Converting decimal number to hexadecimal number using recursive method - c#

I am trying to convert decimal to hexadecimal. I have found many codes online. I used
int decValue = int.Parse(hexValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
but my instructor told me I can't use any of those, just use recursive method. I am new to programming and little confused about recursive method.
I did find other methods to convert it, I am using below method, and I used switch statement to change numbers to letters. Program works fine. But not sure if it is recursive method? Can someone let me know if it is recursive method, if not help me understand how recursive method work.
static void HexadecimalConversion(int decimals)
if (decimals == 0)
int hexadecimals = decimals % 16;
decimals = decimals / 16;

With most recursive problems, you have 1 or 2 special cases and a general case. For this problem there are 3 cases:
Special Case #1. The value to be converted is 0.
The General Case. The value to be converted is greater than 0.
The Terminating Case. When the value to be converted is finally decremented to 0.
You need to distinguish between the two 'zero' conditions, lest you always append a trailing zero to the result, need a 2-layered approach, something like this:
static string Int2Hex( int value )
if ( value < 0 ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value") ;
if ( value == 0 ) return "0" ;
string result = ToHex( (uint) value ).ToString() ;
return result ;
static StringBuilder ToHex ( uint value )
StringBuilder buffer ;
if ( value <= 0 )
buffer = new StringBuilder() ;
buffer = ToHex( value / 16 ).Append( "0123456789ABCDEF"[ (int)(value % 16 ) ] ) ;
return buffer ;

Yet another implementation:
public string ConvertToHexa(int number)
if (number == 0)
return String.Empty;
var head = ConvertToHexa(number / 16);
var remainder = number % 16;
var tail = (char)(remainder + (remainder >= 10 ? 'A' - 10 : '0'));
return head + tail;
Console.WriteLine(ConvertToHexa(202)) gives "CA" (which is correct).

Another implementation
public void ConvertToHexa(int number)
if (number == 0)
ConvertToHexa(number / 16);
var remainder = number % 16;
Console.Write(remainder >= 10 ? ((char)(remainder - 10 + 'A')).ToString() : remainder.ToString());


C# - Class that uses ILists to store huge integers without BigInt. Can't figure out how to use CompareTo and Int.TryParse to +, -, and * two Lists

I've been working on an assignment and I'm a beginner to C#. I have to implement a program that's similar to what BigInt can do: perform addition, subtraction, or multiplication with two absurdly large values (without actually using the BigInt library). I was told to use CompareTo and that it would make creating the add, subtract, and multiply methods easy, but I have no clue how to implement CompareTo. I don't even know if my class is implemented correctly or if I am missing something important.
Here is my code:
public class HugeInt
char sign;
public IList<int> theInt = new List<int>();
public string ToString(IList<int> theInt)
string bigInt = theInt.ToString();
return bigInt;
public HugeInt CompareTo(HugeInt num1)
int numParse;
string number = ToString(theInt); /// I did this to convert the List into a string
for(int i = 0; i < number.Length; i++)
bool temp = Int32.TryParse(number, out numParse); /// Supposed to change each index of the string to a separate integer (not sure how to properly do this)
/// These are *supposed to* perform operations on two HugeInts ///, num1);
num1.minus(numParse, num1);
num1.times(numParse, num1);
return num1;
I'm not here to ask for all the answers for this assignment, I've just been working on this for hours now and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong -- I have already done a lot of google searching. Thanks in advance for all advice and help!
To write such a class, it requires you know a little bit about how to do math by hand. For example, when adding two numbers, you start by adding their least significant digits. If the result is greater than 9, you have to carry a 1 to the next digit (explanation). Then you continue to the next digit.
Now, here is my take on it. I want to save the "huge int" as a list of digits starting from the least significant digit. Then I implement the Plus method as described above. I can compare two "huge ints" by looking at the number of digits. The number with the most digits is the largest. In the case the number of digits are the same, I will need to compare each digit one-by-one, starting from the most significant digit.
The below is just something to get you started. It only handles positive integers and has Plus and CompareTo methods. Be aware there are plenty of corner cases that I have not taken care of.
It can be used like this:
var num1 = new HugeInt("11112222333399998888777123123");
var num2 = new HugeInt("00194257297549");
Console.WriteLine(num1.Plus(num2).ToString()); // Writes 11112222333399999083034420672
Console.WriteLine(num1.CompareTo(num2)); // Writes -1 since num1 > num2
Here is the class:
public class HugeInt
// The array that contains all the digits of the number. To create a new number, you do not change this array but instead you create a new instance of HugeInt.
// The first digit is the least significant digit.
private readonly int[] digits;
public HugeInt(string number)
// Trim off the leading zeros
number = number.TrimStart('0');
if (number == "")
number = "0";
// Convert to digit array with the least significant digit first
digits = number.ToCharArray().Select(c => int.Parse(c.ToString())).Reverse().ToArray();
public HugeInt(IList<int> digits)
// Trim off the leading zeros
var d = digits.ToList();
while (d.Count > 1 && d.Last() == 0)
d.RemoveAt(d.Count - 1);
// Convert to digit array with the least significant digit first
this.digits = d.ToArray();
public HugeInt Plus(HugeInt num)
// Add two positive integers by adding each digit together, starting with the least significant digit.
var result = new List<int>();
int carry = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.digits.Length || i < num.digits.Length; i++)
var digit1 = i < this.digits.Length ? this.digits[i] : 0;
var digit2 = i < num.digits.Length ? num.digits[i] : 0;
var digitResult = digit1 + digit2 + carry;
carry = 0;
if (digitResult >= 10)
digitResult -= 10;
carry = 1;
if (carry > 0)
return new HugeInt(result);
public int CompareTo(HugeInt num)
// First compare by length of number
if (this.digits.Length > num.digits.Length)
return -1;
else if (this.digits.Length < num.digits.Length)
return 1;
// If lengths are equal, then compare each digit - starting with the most significant digit.
for (var i = this.digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var cmp = this.digits[i].CompareTo(num.digits[i]);
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp;
return 0;
public override string ToString()
return String.Join("", digits.Reverse());

Finding the largest possible number in permutations of digits less than a limit

I want to permute the digits of an int in a way that the result is the biggest possible permutation. This is easily done like this:
//how to deal with really large ints e.g.int32.MaxValue goes here
// in this case the algorithm would need to round down to the largest possible value
// but still needs to be less than int32.MaxValue
//This code will just handle normal values <int32.MaxValue
public static int Max(int number)
var numberAsCharArray = number.ToString().OrderByDescending(c => c).ToArray();
var largestNumberAsString = new string(numberAsCharArray);
return Int32.Parse(largestNumberAsString);
However, when the input has the same number of digits as Int32.MaxValue and contains at least one high digit, this digit will go to the first position making the result > Int32.MaxValue and leading to an exception when converting to int.
How could I limit the result to be <= Int32.MaxValue but within this limit still be the greatest possible permutation?
N.B. Negative numbers, e.g. -1234567890 are allowed as well as positive ones; in case of negative input, - sign should be dropped: -1234567890 should produce 2147398650 output
For small numbers (less or equal to 1000000000) you can do the business as usual; for numbers greater than one billion
you can try the follow approach:
Try follow int.MaxValue pattern (2147483647) as long as it's possible
When it's not possible, put the maximum number you can do and continue doing the business as usual for the remaining digits.
For instance, given 1234567890
1234567890 <- initial value
2147483647 <- int.MaxValue pattern
2147398650 <- solution
Here we can't put another 4, we put maximum available - 3
Remaining digits [56890] we order by descending - "98650" - business as usual
private static int Biggest(int value) {
// Special MinValue case;
// we can't do Math.Abs() because of integer overflow
if (value == int.MinValue)
return 2147483486;
string st = value.ToString().Trim('-');
if (value <= 1000000000 && value >= -1000000000)
return int.Parse(string.Concat(st.OrderByDescending(c => c)));
string max = int.MaxValue.ToString();
List<int> digits = st.Select(c => c - '0').ToList();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(9);
bool exact = true;
while (digits.Any()) {
for (int i = 0; i < max.Length; ++i) {
int digitToFind = max[i] - '0';
int digitActual;
digitActual = digits
.Where(d => !exact || d <= digitToFind)
.OrderByDescending(d => d)
if (exact)
exact = digitActual == digitToFind;
return int.Parse(sb.ToString());
// 2147398650 (for reference: int.MaxValue == 2147483647)
I suggest this:
int number = 587;
int maximum = Int32.MaxValue;
var result = "";
if(number == Int32.MinValue)
result = "2147483486";
// create list of available digits removing - sign from the string
var inputDigits = number.ToString().Replace("-", String.Empty).Select(c => Int32.Parse(new string(c, 1))).ToList();
var limitDigits = maximum.ToString().Select(c => Int32.Parse(new string(c, 1))).ToList();
var orderedDigits = inputDigits.OrderByDescending(c => c).ToList();
int position = 0;
// we only have to compare to the maximum if we have at least the same amount of digits in the input.
bool compareValues = limitDigits.Count <= inputDigits.Count;
// while we have not used all of the digits
while (orderedDigits.Count > 0)
// loop over the remaining digits from high to low values
for (int i = 0; i < orderedDigits.Count; i++)
// if it is above the digit in the maximum at the corresponding place we may only use it if input is shorter than maximum or if we have already used a lower value in a previous digit.
if (orderedDigits[i] > limitDigits[position])
if (compareValues)
else if (orderedDigits[i] < limitDigits[position])
// remember that we have already used a lower value
compareValues = false;
result += (orderedDigits[i].ToString());
var intResult = Int32.Parse(result);
inserted .Replace("-", String.Empty) when defining inputDigits to support negative numbers

Format a double value to fit into a maximum string size

I need to format a double value so that it fits within a field of 13 characters. Is there a way to do this with String.Format or am I stuck with character-by-character work?
Edits: (hopefully they will stay this time)
With cases greater than a trillion I am to report an error. It's basically a calculator interface.
My own answer:
private void DisplayValue(double a_value)
String displayText = String.Format("{0:0." + "".PadRight(_maxLength, '#') + "}", a_value);
if (displayText.Length > _maxLength)
var decimalIndex = displayText.IndexOf('.');
if (decimalIndex >= _maxLength || decimalIndex < 0)
var match = Regex.Match(displayText, #"^-?(?<digits>\d*)\.\d*$");
if (!match.Success)
var extra = 1;
if (a_value < 0)
extra = 2;
var digitsLength = match.Groups["digits"].Value.Length;
var places = (_maxLength - extra) - digitsLength;
a_value = Math.Round(a_value, places);
displayText = String.Format("{0:0." + "".PadRight(_maxLength, '#') + "}", a_value);
if (displayText.Length > _maxLength)
DisplayText = displayText;
If this is calculator, then you can not use character-by-character method you mention in your question. You must round number to needed decimal places first and only then display it otherwise you could get wrong result. For example, number 1.99999 trimmed to length of 4 would be 1.99, but result 2 would be more correct.
Following code will do what you need:
int maxLength = 3;
double number = 1.96;
string output = null;
int decimalPlaces = maxLength - 2; //because every decimal contains at least "0."
bool isError = true;
while (isError && decimalPlaces >= 0)
output = Math.Round(number, decimalPlaces).ToString();
isError = output.Length > maxLength;
if (isError)
//handle error
//we got result
You have a lot formatting options using String.Format, just specify format after placeholder like this {0:format}.
Complete example looks like this:
Console.WriteLine("Your account balance is {0:N2}.", value);
Output would be:
Your account balance is 15.34.
All of the options for numeric types are listed here:
This seems to work for me (but is hand-rolled):
static string FormatDouble(double d)
int maxLen = 13;
double threshold = Math.Pow(10, maxLen);
if (d >= threshold || d <= 0 - (threshold/10))
return "OVERFLOW";
string strDisplay = "" + d;
if (strDisplay.Length > maxLen )
strDisplay = strDisplay.Substring(0, maxLen);
if (strDisplay.EndsWith("."))
strDisplay = strDisplay.Replace(".", "");
return strDisplay;
Let me know if it gives you trouble with scientific notation creeping in. I believe the format "{0:R}" should help you avoid that explicitly.
Also, I wasn't sure if you were including +/- sign in digit count or if that was in a separate UI slot.
The theory on rounding here is that, yes, "" + d might round some things, but in general it's going to be many more digits out than are ever displayed so it shouldn't matter. So this method should always truncate.
Here's a solution that does rounding. (I couldn't think of a non-mathematical way to do it):
static string FormatDouble(double d)
int maxLen = 13;
int places = (int)Math.Max(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(d)), 0);
places += (d == Math.Abs(d) ? 1 : 2);
if (places > maxLen || places < 1 - maxLen)
return "OVERFLOW";
if (Math.Floor(d) == d) ++places; // no decimal means one extra spot
d = Math.Round(d, Math.Max(maxLen - places - 1, 0));
return string.Format("{0:R}", d);
Note: I still think your users might appreciate seeing something closer to what is being stored in the underlying memory than what is often typical of calculators. (I especially hate the ones that can turn 0.99 into 1.01) Either way, you've got at least 3 solutions now so it's up to you.

Changing integer bits

Ok, I have N = integer, P = position,V = 0 or 1
I have to change the bit at position P of integer N with the value V
I'm trying with
N = 5 (101)
P = 2 (takes the 1)
V = 0 (has to make it a zero)
and the result is 97 (1100 0001) (should be 0000 0001)
I think the problem is from the mask because when I write it in the console its -5 (as it should be) but if I parse it, to see its bits I get an error (overflow)
the program is in the making so I'm currently working on V = 0 so don't try with 1
Yesterday I posted a question and a lot of people posted sh*t like "this is not a question - you want us to solve u your problem" - No, I don't want you to solve me the problem I want to know why after int result = mask & integerBinary; I get 97 and not 1
using System;
class ChangeBit
static void Main()
Console.Write("(n) Type an integer: ");
string integerLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
Console.Write("(p) Type position: ");
string positionLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
Console.Write("(v) Type 0 or 1: ");
string valueLine = Console.ReadLine(); // Read string from console
int value;
int integer;
int position;
if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
int bitValue = ((1 << position) & integerBinary) >> position;
int mask = ~(1 << position);
if (value==0)
int result = mask & integerBinary;
Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", result);
else Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", integer);
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
Much easier:
if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
BitArray a = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(integer));
a.Set(position, value == 1);
Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", a.GetInt32());
With GetInt32 declared :
internal static class BitArrayEx
internal static int GetInt32(this BitArray bitArray)
int[] array = new int[1];
bitArray.CopyTo(array, 0);
return array[0];
integer ^ ((-value ^ integer) & (1 << position))
This will check if the bit is set and, if so, will change its value using the bitwise operator ^.
You are mixing binary string representation with binary integers:
int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
after this line integerBinary is 101 because you have converted it from binary string representation "101" of 5. After that all integers operation are invalid as such 101 makes no sense.
this code has two problems
int integerBinary = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(integer, 2));
does not need, cause the input integer is can be directly used to do logic operation,
and this line does not mean convert integer to its binary format, after this line integer has become a different number
else Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", integer);
if value is 1 you still need to do some thing( if the original position is 0)
so the right code maybe
if (int.TryParse(integerLine, out integer) && int.TryParse(positionLine, out position) && int.TryParse(valueLine, out value)) // Try to parse the strings as integers
int mask= (1<< position);
int temp = mask | integer;
int mask2 = ~((1-value)<<position);
int result = mask2 & temp;
result = mask & result;
Console.WriteLine("(n) After bit conversion = {0}", result);

C# how to check same sign of 2 decimal values using bit?

I have 2 decimal values: a and b. How do I use bit operator to check if two value is same sign?
You can use Math.Sign(). When you use Math.Sign(x), if x is negative it returns -1 else if its positive, the function returns 1 or when its 0 it returns 0. So :
if(Math.Sign(a) == Math.Sign(b))
// Code when sign matched.
// Code when sign not matched.
Do you mean if both are positive or both are negative?
bool bothSameSign = (d1 >= 0 && d2 >= 0) || (d1 < 0 && d2 < 0);
I don't think you really need to use the bit operator for this, but if for some reason you must (e.g. this is a school question):
Firstly you can use Decimal.GetBits() get all the bits in the two Decimals to compare, as an array of 4 ints.
Then you can inspect the sign bit which is at bit 31 in the int at offset 3 in the array of ints.
Decimal d1 = 1;
Decimal d2 = -1;
var bits1 = Decimal.GetBits(d1);
var bits2 = Decimal.GetBits(d2);
const int signMask = 1 << 31;
const int signWord = 3;
bool sameSign = ((bits1[signWord] & signMask) == (bits2[signWord] & signMask));
You could make,
static int Sign(this decimal value)
return Decimal.GetBits(value)[3] & 0x8000;
and do
a.Sign == b.Sign;
Bitwise shift is required for the sign-checking you want to accomplish:
if ( ( number >> sizeof(byte) * sizeof(numberType) -1 ) & 1)
{ /* < 0 */ }
{ /* >= 0 */ }
// you can of course use magic numbers
// example for int: if ( ( number >> 31 ) & 1) { /* < 0 */ }
Problem is, you can't bitshift a decimal. You would have to do something like this:
var shiftableNumber = Int.Parse(Math.Truncate(yourDecimal));
I can't verify it, but I suspect it would defeat the purpose of optimizing through bitwise operators. You might aswell use the builtin Math.Sign() directly.

