Sendgrid mail new c# client broken? - c#

I understand this breaking change:
Use new SendGridMessage() instead of SendGrid.GetInstance()
However, when doing the following:
var transportWeb = Web.GetInstance(credentials);
I am told that GetInstance doesn't exist?
What's going on? Am I missing something?

Sorry, missed this one in the updated docs. You also need to use the constructor for the Web type instead of the old factory method.
// Create an Web transport for sending email.
var transportWeb = new Web(credentials);
The readme is now fixed as well. Thanks.


Sendgrid not finding any templates when using urlPath: "templates"

I am using Sendgrid and am trying to access my templates.
Normally code underneath should provide the response var with my templates
var client = GetSendGridClient();
var response = await client.RequestAsync(SendGrid.SendGridClient.Method.GET, urlPath: "templates");
However it seems sendgrid is not returning any templates.
I thought "templates" was the default urlpath for my templates
And yes I have active templates on my SendGrid account, and yes My Sendgrid Client is being succesfully created.
In the SendGrid C# Library documentation, they show:
string apiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NAME_OF_THE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_FOR_YOUR_SENDGRID_KEY");
var client = new SendGridClient(apiKey);
You have: var client = GetSendGridClient();. Since you're not providing the apiKey, you're probably not authenticating, so it's not returning any data. Have you made sure that the client instance you generate is authenticated or otherwise "logged in"?
in the end it seems that my code only works with Legacy Templates and not the standard transactional. After creating a Legacy template SendGrid managed to find the templates.
To create a transaction template (none legacy type) add "generation": "dynamic" to the JSON when POSTing. For example.
"name": "my_template",
"generation": "dynamic"
NB: This appears to be an undocumented feature.!!

How to get information about all LexChatBots under a server with using AWSSDKCore.dll and AWSSDKLex.dll in C#

Recently when working with Lex in C#, I have referenced AWSCore.dll and AWSLex.dll and still trying to get a method that exposes all available Lexchatbots that I created in the Aamazon server.
var amazonPostRequest = new Amazon.Lex.Model.PostContentRequest();
var amazonPostResponse = new Amazon.Lex.Model.PostContentResponse();
used both methods to get all other information. Methods in request for bot name and alias is for setting and there is no method in response for getting available Lexchatbots in the server.
I don't believe that the Lex SDK supports this call directly.
Use the AWS Lex REST API to get a list of bots:
GET https://<your aws region endpoint>/bots/
After a long research I found the answer to my problem, It may help others.
First we need to add the AWSSDK.LexModelBuildingService through Nuget. This will add reference to the DLL.
From that all methods already exposed. We need to create both GetBotsRequest and GetBotsResponse methods.
var botRequest = new Amazon.LexModelBuildingService.Model.GetBotsRequest();
var botResponse = new Amazon.LexModelBuildingService.Model.GetBotsResponse();
Then we need to call lex model building service client
var amazonmodel = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient("YourAccesKeyId","YourSecretAccessKey",Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
After that we can get the response of inbuilt method of GetBots()
botResponse = amazonmodel.GetBots(botRequest);
We will get the list of bots metadata
List<Amazon.LexModelBuildingService.Model.BotMetadata> bots = botResponse.Bots;
Every details about each bot created will be available in the array of list of bots
There is almost all methods in getting details from Lex configuration in LexModelBuildingService dll
In IAM (Identity Access Management) in AWS we need to give Access to have Lex components in Policy section. AWSLexFullAccess
atleast arn:aws:lex:region:account-id:bot:* access in policy

TwitchLib Help- Work around old TwitchClient() method

I was watching a tutorial on how to script a bot using C# and the instructor used (to my knowledge) an old call to TwitchClient which takes credentials and references. However, it is currently not the case and I'm wondering now what might be a good way to work around it. Currently, the method takes a websocket and logger but I have suspicion that you still need to use credentials and references.
Any help will be appreciated.
Here's the video with the timestamp:
Instead of the single line in the video, these two lines should now achieve mostly the same effect:
client = new TwitchClient();
client.Initialize(credentials, "channel");
If you want to also enable logging (like in the video), then you will need to provide an instance of ILogger to the first call like so:
client = new TwitchClient(null, myLoggingInstance);
The WebSocket parameter is used for testing (so you can generate your own traffic to test your bot), the docs advise not to set this.
its quite simple actually, even the github page shows a simple example:
ConnectionCredentials credentials = new ConnectionCredentials("twitch_username", "access_token");
var clientOptions = new ClientOptions
MessagesAllowedInPeriod = 750,
ThrottlingPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)
WebSocketClient customClient = new WebSocketClient(clientOptions);
client = new TwitchClient(customClient);
client.Initialize(credentials, "channel");
client.OnLog += Client_OnLog;
then later declare this function:
private void Client_OnLog(object sender, OnLogArgs e)
Console.WriteLine($"{e.DateTime.ToString()}: {e.BotUsername} - {e.Data}");

C# AWS SQS request signature does not match the signature provided

I have a single project that contains classes to communicate with AWS. SQS is the only one that is not working. It is safe to assume that the access and secret keys are valid. I am also able to access this queue elsewhere so i am 100% it exists.
I have created a super basic method and this is failing.
var Config = new AmazonSQSConfig() { ServiceURL = ""};
var Client = new AmazonSQSClient(Config);
SendMessageRequest request = new SendMessageRequest() { MessageBody = "Hello", };
SendMessageResponse sendMessageResponse = Client.SendMessage(request);
When the final line Client.SendMessage(request) runs it throws a 403 exception with the error
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you
provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult
the service documentation for details.
The code is so basic that i cant see where it could be wrong. The secret and access keys work for all other AWS communication so this cant be the cause and i am 100% sure the queue exists. What could be causing this?
This code works - see if you can use it instead:
using (var client = new AmazonSQSClient(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
client.SendMessage(new SendMessageRequest { QueueUrl = _queueName, MessageBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request) });
Seems to be a really weird one, but i resolved the issue by using the fragmented AWSSDK instead of the complete one. I was using the main sdk from NuGet that contains everything for AWS. I removed this and install the core, s3 and sqs parts of the SDK. The code immediately worked once i did this. No idea why it did this and why it worked for S3 and not SQS, but at least this was a fairly simple fix.

Need some help with code for getting a response from a Web service. Can you help me connect the dots?

Ok, its been a while since I've worked with a Web References. I need a refresher. I think I have about 80% of the code I need to get a response going but I'm missing something. Maybe you can help me :)
A web method called GetSomething in the list of methods when pointing to a .wsdl url.
This produces a few classes/objects:
Which I use to create this code:
void someMethodToTestResponse()
GetSomethingRequest request = new GetSomethingRequest();
// fill in the request
request.myComplexType.Property1 = "Blah";
request.myComplexType.Property2 = "Kachoo";
GetSomethingCompletedEventHandler handler = GetSomethingCompleted_Response;
//.... ok now what?
// at this point I'm supposed to send an object for source (request maybe?)
// and a new instance of GetSomethingCompletedEventArgs but that class is
// asking for stuff that makes me think that is not the right idea.
void GetSomethingCompleted_Response(object source, GetSomethingCompletedEventArgs args)
// get the result
var result = args.Result;
What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
You don't need web service source codes. The web service can be implemented in Java. Creating service reference woks the same, as we really don't know what is on the other side.
So, try Add Service Reference in VS2008 and enter the url to working web service. VS will examine the wsdl on server and generate needed classes for you.
From than on, you just call the service as some ordinary method call. Meaning you don't have to fiddle with requests and http and such details. All that is hidden from you. Except in app.config where many WCF settings can be changed.
Ok, I figured out that I needed to find a Service type class. See this SO Post where it mentions:
private com.nowhere.somewebservice ws;
The issue was that the class they provide wasn't intellisensing for me and I figured it wasn't what I was looking for.
Here is how I would solve my problem:
blah.webservice.SomeMainServiceClass service = new SomeMainServiceClass();
GetSomethingRequest request = new GetSomethingRequest();
// fill in the request
request.myComplexType.Property1 = "Blah";
request.myComplexType.Property2 = "Kachoo";
object myResponse = service.GetSomething(request);

