I have the following code which takes a CSV and writes to a console:
using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(
new StreamReader("data.csv"), true))
// missing fields will not throw an exception,
// but will instead be treated as if there was a null value
csv.MissingFieldAction = MissingFieldAction.ReplaceByNull;
// to replace by "" instead, then use the following action:
//csv.MissingFieldAction = MissingFieldAction.ReplaceByEmpty;
int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
Console.Write(string.Format("{0} = {1};",
csv[i] == null ? "MISSING" : csv[i]));
The CSV file has 7 headers for which I have 7 columns in my SQL table.
What is the best way to take each csv[i] and write to a row for each column and then move to the next row?
I tried to add the ccsv[i] to a string array but that didn't work.
I also tried the following:
SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO table1 [" + csv[i] + "]", mysqlconnectionstring);
My table (table1) is like this:
name address city zipcode phone fax device
your problem is simple but I will take it one step further and let you know a better way to approach the issue.
when you have a problem to sold, always break it down into parts and apply each part in each own method. For example, in your case:
1 - read from the file
2 - create a sql query
3 - run the query
and you can even add validation to the file (imagine your file does not even have 7 fields in one or more lines...) and the example below it to be taken, only if your file never passes around 500 lines, as if it does normally you should consider to use a SQL statement that takes your file directly in to the database, it's called bulk insert
1 - read from file:
I would use a List<string> to hold the line entries and I always use StreamReader to read from text files.
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(this.CsvPath))
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
splittedLine = line.Split(new string[] { this.Separator }, StringSplitOptions.None);
if (iLine == 0 && this.HasHeader)
// header line
this.Header = splittedLine;
2 - generate the sql
foreach (var line in this.Lines)
string entries = string.Concat("'", string.Join("','", line))
.TrimEnd('\'').TrimEnd(','); // remove last ",'"
this.Query.Add(string.Format(this.LineTemplate, entries));
3 - run the query
SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand(string.Join("", query), mysqlconnectionstring);
having some fun I end up doing the solution and you can download it here, the output is:
The code can be found here. It needs more tweaks but I will left that for others. Solution written in C#, VS 2013.
The ExtractCsvIntoSql class is as follows:
public class ExtractCsvIntoSql
private string CsvPath, Separator;
private bool HasHeader;
private List<string[]> Lines;
private List<string> Query;
/// <summary>
/// Header content of the CSV File
/// </summary>
public string[] Header { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Template to be used in each INSERT Query statement
/// </summary>
public string LineTemplate { get; set; }
public ExtractCsvIntoSql(string csvPath, string separator, bool hasHeader = false)
this.CsvPath = csvPath;
this.Separator = separator;
this.HasHeader = hasHeader;
this.Lines = new List<string[]>();
// you can also set this
this.LineTemplate = "INSERT INTO [table1] SELECT ({0});";
/// <summary>
/// Generates the SQL Query
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<string> Generate()
if(this.CsvPath == null)
throw new ArgumentException("CSV Path can't be empty");
// extract csv into object
// generate sql query
return this.Query;
private void Extract()
string line;
string[] splittedLine;
int iLine = 0;
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(this.CsvPath))
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
splittedLine = line.Split(new string[] { this.Separator }, StringSplitOptions.None);
if (iLine == 0 && this.HasHeader)
// header line
this.Header = splittedLine;
catch (Exception ex)
if(ex.InnerException != null)
while (ex.InnerException != null)
ex = ex.InnerException;
throw ex;
// Lines will have all rows and each row, the column entry
private void GenerateQuery()
foreach (var line in this.Lines)
string entries = string.Concat("'", string.Join("','", line))
.TrimEnd('\'').TrimEnd(','); // remove last ",'"
this.Query.Add(string.Format(this.LineTemplate, entries));
and you can run it as:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string file = Ask("What is the CSV file path? (full path)");
string separator = Ask("What is the current separator? (; or ,)");
var extract = new ExtractCsvIntoSql(file, separator);
var sql = extract.Generate();
private static void Output(IEnumerable<string> sql)
foreach(var query in sql)
Console.Write("END ");
private static string Ask(string question)
Console.Write("= ");
return Console.ReadLine();
Usually i like to be a bit more generic so i'll try to explain a very basic flow i use from time to time:
I don't like the hard coded attitude so even if your code will work it will be dedicated specifically to one type. I prefer i simple reflection, first to understand what DTO is it and then to understand what repository should i use to manipulate it:
For example:
public class ImportProvider
private readonly string _path;
private readonly ObjectResolver _objectResolver;
public ImportProvider(string path)
_path = path;
_objectResolver = new ObjectResolver();
public void Import()
var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(_path, "*.csv");
foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
var className = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length-4);
using (var reader = new CsvFileReader(filePath))
var row = new CsvRow();
var repository = (DaoBase)_objectResolver.Resolve("DAL.Repository", className + "Dao");
while (reader.ReadRow(row))
var dtoInstance = (DtoBase)_objectResolver.Resolve("DAL.DTO", className + "Dto");
Above is a very basic class responsible importing the data. Nevertheless of how this piece of code parsing CSV files (CsvFileReader), the important part is thata "CsvRow" is a simple List.
Below is the implementation of the ObjectResolver:
public class ObjectResolver
private readonly Assembly _myDal;
public ObjectResolver()
_myDal = Assembly.Load("DAL");
public object Resolve(string nameSpace, string name)
var myLoadClass = _myDal.GetType(nameSpace + "." + name);
return Activator.CreateInstance(myLoadClass);
The idea is to simple follow a naming convetion, in my case is using a "Dto" suffix for reflecting the instances, and "Dao" suffix for reflecting the responsible dao. The full name of the Dto or the Dao can be taken from the csv name or from the header (as you wish)
Next step is filling the Dto, each dto or implements the following simple abstract:
public abstract class DtoBase
public abstract void FillInstance(params string[] parameters);
Since each Dto "knows" his structure (just like you knew to create an appropriate table in the database), it can easily implement the FillInstanceMethod, here is a simple Dto example:
public class ProductDto : DtoBase
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public double Weight { get; set; }
public int FamilyId { get; set; }
public override void FillInstance(params string[] parameters)
ProductId = int.Parse(parameters[0]);
Weight = double.Parse(parameters[1]);
FamilyId = int.Parse(parameters[2]);
After you have your Dto filled with data you should find the appropriate Dao to handle it
which is basically happens in reflection in this line of the Import() method:
var repository = (DaoBase)_objectResolver.Resolve("DAL.Repository", className + "Dao");
In my case the Dao implements an abstract base class - but it's not that relevant to your problem, your DaoBase can be a simple abstract with a single Save() method.
This way you have a dedicated Dao to CRUD your Dto's - each Dao simply knows how to save for its relevant Dto. Below is the corresponding ProductDao to the ProductDto:
public class ProductDao : DaoBase
private const string InsertProductQuery = #"SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
Insert into product (productID, weight, familyID)
VALUES (#productId, #weight, #familyId);
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;";
public override void Save(DtoBase dto)
var productToSave = dto as ProductDto;
var saveproductCommand = GetDbCommand(InsertProductQuery);
if (productToSave != null)
saveproductCommand.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("#productId", productToSave.ProductId));
saveproductCommand.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("#weight", productToSave.Weight));
saveproductCommand.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("#familyId", productToSave.FamilyId));
ExecuteNonQuery(ref saveproductCommand);
Please ignore the CreateParameter() method, since it's an abstraction from the base classs. you can just use a CreateSqlParameter or CreateDataParameter etc.
Just notice, it's a real naive implementation - you can easily remodel it better, depends on your needs.
From the first impression of your questionc I guess you would be having hugely number of records (more than lacs). If yes I would consider the SQL bulk copies an option. If the record would be less go ahead single record. Insert. The reason for you insert not working is u not providing all the columns of the table and also there's some syntax error.
I am new to object-oriented programming and I am working on a small personal project with some SQL scripts.
I have a scenario where a SQL script calls a static method with a file path as input.
queries = Select Query from Table where Utils.ContainsKeyword(Query, #Path1) AND NOT Utils.ContainsKeyword(Query, #Path2);
I had initially created a static class that does the following:
public static class Utils
public static bool ContainsKeyword(string query, string path)
var isQueryInFile = false;
var stringFromFile = GetStringFromFile(path);
List<Regex>regexList = GetRegexList(stringFromFile);
if(regexList!= null)
isQueryInFile = regexList.Any(pattern => pattern.IsMatch(query));
return isQueryInFile;
private static string GetStringFromFile(string path)
var words = String.Empty;
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))
words = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace(Environment.Newline, "");
catch { return words; }
return words;
private static List<Regex> GetRegexList(string words)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(words)) { return null; }
return words.Split(',').Select(w=> new Regex(#"\b" + Regex.Escape(w) + #'\b', RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).ToList();
My problem is that I neither want to read from the file every time the ContainsKeyword static method is called nor do I want to create a new RegexList every time. Also, I cannot change the SQL script and I have to send the path to the file as an input parameter for the method call in the SQL script since the path might change in the future.
Is there a way to make sure I only read the contents from the input path only once, store them in a string, and use the string for the match with different input queries?
To read the content only once, saving in memory will probaby be needed. Memory capacity could be an issue.
public Dictionary<string, string> FileContentCache { get; set; } // make sure that gets initialized
public string GetFileContentCache(string path)
if (FileContentCache == null) FileContentCache = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (FileContentCache.ContainsKey(path))
return FileContentCache[path];
var fileData = GetStringFromFile(path);
FileContentCache.Add(path, fileData);
return fileData;
I have a process whereby we have written a class to import a large (ish) CSV into our app using CsvHelper (https://joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper).
I would like to compare the header to the Map to ensure the header's integrity. We get the CSV file from a 3rd party and I want to ensure it doesn't change over time and thought the best way to do this would be to compare it against the map.
We have a class set up as so (trimmed):
public class VisitExport
public int? Count { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string CustomerAddress { get; set; }
And its corresponding map (also trimmed):
public class VisitMap : ClassMap<VisitExport>
public VisitMap()
Map(m => m.Count).Name("Count");
Map(m => m.CustomerName).Name("Customer Name");
Map(m => m.CustomerAddress).Name("Customer Address");
This is the code I have for reading the CSV file and it works great. I have a try catch in place for the error but ideally, if it fails specifically for a header miss match, I'd like to handle that specifically.
private void fileLoadedLink_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
var filePath = string.Empty;
data = new List<VisitExport>();
using (OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog())
openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = new KnownFolder(KnownFolderType.Downloads).Path;
openFileDialog.Filter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv";
openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2;
openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
filePath = openFileDialog.FileName;
var fileStream = openFileDialog.OpenFile();
var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-GB");
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
using (var readCsv = new CsvReader(reader, culture))
var map = new VisitMap();
var fileContent = readCsv.GetRecords<VisitExport>();
data = fileContent.ToList();
fileLoadedLink.Text = filePath;
viewModel.IsFileLoaded = true;
catch (CsvHelperException ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message);
fileLoadedLink.Text = "Error loading file.";
viewModel.IsFileLoaded = false;
Is there a way of comparing the Csv header vs my map?
There are two basic cases for CSV files with headers: missing CSV columns, and extra CSV columns. The first is already detected by CsvHelper while the detection of the second is not implemented out of the box and requires subclassing of CsvReader.
(As CsvHelper maps CSV columns to model properties by name, permuting the order of the columns in the CSV file would not be considered a breaking change.)
Note that this only applies to CSV files that actually contain headers. Since you are not setting CsvConfiguration.HasHeaderRecord = false I assume that this applies to your use case.
Details about each of the two cases follow.
Missing CSV columns.
Currently CsvHelper already throws an exception by default in such situations. When unmapped data model properties are found, CsvConfiguration.HeaderValidated is invoked. By default this is set to ConfigurationFunctions.HeaderValidated whose current behavior is to throw a HeaderValidationException if there are any unmapped model properties. You can replace or extend HeaderValidated with logic of your own if you prefer:
var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-GB");
var config = new CsvConfiguration (culture)
HeaderValidated = (args) =>
// Add additional logic as required here
using (var readCsv = new CsvReader(reader, config))
// Remainder unchanged
Demo fiddle #1 here.
Extra CSV columns.
Currently CsvHelper does not inform the application when this happens. See Throw if csv contains unexpected columns #1032 which confirms that this is not implemented out of the box.
In a GitHub comment, user leopignataro suggests a workaround, which is to subclass CsvReader and add the necessary validation logic oneself. However the version shown in the comment doesn't seem to handle duplicated column names or embedded references. The following subclass of CsvHelper should do this correctly. It is based on the logic in CsvReader.ValidateHeader(ClassMap map, List<InvalidHeader> invalidHeaders). It recursively walks the incoming ClassMap, attempts to find a CSV header corresponding to each member or constructor parameter, and flags the index of each one that is mapped. Afterwards, if there are any unmapped headers, the supplied Action<CsvContext, List<string>> OnUnmappedCsvHeaders is invoked to notify the application of the problem and throw some exception if desired:
public class ValidatingCsvReader : CsvReader
public ValidatingCsvReader(TextReader reader, CultureInfo culture, bool leaveOpen = false) : this(new CsvParser(reader, culture, leaveOpen)) { }
public ValidatingCsvReader(TextReader reader, CsvConfiguration configuration) : this(new CsvParser(reader, configuration)) { }
public ValidatingCsvReader(IParser parser) : base(parser) { }
public Action<CsvContext, List<string>> OnUnmappedCsvHeaders { get; set; }
public override void ValidateHeader(Type type)
var headerRecord = HeaderRecord;
var mapped = new BitArray(headerRecord.Length);
var map = Context.Maps[type];
FlagMappedHeaders(map, mapped);
var unmappedHeaders = Enumerable.Range(0, headerRecord.Length).Where(i => !mapped[i]).Select(i => headerRecord[i]).ToList();
if (unmappedHeaders.Count > 0)
OnUnmappedCsvHeaders?.Invoke(Context, unmappedHeaders);
protected virtual void FlagMappedHeaders(ClassMap map, BitArray mapped)
// Logic adapted from https://github.com/JoshClose/CsvHelper/blob/0d753ff09294b425e4bc5ab346145702eeeb1b6f/src/CsvHelper/CsvReader.cs#L157
// By https://github.com/JoshClose
foreach (var parameter in map.ParameterMaps)
if (parameter.Data.Ignore)
if (parameter.Data.IsConstantSet)
// If ConvertUsing and Constant don't require a header.
if (parameter.Data.IsIndexSet && !parameter.Data.IsNameSet)
// If there is only an index set, we don't want to validate the header name.
if (parameter.ConstructorTypeMap != null)
FlagMappedHeaders(parameter.ConstructorTypeMap, mapped);
else if (parameter.ReferenceMap != null)
FlagMappedHeaders(parameter.ReferenceMap.Data.Mapping, mapped);
var index = GetFieldIndex(parameter.Data.Names.ToArray(), parameter.Data.NameIndex, true);
if (index >= 0)
mapped.Set(index, true);
foreach (var memberMap in map.MemberMaps)
if (memberMap.Data.Ignore || !CanRead(memberMap))
if (memberMap.Data.ReadingConvertExpression != null || memberMap.Data.IsConstantSet)
// If ConvertUsing and Constant don't require a header.
if (memberMap.Data.IsIndexSet && !memberMap.Data.IsNameSet)
// If there is only an index set, we don't want to validate the header name.
var index = GetFieldIndex(memberMap.Data.Names.ToArray(), memberMap.Data.NameIndex, true);
if (index >= 0)
mapped.Set(index, true);
foreach (var referenceMap in map.ReferenceMaps)
if (!CanRead(referenceMap))
FlagMappedHeaders(referenceMap.Data.Mapping, mapped);
And then in your code, handle the OnUnmappedCsvHeaders callback however you would like, such as by throwing a CsvHelperException or some other custom exception:
using (var readCsv = new ValidatingCsvReader(reader, culture)
OnUnmappedCsvHeaders = (context, headers) => throw new CsvHelperException(context, string.Format("Unmapped CSV headers: \"{0}\"", string.Join(",", headers))),
Demo fiddles:
#2 (your model).
#3 (with external references).
#4 (duplicate names).
#5 (using the auto-generated map).
This could use additional testing, e.g. for data models with parameterized constructors and additional, mutable properties.
How about catching HeaderValidationException before catching CsvHelperException
catch (HeaderValidationException ex)
var message = ex.Message.Split('\n')[0];
var currentHeader = ex.Context.Reader.HeaderRecord;
message += $"{Environment.NewLine}Header: \"{string.Join(",", currentHeader)}\"";
fileLoadedLink.Text = "Error loading file.";
viewModel.IsFileLoaded = false;
catch (CsvHelperException ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message);
fileLoadedLink.Text = "Error loading file.";
viewModel.IsFileLoaded = false;
I have data in tab-separated values (TSV) text files that I want to read and (eventually) store in database tables. With the TSV files, each line contains one record, but in one file the record can have 2 fields, in another file 4 fields, etc. I wrote working code to handle the 2-field records, but I thought this might be a good case for a generic method (or two) rather than writing new methods for each kind of record. However, I have not been able to code this because of 2 problems: I can't create a new object for holding the record data, and I don't know how to use reflection to generically fill the instance variables of my objects.
I looked at several other similar posts, including Datatable to object by using reflection and linq
Below is the code that works (this is in Windows, if that matters) and also the code that doesn't work.
public class TSVFile
public class TSVRec
public string item1;
public string item2;
private string fileName = "";
public TSVFile(string _fileName)
fileName = _fileName;
public TSVRec GetTSVRec(string Line)
TSVRec rec = new TSVRec();
string[] fields = Line.Split(new char[1] { '\t' });
rec.item1 = fields[0];
rec.item2 = fields[1];
catch (Exception ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Bad import data on line: " +
Line + "\n" + ex.Message, "Error",
return rec;
public List<TSVRec> ImportTSVRec()
List<TSVRec> loadedData = new List<TSVRec>();
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName))
string Line = null;
while ((Line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
return loadedData;
// *** Attempted generic methods ***
public T GetRec<T>(string Line)
T rec = new T(); // compile error!
Type t = typeof(T);
FieldInfo[] instanceVars = t.GetFields();
string[] fields = Line.Split(new char[1] { '\t' });
for (int i = 0; i < instanceVars.Length - 1; i++)
rec. ??? = fields[i]; // how do I finish this line???
return rec;
public List<T> Import<T>(Type t)
List<T> loadedData = new List<T>();
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName))
string Line = null;
while ((Line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
return loadedData;
I saw the line
T rec = new T();
in the above-mentioned post, but it doesn't work for me...
I would appreciate any suggestions for how to make this work, if possible. I want to learn more about using reflection with generics, so I don't only want to understand how, but also why.
I wish #EdPlunkett had posted his suggestion as an answer, rather than a comment, so I could mark it as the answer...
To summarize: to do what I want to do, there is no need for "Assigning instance variables obtained through reflection in generic method". In fact, I can have a generic solution without using a generic method:
public class GenRec
public List<string> items = new List<string>();
public GenRec GetRec(string Line)
GenRec rec = new GenRec();
string[] fields = Line.Split(new char[1] { '\t' });
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
catch (Exception ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Bad import data on line: " + Line + "\n" + ex.Message, "Error",
return rec;
public List<GenRec> Import()
List<GenRec> loadedData = new List<GenRec>();
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName))
string Line = null;
while ((Line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
return loadedData;
I just tested this, and it works like a charm!
Of course, this isn't helping me to learn how to write generic methods or use reflection, but I'll take it...
I have a number of text files that all follow the same content format:
"Title section","Version of the app"
"<thing 1>","<thing 2>","<thing 3>","<thing 4>","<thing 5>","<thing 6>","<thing 7>","<thing 8>","<thing 9>","<thing 10>"
' first line never changes, it always contains exactly these 2 items
' second line is a count of how many "line 3s" there are
' line 3 contains a command to execute and (up to) 9 parameters
' - there will always be 10 qoute-delimited entries, even if some are blank
' - there can be N number of entries (in this example, there will be 10 commands to read)
I am reading each of these text files in, using StreamReader, and want to set each file up in its own class.
public class MyTextFile{
public string[] HeaderLine { get; set; }
public int ItemCount { get; set; }
List<MyCommandLine> Commands { get; set;}
public class MyCommandLine{
public string[] MyCommand { get; set; }
private void btnGetMyFilesiles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
DirectoryInfo myFolder = new DirectoryInfo(#"C:\FileSpot");
FileInfo[] myfiles = myfolder.GetFiles("*.ses");
string line = "";
foreach(FileInfo file in Files ){
str = str + ", " + file.Name;
// Read the file and display it line by line.
System.IO.StreamReader readingFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(file.Name);
MyTextFile myFileObject = new MyTextFile()
while ((line = readingFile.ReadLine()) != null){
' create the new MyTextFile here
The objective is to determine what the actual command being called is (""), and if any of the remaining parameters point to a pre-existing file, determine if that file exists. My problem is that I can't figure out how to read N number of "line 3" into their own objects and append these objects to the MyTextFile object. I'm 99% certain that I've led myself astray in reading each file line-by-line, but I don't know how to get out of it.
So, addressing the specific issue of getting N number of line 3 items into your class, you could do something like this (obviously you can make some changes so it is more specific to your application).
public class MyTextFile
public List<Array> Commands = new List<Array>();
public void EnumerateCommands()
for (int i = 0; i < Commands.Count; i++)
foreach (var c in Commands[i])
Console.Write(c + " ");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string line = "";
int count = 0;
MyTextFile tf = new MyTextFile();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(#"path"))
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
count += 1;
if (count >= 3)
object[] Arguments = line.Split(',');
At least now you have a list of commands within your 'MyTextFile' class that you can enumerate through and do stuff with.
** I added the EnumerateCommands method so that you could actually see the list is storing the line items. The code should run in a Console application with the appropriate 'using' statements.
Hope this helps.
If all of the is separated with coma sign , you can just do something like :
int length = Convert.ToInt32 (reader.ReadLine ());
string line = reader.ReadLine ();
IEnumerable <string> things = line.Split (',').Select (thing => thing. Replace ('\"'', string.Empty).Take(length);
Take indicates how many things to take from the line.
Is there a way to limit the number of entries WMI retrieves with a WQL statement?
I say this because running a query to retrieve all Win32_NTLogEvent instances is taking forever! All I really need are the most recent events (for about a week, or 2000 entries)
Here's a snippet of the code I'm using to get the log data. Other queries such as Win32_Processor are nice and quick.
if (Configuration.OnlyErrorLogs)
// If Information logs should be suppressed, only get events where event type is not 3
WMIDataTemp1 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_NTLogEvent", "EventType<>3");
WMIDataTemp1 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_NTLogEvent");
foreach (ManagementObject Object in WMIDataTemp1)
this.Log.Add(new Log(Object));
And the functions to get WMI data are as follows:
public static ManagementObject[] GetWMIData(string wmiClass) { return GetWMIData(wmiClass, "", "CIMV2"); }
public static ManagementObject[] GetWMIData(string wmiClass, string whereClause) { return GetWMIData(wmiClass, whereClause, "CIMV2"); }
public static ManagementObject[] GetWMIData(string wmiClass, string whereClause, string nameSpace)
// If a where clause has been set, prepare the clause to add to the query string
if (whereClause != "")
whereClause = " WHERE " + whereClause;
// Create a search query
string query = "SELECT * FROM " + wmiClass + whereClause;
ManagementObjectSearcher wmiSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\" + nameSpace, query);
ManagementObjectCollection matches = wmiSearcher.Get();
// Create an array to hold the matches
ManagementObject[] matchArray = new ManagementObject[matches.Count];
// If matches found, copy to output
if(matches.Count > 0)
// Copy the search matches into this array
matches.CopyTo(matchArray, 0);
// Return array
return matchArray;
catch (Exception e)
ErrorDialogue errorReporter = new ErrorDialogue(e);
return null;
Where each Log gets stored:
public class Log
public string Category = "N/A";
public string DateTime = "N/A";
public UInt16 ID = 0;
public string Level = "N/A";
public string Message = "N/A";
public string Source = "N/A";
public Log() { }
public Log(ManagementObject wmiLogEvent)
public void GetInfo(ManagementObject wmiLogEvent)
this.Category = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "CategoryString");
this.DateTime = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "TimeGenerated");
this.ID = DataRetriever.GetValueUInt16(wmiLogEvent, "EventIdentifier");
this.Level = DataRetriever.ConvertEventType(DataRetriever.GetValueUInt16(wmiLogEvent, "CategoryString"));
this.Message = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "Message");
this.Source = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "SourceName");
catch (Exception e)
ErrorDialogue errorReporter = new ErrorDialogue(e);
One option is to use a WHERE clause to specify the range of the entries you want...
For example you could use TimeGenerated in the WHERE clause to specify a time-based range...
Another option is to set BlockSize accordingly when creating ManagementObjectSearcher.
You could use that to specify that you want 2000 entries per call for example - together with an ORDER BY TimeGenerated DESC this should give a nice result.
Speed is not a strong suit for WMI. It tends to be quite memory intensive. However, the question has been addressed and there are a few things you can do. Check out Why are my queries taking such a long time to complete? from Microsoft TechNet.
Now using the System.Diagnostics.EventLog class as a faster alternative. Much more beneficial to the program compared to WMI.