Overflow Exception. StringBuilder - c#

I am trying to convert a StringBuilder into an Int64 but I get Overflow Exception and I cannot figure out why. The length of the string is not greater than the int. My current code is:
+ $exception {"Value was either too large or too small for an Int64."} System.Exception {System.OverflowException}
private static Int64 EightBit(string Data)
StringBuilder Pile = new StringBuilder();
char[] values = Data.ToCharArray();
foreach (char letter in values)
// Get the integral value of the character.
int value = Convert.ToInt32(letter);
// Convert the decimal value to a hexadecimal value in string form.
string hexOutput = String.Format("{0:X}", value);
Pile.Append(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(hexOutput, 16), 2));
return Convert.ToInt64(Pile.ToString()); //Error here

You are converting the ASCII values of a string to their binary values (Convert.ToString(string, 2) converts to base 2, right?)
character -> ASCII value -> Hex string representation -> Int Value -> Binary string representation of int value -> try to parse that string in base 10.
For instance, if "Data" is "147483647", then "Pile" is "110001110100110111110100111000110011110110110100110111" which is clearly larger than 'long.MaxValue' in base 10. By converting each character in a string to the binary representation of their ASCII values, you are creating a number string with far, far more digits than originally when you finally to to parse it base 10.
Just a quick step-through in the debugger should confirm the problem.


Convert string with special characters to hex - C#

Hi I'm trying to transform a string containing special characters like û and ….
In my research and tests I almost succeeded using the following function:
public static string ToHex(this string input)
char[] values = input.ToCharArray();
string hex = "0x";
string add = "";
foreach (char c in values)
int value = Convert.ToInt32(c);
add = String.Format("{0:X}", value).Length == 1 ?
"0" + String.Format("{0:X}", value) + "00"
: String.Format("{0:X}", value) + "00";
hex += add;
return hex;
If I try to decode ´o¸sçPQ^ûË\u000f±d it does it correctly and turns it into this 0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005E00FB00CB000F00B1006400,
instead when I try to decode ´o¸sçPQ](ÂF\u0012…a it fails and turns it into 0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002800C200460012002026006100 instead of this
Making a minimum of debug I saw that the string is transformed from
´o¸sçPQ](ÂF\u0012…a to ´o¸sçPQ](ÂF.a, I wouldn't want that to be the problem but I'm not sure.
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002800C2004600120026206100 ´o¸sçPQ](ÂF…a CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002800C200460012002026006100 ´o¸sçPQ](ÂF.a MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003D00CB0042000C00A50061006000AD004500BB00 ´o¸sçPQ]=ËB¥a`­E» CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003D00CB0042000C00A50061006000AD004500BB00 ´o¸sçPQ]=ËB¥a`­E» MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00D30042001900B7006E006100 ´o¸sçPQ]/ÓB·na CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00D30042001900B7006E006100 ´o¸sçPQ]/ÓB·na MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005F001A20BC006B0021003500DD00 ´o¸sçPQ_‚¼k!5Ý CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005F00201A00BC006B0021003500DD00 ´o¸sçPQ_'¼k!5Ý MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00EE006B00290014204E004100 ´o¸sçPQ]/îk)—NA CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00EE006B0029002014004E004100 ´o¸sçPQ]/îk)-NA MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003800E600690036001C204C004F00 ´o¸sçPQ]8æi6“LO CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003800E60069003600201C004C004F00 ´o¸sçPQ]8æi6"LO MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00F3006200390014204E004700C602 ´o¸sçPQ]/ób9—NGˆ CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00F300620039002014004E0047002C600 ´o¸sçPQ]/ób9-NG^ MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003B00EE007200330078014100 ´o¸sçPQ];îr3ŸA CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003B00EE0072003300178004100 ´o¸sçPQ];îr3YA MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003000F20064003E009D004B00 ´o¸sçPQ]0òd>K CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D003000F20064003E009D004B00 ´o¸sçPQ]0òd>?K MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00E60075003E00 ´o¸sçPQ]/æu> CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00E60075003E00 ´o¸sçPQ]/æu> MY OUTPUT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00EE006A003000DC024500 ´o¸sçPQ]/îj0˜E CORRECT
0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002F00EE006A0030002DC004500 ´o¸sçPQ]/îj0~E MY OUTPUT
I thank you in advance for every reply or comment,
This is due to endianness, and different integer and string encodings.
char cc = '…';
// 2026 <-- note, hex value differs from byte representation shown below
// 26200000
// 2620
Console.WriteLine(BytesToHex(Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-16").GetBytes(new[] { cc })));
You should not treat chars as integers. There are plenty of different ways to encode strings, .net internally uses UTF-16. And all encodings works with bytes, not with integers. Explicit conversion chars to integer can lead to unexpected results, like yours. Why don't you get encoding you need and work with bytes via Encoding.GetBytes?
void Main()
// output you expect 0xB4006F00B8007300E700500051005D002800C2004600120026206100
public static string BytesToHex(byte[] bytes)
// whatever way to convert bytes to hex
return "0x" + BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", "");

How to convert unicode set from db to characters?

I need to convert unicode characters that I take from the database field to a string value. In the database field unicode characters are in format U+0024 and next I get \u0024 format but I cannot convert it.
string a = "U+0024";
string b = a.Remove(0, 2);
string c = #"\u" + b;
string d = System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(c);
// There is \u0024 in output
string e =System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(\u0024);
//There is $ in output that I would like to
The strings you got from your DB seems to be Unicode codepoints, as they are in the format U+XXXX.
There is a very useful method called char.ConvertFromUtf32 that converts a Unicode code point to a string containing a single char, or a surrogate pair of chars.
This method accepts an int as parameter, so you would need to convert your b string (which is in hexadecimal) into an int.
int codepoint = Convert.ToInt32(b, 16);
Then, pass it to ConvertFromUtf32:
string result = char.ConvertFromUtf32(codepoint);

Convert a Binary String longer than 8 into a single unicode character

I need to convert a string into binary and back.
But when the input is an Unicode Character the resulting Binary String is longer than 8 characters and converting it back using Convert.ToByte causes an Overflow Exception.
I used the Convert.ToString method to convert the String into Binary.
String input = "⌓" //Unicode Character
String binary = Convert.ToString(input, 2); //Convert to Binary
//->> Returns "10001100010011"
byte re = Convert.ToByte("10001100010011", 2); //This causes an Overflow Exception
//What should I do here? Is there a better reverse of Convert.ToString than Convert.ToByte?
Is there an alternative or something similar?
I think the problem here is that a byte is only 8 bits. You are putting in a string with 14 bits in it. Try using Convert.ToUint16() and declare "re" as Uint16 like so:
UInt16 re = Convert.ToUInt16("10001100010011", 2);
// UInt16 is large enough to hold the data
Console.WriteLine(re); // prints 8979
//unicode decimal 8979: http://www.codetable.net/decimal/8979

Converting long hex string to binary string throws OverflowException

Trying to convert a huge hex string to a binary string, but the OverflowException keeps gets thrown. This is my code to convert an image file to a hex string (which when used with a FlowDocument works perfectly!):
string h = new System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Path)).ToString();
Now, however, I want to take this hex string and convert it to a binary string so that it may also displayed in FlowDocument. First, I tried writing it to a temp text file and then attempt to read it into a byte array:
string TempPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "Text.txt");
using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(TempPath))
sw.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt64(h, 16), 2).PadLeft(12, '0'));
byte[] c = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(TempPath);
When that didn't work, I tried reading it into a string:
string c = System.IO.File.ReadAll(TempPath);
Neither worked and still throw OverflowException. I have also tried just doing this and skipped writing to a file altogether:
string s = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt64(h, 16), 2).PadLeft(12, '0')
And despite what approach I take, I still get an exception thrown. How are large strings like this normally handled?
I've modified my algorithm to convert one character at a time, so now it looks like this:
string NewBinary = "";
int i = 0;
foreach (char c in h)
if (i == 100) break;
NewBinary = string.Concat(NewBinary, Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt64(c.ToString(), 16), 2).PadLeft(12, '0'));
The problem with this is that the string is always going to be super long and the code above takes a LONG time to generate the binary string. I limited the length to 100 to test conversion, so the conversion itself is not an issue.
An int64 is represented by a 16 character hex string, which is why attempting to convert a "huge string" causes an OverflowException - the value is more than can be represented by an int64. You will need to break the string up into groups of max 16 chars & convert those to binary & concatenate them.
You could convert a nibble at a time using a lookup array, for example:
public static string HexStringToBinaryString(string hexString)
var result = new StringBuilder();
string[] lookup =
"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011",
"0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
"1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
"1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"
foreach (char nibble in hexString.Select(char.ToUpper))
result.Append((nibble > '9') ? lookup[10+nibble-'A'] : lookup[nibble-'0']);
return result.ToString();
Convert each hex character of the string into its corresponding binary pattern (eg A becomes 1010 etc)

convert hex to byte without conversion

I have a very specific requirement. I have some data. Of which, strings and spaces are to be converted to EBCDIC while numbers to Hexadecimal.
For Example, my string is "Test123"
Test => EBCDIC
123 => Hexadecimal.
What I am trying to do is check every character in string if its number or not, and then based on that doing my conversion.
byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[length];
int i = 0;
if (toEBCDIC)
foreach (char c in data)
byte[] temp = new byte[1];
if (Char.IsNumber(c))
string hexValue = Convert.ToInt32(c).ToString("X");
temp = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(hexValue);
dataBuffer[i] = temp[0];
temp = Encoding.GetEncoding("IBM01140").GetBytes(c.ToString());
dataBuffer[i] = temp[0];
dataBuffer.CopyTo(array, byteIndex);
The problem comes when i try to convert the number. I need to keep my output in byte array, as i have to write the output to a memory stream and then to a file.
When i get the hex value of number, and then try to convert it to byte, actual conversion happens.
For "1", hexvalue = 31.
Now I want to keep this 31 unchanged in bytes. I mean to say that, when i write it to byte array, it should remain 31 only. But when do GetBytes, it makes byte array, converting 3 and 1 separately to bytes.
Can anyone please help me on this..!!
The problem is here:
Now it's a hexadecimal string. So in your example, from this point onward, the 3 and the 1 have become separated.
How to fix this: don't convert.
if (Char.IsNumber(c))
dataBuffer[i] = (byte)c;
Not tested. I think that's what you want. At least, that's what you describe in the last paragraph. That wouldn't make the numbers hexadecimal though - it would make them ASCII, and it's a bit odd to be mixing that with EBCDIC.
You convert the char to its code and then convert that code to string. You don't have to do the second step, instead use the code directly:
if (Char.IsNumber(c))
byte hexValue = Convert.ToByte(c);
dataBuffer[i] = hexValue;

