TweetSharp StreamFilter Add Track Parameter - c#

I'm trying to write a C# app that collects tweets with a given hashtag. I'm using the tweetsharp library to help connect to the twitter API and I'm using the StreamFilter method. Can someone please help me figure out how to set the track parameter to search for a specific hashtag?
var service = new TwitterService(AppSettings.ConsumerKey, AppSettings.ConsumerSecret);
service.AuthenticateWith(AppSettings.AccessToken, AppSettings.AccessTokenSecret);
public void StreamFilterHandler(TwitterStreamArtifact artifact, TwitterResponse response)
var _response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Response);


How to retrieve username, email and image with OneDrive/Graph APIs?

I'm working on a UWP app and I was thinking about moving from the old LiveSDK (which is discontinued and was last updated around 2015) to the new OneDriveSDK (the Graph APIs), specifically using the UWP Community Toolkit Services package and its APIs.
The library seems pretty easy to use as far as login and files/folders management go, but so far I haven't been able to find a way to retrieve the user full name, the user email and the profile picture.
Here's the code I'm currently using to do so, using LiveSDK (code simplified here):
public static async Task<(String username, String email)> GetUserProfileNameAndEmailAsync(LiveConnectSession session)
LiveConnectClient connect = new LiveConnectClient(session);
LiveOperationResult operationResult = await connect.GetAsync("me");
IDictionary<String, object> results = operationResult.Result;
String username = results["name"] as String;
if (!(results["emails"] is IDictionary<string, object> emails)) return default;
String email = emails["preferred"] as String ?? emails["account"] as String;
return (username, email);
public static async Task<ImageSource> GetUserProfileImageAsync([NotNull] LiveConnectSession session)
LiveConnectClient liveClient = new LiveConnectClient(session);
LiveOperationResult operationResult = await liveClient.GetAsync("me/picture");
String url = operationResult.Result?["location"] as String;
// The URL points to the raw image data for the user profile picture, just download it
return default;
I've looked at the guide here and I see there seems to be a replacement for all of the above, but I haven't been able to integrate that with the UWP Toolkit service. For example, to retrieve the user info, here's what I've tried:
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "");
await OneDriveService.Instance.Provider.AuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateRequestAsync(request);
using (HttpResponseMessage response = await OneDriveService.Instance.Provider.HttpProvider.SendAsync(request))
String content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
But this fails with an exception at the SendAsync call.
NOTE: I know there are the Graph APIs too in the UWP Toolkit, with ready-to-use methods to retrieve the user info and profile picture, but apparently you need an office 365 subscription to use those APIs (both as a dev, and probably as a user too), so I guess that's not what I'm looking for here, since I've always been able to retrieve these info using a normal OneDrive client.
Is there a way to do this on UWP, either through some method within the UWP Toolkit, or with some other solution?
EDIT: I've reused the code from the sample app, registered my app to get a clientID and made a quick test, but it's not working as expected and I'm getting this exception:
Fixed, see below
EDIT #2: According to this question, I had to switch to to get the profile picture, as the 1.0 version of the APIs doesn't support it for normal MS accounts right now. All things considered, it seems to be working just fine now 👍
I followed the MSDN document to register my app for Microsoft Graph. After that, I will get an application ID(in API, it's called as clientId).
Then, I used the Microsoft Graph Connect Sample for UWP to login in with my general MS account. It worked well. I could get the username, email etc.
Please note that if you want to run this sample successfully, you would need to use the application ID to initialize the PublicClientApplication object in AuthenticationHelper.cs.
public static PublicClientApplication IdentityClientApp = new PublicClientApplication("your client id");

Download Twilio Recordings using C#

I am working on one small utility using Twilio API which intend to download the recording of the call as soon as call ends ( can be done using webhooks ? ). I am not sure if twilio supports this kind of webhooks or not.
The second approach that i have in mind is to create nightly job that can fetch all the call details for that day and download the recordings.
Can anyone suggest me which is the best approach to follow. I checked the webhooks but i am not sure if they provide the call ended event.
I would appreciate if anyone can provide me code sample on how to get the recordings for particular date and download them using C# from twilio.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can get recording webhooks, but how you do so depends on how you record the call.
Using <Record>
Set a URL for the recordingStatusCallback attribute on <Record> and when the recording is ready you will receive a webhook with the link.
Using <Dial>
If you record a call from the <Dial> verb using the record attribute set to any of record-from-answer, record-from-ringing, record-from-answer-dual, record-from-ringing-dual then you can also set a recordingStatusCallback.
Using <Conference>
If you record a conference then you can also set a recordingStatusCallback.
Recording an outbound dial
If you record the call by setting Record=true on an outbound call made with the REST API then you can also set a webhook URL by setting a RecordingStatusCallback parameter in the request.
Retrieving recordings from the REST API
You can also use your second option and call the REST API to retrieve recordings. To do so, you would use the Recordings List resource. You can restrict this to the recordings before or after a date using the list filters.
Here is a quick example of how you would use the Twilio C# library to fetch recent recordings:
using System;
using Twilio;
class Example
static void Main(string[] args)
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at
string AccountSid = "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056";
string AuthToken = "your_auth_token";
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
var recordings = twilio.ListRecordings(null, null, null, null);
foreach (var recording in recordings.Recordings)
// Download recording.Uri here
Let me know if this helps at all.

Facebook Retrive Data using Graph API using c#

i have created desktop Facebook application using c# .net. i want to retrieve users message,post and chat history. which is convenient way to retrieve users all information.i have started with Facebook Graph API but i am not getting any example.
can any one help me ?
A bit late to the party but anyway:
Add a reference to System.Net.Http and Newtonsoft.Json
string userToken = "theusertokentogiveyoumagicalpowers";
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync($"me?fields=name,email&access_token={userToken}").Result;
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var jsonRes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(result);
var email = jsonRes["email"].ToString();
Go to -> Tools & Support -> Select Graph API Explorer
Here U get FQL Query, Access Token
Then write code in C#.....
var client = new FacebookClient();
client.AccessToken = Your Access Token;
//show user's profile picture
dynamic me = client.Get("me?fields=picture");
//show user's birthday
me = client.Get("me/?fields=birthday");
labelBirthday.Text = Convert.ToString(me.birthday);
I hope this will help you.!!!
you can check the Graph explorer tool on , go to Tools and select graph explorer, its a nice tool which gives you exact idea about what you can fetch by sending "GET" and "POST" method on FB Graph APis
From what i see the app now only uses webhooks to post data to a data endpoint (in your app) at which point you can parse and use this. (FQL is deprecated). This is used for things like messaging.
A get request can be send to the API to get info - like the amt. of likes on your page.
The docs of FB explain the string you have to send pretty nicely. Sending requests can be done with the webclient, or your own webrequests.
Then once you have a string of the JSON formatted page you can parse this using JSON.NET library. It's available as a NUGEt package.

How to get friends list from facebook? (Desktop application)

As per this link code from stack overflow i have try this code for getting
friendslist but after login i got this error "requires valid signature"
string APIKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["API_Key"];
string APISecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["API_Secret"];
Facebook.Session.ConnectSession connectsession = new Facebook.Session.ConnectSession(APIKey, APISecret);
Facebook.Rest.Api api = new Facebook.Rest.Api(connectsession);
var friends = api.Friends.GetLists();
foreach (var friend in friends)
guide me to find out the solution
If you are starting with a new application, you should definitely use the Graph API and not the old Rest API. The Rest API has been deprecated for quite a while now and there is no guarantee how much longer Facebook will support it.
For an example on using the Graph API try
You can obtain the friends list by making a request to me/friends
You can test other requests using the Graph API explorer.

Copy a Google Docs Spreadsheet using Google .NET API

I'm wanting to copy an already existing Google Docs Spreadsheet to a new Google Docs spreadsheet. I dont think the v2.0 .NET API can handle it natively (or if so I can't find the class/method), however It looks like the v3.0 protocol can but I'm not sure how to implement this in the current framework or even if it is possible with the current .net api. eg. ~DocumentsFeed.copy() (pseudo code).
Exporting to a temp excel file then uploading with a new name is not possible either as some of the complex formulas get messed up in the conversion process.
I am a bit of a .NET noob so any info would be greatly appreciated eg. How would I go about doing this in .NET if I could only use the v3 protocol (ajax etc) and not the .NET API.
EDIT: (final class thanks to #langsamu for his help!)
using System;
using Google.GData.Documents;
using Google.GData.Client;
using Google.GData.Extensions;
public class GoogleDocument
private DocumentsService ds;
private String username;
private String password;
public GoogleDocument(String username, String password)
this.ds = new DocumentsService("doc service name");
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.ds.setUserCredentials(username, password);
public void copyDocument(String oldFileName, String newFileName)
SpreadsheetQuery query = new Google.GData.Documents.SpreadsheetQuery();
query.Title = oldFileName;
query.TitleExact = true;
DocumentsFeed feed = this.ds.Query(query);
AtomEntry entry = feed.Entries[0];
entry.Title.Text = newFileName;
var feedUri = new Uri(DocumentsListQuery.documentsBaseUri);
this.ds.Insert(feedUri, entry);
Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsService service = new Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsService("YOUR_APPLICATIONS_NAME");
service.setUserCredentials("YOUR_USERNAME", "YOUR_PASSWORD");
Google.GData.Documents.SpreadsheetQuery query = new Google.GData.Documents.SpreadsheetQuery();
query.TitleExact = true;
Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsFeed feed = service.Query(query);
Google.GData.Client.AtomEntry entry = feed.Entries[0];
var feedUri = new Uri(Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsListQuery.documentsBaseUri);
service.Insert(feedUri, entry);
This solution is basically about retrieving an existing spreadsheet (service.Query) using the Document List API and re-inserting it (service.Insert).
Make sure you replace the ALL CAPS application name, username, password and spreadsheet title.
Add a reference to Google.GData.Documents.
This is using .NET 4 (should work with lower versions as well) and Google Documents List Data API v2.0 (DLL says version is google-gdata), which seems to use version 3.0 of the protocol.
It is a bit unclear if you are developing a web application or a desktop application, so I'll try and cover both (essentially they are very much alike - because...).
If you are developing a web application you won't be able to make a 100% AJAX solution. You will only be able to request URL's on the same domain. To do this you will need to either do the communication server side only, or do it server side and proxy it to your web app through AJAX.
If you are developing a desktop application you'll have to do this stuff aswell. Except the AJAX part.
An example app would be fairly easy - 2-3 hours work to whip up considering the documentation given. With just a little knowledge of HTTP and POST request forming you should be able to make it work.

