I'm using some functional stuff in C# and keep getting stuck on the fact that List.Add doesn't return the updated list.
In general, I'd like to call a function on an object and then return the updated object.
For example it would be great if C# had a comma operator:
((accum, data) => accum.Add(data), accum)
I could write my own "comma operator" like this:
static T comma(Action a, Func<T> result) {
return result();
It looks like it would work but the call site would ugly. My first example would be something like:
((accum, data) => comma(accum.Add(data), ()=>accum))
Enough examples! What's the cleanest way to do this without another developer coming along later and wrinkling his or her nose at the code smell?
I know this as Fluent.
A Fluent example of a List.Add using Extension Methods
static List<T> MyAdd<T>(this List<T> list, T element)
return list;
I know that this thread is very old, but I want to append the following information for future users:
There isn't currently such an operator. During the C# 6 development cycle a semicolon operator was added, as:
int square = (int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(x - 2); x * x);
which can be translated as follows:
int square = compiler_generated_Function();
private int compiler_generated_Function()
int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine(x - 2);
return x * x;
However, this feature was dropped before the final C# release.
You can do almost exactly the first example naturally using code blocks in C# 3.0.
((accum, data) => { accum.Add(data); return accum; })
This is what Concat is for. Just wrap a single item in an array. Functional code should not mutate the original data. If performance is a concern, and this isn't good enough, then you'll no longer be using the functional paradigm.
((accum, data) => accum.Concat(new[]{data}))
Another technique, straight from functional programming, is as follows. Define an IO struct like this:
/// <summary>TODO</summary>
public struct IO<TSource> : IEquatable<IO<TSource>> {
/// <summary>Create a new instance of the class.</summary>
public IO(Func<TSource> functor) : this() { _functor = functor; }
/// <summary>Invokes the internal functor, returning the result.</summary>
public TSource Invoke() => (_functor | Default)();
/// <summary>Returns true exactly when the contained functor is not null.</summary>
public bool HasValue => _functor != null;
X<Func<TSource>> _functor { get; }
static Func<TSource> Default => null;
and make it a LINQ-able monad with these extension methods:
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1724:TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces")]
public static class IO {
public static IO<TSource> ToIO<TSource>( this Func<TSource> source) {
return new IO<TSource>(source);
public static IO<TResult> Select<TSource,TResult>(this IO<TSource> #this,
Func<TSource,TResult> projector
) =>
#this.HasValue && projector!=null
? New(() => projector(#this.Invoke()))
: Null<TResult>();
public static IO<TResult> SelectMany<TSource,TResult>(this IO<TSource> #this,
Func<TSource,IO<TResult>> selector
) =>
#this.HasValue && selector!=null
? New(() => selector(#this.Invoke()).Invoke())
: Null<TResult>();
public static IO<TResult> SelectMany<TSource,T,TResult>(this IO<TSource> #this,
Func<TSource, IO<T>> selector,
Func<TSource,T,TResult> projector
) =>
#this.HasValue && selector!=null && projector!=null
? New(() => { var s = #this.Invoke(); return projector(s, selector(s).Invoke()); } )
: Null<TResult>();
public static IO<TResult> New<TResult> (Func<TResult> functor) => new IO<TResult>(functor);
private static IO<TResult> Null<TResult>() => new IO<TResult>(null);
and now you can use the LINQ comprehensive syntax thus:
using Xunit;
public static void IOTest() {
bool isExecuted1 = false;
bool isExecuted2 = false;
bool isExecuted3 = false;
bool isExecuted4 = false;
IO<int> one = new IO<int>( () => { isExecuted1 = true; return 1; });
IO<int> two = new IO<int>( () => { isExecuted2 = true; return 2; });
Func<int, IO<int>> addOne = x => { isExecuted3 = true; return (x + 1).ToIO(); };
Func<int, Func<int, IO<int>>> add = x => y => { isExecuted4 = true; return (x + y).ToIO(); };
var query1 = ( from x in one
from y in two
from z in addOne(y)
from _ in "abc".ToIO()
let addOne2 = add(x)
select addOne2(z)
Assert.False(isExecuted1); // Laziness.
Assert.False(isExecuted2); // Laziness.
Assert.False(isExecuted3); // Laziness.
Assert.False(isExecuted4); // Laziness.
int lhs = 1 + 2 + 1;
int rhs = query1.Invoke().Invoke();
Assert.Equal(lhs, rhs); // Execution.
When one desires an IO monad that composes but returns only void, define this struct and dependent methods:
public struct Unit : IEquatable<Unit>, IComparable<Unit> {
public static Unit _ { get { return _this; } } static Unit _this = new Unit();
public static IO<Unit> ConsoleWrite(object arg) =>
ReturnIOUnit(() => Write(arg));
public static IO<Unit> ConsoleWriteLine(string value) =>
ReturnIOUnit(() => WriteLine(value));
public static IO<ConsoleKeyInfo> ConsoleReadKey() => new IO<ConsoleKeyInfo>(() => ReadKey());
which readily allow the writing of code fragments like this:
from pass in Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue)
let counter = Readers.Counter(0)
select ( from state in gcdStartStates
where _predicate(pass, counter())
select state )
into enumerable
where ( from _ in Gcd.Run(enumerable.ToList()).ToIO()
from __ in ConsoleWrite(Prompt(mode))
from c in ConsoleReadKey()
from ___ in ConsoleWriteLine()
select c.KeyChar.ToUpper() == 'Q'
select 0;
where the old C comma operator is readily recognized for what it is: a monadic compose operation.
The true merit of the comprehension syntax is apparent when one attempts to write that fragment in the flunt style:
( Enumerable.Range(0,int.MaxValue)
.Select(pass => new {pass, counter = Readers.Counter(0)})
.Select(_ => gcdStartStates.Where(state => _predicate(_.pass,_.counter()))
.Select(state => state)
).Where(enumerable =>
( (Gcd.Run(enumerable.ToList()) ).ToIO()
.SelectMany(_ => ConsoleWrite(Prompt(mode)),(_,__) => new {})
.SelectMany(_ => ConsoleReadKey(), (_, c) => new {c})
.SelectMany(_ => ConsoleWriteLine(), (_,__) => _.c.KeyChar.ToUpper() == 'Q')
).Select(list => 0);
The extension method is arguably the best solution, but for completeness' sake, don't forget the obvious alternative: a wrapper class.
public class FList<T> : List<T>
public new FList<T> Add(T item)
return this;
public new FList<T> RemoveAt(int index)
return this;
// etc...
var list = new FList<string>();
list.Add("foo").Add("remove me").Add("bar").RemoveAt(1);
I thought it would be interesting to make a version of my wrapper class answer that doesn't require you write the wrapper methods.
public class FList<T> : List<T>
public FList<T> Do(string method, params object[] args)
var methodInfo = GetType().GetMethod(method);
if (methodInfo == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("I have no " + method + " method.");
if (methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(void))
throw new InvalidOperationException("I'm only meant for void methods.");
methodInfo.Invoke(this, args);
return this;
var list = new FList<string>();
list.Do("Add", "foo")
.Do("Add", "remove me")
.Do("Add", "bar")
.Do("RemoveAt", 1)
.Do("Insert", 1, "replacement");
foreach (var item in list)
You can slim down the syntax by exploiting C# indexed properties.
Simply add this method:
public FList<T> this[string method, params object[] args]
get { return Do(method, args); }
And the call now looks like:
list = list["Add", "foo"]
["Add", "remove me"]
["Add", "bar"]
["RemoveAt", 1]
["Insert", 1, "replacement"];
With the linebreaks being optional, of course.
Just a bit of fun hacking the syntax.
Firstly I have seen IEqualityComparer for anonymous type and the answers there do not answer my question, for the obvious reason that I need an IEqualityComparer not and IComparer for use with Linq's Distinct() method. I have checked the other answers too and these fall short of a solution...
The Problem
I have some code to manipulate and pull records in from a DataTable
var glext = m_dtGLExt.AsEnumerable();
var cflist =
(from c in glext
orderby c.Field<string>(m_strpcCCType),
select new
CCType = c.Field<string>(m_strpcCCType),
CC = c.Field<string>(m_strpcCC),
CCDesc = c.Field<string>(m_strpcCCDesc),
CostItem = c.Field<string>(m_strpcCostItem)
but I need the distinct method to be case insensitive. What is throwing me here is the use of anonymous types.
Attempted Solution 1
If I had SomeClass which had concrete objects I could obviously do
public class SumObject
public string CCType { get; set; }
public string CC { get; set; }
public string CCDesc { get; set; }
public string CostItem { get; set; }
I could obviously do this
List<SumObject> lso = new List<SumObject>()
new SumObject() { CCType = "1-OCC", CC = "300401", CCDesc = "Rooney", CostItem = "I477" },
new SumObject() { CCType = "1-OCC", CC = "300401", CCDesc = "Zidane", CostItem = "I677" },
new SumObject() { CCType = "1-OCC", CC = "300401", CCDesc = "Falcao", CostItem = "I470" },
var e = lso.Distinct(new SumObjectComparer()); // Great :]
class SumObjectComparer : IEqualityComparer<SumObject>
public bool Equals(SumObject x, SumObject y)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y))
return true;
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(y, null))
return false;
return x.CCType.CompareNoCase(y.CCType) == 0 &&
x.CC.CompareNoCase(y.CC) == 0 &&
x.CCDesc.CompareNoCase(y.CCDesc) == 0 &&
x.CostItem.CompareNoCase(y.CostItem) == 0;
public int GetHashCode(SumObject o)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(o, null))
return 0;
int hashCCType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.CCType) ?
0 : o.CCType.ToLower().GetHashCode();
int hashCC = String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.CC) ?
0 : o.CC.ToLower().GetHashCode();
int hashCCDesc = String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.CCDesc) ?
0 : o.CCDesc.ToLower().GetHashCode();
int hashCostItem = String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.CostItem) ?
0 : o.CostItem.ToLower().GetHashCode();
return hashCCType ^ hashCC ^ hashCCDesc ^ hashCostItem;
However, the use of anonymous types in the above Linq query are throwing me.
Attempted Solution 2
To attempt another solution to this (and because I have the same issue elsewhere) I generated the following generic comparer class
public class GenericEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
Func<T, T, bool> compareFunction;
Func<T, int> hashFunction;
public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> compareFunction, Func<T, int> hashFunction)
this.compareFunction = compareFunction;
this.hashFunction = hashFunction;
public bool Equals(T x, T y) { return compareFunction(x, y); }
public int GetHashCode(T obj) { return hashFunction(obj); }
so that I could attempt to do
var comparer = new GenericEqualityComparer<dynamic>(
(x, y) => { /* My equality stuff */ },
o => { /* My hash stuff */ });
but this casts the returned value as IEnumerable<dynamic> which in turn effects my forthcoming use of cflist, so that in a following query the join fails.
var cf =
(from o in cflist
join od in glext
on new { o.CCType, o.CC, o.CCDesc, o.CostItem } equals new
CCType = od.Field<string>(m_strpcCCType),
CC = od.Field<string>(m_strpcCC),
CCDesc = od.Field<string>(m_strpcCCDesc),
CostItem = od.Field<string>(m_strpcCostItem)
into c
select new { ... }
I don't want to get into ugly casting to and from IEnumerable<T>s due to the heavy use of this code...
Is there a way I can create my an IEquailityComparer for my anonymous types?
Thanks for your time.
Is there a way I can create my an IEquailityComparer for my anonymous types?
Sure. You just need to use type inference. For example, you could have something like:
public static class InferredEqualityComparer
public static IEqualityComparer<T> Create<T>(
IEnumerable<T> example,
Func<T, T, bool> equalityCheck,
Func<T, int> hashCodeProvider)
return new EqualityComparerImpl<T>(equalityCheck, hashCodeProvider);
private sealed class EqualityComparerImpl<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
// Implement in the obvious way, remembering the delegates and
// calling them appropriately.
var glext = m_dtGLExt.AsEnumerable();
var query = from c in glext
orderby ...
select new { ... };
var comparer = InferredEqualityComparer.Create(query,
(x, y) => { ... },
o => { ... }
var distinct = query.Distinct(comparer);
Basically the first parameter to the method is just used for type inference, so that the compiler can work out what type to use for the lambda expression parameters.
You could create the comparer ahead of time by creating a sample of the anonymous type:
var sample = new[] { new { ... } };
var comparer = InferredExqualityComparer.Create(sample, ...);
var distinct = (... query here ... ).Distinct(comparer);
but then any time you change the query you've got to change the sample too.
This post may get what you want. Although for .NET 2.0 it also works for newer versions (see the bottom of this post for how to achieve this). In contrast to Jon Skeets solution we won´t use a factory-method like create. But this is only syntactic sugar I think.
I have a List<string> of sample data points that I have read from the file. I am looking for a way to infer the most appropriate type for the examples that are in the list. For example imagine the list is initialized like the following:
var samples = new List<string>()
I am looking for a method that accepts this list and returns System.double. I am wondering if there is any internal C# method that I can use. my data can be either int, double or a string so I can always try to cast them into int and if it fails cast it into double and if that fails for all element return System.string. Is there any easier way of doing it?
Methods are supposed to have a single return type, there are ways around this but it would be better to return a string and just have wherever you're calling from handle the string how you want for example.
String s=method(samples);
int i;
catch (FormatException e)
Console.WriteLine("Input string is not a sequence of digits.");
catch (OverflowException e)
Console.WriteLine("The number cannot fit in an Int32.");
As far as I know there's nothing built-in, but you could write your own:
public delegate bool TryParseDelegate<T>(string str, out T value);
public static Tuple<Func<string, bool>, Type> ParsesAs<T>(TryParseDelegate<T> d)
Func<string, bool> f = s =>
T val;
return d(s, out val);
return Tuple.Create(f, typeof(T));
public static Type FindBestType(List<string> input)
var parsers = new List<Tuple<Func<string, bool>, Type>>
int i = 0;
foreach (string str in input)
while (i < parsers.Count && !parsers[i].Item1(str))
if (i == parsers.Count) break;
return i == parsers.Count ? typeof(string) : parsers[i].Item2;
Assuming it's only int/double/string you can do something like this. It's not optimized by any means. Just something straightforward that may get you on the right track.
public static Type InferType(List<string> samples)
Type stringType= typeof(string);
Type intType = typeof(int);
Type doubleType = typeof(double);
List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++)
int intRepresentation;
double doubleRepresentation;
if (int.TryParse(samples[i], out intRepresentation))
else if (double.TryParse(samples[i], out doubleRepresentation))
return types.Any(e => e == stringType) ? stringType :
types.Any(e => e == doubleType) ? doubleType :
I have been playing around with LINQ to Z3 for fun (not production use).
I've ended up with this syntax as a start:
var i = 123;
var test2 = from t in TheormProver.NewTheorm()
let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
let a = TheormProver.Int
let g = TheormProver.Func<bool, int>()
where !f(a * 2) && g(f(g(f(4)))) == i * a && a < g(f(a))
select new { f = f.ToString(), g = g.ToString(), a, asd = "Test extra property" };
var solution = test2.Solve(); // Edited in for clarification
// note that test2 is a TheormProver<T> which has a "T Solve()" method defined.
The static TheromProver.Int and TheormProver.Func methods/properties simply return a basic type (as per their name) currently.
Moving forwards I want to make a sort of Variable<T> type that contains more information than just a value.
TL;DR: The problem I'm having is that I want f and g variables to be a custom type that I can add fields and properties to, but I still want to be able to use them with the syntax I've got in the where clause (i.e. as a method/Func).
So, How do I create a custom type that can be used in method syntax while adding/having my own properties?
Note that I don't care if calling the method does nothing, or doesn't work as I'll be manipulating the where clause so they'll never get invoked/executed.
var test2 = from t in TheormProver.NewTheorm()
let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
let a = TheormProver.Int
where !f(a * 2) && a > 3 // f is used to create a method call expression
select new { f , a };
var testSolution = test2.Solve();
var fSolution = testSolution.f; // F is its own type with unique properties/fields.
var fConstraints = fSolution.Constraints;
var fSomeProperty = fSolution.SomeProperty;
foreach(var constraint in fConstraints)
I've mocked up a quick example of the work in progress syntax I have so far:$0
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class TheormProver
public static int Int { get { return default(int); } } // Really this would return my Variable<int>
public static Func<T, TResult> Func<T, TResult>() { return default(Func<T, TResult>); } // Really this would return my Variable<Func<T, TResult>>
protected List<Expression> Constraints; // Holds constraints / where clauses that get translated into the Z3 language
//This gets called when we do the first "let" and gets us into the correctly typed world with a generic parameter
public virtual TheormProver<T> Select<T>(Func<TheormProver, T> sel)
return new TheormProver<T>(Constraints);
// This is what the user of the library sees and is returned by a from t in new TheormProver(). T will be the anonymous type from the last let
class TheormProver<T> : TheormProver
public TheormProver(List<Expression> Constraints)
// This gets called on subsequent "let"s, going from the anonymous type with one property "f" to one with 2, "f, g". Chaining this way allows as many lets as we want
public virtual TheormProver<U> Select<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> sel)
return new TheormProver<T, U>(sel, Constraints.ToList());
public virtual TheormProver<T> Where(Expression<Func<T, bool>> constraint)
var result = (TheormProver<T>)this; // This should be a clone to allow composable queries
return result;
public virtual T Solve(out bool foundSolution)
// TODO: Call Z3 and get a solution
foundSolution = false;
return default(T);
internal class TheormProver<T, U> : TheormProver<U>
private LambdaExpression Selector;
private TheormProver<T> InternalTheorumProver;
public TheormProver(Expression<Func<T, U>> selector, List<Expression> constraints)
: base(constraints)
Selector = selector;
InternalTheorumProver = new TheormProver<T>(constraints);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var test = from t in new TheormProver()
let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
let g = TheormProver.Func<bool, int>()
let a = TheormProver.Int
where g(f(a)) == 0
select new { f, g, a };
bool foundSolution;
var testSolution = test.Solve(out foundSolution);
I've created a simple 'testbed' for your original code:$0.
With, a bit of dynamic magic, you can have the following class as a drop-in replacement for Func<T1, T2>:
public class MyCallable<T1, T2> : DynamicObject
private readonly Expression<Func<T1, T2> > _wrapped;
private readonly Func<T1, T2> _compiled;
public MyCallable(Expression<Func<T1, T2>> towrap)
_wrapped = towrap; _compiled = _wrapped.Compile();
public override bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
if ( (args.Length == 1) &&
(args[0].GetType() == typeof(T1)))
Console.WriteLine(#"Invoking ""{0}"" on {1}", _wrapped, args[0]);
result = _compiled((T1) args[0]);
return true;
//throw new ArgumentException("Cannot invoke " + _wrapped + " with the arguments passed");
result = null;
return false;
As you can see, it defines you class as being "dynamic" and allows you to try and invoke it as if it were a delegate/function/... a general callable:
// in "TheormProver"
public static dynamic Func<T1, T2>() { return new MyCallable<T1, T2>(arg1 => default(T2)); }
Here's proof it works:$0
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 0
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 4
Invoking "arg1 => 0" on False
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 0
Invoking "arg1 => 0" on False
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 0
Invoking "arg1 => 0" on False
Full code for reference:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Dynamic;
public class Program
public class MyCallable<T1, T2> : DynamicObject
private readonly Expression<Func<T1, T2> > _wrapped;
private readonly Func<T1, T2> _compiled;
public MyCallable(Expression<Func<T1, T2>> towrap)
_wrapped = towrap; _compiled = _wrapped.Compile();
public override bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
if ( (args.Length == 1) &&
(args[0].GetType() == typeof(T1)))
Console.WriteLine(#"Invoking ""{0}"" on {1}", _wrapped, args[0]);
result = _compiled((T1) args[0]);
return true;
//throw new ArgumentException("Cannot invoke " + _wrapped + " with the arguments passed");
result = null;
return false;
public static class TheormProver
public static object[] NewTheorm() { return new object[] { 1 }; }
public static dynamic Func<T1, T2>() { return new MyCallable<T1, T2>(arg1 => default(T2)); }
public static int Int { get; set; }
public static void Main(string[] args)
var i = 123;
var test2 = from t in TheormProver.NewTheorm()
let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
let a = TheormProver.Int
let g = TheormProver.Func<bool, int>()
where !f(a * 2) && g(f(g(f(4)))) == i * a && a < g(f(a))
select new { f = f.ToString(), g = g.ToString(), a, asd = "Test extra property" };
You can't add custom members to delegate types and you cannot overload operator () in C#. That leaves you with extension methods.
Now, you don't want to add extensions to very general delegate types like Func<int, int> because that pollutes the namespace. I suggest you create custom delegates like this:
delegate TResult Z3Func<T1, TResult>(T1 arg1);
Then you can add extensions to Z3Func.
The extension calls will end up as static method calls in the expression tree you are analyzing.
I'm using some functional stuff in C# and keep getting stuck on the fact that List.Add doesn't return the updated list.
In general, I'd like to call a function on an object and then return the updated object.
For example it would be great if C# had a comma operator:
((accum, data) => accum.Add(data), accum)
I could write my own "comma operator" like this:
static T comma(Action a, Func<T> result) {
return result();
It looks like it would work but the call site would ugly. My first example would be something like:
((accum, data) => comma(accum.Add(data), ()=>accum))
Enough examples! What's the cleanest way to do this without another developer coming along later and wrinkling his or her nose at the code smell?
I know this as Fluent.
A Fluent example of a List.Add using Extension Methods
static List<T> MyAdd<T>(this List<T> list, T element)
return list;
I know that this thread is very old, but I want to append the following information for future users:
There isn't currently such an operator. During the C# 6 development cycle a semicolon operator was added, as:
int square = (int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(x - 2); x * x);
which can be translated as follows:
int square = compiler_generated_Function();
private int compiler_generated_Function()
int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine(x - 2);
return x * x;
However, this feature was dropped before the final C# release.
You can do almost exactly the first example naturally using code blocks in C# 3.0.
((accum, data) => { accum.Add(data); return accum; })
This is what Concat is for. Just wrap a single item in an array. Functional code should not mutate the original data. If performance is a concern, and this isn't good enough, then you'll no longer be using the functional paradigm.
((accum, data) => accum.Concat(new[]{data}))
Another technique, straight from functional programming, is as follows. Define an IO struct like this:
/// <summary>TODO</summary>
public struct IO<TSource> : IEquatable<IO<TSource>> {
/// <summary>Create a new instance of the class.</summary>
public IO(Func<TSource> functor) : this() { _functor = functor; }
/// <summary>Invokes the internal functor, returning the result.</summary>
public TSource Invoke() => (_functor | Default)();
/// <summary>Returns true exactly when the contained functor is not null.</summary>
public bool HasValue => _functor != null;
X<Func<TSource>> _functor { get; }
static Func<TSource> Default => null;
and make it a LINQ-able monad with these extension methods:
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1724:TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces")]
public static class IO {
public static IO<TSource> ToIO<TSource>( this Func<TSource> source) {
return new IO<TSource>(source);
public static IO<TResult> Select<TSource,TResult>(this IO<TSource> #this,
Func<TSource,TResult> projector
) =>
#this.HasValue && projector!=null
? New(() => projector(#this.Invoke()))
: Null<TResult>();
public static IO<TResult> SelectMany<TSource,TResult>(this IO<TSource> #this,
Func<TSource,IO<TResult>> selector
) =>
#this.HasValue && selector!=null
? New(() => selector(#this.Invoke()).Invoke())
: Null<TResult>();
public static IO<TResult> SelectMany<TSource,T,TResult>(this IO<TSource> #this,
Func<TSource, IO<T>> selector,
Func<TSource,T,TResult> projector
) =>
#this.HasValue && selector!=null && projector!=null
? New(() => { var s = #this.Invoke(); return projector(s, selector(s).Invoke()); } )
: Null<TResult>();
public static IO<TResult> New<TResult> (Func<TResult> functor) => new IO<TResult>(functor);
private static IO<TResult> Null<TResult>() => new IO<TResult>(null);
and now you can use the LINQ comprehensive syntax thus:
using Xunit;
public static void IOTest() {
bool isExecuted1 = false;
bool isExecuted2 = false;
bool isExecuted3 = false;
bool isExecuted4 = false;
IO<int> one = new IO<int>( () => { isExecuted1 = true; return 1; });
IO<int> two = new IO<int>( () => { isExecuted2 = true; return 2; });
Func<int, IO<int>> addOne = x => { isExecuted3 = true; return (x + 1).ToIO(); };
Func<int, Func<int, IO<int>>> add = x => y => { isExecuted4 = true; return (x + y).ToIO(); };
var query1 = ( from x in one
from y in two
from z in addOne(y)
from _ in "abc".ToIO()
let addOne2 = add(x)
select addOne2(z)
Assert.False(isExecuted1); // Laziness.
Assert.False(isExecuted2); // Laziness.
Assert.False(isExecuted3); // Laziness.
Assert.False(isExecuted4); // Laziness.
int lhs = 1 + 2 + 1;
int rhs = query1.Invoke().Invoke();
Assert.Equal(lhs, rhs); // Execution.
When one desires an IO monad that composes but returns only void, define this struct and dependent methods:
public struct Unit : IEquatable<Unit>, IComparable<Unit> {
public static Unit _ { get { return _this; } } static Unit _this = new Unit();
public static IO<Unit> ConsoleWrite(object arg) =>
ReturnIOUnit(() => Write(arg));
public static IO<Unit> ConsoleWriteLine(string value) =>
ReturnIOUnit(() => WriteLine(value));
public static IO<ConsoleKeyInfo> ConsoleReadKey() => new IO<ConsoleKeyInfo>(() => ReadKey());
which readily allow the writing of code fragments like this:
from pass in Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue)
let counter = Readers.Counter(0)
select ( from state in gcdStartStates
where _predicate(pass, counter())
select state )
into enumerable
where ( from _ in Gcd.Run(enumerable.ToList()).ToIO()
from __ in ConsoleWrite(Prompt(mode))
from c in ConsoleReadKey()
from ___ in ConsoleWriteLine()
select c.KeyChar.ToUpper() == 'Q'
select 0;
where the old C comma operator is readily recognized for what it is: a monadic compose operation.
The true merit of the comprehension syntax is apparent when one attempts to write that fragment in the flunt style:
( Enumerable.Range(0,int.MaxValue)
.Select(pass => new {pass, counter = Readers.Counter(0)})
.Select(_ => gcdStartStates.Where(state => _predicate(_.pass,_.counter()))
.Select(state => state)
).Where(enumerable =>
( (Gcd.Run(enumerable.ToList()) ).ToIO()
.SelectMany(_ => ConsoleWrite(Prompt(mode)),(_,__) => new {})
.SelectMany(_ => ConsoleReadKey(), (_, c) => new {c})
.SelectMany(_ => ConsoleWriteLine(), (_,__) => _.c.KeyChar.ToUpper() == 'Q')
).Select(list => 0);
The extension method is arguably the best solution, but for completeness' sake, don't forget the obvious alternative: a wrapper class.
public class FList<T> : List<T>
public new FList<T> Add(T item)
return this;
public new FList<T> RemoveAt(int index)
return this;
// etc...
var list = new FList<string>();
list.Add("foo").Add("remove me").Add("bar").RemoveAt(1);
I thought it would be interesting to make a version of my wrapper class answer that doesn't require you write the wrapper methods.
public class FList<T> : List<T>
public FList<T> Do(string method, params object[] args)
var methodInfo = GetType().GetMethod(method);
if (methodInfo == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("I have no " + method + " method.");
if (methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(void))
throw new InvalidOperationException("I'm only meant for void methods.");
methodInfo.Invoke(this, args);
return this;
var list = new FList<string>();
list.Do("Add", "foo")
.Do("Add", "remove me")
.Do("Add", "bar")
.Do("RemoveAt", 1)
.Do("Insert", 1, "replacement");
foreach (var item in list)
You can slim down the syntax by exploiting C# indexed properties.
Simply add this method:
public FList<T> this[string method, params object[] args]
get { return Do(method, args); }
And the call now looks like:
list = list["Add", "foo"]
["Add", "remove me"]
["Add", "bar"]
["RemoveAt", 1]
["Insert", 1, "replacement"];
With the linebreaks being optional, of course.
Just a bit of fun hacking the syntax.