Call aspx, html pages from another aspx page - c#

I have one aspx page where I want to display contents of another aspx or html page based on the sessions. Code behind logic will fetch the file from particular location based on the session. I do not want to use frames, iframes because I have to make sure of cross browser compatibility. Is there any other way to achieve this?
User control may be a solution for this. I wanted to know more alternate approach.
Below is my code:
I don't have anything in aspx except the references to the external js file.
Code behind:
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
protected string _getMainMenu()
string HomePageMenu = string.Empty;
string homeExist = Server.MapPath("../homepages/" + Session["ACCOUNT"].ToString() + "/HomePage.htm");
if (File.Exists(homeExist ))
HomePageMenu = "../homepages/" + Session["ACCOUNT"].ToString() + "/HomePage.htm";
HomePageMenu = "../homepages/NewMenu.html";
return HomePageMenu ;

Sounds like maybe something like jQuery load is something that may be helpful. This will asynchronously retrieve content and place it into a control of your choice, and not necessarily an iframe of course. This is called from the client, but you can have your server side logic/session state determine the content returned.

You should change the way you manage your content in generally.
In your case, your aspx-page is your content. And if you want to show contant b in contant a, you will have to show an aspx-page inside another aspx-page.
Change the point of view: your aspx-page should only be your content-holder. Extract your content to an ascx-usercontrol or store it in a database.
Then you are able to fetch the content whereever you need them.
Showing an aspx-page inside another is a very bad solution.
But if it's not possible to change the way your content is stored: I would prefere an iframe.


Change text in HTML that I'm grabbing from a text file

What I'm doing is grabbing the HTML code for my header from a text file.
But once a User logs in I want it to say Welcome "Username" at the top, which is a dropdown to account settings, cart, etc...
So since I'm inserting the HTML into a DIV on page load, I don't actually have access to any of the elements inside in C#.
How would I go about doing this? Is there any way to access something like a (p id="name")'s inner text, after its loaded in from the text file?
Would like to do this with C# not JS please.
Edit: I have a work around for now, but I am still interested in better answers.
headerText = headerText.Replace("::Username::", Session["Username"] as string);
Here is my code for grabbing the HTML and pasting it in.
string headerText = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/global/header.html"));
string footerText = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/global/footer.html"));
headerText = headerText.Replace("::Username::", Session["Username"] as string);
divHeader.InnerHtml = headerText;
divFooter.InnerHtml = footerText;
To be more clear, is there anyway to access something like
<asp:Panel ID="panelAccount" runat="server">
which is stored in another HTML file.
I have done similar work in C# earlier, I use HTMLAgilityPack for doing this kind of works. Later I start using Anglesharp since it has a very good CSS selector based support.
Try anglesharp and you can modify the HTML tag like you do in jQuery.
As much as I liked Adrians response, I found out a better way to do what I needed to do, I could do with a MasterPage. I definitely be using Adrians answer for a load of other things though so it still holds valid.
Then in the C# file associated with the master page you create a property like this.
public Panel PanelAccount
get { return panelAccount; }
set { panelAccount = value; }
Then from the regular WebForm, you can call "PanelAccount" to access that property.
Here is a tutorial for how to do that.
Thanks for everyones downvotes with no inputs, you guys are stars!

Find what Elements were added by Javascript

I have got an ASP-Site, which enables the user to Add Label-Elements. I don’t know how many Labels where added or which ID they have. I know only, they will be within the Panel pnl_Added. After the user has added all his labels, he pushes a Send-Button for Update.
So, now I am at my Server, awaiting this postback, but I don’t know where, when and how to find out, which Elements were Added to pnl_Added. Can somebody help me?
I have tried something like that:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < pnl_Added.Controls.Count; i++)
But I think it is too late because of the loaded ViewState? Is that possible?
I am working with VS 2013, ASP c#, with the .Net Framework 4.
On server, controls tree doesn't created from actual client HTML. Actually, server doesn't know anything about client HTML besides input tags values in scope of submitted form. In general, all controls available in Page_Load method, created on server side from aspx file markup.
To implement your scenario, you need to add hidden field for each label, added from client and save label's inner text into hidden field's value. Then you'll can get these labels texts as below:
var labels = Request.Form["hiddenField's name"] as string[];
You should go one lever deeper and take the added elements from Request variable, because the control pnl_Added doesn't know about them as there was no postback.
Something like this:
I suggest to run the page in debug mode, review Request.Form collection and find what you need. You should see your label elements there.

Setting Content in RadEditor

I have visited the Telerik's website and viewed their demos etc...
But I am having problems trying to load content (html) in the RadEditor.
I have a Button_Click event where I get my html string and then set it to the RadEditor. The RadEditor is inside a RadWindow and only becomes visible when the button is clicked.
protected void btnSubmitHtml_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadEditor1.Content = "<p>hello there</p>";
RadWindow1.Visible = true;
This doesn't show the html inside the RadEditor for some odd reason. I suspect it is the page life cycle that is involved with this problem.
Are there any suggestions to solve this?
I have encountered this problem multiple times and never found a "Proper" resolution.
However, a great work around is to simply set the content from the clientside via injected script. The end result is the same, and if you can tolerate the 10 millisecond delay, worthy of consideration.
EDIT after comment requested reference
Basically all you need to get an instance of the editor using ASP.NET WebForms $find function. That takes the html ID of the root of the rendered object and returns the client side viewModel if one exists.
The $(setEditorInitialContent) call at the end assumes that jQuery is present and delays the execution of the function till page load.
<telerik:radeditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1">
Here is sample content!
<script type="text/javascript">
function setEditorInitialContent() {
var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID%>"); //get a reference to RadEditor client object
Take a look here to see how to get a RadEditor to work in a RadWindow:
Said shortly, here is what you need to have in the OnClientShow event of the RadWindow:
function OnClientShow()
$find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID %>").onParentNodeChanged();
To edit Html code only you can add -
Add this property to the RadEditor.
I suspect that the way the control tries to interpret the html might be one of the problems. The other thing that may be causing this problem is the page life cycle.

Dynamic Pages From a Database in C#

Forgive me if this has already been asked somewhere, but I cannot figure out the best way to accomplish this task. I want to be able to create a rendering system that will allow me to render out content from thousands of different .aspx pages without having to create thousands of .aspx pages. That being said, I still want to be able to render out the appropriate .aspx page if it exists in my code.
For example, when a request is made to the site, I want to check and see if that URL is in the database, if it is, then I want to render the content appropriately. However, if it doesn't, then I want it to continue on to rendering the real .aspx page.
In trying to use an HTTPModule, I cannot get the page that exists in the database to write out the appropriate content. Here's my code.
void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication application = sender as HttpApplication;
Uri url = application.Context.Request.Url;
//Checks to see if the page exists in the database
PageInformation page = PageMethods.GetPageFromUrl(url.AbsolutePath);
if (page != null)
string renderedPage = Renderer.RenderPage(page);
However, when trying to use an HTTPHandler, I can't get the real .aspx pages to render appropriately because the *.aspx verb is being dealt with by the handler.
If anyone has any better ideas on how to completely re-design this, I'm completely open to that as well. Thanks.
This will do the trick:
Type page_type = BuildManager.GetCompiledType ("~/page.aspx");
Page page = (Page) Activator.CreateInstance (page_type);
page.ProcessRequest (Context);
I think you're lookign for a simple URL rewriting example.
So you have a single page "default.aspx" that could take an argument of the content you want to display "default.aspx?page=home", but you don't want the nasty query string part "?page=home".
this is best solved by URL rewriting which can be used as an ISAPI module in IIS. So instead of the URL string above, people see a page called "home.aspx", and the web server translates this into "default.aspx?page=home" for your page which can go get the content for the "home" page out of the DB and display it on the screen.
Here's a page with more information on a good implementation of this process:
I believe this shows how to process the "normal" pages inside a handler
other example

How to determine which Child Page is being displayed from Master Page?

I'm writing code on the master page, and I need to know which child (content) page is being displayed. How can I do this programmatically?
I use this:
string pageName = this.ContentPlaceHolder1.Page.GetType().FullName;
It retuns the class name in this format "ASP.default_aspx", but I find that easy to parse for most purposes.
Hope that helps!
It's better to let the ContentPage notify the MasterPage. That's why the ContentPage has a Master Property and MasterPage does not have Child property.
Best pratice in this is to define a property or method on the MasterPage and use this through the Master property of the ContentPage.
If you use this technique it's best to explicitly specify the classname for the MasterPage. This makes to use the MasterPage in the ContentPage.
MyMaster m = (MyMaster)this.Master;
Hope this helps.
This sounds like a bad idea to start with. The idea of the master is that it shouldn't care what page is there as this is all common code for each page.
I have had a reason to check the child page in the master page.
I have all my menu options on my master page and they need to be disabled if certain system settings are not set up.
If they are not then a message is displayed and the buttons are disabled. As the settings page is a content page from this master page I don't want the message to keep being displayed on all the settings pages.
this code worked for me:
//Only show the message if on the dashboard (first page after login)
if (this.ContentPlaceHolder1.Page is Dashboard)
//Show modal message box
mmb.Show("Warning Message");
Use the Below code.
You can use:
Here is my solution to the problem (this code goes into the code behind the master page):
if (Page.TemplateControl.AppRelativeVirtualPath == "~/YourPageName.aspx")
// your code here
or a bit more sophisticated, but less readable:
if (Page.TemplateControl.AppRelativeVirtualPath.Equals("~/YourPageName.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// your code here
I do something similar to this in a project of mine to dynamically attach css files based on the page being loaded. I just get the name of the file from the request:
And then extract the file name from there. I'm not sure if this will work if you are doing URL re-writes though.
You can do this by getting the last segmant or the request and I'll be the Form name
string pageName = this.Request.Url.Segments.Last();
if (pageName.Contains("EmployeeTermination.aspx"))
You can try this one:
<%: this.ContentPlaceHolder1.Page.GetType().Name.Split('_')[0].ToUpper() %>
Put that code within the title tags of the Site.Master
string s = Page.ToString().Replace("ASP.directory_name_","").Replace("_aspx",".aspx").Replace("_","-");
if (s == "default.aspx")
{ /* do something */ }
so many answers I am using
<%if(this.MainContent.Page.Title != "mypagetitle") { %>
this makes it easy to exclude any single page and since your comparing a string you could even prefix pages like exclude_pagetitle and comparing a sub-string of the title. I use this commonly to exclude log in pages from certain features I don't want to load like session timeouts and live chat.
Below code worked like a charmed ..try it
string PName = Request.UrlReferrer.Segments[Request.UrlReferrer.Segments.Length - 1];
Page.Request.Url.PathAndQuery or one of the other properties of the Url Uri object should be available to you from the master page code.
You can check the page type in the code-behind:
// Assuming MyPage1, MyPage2, and MyPage3 are the class names in your aspx.cs files:
if (this.Page is MyPage1)
// do MyPage1 specific stuff
else if (this.Page is MyPage2)
// do MyPage2 specific stuff
else if (this.Page is MyPage3)
// do MyPage3 specific stuff

