I am building a C#/.NET 4.5 client for a REST API using JSON.NET. The API supports partial updates; therefore the presence or lack of an attribute in the json on an update has meaning. If the attribute is in the json, the server will set the value accordingly; the the attribute is not passed the server will not update it. This also applies to null values. I have .NET classes for each model; with properties for each JSON attribute (pretty standard).
As an example lets say I have this account object (name, notes) that already exists on the server:
'notes:'these are notes'
If I pass in this json for an update it will update the name, but will leave the notes set to 'these are notes':
var account = api.GetAccount();
account.Name = "bob";
If I pass this json in for an update, it will set the name and the notes to null on the server:
var account = api.GetAccount();
account.Name = "bob";
account.Notes = null;
All good up to this point.
My question is how to you get JSON.NET to play along nicely with this. JSON.NET allows control the NullValueHandling which basically says if null values should be serialized or not. However that is not enough in this case. I need to be able to determine if the calling code explicitly set the value to null. Is there a recommended way to handle this?
Ive tried using a Dictionary internal to my models to store the attributes to be serialized via JSON. This allows me to tell if the attribute has been set to anything (including null) via the presence of the key in the dictionary. I found that this approach has some difficulties and I end up rewriting a lot of code that comes standard to JSON.NET (type serialization, generics, nullables, enums...).
Note: I do realize the above example is a bit contrived. In reality the account object returned back from the server would have both name and notes populated, and that when the update happened it would send both back.
The other case where this applies is during creating objects and handling server generated default. For example, lets say the server defaults the account's notes to 'put notes here' when the account is created. If I pass in the Notes attribute with a null value, the server will think the client wants to set it to null. The reality though is the client is not trying to set the Notes to null, and in this case would want the default to be set.
var account = new Account();
account.Name = "bob";
Im always impressed by JSON.NET...
Here is what I ended up with. I used a combination of a ContractResolver, the ShouldSerialize predicate and the NullValueHandling property. This link was very useful. The properties are stored in a Dictionary in a base class ApiModel; that code is straightforward.
Account Model
public string Name
get { return this.GetAttributeValue<string>("name"); }
set { this.SetAttributeValue<string>("name", value); }
Json Serialization
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings();
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings.NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Include;
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings.ContractResolver = ApiModel.JsonContractResolver;
internal class ApiModelContractResolver : Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver
protected override Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty CreateProperty(System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, Newtonsoft.Json.MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.ShouldSerialize =
instance =>
var apiModel = instance as ApiModel;
var hasAttribute = apiModel.HasAttribute(property.PropertyName);
property.NullValueHandling = hasAttribute ? Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Include : Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore;
return hasAttribute;
return property;
So, I want to save object and then load it and take data from it. I made an class called SaveData, in there I have field isVibrationOn.
Working code below:
public class SaveData
public bool isVibratonOn;
Here is the code for serialization:
public void SaveGame()
SaveData saveData = new SaveData();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
FileStream file = File.Create(Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, FILE_NAME));
bf.Serialize(file, saveData);
private void SaveData(SaveData saveData)
saveData.isVibrationOn = VibrationController.controller.isVibrationOn;
And here is code for load data:
public void LoadGame()
if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, FILE_NAME)))
FileStream file = File.Open(Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, FILE_NAME), FileMode.Open);
if (file.Length > 0)
SaveData saveData = new SaveData();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
saveData = (SaveData)bf.Deserialize(file);
public LoadData(SaveData saveData)
VibrationController.controller.isVibrationOn = saveData.isVibrationOn;
My question here is, when I decide to add or remove some fields (lists etc) to SaveData object, my LoadData would look different, but object that is saved on device whould have different fields as well. Simple expample
public LoadData(SaveData saveData)
VibrationController.controller.isVibrationOn = saveData.isVibrationOn;
//old save data doesn't have isMusicOn field
//LoadData method is different because I added new field on SaveData object after I saved file.
//This is simple example, but also it could be any changes like list of objects with an object that has different fields added/changed.
MusicController.controller.isMusicOn = saveData.isMusicOn;
How would I check if old instance has that field?
As a general recommendation, do not use binaryFormatter. It is slow, inefficient, unsafe and has poor backwardscompatibility.
So if you change the class I would not expect it to be possible to de serialize older data at all, let alone tell you what fields where missing. Switching .net versions can also be an issue with binaryformatter.
There are much better serialization libraries out there. Json.net is the standard for text-based serialization, and I have used protobuf.net for binary serialization. But there are many other libraries that can be used.
To handle missing or optional fields you would typically have some default value, like null, that you can check. It should also be possible to initialize the fields to some other default value if desired.
I would recommend separating your serialization objects from your domain objects, since serialization frameworks may require parameter less constructors or public setters. And separate serialization objects provide a chance to manage differences in object structures between versions.
If your goal is to make sure your code doesn't break because of "missing" field:
If you already have the "old" version rolled out, that's tough - you will have to implement some kind of "migration" from old data to new, probably by keeping the old class as-is, implementing your changes in a new class (possibly derived from old, to keep code duplication to a minimum), and then checking if the data you are deserializing is old (I'll refer to it as "MyClass_Old") or new ("MyClass_New"). If you are able to determine that from some metadata, file attributes or such - great. If not, you could just deserialize it as MyClass_New on purpose and wrap in in try-catch. If you caught a SerializationException, then it's probably MyClass_Old, and then you deserialize it as MyClass_Old and then use it to construct a new MyClass_New instance.
However, if you didn't yet roll out those changes, you can make use of version-tolerant serialization. You can use attributes like [OptionalFieldAttribute] to mark fields that might be missing in different version, [OnDeserializingAttribute] (that goes on method that will be called before deserializing - to maybe set some values in those missing fields), and [OnDeserializedAttribute] to "fix" or validate your deserialized object.
So for your example, knowing that you added the isMusicOn field, you'd mark it as optional (because it might be missing in deserialized data):
[OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)]
bool isMusicOn;
and then set it to some kind of default value if it's missing. Let's say you want it to be on by default:
internal void OnDeserializingMethod(StreamingContext context)
isMusicOn = true;
Note that here you use the "deserializing" attribute, because you do want to keep the value if it is not missing. Since OnDeserializingMethod is called before deserializing, it will be overwritten by deserialized value if it is present. This specific case (you have a field that might be missing, and you want it to have some specific value) is also covered here.
If your goal is to check if this specific field was missing in deserialized object:
With some preparation this same principle (version-tolerant serialization) can also be used to specifically determine if the field was present in deserialized object. You can set it to some predetermined value (one that would not be allowed when serializing) before deserializing (using [OnDeserializing]). Then after deserialization check if that value is still there or it was replaced by something reasonable.
So in your case let's say that allowed values for isMusicOn are true and false, then you can make your isMusicOn a nullable bool:
[OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)]
bool? isMusicOn;
Then you'll make sure that serialized object cannot have isMusicOn set to null, by using [OnSerializing]:
internal void OnSerializingMethod(StreamingContext context)
if (isMusicOn == null)
isMusicOn = false;
Then assign null in a method marked with [OnDeserializing]:
internal void OnDeserializingMethod(StreamingContext context)
isMusicOn = null;
and then in [OnDeserialized] check if it is still null (if it was deserialized, it will have changed to proper value like true or false, if not it'll stay null):
internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext context)
Console.WriteLine($"isMusicOn {isMusicOn == null ? "wasn't" : "was" } present in deserialized object!");
if (isMusicOn == null)
isMusicOn = false;//set it to some "proper" default value;
In this example, actually, nullable value wouldn't even require the setup (it'll be null by default even without the OnDeserializing part), but i'll leave it in as an example.
All this last part is probably more trouble then it's worth. Besides all the hassle with attributes, you have to change your field type to allow for that "super special value", and that might require you to change a lot of other code that depends on it. I suspect the real question is not "how to check if the field was there", but rather "how to make sure my app doesn't break because it wasn't there", and for that you don't need to know if your field was deserialized - just to make sure that it has some reasonable value in it after deserialization.
I am trying to write a MongoDb serializer in c# that will allow me to decorate properties via a [Encrypt()] attribute and then at runtime it would allow me to generate an additional property called PropertyName_Encrypted which would contain the encrypted value.
On deserialization, the encrypted property value would be set in the parent property so that the default GET for the property always returns the encrypted value. Users will then call an optional Decrypt() method on the object to get decrypted values.
In doing so, I'm running into some interesting challenges:
How do I add Additional properties to the document when I am serializing current Element? How do I get the current element's name?
Is there a way I can read a specific property from the document/object? For e.g. say I want to pass a symmetric encryption key and read that to encrypt the data while serializing the current element? Is there any way I can do that?
Here are things I have done so far:
I've built an Encrypt Attribute as follows:
public class EncryptAttribute : Attribute
private readonly EncryptedFieldType _fieldType;
private readonly bool _tokenizeDisplay;
private readonly string _encryptedFieldName;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fieldType">The field type to encrypt. Useful if display needs to show some formatting. If no formatting is necessary, simply set to "Other".</param>
/// <param name="tokenizeDisplay">If set to true, will persist the tokenized value in the original field for display purposes.</param>
/// <param name="encryptedFieldName">Optional. If set, will save the encrypted value in the field name specified. By default all encrypted field values are stored in the corresponding _Encrypted field name. So EmailAddress field if encrypted, would have value under EmailAddress_Encrypted.</param>
public EncryptAttribute(EncryptedFieldType fieldType, bool tokenizeDisplay, string encryptedFieldName = "")
_fieldType = fieldType;
_tokenizeDisplay = tokenizeDisplay;
_encryptedFieldName = encryptedFieldName;
I read this Attribute on Startup and add an Encryption Serializer to the properties that are decorated using this attribute. The code that does that is like so:
var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("MongoCustomSerializer"))
var mapper = new Mapper();
foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
The mapper simply checks which properties in the document have the Encrypt attribute to add the serializer:
public sealed class Mapper
public void Map(Assembly assembly)
var encryptableTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(p =>
typeof(IEncryptable).IsAssignableFrom(p) && p.IsClass && !p.IsInterface && !p.IsValueType &&
if (encryptableTypes.Any())
foreach (var encryptableType in encryptableTypes)
private void Map(Type documentType)
var properties =
documentType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (properties.Length <= 0)
foreach (var property in properties)
RegisterEncrpytionSerializer(property, typeof(EncryptAttribute), documentType);
private void RegisterEncrpytionSerializer(PropertyInfo property, Type encryptAttributeType, Type documentType)
var encryptAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(encryptAttributeType, false).ToList();
if (!encryptAttributes.Any()) return;
var memberMap = BsonClassMap.LookupClassMap(documentType).GetMemberMap(property.Name);
memberMap?.SetSerializer(new EncryptionSerializer());
In my unit tests, I'm getting an error stating that the Bson Class Map is already frozen. Even if I were to figure out a way to bypass that, how would this EncryptionSerializer class work to where I could write an additional property?
Would love to see if someone can assist!
UPDATE 1 - I was able to get the FREEZE error taken care of. It would appear that the LookupClassMap freezes the Member and Class Map info.
This change from the link allows me to take care of that issue:
private void RegisterEncrpytionSerializer(PropertyInfo property, Type encryptAttributeType, Type documentType)
var encryptAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(encryptAttributeType, false).ToList();
if (!encryptAttributes.Any()) return;
var classMapDefinition = typeof(BsonClassMap<>);
var classMapType = classMapDefinition.MakeGenericType(documentType);
var classMap = (BsonClassMap)Activator.CreateInstance(classMapType);
var memberMap = classMap.GetMemberMap(property.Name);
memberMap?.SetSerializer(new KeyVaultEncryptionSerializer(memberMap.ElementName));
Are you using a service for saving/retrieving your items that actually call the DB?
I believe you should move the responsibility for writing/reading encrypted values to the calling service (i.e a repository implementation) instead of the BsonSerializer.
It would make sense to me that encryption/decryption is part of the persistence layer and something not handled in the application when needed.
Your implementation targets only the specified property you want to serialize. It doesn't make sense that it creates another property.
A second thought is that your suggested approach with properties that change value based on Decrypt() probably isn't a good idea since it makes your code unpredictable and hard to read. Make your properties dead simple.
What extra security in your code does it really give you if you can decrypt properties by just calling a method anyway?
If you still need to have a Decrypt() would suggest that you create methods for decrypting that return the decrypted value like GetUnencryptedCode() etc, it could just as well be an extension method but still not a readable property.
You should also be looking into using SecureString depending on your use case.
I am working with an SDK that can query a set of data as well as update data with a restful web service called VersionOne. We use the web service to document QA testing. Each test has attributes such as "Name", "Status", etc. Most of the attributes have been successfully updating except for "Status".
Here is the method I am calling, when I step through the code I can get the old value but cannot change the attribute value as expected. An error stating "Cannot assign new value to a read-only attribute".
public bool TestInProgress()
var testId = Oid.FromToken("Test:26017", _context.MetaModel);
var query = new Query(testId);
var assetType = _context.MetaModel.GetAssetType("Test");
var testStatus = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("Status.Name");
var result = _context.Services.Retrieve(query);
var test = result.Assets[0];
var oldResult = GetValue(test.GetAttribute(testStatus).Value);
test.SetAttributeValue(testStatus, "Failed");
LogResult(test.Oid.Token, oldResult, GetValue(test.GetAttribute(testStatus).Value));
Console.WriteLine(test.Oid.Token, oldResult, GetValue(test.GetAttribute(testStatus).Value));
return true;
According to the VersionOne SDK documentation it appears as though "read-only" and is an attribute. I've looked though the different attribute from several different tests and testsets and do not see it. I am authenticated properly and have successfully updated other attributes with many different tests. However, when I attempt to programmatically change the "Status" attribute it says it is read-only.
How do you change the attribute for an asset in VersionOne programmatically that is currently read-only so you can update the attribute using the restful web service?
Because the Attribute is read-only, you will not be able to change its value. Instead, consider creating a 'new' Asset, set its Attributes, and then save it.
Review the example below and attempt to utilize the idea within your project:
var TestId = Oid.FromToken("Test:26017", _context.MetaModel);
var TestAsset = _context.MetaModel.GetAssetType("Test");
var newTestAsset = _context.Services.New(TestAsset, TestId);
var TestStatusAttr = newTestAsset.GetAttributeDefinition("Status.Name");
newTestAsset.SetAttributeValue(TestStatusAttr, "Failed");
I'm coming from a SQL Server background, and experimenting with Redis in .NET using ServiceStack. I don't mean for Redis to be a full replacement for SQL Server, but I just wanted to get a basic idea of how to use it so I could see where we might make good use of it.
I'm struggling with what I think is a pretty basic issue. We have a list of items that are maintained in a couple of different data stores. For the sake of simplicity, assume the definition of the item is basic: an integer id and a string name. I'm trying to do the following:
Store an item
Retrieve an item if we only know its id
Overwrite an existing item if we only know its id
Show all the items for that specific type
And here's some of the code I've put together:
public class DocumentRepositoryRedis
private static string DOCUMENT_ID_KEY_BASE = "document::id::";
public IQueryable<Document> GetAllDocuments()
IEnumerable<Document> documentsFromRedis;
using (var documents = new RedisClient("localhost").As<Document>())
documentsFromRedis = documents.GetAll();
return documentsFromRedis.AsQueryable();
public Document GetDocument(int id)
Document document = null;
using (var redisDocuments = new RedisClient("localhost").As<Document>())
var documentKey = GetKeyByID(document.ID);
if (documentKey != null)
document = redisDocuments.GetValue(documentKey);
return document;
public void SaveDocument(Document document)
using (var redisDocuments = new RedisClient("localhost").As<Document>())
var documentKey = GetKeyByID(document.ID);
redisDocuments.SetEntry(documentKey, document);
private string GetKeyByID(int id)
return DOCUMENT_ID_KEY_BASE + id.ToString();
It all seems to work - except for GetAllDocuments. That's returning 0 documents, regardless of how many documents I have stored. What am I doing wrong?
The typed Redis client also gives you access to the non-typed methods - since Redis ultimately doesn't know or care about your object types. So when you use the client.SetEntry() method, it bypasses some of the typed client's features and just stores the object by a key. You'll want to use the client.Store method since it goes ahead and creates a SET in Redis with all the object IDs related to your type. This SET is important because it's what the GetAll method relies on to serve back all the objects to you. The client.Store method does infer the ID automatically so you'll want to play around with it.
You'd change your GetDocument(int id) and SaveDocument(Document document) methods to use the client.GetById(string id) method, and you'd use client.Store(T value) method. You won't need your GetKeyByID() method anymore. I believe your Document object will need an "Id" property for the typed client to infer your object ID.
I have a CRM function that returns the attribute types of all attributes in a entity. My problem is all though this same method has worked in the past it's now throwing this error regardless of the entity I pass in to it.
There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Contracts/Services:ExecuteResult
Here is my code, I'm passing in the "account" entity.
public string GetFieldType(IOrganizationService svc, string entity, string fieldName)
RetrieveEntityRequest request = new RetrieveEntityRequest()
EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes,
LogicalName = entity
RetrieveEntityResponse response = (RetrieveEntityResponse)svc.Execute(request);
string type = "";
foreach (AttributeMetadata attribute in response.EntityMetadata.Attributes)
if (attribute.LogicalName == fieldName)
{ type = attribute.AttributeType.ToString(); }
return type;
If the code was working before, and it's not now, odds are that it is not a problem with your code. Most likely your svc.Execute is failing. Have you changed how your IOrganizationService is being created? Are you running as a user with rights to query the CRM instance? If all of these things check out, then try turning on server side tracing through the diagnostic tool.