I have an XMLDocument as result of query.
I would like to extract the <Property> value and the appropriate <Notes> for each entry.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<EADATA version="1.0" exporter="Enterprise Architect">
<Property>tagged value</Property>
<Property>Another Tagged value</Property>
<Notes>Another tagged value notes.</Notes>
However, If the <Notes> is empty there is no <Notes> tag at all.
What XPath should I write in such cases?
Which value do you want if there is no Notes element, a null, an empty string?
I would select the Row elements with SelectNodes and then check whether a Notes child exists and assign null (as done below) or the empty string if not:
foreach (XmlElement row in doc.SelectNodes("//Row"))
string prop = row.SelectSingleNode("Property").InnerText;
string notes = row.SelectSingleNode("Notes") != null ? row.SelectSingleNode("Notes").InnerText : null;
Try this :
XPathDocument docNav = new XPathDocument(new StringReader(xml));
XPathNavigator navigator = docNav.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator NodeIter = navigator.Select("/EADATA/Dataset_0/Data/Row");
foreach (XPathNavigator selectedNode in NodeIter)
var a= "<root>" + selectedNode.InnerXml + "</root>";
var x= XDocument.Parse(a);
Console.WriteLine (x.Root.Element("Property").Value);
if (x.Root.Element("Notes")!=null)
Console.WriteLine (x.Root.Element("Notes").Value);
result :
tagged value
Another Tagged value
Another tagged value notes.
I'm trying to select nodes using xpath in c#
This is my XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xObject version="3.0.2002.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/objects">
<section id="*" type="product">
<table name="NotThis">
<row sourceLineNumber="D:\bla\bla\">
<field>No, not this line here 1</field>
<row sourceLineNumber="D:\blah\blah\">
<field>No not, this line here 2</field>
<table name="XFile">
<row sourceLineNumber="D:\bla\bla\">
<field>This line here 1</field>
<row sourceLineNumber="D:\blah\blah\">
<field>This line here 2</field>
This is my C# code which seems to not work
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("ns", "xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/objects"");
XmlNodeList nodeList = root.SelectNodes("ns:table[#type='XFile']/ns:row", nsmgr);
foreach (XmlNode xn in nodeList)
string fieldLine = xn["Field"].InnerText;
Console.WriteLine("Field: {4}", fieldLine);
What I want to output is every 4th field table name="xfile", like this:
This line here 1
This line here 2
Please let me know if you know a solution or a better way.
First - you should provide just uri for namespace:
nsmgr.AddNamespace("ns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/objects");
Second - you should use namespace when providing node name. And table has attribute name instead of type:
XmlNodeList nodeList = root.SelectNodes("//ns:table[#name='XFile']/ns:row", nsmgr);
And last - after selecting row nodes, you should select fourth field node (which has full name ns:field):
foreach (XmlNode row in nodeList)
XmlNode field = row.SelectSingleNode("(ns:field)[4]", nsmgr);
Console.WriteLine("Field: {0}", field.InnerText);
Field: This line here 1
Field: This line here 2
NOTE: You can get fields directly, without looping on rows:
XmlNodeList fields =
root.SelectNodes("//ns:table[#name='XFile']/ns:row/ns:field[4]", nsmgr);
I have this XML code:
<MenuNames Name="0" href="default.aspx">home</MenuNames>
<SubMenuNames parentName="1">
<SubMenuNames parentName="3">
<Product Name="147">
<p><span style="color:#FFA07A;">qwqweqweqe</span>qwe</p>
<p><span style="font-size:11px;">qweqweqw</span>e</p>
<Product Name="dsa">
I want select last product node in LastProductInformation and get this node's attribute.
My code is:
XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
xdoc.Load(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + #"\static\css\xml\data.xml");
XmlNode xparent = xdoc.SelectSingleNode("//LastProductInformation");
var b = xparent.SelectSingleNode("/Product[last()]").Attributes["Name"].Value;
but this returns null. What should I do?
Using LINQ to XML
var value = XDocument.Load("path")
Also you can use XPath with LINQ to XML
var value = XDocument.Load("path")
Note: Make sure you have a reference to System.Xml.Linq namespace from your project.
You don't have to change to linq.
var b = xparent.SelectSingleNode("//Product")[last()].Attributes["Name"].Value;
The last() works like an index so should be at the end.
in a project I am reading XML file to get string data. It works very well but with one exception. Here is the structure of XML File:
The table tag contains multiple row tags. Each row tag is distinguished by queryId tag. Above structure works very well with following code:
string query = "";
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode xnode = xd.SelectNodes("/Table/row/queryId[.='" + id.Trim() + "']")[0];
query = xnode.NextSibling.NextSibling.InnerText;
In the above code in thrid line id is the queryId provided in the parameter of the function. The exception arises when XML is in following format:
That is line spaces before and after in queryId node. Due to these line breaking spaces the code could not find the node and returns null.Please help me to find a way.Thanks
Try with normalize-space:
XmlNode xnode = xd.SelectNodes("/Table/row/queryId[normalize-space(.)='" + id.Trim() + "']").[0];
You can also use LINQ to XML with simple Trim() method to remove white-spaces
var xdoc = XDocument.Load(xml_query_filePath);
var statements = from r in xdoc.Descendants("row")
let queryId = (string)r.Element("queryId")
let statement = (string)r.Element("queryStatement")
where queryId.Trim() == id.Trim()
select statement.Trim();
Or if you need just first statement (note that as in your code, elements should exist in xml)
var statement = xdoc.Descendants("row")
.First(r => r.Element("queryId").Value.Trim() == id.Trim())
I don't how to extract the values from XML document, and am looking for some help as I'm new to C#
I am using XmlDocument and then XmlNodeList for fetching the particular XML document
Here is my code
XmlNodeList XMLList = doc.SelectNodes("/response/result/doc");
And my XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<long name="LoadID">494</long>
<long name="EventID">5557</long>
<str name="XMLData"><TransactionDate>2014-05-28T14:17:31.2186777-06:00</TransactionDate><SubType>tblQM2222Components</SubType><IntegerValue title="ComponentID">11111</IntegerValue></str></doc>
<long name="LoadID">774</long>
<long name="EventID">5558</long>
<str name="XMLData"><TransactionDate>2014-05-28T14:17:31.2186777-06:00</TransactionDate><SubType>tblQM2222Components</SubType><IntegerValue title="ComponentID">11111</IntegerValue></str></doc>
In this i have to fetch every the XMLData data that is under every doc tag and i have to fetch last doc tag EventID.
var xml = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
var docs = xml.Root.Elements("doc");
var lastDocEventID = docs.Last()
.First(l => (string)l.Attribute("name") == "EventID")
Console.WriteLine ("Last doc EventId: " +lastDocEventID);
foreach (var doc in docs)
Console.WriteLine (doc.Element("str").Element("TransactionDate").Value);
Last doc EventId: 5558
You can use two XPath expressions to select the nodes you want. To answer each part of your question in turn:
To select all of the XMLData nodes:
XmlNodeList XMLList
= doc.SelectNodes("/response/result/doc/str[#name='XMLData']");
To select the last EventId:
XmlNode lastEventIdNode =
doc.SelectSingleNode("/response/result/doc[position() =
If not all doc nodes are guaranteed to have an event id child node, then you can simply:
XmlNodeList eventIdNodes =
XmlNode lastNode = eventIdNodes[eventIdNodes.Count - 1];
That should give you what you've asked for.
If you want the XML data inside each strXml element, you can use the InnerXml property:
XmlNodeList xmlList
= doc.SelectNodes("/response/result/doc/str[#name='XMLData']");
foreach(XmlNode xmlStrNode in xmlList)
string xmlInner = xmlStrNode.InnerXml;
There's one result tag short in your xml.
Try using this. It's cleaner too imho
XmlNodeList docs = doc.SelectSingleNode("response").SelectSingleNode("result").SelectNodes("doc");
Then you can use a combination of SelectSingleNode, InnerText, Value to get the data from each XmlNode in your list.
For example if you want the EventID from the first doc tag:
int eventID = int.Parse(docs[0].SelectSingleNode("long[#name='EventID']").InnerText);
Here is my XML :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Nom>Name 1</Nom>
<Nom>Name 1</Nom>
My problem is I would like to modify for example the node content of <Nom>Name 1</Nom> which is located in <Selection></Selection> which have <ID>1</ID> (Search by ID)
I'm using XElement and XDocument to do simple search but I need some help to solve this problem above. (Developpment on SilverLight
Best Regards.
Another way to do this is using XmlDocument:
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// Select the <nom> node under the <Selection> node which has <ID> of '1'
XmlNode name = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/Selection[ID='1']/Nom");
// Modify the value of the node
name.InnerText = "New Name 1";
// Save the XML document
If you don't know how to get at the correct <Nom> node to update, the trick is to first select a <Selection> node that contains the correct <ID> node, then you can get that <Nom> node.
Something like:
XElement tree = <your XML>;
XElement selection = tree.Descendants("Selection")
.Where(n => n.Descendants("ID").First().Value == "1") // search for <ID>1</ID>
if (selection != null)
XElement nom = selection.Descendants("Nom").First();
nom.Value = "Name one";
Note 1: By using Descendants("ID").First() I expect every Selection node to contain an ID node.
Note 2: And every Selection node contains a Nom node
Note 3: Now you still have to store the whole XML, if that's what you need.