I have a dynamic selector expression that produces anonymous type. It's working fine in linq to objects, but in linq to entities, it throws:
Attempt 1
Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities.
Expression<Func<User, T>> DynamicSelect<T>(T obj, ParameterExpression userParam)
var newExpression = Expression.New(
return Expression.Lambda<Func<User, T>>(newExpression, userParam);
var userParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(User), "u");
var obj = new { User = new User(), Address = string.Empty, Fax = string.Empty };
var arr = context.Set<T>()
.Select(DynamicSelect(obj, userParam))
Attempt 2, If I create a custom type, it's working, but I don't want to, because I want to reuse this helper method without creating additional custom type for each entity, I want to be able to pass the type based on consumer.
public class Container
public User User { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Fax { get; set; }
Expression<Func<User, T>> DynamicSelect<T>(T obj, ParameterExpression userParam)
var initExpression = Expression.MemberInit(
Expression.Bind(typeof(T).GetProperty("User"), userParam),
Expression.Bind(typeof(T).GetProperty("Address"), Expression.Constant("X")),
Expression.Bind(typeof(T).GetProperty("Fax"), Expression.Constant("Y"))
return Expression.Lambda<Func<User, T>>(initExpression, userParam);
var userParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(User), "u");
var arr = context.Set<T>()
.Select(DynamicSelect<Container>(null, userParam))
Attempt 3, I also tried using Tuple<User, string, string>, but it's not supported too.
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method
Create[User,String,String](User, System.String, System.String)'
method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Expression<Func<User, T>> DynamicSelect<T>(T obj, ParameterExpression userParam)
var createExpression = Expression.Call(
return Expression.Lambda<Func<User, T>>(createExpression, userParam);
var userParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(User), "u");
var arr = context.Set<User>()
.Select(DynamicSelect<Tuple<User, string, string>>(null, userParam))
Please help.
I was trying to reuse this helper method in any consumer (User, Customer, Associate, etc) without having specific implementation to each consumer.
The class structure look like.
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
public class Contact
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public class UserDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public ContactDto Contact { get; set; }
public class CustomerDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public ContactDto Contact { get; set; }
public class ContactDto
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Fax { get; set; }
// other contact informations
And I have many contacts that could be different for each consumer.
var users = context.Set<User>()
.Select(x => new UserDto
Id = x.Id,
UserName = x.UserName,
Contact = new ContactDto
Email = x.Contacts.Where(c => c.Type == "Email").Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault()
var customers = context.Set<Customer>()
.Select(x => new CustomerDto
Id = x.Id,
CompanyName = x.CompanyName,
Contact = new ContactDto
Address = x.Contacts.Where(c => c.Type == "Address").Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Fax = x.Contacts.Where(c => c.Type == "Fax").Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
And have refactored the x.Contacts.Where(c => c.Type == "Address").Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault() into expression, but I can't use it directly inside the method like:
var users = context.Set<User>()
.Select(x => new UserDto
Id = x.Id,
UserName = x.UserName,
Contact = new ContactDto
Email = GetContactExpression("Email").Compile()(x)
It will throw error because Invoke method is not supported in linq to expression, so that I need to refactored the whole Select expression, but I need to make it generic (User has UserName, but Customer has CompanyName, and any other information) and probably passing the contact type(s) too after this get solved. The expected result at the moment would be something lile:
var obj = new { User = new User(), Email = "" };
var users = context.Set<User>()
.Select(x => DynamicSelect(obj))
.Select(x => new UserDto
Id = x.User.Id,
UserName = x.User.UserName,
Contact = new ContactDto
Email = x.Email
When I compare your expression with the one created by the compiler for something like u => new { User = u, Address = "X", Fax = "Y" }, the difference is that the latter has filled Members.
I don't quite understand what is the reason for Members to exist at all, but I would try to set it, my guess is that it will fix your problem. The code might look something like:
var constructor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(typeof(T).GenericTypeArguments);
var newExpression = Expression.New(
new Expression[] { userParam, Expression.Constant("X"), Expression.Constant("Y") },
constructor.GetParameters().Select(p => typeof(T).GetProperty(p.Name)));
I'm trying to build a sub-query by using expression-trees. In linq I would write something like:
var single = MyTable
.Select(c => new
Childs = Enumerable.Select(
MyTable.VisibleChilds.Invoke(c, dbContext),
cc => Convert(cfg.ChildsConfig).Invoke(dbContext, cc))
where the Convert is building an expression like
p => new MyTableSelect {
Id = p.Id,
Name = p.Name
depending on the given values from the config (to only read needed data from database).
but I'm struggeling with the second parameter to be passed to the Select call as I need cc to be passed to the Convert-call.
I guess I need something like Expression.Lambda<Func<>> but I don't see it.
Expression.Lambda>(Expression.Invoke(Instance.Convert(cfg.ChildOrganizersFilterConfig), ContextParameter, theEntity));
I am not familiar with your use of Invoke but if you just want to run a 'Converter' in a fluent syntax for use in a Linq Expression I could show you an example of that. Say I have three POCO classes, one parent container, a child container, and a container I want to convert to.
public class POC
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public POC(int id, string name)
Id = id;
Name = name;
public class ChildPOC
public int ParentId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public ChildPOC(int parentId, string firstName, string lastName)
ParentId = parentId;
FirstName = firstName;
LastName = lastName;
public class ChildPOCAlter
public int ParentId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public ChildPOCAlter(string first, string last, int parentId)
ParentId = parentId;
Name = $"{first} {last}";
I could write a converter method to take ChildPOC to ChildPOCAlter like so:
public static Converter<ChildPOC, ChildPOCAlter> ChildPOCOAlter()
return new Converter<ChildPOC, ChildPOCAlter>((x) => { return new ChildPOCAlter(x.FirstName, x.LastName, x.ParentId); });
I could then populate some data:
var someParents = new List<POC> { new POC(1, "A"), new POC(2, "B") };
var somechildren = new List<ChildPOC> { new ChildPOC(1, "Brett", "x"), new ChildPOC(1, "Emily", "X"), new ChildPOC(2, "John", "Y") };
And then I may want to take these relationships and apply a converter directly on it:
var relationships = someParents.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Children = somechildren.Where(y => y.ParentId == x.Id).ToList().ConvertAll(ChildPOCOAlter())
How can I achieve the projection on the last select? I need the property defined by the string prop.Name to be selected into the SeriesProjection object.
public override IQueryable<SeriesProjection> FilterOn(string column)
//Get metadata class property by defined Attributes and parameter column
var prop = typeof(CommunicationMetaData)
.Single(p => p.GetCustomAttribute<FilterableAttribute>().ReferenceProperty == column);
var attr = ((FilterableAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(FilterableAttribute)));
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Communication));
Expression conversion = Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(param, attr.ReferenceProperty), typeof(int));
var condition = Expression.Lambda<Func<Communication, int>>(conversion, param); // for LINQ to SQl/Entities skip Compile() call
var result = DbQuery.Include(prop.Name)
//.GroupBy(c => c.GetType().GetProperty(attr.ReferenceProperty))
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
.Select(group => new SeriesProjection()
Count = group.Count(),
Id = group.Key,
//set this navigation property dynamically
Name = group.FirstOrDefault().GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name)
return result;
For the GroupBy I used the fk property name that's always an int on the Communication entity, but for the select I can't figure out the expression.
System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery<Communication> DbQuery;
public partial class Communication
public int CommunicationId { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> TopicId { get; set; }
public int CreateById { get; set; }
public virtual Employee CreateByEmployee { get; set; }
public virtual Topic Topic { get; set; }
public class CommunicationMetaData
[Filterable("By Employee", nameof(Communication.CreateById))]
public Employee CreateByEmployee { get; set; }
[Filterable("By Topic", nameof(Communication.TopicId))]
public Topic Topic { get; set; }
public class FilterableAttribute : System.Attribute
public FilterableAttribute(string friendlyName, string referenceProperty)
FriendlyName = friendlyName;
ReferenceProperty = referenceProperty;
public string FriendlyName { get; set; }
public string ReferenceProperty { get; set; }
public class SeriesProjection
public int Count { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public object Name { get; set; }
Without some expression helper library, you have to build the whole selector expression manually.
The input of the selector will be a parameter of type IGrouping<int, Communication>, the result type - SeriesProjection, and the body will be MemberInit expression:
var projectionParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IGrouping<int, Communication>), "group");
var projectionType = typeof(SeriesProjection);
var projectionBody = Expression.MemberInit(
// new SeriesProjection
// {
// Count = group.Count(),
Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "Count", new[] { typeof(Communication) }, projectionParameter)),
// Id = group.Key
Expression.Property(projectionParameter, "Key")),
// Name = group.FirstOrDefault().Property
Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "FirstOrDefault", new[] { typeof(Communication) }, projectionParameter),
// }
var projectionSelector = Expression.Lambda<Func<IGrouping<int, Communication>, SeriesProjection>>(projectionBody, projectionParameter);
and then of course use simply:
var result = DbQuery.Include(prop.Name)
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
Does anyone have any idea how I call a lambda expression from within a lambda expression?
If I have:
public class CourseViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public static Expression<Func<Course, CourseViewModel>> AsViewModel = x =>
new CourseViewModel
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
public class StudentViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name{ get; set; }
public string PreferredCheese { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<CourseViewModel> Courses { get; set; }
public static Expression<Func<Student, StudentViewModel>> AsViewModel = x =>
new StudentViewModel
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
PreferredCheese = x.PreferredCheese,
Courses = ???I'd like to call the CourseViewModel.AsViewModel here
In the code above rather than writing the AsViewModel expression within the StudentViewModel as:
Courses = new CourseViewModel
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
I'd like to call CourseViewModel.AsViewModel to allow code re-use and to keep the code converting a Course to a CourseViewModel in the CourseViewModel class. Is this possible?
You can just use x.Courses.Select(c => CourseViewModel.AsViewModel(c)) So your whole expression would be:
public static Expression<Func<Student, StudentViewModel>> AsViewModel = x =>
new StudentViewModel
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
PreferredCheese = x.PreferredCheese,
Courses = x.Courses.Select(c => CourseViewModel.AsViewModel(c))
If you want to preserve CourseViewModel.AsViewModel as a nested expression (which you probably do if you're using a LINQ query provider), this gets tricky; you effectively have to build up the AsViewModel expression in StudentViewModel by yourself:
using E = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression; // for brevity
// ...
static StudentViewModel()
var s = E.Parameter(typeof(Student), "s");
// Quick hack to resolve the generic `Enumerable.Select()` extension method
// with the correct type arguments.
var selectMethod = (Expression<Func<Student, IEnumerable<CourseViewModel>>>)
(_ => _.Courses.Select(c => default(CourseViewModel)));
var lambda = E.Lambda<Func<Student, StudentViewModel>>(
E.Property(s, "Id")),
E.Property(s, "Name")),
E.Property(s, "PreferredCheese")), // LOL?
E.Property(s, "Courses"),
AsViewModel = lambda;
The resulting expression tree is equivalent to:
s => new StudentViewModel {
Id = s.Id,
Name = s.Name,
PreferredCheese = s.PreferredCheese,
Courses = s.Courses.Select(x => new CourseViewModel { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name })
I have a query like this :
List<PresentClass.userpresentation> q =
i => i.permission == permission)
.Select(arg => new PresentClass.userpresentation {
email = arg.email, pass = arg.password,
name = arg.name+" "+arg.family })).ToList();
After adding an orderby :
List<PresentClass.userpresentation> q =
i => i.permission == permission)
.Select(arg => new PresentClass.userpresentation {
email = arg.email, pass = arg.password,
name = arg.name+" "+arg.family })).OrderBy(i=>i.family).ToList();
I got this error :
The member
has no supported translation to SQL.
My class:
public class userpresentation
public string username { set; get; }
public string email { set; get; }
public string family { set; get; }
public string name { set; get; }
public string pass{ set; get; }
It looks like it's trying to translate the OrderBy() into a SQL statement on your projection.
Try adding the OrderBy() before Select() if you want the database to do the ordering, or after the ToList() if you want to do the ordering once the collection has been loaded.
var q = (dbconnect.tblUsers.Where(i => i.permission == permission)
.Select(arg => new PresentClass.userpresentation {
email = arg.email,
pass = arg.password,
name = arg.name+" "+arg.family
I hope it's more clear what I want to do from the code than the title. Basically I am grouping by 2 fields and want to reduce the results into a collection all the ProductKey's constructed in the Map phase.
public class BlockResult
public Client.Names ClientName;
public string Block;
public IEnumerable<ProductKey> ProductKeys;
public Block()
Map = products =>
from product in products
where product.Details.Block != null
select new
ProductKeys = new List<ProductKey>(new ProductKey[]{
new ProductKey{
Id = product.Id,
Url = product.Url
Reduce = results =>
from result in results
group result by new {result.ClientName, result.Block} into g
select new BlockResult
ClientName = g.Key.ClientName,
Block = g.Key.Block,
ProductKeys = g.SelectMany(x=> x.ProductKeys)
I get some weird System.InvalidOperationException and a source code dump where basically it is trying to initialize the list with an int (?).
If I try replacing the ProductKey with just IEnumerable ProductIds (and make appropriate changes in the code). Then the code runs but I don't get any results in the reduce.
You probably don't want to do this. Are you really going to need to query in this manner? If you know the context, then you should probably just do this:
var q = session.Query<Product>()
.Where(x => x.ClientName == "Joe" && x.Details.Block == "A");
But, to answer your original question, the following index will work:
public class Products_GroupedByClientNameAndBlock : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, Products_GroupedByClientNameAndBlock.Result>
public class Result
public string ClientName { get; set; }
public string Block { get; set; }
public IList<ProductKey> ProductKeys { get; set; }
public class ProductKey
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public Products_GroupedByClientNameAndBlock()
Map = products =>
from product in products
where product.Details.Block != null
select new {
ProductKeys = new[] { new { product.Id, product.Url } }
Reduce = results =>
from result in results
group result by new { result.ClientName, result.Block }
into g
select new {
ProductKeys = g.SelectMany(x => x.ProductKeys)
When replicating I get the same InvalidOperationException, stating that it doesn't understand the index definition (stack trace omitted for brevity).
Url: "/indexes/Keys/ByNameAndBlock"
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not understand query:
I'm still not entirely sure what you're attempting here, so this may not be quite what you're after, but I managed to get the following working. In short, Map/Reduce deals in anonymous objects, so strongly typing to your custom types makes no sense to Raven.
public class Keys_ByNameAndBlock : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, BlockResult>
public Keys_ByNameAndBlock()
Map = products =>
from product in products
where product.Block != null
select new
ProductIds = product.ProductKeys.Select(x => x.Id)
Reduce = results =>
from result in results
group result by new {result.Name, result.Block}
into g
select new
ProductIds = g.SelectMany(x => x.ProductIds)
public class Product
public Product()
ProductKeys = new List<ProductKey>();
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Block { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ProductKey> ProductKeys { get; set; }
public class ProductKey
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public class BlockResult
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Block { get; set; }
public int[] ProductIds { get; set; }