Place GPS coordinates on a map image without external API - c#

I'm currently working on a "trip tracker". The goal is to place some GPS coordinates (logged by a GPS device) on a static image map downloaded from MapQuest (or OpenStreetMap).
In order to achieve this goal, I followed to follwing procedure:
Find my GPS coordinates set's center ((maxLat-minLat)/2, (maxLon-minLon)/2)
Download a 3840x3840 map (fixed zoom 15 for now) centered on my "coordinates set's center" from MapQuest
Using mercator projection (I tries both spherical & eliptical with EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857), get the (X,Y) of the center in meters
For each point of my set
Get the point's (X,Y) using mercator projection
Substract the point(X,Y) to center(X,y)
Convert meters to pixel according to Zoom level and map (tile?) width (I tried both tile width (256) and map width (3840)
Unfortunatly, in one week of research & tries, I didn't succeed in placing those point.
Does anybody have a complete solution for this kind of problems ?
Thank you
Edit #1
(Removed: inconsistent)
Edit #2
Here is a clean project sample
The path is rotate of 90° (tricked #MainWindow.xaml.cs:L130)
The path is flattened
Edit #3
Added multiple formulas
GeographicCoordinates > ToMercator() modification
public System.Windows.Point ToMercator(int test = 0)
System.Windows.Point mercator;
double x = this.Longitude.ToMercator(test);
double y = this.Latitude.ToMercator(test);
mercator = new System.Windows.Point(x, y);
return mercator;
GeographicCoordinate > ToMercator() modification
public double ToMercator(int test = 0)
double result = 0;
switch (this.Type)
switch (test) {
case 0:
return this.DecimalDegrees.ToRadians() * Maps.EarthGreatRadius;
case 1:
return this.DecimalDegrees * 0.017453292519943 * 6378137;
case 2:
return this.DecimalDegrees * 20037508.34 / 180;
switch (test)
case 0:
double latitude = this.DecimalDegrees;
if (latitude > 89.5)
latitude = 89.5;
if (latitude < -89.5)
latitude = -89.5;
double temp = Maps.EarthGreatRadius / Maps.EarthGreatRadius;
double es = 1.0 - (temp * temp);
double eccent = Math.Sqrt(es);
double phi = latitude.ToRadians();
double sinphi = Math.Sin(phi);
double con = eccent * sinphi;
double com = 0.5 * eccent;
con = Math.Pow((1.0 - con) / (1.0 + con), com);
double ts = Math.Tan(0.5 * ((Math.PI * 0.5) - phi)) / con;
double y = 0 - Maps.EarthGreatRadius * Math.Log(ts);
return y;
case 1:
double FSin = Math.Sin(this.DecimalDegrees.ToRadians());
return 6378137 / 2.0 * Math.Log((1.0 + FSin) / (1.0 - FSin));
case 2:
y = Math.Log(Math.Tan((90 + this.DecimalDegrees) * Math.PI / 360)) / (Math.PI / 180);
return y * 20037508.34 / 180;
throw new Exception();
return result;
Edit #4
I've tried multiples formulas & Proj.Net library, I always end up with the same shape (-90° && "flatened")

The map coordinates need also translate to mercator. You need delta x and delta y of the map and the image properties:Convert lat/lon to pixel coordinate?.

I've used this in the past to build information on a map on a Windows Form client:

Here is the answer
GeographicCoordinates > ToMercator()
public System.Windows.Point ToMercator(int test = 0)
System.Windows.Point mercator;
double x = this.Longitude.ToMercator(test);
double y = this.Latitude.ToMercator(test);
mercator = new System.Windows.Point(x, y);
return mercator;
Should be
public System.Windows.Point ToMercator(int test = 0)
System.Windows.Point mercator;
double x = this.Latitude.ToMercator(test);
double y = this.Longitude.ToMercator(test);
mercator = new System.Windows.Point(x, y);
return mercator;
GeographicCoordinate > ToMercator()
should swap GeographicCoordinateType.Latitude/Longitude cases.
I also had to fix Y according to the hemisphere
& the job was done.


Emgu crop image, crop wrong area

I'm practice with emgu libraries, trying to crop and image to later apply another filtesre or search, the problem is I select a rectangle with the mouse, in the ImageBox(Emgu component) I selected zoom in the SizeMode property, and load the crop picture in another imagebox but the result is always a bit up of the area I selected.
I check the calculation with GIMP and I can see that the rectangle is ok, so I dont know what can be the problem
Point f1=scaleCalculation(firstPoint, pIma.Size, imOri.Size);
Point f2= scaleCalculation(secondPoint, pIma.Size, imOri.Size);
imGray.ROI = new Rectangle(Math.Min(f1.X, f2.X), Math.Min(f1.Y, f2.Y)
, Math.Abs(f1.X - f2.X), Math.Abs(f1.Y-f2.Y));
imOri.ROI = imGray.ROI;
pRec.Image = imOri.Copy();
imOri.ROI = new Rectangle();
And here is the function
private Point scaleCalculation(Point real, Size pBox, Size imCalc) {
double scale, spare;
try {
if (imCalc.Height > imCalc.Width){
scale = (double) imCalc.Height/ pBox.Height ;
spare = pBox.Width-((imCalc.Width / scale));
var x = ((real.X * scale) -(spare/4));
x = (x < 0) ? 0 : x;
return new Point((int) x, (int)(real.Y * scale));
else {
scale = (double) imCalc.Width/ pBox.Width ;
spare = pBox.Height - ((imCalc.Height / scale));
var y = ((real.Y * scale) - (spare /4));
y = (y < 0) ? 0 : y;
return new Point((int)(real.X * scale), (int) y);
catch (Exception ex) {
return new Point();
After look for a while I see that the problem it was in the scalecalculation function.
private Point scaleCalculation(Point real, Size pBox, Size imCalc) {
double scale, spare;
try {
if (imCalc.Height > imCalc.Width){
scale = (double)imCalc.Height / pBox.Height;
spare = (pBox.Width - (imCalc.Width / scale)) / 2;
var x = (real.X - spare);
x = (x < 0) ? 0 : x;
return new Point((int)(x * scale), (int)(real.Y * scale));
else {
scale = (double)imCalc.Width / pBox.Width;
spare = (pBox.Height - (imCalc.Height/scale))/2;
var y = (real.Y - spare);
y = (y < 0) ? 0 : y;
return new Point((int)(real.X * scale),(int) (y *scale));
catch (Exception ex) {
return new Point();
I going to try to explain it here with the help of the picture.
(Xr,Yr): Coordinate that we want to know.
(Xm,Ym): Coordinate of the mouse.
(Wi,Hi): Size of the picture.
(Wp,Hp): Size of the ImageBox.
S: Space form the edge of the Imagebox to the picture.
Xr = (Xm * scale)
S = [Hp -(Hi/scale)]/2
Yr = (Ym-S)
(This explanation is when width is bigger than height)
The first I do is calculate the scale using width or height depend which is the bigger.
To calculate S (spare) the height of the Image have to scale to the height of the Imagebox, substract it from the Imagebox height and divide for 2 the result to have the value of only one size.
From Ym (Real.Y) is substract the spare to calculate the y. and check if the result is negative.
Finally the result is Xm and y multiply for scale respectively

Get offset for calculating all GPS coordinates in an x meter radius from starting GPS coordinate

I am building a map-based xamarin app. I have a list of coordinates I save in a database. I want to query all of the coordinates that fall within x meters from a given starting coordinate. I just wanted to know how I can get the offset I need for the latitude and the longitude to formulate my query. I know how to get the distance between to coordinates but most of the other searches I got returned the same formula. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much!
I've checked out the following posts which were suggested as I made this post:
how to check radius of 10 meter from x,y position - from GPS
Calculating gps coordinate radius
To specify the requirements further
I want to be able to end up with 2 ranges of numbers that I can use for a query like this
I want to avoid querying all the coordinates in the db and checking the distance of all of them to see if they are within the radius.
A new suggestion popped up in stackoverflow that seems promising here
If you guys have a better/more accurate answer I'm open to them. Thanks!
To anyone who might come across this, the answer I was looking for came from here
The answer gave this formula for computing how many KM/degree in latitude and longitude
Latitude = 10000/90 kilometers
Longitude = 10000/90 km * cos(latitude)
and I ended up with this code where iLat and iLng are the center coordinates
//This is in meters
double iDistanceDegreeConverter = 10000.0 / 90.0 * 1000;
double iLatOffset = iRadius / iDistanceDegreeConverter;
double iLngOffset = iRadius / (Math.Cos(iLat) * iDistanceDegreeConverter);
double iMaxLat = Math.Abs(iLat) + iLatOffset;
double iMinLat = Math.Abs(iLat) - iLatOffset;
double iMaxLng = Math.Abs(iLng) + iLngOffset;
double iMinLng = Math.Abs(iLng) - iLngOffset;
if (iLat < 0)
iMaxLat *= -1;
iMinLat *= -1;
if (iLng < 0)
iMaxLng *= -1;
iMinLng *= -1;
if (iMaxLat > 90)
double iOverflow = iMaxLat - 90;
iMaxLat = 90 - iOverflow;
if (iMinLat < -90)
double iOverflow = -90 + iMinLat;
iMinLat = -90 + iOverflow;
if (iMaxLng > 180)
double iOverflow = iMaxLng - 180;
iMaxLng = 180 - iOverflow;
if (iMinLng < -180)
double iOverflow = -180 + iMinLng;
iMinLng = -180 + iOverflow;

How do I find 10 elements by longitude and latitude in 1 km radius using LINQ?

In my case on picture firstPoint0 - as example my first point and center of the circle, relative this point confine screenings by radius 1 km. I need to show just all points in my radius, others points thisPoint not show by linq query.
var flats = context.Flats;
var first = flats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Lattitude && x.Longitude);
var getAllInRadius = flats.Where(? take points where distance <= 1 km)
Just use the Haversine formula that returns the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere:
// Returns the great circle distance between two flats, as meters
public static double DistanceBetweenFlats(Flat flat1, Flat flat2)
const int EarthRadius = 6371;
double latitude = ToRadian(flat2.Latitude - flat1.Latitude);
double longitude = ToRadian(flat2.Longitude - flat1.Longitude);
double tmp = (Math.Sin(latitude / 2) * Math.Sin(latitude / 2)) +
(Math.Cos(ToRadian(flat1.Latitude)) * Math.Cos(ToRadian(flat2.Latitude)) *
Math.Sin(longitude / 2) * Math.Sin(longitude / 2));
double c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Min(1, Math.Sqrt(tmp)));
double d = EarthRadius * c;
return d * 1000;
var centerFlat = ...;
var getAllInRadius = flats.Where(z => DistanceBetweenFlats(centerFlat, z) <= 1000);
Of course all of this assumes you're using LINQ in memory (not LINQ to Entities). If it's not the case, you'll have to use spatial queries.

Lambert 72 conversion to Lat/Lon pair

I'm trying to merge two databases for consolidating two clients' websites. However, Client A has been using regular Lat/Lon pairs for geolocation, while Client B is using Lambert 72 (X/Y) coordinates.
I've built a script that should convert these coordinates (as I'm not sure which coordinates will be used in the final merged database, I'm trying converting them either way).
I took some snippets from here:
Please note that all coordinates mentioned below point to locations in Belgium.
I'm converting some coordinates to see if the calculations are correct, but the coordinates I'm getting seem to be way off. For reference, the center of Belgium is roughly (North 50.84323737103243, East 4.355735778808594), so I'd expect all coordinates to be close to these values.
I converted the Lambert 72 value (X: 151488250, Y: 170492909) to a Lat/Lon pair, but the result is: (-87.538.... , -50.724....) which is way off from the expected values.
If I convert full circle (Lambert->LatLon->Lambert and vice versa), I get the same result values as I entered, so I know my conversions are at least consistent and the conversions are perfect inversions of one another.
I tried some online converter tools as well, and they give me the same (-87.538.... , -50.724....) result.
Since multiple sources yield the same results, and my conversions are correct inversions of eachother, I'm figuring the calculations themselves are correct, but the resulting values still need to be converted/offset further?
I consider myself to be sufficient in algebra, but cartographic projections completely elude me.
Can someone please shed some light on this?
Extra Info
I hope I posted this in the correct forum. I'm not really sure where to put this as this is a mix of geography, mathematics and coding/conversion...
The mentioned Lambert coordinates (X: 151488250, Y: 170492909) point to a location in Brussels, so the Lat/Lon result should be very near to (North 50.84323737103243, East 4.355735778808594).
Please find my conversion functions below:
public static Lambert72 LatLon_To_Lambert72(LatLon latlon)
var lat = latlon.Lat;
var lng = latlon.Lon;
double LongRef = 0.076042943;
double bLamb = 6378388 * (1 - (1 / 297));
double aCarre = Math.Pow(6378388, 2);
double eCarre = (aCarre - Math.Pow(bLamb, 2)) / aCarre;
double KLamb = 11565915.812935;
double nLamb = 0.7716421928;
double eLamb = Math.Sqrt(eCarre);
double eSur2 = eLamb / 2;
//conversion to radians
lat = (Math.PI / 180) * lat;
lng = (Math.PI / 180) * lng;
double eSinLatitude = eLamb * Math.Sin(lat);
double TanZDemi = (Math.Tan((Math.PI / 4) - (lat / 2))) * (Math.Pow(((1 + (eSinLatitude)) / (1 - (eSinLatitude))), (eSur2)));
double RLamb = KLamb * (Math.Pow((TanZDemi), nLamb));
double Teta = nLamb * (lng - LongRef);
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
x = 150000 + 0.01256 + RLamb * Math.Sin(Teta - 0.000142043);
y = 5400000 + 88.4378 - RLamb * Math.Cos(Teta - 0.000142043);
return new Lambert72(x, y);
public static LatLon Lambert72_To_LatLon(Lambert72 lb72)
double X = lb72.X;
double Y = lb72.Y;
double LongRef = 0.076042943;
double nLamb = 0.7716421928;
double aCarre = Math.Pow(6378388, 2);
double bLamb = 6378388 * (1 - (1 / 297));
double eCarre = (aCarre - Math.Pow(bLamb, 2)) / aCarre;
double KLamb = 11565915.812935;
double eLamb = Math.Sqrt(eCarre);
double eSur2 = eLamb / 2;
double Tan1 = (X - 150000.01256) / (5400088.4378 - Y);
double Lambda = LongRef + (1 / nLamb) * (0.000142043 + Math.Atan(Tan1));
double RLamb = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((X - 150000.01256), 2) + Math.Pow((5400088.4378 - Y), 2));
double TanZDemi = Math.Pow((RLamb / KLamb), (1 / nLamb));
double Lati1 = 2 * Math.Atan(TanZDemi);
double eSin = 0;
double Mult1 = 0;
double Mult2 = 0;
double Mult = 0;
double LatiN = 0;
double Diff = 0;
double lat = 0;
double lng = 0;
do {
eSin = eLamb * Math.Sin(Lati1);
Mult1 = 1 - eSin;
Mult2 = 1 + eSin;
Mult = Math.Pow((Mult1 / Mult2), (eLamb / 2));
LatiN = (Math.PI / 2) - (2 * (Math.Atan(TanZDemi * Mult)));
Diff = LatiN - Lati1;
Lati1 = LatiN;
} while (Math.Abs(Diff) > 2.77777E-08);
lat = (LatiN * 180) / Math.PI;
lng = (Lambda * 180) / Math.PI;
return new LatLon(lat, lng);
I am the author of the page you mention in your post.
I don't know if you have resolved your problem but the Lambert coordinates you give are not correct. I think that you have to divide them by 1000. That gives x=151488.250 and y=170492.909 which are possible coordinates and corresponding to a street in... Brussels.
Be careful to the choice of the datum when converting to and from lat/lng values.

Adding distance to a GPS coordinate

I'm trying to generate some points at random distances away from a fixed point using GPS.
How can I add distance in meters to a GPS coordinate?
I've looked at UTM to GPS conversion but is there a simpler method to achieve this?
I'm working on Android platform just in case.
P0(lat0,lon0) : initial position (unit : degrees)
dx,dy : random offsets from your initial position in meters
You can use an approximation to compute the position of the randomized position:
lat = lat0 + (180/pi)*(dy/6378137)
lon = lon0 + (180/pi)*(dx/6378137)/cos(lat0)
This is quite precise as long as the random distance offset is below 10-100 km
Edit: of course in Java Math.cos() expects radians so do use Math.cos(Math.PI/180.0*lat0) if lat0 is in degrees as assumed above.
To take a square I'm using this:
private double[] getBoundingBox(final double pLatitude, final double pLongitude, final int pDistanceInMeters) {
final double[] boundingBox = new double[4];
final double latRadian = Math.toRadians(pLatitude);
final double degLatKm = 110.574235;
final double degLongKm = 110.572833 * Math.cos(latRadian);
final double deltaLat = pDistanceInMeters / 1000.0 / degLatKm;
final double deltaLong = pDistanceInMeters / 1000.0 / degLongKm;
final double minLat = pLatitude - deltaLat;
final double minLong = pLongitude - deltaLong;
final double maxLat = pLatitude + deltaLat;
final double maxLong = pLongitude + deltaLong;
boundingBox[0] = minLat;
boundingBox[1] = minLong;
boundingBox[2] = maxLat;
boundingBox[3] = maxLong;
return boundingBox;
This returns an array with 4 coordinates, with them you can make a square with your original point in center.
A detailed outline is given at
If you, somewhere, need to interconvert longitude/latitude to UTM coordinates (the ones used in GPS) you may want to have a look at
If you want to go east or north or west or south you can use this:
public static double go_mock_loc(double xx_lat,double xx_long,double xx_dinstance,String Direction)
// double xx_lat= 45.815005;
// double xx_long= 15.978501;
// int xx_dinstance=500;
int equator_circumference=6371000;
int polar_circumference=6356800;
double m_per_deg_long = 360 / polar_circumference;
double rad_lat=(xx_lat* (Math.PI) / 180);
double m_per_deg_lat = 360 / ( Math.cos(rad_lat) * equator_circumference);
double deg_diff_long = xx_dinstance * m_per_deg_long;
double deg_diff_lat = xx_dinstance * m_per_deg_lat;
double xx_north_lat = xx_lat + deg_diff_long;
//double xx_north_long= xx_long;
double xx_south_lat = xx_lat - deg_diff_long;
//double xx_south_long= xx_long;
//double xx_east_lat = xx_lat;
double xx_east_long= xx_long + deg_diff_lat;
//double xx_west_lat = xx_lat;
double xx_west_long= xx_long - deg_diff_lat;
if (Direction.toUpperCase().contains("NORTH")) {
return xx_north_lat;
} else if (Direction.toUpperCase().contains("SOUTH"))
return xx_south_lat;
} else if (Direction.toUpperCase().contains("EAST"))
return xx_east_long;
} else if (Direction.toUpperCase().contains("WEST"))
return xx_west_long;
return 0;
I found that solution of #Bogdan Khrystov is very well.
So here is C# version of his solution.
public enum GeoDirection
NORTH = 1, SOUTH = 2, EAST = 3, WEST = 4
public static Tuple<double, double> AddDistanceInMeters(double latitude, double longitude, int distanceInMeters, GeoDirection direction)
var equatorCircumference = 6371000;
var polarCircumference = 6356800;
var mPerDegLong = 360 / (double)polarCircumference;
var radLat = latitude * Math.PI / 180;
var mPerDegLat = 360 / (Math.Cos(radLat) * equatorCircumference);
var degDiffLong = distanceInMeters * mPerDegLong;
var degDiffLat = distanceInMeters * mPerDegLat;
var xxNorthLat = latitude + degDiffLong;
var xxSouthLat = latitude - degDiffLong;
var xxEastLong = longitude + degDiffLat;
var xxWestLong = longitude - degDiffLat;
switch (direction)
case GeoDirection.NORTH:
return new Tuple<double, double>(xxNorthLat, longitude);
case GeoDirection.SOUTH:
return new Tuple<double, double>(xxSouthLat, longitude);
case GeoDirection.EAST:
return new Tuple<double, double>(latitude, xxEastLong);
case GeoDirection.WEST:
return new Tuple<double, double>(latitude, xxWestLong);
return null;
rewrite #Ersin Gülbahar answer in Kotlin:
object LocationUtil {
enum class Direction {
fun addDistanceInMeters(
latitude: Double,
longitude: Double,
distanceInMeters: Int,
direction: Direction
): Pair<Double, Double> {
val equatorCircumference = 6371000
val polarCircumference = 6356800
val mPerDegLong = (360 / polarCircumference.toDouble())
val radLat = latitude * Math.PI / 180
val mPerDegLat = 360 / (Math.cos(radLat) * equatorCircumference)
val degDiffLong = distanceInMeters * mPerDegLong
val degDiffLat = distanceInMeters * mPerDegLat
val xxNorthLat = latitude + degDiffLong
val xxSouthLat = latitude - degDiffLong
val xxEastLong = longitude + degDiffLat
val xxWestLong = longitude - degDiffLat
return when (direction) {
Direction.NORTH -> Pair(xxNorthLat, longitude)
Direction.SOUTH -> Pair(xxSouthLat, longitude)
Direction.EAST -> Pair(latitude, xxEastLong)
Direction.WEST -> Pair(latitude, xxWestLong)
This code splits the line between two coordinates in n segments. Replace the delta calculation by your fixed distance
public void split(Coordinates p1, Coordinates p2, int segments) {
double φ1 = Math.toRadians(p1.getLat());
double λ1 = Math.toRadians(p1.getLon());
double φ2 = Math.toRadians(p2.getLat());
double λ2 = Math.toRadians(p2.getLon());
double xDelta = (φ2 - φ1) / segments;
double yDelta = (λ2 - λ1) / segments;
for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++){
double x = φ1 + i * xDelta;
double y = λ1 + i * yDelta;
double xc = Math.toDegrees(x);
double yc = Math.toDegrees(y);
Combining answers from #Ersin Gülbahar and #Stéphane above, I came up with this solution in Flutter/Dart:
import 'dart:math' as math;
enum Direction { north, south, east, west }
double moveCoordinate(
double latitude, double longitude, double distanceToMoveInMeters, Direction directionToMove) {
const earthEquatorRadius = 6378137;
final latitudeOffset = (180 / math.pi) * (distanceToMoveInMeters / earthEquatorRadius);
final longitudeOffset = (180 / math.pi) *
(distanceToMoveInMeters / earthEquatorRadius) /
math.cos(math.pi / 180 * latitude);
switch (directionToMove) {
case Direction.north:
return latitude + latitudeOffset;
case Direction.south:
return latitude - latitudeOffset;
case Direction.east:
return longitude + longitudeOffset;
case Direction.west:
return longitude - longitudeOffset;
return 0;
This works, tested. The code is C# but you can easily change it to another language
private PointLatLng NewPositionBasedOnDistanceAngle(PointLatLng org, double distance, double bearing)
double rad = bearing * Math.PI / 180; //to radians
double lat1 = org.Lat * Math.PI / 180; //to radians
double lng1 = org.Lng * Math.PI / 180; //to radians
double lat = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Cos(distance / 6378137) + Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(distance / 6378137) * Math.Cos(rad));
double lng = lng1 + Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(rad) * Math.Sin(distance / 6378137) * Math.Cos(lat1), Math.Cos(distance / 6378137) - Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat));
return new PointLatLng(lat * 180 / Math.PI, lng * 180 / Math.PI); // to degrees

