I'm trying/struggling to query the getCompanyListResponse-Tag(every tag above that one works fine with the namespacemanager and the "soap" prefix) within the following XML structure:
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”>
<soap:Header />
<getCompanyListResponse xmlns=”http://test.org/schema”>
Unfortunately I can't change any XML,because the XML is a response of a webservice, I'm not able to influence.
Sadly, adding the default namespace to the XMLNamespacemanager didn't work.
I didn't find any sufficient answer on how to use the local-name function .
Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
XPathDocument compDoc = new XPathDocument(responseStream);
XPathNavigator root = compDoc.CreateNavigator();
XmlNamespaceManager resolver = new XmlNamespaceManager(root.NameTable);
resolver.AddNamespace("soap", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
resolver.AddNamespace(String.Empty, "http://test.org/schema");
resolver.AddNamespace("null", "http://test.org/schema");
XPathNavigator body = root.SelectSingleNode("[/local-name()='soap:Envelope/soap:Body/getCompanyListResponse']", resolver);
With the last line in the code right above I get the Exception: "the Expression must result in a node-set"(or close to that, since I use visual studio in German, is this my attempt of translation)
You need to use a prefix in your path to address elements in a default namespace:
XPathDocument compDoc = new XPathDocument(responseStream);
XPathNavigator root = compDoc.CreateNavigator();
XmlNamespaceManager resolver = new XmlNamespaceManager(root.NameTable);
resolver.AddNamespace("soap", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
resolver.AddNamespace("ts", "http://test.org/schema");
XPathNavigator comp = root.SelectSingleNode("/soap:Envelope/soap:Body//ts:company", resolver);
string id = comp.SelectSingleNode("ts:id").Value;
And your attempt with local-name() in a predicate without a step is also not going to work but not necessary anyway.
It seems to me you're trying to read an XML stream, but if I'm not understanding you I apologize.
XmlReader seems to me its the right tool for the job.
XmlReader http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmlreader(v=vs.110).aspx
var reader = XmlReader.Create(responseStream);
var xmlnsString = string.Empty;
string id;
case("getCompanyListResponse") : xmlnsString = reader.GetAttribute("xmlns");
//list any name of a node you want to work on here
case("id") : id = reader.ReadString();
default: break;
I have to generate specific XML data from code.
The XML needs to look like this
<this:declarationIdentifier xmlns:this="demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentifier"
xsi:schemaLocation="demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentifier DeclarationGbIdentifier.xsd"
<nsIdentity:declarationUcr>Hello World</nsIdentity:declarationUcr>
I have dabbled with XmlSerializer and XDocument but cant get the output to match this exactly
Please help.
I believe this will produce your desired output. There possibly is a simpler way this is just off the cuff to get you started. With the prefixes that you are requiring I would look up XmlDocument and adding namespaces to it to have a better understanding of what the code below is doing. Also what I would do is attempt to acquire the XSD schema file and use the XSD.exe to build a .cs file and then you can move forward with the XmlSerializer. If you move forward with the code below i highly suggest moving off your namespaceuri's into some soft of settings file so you can easily modify them in the event they change.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("this", "declarationIdentifier", "demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentifier");
root.SetAttribute("xmlns:this", "demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentifier");
root.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
//Just setting an Attribute of xsi:schemaLocation it would always drop the xsi prefix in the xml so this is different to accomodate that
XmlAttribute schemaAtt = doc.CreateAttribute("xsi", "schemaLocation", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
schemaAtt.Value = "demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentifier DeclarationGbIdentifier.xsd";
root.SetAttribute("xmlns:nsIdentity", "demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentityType");
XmlElement declarationIdentity = doc.CreateElement("this", "declarationIdentity", "demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentifier");
XmlElement declarationUcr = doc.CreateElement("nsIdentity","declarationUcr","demo.org.uk/demo/DeclarationGbIdentityType");
declarationUcr.InnerText = "Hello World";
To output this as a string or dump it off to a file you can use the following operations, I output to a file as well as output to the console in my test app.
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(#"C:\<Path to File>\testing.xml"))
using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
I am building a Windows 8 app, and I need to extract the whole XML node and its children as string from a large xml document, and the method that does that so far looks like this:
public string GetNodeContent(string path)
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto;
settings.IgnoreComments = true;
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("something.xml", settings))
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
IXmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode(path);
return node.InnerText;
When I pass any form of xpath, node gets the value of null. I'm using the reader to get the first child of root node, and then use XMLDocument to create one from that xml. Since it's Windows 8, apparently, I can't use XPathSelectElements method and this is the only way I can't think of. Is there a way to do it using this, or any other logic?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Let's say XML has this general form:
<nodeone attributes...>
<nodetwo attributes...>
<nodethree attributes... />
<nodethree attributes... />
<nodethree attributes... />
</nodeone >
I expect to get as a result nodetwo and all of its children in the form of xml string when i pass "/nodeone/nodetwo" or "//nodetwo"
I've come up with this solution, the whole approach was wrong to start with. The problematic part was the fact that this code
ignores the namespace by itself, because it skips the root tag. This is the new, working code:
public static async Task<string> ReadFileTest(string xpath)
StorageFolder folder = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("NameOfFolderWithXML");
StorageFile xmlFile = await folder.GetFileAsync("filename.xml");
XmlDocument xmldoc = await XmlDocument.LoadFromFileAsync(xmlFile);
var nodes = doc.SelectNodes(xpath);
XmlElement element = (XmlElement)nodes[0];
return element.GetXml();
Disclaimer: This issue is happening within a Unity application, but AFAIK, this is more of a C# issue than a Unity issue...
I am trying to use System.Xml.XmlDocument to parse an Amazon S3 bucket listing. Here is my bucket xml. I am using an example that I found in a C# Xml tutorial.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode titleNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//rss/channel/title");
if(titleNode != null)
This works fine for that particular XML file, but when I put my stuff in there:
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
Debug.Log ( xmlDoc.InnerXml );
XmlNode nameNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Name");
if(nameNode != null)
I get the raw XML in the console, so I know it is being downloaded successfully, but even the simplest XPath produces no results!
My only theory is that perhaps it has something to do with the default namespace in my XML? Do I need to tell XmlDocument about that somehow? Here is my root tag:
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
I have tried creating an XmlNamespaceManager and using it with all of my calls to "SelectSingleNode", but that doesn't seem to work either.
XPathNavigator nav = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator();
XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable);
ns.AddNamespace(System.String.Empty, "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/");
What am I doing wrong?
When you add the namespace to the namespace manager you need to give it a non-empty prefix. According to MSDN:
If the XmlNamespaceManager will be used for resolving namespaces in an XML Path Language (XPath) expression, a prefix must be specified.
The prefix must then be used in your XPath select statement. Here is the code I used and the output was "themall" as expected:
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager =
new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
XmlNode titleNode =
xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ns:Name", namespaceManager);
if (titleNode != null)
I am trying to read OSIS formatted documents. I have cut the document down to a simple fragment:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<osis xmlns="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace">
<osisText osisRefWork="Bible" osisIDWork="kjv" xml:lang="en">
I try to read it with this sample code from the MSDN documentation:
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("osis.xml");
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator nodes = navigator.Select("/osis/osisText");
while (nodes.MoveNext())
The problem is that the selection contains no nodes and throws no exception. Since the code discards the root tag, I can't read the document. If I remove the xmlns="http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace" from the root osis tag, it works just fine. The offensive URL returns a 404 code, but otherwise I see nothing wrong with this XML. Can someone explain why this code won't read the document? What options do I have besides hand editing every document before trying to load it?
Your XPath expression is missing a namespace prefix.
The element that you're trying to select has a namespace URI of http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace, and XPath will not match these nodes using paths with an empty namespace URI.
I tested this revision in .NET 2.0 and it found the node as expected.
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("osis.xml");
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XmlNamespaceManager xmlns = new XmlNamespaceManager(navigator.NameTable);
xmlns.AddNamespace("osis", "http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace");
XPathNodeIterator nodes = navigator.Select("/osis:osis/osis:osisText", xmlns);
You can read the file to a string, replace the namespace in memory, and then load it using a string stream:
string s;
using(var reader = File.OpenText("osis.xml"))
s = reader.ReadToEnd();
s = s.Replace("xmlns=\"http://www.bibletechnologies.net/2003/OSIS/namespace\"", "");
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s));
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("stream");
// Rest of the code
I have a related post asking how to select nodes from an XmlDocument using an XPath statement.
The only way I could get the SelectNodes to work was to create a non default namespace "x" and then explicitly reference the nodes in the XPath statement.
Whilst this works and provides me with a node list, the canonicalization then fails to produce any content to my selected nodes in the output.
I've tried using XmlDsigExcC14NTransform and specifying the namespace but this produces the same output.
Below is an example of the xml output produced (using the XML in my related post):
<Applications xmlns="http://www.myApps.co.uk/">
Another StackOverflow user has had a similar problem here
Playing around with this new code, I found that the results differ depending upon how you pass the nodes into the LoadInput method. Implementing the code below worked.
I'm still curious as to why it works one way and not another but will leave that for a rainy day
static void Main(string[] args)
string path = #"..\..\TestFiles\Test_1.xml";
if (File.Exists(path) == true)
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
xDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
//Instantiate an XmlNamespaceManager object.
System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager xmlnsManager = new System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(xDoc.NameTable);
//Add the namespaces used to the XmlNamespaceManager.
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("x", "http://www.myApps.co.uk/");
// Create a list of nodes to have the Canonical treatment
XmlNodeList nodeList = xDoc.SelectNodes("/x:ApplicationsBatch/x:Applications|/x:ApplicationsBatch/x:Applications//*", xmlnsManager);
//Initialise the stream to read the node list
MemoryStream nodeStream = new MemoryStream();
XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(nodeStream);
nodeStream.Position = 0;
// Perform the C14N transform on the nodes in the stream
XmlDsigC14NTransform transform = new XmlDsigC14NTransform();
// use a new memory stream for output of the transformed xml
// this could be done numerous ways if you don't wish to use a memory stream
MemoryStream outputStream = (MemoryStream)transform.GetOutput(typeof(Stream));
File.WriteAllBytes(#"..\..\TestFiles\CleanTest_1.xml", outputStream.ToArray());