I have created a dll in c#. I added a reference to this dll in MATLAB as shown below. Everything works fine. The problem is that when I want to update my dll I have to close MATLAB otherwise I cannot rebuild my dll, which is rather annoying. How in MATLAB can I remove the reference to this dll - I thought there would just be a line of code to do this?
% add reference to dll
cls = NET.addAssembly('C:\MyFolder\MyDllFolder\bin\Debug\MyDll.dll');
% reference my class
mycls = MyNameSpace.MyClass();
As a workaround, you can start a new Matlab instance from Matlab itself with a system call and the Matlab command line options and only load the libraries in the new instance. This is described in an answer to the qestion: Release a .NET assembly from MATLAB
Have you tried cls.delete and then add the reference again?
I seem to remember clear classes being useful as well. Sorry I can't be more definitive, I don't have Matlab handy to set up an example.
Looks like I was wrong, according to this link, "you cannot unload an assembly from MATLAB."
If the most important thing is the downtime while an assembly is being swapped, then you can do this without having to load a new MATLAB instance at all (which is very slow).
Even in pure .NET, it's not possible to unload an assembly from an AppDomain. Too much state is affected by the JIT process -- bits of code from that assembly could have been inlined into many other functions. This is actually one of the big reasons for having the AppDomain feature in the first place.
So, you will need a .NET assembly that acts as a wrapper and never changes. Its function will be to create an AppDomain and load the assembly to test into that child AppDomain. And, when it changes, to destroy the child AppDomain and create a new one.
It's complicated, but isolates MATLAB from the complexity.
I would like to know how to unload an assembly that is loaded into the main AppDomain.
I have the following code:
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom( FilePathHere );
I need/want to be able to unload this assembly when I am done.
Thanks for your help.
For .net versions core 3.0 and later:
You can now unload assemblies. Note that appdomains are no longer available in .net core. Instead, you can create one or more AssemblyLoadContext, load your assemblies via that context, then unload that context. See AssemblyLoadContext, or this tutorial that simulates loading a plugin then unloading it.
For .net versions before .net core 3, including netframework 4 and lower
You can not unload an assembly from an appdomain. You can destroy appdomains, but once an assembly is loaded into an appdomain, it's there for the life of the appdomain.
See Jason Zander's explanation of Why isn't there an Assembly.Unload method?
If you are using 3.5, you can use the AddIn Framework to make it easier to manage/call into different AppDomains (which you can unload, unloading all the assemblies). If you are using versions before that, you need to create a new appdomain yourself to unload it.
I also know this is very old, but may help someone who is having this issue!
Here is one way I have found to do it!
instead of using:
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom( FilePathHere );
use this:
var assembly = Assembly.Load( File.ReadAllBytes(FilePathHere));
This actually loads the "Contents" of the assembly file, instead of the file itself. Which means there is NOT a file lock placed on the assembly file! So now it can be copied over, deleted or upgraded without closing your application or trying to use a separate AppDomain or Marshaling!
PROS: Very Simple to fix with a 1 Liner of code!
CONS: Cannot use AppDomain, Assembly.Location or Assembly.CodeBase.
Now you just need to destroy any instances created on the assembly.
For example:
assembly = null;
You can't unload an assembly without unloading the whole AppDomain. Here's why:
You are running that code in the app domain. That means there are potentially call sites and call stacks with addresses in them that are expecting to keep working.
Say you did manage to track all handles and references to already running code by an assembly. Assuming you didn't ngen the code, once you successfully freed up the assembly, you have only freed up the metadata and IL. The JIT'd code is still allocated in the app domain loader heap (JIT'd methods are allocated sequentially in a buffer in the order in which they are called).
The final issue relates to code which has been loaded shared, otherwise more formally know as "domain neutral" (check out /shared on the ngen tool). In this mode, the code for an assembly is generated to be executed from any app domain (nothing hard wired).
It is recommended that you design your application around the application domain boundary naturally, where unload is fully supported.
You should load your temporary assemblies in another AppDomain and when not in use then you can unload that AppDomain. It's safe and fast.
If you want to have temporary code which can be unloaded afterwards, depending on your needs the DynamicMethod class might do what you want. That doesn't give you classes, though.
Here is a GOOD example how to compile and run dll during run time and then unload all resources:
I know its old but might help someone. You can load the file from stream and release it. It worked for me. I found the solution HERE.
Hope it helps.
As an alternative, if the assembly was just loaded in the first place, to check information of the assembly like the publicKey, the better way would be to not load it,and rather check the information by loading just the AssemblyName at first:
AssemblyName an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName ("myfile.exe");
byte[] publicKey = an.GetPublicKey();
CultureInfo culture = an.CultureInfo;
Version version = an.Version;
If you need to reflect the types in the assembly without getting the assembly in to your app domain, you can use the Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom method.
this will allow you to look at they types in the assembly but not allow you to instantiate them, and will also not load the assembly in to the AppDomain.
Look at this example as exlanation
public void AssemblyLoadTest(string assemblyToLoad)
var initialAppDomainAssemblyCount = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count(); //4
var reflectionOnlyAppDomainAssemblyCount = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count(); //4
//Shows that assembly is NOT loaded in to AppDomain with Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad
Assert.AreEqual(initialAppDomainAssemblyCount, reflectionOnlyAppDomainAssemblyCount); // 4 == 4
var loadAppDomainAssemblyCount = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count(); //5
//Shows that assembly is loaded in to AppDomain with Assembly.Load
Assert.AreNotEqual(initialAppDomainAssemblyCount, loadAppDomainAssemblyCount); // 4 != 5
My project(some kind of processing engine) is separated into 2 dlls: one with interface declarations and one with functionality.Usually the project is used by external Delphi project via COM technology.
Lets say my program slices fruits. External delphi programm creates Fruit object and fills its properties: weight (int), Name (string) and ProgressUpdater (of type IProgressUpdater which is declared in second dll with interfaces).After this exst programm creater Slicer, makes Slicer.AddFruit(newFruit) and calls Slicer.Slice().
Nothing special. In real life delphi project is Outlook addin. But here is the problem - sometimes some VSTO addins makes Outlook work in "shadow copy files" mode, so when delphi project starts and creats Slicer object, our c# assembly will be put in temp folder and assembly will be created with this local path. Well... this is still not an issue. But the problem is when delphi project creates newFruit and then passes ProgressUpdater object, in my Slicer assembly I can not get external ProgressUpdater: "Return argument has an invalid type", but still can get field with simple types(Weight, Name).
It only happens when shadowCopyFiles mode is on. So my guess is - external ProgressUpdater's assembly and Slicer assembly are placed to different places, so they can not be passed. My question is how to avoid my dll being "shadow copied"? Or is there some different solution?
So as a result I still have no answer for exact question. But the problem is solved (thanks to HansPassant) by using GAC, because assemblies at GAC will be never shadow-copied (actually linker will always first probe assemblies in GAC and then in other places).
Possible answer to the question is to go currentDomain.AssemblyResolve way, but I could not apply this solution to dll which contains public interfaces(types) only. Maybe it will be suitable solution for some cases.
You can use reflection to load DLL dynamically from any location you want. If you can go this way, I can provide further code for loading DLLs.
I'm creating some tool what performs several operations like NUnit.
Inside this tool I open .dll assembly and invoke methods form it to run some test.
Everything is going OK till the time I need to reload .dll withour program restart. The idea is that when tool is run we copy required assembly to some temporary folder and invoke from there. If I need to reload I copy another one to another temporary folder and try to load newly copied from another folder and load to previous assembly object
ExecutingAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(AssemblyFullPath);
But my problem is that after I change AssemblyFullPath to new one and call Assembly.LoadFrom it returns just old assembly what was loaded first time but not the second one!
Maybe the problem is that we cannot load several assemblies with different versions? What is the solution?
The CLR does support loading multiple versions of strongly named assemblies into the same AppDomain. This only works though if your assemblies are strongly named and each one has a different version than the other.
I'm guessing it's more likely that you are dealing with unsigned assemblies. If that is the case then what you're asking for isn't really possible. Once a given assembly is loaded into an AppDomain it will remain there until the AppDomain is unloaded. To get this to work you will have to abstract out all of the work around the loaded assemblies into a separate AppDomain and use a new AppDomain for every assembly
To expand on JaredPar's answer, you will need to create a new AppDomain and use Remoting to communicate between the two.
Check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kwdt6w2k(v=vs.85).aspx to help get you started.
Try like this:
string dllFile = "C:\\sample.dll";
Assembly asmLoader = Assembly.LoadFile(dllFile);
Type[] types = asmLoader.GetTypes();
Since all resources from the assembly cannot be reloaded/replaced it's assembly resources while application is still running. It will only be replaced/removed when application is unloaded or the that Assembly that holds it.
Use LoadFile() method. Hope it helps.
I have a C# .Net 2.0CF application where I would like to load a .NET 'plug-in' DLL at runtime.
As I understand it, I should be able to use the System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom() to load the DLL to an Assembly. Then use Assembly.GetTypes() to get the list of types within the plugin to match them to my expected interfaces.
The problem is that when I call GetTypes(), I get a System.TypeLoadException(). Based on the exception message, I assume this is because this particular plugin references some other assembly that this program knows nothing about. But, that's part of the point of it being a plugin! I don't want my application to have to know anything about these other assemblies.
How can I load this plug-in DLL without having my application reference every assembly used in the plugin?
The situation is not that your app should reference every assembly that a plug-in uses. The plug-in references another DLL, not your app, and the plug-in should be "installed" (maybe simply put in a directory) along with everything it needs. This is unavoidable.
Env.: .NET / VS2008
Hi All,
My app uses a 3rd party DLL assembly separately installed on some systems (clearly identified) but not all of them.
Which means that on some systems, the DLL is not there hence must not be called. To solve this, I have 2 versions of the app (using 2 configurations) for the 2 use cases. In one of them, all calls to the DLL are #if'ed out.
Since there are no calls to the DLL compiled at all in the app(they're #if'ed out), is it safe to assume that the app won't try to load the DLL even though it is referenced?
Or should I also exclude the reference?
Note: Asked in reaction to womp's comment in this question.
IIRC, the C# compiler will omit references to dll's that are never actually used in the code. So if all code is inside #ifs, the reference to the dll will not be there in your compiled app, and the dll will never be loaded.
You can check this using Reflector, by the way. Just drag & drop your compiled app into Reflector, and look at the References node. ILDASM also provides this feature, I think.
Caveat: DllImports and dynamic type loading (e.g., Type.GetType("type,dll")) will dynamically load dlls without the C# compiler knowing or caring. But again, if inside the proper #ifs, nothing will be loaded.
I would exclude it. It might load it no matter what and if you have a type reference, then that also could cause a problem.
Why not load the the assembly dynamically if needed/available? And then if its gets added at a later date you can just make use of it? You'll only need one version of your app also.
You are safe with a reference but without the actual DLL if you never (obviously) instantiate and referenced class AND never refer to the Class in any instantiated or referenced object.
Typically your DLL will be loaded the first time the Class Constructor of a referenced Class is run.