Set white and black pixel depends on brightness - c#

I'm trying to find the needle from these or similar pictures:
My solution is take average brightness of picture and set black and white pixels depends on it. The result is something like this:
I dont need to see numbers and staf there.. only needle but its not big problem when its there. But im using set, get pixel functions and its realy slow i reed something about LockBits metod, i use it for get brightness but i dont know how to use it correct for setpixel. Can anyone help me with my code?..thnx
BitmapData imageData = imgPristroj.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, imgPristroj.Width, imgPristroj.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, imgPristroj.PixelFormat);
float brightness = 0;
float average;
UnmanagedImage Unimg = new UnmanagedImage(imageData);
int pixelSize = (Unimg.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb) ? 3 : 4;
byte* p = (byte*)Unimg.ImageData.ToPointer();
for (int y = 0; y < Unimg.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < Unimg.Width; x++, p += pixelSize)
brightness += Unimg.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness();
average = brightness / (Unimg.Width * Unimg.Height);
imgPristroj.UnlockBits(imageData); //Unlock
img19 = (Bitmap)imgPristroj.Clone();
for (int y = 0; y < img19.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < img19.Width; x++)
if (img19.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness() > average)
img19.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);
img19.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Black);
Edit2: This is my whole code..
float brightness = 0;
float average = 0;
PixelUtil pixelUtil2 = new PixelUtil((Bitmap)imgPristroj.Clone());
for (int y = 0; y < imgPristroj.Height; y++)
// for each pixel
for (int x = 0; x < imgPristroj.Width; x++)
brightness += pixelUtil2.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness();
average = brightness / (imgPristroj.Width * imgPristroj.Height);
img19 = (Bitmap)imgPristroj.Clone();
Crop cfilter1 = new Crop(new Rectangle(0, (int)(pix * 1.6), img19.Width, (int)(pix * 3)));
img19 = cfilter1.Apply(img19);
PixelUtil pixelUtil = new PixelUtil(img19);
for (int y = 0; y < img19.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < img19.Width; x++)
if (pixelUtil.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness() >= average)
pixelUtil.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);
pixelUtil.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Black);
string filepath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(filepath, #"img" + ".bmp");
I get this bitmap with color pixels, can you tell me why?
And when i use red color.. not black... (pixelUtil.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Red);) i have got this funny pic. (differnt size is OK..)

You can try using marshaling: It's quite fast. (You just need to copy-paste this)
public class PixelUtil
Bitmap source = null;
IntPtr Iptr = IntPtr.Zero;
BitmapData bitmapData = null;
public byte[] Pixels { get; set; }
public int Depth { get; private set; }
public int Width { get; private set; }
public int Height { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Pixel marshaling class, use this to get and set pixels rapidly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The Bitmap to work with</param>
public PixelUtil(Bitmap source)
this.source = source;
/// <summary>
/// Lock bitmap data
/// </summary>
public void LockBits()
// Get width and height of bitmap
Width = source.Width;
Height = source.Height;
// get total locked pixels count
int PixelCount = Width * Height;
// Create rectangle to lock
var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
// get source bitmap pixel format size
Depth = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(source.PixelFormat);
// Check if bpp (Bits Per Pixel) is 8, 24, or 32
if (Depth != 8 && Depth != 24 && Depth != 32)
throw new ArgumentException("Only 8, 24 and 32 bpp images are supported.");
// Lock bitmap and return bitmap data
bitmapData = source.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
// create byte array to copy pixel values
int step = Depth / 8;
Pixels = new byte[PixelCount * step];
Iptr = bitmapData.Scan0;
// Copy data from pointer to array
Marshal.Copy(Iptr, Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);
catch (Exception)
/// <summary>
/// Unlock bitmap data
/// </summary>
public void UnlockBits()
// Copy data from byte array to pointer
Marshal.Copy(Pixels, 0, Iptr, Pixels.Length);
// Unlock bitmap data
catch (Exception)
/// <summary>
/// Get the color of the specified pixel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
Color clr = Color.Empty;
// Get color components count
int cCount = Depth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;
if (i > Pixels.Length - cCount)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (Depth == 32) //For 32 bpp get Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
byte b = Pixels[i];
byte g = Pixels[i + 1];
byte r = Pixels[i + 2];
byte a = Pixels[i + 3]; // a
clr = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
if (Depth == 24) //For 24 bpp get Red, Green and Blue
byte b = Pixels[i];
byte g = Pixels[i + 1];
byte r = Pixels[i + 2];
clr = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
if (Depth == 8) //For 8 bpp get color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
byte c = Pixels[i];
clr = Color.FromArgb(c, c, c);
return clr;
/// <summary>
/// Set the color of the specified pixel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <param name="color"></param>
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color)
//Get color components count
int cCount = Depth / 8;
//Get start index of the specified pixel
int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;
if (Depth == 32) //For 32 bpp set Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
Pixels[i] = color.B;
Pixels[i + 1] = color.G;
Pixels[i + 2] = color.R;
Pixels[i + 3] = color.A;
if (Depth == 24) //For 24 bpp set Red, Green and Blue
Pixels[i] = color.B;
Pixels[i + 1] = color.G;
Pixels[i + 2] = color.R;
if (Depth == 8) //For 8 bpp set color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
Pixels[i] = color.B;
You can call like this:
public void Example(Bitmap image)
PixelUtil pixelUtil = new PixelUtil(image);
Color firstPixel = pixelUtil.GetPixel(0, 0);
pixelUtil.SetPixel(0, 0, Color.White);
//Don't forget to unlock!
Not sure how are you saving the image, but it Works fine for me:
public Form1()
Bitmap image1 = new Bitmap(#"C:\Users\Nicke Manarin\Desktop\YEeJO.png");
public void BlackWhite(Bitmap image)
PixelUtil pixelUtil = new PixelUtil(image);
for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
if (pixelUtil.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness() > 0.5)
pixelUtil.SetPixel(x, y, Color.White);
pixelUtil.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Black);
pictureBox1.Image = image;
image.Save(#"C:\Users\Nicke Manarin\Desktop\YEeJO2.png");

I use this code and now its working good.... thnx again !!!!
public class PointBitmap
Bitmap source = null;
IntPtr Iptr = IntPtr.Zero;
BitmapData bitmapData = null;
public int Depth { get; private set; }
public int Width { get; private set; }
public int Height { get; private set; }
public PointBitmap(Bitmap source)
this.source = source;
public void LockBits()
// Get width and height of bitmap
Width = source.Width;
Height = source.Height;
// get total locked pixels count
int PixelCount = Width * Height;
// Create rectangle to lock
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
// get source bitmap pixel format size
Depth = System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(source.PixelFormat);
// Check if bpp (Bits Per Pixel) is 8, 24, or 32
if (Depth != 8 && Depth != 24 && Depth != 32)
throw new ArgumentException("Only 8, 24 and 32 bpp images are supported.");
// Lock bitmap and return bitmap data
bitmapData = source.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
Iptr = bitmapData.Scan0;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public void UnlockBits()
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
byte* ptr = (byte*)Iptr;
ptr = ptr + bitmapData.Stride * y;
ptr += Depth * x / 8;
Color c = Color.Empty;
if (Depth == 32)
int a = ptr[3];
int r = ptr[2];
int g = ptr[1];
int b = ptr[0];
c = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
else if (Depth == 24)
int r = ptr[2];
int g = ptr[1];
int b = ptr[0];
c = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
else if (Depth == 8)
int r = ptr[0];
c = Color.FromArgb(r, r, r);
return c;
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color c)
byte* ptr = (byte*)Iptr;
ptr = ptr + bitmapData.Stride * y;
ptr += Depth * x / 8;
if (Depth == 32)
ptr[3] = c.A;
ptr[2] = c.R;
ptr[1] = c.G;
ptr[0] = c.B;
else if (Depth == 24)
ptr[2] = c.R;
ptr[1] = c.G;
ptr[0] = c.B;
else if (Depth == 8)
ptr[2] = c.R;
ptr[1] = c.G;
ptr[0] = c.B;
i think only difference here is Unsafe modifier


Why when using lockbits it's not changing the pixels colors?

LockBitmap class :
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
public class LockBitmap
Bitmap source = null;
IntPtr Iptr = IntPtr.Zero;
BitmapData bitmapData = null;
public byte[] Pixels { get; set; }
public int Depth { get; private set; }
public int Width { get; private set; }
public int Height { get; private set; }
public LockBitmap(Bitmap source)
this.source = source;
/// <summary>
/// Lock bitmap data
/// </summary>
public void LockBits()
// Get width and height of bitmap
Width = source.Width;
Height = source.Height;
// get total locked pixels count
int PixelCount = Width * Height;
// Create rectangle to lock
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
// get source bitmap pixel format size
Depth = System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(source.PixelFormat);
// Check if bpp (Bits Per Pixel) is 8, 24, or 32
if (Depth != 8 && Depth != 24 && Depth != 32)
throw new ArgumentException("Only 8, 24 and 32 bpp images are supported.");
// Lock bitmap and return bitmap data
bitmapData = source.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
// create byte array to copy pixel values
int step = Depth / 8;
Pixels = new byte[PixelCount * step];
Iptr = bitmapData.Scan0;
// Copy data from pointer to array
Marshal.Copy(Iptr, Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// Unlock bitmap data
/// </summary>
public void UnlockBits()
// Copy data from byte array to pointer
Marshal.Copy(Pixels, 0, Iptr, Pixels.Length);
// Unlock bitmap data
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// Get the color of the specified pixel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
Color clr = Color.Empty;
// Get color components count
int cCount = Depth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;
if (i > Pixels.Length - cCount)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (Depth == 32) // For 32 bpp get Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
byte b = Pixels[i];
byte g = Pixels[i + 1];
byte r = Pixels[i + 2];
byte a = Pixels[i + 3]; // a
clr = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
if (Depth == 24) // For 24 bpp get Red, Green and Blue
byte b = Pixels[i];
byte g = Pixels[i + 1];
byte r = Pixels[i + 2];
clr = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
if (Depth == 8)
// For 8 bpp get color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
byte c = Pixels[i];
clr = Color.FromArgb(c, c, c);
return clr;
/// <summary>
/// Set the color of the specified pixel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <param name="color"></param>
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color)
// Get color components count
int cCount = Depth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;
if (Depth == 32) // For 32 bpp set Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
Pixels[i] = color.B;
Pixels[i + 1] = color.G;
Pixels[i + 2] = color.R;
Pixels[i + 3] = color.A;
if (Depth == 24) // For 24 bpp set Red, Green and Blue
Pixels[i] = color.B;
Pixels[i + 1] = color.G;
Pixels[i + 2] = color.R;
if (Depth == 8)
// For 8 bpp set color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
Pixels[i] = color.B;
using it in form1 :
public void ChangeColor()
Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("d:\\Screenshots\\testpng.png");
LockBitmap lockBitmap = new LockBitmap(bmp);
Color compareClr = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255);
for (int y = 0; y < lockBitmap.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < lockBitmap.Width; x++)
if (lockBitmap.GetPixel(x, y) == compareClr)
lockBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Red);
and button click event
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
i want to change pixels that are in color blue to red so i added the condition :
if (lockBitmap.GetPixel(x, y) == compareClr)
then set this pixels to red and for sure i have a lot of blue color in the image.
i tried gif then bmp then png but the color never changed.
the saved file result.gif is the same as the source nothing colored in red.
I checked with a breakpoint and its never getting to the SetPixel line :
lockBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Red);
example if image(gif) Bit depth 8

Draw angled rectangle on bitmap

I have a picture containing text :
I made a method to detect text rows. This method return the 4 corners for the text zone (always sorted) :
I want to modify the bitmap to draw a rectangle (with transparence) from theses 4 corners. Something like this :
I have my image in gray scale. I created a function to draw a rectangle, but I only achieve to draw a right rectangle :
public static void SaveDrawRectangle(int width, int height, Byte[] matrix, int dpi, System.Drawing.Point[] corners, string path)
System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap wbm = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap(width, height, dpi, dpi, System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
uint[] pixels = new uint[width * height];
for (int Y = 0; Y < height; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < width; X++)
byte pixel = matrix[Y * width + X];
int red = pixel;
int green = pixel;
int blue = pixel;
int alpha = 255;
if (X >= corners[0].X && X <= corners[1].X &&
Y >= corners[0].Y && Y <= corners[3].Y)
red = 255;
alpha = 255;
pixels[Y * width + X] = (uint)((alpha << 24) + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue);
wbm.WritePixels(new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), pixels, width * 4, 0);
using (FileStream stream5 = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
PngBitmapEncoder encoder5 = new PngBitmapEncoder();
How can I draw a rectangle from 4 corners ?
I modify my condition by replacing with that code:
public static void SaveDrawRectangle(int width, int height, Byte[] matrix, int dpi, List<Point> corners, string path)
System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap wbm = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap(width, height, dpi, dpi, System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
uint[] pixels = new uint[width * height];
for (int Y = 0; Y < height; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < width; X++)
byte pixel = matrix[Y * width + X];
int red = pixel;
int green = pixel;
int blue = pixel;
int alpha = 255;
if (IsInRectangle(X, Y, corners))
red = 255;
pixels[Y * width + X] = (uint)((alpha << 24) + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue);
wbm.WritePixels(new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), pixels, width * 4, 0);
using (FileStream stream5 = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
PngBitmapEncoder encoder5 = new PngBitmapEncoder();
public static bool IsInRectangle(int X, int Y, List<Point> corners)
Point p1, p2;
bool inside = false;
if (corners.Count < 3)
return inside;
var oldPoint = new Point(
corners[corners.Count - 1].X, corners[corners.Count - 1].Y);
for (int i = 0; i < corners.Count; i++)
var newPoint = new Point(corners[i].X, corners[i].Y);
if (newPoint.X > oldPoint.X)
p1 = oldPoint;
p2 = newPoint;
p1 = newPoint;
p2 = oldPoint;
if ((newPoint.X < X) == (X <= oldPoint.X)
&& (Y - (long)p1.Y) * (p2.X - p1.X)
< (p2.Y - (long)p1.Y) * (X - p1.X))
inside = !inside;
oldPoint = newPoint;
return inside;
It works but have 2 failings :
generated images are very big (base image take 6 Mo and after drawing 25 Mo)
generation take several time (my images are 5000x7000 pixels, process take 10 seconds)
There is probably a better way, but this way is working good.

How can I do padding of an image which is less than 4 bytes?

In the following source code, I am trying to do the following:
Obtain a 3x3 array of double values
Convert that double array to Bitmap
Pad that Bitmap.
Bitmap image = ImageDataConverter.ToBitmap(new double[,]
{ .11, .11, .11, },
{ .11, .11, .11, },
{ .11, .11, .11, },
Bitmap paddedBitmap = ImagePadder.Pad(image, 512, 512);
pictureBox1.Image = paddedBitmap;
But, this source code is generating the following exception in the BitmapLocker.GetPixel(), because, i = 8, and dataLength = 7.
Please, note that, image-stride is always found to be 4, no matter what the size of the dimensions are.
How can I fix this?
Relevant Source Code
public class ImageDataConverter
public static Bitmap ToBitmap(double[,] input)
int width = input.GetLength(0);
int height = input.GetLength(1);
Bitmap output = Grayscale.CreateGrayscaleImage(width, height);
BitmapData data = output.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
int pixelSize = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(output.PixelFormat) / 8;
int offset = data.Stride - width * pixelSize;
double Min = 0.0;
double Max = 255.0;
byte* address = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
double v = 255 * (input[x, y] - Min) / (Max - Min);
byte value = unchecked((byte)v);
for (int c = 0; c < pixelSize; c++, address++)
*address = value;
address += offset;
return output;
public class ImagePadder
public static Bitmap Pad(Bitmap image, int newWidth, int newHeight)
int width = image.Width;
int height = image.Height;
if (width >= newWidth) throw new Exception("New width must be larger than the old width");
if (height >= newHeight) throw new Exception("New height must be larger than the old height");
Bitmap paddedImage = Grayscale.CreateGrayscaleImage(newWidth, newHeight);
BitmapLocker inputImageLocker = new BitmapLocker(image);
BitmapLocker paddedImageLocker = new BitmapLocker(paddedImage);
//Reading row by row
for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
Color col = inputImageLocker.GetPixel(x, y);
paddedImageLocker.SetPixel(x, y, col);
string str = string.Empty;
return paddedImage;
public class BitmapLocker : IDisposable
//private properties
Bitmap _bitmap = null;
BitmapData _bitmapData = null;
private byte[] _imageData = null;
//public properties
public bool IsLocked { get; set; }
public IntPtr IntegerPointer { get; private set; }
public int Width { get { return _bitmap.Width; } }
public int Height { get { return _bitmap.Height; } }
public int Stride { get { return _bitmapData.Stride; } }
public int ColorDepth { get { return Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(_bitmap.PixelFormat); } }
public int Channels { get { return ColorDepth / 8; } }
public int PaddingOffset { get { return _bitmapData.Stride - (_bitmap.Width * Channels); } }
public PixelFormat ImagePixelFormat { get { return _bitmap.PixelFormat; } }
public bool IsGrayscale { get { return Grayscale.IsGrayscale(_bitmap); } }
public BitmapLocker(Bitmap source)
IsLocked = false;
IntegerPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
this._bitmap = source;
/// Lock bitmap
public void Lock()
if (IsLocked == false)
// Lock bitmap (so that no movement of data by .NET framework) and return bitmap data
_bitmapData = _bitmap.LockBits(
new Rectangle(0, 0, _bitmap.Width, _bitmap.Height),
// Create byte array to copy pixel values
int noOfBitsNeededForStorage = _bitmapData.Stride * _bitmapData.Height;
int noOfBytesNeededForStorage = noOfBitsNeededForStorage / 8;
_imageData = new byte[noOfBytesNeededForStorage * ColorDepth];//# of bytes needed for storage
IntegerPointer = _bitmapData.Scan0;
// Copy data from IntegerPointer to _imageData
Marshal.Copy(IntegerPointer, _imageData, 0, _imageData.Length);
IsLocked = true;
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("Bitmap is already locked.");
/// Unlock bitmap
public void Unlock()
if (IsLocked == true)
// Copy data from _imageData to IntegerPointer
Marshal.Copy(_imageData, 0, IntegerPointer, _imageData.Length);
// Unlock bitmap data
IsLocked = false;
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("Bitmap is not locked.");
public Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
Color clr = Color.Empty;
// Get color components count
int cCount = ColorDepth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
int i = (Height - y - 1) * Stride + x * cCount;
int dataLength = _imageData.Length - cCount;
if (i > dataLength)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
if (ColorDepth == 32) // For 32 bpp get Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
byte b = _imageData[i];
byte g = _imageData[i + 1];
byte r = _imageData[i + 2];
byte a = _imageData[i + 3]; // a
clr = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
if (ColorDepth == 24) // For 24 bpp get Red, Green and Blue
byte b = _imageData[i];
byte g = _imageData[i + 1];
byte r = _imageData[i + 2];
clr = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
if (ColorDepth == 8)
// For 8 bpp get color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
byte c = _imageData[i];
clr = Color.FromArgb(c, c, c);
return clr;
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color)
// Get color components count
int cCount = ColorDepth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
int i = (Height - y - 1) * Stride + x * cCount;
if (ColorDepth == 32) // For 32 bpp set Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
_imageData[i] = color.B;
_imageData[i + 1] = color.G;
_imageData[i + 2] = color.R;
_imageData[i + 3] = color.A;
if (ColorDepth == 24) // For 24 bpp set Red, Green and Blue
_imageData[i] = color.B;
_imageData[i + 1] = color.G;
_imageData[i + 2] = color.R;
if (ColorDepth == 8)
// For 8 bpp set color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
_imageData[i] = color.B;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("(" + x + ", " + y + "), " + _imageData.Length + ", " + ex.Message + ", i=" + i);
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// free managed resources
_bitmap = null;
_bitmapData = null;
_imageData = null;
IntegerPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
The problem is in BitmapLocker class. Besides obvious inefficiencies, the class contains two serious bugs.
The first (which is causing the exception) is the incorrect buffer size calculation inside Lock method:
int noOfBitsNeededForStorage = _bitmapData.Stride * _bitmapData.Height;
int noOfBytesNeededForStorage = noOfBitsNeededForStorage / 8;
_imageData = new byte[noOfBytesNeededForStorage * ColorDepth];//# of bytes needed for storage
The Stride property returns
The stride width, in bytes, of the Bitmap object.
and also
The stride is the width of a single row of pixels (a scan line), rounded up to a four-byte boundary. If the stride is positive, the bitmap is top-down. If the stride is negative, the bitmap is bottom-up.
so the correct calculation (shown in several LockBits related MSDN samples) is:
int noOfBytesNeededForStorage = Math.Abs(_bitmapData.Stride) * _bitmapData.Height;
_imageData = new byte[noOfBytesNeededForStorage];
which will fix the exception (your code was doing (12 / 8) * 8 which resulted in 8 rather than the expected 12).
The second issue is the determination of the start index of the specified pixel here:
int i = (Height - y - 1) * Stride + x * cCount;
which is calculation for bottom-up bitmap with positive Stride, which as you can see from the documentation is not possible.
Hence the correct calculation should be something like this:
int i = (Stride > 0 ? y * Stride : (Height - y - 1) * -Stride) + x * cCount;
int i = (Stride > 0 ? y : y - Height + 1) * Stride + x * cCount;
This should be changed in both GetPixel and SetPixel methods.

Crop/Remove Unwanted Space at the edges of image

I have search a lot to remove the unwanted space but could not found. I only found links which can used to remove black and white background space. But my background images can be anything. So, If I have these images,
How I can extract the part of image which I required. For example,
Here's my solution for your question :
I have declared a method which gets the Original Image then It looks for the background Color by checking the corners of the provided Image , if at least 3 corners have similar Color (10% offset at most) then we've found the background color then It tries to find the bounds of those shapes in the Image which of course have different color than Background Color
after Finding the Bounds The Function Crops the Image and Return the new Cropped Area as a new Bitmap !
This is the Demo File : Download
Complete Solution : Download
Here's the results for :
Image 1 :
Image 2 :
Image 3 :
here's the Function inside ImageProcessingTools class
public class ImageHelper
#region CropUnwantedBackground
public static Bitmap CropUnwantedBackground(Bitmap bmp)
var backColor = GetMatchedBackColor(bmp);
if (backColor.HasValue)
var bounds = GetImageBounds(bmp, backColor);
var diffX = bounds[1].X - bounds[0].X + 1;
var diffY = bounds[1].Y - bounds[0].Y + 1;
var croppedBmp = new Bitmap(diffX, diffY);
var g = Graphics.FromImage(croppedBmp);
var destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, croppedBmp.Width, croppedBmp.Height);
var srcRect = new Rectangle(bounds[0].X, bounds[0].Y, diffX, diffY);
g.DrawImage(bmp, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return croppedBmp;
return null;
#region Private Methods
#region GetImageBounds
private static Point[] GetImageBounds(Bitmap bmp, Color? backColor)
// Finding the Bounds of Crop Area bu using Unsafe Code and Image Proccesing
Color c;
int width = bmp.Width, height = bmp.Height;
bool upperLeftPointFounded = false;
var bounds = new Point[2];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
c = bmp.GetPixel(x, y);
bool sameAsBackColor = ((c.R <= backColor.Value.R * 1.1 && c.R >= backColor.Value.R * 0.9) &&
(c.G <= backColor.Value.G * 1.1 && c.G >= backColor.Value.G * 0.9) &&
(c.B <= backColor.Value.B * 1.1 && c.B >= backColor.Value.B * 0.9));
if (!sameAsBackColor)
if (!upperLeftPointFounded)
bounds[0] = new Point(x, y);
bounds[1] = new Point(x, y);
upperLeftPointFounded = true;
if (x > bounds[1].X)
bounds[1].X = x;
else if (x < bounds[0].X)
bounds[0].X = x;
if (y >= bounds[1].Y)
bounds[1].Y = y;
return bounds;
#region GetMatchedBackColor
private static Color? GetMatchedBackColor(Bitmap bmp)
// Getting The Background Color by checking Corners of Original Image
var corners = new Point[]{
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, bmp.Height - 1),
new Point(bmp.Width - 1, 0),
new Point(bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height - 1)
}; // four corners (Top, Left), (Top, Right), (Bottom, Left), (Bottom, Right)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var cornerMatched = 0;
var backColor = bmp.GetPixel(corners[i].X, corners[i].Y);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
var cornerColor = bmp.GetPixel(corners[j].X, corners[j].Y);// Check RGB with some offset
if ((cornerColor.R <= backColor.R * 1.1 && cornerColor.R >= backColor.R * 0.9) &&
(cornerColor.G <= backColor.G * 1.1 && cornerColor.G >= backColor.G * 0.9) &&
(cornerColor.B <= backColor.B * 1.1 && cornerColor.B >= backColor.B * 0.9))
if (cornerMatched > 2)
return backColor;
return null;
and here is a simple one usage in ASP.NET,
if (IsPostBack && Request.Files.Count > 0)
var file = Request.Files[0];
var bmp = new Bitmap(file.InputStream);
var croppedBmp = ImageHelper.CropUnwantedBackground(bmp);
Response.ContentType = file.ContentType;
croppedBmp.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
And Finally I should mention that , these Fantastic Tutorials have Helped me a lot in Image Processing :
Image Processing for Dummies with C# and GDI+
Image Processing using C#
Hope it Helps :)
Here's a more reliable approach that uses a Sobel energy filter and a fast bounding box detection routine (extracted from the WhitespaceTrimmer plugin for ImageResizer).
namespace ImageResizer.Plugins.WhitespaceTrimmer {
public class BoundingBoxFinder {
/// <summary>
/// Returns a rectangle inside 'lookInside' that bounds any energy greater than 'threshold'.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image"></param>
/// <param name="lookInside">A rectangle of 'image' to look inside. </param>
/// <param name="threshold">1-255, the energy threshold to detect activity. 80-150 is a good range.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Rectangle FindBoxSobel(Bitmap originalImage, Rectangle lookInside, byte threshold) {
Bitmap image = originalImage;
try {
//Convert if needed (makes an extra copy)
if (image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb &&
image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb &&
image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb) {
image = AForge.Imaging.Image.Clone(image, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
//Crop if needed (makes an extra copy unless we converted too, then only 1 extra copy)
if (!lookInside.Equals(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height))) {
Bitmap oldImage = image;
try {
image = new Crop(lookInside).Apply(image);
} finally {
if (oldImage != originalImage) oldImage.Dispose(); //Dispose the cloned
//Makes 1 more copy at 1/3rd the size, in grayscale
Rectangle result = FindBoxSobel(image, threshold);
return new Rectangle(lookInside.X + result.X, lookInside.Y + result.Y, result.Width, result.Height);
} finally {
if (image != originalImage) image.Dispose();
/// <summary>
/// Requires 24 bit or 32 bit (A) RGB image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rgb"></param>
/// <param name="threshold"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Rectangle FindBoxSobel(Bitmap rgb, byte threshold) {
using (Bitmap gray = Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.Y.Apply(rgb)) {
//Apply sobel operator to grayscale image
new SobelEdgeDetector().ApplyInPlace(gray);
//Threshold into black and white.
new Threshold(threshold).ApplyInPlace(gray);
//Trim only exact black pixels
// lock source bitmap data
BitmapData data = gray.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, gray.Width, gray.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, gray.PixelFormat);
try {
return FindBoxExactGrayscale(data, 0);
} finally {
/// <summary>
/// Returns a bounding box that only excludes the specified color.
/// Only works on 8-bit images.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceData"></param>
/// <param name="colorToRemove">The palette index to remove.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Rectangle FindBoxExactGrayscale(BitmapData sourceData, byte indexToRemove) {
if (sourceData.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FindBoxExact only operates on 8-bit grayscale images");
// get source image size
int width = sourceData.Width;
int height = sourceData.Height;
int offset = sourceData.Stride - width;
int minX = width;
int minY = height;
int maxX = 0;
int maxY = 0;
// find rectangle which contains something except color to remove
unsafe {
byte* src = (byte*)sourceData.Scan0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
if (y > 0) src += offset; //Don't adjust for offset until after first row
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (x > 0 || y > 0) src++; //Don't increment until after the first pixel.
if (*src != indexToRemove) {
if (x < minX)
minX = x;
if (x > maxX)
maxX = x;
if (y < minY)
minY = y;
if (y > maxY)
maxY = y;
// check
if ((minX == width) && (minY == height) && (maxX == 0) && (maxY == 0)) {
minX = minY = 0;
return new Rectangle(minX,minY,maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1);

Why some pictures are are crooked aftes using my function?

struct BitmapDataAccessor
private readonly byte[] data;
private readonly int[] rowStarts;
public readonly int Height;
public readonly int Width;
public BitmapDataAccessor(byte[] data, int width, int height)
{ = data;
this.Height = height;
this.Width = width;
rowStarts = new int[height];
for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
rowStarts[y] = y * width;
public byte this[int x, int y, int color] // Maybe use an enum with Red = 0, Green = 1, and Blue = 2 members?
get { return data[(rowStarts[y] + x) * 3 + color]; }
set { data[(rowStarts[y] + x) * 3 + color] = value; }
public byte[] Data
get { return data; }
public static byte[, ,] Bitmap2Byte(Bitmap obraz)
int h = obraz.Height;
int w = obraz.Width;
byte[, ,] wynik = new byte[w, h, 3];
BitmapData bd = obraz.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
int bytes = Math.Abs(bd.Stride) * h;
byte[] rgbValues = new byte[bytes];
IntPtr ptr = bd.Scan0;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, rgbValues, 0, bytes);
BitmapDataAccessor bda = new BitmapDataAccessor(rgbValues, w, h);
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++)
wynik[j, i, 0] = bda[j, i, 2];
wynik[j, i, 1] = bda[j, i, 1];
wynik[j, i, 2] = bda[j, i, 0];
return wynik;
public static Bitmap Byte2Bitmap(byte[, ,] tablica)
if (tablica.GetLength(2) != 3)
throw new NieprawidlowyWymiarTablicyException();
int w = tablica.GetLength(0);
int h = tablica.GetLength(1);
Bitmap obraz = new Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
Color kol = Color.FromArgb(tablica[i, j, 0], tablica[i, j, 1], tablica[i, j, 2]);
obraz.SetPixel(i, j, kol);
return obraz;
Now, if I do:
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dgOpenFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Bitmap img = new Bitmap(dgOpenFile.FileName);
byte[, ,] tab = Grafika.Bitmap2Byte(img);
picture.Image = Grafika.Byte2Bitmap(tab);
picture.Size = img.Size;
catch (Exception ex)
Most of pictures are handled correctly butsome not.
Example of picture that doesn't work:
It produce following result (this is only fragment of picture) :
Why is that?
You need to account for BitmapData.Stride when you access the data.
Here is a solution that I use to copy a DirectX surface to a Bitmap. The idea is the same, but you'll need to modify it slightly. I copy one scanline of the image at a time with a call to RtlMoveMemory (P/Invoke to kernel32.dll)
//// Snippet
int pitch;
int bytesPerPixel = 4;
Rectangle lockRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
// Lock the bitmap
GraphicsStream surfacedata = surface.LockRectangle(LockFlags.ReadOnly, out pitch);
BitmapData bitmapdata = bitmap.LockBits(lockRectangle, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
// Copy surface to bitmap
for (int scanline = 0; scanline < bitmap.Height; ++scanline)
byte* dest = (byte*)bitmapdata.Scan0 + (scanline * bitmap.Width * bytesPerPixel);
byte* source = (byte*)surfacedata.InternalData + (scanline * pitch);
RtlMoveMemory(new IntPtr(dest), new IntPtr(source), (bitmap.Width * bytesPerPixel));
EDIT #2:
Check this out: Stride/Pitch Tutorial
It is all aimed at DirectX but the concept is the same.
It seems the memory allocated for bitmaps must be aligned on a 32-bit boundary and so there is possibly padding on some of the images due to their size. As you have a 24-bit pixel here then some line widths will end on a 32-bit others will not. You need to use the following formula to work out the padding being used and then account for it:
int padding = bd.Stride - (((w * 24) + 7) / 8);
You might want to load your byte array using GetPixel(x,y) rather than going through the whole transform to byte array before you start reading pixels.
Thanx to #Lazarus and tbridge I managed how to do this.
First we need to calculate padding in Bitmap2Byte:
int padding = bd.Stride - (((w * 24) + 7) / 8);
and pass it to BitmapDataAccessor and modify the line
this.Width = width;
this.Width = width + (4-padding)%4;
That's all. Thanx guys.

