I read a number of Google and Stackoverflow posts without success.
My c# application sends out emails with a hyperlink in. The hyperlink address is:
When clicking the hyperlink, I get:
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
The subfolder Documents is shared and users IUSR and IIS_IUSRS do have access to it.
If you are trying to access the file directly over the network in windows explorer or so you should try something like this :
But if you are trying to access it from the browser your request will be handled by IIS or another web server that is installed and configured on the machine.
Then you should set the folder's permissions and sharing options to default and then create a virtual directory like it is explained in here.
I am using asp.net mvc4 application. where I have custom code which upload the files in specific folder of my application. this code has option to delete files(uploaded on that) folder.
I don’t have that code so I want to change permission of that folder so that it will not allow to delete files from that location via web application.windows its self send error for permission.
I have deny delete permission for the networksservices but not working.
now this is working for already images available in this folder. But now problem is when I am uploading new images it is allowing to delete a image means security permission hasn't applied to new images. why?
How/Which user should I assigned permission deny of delete?
It seems that the user account under which your web site is running isn't networkservices.
If your application is hosted in IIS, you need to find the Application Pool for your web site and then check the user account used by this application pool. So check the properties of your web site on IIS, see the application pool name and then go to the Application Pools node in IIS console tree, find the application name and check its properties to find the related user.
We have a customer with multiple servers. Let's say the important ones are ServerX - their current production web server, ServerY - their share server, and ServerZ - their new web server they are trying to move to. Today, the .net application on ServerX uses an IIS7 virtual directory to point to a share folder on ServerY. I set up ServerZ's IIS virtual directory as exactly as I could to look the same (same Physical Path, Credentials, Logon type). But the Fileupload.SaveAs(...) method keeps failing with the message "System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\[ServerY][Share]\file.png' is denied."
I have checked permissions. Both ServerX and ServerZ's apppool identity is network service. The share was set up with full access to "Everyone." I even specified Network Service and the Credentials account to have access. The folder is not read only and, again, the site running on ServerX operates saves fine.
To add to my confusion, the application on ServerZ can read and open files from the virtual directory. It only has issue when I try to save a new one. And when logged into ServerZ with the Credentials used for the Virtual Directory, I can create/save files.
I should specify two more things:
I had to do some work to get ServerZ on Active Directory. Maybe I missed something in that step that would only affect the application?
Both ServerY and ServerZ are Server 2012 instances. ServerX is Server 2008.
Let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions. Thank you
In my ASP.NET application I have to show some images. Actually these images saved in some other server. In my database I have the file path. I need to access file from remote server to my application. How can I do that? I am using the following code
imgFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strFullPath,
strPkStock + "_*",
But this throws an error saying "Access to the path denied"
You have to have file system access on other server to do this and I am sure you will not have it.
The shortest way to get it done is, publish the images folder from other server and use the url of the images to access it rather then file system path. This way, your asp.net application will be able to easily access these images. In fact, it will be the client browser which will directly access these images from the other server, you will just change the src of images.
Murtuza Kabul's suggestion to access files over HTTP/HTTPS is probably easiest approach. You may use HTTPS with client ceritficates to prevent other users/machines to read files from the same HTTPS server.
If you want to access files directly on other server's shared folder you need to make sure that code that accesses files runs under account that have at least read permissions for that shared folder.
Note that default configuration (where code runs under either special anonymous account or calling user's credentials) account that code runs under will not have permissions on other servers (anonymous becuse it is local account, user's due to restrictions on delegation also called "NTLM one hop hell").
Your easiest bet is to run app polls under some account that have permissions on other server and de-impersonate current user to process account. You can also explcitly impresonate some account to access remote files.
I All,
I have been stuck in this issue for a week now.I want the directory to be created in the root of my project when my application runs in IIS.But since IIS user account can't be given full permission in the root directory , i get the access denied error while trying to create directory.I tried to find a work around by keeping the images in App_Data folder but does not look like a good approach as per the post enter link description here
I need to create the folder on fly when the request comes to the application for the first time without getting access denied error.It is also ok if i am able to create directory with permission during deployment.
What is the best approach for the above problem to solve,
Thanks S.
You are misunderstanding the information in your link. It's true that the browser shouldn't have access to the App_Data folder, but in your case it's the server, your ASP.NET code that does this.
If this scenario is for letting user upload and download files, and you have sensitive files in the app_data folder, create a dedicated folder for your purpose instead let's say /Uploads.
Create this folder in your project directly and deploy it to your destination web server.
Give the app pool account read/write permissions, and that should do it.
Minimize the number of folders that the app pool account has write permissions to.
If you create a folder /wwwroot/Uploads and give the app pool account full permission to Uploads only, it's not necessary to have full permissions on the root level. The app can create folders dynamically in the /Uploads folder.
I am using a Tree View Directory browser in my application. I am using
My requirement is that I need to browse the server folders from client with this. I am able to access shared drives also from the same machine. I hosted the site in IIS6 in a virtual directory. When I try to access the shared drive from the client I dont find it. Do we have to do something in IIS? I tried giving IdentityImpersonate="true" but still getting same problem.
This is a double hop problem. The IIS server would have to do delegation to move your credentials across 2 hops, (your machine to IIS - IIS to file share). Configuring delegation is a tricky process, but I haven't tried in a while, maybe the diagnostics have improved. Normally you follow the delegation instructions and still get access denied.
The easier solution is to use explicit credentials to go from IIS to the file share. The down side to this is that you have to specify username and password of a windows account somewhere in your web.config or source code.