using concatenation on c# - c#

What is the correct way to concatenate these elements?
Environment: C#-WinForm-Desktop.
In my app, I have a text file called config.ini. This file has values with this nomenclature:
The data are thus:
csv_01_01=value // 24 hours a day in January
csv_02_01=value // 24 hours a day in February
// and so on
My app has this method called:
private void getMonthHour()
DateTime Xdt = DateTime.Now;
int Xmonth = Xdt.Month;
int Xhour = Xdt.Hour;
if (File.Exists("config.ini"))
IniFile ini = new IniFile("config.ini");
m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv["csv_" + Xmonth.ToString + "_" + Xhour.ToString]);
This method is called every seconds in timer_tick to check the month and time to use the corresponding value.
I need to know how to concatenate this:
m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv["csv_"+Xmonth.ToString+"_"+Xhour.ToString]);
An example of the code would be:
if (Xmonth==1&&Xhour==1){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_01_01);}
else if (Xmonth==1&&Xhour==2){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_01_02);}
else if (Xmonth==1&&Xhour==3){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_01_03);}
// csv_month_hour in this case 01 is January.
else if (Xmonth==2&&Xhour==1){m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv.csv_02_01);}
// And so on, until December (12).

Putting aside the invalid syntax/compiler error from your method calls in your code, I suspect you're building the string but can't get the leading 0 in front of digits 0-9. So when Xmonth and Xhour are less than 10, your string is being built as "csv_1_1" instead of your intended "csv_01_01".
To instruct the ToString method to include a leading zero when needed, you can supply a custom numeric format string "00" (see the first entry in the link for "Zero placeholder").
Try using Xmonth.ToString("00") and Xhour.ToString("00"):
Monitor.malyt.m3h = Convert.ToDouble(confg.csv["csv_" +
Xmonth.ToString("00") + "_" +
This will output the values of Xmonth and Xhour with a single leading zero where needed.


Month showing up twice in list of months

I'm attempting to get my website to output a list with all the months in a year, but I've hit a bottleneck that I can't figure out. For some reason, October comes up twice in the list and April doesn't even come up, like this (the names are in Danish, but you can hopefully understand it):
Currently I'm getting all the months out through a foreach loop. Måneder is just a list I created earlier up on the page. It seems like for some reason when it hits the tenth, it does the addition in some weird fashion, instead of just overwriting, making it the 16th in the order instead of the 10th:
foreach (int l in Måneder)
DateTime bleh = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(l);
string blah = (bleh.ToString("MMMM"));
Literal4.Text += blah + l + "<br/>";
The problem is the loop that populates Måneder:
for (int t = 1; t <= 12; t++)
int months = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(t.ToString())); // <-- BUG
This loop gets the current month (6 for June if you run it today) and calls ToString on that number twelve times, passing the loop variable t as the format string:
6.ToString("1") ==> 1
6.ToString("2") ==> 2
6.ToString("3") ==> 3
6.ToString("4") ==> 4
6.ToString("5") ==> 5
6.ToString("6") ==> 6
6.ToString("7") ==> 7
6.ToString("8") ==> 8
6.ToString("9") ==> 9
6.ToString("10") ==> 16
6.ToString("11") ==> 11
6.ToString("12") ==> 12
Notice that 6.ToString("10") returns 16. As documented under Custom Numeric Format Strings, a 0 in a format string is actually a placeholder for a digit in the value being formatted — the value in this case being 6. The other digits 1 through 9 in a format string have no special meaning.
Why does this loop use DateTime.Now.Month at all? To build a list of numbers from 1 to 12, just call Måneder.Add(t):
for (int t = 1; t <= 12; t++)
You can also eliminate the list entirely:
for (int t = 1; t <= 12; t++)
DateTime bleh = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(t);
string blah = (bleh.ToString("MMMM"));
Literal4.Text += blah + t + "<br/>";
The + operator does both integer addition and string concatenation. Your problem is probably that it is doing the wrong one.
Try this:
foreach (int l in Måneder)
DateTime bleh = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(l);
string blah = (bleh.ToString("MMMM"));
Literal4.Text += blah + l.ToString() + "<br/>";

How to remove datetime from a Logfile string

I have a logfile like this:
[2016 01 10 11:10:44] Operation3 \r\n
[2016 01 10 11:10:40] Operation2 \r\n
[2016 01 10 11:10:36] Operation1 \r\n
on that I perform a readAlllines operation so that in a string I have:
[2016 01 10 11:10:44] Operation3 \r\n[2016 01 10 11:10:40] Operation2 \r\n[2016 01 10 11:10:36] Operation1 \r\n
Now I have to remove all those timestamps.
Being a newbie and to be on the safe side I'd split it and the search on each item for start=indexOf("[") and indexOf("]") and the remove the subString by cutting each and then join all of them.
I'd like to know a smarter way to do that.
Ok for downvoting me I didn't considered everything.
additional constraints:
I can't be sure of the fact that all line have the timestamp so I have to check each line for a "[" starting and a "]" in the middle
I can't even be sure for the [XXXX] lenght since I could have [2016 1 1 11:1:4] instead than [2016 01 01 11:01:04]. So it's important to check for its lenght.
You don't need to cut/paste the lines, you can use string.replace.
This takes into account the lenght of Environment.NewLine.
int start;
if (lines.Substring(0,1) == "[")
start = 0;
start = lines.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "[") + Environment.NewLine.Length;
int end = lines.IndexOf("] ");
if (start == -1 || end == -1)
string subString = lines.Substring(start, end + 2 - start);
lines = lines.Replace(subString, "");
ReadAllLines returns an array of lines, so you don't need to look for the start of each item. If your timestamp format will be consistent, you can just trim off the start of the string.
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("log.txt");
foreach (string line in lines)
string logContents = line.SubString("[XXXX XX XX XX:XX:XX] ".Length);
Or combine this with a linq Select to do it in one step
var logContentsWithoutTimestamps = File.ReadAllLines("log.txt")
.Select(x => x.SubString("[XXXX XX XX XX:XX:XX] ".Length);
Without consistent format, you will need to identify what you are looking for. I would write a regular expression to remove what you are looking for, otherwise you may get caught by things you weren't expecting (for example, you mention that some lines may not have timestamps - they might have something else in square brackets instead which you don't want to remove).
Regex rxTimeStamp = new Regex("^\[\d{4} \d{2} \d{2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}\]\s*");
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("log.txt");
foreach (string line in lines)
string logContents = rxTimeStamp.Replace(line, String.Empty);
// or
var logContentsWithoutTimestamps = File.ReadAllLines("log.txt")
.Select(x => rxTimeStamp.Replace(x, String.Empty));
You'll need to tune the regular expression based on whether it misses anything, but that's beyond the scope of this question.
Since your code works and you search for some different way:
string result = string.Join(string.Empty, str.Skip(22));
for each item
Since every timestamp is of equal length you don`t need to search for beginning or end. Normally you would have to do length checks (empty lines etc) but this works even for smaller strings - you will just get an empty string in return if the size is < 22. An alternative way if your file really just contains timestamps.

Retain 0 in front of a number

I need help figuring out a logic.
I have a working code where the code will take a string and figure out every numbers in that string then add 1.
string str = "";
str = Console.ReadLine();
str = Regex.Replace(
m => (Double.Parse(m.Groups[0].Value) + 1).ToString()
If I enter "User 000079 is making $1000 from Jan 02 to Feb 24".
The code will produce output: "User 80 is making $1001 from Jan 3 to Feb 25".
The problem is, I want to keep the 0 in front of the 80 and 3. (i.e. User 000080 is making $1001 from Jan 03 to Feb 25)
How do I do that?
Additional Info: Let me clarify, this is just an example. What I want is just a way to add 1 to every number appearing in the string. So if it means UserID, January 31 - Yes, I still want them to increase by 1
This will do what you need:
string str = Console.ReadLine();
str = Regex.Replace(
m => (Double.Parse(m.Groups[0].Value) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(m.Groups[0].Value.Length, '0')
You can fix this with the ToString format like below:
String x = (50).ToString("D8"); // "00000050"
You can find more info about this here: msdn
edit: About the lengte if you do this the length will be correct:
m => (int.Parse(m.Groups[0].Value) + 1).ToString("D" + m.Groups[0].Value.Length)
It sounds like your user ID numbers aren't really 'numbers', but rather strings of numeric characters. Can the representation of the ID be changed to a string instead?
If you only care about the extra zeroes when rendering the ID, you can use String.Format to render the numeric value correctly using Custom Numeric Formats (specifically, see the 'Zero Placeholder' section).

exporting datagridview to textfile with syntax error for converting money to string format

I am trying to convert money to string like claim amount = 100.00 should be converted to 0010000
Court fees = 15 converted to 01500 and solictors fee = 00000(always the same number)
and total amount = 115 converted to 00011500. I dont how to convert these to zeros in the first place.
string value = Convert.ToString(ReturnValue);
Gives output :it is showing as 100.0000
can you help me where i am going wrong.
I tried this but still the same result. it is an sql query
" bat.PCN_Charge *100 ".ToString().PadLeft(7, '0') +
",[Court Fee] *100 ".ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') +
",[Solictors Fees] *100 ".ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') +
", (bat.PCN_Charge + [Court Fee]) *100".ToString().PadLeft(8, '0') +
My results are like these 10000.0000 1500 0 11500.0000
If you know your string should always have a length of seven, you can first calculate the plain int-value, then use:
value.ToString().PadLeft(7, '0')
// Example
var numericValue = 100.00;
var intValue = numericValue * 100; // 10000
var paddedResult = intValue.ToString().PadLeft(7, '0'); // 0010000
Alternatively, you can find lot's of info about padding numbers with zero here.
yes very simple
First multiply by 100 to override the decimal point.
Second use Format instead of convert
Try this
string value = string.Format("{0:0000000}", ReturnValue * 100);
Happy Coding

How can I get the IndexOf() method to return the correct values?

I have been working with googlemaps and i am now looking to format coordinates.
I get the coordinates in the following format:
I use the indexof method to get the start of "(" +1 so that i get the first number of the coordinate and store this value in a variable that i call "start".
I then do them same thing but this time i get the index of ")" -2 to get the last number of the last coordinate and store this value in a variable that i call "end".
I get the following error:
"Index and length must refer to a location within the string.Parameter name: length"
I get the following string as an imparameter:
"Loddvägen 155, 840 80 Lillhärdal, Sverige (61.9593214318303,14.0585965625)5"
by my calculations i should get the value 36 in the start variable and the value 65 in the end variable
but for some reason i get the values 41 in start and 71 in end.
public string RemoveParantheses(string coord)
int start = coord.IndexOf("(")+1;
int end = coord.IndexOf(")")-2;
string formated = coord.Substring(start,end);
return formated;
I then tried hardcoding the correct values
string Test = cord.Substring(36,65);
I then get the following error:
startindex cannot be larger than length of string. parameter name startindex
I understand what both of the errors mean but in this case they are incorrect since im not going beyond the strings length value.
The second parameter of Substring is a length (MSDN source). Since you are passing in 65 for the second parameter, your call is trying to get the characters between 36 and 101 (36+65). Your string does not have 101 characters in it, so that error is thrown. To get the data between the ( characters, use this:
public string RemoveParantheses(string coord)
int start = coord.IndexOf("(")+1;
int end = coord.IndexOf(")")-2;
string formated = coord.Substring(start, end - start);
return formated;
Edit: The reason it worked with only the coordinates, was because the length of the total string was shorter, and since the coordinates started at the first position, the end coordinate was the last position. For example...
//using "Loddvägen 155, 840 80 Lillhärdal, Sverige (61.9593214318303,14.0585965625)5"
int start = coord.IndexOf("(") + 1; // 36
int end = coord.IndexOf(")")-2; // 65
coord.Substring(start, end); //looks at characters 35 through 101
//using (61.9593214318303,14.0585965625)5
int start = coord.IndexOf("(") + 1; // 1
int end = coord.IndexOf(")")-2; // 30
coord.Substring(start, end); //looks at characters 1 through 31
The second instance was valid because 31 actually existed in your string. Once you added the address to the beginning of the string, your code would no longer work.
Extracting parts of a string is a good use for regular expressions:
var match = Regex.Match(locationString, #"\((?<lat>[\d\.]+),(?<long>[\d\.]+)\)");
string latitude = match.Groups["lat"].Value;
string longitude = match.Groups["long"].Value;
You probably forgot to count newlines and other whitespaces, a \r\n newline is 2 "invisible" characters. The other mistake is that you are calling Substring with (Start, End) while its (Start, Count) or (Start, End - Start)
by my calculations i should get the value 36 in the start variable and the value 65 in the end variable
Then your calculations are wrong. With the string above I also see (and LinqPad confirms) that the open paren is at position 42 and the close paren is at index 73.
The error you're getting when using Substring is becuase the parameters to Substring are a beginning position and the length, not the ending position, so you should be using:
string formated = coord.Substring(start,(end-start+1));
That overload of Substring() takes two parameters, start index and a length. You've provided the second value as the index of the occurance of ) when really you want to get the length of the string you wish to trim, in this case you could subtract the index of ) from the index of (. For example: -
string foo = "Loddvägen 155, 840 80 Lillhärdal, Sverige (61.9593214318303,14.0585965625)5";
int start = foo.IndexOf("(") + 1;
int end = foo.IndexOf(")");
Console.Write(foo.Substring(start, end - start));
Alternatively, you could parse the string using a regular expression, for example: -
Match r = Regex.Match(foo, #"\(([^)]*)\)");
Which will probably perform a little better than the previous example
string input =
"Loddvägen 155, 840 80 Lillhärdal, Sverige (61.9593214318303,14.0585965625)5";
var groups = Regex.Match(input,
var lat = groups[1].Value;
var lon = groups[2].Value;
var zoom = groups[3].Value;

