Creating an instance of HttpPostedFileBase for unit testing - c#

I need to create an instance of HttpPostedFileBase class object and pass it to a method, but I cannot find any way to instantiate it. I am creating a test case to test my fileupload method.
This is my method which takes an HttpPostedFileBase object. I need to call it from my test case class. I am not using any mock library.
Is there a simple way to do this?
public JsonResult AddVariation(HttpPostedFileBase file, string name, string comment, string description, decimal amount, string accountLineTypeID)
var accountLineType = _fileService.GetAccountLineType(AccountLineType.Debit);
if (Guid.Parse(accountLineTypeID) == _fileService.GetAccountLineType(AccountLineType.Credit).AccountLineTypeID)
amount = 0 - amount;
var info = new File()
FileID = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = name,
Description = description,
FileName = file.FileName,
BuildID = Guid.Parse(SelectedBuildID),
MimeType = file.ContentType,
CreatedUserID = CurrentUser.UserID,
UpdatedUserID = CurrentUser.UserID,
Amount = amount,
var cmmnt = new Comment()
CommentDate = DateTime.Now,
CommentText = comment,
FileID = info.FileID,
UserID = CurrentUser.UserID
_variationService.AddVariation(info, file.InputStream);
return Json("Variation Added Sucessfully", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

HttpPostedFileBase is an abstract class so therefore it cannot be directly instantiated.
Create a class that derives from HttpPostedFileBase and returns the values you are looking for.
class MyTestPostedFileBase : HttpPostedFileBase
Stream stream;
string contentType;
string fileName;
public MyTestPostedFileBase(Stream stream, string contentType, string fileName)
{ = stream;
this.contentType = contentType;
this.fileName = fileName;
public override int ContentLength
get { return (int)stream.Length; }
public override string ContentType
get { return contentType; }
public override string FileName
get { return fileName; }
public override Stream InputStream
get { return stream; }
public override void SaveAs(string filename)
throw new NotImplementedException();

I think that #BenjaminPaul has the best answer - but wanted to add this in case anyone else is looking to test the content length on the MyTestPostedFileBase object.
I created the class as is outlined above and then passing a stream that is filled with random bytes - this allows the `MyTestPostedFileBase.ContentLength to return a testable value that I needed.
byte[] byteBuffer = new Byte[10];
Random rnd = new Random();
System.IO.MemoryStream testStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(byteBuffer);
and then instantiate it:
var TestImageFile = new MyTestPostedFileBase(testStream, "test/content", "test-file.png");


How can I convert ActionResult to List in C#

This is function from my partner:
public ActionResult<string> ReadSmb(string server, string share, string path, string username = "", string password = "")
var result = new StringBuilder();
NTStatus status;
SMB1Client client = new SMB1Client(); // SMB2Client can be used as well
bool isConnected = client.Connect(server, SMBTransportType.DirectTCPTransport);
if (isConnected)
status = client.Login(String.Empty, username, password);
if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
List<string> shares = client.ListShares(out status);
ISMBFileStore fileStore = client.TreeConnect(share, out status);
object fileHandle;
FileStatus fileStatus;
if (fileStore is SMB1FileStore)
{ path = #"\\" + path; }
status = fileStore.CreateFile(out fileHandle, out fileStatus,
SMBLibrary.FileAttributes.Normal, ShareAccess.Read,
if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
byte[] data;
long bytesRead = 0;
while (true)
status = fileStore.ReadFile(out data, fileHandle, bytesRead, (int)client.MaxReadSize);
if (status != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS && status != NTStatus.STATUS_END_OF_FILE)
throw new Exception("Failed to read from file");
if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_END_OF_FILE || data.Length == 0)
bytesRead += data.Length;
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
using (var streamreader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding(932)))
result.AppendLine($"file open : {status.ToString()}");
status = fileStore.CloseFile(fileHandle);
status = fileStore.Disconnect();
result.AppendLine($"logon : {status.ToString()}");
result.AppendLine($"not connected : {server}");
return Json(result.ToString());
And The results he tried displayed on the screen as follows:
I have the following code:
ActionResult<string> test = TestFunction();
List<string> list = test;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ )
//do something with list
My "ActionResult test" is return Json(result.ToString());
And now, i want to convert from ActionResult to List to loop them and do something with them.
How can I convert or do any thing to loop them?
Thanks for read my post :)
Genuinely? You wouldn't do it this way
It looks like the method from your partner is either supposed to be in a controller directly,
public ActionResult<string> ReadSmbstring server, string share, string path, string username = "", string password = ""){
or the controller method is some hollow shell/passthrough like,
public ActionResult<string> Get(...){
return ReadSmb(...);
It's going to be harder to work with ReadSmb the way it is, than changing it so it just returns a string, and then passthrough calling it in a controller:
public ActionResult<string> ReadSmb(string server, string share, string path, string username = "", string password = "")
return result.ToString();
public ActionResult<string> Get(...){
return Json(ReadSmb(...));
Also, I do want to point out that it's going to be hard to work with all round, because it basically prepares what looks like a block of formatted text. There's barely any point in "JSONifying" that, because all it'll do is wrap it in " and turn any " inside it into \"
Json() is intended to work with objects like:
var r = new Person {
Name = "John",
Age = 22,
Address = new Address {
Street = "Infinite Loop",
City = "Cupertino"
And it'll churn out
"name": "John",
"age": 22,
"address": {
"street": "Infinite Loop",
"city": "Cupertino"
If you made ReadSmb return you some sensible object then it'll be a lot easier to work with, and Json()ing the result will do something reasonable which makes it a lot easier to work with at the other end of the pipe
If ReadSmb returned you a class like:
public class SmbFile{
public string FileName {get; set;}
public string Status {get; set;}
public string B64Content { get => Convert.ToBase64String(_fileContent); }
public byte[] FileContent { get; set;} //note, properties should not return arrays - doing for convenience of demonstrating a point
Then you could inspect the Status, know if there was some bytes data, read it, parse it, whatever youre planning on doing.. and it would Json() fairly sensibly too

Problems with uploading to blob storage in azure using a cli and .net

Using c# with the .net framework and microsoft azure and i am trying to upload a file in a cli which should be picked up by a webjob. I'm sure the webjob is fine but i am having problems getting upload to work.
// Pick URL location of service up from metadata
AudioSamples client = new AudioSamples(new AnonymousCredential());
var id = Console.ReadLine();
string path = "api/samples/" + id;
Console.WriteLine("Enter the file name.");
string fileName = Console.ReadLine();
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
HttpOperationResponse response = await client.PutAsync(path, new StreamContent(stream));
From what i understand the PutAsync should work for streaming the file but it gives me an error saying the command doesn't exist
this api should also be used with the upload to a blob but im not sure how it connect it to the client.
namespace AudioSamples.Controllers
[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]
public class DataController : ApiController
private const String partitionName = "AudioSamples_Partition_1";
private CloudStorageAccount storageAccount;
private CloudTableClient tableClient;
private CloudTable table;
private BlobStorageService _blobStorageService = new BlobStorageService();
private CloudQueueService _queueStorageService = new CloudQueueService();
String name;
public DataController()
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureWebJobsStorage"].ToString());
tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
table = tableClient.GetTableReference("AudioSamples");
private void deleteOldBlobs(AudioSampleEntityModel sample)
CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = _blobStorageService.getCloudBlobContainer();
CloudBlockBlob blob;
if (sample.Blob != null)
blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(sample.Blob);
if (sample.SampleBlob != null)
blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(sample.SampleBlob);
// PUT: api/Data/5
public IHttpActionResult Put(String id)
// PUT – see also ProductsController.cs from Lab 4
// Create a retrieve operation.
// id is a parameter of method and forms the row key
TableOperation retrieveOperation =
TableOperation.Retrieve<AudioSampleEntityModel>(partitionName, id);
TableResult getOperationResult = table.Execute(retrieveOperation);
if (getOperationResult.Result == null)
return NotFound();
AudioSampleEntityModel sample = (AudioSampleEntityModel)getOperationResult.Result;
CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = _blobStorageService.getCloudBlobContainer();
name = string.Format("{0}{1}", Guid.NewGuid(), ".mp3");
String path = "/mp3s" + name;
var baseUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
String sampleURL = baseUrl.ToString() + "/api/data/" + id;
sample.SampleBlobURL = sampleURL;
sample.Blob = path;
sample.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
sample.SampleDate = null;
var updateOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(sample);
CloudBlockBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(sample.Blob);
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
blob.Properties.ContentType = "audio/mpeg3";
catch (Exception e)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("DataController(PUT): " + e.Message);
return BadRequest("DataController(PUT): " + e.Message);
CloudQueue sampleQueue = _queueStorageService.getCloudQueue();
var queueMessageSample = new AudioSampleEntityModel(partitionName, id);
sampleQueue.AddMessage(new CloudQueueMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(queueMessageSample)));
catch (Exception e)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("DataController(PUT): " + e.Message);
return BadRequest("DataController(PUT): " + e.Message);
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("*** WebRole: Enqueued '{0}'", sample.Blob));
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
This is the webjob which i think is working fine.
public class Functions
public static void GenerateSample(
[QueueTrigger("audiosamplemaker")] AudioSampleEntityModel sampleInQueue,
[Table("Samples", "{PartitionKey}", "{RowKey}")] AudioSampleEntityModel sampleInTable,
[Blob("audiocollection/audio/{queueTrigger}")] CloudBlockBlob inputBlob,
[Blob("audiocollection/samples/{queueTrigger}")] CloudBlockBlob outputBlob, TextWriter logger,
[Table("Samples")] CloudTable tableBinding, TextWriter kek)
//use log.WriteLine() rather than Console.WriteLine() for trace output
logger.WriteLine("GenerateSample() started...");
logger.WriteLine("Input blob is: " + sampleInQueue);
// Open streams to blobs for reading and writing as appropriate.
// Pass references to application specific methods
using (Stream input = inputBlob.OpenRead())
using (Stream output = outputBlob.OpenWrite())
createSample(input, output, 20);
outputBlob.Properties.ContentType = "audio/mp3";
outputBlob.Metadata["Title"] = inputBlob.Metadata["Title"];
logger.WriteLine("GenerateSample() completed...");
private static void createSample(Stream input, Stream output, int duration)
using (var reader = new Mp3FileReader(input, wave => new NLayer.NAudioSupport.Mp3FrameDecompressor(wave)))
Mp3Frame frame;
frame = reader.ReadNextFrame();
int frameTimeLength = (int)(frame.SampleCount / (double)frame.SampleRate * 1000.0);
int framesRequired = (int)(duration / (double)frameTimeLength * 1000.0);
int frameNumber = 0;
while ((frame = reader.ReadNextFrame()) != null)
if (frameNumber <= framesRequired)
output.Write(frame.RawData, 0, frame.RawData.Length);
else break;
In your web api controller, the put method only has one parameter named ‘id’. But in your client, you also passed a stream content in put method.
So you couldn’t call web api method successfully. And for this stream content, you could set a string or model type in Put method instead of file stream.
According to your description, I suppose you want to pass data from client to web api, then read data from this file path in web Api and upload data to a blob.
I have created a sample demo to upload a myfile.txt to a Blob. Other data types are similar to this. You could refer to.
Code in Console:
Code in AudioSampleEntityModel class:
public class AudioSampleEntityModel : TableEntity
public AudioSampleEntityModel()
public AudioSampleEntityModel(string partitionName, string id)
public string id { get; set; }
public string Blob { get; set; }
public string SampleBlob { get; set; }
public string SampleBlobURL { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
public string SampleDate { get; set; }
Code in Function.cs:
public class Functions
/// <summary>
/// pass the content from Queue to Blob(The content is from myfile.txt)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model"></param>
/// <param name="orderBlob"></param>
public static void MultipleOutput(
[QueueTrigger("myqueue2")] AudioSampleEntityModel model,
[Blob("orders/myfile")] out string orderBlob) //create a container named 'orders'
orderBlob = model.SampleBlob; //store the content from SampleBlob property to Blob
Code in Program:
class Program
static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("----------------Update Employee -------------------");
Console.WriteLine("Enter id which you want to update");
string id = Console.ReadLine();
var response=DemoData(id).Result;
Console.WriteLine("the data from webapi: "+response);
var host = new JobHost();
// The following code ensures that the WebJob will be running continuously
public static async Task<string> DemoData(string id)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
string path = "http://localhost:53581/api/values/" + id;
Console.WriteLine("Enter the file name.");
string fileName = Console.ReadLine();
string filepath = "E:\\JanleyZhang\\" + fileName;
var filepathJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filepath);// convert other FileStream type to json string
var data = new StringContent(content: filepathJson,
encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
mediaType: "application/json");
var response = await client.PutAsync(path, data);//get response from web api
var content = response.Content;
var result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();//read content from response
//upload the data to a queue
string connectionString = AmbientConnectionStringProvider.Instance.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringNames.Storage);
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
CloudQueueClient queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference("myqueue2");
AudioSampleEntityModel model = new AudioSampleEntityModel()
SampleBlob=result //pass the result to this property
queue.AddMessage(new CloudQueueMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model))); //store the file content to queue
return result;
Code in api controller:
public string Put(string id, [FromBody]string filepath) //pass two parameters
string b = "The id and model id are not equal.";
if (id == "1")
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filepath);
byte[] byt = new byte[fs.Length];
UTF8Encoding temp = new UTF8Encoding(true);
while (fs.Read(byt, 0, byt.Length) > 0)
b=temp.GetString(byt);//read the content from myfile.txt
// The operation about uploading a blob .........
return b;
return b;
You could see the result like this:

Convert image To Bytes in Asp.Net Mvc 6

In Asp.Net Mvc 6, I am trying to convert image to bytes for adding the picture into database. I cannot find the way to use the right method of encoding. Can someone help me to correct this below code, the mistake is at encoding: UInt32 which is not valid in the given context.
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context = new ApplicationDbContext();
public int UploadImageInDataBase(IFormFile file, PublisherInfos publisherInfos)
publisherInfos.CoverImage = ConvertToBytes(file);
var pubInfos = new PublisherInfos
ImageSize = publisherInfos.ImageSize,
FileName = publisherInfos.FileName,
CoverImage = publisherInfos.CoverImage
int i = _context.SaveChanges();
if (i == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
// ConvertToBytes
private byte[] ConvertToBytes(IFormFile image)
byte[] CoverImageBytes = null;
var _reader = new StreamReader(image.OpenReadStream());
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(_reader.ReadToEndAsync, encoding: UInt32);
CoverImageBytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)image.Length);
return CoverImageBytes;
// Controller
public IActionResult Create(PublisherInfos publisherInfos)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
IFormFile file = Request.Form.Files["CoverImage"];
PublisherInfosRepository service = new PublisherInfosRepository();
int i = service.UploadImageInDataBase(file, publisherInfos);
if (i == 1)
// Add file size and file name into Database
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = PublisherInfoMessageId.DataloadSuccess });
return View(publisherInfos);
You Controller Action will be like this
public virtual ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
byte[] m_Bytes = ReadToEnd (file.InputStream);
The Helper Method
public static byte[] ReadToEnd(System.IO.Stream stream)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
return memoryStream.ToArray();
If you are using MVC 5
use this
private byte[] ConvertToBytes(IFormFile file)
Stream stream= file.OpenReadStream();
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
return memoryStream.ToArray();
try this
private byte[] ConvertToBytes(IFormFile image)
byte[] CoverImageBytes = null;
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(image.OpenReadStream());
CoverImageBytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)image.Length);
return CoverImageBytes;

CefSharp custom SchemeHandler

Iam using CefSharp's SchemeHandler in order to grab resources from my C# project like .css, .js or .png files using a custom url for example custom://cefsharp/assets/css/style.css
I've 2 custom classes in order to archive this.
First class, MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory will be the one that handles the custom Scheme and it looks like this, where "custom" will be the custom scheme:
internal class MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
public const string SchemeName = "custom";
public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
return new MyCustomSchemeHandler();
The next class I've implemented is MyCustomSchemeHandler which will receive the call and output a response and it looks like this:
internal class MyCustomSchemeHandler : IResourceHandler
private static readonly IDictionary<string, string> ResourceDictionary;
private string mimeType;
private MemoryStream stream;
static MyCustomSchemeHandler()
ResourceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "/home.html", Properties.Resources.index},
{ "/assets/css/style.css",}
public Stream Stream { get; set; }
public int StatusCode { get; set; }
public string StatusText { get; set; }
public string MimeType { get; set; }
public NameValueCollection Headers { get; private set; }
public Stream GetResponse(IResponse response, out long responseLength, out string redirectUrl)
redirectUrl = null;
responseLength = -1;
response.MimeType = MimeType;
response.StatusCode = StatusCode;
response.StatusText = StatusText;
response.ResponseHeaders = Headers;
var memoryStream = Stream as MemoryStream;
if (memoryStream != null)
responseLength = memoryStream.Length;
return Stream;
public bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
// The 'host' portion is entirely ignored by this scheme handler.
var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;
string resource;
if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
var resourceHandler = ResourceHandler.FromString(resource);
stream = (MemoryStream)resourceHandler.Stream;
var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
mimeType = ResourceHandler.GetMimeType(fileExtension);
return true;
return false;
void GetResponseHeaders(IResponse response, out long responseLength, out string redirectUrl)
responseLength = stream == null ? 0 : stream.Length;
redirectUrl = null;
response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
response.StatusText = "OK";
response.MimeType = mimeType;
bool ReadResponse(Stream dataOut, out int bytesRead, ICallback callback)
//Dispose the callback as it's an unmanaged resource, we don't need it in this case
if (stream == null)
bytesRead = 0;
return false;
//Data out represents an underlying buffer (typically 32kb in size).
var buffer = new byte[dataOut.Length];
bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
dataOut.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return bytesRead > 0;
bool CanGetCookie(Cookie cookie)
return true;
bool CanSetCookie(Cookie cookie)
return true;
void Cancel()
Inside this class I've defined a custom resource dictionary which will dictate what file from the resources will be used, so as I stated in the first example, custom://cefsharp/assets/css/style.css should load the resource, the problem is that nothing gets loaded once I enter to the specific url, I've tried to output the mimeType and It works but somehow the file itself won't output correctly. Is there something wrong with my implementation?
Additionaly I've tried to output the raw file in the form of:
if (ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(fileName, out resource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))
And it outputs the correct file without any problems.
To load the custom Scheme I use the following code before initializing CefSharp:
var settings = new CefSettings();
settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
SchemeName = MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
SchemeHandlerFactory = new MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory()
The above classes were based on the following links:
MyCustomSchemeHandlerFactory: FlashResourceHandlerFactory.cs
MyCustomSchemeHandler: CefSharpSchemeHandler.cs and ResourceHandler.cs
Since Cefsharp changed a bit in last few months here is an updated and easier way of handling 'file' protocol. I wrote blog post on this matter.
What you want to add is your scheme handler and its factory:
using System;
using System.IO;
using CefSharp;
namespace MyProject.CustomProtocol
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandler : ResourceHandler
// Specifies where you bundled app resides.
// Basically path to your index.html
private string frontendFolderPath;
public CustomProtocolSchemeHandler()
frontendFolderPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "./bundle/");
// Process request and craft response.
public override bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;
var requestedFilePath = frontendFolderPath + fileName;
if (File.Exists(requestedFilePath))
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(requestedFilePath);
Stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);
return true;
return false;
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
public const string SchemeName = "customFileProtocol";
public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
return new CustomProtocolSchemeHandler();
And then register it before calling Cef.Initialize:
var settings = new CefSettings
BrowserSubprocessPath = GetCefExecutablePath()
settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
SchemeName = CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
SchemeHandlerFactory = new CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory()
If you simply need to return a string, then you can use ResourceHandler.FromString(html, mimeType). For this you just need to implement the ISchemeHandlerFactory.
Example reading from a file which can be translated to reading from a string quite simply.

Taglib-sharp: how to use the IFileAbstraction to allow reading metadata from stream?

I'm trying to read the metadata of a mp3 file stored in IsolatedStorage using TagLib.
I know TagLib normally only take a file path as input but as WP uses a sandbox environment I need to use a stream.
Following this tutorial ( I created a iFileAbstraction interface:
public class SimpleFile
public SimpleFile(string Name, Stream Stream)
this.Name = Name;
this.Stream = Stream;
public string Name { get; set; }
public Stream Stream { get; set; }
public class SimpleFileAbstraction : TagLib.File.IFileAbstraction
private SimpleFile file;
public SimpleFileAbstraction(SimpleFile file)
this.file = file;
public string Name
get { return file.Name; }
public System.IO.Stream ReadStream
get { return file.Stream; }
public System.IO.Stream WriteStream
get { return file.Stream; }
public void CloseStream(System.IO.Stream stream)
stream.Position = 0;
Normally I would now be able to do this:
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream filestream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(name, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, store))
filestream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
// read id3 tags and add
SimpleFile newfile = new SimpleFile(name, filestream);
TagLib.Tag tags = TagLib.File.Create(newfile);
The problem is that TagLib.File.Create still doesn't want to accept the SimpleFile object.
How do I make this work?
Your code doesn't compile because TagLib.File.Create wants IFileAbstraction on input, and you're giving it SimpleFile instance which doesn't implement the interface. Here's one way to fix:
// read id3 tags and add
SimpleFile file1 = new SimpleFile( name, filestream );
SimpleFileAbstraction file2 = new SimpleFileAbstraction( file1 );
TagLib.Tag tags = TagLib.File.Create( file2 );
Don't ask me why we need SimpleFile class instead of passing name and stream into SimpleFileAbstraction - it was in your sample.

