Refactor code to delete a record - c#

if (StockLocationRecordsToBeDeleted != null)
foreach (int _serverId in StockLocationRecordsToBeDeleted)
StockLocation_Record RecordToRemove = db.StockLocation_Record.Where(x => x.ServerLocationId == _serverId).FirstOrDefault();
if (RecordToRemove != null)
This successfuly removes a record, but do I have to create a new StockLocation_Record first, can't I just DeleteObject(RecordToRemove).Where(ServerId == _serverId)


A second operation started on this context before a previous asynchronous

hai im new on c# actually i have an issue with my code which i couldnt find the error. I making a controller which i can see the details that user sumbit. When im debug it say that " Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations". i try to put await every each of line but doesnt working.
plus in my cases i dont use for each method
here is my code :-
public async Task<ActionResult> Details(int id, string currentFilter)
BizRepMaster bizRepmaster = _bizRepMasterService.Find(id);
if (bizRepmaster.RepCountry != null)
ViewBag.BizCountry = _countryMasterService.Find(bizRepmaster.RepCountry).tCountry;
ViewBag.BizCountry = "";
if (bizRepmaster.RepState == null)
ViewBag.State = "";
if (bizRepmaster.RepState == "Oth")
ViewBag.State = "Others";
ViewBag.State = GetStateName(bizRepmaster.RepCountry, bizRepmaster.RepState);
if (bizRepmaster.MailState == null)
ViewBag.MailState = "";
if (bizRepmaster.RepState == "Oth")
ViewBag.MailState = "Others";
ViewBag.MailState = GetBizStateName(bizRepmaster.RepCountry, bizRepmaster.MailState);
ViewBag.AMNationality = _countryMasterService.GetCountryMaster()
.Where(a => a.tISO == bizRepmaster.RepNationality).Single().tCountry;
ViewBag.AMIdType = _idTypeService.GetIdTypes()
.Where(a => a.TypeID == bizRepmaster.RepIdType).Single().LabelName;
if (bizRepmaster.DialCode != null)
ViewBag.DialCode = _unitOfWorkAsync.Repository<Country>().Find(bizRepmaster.DialCode).tDialCode;
if (bizRepmaster.NatureOfBusiness != null)
ViewBag.AMResType = _unitOfWorkAsync.Repository<ResidencyType>().Find(bizRepmaster.RepResidencyType).LabelName;
ViewBag.AMJobType = _unitOfWorkAsync.Repository<SenderJobType>().Find(bizRepmaster.RepJobType).LabelName;
ViewBag.StateList = new SelectList(_stateService.GetStates(), "nId", "tStateDesc");
if (bizRepmaster.IdType != null)
ViewBag.IdTypeList = _idTypeService.Find(Convert.ToInt32(bizRepmaster.RepIdType)).LabelName;
ViewBag.CreatedUserName = _userProfileService.GetUserProfile().Where(a => a.UserID == Convert.ToInt32(bizRepmaster.CreatedBy)).Single().LoginId;
if (bizRepmaster.ApprovedBy != null)
ViewBag.ApprovedUserName = _userProfileService.GetUserProfile().Where(a => a.UserID == Convert.ToInt32(bizRepmaster.ApprovedBy)).Single().LoginId;
if (bizRepmaster.LastUpdatedBy != null)
ViewBag.LastUpdatedName = _userProfileService.GetUserProfile().Where(a => a.UserID == Convert.ToInt32(bizRepmaster.LastUpdatedBy)).Single().LoginId;
if (bizRepmaster.LastApprovedBy != null)
ViewBag.LastApprovedName = _userProfileService.GetUserProfile().Where(a => a.UserID == Convert.ToInt32(bizRepmaster.LastApprovedBy)).Single().LoginId;
ViewBag.SenderId1 = bizRepmaster.SenderId;
return View("_BizRepDetails", bizRepmaster);
catch (Exception ex)
return PartialView("_ErrorMessageView");

How to handle New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session for multiple calls or to save as list of Entities

Hi I am using Entity Framework Code First, I have a collection of Entities that need to be saved, but I have my EF Repository created as below
public T Create(T item)
if (ufb != null && ufb.CurrentUser != null)
SetValue("CreatedByUserId", item, ufb.CurrentUser.Id);
SetValue("UpdatedByUserId", item, ufb.CurrentUser.Id);
SetValue("DateCreated", item, DateTime.Now);
SetValue("DateUpdated", item, DateTime.Now);
var newEntry = this.DbSet.Add(item);
this.Context.Database.Log = message => LogHandler.LogInfo(1111, message);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHandler.LogInfo(2501, ex.Message);
BuildMetaData(item, true, true);
return newEntry;
catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
string msg = string.Empty;
foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
msg += validationError.PropertyName;
msg += "---";
msg += validationError.ErrorMessage;
msg += "||";
throw new Exception("7777 CREATE EntityValidationErrors: " + msg);
My calling method is as below:
public List<VehicleInfo> Create(List<VehicleInfo> vehicleInfos, string Entity, int EntityId)
bool vehicleExists = false; List<VehicleInfo> newVehicleInfos = null;
if ((vehicleInfos != null) && (vehicleInfos.Count > 0))
newVehicleInfos = new List<VehicleInfo>();
foreach (VehicleInfo vehicleInfo in vehicleInfos)
vehicleExists = false;
if (vehicleInfo != null)
vehicleExists = this.VehicleExists(vehicleInfo.VehicleId, Entity, EntityId);
vehicleInfo.Entity = Entity;
vehicleInfo.EntityId = EntityId;
VehicleInfo v = this.UnitOfWork.VehicleInfoRepository.Create(vehicleInfo);
return newVehicleInfos;
Hence when I am calling repositories create method for multiple times, its throwing me the above error, any help or suggestion would be very helpful, please thank you.
void BuildMetaDataNoThread(object item, bool active, bool isNew = false)
if (item.GetType() != typeof(JsonObject))
var dm = new DataAccessUnitOfWork(Constants.DefaultConnection);
var qtype = item.GetType();
if (qtype.BaseType.BaseType != null)
if ((isNew && qtype.BaseType.Name == typeof(ModelBase).Name) | qtype.BaseType.BaseType.Name == typeof(ModelBase).Name)
//collect data
var element = (ModelBase)item;
var records = ModelBase.MetaData;
ModelBase.MetaData = new List<ModelRecord> { };
if (records == null) return;
foreach (ModelRecord r in records)
if (r!=null)
var jsr = new JavaScriptSerializer();
//object meta = r;
object rdata = r.Data;
var type = rdata.GetType();
var token = type.BaseType.Name;
List<string> include = r.Include;
// Cycle-through clieanup of models to be encoded into Json Data.
// this helper eliminates infinate relations by including records specified
// by a list of strings
if (include.Where(x => x.Contains("CreatedByUser")).Count() == 0)
if (include.Where(x => x.Contains("UpdatedByUser")).Count() == 0)
var data = ClassCloner.CollectData(rdata, include);
List<string> tags = ClassCloner.CollectTags(data);
string _tags = "";
tags.ForEach((xtm) =>
_tags += xtm + ',';
var json = jsr.Serialize(data);
int id = 0;
//get identity
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
if (id == 0)
foreach (var cp in prop.CustomAttributes)
if (cp.AttributeType.Name == "KeyAttribute")
var _id = ((Dictionary<string, object>)data)[prop.Name];
id = (int)_id;
else { break; }
var query = dm.JsonObjectRepository.GetAll();
var key = "_" + token;
var _data = (Dictionary<string, object>)data;
var ExistingMetaData = (from x in query where x.SourceKey == key && x.SourceId == id select x).FirstOrDefault();
if (ExistingMetaData != null)
if (_data.ContainsKey("DateUpdated")) ExistingMetaData.Date = (DateTime)_data["DateUpdated"];
ExistingMetaData.SourceData = data;
ExistingMetaData.Active = active;
ExistingMetaData.SearchTags = _tags;
var newData = new JsonObject
Active = true,
Date = (DateTime)_data["DateUpdated"],
SourceData = data,
SourceId = id,
SourceKey = key,
SearchTags = _tags,
TargetKey = "GlobalSearchMetaData"
void BuildMetaData(object dataRecord, bool active, bool isNew)
new Thread((item) => { BuildMetaDataNoThread(item, active, isNew); }).Start(dataRecord);

Getting rid off consecutive if statements

I am looking for tips to improve the readability of my code (which is written in C#). My main concern is usage of consecutive if statements and how should I replace them.
My code:
private Dictionary<Guid, CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>> GetMediaToContentsAssociations<T>(ref bool stopSignaled, CatalogContentBase catalog, CultureInfo culture, Action<string> onStatusChanged = null)
where T : MediaData
IEnumerable<ContentReference> descendentReferences = _contentLoader.GetDescendents(catalog.ContentLink);
var associations = new Dictionary<Guid, CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>>();
if (descendentReferences.Any())
var descendentProducts = _contentLoader.GetItems<BaseProduct>(descendentReferences, culture);
foreach (var product in descendentProducts)
if (stopSignaled)
onStatusChanged?.Invoke($"Reindexing canceled.");
if (product is IAssetContainer assetContainer && (assetContainer?.CommerceMediaCollection?.Any() ?? false))
foreach (CommerceMedia media in assetContainer.CommerceMediaCollection)
PermanentLinkMap mediaLinkMap = _permanentLinkMapper.Find(media.AssetLink);
if ((mediaLinkMap?.Guid != null) && mediaLinkMap.Guid != Guid.Empty)
var productInformation = ProductUtilities.GetProductCategoriesAndPriority(product);
if (associations.TryGetValue(mediaLinkMap.Guid, out CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T> commerceMediaFileAssociations))
if (productInformation.Categories?.Any() ?? false)
foreach (string category in productInformation.Categories)
associations[mediaLinkMap.Guid] = commerceMediaFileAssociations;
var commerceMediaFileAssociation = new CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>();
foreach (string category in productInformation.Categories)
associations.Add(mediaLinkMap.Guid, commerceMediaFileAssociation);
associations[mediaLinkMap.Guid].Priority = productInformation.Priority;
if (product is RockstarProduct rockstar)
var files = rockstar.Rockstar_Product_Product_Documents.FilteredItems.Select(x => x.GetContent() as IContentMedia) ?? new List<IContentMedia>();
foreach (var file in files)
PermanentLinkMap mediaLinkMap = _permanentLinkMapper.Find(file.ContentLink);
if ((mediaLinkMap?.Guid != null) && mediaLinkMap.Guid != Guid.Empty)
var productInformation = ProductUtilities.GetProductCategoriesAndPriority(product);
if (associations.TryGetValue(mediaLinkMap.Guid, out CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T> commerceMediaFileAssociations))
if (productInformation.Categories?.Any() ?? false)
foreach (string category in productInformation.Categories)
associations[mediaLinkMap.Guid] = commerceMediaFileAssociations;
var commerceMediaFileAssociation = new CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>();
foreach (string category in productInformation.Categories)
associations.Add(mediaLinkMap.Guid, commerceMediaFileAssociation);
associations[mediaLinkMap.Guid].Priority = productInformation.Priority;
return associations;
How should I change it in order to make it clean, understandable and maintainable? Should I use guard clauses in this case?
You have a lot of code duplications. Some code parts are almost equivalent. It is easy to make them equal. This allows you extract them to another method.
Also, you have if-else statements where the else-part has a lot in common with the if-part where basically only the first statement differs (after having made the almost equal statements equal). You can extract these statements and execute them after the if-else. Then if-part becomes empty. You can invert the if-else and then drop the else part.
There is also no point in testing a collection with Any() before looping through it. If the collection is empty, the loop body will not be executed anyway.
The extracted method:
private void AddCategoriesAndProducts<T>(Dictionary<Guid, CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>> associations, BaseProduct product, string link) where T : MediaData
PermanentLinkMap mediaLinkMap = _permanentLinkMapper.Find(link);
if (mediaLinkMap?.Guid != null && mediaLinkMap.Guid != Guid.Empty) {
var productInformation = ProductUtilities.GetProductCategoriesAndPriority(product);
if (!associations.TryGetValue(mediaLinkMap.Guid, out CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T> commerceMediaFileAssociations)) {
commerceMediaFileAssociations = new CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>();
if (productInformation.Categories != null) {
foreach (string category in productInformation.Categories) {
associations[mediaLinkMap.Guid] = commerceMediaFileAssociations;
associations[mediaLinkMap.Guid].Priority = productInformation.Priority;
The simplified method:
private Dictionary<Guid, CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>> GetMediaToContentsAssociations<T>(ref bool stopSignaled, CatalogContentBase catalog, CultureInfo culture, Action<string> onStatusChanged = null)
where T : MediaData
IEnumerable<ContentReference> descendentReferences = _contentLoader.GetDescendents(catalog.ContentLink);
var associations = new Dictionary<Guid, CommerceMediaFileAssociation<T>>();
if (descendentReferences.Any()) {
var descendentProducts = _contentLoader.GetItems<BaseProduct>(descendentReferences, culture);
foreach (var product in descendentProducts) {
if (stopSignaled) {
onStatusChanged?.Invoke($"Reindexing canceled.");
if (product is IAssetContainer assetContainer && assetContainer.CommerceMediaCollection != null) {
foreach (CommerceMedia media in assetContainer.CommerceMediaCollection) {
AddCategoriesAndProducts(associations, product, media.AssetLink);
if (product is RockstarProduct rockstar) {
var files = rockstar.Rockstar_Product_Product_Documents.FilteredItems.Select(x => x.GetContent() as IContentMedia) ?? new List<IContentMedia>();
foreach (var file in files) {
AddCategoriesAndProducts(associations, product, file.ContentLink);
return associations;
These methods are still relatively complex and could be split into even smaller methods. Methods like AddAssetProducts and AddRockStartProducts.

Get the count of resultsets/Tables returned from dapper .QueryMultiple Method

While using Dapper for multiple Query:
var result = sqlConnection.QueryMultiple(query, Parameters, commandType: commandType);
How can i get the table count returned from query? It has two overloaded implementation of .Read() method, which each time called, moves to next available result set (No result.Count() property). Eventually i want to put that number in a loop to iterate as many time as number of tables returned from query.
var reader = this.DbConnection.QueryMultipleAsync(sql, Params, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).Result;
if(reader.IsConsumed == false)
DeviceTypeReport = reader?.ReadAsync<dynamic>().Result;
This is probably what you are looking for hope it helps.
This is probably what you are looking for hope it helps.
List<dynamic> data = new List<dynamic>();
while (reader.IsConsumed == false)
data.Add(await reader?.ReadAsync<dynamic>());
int totalRecordSet = data.Count;
public List NotificationExecuteMultiple(OutdoorRequest objreq, IConfiguration configuration)
var lst = new List<dynamic>();
using (DbConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(configuration.GetConnectionString("SquareHrConn")))
using (var dr = connection.QueryMultiple(ProcedureName, GetParamenter(objreq), commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))
while (dr.IsConsumed == false)
return lst;
Consider the follwoing method to cover all cases
protected List<object> ExecuteMultiQuery<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J>(string procedureName, DynamicParameters param = null)
List<object> result = new List<object>();
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionManager.ConnectionString))
using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(procedureName, param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, commandTimeout: 120))
var varA = multi.Read<A>();
if (varA != null) { result.Add(varA.ToList()); }
var varB = multi.Read<B>();
if (varB != null) { result.Add(varB.ToList()); }
var varC = multi.Read<C>();
if (varC != null) { result.Add(varC.ToList()); }
var varD = multi.Read<D>();
if (varD != null) { result.Add(varD.ToList()); }
var varE = multi.Read<E>();
if (varE != null) { result.Add(varE.ToList()); }
var varF = multi.Read<F>();
if (varF != null) { result.Add(varF.ToList()); }
var varG = multi.Read<G>();
if (varG != null) { result.Add(varG.ToList()); }
var varH = multi.Read<H>();
if (varH != null) { result.Add(varH.ToList()); }
var varI = multi.Read<I>();
if (varI != null) { result.Add(varI.ToList()); }
var varJ = multi.Read<J>();
if (varJ != null) { result.Add(varJ.ToList()); }
//if (varA != null) { result.Add(varA.ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 1) { result.Add(multi.Read<B>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 2) { result.Add(multi.Read<C>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 3) { result.Add(multi.Read<D>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 4) { result.Add(multi.Read<E>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 5) { result.Add(multi.Read<F>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 6) { result.Add(multi.Read<G>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 7) { result.Add(multi.Read<H>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 8) { result.Add(multi.Read<I>().ToList()); }
//if (resultSets > 9) { result.Add(multi.Read<J>().ToList()); }
return result;
catch (System.Exception e)
string message = e.Message;
return result;

savechanges() saving one entity and not other

A weird situation has struck me this code was running successfully two days back, but i dont know why its not running as before now :
public static void ChangeStatus(int sessionID, int? participantID, Guid? temporaryParticipantID, int statustypeID)
using (EMSEntities entities = new EMSEntities())
using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
SessionParticipant sessionParticipant = null;
CurrentSessionSeatsStatu sessionCurrentStatus = null;
if (participantID != null)
sessionParticipant = entities.SessionParticipants
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID && a.ParticipantID == participantID)
else if (temporaryParticipantID != null)
sessionParticipant = entities.SessionParticipants
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID && a.TemporaryParticipantID == temporaryParticipantID)
if (sessionParticipant != null)
sessionParticipant.StatusTypeID = statustypeID; // Status Changed here
**if (sessionParticipant.StatusTypeID == 2) // verified status
sessionCurrentStatus = entities.CurrentSessionSeatsStatus
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID)
if (sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft > 0)
sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft = sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft - 1;
catch (Exception ex)
The problem is that changes(in StatusTypeID) for sessionParticipant are not saved in database but sessionCurrentStatus changes are !
no error thrown nothing !
Edit: I have discovered that the change in sessionparticipant is happening in all cases except when the status is changed to verified.
ie. when the other table viz. sessioncurrentstatus is updated in the if block.
That is whenever it goes in this if block(bold in code) the problem takes place.
Finally i found the problem and i think its because of the below code however it would be good if someone can explain the exact reason:
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); // the position of this code line can be found in the below code
below is the code which called the ChangesStatus method:
protected void ddlStatuses_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < gridViewEvents.VisibleRowCount; i++)
if (gridViewEvents.Selection.IsRowSelected(i))
EMS.DAL.SessionParticipant sessionParticipant = (EMS.DAL.SessionParticipant)gridViewEvents.GetRow(i);
EMS.DAL.Session session = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionById(sessionParticipant.SessionID);
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.ChangeStatus(sessionParticipant.SessionID, sessionParticipant.ParticipantID, sessionParticipant.TemporaryParticipantID, Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value));
if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "2" || ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "3") // if accepted or rejected
if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "2") // verified/accepted
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.SendMail("Congratulations! your participation for " + session.Name + " event has been confirmed.", "", sessionParticipant.Email, "");
// AT THIS POINT THE 'sessionParticipant' did not have the changed status which was set in the ChangeStatus method
sessionParticipant.IsNotified = true;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); // culprit as per me
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail == null)
attendanceListDetail.AttendanceListID = a.ID;
attendanceListDetail.ParticipantID = sessionParticipant.ParticipantID.Value;
attendanceListDetail.IsPresent = false;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(attendanceListDetail, System.Data.EntityState.Added);
else if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "3") // denied/rejected
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.SendMail("Your participation for " + session.Name + " event has been denied.", "", sessionParticipant.Email, "");
sessionParticipant.IsNotified = true;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail != null)
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(attendanceListDetail, System.Data.EntityState.Deleted);
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail != null)
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>

