I am trying to login to hotmail, and click the first email that is shown in the emails box.
I get a problem, when I'm trying to find the first email.
I've tried to get it in a lot of different ways, but I've wanted to make a test just by finding all the list items li, so I've made a simple function:
public void clickFirstEmail()
var lis = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("li")); //this is raising the exception
foreach (var li in lis)
Whenever I try to access some elements, I get this exception: Permission denied to access property '__qosId'
I've seen some answers here on stackoverflow, but I guess they are right when you are running a selenium server.
I start my driver like this:
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Any ideas on how to get this right ?
The whole plan is to click the first email.
UPDATE: I've tried one more time, and it worked, but it gave me this error now: Element is no longer attached to the DOM on the messagebox.show line.
I am thinking that the page (javascript) is constantly loading/changing new stuff, so what could I do about this ?
I have this code:
IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//Go to the powerbi site
//Go to the page with login form
//Fill in email field
When I launch this code on my computer everything works fine without errors. But when I launch this code on my boss's computer, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
When an error occurs, it's always on the last line of code. I don't remember exactly which error it is: InvalidElementStateException (when the target element is not enabled) or ElementNotVisibleException (when the target element is not visible).
I suppose the whole thing lies on the Click() method. The documentation says:
Click this element. If the click causes a new page to load, the Click() method will attempt to block until the page has loaded.
I don't quite understand how it attempts to block.
Seems like your input isn't always ready immediately after you click the button.
You should wait for it before sending the keys:
Try this instead of your last line:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, new TimeSpan(0,0,5));
var input = wait.Until(ElementIsClickable(By.XPath("//*[#id='cred_userid_inputtext']")));
In order to do that check, you should create a ElementIsClickable function, which returns a delegate, just as this answer shows:
public static Func<IWebDriver, IWebElement> ElementIsClickable(By locator)
return driver =>
var element = driver.FindElement(locator);
return (element != null && element.Displayed && element.Enabled) ? element : null;
Also, keep in mind that for using the WebDriverWait class you might need to import the Selenium.WebDriver and Selenium.Support packages into your project, just as this answer suggests.
It's coming occasional because sometimes it takes time to load element from DOM and which cause exception like InvalidElementStateException or ElementNotVisibleException.
I ran your snippets code.
It runs fine, try to separate action and find element.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//xyz"/);
This could work.
I'm sorry if this question has allready been answered , but I litterally spent more than two weeks searching the Internet for a solution to my issue.
Now , I definitly do not perform the best google searches , and it might seem that my question has several effective answers on the Internet. but I really tried every single solution that I found , without any positive results.
What i'm trying to do is simple , and I did it successfully on many websites :
Navigating to a website using WebBrowser (1).
Waiting for everything to load properly (document completed event).
Download the page using DocumentText property (1).
(1) : I also use WebClient from time to time.
And there it is , I get the html page , and I can exploit it anyway I like. The issue is with a particular website that I cannot obtain the full content inspite of using all the different solutions that I found. I suspected the fact that this page might need to load several scripts before getting the full content. Yet again, I read that WebBrowser does run all the necessarry scripts before triggering the " completed " event, so , apparently , that's not the issue. The page that i'm inquiring about is : http://www.coolmod#com/tarjetas-graficas-nvidia-pci-express
I tried , after that the WebBrowser loads the entire page , looking for random elements using GetElementByID property and checking if I get a null result. It appears that when I try getting an element that does not belong to the products list , i'm successful. But , whenever I try to get an element that belongs to the list it self , I always get a null. Which means , the list it self does not load. and I really don't know why. By the way , I do not prevent the WebBrowser. Navigate () from delivering multiple responses , I allow it to give as many feedbacks as possible , and still , the product list does not load , even when I pass the cookies. I Even tried copying all the content of the document and pasting it through the clipboard. Here is a simple example of what I try to do :
private void catalogueDownload()
System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser wb = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser();
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
wb.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(Catalogue_DocumentCompleted);
public void Catalogue_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
var wb = sender as System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser;
string output = wb.DocumentText;
File.WriteAllText("testing.html", output);
Thanks for giving up your time to read all this.
System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser is a bit outdated, If I were you, I would consider using an external library for that, Selenium would be my 1st choice, given it has all the necessary integrations with .NET Framework (and a lot of other languages)
I dont know if it is even possible, but is there some way how to "end" page in Windows Phone 8 app?
My problem is that i am using one delegate (to know when is my xml downloaded) on multiple pages. It works fine, but when i open one page, she initialize herself, i go on other page (trough back button) and new page initialize herself too. Everything is fine, but the previous page is still listening to the delegate and it is really big problem. So i need to get the previous page (that closed) into a same state like she was not ever opened.
I will be thankful for any advice (maybe i am thinking in wrong way now, i dont know, maybe the page just have to be de-initialize).
PS: If its necessary i will post the code, but i think it is not. :)
Okey here is some code:
In class whis is downloading XML i have delegate like this:
public delegate void delDownloadCompleted();
public static event delDownloadCompleted eventDownloadCompleted;
This class is downloading few different xml files depends of constructor in run(int number) method.
After is download complete and all information from xml are saved in my local list i call delegateCompled. if (eventDownloadCompleted != null)
Then i have few different pages. All pages are used for display specific data from downloaded xml. So on this specific page I have method that is fired when "downloadClass" says it is complet.
XML_DynamicDataChat.delDownloadCompleted delegMetoda = new XML_DynamicDataChat.delDownloadCompleted(inicialiyaceListu);
XML_DynamicDataChat.eventDownloadCompleted += delegMetoda;
This is that "inicializaceListu" method:
private void inicialiyaceListu()
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
model = new datka();
// object model is just model where i am saving all specific list of informations that i got from xml files.
chatList9 = model.getChat(1);
gui_listNovinky.ItemsSource = chatList9;
gui_loadingGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
All of these works fine, but when i go back (with back button) and open other specific page with other specific information from other downloaded xml, previous page is still listening for the delegate and inicialiyaceListu() method is still fired everytime i complete download of xml.
So i need to say previous page something like: "hey page, you are now closed! Can you shut the **** up and stop work?!?"
I think that specific delegate for each pages could solve this, but it is not correct programing way.
I solved it nice and easy. It is really simple solution. I just created bool variable and set it false when i go back. In inicializaceListu() i have condition if it is true. If it is true do that stuffs when false do nothing.
Using selenium in C# I am trying to open a browser, navigate to Google and find the text search field.
I try the below
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(#"C:\");
IWebElement password = driver.FindElement(By.Id("gbqfq"));
but get the following error -
Unable to find element with id == gbqfq
This looks like a copy of this question that has already been answered.
I can show you what I've done, which seems to work well for me:
public static IWebElement WaitForElementToAppear(IWebDriver driver, int waitTime, By waitingElement)
IWebElement wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(waitTime)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementExists(waitingElement));
return wait;
This should wait waitTime amount of time until either the element is found or not. I've run into a lot of issues with dynamic pages not loading the elements I need right away and the WebDriver trying to find the elements faster than the page can load them, and this is my solution to it. Hope it helps!
You can try using a spin wait
int timeout =0;
while (driver.FindElements(By.id("gbqfq")).Count == 0 && timeout <500){
IWebElement password = driver.FindElement(By.Id("gbqfq"));
this should help make sure that the element has actually had time to appear.
also note, the "gbqfq" id is kinda a smell. I might try something more meaningful to match on than that id.
Using C# and Selenium, I am building an automated script where I, amongst other things, try to select a certain value from a droplist (value being specified in a .csv-file). I get the error;
"An error occurred executing the click atom (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)"
I have no idea what a click atom is, much less how to fix it... Any help is appreciated greatly!
thanks in advance
this is the code for the droplist:
public bool isellHOSelectAdultsDroplist(string adults)
writeToLog(String.Format("Selecting adults from drop list"), this.GetType().Name);
String xpathString = HO_ADULT_SELECTION;
if(GpoExplicitWaitXpathElement(xpathString, 3, 5))
IWebElement dropListObjects = webDriver.FindElement(By.XPath(xpathString));
writeToLog(String.Format("DEBUG: Trying to click on appropriate number of adults..."), this.GetType().Name);
selectValueFromAdultDropList(dropListObjects, adults);
return true;
return false;
//...and this is my select-method
private void selectValueFromAdultDropList(IWebElement dropListObjects, string adults)
SelectElement manipulateDroplistObject = new SelectElement(dropListObjects);
String selection = manipulateDroplistObject.SelectedOption.Text;
int numberOfElements = manipulateDroplistObject.Options.Count;
writeToLog("Number of elements in Adult Droplist: " + numberOfElements, this.GetType().Name);
writeToLog("Selection from adult droplist: " + selection, this.GetType().Name);
I'll answer the specific question you asked, which is, "What is a click atom?" There is quite a bit of functionality in the IE driver, and the implementation of this functionality rests on three pillars.
First is IE's COM interfaces. These are the objects and methods that have been used to automate various parts of IE for more than a decade.
The second technology is so-called "native events." That is, using OS-level mechanisms to perform user interactions, like key presses and mouse clicks. On Windows, that means using the Windows SendMessage API. Almost anytime you're using the keyboard or the mouse with the IE driver, you're using native events by default.
Finally, a good portion of the IE driver functionality is implemented using JavaScript functions, which are shared by all of the browsers. These functions are known as "automation atoms".
One of the very few exceptions to using native events for mouse operations is in selecting an <option> element from a <select> element. Since IE doesn't give discoverable dimensions to <option> elements, the IE driver is forced to simulate the click action via JavaScript. This means using the automation atom for the click action. In your case, something must've gone wrong executing that JavaScript, which was faithfully reported as a "failure to execute the click atom." Without more detail, including sample HTML pages to reproduce the issue, it will be exceedingly difficult to diagnose the root cause of the issue.
It's at this point I will echo the call to update to the latest IE driver. Some of the code in this area has been overhauled, and at the least, it should be possible to extract more precise errors from failure cases with a more recent driver.