C# Convert IPv6 to ASN string - c#

I am trying to convert IPv6 to ASN. I have been able to get two 64 bit pieces but I don't know how to put it together to get a single ASN as a string so that I may look it up in the database.
The code so far:
byte[] addrBytes = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ipv6Address).GetAddressBytes();
if (System.BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
//little-endian machines store multi-byte integers with the
//least significant byte first. this is a problem, as integer
//values are sent over the network in big-endian mode. reversing
//the order of the bytes is a quick way to get the BitConverter
//methods to convert the byte arrays in big-endian mode.
System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> byteList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>(addrBytes);
addrBytes = byteList.ToArray();
ulong addrWords1, addrWords2;
if (addrBytes.Length > 8)
addrWords1 = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(addrBytes, 8);
addrWords2 = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(addrBytes, 0);
addrWords1 = 0;
addrWords2 = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(addrBytes, 0);
Can you please help put addrWords1 and addrWords2 together into a string which represents the ASN?
E.g. 2001:200:: should return ASN 42540528726795050063891204319802818560


Byte[] to BitArray and back to Byte[]

As the title states, i'm trying to convert a byte array to bit array back to byte array again.
I am aware that Array.CopyTo() takes care of that but the byte array received is not the same as the original one due to how BitArray stores values in LSB.
How do you go about it in C#?
This should do it
static byte[] ConvertToByte(BitArray bits) {
// Make sure we have enough space allocated even when number of bits is not a multiple of 8
var bytes = new byte[(bits.Length - 1) / 8 + 1];
bits.CopyTo(bytes, 0);
return bytes;
You can verify it using a simple driver program like below
// test to make sure it works
static void Main(string[] args) {
var bytes = new byte[] { 10, 12, 200, 255, 0 };
var bits = new BitArray(bytes);
var newBytes = ConvertToByte(bits);
if (bytes.SequenceEqual(newBytes))
Console.WriteLine("Successfully converted byte[] to bits and then back to byte[]");
Console.WriteLine("Conversion Problem");
I know that the OP is aware of the Array.CopyTo solution (which is similar to what I have here), but I don't see why it's causing any Bit order issues. FYI, I am using .NET 4.5.2 to verify it. And hence I have provided the test case to confirm the results
To get a BitArray of byte[] you can simply use the constructor of BitArray:
BitArray bits = new BitArray(bytes);
To get the byte[] of the BitArray there are many possible solutions. I think a very elegant solution is to use the BitArray.CopyTo method. Just create a new array and copy the bits into:
byte[]resultBytes = new byte[(bits.Length - 1) / 8 + 1];
bits.CopyTo(resultBytes, 0);

How to get a unique ID for a string and the string from this ID with C#?

I have this name:
string name = "Centos 64 bit";
I want to generate a 168-bit (or whatever is feasible) uid from this name and to be able to get the name from this id vice versa
I tried this one GetHashCode() without success.
Result would be something like:
Centos 64 bit (=) 91C47A57-E605-4902-894B-74E791F37C1F
One solution I would recommend is to use a hash function and something like a dictionary. So, get a hash - say SHA256 - of your input string and truncate it to 168 bytes.
Now, to go back from a uid to original string, you would need to have a dictionary which stores pairs like (input_string, string_uid). input_string is original string and string_uid is the uid generated for input_string using method from first paragraph.
Using this dictionary you can easily go back to original input string using string_uid.
This is one way - of course in case, you are allowed to store mappings between string and uid.
The hash normally gives you result as byte array. Converting this byte array to string is a separate step.
For example if you have 10 bytes representing integers in the range [0, 255], converting it to string if you encode the byte array as hex string, will take 20 bytes.
So the next question is do you want the length of the uid as string to be 21 bytes?
Because this will mean the hash output must be somewhere like 10 bytes, this will poorly reflect on collision resistance of the output.
what you want is not achievable. You need to store a lookup table of hash to name. Since you dont give more details of yr system it hard to say if that has to be persistent or in memory. If in memory just use a dictionary of string->string
Here you go sir:
public byte[] GetUID(string name)
var bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name);
if (bytes.Length > 21)
throw new ArgumentException("Value is too long to be used as an ID");
var uid = new byte[21];
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, uid, 0, bytes.Length);
return bytes;
public string GetName(byte[] UID)
int length = UID.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < UID.Length; i++)
if (UID[i] == 0)
length = i;
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(UID, 0, length);
Caveats: it works for strings up to 21 characters in length that only use ASCII characters (no Unicode support) and it doesn't encrypt the string in any way, but I believe it meets your requirements.

C# private function, IncrementArray

Can someone please explain in layman's terms the workings of this C# code?
for (int pos = 0; pos < EncryptedData.Length; pos += AesKey.Length);
Array.Copy(incPKGFileKey, 0, PKGFileKeyConsec, pos, PKGFileKey.Length);
IncrementArray(ref incPKGFileKey, PKGFileKey.Length - 1);
private Boolean IncrementArray(ref byte[] sourceArray, int position)
if (sourceArray[position] == 0xFF)
if (position != 0)
if (IncrementArray(ref sourceArray, position - 1))
sourceArray[position] = 0x00;
return true;
else return false;
else return false;
sourceArray[position] += 1;
return true;
I'm trying to port an app to Ruby but I'm having trouble understanding how the IncrementArray function works.
IncrementArray increments all entries of a byte array, with any overflow being added to the previous index, unless it's index 0 already.
The entire thing looks like some kind of encryption or decryption code. You might want to look for additional hints on which algorithm is used, as this kind of code is usually not self-explaining.
It looks to me like a big-endian addition algorithm:
Let's say you've got a long (64 bit, 8 byte) number:
var bigNumber = 0x123456FFFFFFFF;
But for some reason, we've got it coming to us as a byte array in Big-endian format:
// Get the little endian byte array representation of the number:
// [0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0x56 0x34 0x12]
byte[] source = BitConverter.GetBytes(bigNumber);
// BigEndian-ify it by reversing the byte array
source = source.Reverse().ToArray();
So now you want to add one to this "number" in it's current form, while maintaining any carrys/overflows like you would in normal arithmetic:
// increment the least significant byte by one, respecting carry
// (as it's bigendian, the least significant byte will be the last one)
IncrementArray(ref source, source.Length-1);
// we'll re-little-endian-ify it so we can convert it back
source = source.Reverse().ToArray();
// now we convert the array back into a long
var bigNumberIncremented = BitConverter.ToInt64(source, 0);
// Outputs: "Before +1:123456FFFFFFFF"
Console.WriteLine("Before +1:" + bigNumber);
// Outputs: "After +1:12345700000000"
Console.WriteLine("After +1:" + bigNumberIncremented);

Convert into to byte array and insert into other array

I work in a c# wpf application in which I want to do several things. I'm working with byte arrays to compose MIDI Show Control messages (specified in the MSC Specification 1.0).
The structure of this message is that a 0x00 byte is like a comma between all the parts of the message. I compose a message like this:
byte[] data =
{(byte)0xF0, // SysEx
(byte)0x7F, // Realtime
(byte)0x7F, // Device id
(byte)0x02, // Constant
(byte)0x01, // Lighting format
(commandbyte), // GO
(qnumber), // qnumber
(byte)0x00, // comma
(qlist), // qlist
(byte)0x00, // comma
(byte)0xF7, // End of SysEx
I want the user to fill in unsigned integers (like 215.5) and I want to convert these numbers to bytes (without 0x00 bytes because then the message is interpreted wrong).
What is the best way to convert the numbers and place the byte array in the places mentioned above?
You might want to take a look at the BitConverter class, which is designed to convert base types into byte arrays.
But I'm not sure what guidance you are seeking for placing the items into your array. Array.Copy can work to simply copy the bytes in, but maybe I am misunderstanding.
Found it out like this:
Used someone else's converter code like this:
static byte[] VlqEncode(int value)
uint uvalue = (uint)value;
if (uvalue < 128)
return new byte[] { (byte)uvalue };
// simplest case
// calculate length of buffer required
int len = 0;
uvalue >>= 7;
} while (uvalue != 0);
// encode
uvalue = (uint)value;
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
int offset = 0;
do { buffer[offset] = (byte)(uvalue & 127);
// only the last 7 bits
uvalue >>= 7; if(uvalue != 0) buffer[offset++] |= 128;
// continuation bit
} while (uvalue != 0);
return buffer;
Then I use this to convert the integer:
byte[] mybytearray = VlqEncode(integer);
I then make a new arraylist in which I add each item in sequence:
ArrayList mymessage = new ArrayList();
foreach(byte uvalue in mymessage)
and so on until I have the correct message. I then only have to convert this a byte array like this:
byte[] data = new byte[mymessage.count];
data = (byte[])mymessage.ToArray(typeof(byte));`

C# little endian or big endian?

In the documentation of hardware that allows us to control it via UDP/IP,
I found the following fragment:
In this communication protocol, DWORD is a 4 bytes data, WORD is a 2 bytes data,
BYTE is a single byte data. The storage format is little endian, namely 4 bytes (32bits) data is stored as: d7-d0, d15-d8, d23-d16, d31-d24; double bytes (16bits) data is stored as: d7-d0 , d15-d8.
I am wondering how this translates to C#?
Do I have to convert stuff before sending it over?
For example, if I want to send over a 32 bit integer, or a 4 character string?
C# itself doesn't define the endianness. Whenever you convert to bytes, however, you're making a choice. The BitConverter class has an IsLittleEndian field to tell you how it will behave, but it doesn't give the choice. The same goes for BinaryReader/BinaryWriter.
My MiscUtil library has an EndianBitConverter class which allows you to define the endianness; there are similar equivalents for BinaryReader/Writer. No online usage guide I'm afraid, but they're trivial :)
(EndianBitConverter also has a piece of functionality which isn't present in the normal BitConverter, which is to do conversions in-place in a byte array.)
You can also use
For short, int or long.
Re little-endian, the short answer (to do I need to do anything) is "probably not, but it depends on your hardware". You can check with:
bool le = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian;
Depending on what this says, you might want to reverse portions of your buffers. Alternatively, Jon Skeet has specific-endian converters here (look for EndianBitConverter).
Note that itaniums (for example) are big-endian. Most Intels are little-endian.
Re the specific UDP/IP...?
You need to know about network byte order as well as CPU endian-ness.
Typically for TCP/UDP comms, you always convert data to network byte order using the htons function (and ntohs, and their related functions).
Normally network order is big-endian, but in this case (for some reason!) the comms is little endian, so those functions are not very useful. This is important as you cannot assume the UDP comms they have implemented follow any other standards, it also makes life difficult if you have a big-endian architecture as you just can't wrap everything with htons as you should :-(
However, if you're coming from an intel x86 architecture, then you're already little-endian, so just send the data without conversion.
I'm playing around with packed data in UDP Multicast and I needed something to reorder UInt16 octets since I noticed an error in packet header (Wireshark), so I made this:
private UInt16 swapOctetsUInt16(UInt16 toSwap)
Int32 tmp = 0;
tmp = toSwap >> 8;
tmp = tmp | ((toSwap & 0xff) << 8);
return (UInt16) tmp;
In case of UInt32,
private UInt32 swapOctetsUInt32(UInt32 toSwap)
UInt32 tmp = 0;
tmp = toSwap >> 24;
tmp = tmp | ((toSwap & 0xff0000) >> 8);
tmp = tmp | ((toSwap & 0xff00) << 8);
tmp = tmp | ((toSwap & 0xff) << 24);
return tmp;
This is just for testing
private void testSwap() {
UInt16 tmp1 = 0x0a0b;
UInt32 tmp2 = 0x0a0b0c0d;
SoapHexBinary shb1 = new SoapHexBinary(BitConverter.GetBytes(tmp1));
SoapHexBinary shb2 = new SoapHexBinary(BitConverter.GetBytes(swapOctetsUInt16(tmp1)));
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", shb1.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", shb2.ToString());
SoapHexBinary shb3 = new SoapHexBinary(BitConverter.GetBytes(tmp2));
SoapHexBinary shb4 = new SoapHexBinary(BitConverter.GetBytes(swapOctetsUInt32(tmp2)));
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", shb3.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", shb4.ToString());
from which output was this:
0B0A: {0}
0A0B: {0}
0D0C0B0A: {0}
0A0B0C0D: {0}
If you're parsing and performance is not critical, consider this very simple code:
private static byte[] NetworkToHostOrder (byte[] array, int offset, int length)
return array.Skip (offset).Take (length).Reverse ().ToArray ();
int foo = BitConverter.ToInt64 (NetworkToHostOrder (queue, 14, 8), 0);

