Reading an XML and fetching values in c# - c#

What is the cleanest way to be able to fetch the values of Name, Offset and Length as many as they are in this XML using c#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

Using LINQ to XML it can be done like this:
var xmlDocument = XDocument.Load("path");
var elements = xmlDocument
.Select(x => new
Name = (string) x.Element("Name"),
Offset = (int) x.Element("Offset"),
Length = (int) x.Element("Length")


Extract data from xml string

Let's say I have an xml string:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Return version="1.0">
and I want to extract the value of SourceUUID, how?
I tried:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("SourceUUID"))
If all you want is the content of the SourceUUID element, and there's only going to be 1 in the XML, you can do this:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
var value = doc.Descendants("SourceUUID").SingleOrDefault()?.Value;
If there are going to be more than one, you can do this:
var values = doc.Descendants("SourceUUID").Select(x => x.Value);
This gives you an enumerable of strings that are the text values of the elements.

How to get enclosure url with XElement C# Console

I read multiple feed from many sources with C# Console, and i have this code where i load XML From sources:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(sourceURLX);
How to get enclosure url and show as variable?
If I understand your question correctly (I'm making a big assumption here) - you want to select an attribute from the root (or 'enclosing') tag, named 'url'?
You can make use of XPath queries here. Consider the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root url=''>
<inner />
You could use the following code to retrieve '':
String query = "/root[1]/#url";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
String value = doc.SelectSingleNode(query).InnerText;
Further information about XPath syntax can be found here.
Edit: As you stated in your comment, you are working with the following XML:
<enclosure url="" />
Therefore, you can retrieve the url using the following XPath query:
With xml like below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<enclosure url=""
You will get url by reading attribute
var document = XDocument.Load(sourceURLX);
var url = document.Root
To get multiple urls
var urls = document.Descendants("item")
.Select(item => item.Element("enclosure").Attribute("url").Value)
Using foreach loop
foreach (var item in document.Descendants("item"))
var title = item.Element("title").Value;
var link = item.Element("link").Value;
var description = item.Element("description").Value;
var url = item.Element("enclosure").Attribute("url").Value;
// save values to database

how to get child element attribute value from xml to linq in c#

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Response success="true">
<class name="getId" classValue=" this is a class value"></class>
string strPath = #"C:\Users\Fale\Documents\practice\xpathNavigator\xpathNavigator\1.xml";
XDocument Xdco = XDocument.Load(strPath);
var list = from i in Xdco.Root.Descendants("Response")
where i.Attribute("success").Value == "true"
select i.Element("data").Element("class").Attribute("classValue").Value;
How to check response is true and then to get attribute value using linq c#?
var list = from i in Xdco.Descendants("Response")
where i.Attribute("success").Value == "true"
select i.Element("data").Element("class").Attribute("classValue").V‌​alue;

Reading data from XML with attributes

I have an XML file which is like below:
<CPageDataXML xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<control id="busRowOAppr2EIDLookUpUserControl" controltype="business">
<field controlvaluetype="single" key="busRowOAppr2EIDLookUpUserControl_txtEID">
<valuefield value="709227">E8 - John Doe</valuefield>
<field controlvaluetype="hidden_single" key="busRowOAppr2EIDLookUpUserControl_txtEID_Email">
<valuefield value="">emailid</valuefield>
<control id="busDelegationFromDate123" controltype="business">
<field controlvaluetype="single" key="txtCalanderDateWithImage_UserControl">
<valuefield value="" />
I want to read the value of the valuefield where control id="busRowOAppr2EIDLookUpUserControl"
The C# code is:
This is the code for loading the XML:
XmlDocument xPagedata=new XmlDocument();
XmlNode xnodePagedata = null;
This is the code for SelectSingleNode:
string a = xnodePagedata.SelectSingleNode(//Control[#id='busRowOAppr2EIDLookUpUserControl']).Attributes["Value"].Value;
I have tried to use SelectSingleNode(string) but that is giving me a null reference exception. Kindly suggest how should I go about this one. I am an absolute beginer on XML.
One possible way using the same approach :
string a =
In case there are multiple <valuefield> in one <control> and you want all values, use SelectNodes() for example :
var values =
foreach (XmlNode value in values)
You can use XDocument : use Descendants("control") to get all controls then filter them using the Where clause then use SelectMany to get a flattened collection of values of valuefield.
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(filepath);
var result = doc.Descendants("control")
.Where(i => (string)i.Attribute("id") == "busRowOAppr2EIDLookUpUserControl")
.SelectMany(i => i.Descendants("valuefield")
.Select(j => j.Attribute("value")))
And this is the result:
result Count = 2
[0] {value="709227"}
[1] {value=""}

xml XPathSelectElements => to string type

I have the following XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I need to get all the string nodes from the xml file to a string variable, like this:
var query = from ip in doc.XPathSelectElements("xml/root/Item")
where ip.XPathSelectElement("taxid").Value == "723"
select ip.XPathSelectElements("taxids").ToString();
But I am getting the following in one row of the variable query:
I want to get a string like this:
Is this possible?
I would suggest you something like:
var values = from ids in doc.XPathSelectElements("/xml/root/Item/taxids")
from id in ids.XPathSelectElements("string")
where id.Value.Contains("723")
select ids.ToString();
var result = string.Join("", values);
The value variable will contain all the taxids, which have at least one string child with value 723.
Another variant, which doesn't use XPath for the children checking:
var values = from ids in doc.XPathSelectElements("/xml/root/Item/taxids")
from id in ids.Elements("string")
where id.Value.Contains("723")
select ids.ToString();
var result = string.Join("\n", values);
var doc = XDocument.Parse(#"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
var query = doc.XPathSelectElement("xml/root/Item/taxids");

