Non blocking and reoccurring producer/consumer notifier implementation - c#

Searched hard for a piece of code which does what i want and i am happy with. Reading this and this helped a lot.
I have a scenario where i need a single consumer to be notified by a single producer when new data is available but would also like the consumer to be notified periodically regardless of if new data is available.
It is fine if the consumer is notified more than the reoccurring period but it should not be notified less frequent.
It is possible that multiple notifications for 'new data' occur while the consumer is already notified and working. (So SemaphoreSlim was not a good fit).
Hence, a consumer which is slower than the rate of producer notifications, would not queue up subsequent notifications, they would just "re-signal" that same "data available" flag without affect.
I would also like the consumer to asynchronously wait for the notifications (without blocking a thread).
I have stitched together the below class which wraps around TaskCompletionSource and also uses an internal Timer.
public class PeriodicalNotifier : IDisposable
// Need some dummy type since TaskCompletionSource has only the generic version
internal struct VoidTypeStruct { }
// Always reuse this allocation
private static VoidTypeStruct dummyStruct;
private TaskCompletionSource<VoidTypeStruct> internalCompletionSource;
private Timer reSendTimer;
public PeriodicalNotifier(int autoNotifyIntervalMs)
internalCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<VoidTypeStruct>();
reSendTimer = new Timer(_ => Notify(), null, 0, autoNotifyIntervalMs);
public async Task WaitForNotifictionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using (cancellationToken.Register(() => internalCompletionSource.TrySetCanceled()))
await internalCompletionSource.Task;
// Recreate - to be able to set again upon the next wait
internalCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<VoidTypeStruct>();
public void Notify()
public void Dispose()
Users of this class can do something like this:
private PeriodicalNotifier notifier = new PeriodicalNotifier(100);
// ... In some task - which should be non-blocking
while (some condition)
await notifier.WaitForNotifictionAsync(_tokenSource.Token);
// Do some work...
// ... In some thread, producer added new data
Efficiency is important to me, the scenario is of a high frequency data stream, and so i had in mind:
The non-blocking nature of the wait.
I assume Timer is more efficient than recreating Task.Delay and cancelling it if it's not the one to notify.
A concern for the recreation of the TaskCompletionSource
My questions are:
Does my code correctly solve the problem? Any hidden pitfalls?
Am i missing some trivial solution / existing block for this use case?
I have reached a conclusion that aside from re implementing a more lean Task Completion structure (like in here and here) i have no more optimizations to make. Hope that helps anyone looking at a similar scenario.

Yes, your implementation makes sense but the TaskCompletionSource recreation should be outside the using scope, otherwise the "old" cancellation token may cancel the "new" TaskCompletionSource.
I think using some kind of AsyncManualResetEvent combined with a Timer would be simpler and less error-prone. There's a very nice namespace with async tools in the Visual Studio SDK by Microsoft. You need to install the SDK and then reference the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading assembly. Here's an implementation using their AsyncManualResetEvent with the same API:
public class PeriodicalNotifier : IDisposable
private readonly Timer _timer;
private readonly AsyncManualResetEvent _asyncManualResetEvent;
public PeriodicalNotifier(TimeSpan autoNotifyInterval)
_asyncManualResetEvent = new AsyncManualResetEvent();
_timer = new Timer(_ => Notify(), null, TimeSpan.Zero, autoNotifyInterval);
public async Task WaitForNotifictionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _asyncManualResetEvent.WaitAsync().WithCancellation(cancellationToken);
public void Notify()
public void Dispose()
You notify by setting the reset event, asynchronously wait using WaitAsync, enable Cancellation using the WithCancellation extension method and then reset the event. Multiple notifications are "merged" by setting the same reset event.

Subject<Result> notifier = new Subject<Result)();
.Select(value => Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliSeconds(100))
.Select(_ => value)).Switch()
.Subscribe(value => DoSomething(value));
//Some other thread...
This Rx query will keep sending value, every 100 milliseconds, until a new value turns up. Then we notify that value every 100 milliseconds.
If we receive values faster than once every 100 milliseconds, then we basically have the same output as input.


Avoiding allocations and maintaining concurrency when wrapping a callback-based API with an async API on a hot path

I have read a number of articles and questions here on StackOverflow about wrapping a callback based API with a Task based one using a TaskCompletionSource, and I'm trying to use that sort of technique when communicating with a Solace PubSub+ message broker.
My initial observation was that this technique seems to shift responsibility for concurrency. For example, the Solace broker library has a Send() method which can possibly block, and then we get a callback after the network communication is complete to indicate "real" success or failure. So this Send() method can be called very quickly, and the vendor library limits concurrency internally.
When you put a Task around that it seems you either serialize the operations ( foreach message await SendWrapperAsync(message) ), or take over responsibility for concurrency yourself by deciding how many tasks to start (eg, using TPL dataflow).
In any case, I decided to wrap the Send call with a guarantor that will retry forever until the callback indicates success, as well as take responsibility for concurrency. This is a "guaranteed" messaging system. Failure is not an option. This requires that the guarantor can apply backpressure, but that's not really in the scope of this question. I have a couple of comments about it in my example code below.
What it does mean is that my hot path, which wraps the send + callback, is "extra hot" because of the retry logic. And so there's a lot of TaskCompletionSource creation here.
The vendor's own documentation makes recommendations about reusing their Message objects where possible rather then recreating them for every Send. I have decided to use a Channel as a ring buffer for this. But that made me wonder - is there some alternative to the TaskCompletionSource approach - maybe some other object that can also be cached in the ring buffer and reused, achieving the same outcome?
I realise this is probably an overzealous attempt at micro-optimisation, and to be honest I am exploring several aspects of C# which are above my pay grade (I'm a SQL guy, really), so I could be missing something obvious. If the answer is "you don't actually need this optimisation", that's not going to put my mind at ease. If the answer is "that's really the only sensible way", my curiosity would be satisfied.
Here is a fully functioning console application which simulates the behaviour of the Solace library in the MockBroker object, and my attempt to wrap it. My hot path is the SendOneAsync method in the Guarantor class. The code is probably a bit too long for SO, but it is as minimal a demo I could create that captures all of the important elements.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
internal class Message { public bool sent; public int payload; public object correlator; }
// simulate third party library behaviour
internal class MockBroker
public bool TrySend(Message m, Action<Message> callback)
if (r.NextDouble() < 0.5) return false; // simulate chance of immediate failure / "would block" response
Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(100); m.sent = r.NextDouble() < 0.5; callback(m); }); // simulate network call
return true;
private Random r = new();
// Turns MockBroker into a "guaranteed" sender with an async concurrency limit
internal class Guarantor
public Guarantor(int maxConcurrency)
_broker = new MockBroker();
// avoid message allocations in SendOneAsync
_ringBuffer = Channel.CreateBounded<Message>(maxConcurrency);
for (int i = 0; i < maxConcurrency; i++) _ringBuffer.Writer.TryWrite(new Message());
// real code pushing into a T.T.T.DataFlow block with bounded capacity and parallelism
// execution options both equal to maxConcurrency here, providing concurrency and backpressure
public async Task Post(int payload) => await SendOneAsync(payload);
private async Task SendOneAsync(int payload)
Message msg = await _ringBuffer.Reader.ReadAsync();
msg.payload = payload;
// send must eventually succeed
while (true)
// *** can this allocation be avoided? ***
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
msg.correlator = tcs;
// class method in real code, inlined here to make the logic more apparent
Action<Message> callback = (msg) => (msg.correlator as TaskCompletionSource<bool>).SetResult(msg.sent);
if (_broker.TrySend(msg, callback) && await tcs.Task) break;
// simple demo retry logic
Console.WriteLine($"retrying {msg.payload}");
await Task.Delay(500);
// real code raising an event here to indicate successful delivery
await _ringBuffer.Writer.WriteAsync(msg);
private Channel<Message> _ringBuffer;
private MockBroker _broker;
internal class Program
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
// at most 10 concurrent sends
Guarantor g = new(10);
// hacky simulation since in this demo there's nothing generating continuous events,
// no DataFlowBlock providing concurrency (it will be limited by the Channel instead),
// and nobody to notify when messages are successfully sent
List<Task> sends = new(100);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) sends.Add(g.Post(i));
await Task.WhenAll(sends);
Yes, you can avoid the allocation of TaskCompletionSource instances, by using lightweight ValueTasks instead of Tasks. At first you need a reusable object that can implement the IValueTaskSource<T> interface, and the Message seems like the perfect candidate. For implementing this interface you can use the ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<T> struct. This is a mutable struct, so it should not be declared as readonly. You just need to delegate the interface methods to the corresponding methods of this struct with the very long name:
using System.Threading.Tasks.Sources;
internal class Message : IValueTaskSource<bool>
public bool sent; public int payload; public object correlator;
private ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<bool> _source; // Mutable struct, not readonly
public void Reset() => _source.Reset();
public short Version => _source.Version;
public void SetResult(bool result) => _source.SetResult(result);
ValueTaskSourceStatus IValueTaskSource<bool>.GetStatus(short token)
=> _source.GetStatus(token);
void IValueTaskSource<bool>.OnCompleted(Action<object> continuation,
object state, short token, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
=> _source.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token, flags);
bool IValueTaskSource<bool>.GetResult(short token) => _source.GetResult(token);
The three members GetStatus, OnCompleted and GetResult are required for implementing the interface. The other three members (Reset, Version and SetResult) will be used for creating and controlling the ValueTask<bool>s.
Now lets wrap the TrySend method of the MockBroker class in an asynchronous method TrySendAsync, that returns a ValueTask<bool>
static class MockBrokerExtensions
public static ValueTask<bool> TrySendAsync(this MockBroker source, Message message)
bool result = source.TrySend(message, m => m.SetResult(m.sent));
if (!result) message.SetResult(false);
return new ValueTask<bool>(message, message.Version);
The message.Reset(); resets the IValueTaskSource<bool>, and declares that the previous asynchronous operation has completed. A IValueTaskSource<T> supports only one asynchronous operation at a time, the produced ValueTask<T> can be awaited only once, and it can no longer be awaited after the next Reset(). That's the price you have to pay for avoiding the allocation of an object: you must follow stricter rules. If you try to bend the rules (intentionally or unintentionally), the ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<T> will start throwing InvalidOperationExceptions all over the place.
Now lets use the TrySendAsync extension method:
while (true)
if (await _broker.TrySendAsync(msg)) break;
// simple demo retry logic
Console.WriteLine($"retrying {msg.payload}");
await Task.Delay(500);
You can print in the Console the GC.GetTotalAllocatedBytes(true) before and after the whole operation, to see the difference. Make sure to run the application in Release mode, to see the real picture. You might see that the difference in not that impressive, because the size of a TaskCompletionSource instance is pretty small compared to the bytes allocated by the Task.Delay, and by all the strings generated for writing stuff in the Console.

How do I prevent by Rx test from hanging?

I am reproducing my Rx issue with a simplified test case below. The test below hangs. I am sure it is a small, but fundamental, thing that I am missing, but can't put my finger on it.
public class Service
private ISubject<double> _subject = new Subject<double>();
public void Reset()
public IObservable<double> GetProgress()
return _subject;
public class ObTest
private async Task SimpleTest()
var service = new Service();
var result = service.GetProgress().Take(1);
var task = Task.Run(async () =>
await result;
My attempt above was to simplify the problem a little and understand it. In my case GetProgress() is a merge of various Observables that publish the download progress, one of these Observables is a Subject<double> that publishes 0 everytime somebody calls a method to delete the download.
The race condition identified by Enigmativity and Theodor Zoulias may(??) happen in real life. I display a view which attempts to get the progress, however, quick fingers delete it just in time.
What I need to understand a bit more is if the download is started again (subscription has taken place by now, by virtue of displaying a view, which has already made the subscription) and somebody again deletes it.
public class Service
private ISubject<double> _deleteSubject = new Subject<double>();
public void Reset()
public IObservable<double> GetProgress()
return _deleteSubject.Merge(downloadProgress);
Your code isn't hanging. It's awaiting an observable that sometimes never gets a value.
You have a race condition.
The Task.Run is sometimes executing to completion before the await result creates the subscription to the observable - so it never sees the value.
Try this code instead:
private async Task SimpleTest()
var service = new Service();
var result = service.GetProgress().Take(1);
var awaiter = result.GetAwaiter();
var task = Task.Run(() =>
await awaiter;
The line await result creates a subscription to the observable. The problem is that the notification _subject.OnNext(0.0) may occur before this subscription, in which case the value will pass unobserved, and the await result will continue waiting for a notification for ever. In this particular example the notification is always missed, at least in my PC, because the subscription is delayed for around 30 msec (measured with a Stopwatch), which is longer than the time needed for the task that resets the service to complete, probably because the JITer must load and compile some RX-related assembly. The situation changes when I do a warm-up by calling new Subject<int>().FirstAsync().Subscribe() before running the example. In that case the notification is observed almost always, and the hanging is avoided.
I can think of two robust solutions to this problem.
The solution suggested by Enigmativity, to create an awaitable subscription before starting the task that resets the service. This can be done with either GetAwaiter or ToTask.
To use a ReplaySubject<T> instead of a plain vanilla Subject<T>.
Represents an object that is both an observable sequence as well as an observer. Each notification is broadcasted to all subscribed and future observers, subject to buffer trimming policies.
The ReplaySubject will cache the value so that it can be observed by the future subscription, eliminating the race condition. You could initialize it with a bufferSize of 1 to minimize the memory footprint of the buffer.

Should/Could this "recursive Task" be expressed as a TaskContinuation?

In my application I have the need to continually process some piece(s) of Work on some set interval(s). I had originally written a Task to continually check a given Task.Delay to see if it was completed, if so the Work would be processed that corresponded to that Task.Delay. The draw back to this method is the Task that checks these Task.Delays would be in a psuedo-infinite loop when no Task.Delay is completed.
To solve this problem I found that I could create a "recursive Task" (I am not sure what the jargon for this would be) that processes the work at the given interval as needed.
// New Recurring Work can be added by simply creating
// the Task below and adding an entry into this Dictionary.
// Recurring Work can be removed/stopped by looking
// it up in this Dictionary and calling its CTS.Cancel method.
private readonly object _LockRecurWork = new object();
private Dictionary<Work, Tuple<Task, CancellationTokenSource> RecurringWork { get; set; }
private Task CreateRecurringWorkTask(Work workToDo, CancellationTokenSource taskTokenSource)
return Task.Run(async () =>
// Do the Work, then wait the prescribed amount of time before doing it again
await Task.Delay(workToDo.RecurRate, taskTokenSource.Token);
// If this Work's CancellationTokenSource is not
// cancelled then "schedule" the next Work execution
if (!taskTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
RecurringWork[workToDo] = new Tuple<Task, CancellationTokenSource>
(CreateRecurringWorkTask(workToDo, taskTokenSource), taskTokenSource);
}, taskTokenSource.Token);
Should/Could this be represented with a chain of Task.ContinueWith? Would there be any benefit to such an implementation? Is there anything majorly wrong with the current implementation?
Calling ContinueWith tells the Task to call your code as soon as it finishes. This is far faster than manually polling it.

Combine/merge an unknown number of observables together as they are created

What I would like to do is:
Call a function (DoWork) which as part of it's work will subscribe to multiple hot inputs through multiple Worker classes
Before calling the function subscribe to all the updates that DoWork subscribes to
Once finished, dispose of all the subscriptions
It is probable that at least one incoming event will fire before DoWork has completed.
Are Subjects the correct way to do this? It feels like there should be a better way?
How to ensure that once the subscription in Main is disposed, all of the incomingX subscriptions are also disposed - i.e. Main should control the lifecycle of all the subscriptions.
void Main()
var worker = new Worker();
using (worker.UpdateEvents.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine()))
public class Worker1
private readonly Subject<string> updateEvents = new Subject<string>();
public IObservable<string> UpdateEvents { get { return updateEvents; } }
public void DoWork()
// Do some work
// subscribe to a hot observable (events coming in over the network)
var worker2 = new Worker2();
public class Worker2
private readonly Subject<string> updateEvents = new Subject<string>();
public IObservable<string> UpdateEvents { get { return updateEvents; } }
public void DoWork()
// Do some work
// subscribe to some more events
var workerN = new WorkerN();
James's answer (use Subject and Merge) captures the essence of the question. This answer offers a pattern that I've found useful in this situation (based on your comments to James's answer).
Essentially the pattern is to have your worker's expose an IObservable that the caller will subscribe to before calling DoWork. But this sort of API (call A before calling B) is problematic because it introduces temporal coupling.
To eliminate the temporal coupling, you end up turning your worker itself into an cold Observable that implicitly calls DoWork when the caller subscribes. Once you realize the power of cold observables and the ability to use Observable.Create to take action when an observer subscribes, the sky's the limit on the Rx chains you can create without ever needing to reach for a Subject. Here's an example based on your original code.
Worker is simple. It just subscribes to incoming1 and to Worker2.
Worker2 is slightly more complex. It subscribes to incoming2, performs some additional work, then finally subscribes to WorkerN.
All the while maintaining the correct OnError, OnCompleted logic which your original code example fails to do. Meaning that the observable stream that Main sees does not Complete until all of the incoming streams and work streams complete. But Main fails as soon as any of the incoming streams or work streams fails. Your code example with multiple calls to Subscribe(someSubject) would cause the Subject to complete (and thus Main's incoming stream to complete) as soon as any of the incoming streams completes.
public class Worker1
public IObservable<string> UpdateEvents { get; private set; };
public Worker1()
// Each time someone subscribes, create a new worker2 and subscribe to the hot events as well as whatever worker2 produces.
UpdateEvents = Observable.Create(observer =>
var worker2 = new Worker2();
return incoming1.Merge(worker2.UpdateEvents).Subscribe(observer);
public class Worker2
public IObservable<string> UpdateEvents { get; private set; };
public Worker2()
// Each time someone subscribes, create a new worker and subscribe to the hot events as well as whatever worker2 produces.
UpdateEvents = Observable.Create(observer =>
// maybe this version needs to do some stuff after it has subscribed to incoming2 but before it subscribes to workerN:
var doWorkThenSubscribeToWorker = Observable.Create(o =>
var worker = new WorkerN();
return worker.UpdateEvents.Subscribe(o);
return incoming2.Merge(doWorkThenSubscribeToWorker).Subscribe(observer);
private void DoWork(IObserver<string> observer)
// do some work
observer.OnNext("result of work");
void Main()
var worker = new Worker();
worker.UpdateEvents.Do(x => Console.WriteLine()).Wait();
It's hard to follow exactly what you are asking for - a small but complete program would help here I think.
That said, there's nothing wrong with using a Subject to introduce input into the Rx pipeline - there's a lot written about that on StackOverflow and elsewhere, so I won't rehash it.
Going just by the title of your question, I wonder does the following suit your purpose?
Combining a dynamic number of streams
To do this you can use Merge on a stream of streams. Your streams must all be of the same type - if they are not, you can create a suitable container type and project them into that type using Select. For simplicity, I will assume the unified type is long.
To start create a container for the streams:
var container = new Subject<IObservable<long>>();
Then combine the contained streams:
var combined = container.Merge();
Subscribe to combined to consume the results in the usual way, and dispose the subscription to unsubscribe from all streams at once.
You can then add streams as they are created like this:
// assume we got this from somewhere - e.g. a "worker" factory function
// Observable.Create may well be helpful to create an observable
// that initiates getting data from a network connection upon its subscription
IObservable<long> someNewStream;
// add the someNewStream to the container (it will be subscribed to once added)
Example use
// dump out the combined results to the console,
// IRL you would subscribe to this to process the results
var subscription = combined.Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
// add a stream of longs
Console.WriteLine("Stream 1 added");
// add another stream
Console.WriteLine("Step 2");
// this will unsubscribe from all the live streams

BlockingCollection vs Subject for use as a consumer

I'm trying to implement a consumer in C#. There are many publishers which could be executing concurrently. I've created three examples, one with Rx and subject, one with BlockingCollection and a third using ToObservable from the BlockingCollection. They all do the same thing in this simple example and I want them to work with multiple producers.
What are the different qualities of each approach?
I'm already using Rx, so I'd prefer this approach. But I'm concerned that OnNext has no thread safe guarantee and I don't know what the queuing semantics are of Subject and the default scheduler.
Is there a thread safe subject?
Are all messages going to be processed?
Are there any other scenarios when this wont work? Is it processing concurrently?
void SubjectOnDefaultScheduler()
var observable = new Subject<long>();
Subscribe(i => { DoWork(i); });
Not Rx, but easily adapted to use/subscribe it. It takes an item and then processes it. This should happen serially.
void BlockingCollectionAndConsumingTask()
var blockingCollection = new BlockingCollection<long>();
var taskFactory = new TaskFactory();
taskFactory.StartNew(() =>
foreach (var i in blockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
Using a blocking collection a bit like a subject seems like a good compromise. I'm guessing implicitly will schedule onto task, so that I can use async/await, is that correct?
void BlockingCollectionToObservable()
var blockingCollection = new BlockingCollection<long>();
Subscribe(i => { DoWork(i); });
Subject is not thread-safe. OnNexts issued concurrently will directly call an Observer concurrently. Personally I find this quite surprising given the extent to which other areas of Rx enforce the correct semantics. I can only assume this was done for performance considerations.
Subject is kind of a half-way house though, in that it does enforce termination with OnError or OnComplete - after either of these are raised, OnNext is a NOP. And this behaviour is thread-safe.
But use Observable.Synchronize() on a Subject and it will force outgoing calls to obey the proper Rx semantics. In particular, OnNext calls will block if made concurrently.
The underlying mechanism is the standard .NET lock. When the lock is contended by multiple threads they are granted the lock on a first-come first-served basis most of the time. There are certain conditions where fairness is violated. However, you will definitely get the serialized access you are looking for.
ObserveOn has behaviour that is platform specific - if available, you can supply a SynchronizationContext and OnNext calls are Posted to it. With a Scheduler, it ends up putting calls onto a ConcurrentQueue<T> and dispatching them serially via the scheduler - so the thread of execution will depend on the scheduler. Either way, the queuing behaviour will also enforce the correct semantics.
In both cases (Synchronize & ObserveOn), you certainly won't lose messages. With ObserveOn, you can implicitly choose thread you'll process messages on by your choice of Scheduler/Context, with Synchronize you'll process messages on the calling thread. Which is better will depend on your scenario.
There's more to consider as well - such as what you want to do if your producers out-pace your consumer.
You might want to have a look at Rxx Consume as well:
Sample code showing Synchronize behaviour (Nuget Rx-Testing, Nunit) - it's a bit hokey with the Thread.Sleep code but it's quite fiddly to be bad and I was lazy :):
public class SubjectTests
public void SubjectDoesNotRespectGrammar()
var subject = new Subject<int>();
var spy = new ObserverSpy(Scheduler.Default);
var sut = subject.Subscribe(spy);
// Swap the following with the preceding to make this test pass
//var sut = subject.Synchronize().Subscribe(spy);
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => subject.OnNext(1));
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => subject.OnNext(2));
private class ObserverSpy : IObserver<int>
private int _inOnNext;
public ObserverSpy(IScheduler scheduler)
_scheduler = scheduler;
public bool ConcurrencyViolation = false;
private readonly IScheduler _scheduler;
public void OnNext(int value)
var isInOnNext = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _inOnNext, 1, 0);
if (isInOnNext == 1)
ConcurrencyViolation = true;
var wait = new ManualResetEvent(false);
_scheduler.Schedule(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () => wait.Set());
_inOnNext = 0;
public void OnError(Exception error)
public void OnCompleted()

