HttpListenerCallbackState)ar.AsyncState;
HttpListenerContext context = null;
int requestNumber = Interlocked.Increment(ref requestCounter);
context = callbackState.Listener.EndGetContext(ar);
catch (Exception ex)
if (context == null) return;
HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request;
if (request.HasEntityBody)
using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(request.InputStream, request.ContentEncoding))
string requestData = sr.ReadToEnd();
//Stuff I do with the request happens here
using (HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response)
//response stuff happens here
string responseString = "Ok";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString);
response.ContentLength64 = buffer.LongLength;
response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch (Exception e)

Asynchronous socket, forced disconnection and reuse

Im writing an application which is going to act as a tcp listener for a single client. The client is a java applet and will periodically connect to the listener, send some data and then wait for a response.
The code for the TcpServer class below has been largely lifted from an example provided by a more knowledgeable stackoverflow member in response to a different question.
Everything was going great until I found something in testing which wasnt mentioned in any of the interface documents I have. After the server has responded to the client it must then disconnect the client and start listening again.
My first thought was to call Disconnect() from inside SendData() but this results in a call to ReceiveCompleted() from somewhere and a nasty exception about the socket already being disposed.
Is this requirement easily achievable with the code design I have, and will I run into any problems in reusing the socket for subsequent connections?
sealed class TcpServer : IDisposable
#region Fields
private const int SocketBufferSize = 1024;
private readonly TcpListener tcpListener;
private Socket connectedSocket;
private bool disposed = false;
#endregion Fields
#region Constructors
public TcpServer(int port)
tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
tcpListener.BeginAcceptSocket(EndAcceptSocket, tcpListener);
#endregion Constructors
#region Events
public event EventHandler<DataReceivedEventArgs> DataReceived;
public event EventHandler<IPEndPointEventArgs> SocketConnected;
public event EventHandler<IPEndPointEventArgs> SocketDisconnected;
#endregion Events
#region Methods
public void Dispose()
public void SendData(byte[] data)
if (connectedSocket == null)
private void BeginReceiveAsync(Socket sock, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (!sock.ReceiveAsync(e))
ReceiveCompleted(sock, e);
private void Connected(Socket socket)
var endPoint = (IPEndPoint)socket.RemoteEndPoint;
connectedSocket = socket;
private void Disconnect(Socket socket)
var endPoint = (IPEndPoint)socket.RemoteEndPoint;
connectedSocket = null;
tcpListener.BeginAcceptSocket(EndAcceptSocket, tcpListener);
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (this.disposed == false)
if (disposing)
if (tcpListener != null)
this.disposed = true;
catch (Exception ex)
TraceLog.Error("TcpServer: tcpListener.Stop(): {0}", ex.Message);
if (connectedSocket != null)
connectedSocket = null;
catch (SocketException ex)
TraceLog.Error("TcpServer: connectedSocket.Close(): {0}", ex);
this.disposed = true;
private void EndAcceptSocket(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
var listener = (TcpListener)asyncResult.AsyncState;
if (disposed)
Socket sock = listener.EndAcceptSocket(asyncResult);
var e = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
e.Completed += ReceiveCompleted;
e.SetBuffer(new byte[SocketBufferSize], 0, SocketBufferSize);
BeginReceiveAsync(sock, e);
catch (SocketException ex)
TraceLog.Error("TcpServer.EndAcceptSocket: {0}", ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
TraceLog.Error("TcpServer.EndAcceptSocket: {0}", ex.Message);
private void OnDataReceived(byte[] data, IPEndPoint ipEndPoint)
if (DataReceived != null)
DataReceived(this, new DataReceivedEventArgs(data, ipEndPoint));
private void OnSocketConnected(IPEndPoint ipEndPoint)
if (SocketConnected != null)
SocketConnected(this, new IPEndPointEventArgs(ipEndPoint));
private void OnSocketDisconnected(IPEndPoint ipEndPoint)
if (SocketDisconnected != null)
SocketDisconnected(this, new IPEndPointEventArgs(ipEndPoint));
private void ReceiveCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
var sock = (Socket)sender;
if (!sock.Connected)
int size = e.BytesTransferred;
if (size == 0)
var buf = new byte[size];
Array.Copy(e.Buffer, buf, size);
ReceiveData(buf, (IPEndPoint)sock.RemoteEndPoint);
BeginReceiveAsync(sock, e);
catch (SocketException ex)
TraceLog.Error("TcpServer: ReceiveCompleted: {0}", ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
TraceLog.Error("TcpServer: ReceiveCompleted: {0}", ex.Message);
private void ReceiveData(byte[] data, IPEndPoint endPoint)
OnDataReceived(data, endPoint);
#endregion Methods
Whenever I'm writing code that wraps around System.Net.Sockets.Socket, I find myself constantly adding try/catch clauses for SocketException and ObjectDisposedException. In most cases, ObjectDisposedException can simply be ignored, as it, in 99% of cases, indicates that the client has simply disconnected.
At least that's my impression of how the Socket API in .NET works. Try adding some exception handlers here and there, and see how it goes. In any case, your Disconnect method should not do more than something like this:
public void Disconnect()
catch (Exception)
// Ignore the exception. The client probably already disconnected.
connectedSocket.Dispose(); // This is safe; a double dispose will simply be ignored.
I hope that sheds some light on the issue...

