AutoMapper DynamicMap object vs anonymous type - c#

In following simple scenario why is it that the output of TestMethod1 is "test" and the output of TestMethod2 is null? Moreover if you change the order and run TestMethod2 first both methods will output null.
I just started to work with AutoMapper and I don't have a lot of experience and I really need to make this method (with object as parameter) to work. Can someone please explain to me why does it work like this and what I can do about it?
public partial class TestClass
public string Test { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TestMethod2(new { Test = "test" });
public static void TestMethod1()
TestClass test = new TestClass();
Mapper.DynamicMap(new { Test = "test" }, test);
public static void TestMethod2(object obj)
TestClass test = new TestClass();
Mapper.DynamicMap(obj, test);

Instead of
TestClass test = new TestClass();
Mapper.DynamicMap(obj, test);
you can use
TestClass test = (TestClass)Mapper.DynamicMap(obj, obj.GetType(), typeof(TestClass));
Use this in both cases; i.e. don't create an instance of TestClass - instead let Automapper do that)
This isn't a direct answer (yet) but more of a workaround; am not sure why what I wrote works and what you wrote doesn't - am investigating further


unit testing a static Main() method in c#

I am trying to write unit tests using visual studio unit testing framework for a static Main method, which is also my entry point to my application. I have my method as follows.
public static void Main()
and this calls a generic SetupFilter method
private static void SetupFilter<T>() where T : IDataFilterBase, new()
var filterName = typeof(T).Name;
if ("StartReceiver".TryGetTrueOrFalseConfigValue(filterName))
ObjectFactory.Configure(x => x.For<IDataFilterBase>().Use<T>());
var filter = new T();
LogHelper.LogInfo(string.Format("Started {0} Filter Service", filterName));
LogHelper.LogInfo(string.Format("{0} Filter Service NOT started. StartReceiver flag is set to false", filterName));
First thing that came to my mind is to use MOQ and verify that SetupFilter method was called at least once but the compiler complained on the method being static.
Any idea on how to write a test for this method? How do I set it up using VS-unit testing framework and what do I need to Assert?
In my opinion you have to do a small refactor of your code:
public class MyClass
public static void Main()
(new MyClass()).run();
public void Run()
Then you can test normal method instead of static

private TestInitialize method is not initializing objects

I have a test class that should basically be like the following:
public class MyTest
private MyClass o1;
private MyClass o2;
private void PrepareObjects()
o1 = new MyClass();
o2 = new MyClass();
public void TestEquality()
But when I run the tests, I get a NullReferenceException. If I put breakpoints inside PrepareObjects and TestEquality then I can see that TestInitialize has not been invoked by the time TestEquality is.
Changing PrepareObjects from private to public fixes this. Why?
The test framework is only looking for public methods. Similarly, if you make TestEquality private, that won't run, and if you make MyTest internal, then nothing shown will run.

How to test virtual methods using Moles?

How can I test the IsHappy function using Moles?
class SomeClass
protected virtual bool IsHappy(string mood)
return (mood == "Happy");
I tried to test if by using Stub:
SSomeClass stub = new SSomeClass();
stub.CallBase = true;
... but the IsHappyString method returns null thus throwing a NullReference exception.
So, how can I test the default implementation of IsHappy method?
I'd forget about stubs here. Stubs/mocks are for when you want to fake the behavior of a dependency. You'd stub your SomeClass if had SomeClassClient that you wanted to test and it used SomeClass:
public class Foo
public virtual int GetFoosInt()
return 12;
public class FooClient
private Foo _foo;
public FooClient(Foo foo)
_foo = foo;
public int AddOneToFoosInt()
return _foo.GetFoosInt() + 1;
In this example, when testing FooClient, what you want to test is that it returns one more than "GetFoosInt()". You don't actually care what FoosInt is for testing the FooClient. So, you create a Foo stub where you can setup GetFoosInt to return whatever you want.
In your case, testing a protected virtual member, I'd go with this:
public class SomeClassTest
private class DummySomeClass : SomeClass
public bool IsHappyWrapper(string mood)
return IsHappy(mood);
public void SomeTest()
var myClass = new DummySomeClass();
This gives you 'direct' access to the protected virtual to test default behavior. Only word of caution is that if you start defining abstract members and adding to SomeClass in general, you'll have to add them to this dummy inheritor as well, adding to testing maintenance overhead.
The purist in me says that you should leave protected members alone and only test them through the public interface. But, that may or may not be practical in your situation, and I don't really see any harm in this approach.
Stubs and Moles are for isolating a class from any dependencies it has, either environmental dependencies or class dependencies. This class has no dependencies whatsoever, so why are you trying to mole or stub it?
If you want to make sure this base class works properly when people override it, then you'll need to create a test implementation. In that case this is more or less what your test cases should look like:
public SomeClassTestAdapter : SomeClass
public bool GetIsHappy(string mood)
return IsHappy(mood);
public void ShouldReturnTrueWhenPassedHappy()
var classUnderTest = new SomeClassTestAdapter();
bool result = classUnderTest.IsHappy("Happy");
Assert.IsTrue(result, "Expected result to be true");
public void ShouldReturnFalseWhenPassedLowerCaseHappy()
var classUnderTest = new SomeClassTestAdapter();
bool result = classUnderTest.IsHappy("happy");
Assert.IsFalse(result, "Expected result to be false");
public void ShouldReturnFalseWhenPassedNull()
var classUnderTest = new SomeClassTestAdapter();
bool result = classUnderTest.IsHappy(null);
Assert.IsFalse(result, "Expected result to be false");
There is no place in this code that stubs or moles should be squeezed in.
If you don't want to create an adapter class for this case, you can use built-in .Net features rather than a big, paid dependency like Moles. Reflections and dynamic let you get access to protected or private members. See this example:

How do I write context/specification style unit tests with an MSTest/xUnit framework?

I have been using MSpec to write my unit tests and really prefer the BDD style, I think it's a lot more readable. I'm now using Silverlight which MSpec doesn't support so I'm having to use MSTest but would still like to maintain a BDD style so am trying to work out a way to do this.
Just to explain what I'm trying to acheive, here's how I'd write an MSpec test
public class when_I_add_two_numbers : with_calculator
Establish context = () => this.Calculator = new Calculator();
Because I_add_2_and_4 = () => this.Calculator.Add(2).Add(4);
It should_display_6 = () => this.Calculator.Result.ShouldEqual(6);
public class with_calculator
protected static Calculator;
So with MSTest I would try to write the test like this (although you can see it won't work because I've put in 2 TestInitialize attributes, but you get what I'm trying to do..)
public class when_I_add_two_numbers : with_calculator
public void GivenIHaveACalculator()
this.Calculator = new Calculator();
public void WhenIAdd2And4()
public void ThenItShouldDisplay6()
public class with_calculator
protected Calculator Calculator {get;set;}
Can anyone come up with some more elegant suggestions to write tests in this way with MSTest?
What you think about this one:
public class when_i_add_two_numbers : with_calculator
public override void When()
this.calc.Add(2, 4);
public void ThenItShouldDisplay6()
Assert.AreEqual(6, this.calc.Result);
public void ThenTheCalculatorShouldNotBeNull()
public abstract class with_calculator : SpecificationContext
protected Calculator calc;
public override void Given()
this.calc = new Calculator();
public abstract class SpecificationContext
public void Init()
public virtual void Given(){}
public virtual void When(){}
public class Calculator
public int Result { get; private set; }
public void Add(int p, int p_2)
this.Result = p + p_2;
Mark Nijhof has an example of doing Given-When-Then style testing with NUnit in his Fohjin.DDD github repository.
Here's an excerpt from the example referenced above:
public class When_registering_an_domain_event : BaseTestFixture<PreProcessor>
/* ... */
protected override void When()
public void Then_the_event_processors_for_client_moved_event_will_be_registered()
IEnumerable<EventProcessor> eventProcessors;
EventProcessorCache.TryGetEventProcessorsFor(typeof(ClientMovedEvent), out eventProcessors);
And you can see the Given in the base class implementation:
public void Setup()
CaughtException = new NoExceptionWasThrownException();
catch (Exception exception)
CaughtException = exception;
I've been giving this sort of question a lot of though recently. There are a lot of reasonable options out there, and you can create your own easily, as displayed in some of the answers in this post. I've been working on a BDD testing framework with the intent being to make it easily extended to any unit testing framework. I currently support MSTest and NUnit. Its called Given, and it's opensource. The basic idea is pretty simple, Given provides wrappers for common sets of functionality which can then be implemented for each test runner.
The following is an example of an NUnit Given test:
[Story(AsA = "car manufacturer",
IWant = "a factory that makes the right cars",
SoThat = "I can make money")]
public class when_building_a_toyota : Specification
static CarFactory _factory;
static Car _car;
given a_car_factory = () =>
_factory = new CarFactory();
when building_a_toyota = () => _car = _factory.Make(CarType.Toyota);
public void it_should_create_a_car()
public void it_should_be_the_right_type_of_car()
I tried my best to stay true to the concepts from Dan North's Introducting BDD blog, and as such, everything is done using the given, when, then style of specification. The way it is implemented allows you to have multiple givens and even multiple when's, and they should be executed in order (still checking into this).
Additionally, there is a full suite of Should extensions included directly in Given. This enables things like the ShouldEqual() call seen above, but is full of nice methods for collection comparison and type comparison, etc. For those of you familiar with MSpec, i basically ripped them out and made some modifications to make them work outside of MSpec.
The payoff, though, I think, is in the reporting. The test runner is filled with the scenario you've created, so that at a glance you can get details about what each test is actually doing without diving into the code:
Additionally, an HTML report is created using t4 templating based on the results of the tests for each assembly. Classes with matching stories are all nested together, and each scenario name is printed for quick reference. For the above tests the report would look like this:
Failed tests would be colored red and can be clicked to view the exception details.
That's pretty much it. I'm using it in several projects I'm working on, so it is still being actively developed, but I'd describe the core as pretty stable. I'm looking at a way to share contexts by composition instead of inheritance, so that will likely be one of the next changes coming down the pike. Bring on the criticism. :)
You could use NUnit.Specifications and write tests like this:
using NUnit.Specifications;
using Should;
public class OrderSpecs
public class when_a_customer_places_an_order : ContextSpecification
static OrderService _orderService;
static bool _results;
static Order _order;
Establish context = () =>
_orderService = new OrderService();
_order = new Order();
Because of = () => _results = _orderService.PlaceOrder(_order);
It should_successfully_place_the_order = () => _results.ShouldBeTrue();
MSTestEnhancer may help you, and you can get the package through
Here is the sample code:
public class TheTestedClassTest
public void TheTestedMethod()
"When Xxx happens, results in Yyy.".Test(() =>
// Write test case code here...
"When Zzz happens, results in Www.".Test(() =>
// Write test case code here...
And when you see your test result, you'll get this below:
I have written a post to present more information about it. See Introducing MSTestEnhancer to make unit test result easy to read - walterlv for more details.

Rhino Mocks, void and properties

Just starting out with Rhino Mocks and im having a very simple problem, how do I mock a class with a void which sets a property?
class SomeClass : ISomeClass
private bool _someArg;
public bool SomeProp { get; set; }
public SomeClass(bool someArg)
_someArg = someArg;
public void SomeMethod()
//do some file,wcf, db operation here with _someArg
SomeProp = true/false;
Obviously this is a very contrived example, Thanks.
In your example you won't need RhinoMocks because you're apparently testing the functionality of the class under test. Simple unit testing will do instead:
public void SomeTest()
var sc = new SomeClass();
// Instantiate SomeClass as sc object
// Call SomeMethod in the sc object.
Assert.That(sc.SomeProp, Is.True );
// Assert that the property is true...
// or change to Is.False if that's what you're after...
It's much more interesting to test mocks when you have a class that has dependencies on other classes. In your example you mention:
//do some file, wcf, db operation here with _someArg
I.e. you expect some other class to set SomeClass's property, which makes more sense to mocktest. Example:
public class MyClass {
ISomeClass _sc;
public MyClass(ISomeClass sc) {
_sc = sc;
public MyMethod() {
sc.SomeProp = true;
The required test would go something like this:
public void MyMethod_ShouldSetSomeClassPropToTrue()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
ISomeClass someClass = mocks.StrictMock<ISomeClass>();
MyClass classUnderTest = new MyClass(someClass);
someClass.SomeProp = true;
// Expect the property be set with true.
// Run the method under test.
Depends on how much fidelity you'd like in your mock object. The easy way to do it is to not worry about it and write out some dumb expect statements.
public void SomeTest()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
ISomeClass mockSomeClass = mocks.StrictMock<ISomeClass>();
If you want something that acts more like the real object without a canned set of ordered responses you'll have to set up delegates with the do method on the expect.
delegate bool propDelegate();
delegate void methodDelegate();
private bool m_MockPropValue = false;
public void SomeTest()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
ISomeClass mockSomeClass = mocks.StrictMock<ISomeClass>();
SetupResult.For(MockSomeClass.SomeProp).Do(new propDelegate(delegate
return this.m_MockPropValue;
Expect.Call(delegate{MockSomeClass.SomeMethod();}).Do(new methodDelegate(delegate
this.m_MockPropValue = true;
When your preparing something with either SetupResult.For or Expect.Call you need to ensure that they are virtual, otherwise RhinoMocks will be unable to make its own implementation.
Otherwise it's just a matter of setting the results and doing expected calls as Scott Pedersen has shown
It's not totally clear from the question what the object you're trying to test is - if you simply want to check that SomeClass.SomeMethod() sets a property then you don't need mocking since you can just do a simple state-based test:
public void SomeMethodTest()
SomeClass s = new SomeClass();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, s.SomeProp);
Alternatively, if SomeClass is a dependency for some other class, and you want to test the interaction between that class and SomeClass, then you set up the expectation on the method call during the 'Record' section of the test using RhinoMock, like this:
public void CheckInteractionWithSomeClass()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
ISomeClass someClass = mocks.StrictMock<ISomeClass>();
using (mocks.Record())
//record expection that someClass.SomeMethod will be called...
using (mocks.Playback())
//setup class under test - ISomeClass is injected through the constructor here...
ClassUnderTest o = new ClassUnderTest(someClass);
//any other assertions...

