Alphanumeric 8 digits unique id for users in - c#

What I want to do is that I have created a web application and right now I m using XML to save my data (I AM NOT USING SQL)and my next task is to Generate A unique 8digits Alphanumeric Id for the users which will be used by them In future to track there request.
I have been given a particular format of this ID so I can't use 'GUID'.
The format given is this:
PR000000(PR stands for Project)
NP000000(NP stands for Non-Project)
So, the first two letters will be selected according to the user entry(if its a Project procurement request then 'PR' and in case of Non-project Procurement request 'NP') and rest 6 digits are simple integers which will keep increasing (000001,000002,000003....999999).
I have searched a lot everywhere but its all about php,uniquecode,GUID etc. but I just want a simple code which perform the above task with ease like IF-Else statement + keep increasing the count(000001...000002..).
This is the code for Project and Non project selection:
PROJECT<input type="radio" name="portal" id="radio1" onclick="changeMe(this);"/> <input type="text" name="textprojectOff" id="text1" value="Project Name" onclick="changeMe(this);"/>
NON-PROJECT<input type="radio" id="radio2" name="portal" onclick="changeMe(this)"/> <input type="text" name="textnonprojectOff" id="text2" value="Department" onclick="changeMe(this);"/>
<script type="text/javascript" >
function changeMe(inField)
var fieldId =;
var type = fieldId.substring(0, 4);
if (type == 'text') {
var name = fieldId.substring(4);
var radioButton = document.getElementById("radio" + name);
radioButton.checked = true;
} else {
var name = fieldId.substring(5);
var textField = document.getElementById("text" + name);
textField.value ='';
If anyone require my xml code for my help then kindly tell me in the comment section I will post it at that time.

For your requirement, you will have to generate the unique ids from server-side code after checking the existing values in a Database.
you can use a Oracle Sequence if you want. Client side generation should not be used in this case because there is a change that multiple users can get the same unique id. So this generation should be handled server side / db side.

Here I got the solution of My Own problem ,So,I thought to share it with everyone so that other can get help from it. Without Using any typical Function I have generated an Unique Id for each and ever user.
.cs programming:
protected void GetId()
MSXML2.DOMDocument objXML = new MSXML2.DOMDocument();
string oPath = null;
oPath = Server.MapPath("PARNId.xml");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
if (objXML.load(oPath) == true)
objNextId = objXML.selectSingleNode("//Id").text;
protected void SetId()
MSXML2.DOMDocument objXML = new MSXML2.DOMDocument();
string oPath = null;
oPath = Server.MapPath("PARNId.xml");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
if (objXML.load(oPath) == true)
objXML.selectSingleNode("//Id").text = objNextId;
if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
Label1.Text = "Your PURCHASE ACTION REQUEST NUMBER Is : PR" + objNextId;
Label1.Text = "Your PURCHASE ACTION REQUEST NUMBER Is :NP" + objNextId;
Calling both the functions
Label1.Text = objNextId;
objNextId = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(objNextId) + 1);
I have created a separate XML file named Track.xml, in which I have assigned a node 100000,and this keep incrementing with every request made and finally I saved the label1.text and this keep record of all PARN generated with each user Hope it helps other!!


CefSharp Executescriptasync Return Loop Value

I'm trying to pull specific tag values ​​on a page I created for experiment.I'm new to using Cefsharp. And I'm trying to experiment to improve myself.I was stuck for about two days in the EvaluateScriptAsync section.
I am trying to capture the values ​​of the buttons in the specific label on the page I prepared.I run the following codes by pressing a button.My page has 3 buttons with the same label.However, it prints only one of them.
<input type="button" id ="button1" value="First Button">
<input type="button" id ="button2" value="Second Button">
<input type="button" id ="button3" value="Third Button">
These are the buttons I'm trying to find.
string script = #"(function() { " +
"var button = document.querySelectorAll('input[type = \"button\"]'); " +
"if(button != null) {for (var i = 0; i < button.length; i++) { return button[i].value;
}}else{alert('not found!');}" +
chrome.EvaluateScriptAsync(script).ContinueWith(a =>{
var response = a.Result;
if (response.Success && response.Result != null)
string print = (string)response.Result;
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
I have tried many.I think I'm making a mistake in the javascript part.I've read most of the similar topics.But I could not find a solution.
output : First Button
This worked for me. The EvaluateScriptAsync funciton can only return 1 value or a string so I made sure to convert the results in JavaScript to a JSON string object.
Then when you retrieve the result back in C# land, you can then use JSON to convert it back to an object (in this case a list of strings) and perform any operations you need on the data.
// Step 01: Generate a HTML page
var htmlPage = #"
<input type='button' id='button1' value='First Button'>
<input type='button' id='button2' value='Second Button'>
<input type='button' id='button3' value='Third Button'>
// Step 02: Load the Page
m_chromeBrowser.LoadHtml(htmlPage, "http://customrendering/");
// Step 03: Get list of buttons on page from C# land
var jsScript = #"
// define a temp function to retrieve button text
function tempFunction() {
var result = [];
var list = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=button]');
for(var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
// Important: convert object to json string before returning to C#
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Now execute the temp function and returns result back to C#
var task = m_chromeBrowser.EvaluateScriptAsync(jsScript);
task.ContinueWith(t =>
if (!t.IsFaulted)
var response = t.Result;
if (response.Success == true)
// Use to convert to object;
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Looking at your JavaScript code sample, the problem with your code is that in your loop you have a return statement that will just return the 1st button value it comes across. Thats your problem.
If you want to interact with the resulting list in C# land you will need to convert it back from a JSON string. Just go to nuget and install the 'Newtonsoft.Json' package into your project.
Then you can write something like:
// C# land
var list = new List<string>();
list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(response.Result.ToString());

Problem speeding up report rendering with FastReports

I'm working on report rendering with FastReports - I'm doing this coming from a system to render with Crystal Reports. When using Crystal, I found that preloading a report and then binding parameters on request sped up crystal dramatically, since most of the time for a small layout like an invoice is in the setup. I'm now trying to achieve the same with FastReports.
It's unclear how much time setup takes however, so I'd also be interested in whether this is not a worthwhile endeavour.
My issue is that I have used a JSON API call, and used ConnectionStringExpression with a single parameter. In a nutshell, changing the parameter does not reload the data when I call Prepare.
Here's my code, with the second report load taken out, it renders the same report twice.
var report = new Report();
var urlTemplate = "http://localhost:9502/data/sales-quote/{CardCode#}/{DocEntry#}";
var reportParms = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
reportParms.Add("CardCode#", "C20000");
reportParms.Add("DocEntry#", 77);
var connectionstring = "Json=" + System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(urlTemplate, "{([^}]+)}", (m) => {
if (reportParms.ContainsKey(m.Groups[1].Value))
return string.Format("{0}", reportParms[m.Groups[1].Value]);
return m.Value;
var dataapiparm = report.Dictionary.Parameters.FindByName("DataAPIUrl#");
if (dataapiparm != null)
dataapiparm.Value = connectionstring;
foreach(FastReport.Data.Parameter P in report.Dictionary.Parameters)
if (reportParms.ContainsKey(P.Name))
P.Value = reportParms[P.Name];
var pdfExport = new PDFSimpleExport();
pdfExport.Export(report, "test1.pdf");
//report = new Report();
reportParms["DocEntry#"] = 117;
connectionstring = "Json=" + System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(urlTemplate, "{([^}]+)}", (m) => {
if (reportParms.ContainsKey(m.Groups[1].Value))
return string.Format("{0}", reportParms[m.Groups[1].Value]);
return m.Value;
dataapiparm = report.Dictionary.Parameters.FindByName("DataAPIUrl#");
if (dataapiparm != null)
dataapiparm.Value = connectionstring;
foreach (FastReport.Data.Parameter P in report.Dictionary.Parameters)
if (reportParms.ContainsKey(P.Name))
P.Value = reportParms[P.Name];
pdfExport.Export(report, "test2.pdf");
Fast Project definitely doesn't recalculate the ConnectionStringExpression on report.Prepare, so I went back to another method that I was looking at. It turns out that if the ConnectionString itself is rewritten, then report.Prepare does refetch the data.
A simple connection string without a schema takes a long time to process, so I remove everything beyond the semi-colon and keep it, replace the url portion of the connectionstring, and then stick teh same schema information back on the end.
Copying the schema information into each report generation connection string seems to remove around 10 seconds from report.Prepare!
At the moment it's the best that I can do, and I wonder if there is another more efficient method of rerunning the same report against new data (having the same schema).

Creating an Ektron Smart Form Definition via the API

I've been trying to create a smart form definition from another application. The app successfully creates the smart form, but I'm unable to get the FieldList, DisplayXSLT or Schema fields to populate.
This leaves me with a blank smart form definition (less that ideal).
Here's the code I have to perform the action. Any ideas?
// form is a simple POCO with values copied from an existing SmartForm Definition
var config = new SmartFormConfigurationData();
config.SmartformTitle = form.Name;
config.SmartformDescription = form.Description;
config.XmlSchema = form.Schema;
config.PackageDisplayXslt = form.Xslt;
config.FieldList = form.FieldList;
config.Type = EkEnumeration.XmlConfigType.Content;
var api = new SmartFormConfigurationManager(ApiAccessMode.Admin);
api.RequestInformation.ServicesPath = this.EktronServiceHost;
api.RequestInformation.AuthenticationToken = this.GetAdminAuthToken();
I heard back from Ektron Support on this issue. It's not so much a "bug" per-se... It's more a case of this API class looking very similar to the ContentManager but not behaving like it. I expected that since it looked so similar to ContentManager and many of the other classes, I would be able to call Add() and it would just magically work. It turns out the solution is a little more complicated.
Adding a smartform is a two-step process: first Add(), then Update().
The Add method doesn't set all of the fields and in fact passes in NULL for a few of the parameters on the stored procedure that creates the entry in xml_collection_tbl.
The real fun comes in step 2. Basically, you start with the SmartForm's HTML -- the stuff you see when you're in the "Data Design" view for editing the smart form definition and you click that <> button ("HTML") at the bottom of the editor. You run that through a whole bunch of XSLTs that are burried in the WorkArea folder to construct the missing fields, and then you call update. Here's the code that worked for me:
var sfManager = new SmartFormConfigurationManager();
var data = sfManager.GetItem(12);
if (data == null) return;
var sfcData = new SmartFormConfigurationData();
sfcData.Type = EkEnumeration.XmlConfigType.Content;
sfcData.SmartformTitle = "SmartForm12 copy";
sfcData.SmartformDescription = "SmartForm12 copy";
sfcData.XmlSchema = "";
sfcData.PackageDisplayXslt = data.PackageDisplayXslt;
sfcData.FieldList = data.FieldList;
sfcData = sfManager.Add(sfcData);
Response.Write("SmartForm added with id: " + sfcData.Id);
var design = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/NewsArticleSmartForm.html"));
var contentApi = new ContentAPI();
var schema = contentApi.TransformXsltPackage(design, Server.MapPath("~/WorkArea/ContentDesigner/DesignToSchema.xslt"), true);
var fieldList = contentApi.TransformXsltPackage(design, Server.MapPath("~/WorkArea/ContentDesigner/DesignToFieldList.xslt"), true);
var viewEntryXslt = contentApi.TransformXsltPackage(design, Server.MapPath("~/WorkArea/ContentDesigner/DesignToEntryXSLT.xslt"), true);
var xsltArgs = new XsltArgumentList();
xsltArgs.AddParam("srcPath", "", "/WorkArea/ContentDesigner/");
var viewXsltSource = string.Concat("<root>", design, "<ektdesignpackage_list>", fieldList, "</ektdesignpackage_list></root>");
var viewXslt = contentApi.XSLTransform(viewXsltSource, Server.MapPath("~/WorkArea/ContentDesigner/DesignToViewXSLT.xslt"), true, false, xsltArgs, false);
var initialDocument = contentApi.TransformXsltPackage(design, Server.MapPath("~/WorkArea/ContentDesigner/PresentationToData.xslt"), true);
var sbPackage = new StringBuilder("<ektdesignpackage_forms><ektdesignpackage_form><ektdesignpackage_designs><ektdesignpackage_design>");
sfcData.PackageXslt = sbPackage.ToString();
sfcData.FieldList = fieldList;
var baseFilename = "SmartForm" + sfcData.Id;
var schemaFilename = "/" + baseFilename + "Schema.xsd";
var xsltFilename = "/" + baseFilename + "Xslt.xslt";
sfcData.XmlSchema = schemaFilename; // The file will be prefixed with /XmlFiles
var unPackDisplayXslt = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"\"><xsl:output method=\"xml\" version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" indent=\"yes\"/><xsl:template match=\"/\"><xsl:choose><xsl:when test=\"ektdesignpackage_forms/ektdesignpackage_form[1]/ektdesignpackage_views/ektdesignpackage_view[2]\"><xsl:copy-of select=\"ektdesignpackage_forms/ektdesignpackage_form[1]/ektdesignpackage_views/ektdesignpackage_view[2]/node()\"/></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><xsl:copy-of select=\"ektdesignpackage_forms/ektdesignpackage_form[1]/ektdesignpackage_views/ektdesignpackage_view[1]/node()\"/></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>";
var displayXslt = contentApi.TransformXsltPackage(sbPackage.ToString(), unPackDisplayXslt, false);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Server.MapPath("~/XmlFiles" + xsltFilename), displayXslt);
sfcData.Xslt1 = xsltFilename; // The file will be prefixed with /XmlFiles
sfcData.DefaultXslt = 1;
I extracted the HTML for my existing smart form and saved in the root of my site as NewsArticleSmartForm.html. Here's what my file looked like:
<p>Author: <input type="text" name="Author" id="Author" ektdesignns_caption="Author" ektdesignns_name="Author" title="Author" ektdesignns_indexed="false" ektdesignns_nodetype="element" size="24" class="design_textfield" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Article Summary: <textarea name="Summary" id="Summary" ektdesignns_caption="Summary" ektdesignns_name="Summary" title="Summary" ektdesignns_indexed="false" ektdesignns_nodetype="element" cols="40" rows="3" class="design_textfield"></textarea>
<p> </p>
<p>Article Body:</p>
<p> </p>
<ektdesignns_richarea id="Body" name="Body" ektdesignns_caption="Body" ektdesignns_name="Body" title="Body" ektdesignns_indexed="false" ektdesignns_nodetype="element"> </ektdesignns_richarea>
<p> </p>
Good luck!
Original Answer:
Creating a copy of a SmartForm configuration should be fairly straight-forward. The SmartFormConfigurationData object has a Clone() method on it which makes it really easy to create a copy of an existing SmartForm. I say "should be" because it doesn't work.
I had an answer all typed out ready to post; I tried some code and it appeared to work. The new smartform was listed in the workarea, but when I clicked on that new smartform to view its details, I realized something was wrong.
I tried the following code:
var sfManager = new SmartFormConfigurationManager();
var config = sfManager.GetItem(7);
if (config == null) return;
var newSmartForm = config.Clone();
newSmartForm.SmartformTitle += " copy";
Here are the details from the original smartform:
And here's what the new smartform looked like -- the one I created with the frameworkAPI:
I did find one API method that successfully created a copy of an existing smartform:
var sfApi = new Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI();
var newId = sfApi.ReplicateXmlConfiguration(7, "copied sf title");
The problem with that method is that the smartform must exist on your system and you can only change the title. So, I went digging into the database to see what was happening. It turns out that after calling this ReplicateXmlConfiguration() method, the two database records are identical (except for the expected LastUpdated type of fields).
After calling the frameworkAPI's Update() method (same holds true when calling Add()), the "updated" record is clearly different.
I think we've got a genuine bug here. This happens both in v8.7 sp2 and v9.0 sp1. I've opened a case with Ektron support, and I'll update my answer as I hear back. They have always been very responsive when I've dealt with them in the past.

Web.config issue - The given key was not present in the dictionary

I have ran into a really annoying issue which gives me this error: "The given key was not present in the dictionary."
What I don't get is that it worked perfectly as intedded last friday and the days before that. I have debugged, checked if the webservice files were intact etc. It all fits.
All I did last friday was running a script which ran trough all of the items in my list which contains the article pages and edited their creation date. I don't know if that could have changed something, but that's the only thing I can recall.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var listId = Request.QueryString["ListID"];
var itemId = Request.QueryString["ItemID"];
var spList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists[new Guid(listId)];
var item = spList.GetItemById(int.Parse(itemId));
var image = (ImageFieldValue)item["PublishingPageImage"];
var contentType = (string)item["ContentType"];
var pageLayout = (string) item["PublishingPageLayout"];
var news = new News
Title = (string)item["Title"],
NewsId = item.UniqueId,
Content = (string)item["PublishingPageContent"],
ArticleDate = item["ArticleStartDate"] == null ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime)item["ArticleStartDate"],
PageName = item.File.Name,
Author = new SPFieldUserValue(SPContext.Current.Web, (string)item["Author"]).User.LoginName,
IsArticle = contentType.Contains("Article"),
PageLayout = GetLayout(pageLayout),
Image = GetImage(image)
// Jumps to the WSInstance class.
WSInstance.InternetInstance().PublishNews(news); // This line throws the exception.
lblMessage.Text = "News '<i>" + news.Title + "</i>' have been published succesfully to the Internet site.";
catch (Exception ex)
EventLogger.LogError("Error occured while publishing news: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace, this);
public static WSIntegration InternetInstance(SPSite spSite)
// Jumps to the Configuration class.
var url = Configuration.GetConfigurationValue("Progressive.WS.Internet", spSite);
return new WSIntegration
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain),
Url = url
public static WSIntegration InternetInstance()
return InternetInstance(SPContext.Current.Site);
public static class Configuration
public static string GetConfigurationValue(string key, SPSite site)
var name = site.WebApplication.IisSettings[site.Zone].ServerComment; // This is where it fails and throws the error: "The given key was not present in the dictionary."
var value = "";
SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(() => { value = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/", name).AppSettings.Settings[key].Value; });
return value;
The section which it gets hold of the data from the web.config file.
<appSettings><add key="Progressive.WS.Internet" value="http://shpt02/_layouts/DR/WSIntegration.asmx" /> // This is the key value it cannot find.
<add key="Progressive.WS.Internet.Username" value="user" />
<add key="Progressive.WS.Internet.Password" value="password" />
<add key="Progressive.WS.Internet.Domain" value="domain" /></appSettings>
The error says that it can't find the site's Zone in the IisSettings dictionary. You should check both the value of the Zone property and the contents of the IisSettings dictionary. They may not contain the values you expect, since you access the IisSettings outside RunWithElevatedPrivileges, ie. with the end user's access rights.
In any case storing application settings in web.config is not the best option in SharePoint, as a web application hosts many site collections and sites. Modifying it causes all the sites to restart and recompile - not a good end user experience!
Check the Application Settings Manager section in the Sharepoint 2010 Guidance for an alternative way that stores settings in the appropriate site's property bag.
Saw Steve's comment and agree that any pointers to where the error is occuring would be good. Is this Silverlight (or WPF)? If so, it can be a styling name you used in your XAML is not present in the dictionary. Check names carefully and determine if there is an issue here.
Both are possible locations for the issue. Naming issues are often missed as you run through code.

How can I get the LastRunTime for a report using the Business Objects Web Services SDK?

I'm using the Business Objects Web Services SDK to access our Business Objects data. I've successfully got a list of reports, and from that found the LastSuccessfulInstance of a report that has been previously run. However, I can't seem to get the LastRunTime to be populated. When I do a query with no attributes specified it comes back as not set, and I get the same result when I ask for that attribute in particular. I've looked at the report itself and the instance and they both don't have this information. Does anyone know where I can get it from?
Here's my code (hacked from one of SAP's demos):
var sessConnUrl = serviceUrl + "/session";
var boConnection = new BusinessObjects.DSWS.Connection(sessConnUrl);
var boSession = new Session(boConnection);
// Setup the Enterprise Credentials used to login to the Enterprise System
var boEnterpriseCredential = new EnterpriseCredential
Domain = cmsname,
Login = username,
Password = password,
AuthType = authType
// Login to the Enterprise System and retrieve the SessionInfo
/************************** DISPLAY INBOX OBJECTS *************************/
// Retrieve the BIPlatform Service so it can be used to add the USER
var biPlatformUrl = boSession.GetAssociatedServicesURL("BIPlatform");
var boBiPlatform = BIPlatform.GetInstance(boSession, biPlatformUrl[0]);
// Specify the query used to retrieve the inbox objects
// NOTE: Adding a "/" at the end of the query indicates that we want to
// retrieve the all the objects located directly under the inbox.
// Without the "/" Path operator, the inbox itself would be returned.
const string query = "path://InfoObjects/Root Folder/Reports/";
// Execute the query and retrieve the reports objects
var boResponseHolder = boBiPlatform.Get(query, null);
var boInfoObjects = boResponseHolder.InfoObjects.InfoObject;
// If the reports contains a list of objects, loop through and display them
if (boInfoObjects != null)
// Go through and display the list of documents
foreach (var boInfoObject in boInfoObjects)
var report = boInfoObject as Webi;
if (report == null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report.LastSuccessfulInstanceCUID))
var instanceQuery = "cuid://<" + report.LastSuccessfulInstanceCUID + ">";
var instanceResponseHolder = boBiPlatform.Get(instanceQuery, null);
var instance = instanceResponseHolder.InfoObjects.InfoObject[0];
Both report.LastRunTimeSpecified and instance.LastRunTimeSpecified are false and both LastRunTime are 01\01\0001, but I can see a last run time in the Web Intelligence UI.
With a little help from Ted Ueda at SAP support I figured it out. Not all the properties are populated by default you need to append #* to the query string to get everything, i.e. change the line:
const string query = "path://InfoObjects/Root Folder/Reports/";
const string query = "path://InfoObjects/Root Folder/Reports/#*";

