- if key exists, update - c#

Currently, I'm sending some data to All works well, however, I would like to add a row if it's a new user or update the current table if it's an old user.
So what I need to do is check if the current Facebook ID (the key I'm using) shows up anywhere in the fbid column, then update it if case may be.
How can I check if the key exists in the column?
Also, I'm using C#/Unity.
static void sendToParse()
ParseObject currentUser = new ParseObject("Game");
currentUser["name"] = fbname;
currentUser["email"] = fbemail;
currentUser["fbid"] = FB.UserId;
Task saveTask = currentUser.SaveAsync();
Debug.LogError("Sent to Parse");

Okay, I figured it out.
First, I check which if there is any Facebook ID in the table that matches the current ID, then get the number of matches.
public static void getObjectID()
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("IdealStunts")
.WhereEqualTo("fbid", FB.UserId);
query.FirstAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
ParseObject obj = t.Result;
objectID = obj.ObjectId;
If there is any key matching the current Facebook ID, don't do anything. If there aren't, just add a new user.
public static void sendToParse()
if (count != 0)
Debug.LogError("Already exists");
ParseObject currentUser = new ParseObject("IdealStunts");
currentUser["name"] = fbname;
currentUser["email"] = fbemail;
currentUser["fbid"] = FB.UserId;
Task saveTask = currentUser.SaveAsync();
Debug.LogError("New User");
You will have to do a StartCoroutine for sendToParse, so getObjectID has time to look through the table.
It may be a crappy implementation, but it works.

What you need to do is create a query for the fbid. If the query returns an object, you update it. If not, you create a new.
I'm not proficient with C#, but here is an example in Objective-C:
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:#"Yourclass]; // Name of your class in Parse
query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyNetworkOnly;
[query whereKey:#"fbid" equalTo:theFBid]; // Variable containing the fb id
NSArray *users = [query findObjects];
self.currentFacebookUser = [users lastObject]; // Array should contain only 1 object
if (self.currentFacebookUser) { // Might have to test for NULL, but probably not
// Update the object and save it
} else {
// Create a new object


How to update a field in document in a firestore

Im trying to update a string field in specific document using Firebase Firestore for my android app but every method I see is while knowing the document refernce which I find difficult to find in my program.
Would like for some help for another method or help in finding the document refernce using a specific field value.
Thanks in advance.
(using C# btw)
private async Task<string> GetDocRefAsync(string userId)
Object obj = await FirestoreData.GetFirestore().Collection(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS).
WhereEqualTo(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS_USER_ID, userId).Get();
QuerySnapshot snapshot = (QuerySnapshot)obj;
if (snapshot.IsEmpty)
Log.Debug("UpdateGroupAsync", "userId: " + userId + " not found");
return null;
string docRef = "";
foreach (DocumentSnapshot item in snapshot.Documents)
//docRef = item.;
return docRef;
Firstly ive tried to find the document ref using this code but dont have a function to get the ref even after getting the correct document.
the fourth line from the bottom is where I couldnt find it.
database pic
this.groupCode = code;
string strUserRef = GetDocRefAsync(userRef).ToString();
DocumentReference docReference = database.Collection(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS_GROUPS_CODE).Document(strUserRef);
docReference.Update(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS_GROUPS_CODE, groupCode);
If you want to get the documents where a field has a given value, you can use a query. Then once the query returns, you can get documents IDs with the .Id field on each DocumentShapshot in the returned documents.
You will also need to add await for the returned value since it is an async method returning a Task<string> not returning a string.
private async Task<string> GetDocRefAsync(string userId) {
CollectionReference usersRef = FirestoreData.GetFirestore().Collection(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS);
Query query = usersRef.WhereEqualTo(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS_USER_ID, userId);
// or GetSnapshotAsync depending on the version of firebase
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await query.Get();
// Note: if it matches multiple documents this will just return
// the ID of the first match
foreach (DocumentSnapshot item in snapshot.Documents)
return item.Id;
Log.Debug("UpdateGroupAsync", "userId: " + userId + " not found");
return null;
And you can use it like this to update a document (note that you were using a different collection here - probably by mistake).
string userDocId = await GetDocRefAsync(userId);
CollectionReference userCollection = database.Collection(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS);
DocumentReference docReference = userCollection.Document(userDocId);
// or UpdateAsync depending on your version of firebase
docReference.Update(DBConstants.FS_COLLECTION_USERS_GROUPS_CODE, groupCode);

How to efficiently edit data in a database?

The method is supposed to receive data from a server, check if new tokens have been added, and if there are, add them to the database. If the token already exists, update its status but don't add a new row in the table. This is the code I've written so far.
IEnumerable<Token> serverTokens = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Token>>
IEnumerable<Token> dbTokens = _tokenService.GetAllTokens();
foreach (var token in serverTokens)
var dbToken = dbTokens.Where(x => x.Symbol == token.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();
if (dbToken != null)
Token editedToken = dbToken;
editedToken.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
editedToken.Active = token.Active;
token.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
The AddToken method is just a simple AddOrUpdate operation.
public void AddToken(Token token)
Now, this code does what it's supposed to, however it's extremely slow. How would I go about optimizing it?
dbTokens.Where(x => x.Symbol == token.Symbol) is IEnumerable
So he will load it each time you call it on the loop.
Store in in a list before the loop
List<Token> dbTokens = _tokenService.GetAllTokens().ToList()

How to use variable static list when multi user access

this variable works fine if used by one user, but when used by two or more users then the "static" variable will be read by the next user, the first user instance when filling the gridview there are 5 rows of data and I try to access through other browser when entering the page, gridview on the second user already filled 5 rows of data in input by the first user. then how the solution to this problem? please see my code and give me an solutions. thanks.
static List<ServicesModels> _gridPackageDetail = new List<ServicesModels>();
private void AddListAction(string alfa, string beta)
ServicesModels data = new ServicesModels()
id_service_detail = Guid.NewGuid(),
scope_name = alfa,
detail_name= beta
public ActionResult GridPackageDetail()
ViewBag.DataListPackage = _gridPackageDetail.OrderBy(a => a.scope_name).ToList();
return PartialView();
my code in mvc3 controller.
The code is working fine, because this is what intended by "static", to have the same data for multi users. In your case you need to create a list or dictionary or multi-dimensional array (any data structure you are comfortABLE with) and save the data per use in it, and then retrieve the data when needed based on the user id.
static List<ServicesModels> _gridPackageDetail = new List<ServicesModels>();
private void AddListAction(string alfa, string beta)
ServicesModels data = new ServicesModels()
id_service_detail = Guid.NewGuid(),
scope_name = alfa,
detail_name= beta,
user_id = getTheID()// Get the id of the user
public ActionResult GridPackageDetail()
ViewBag.DataListPackage = _gridPackageDetail.OrderBy(a => a.scope_name && user_id ==getTheID()).ToList();
return PartialView();
replace getTheID() by your way of getting the id of the user.
This is used if you want to keep the data of all users. else you should remove the static keyword.

How to insert or update properties in Active Directory Users and Groups

I am making a windows application that sync the source data to Active Directory.
This application works like this.
Choose Source Data(Department, User)
Mapping user or department attributes from source data
When Application service is run, it create groups and users in Active Directory
And also it sets the attributes to users and groups.
When I try to set group or user attributes(properties), it throws exception message like this.
in DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges(); block
The directory
service cannot perform the requested operation on the RDN attribute of an object.
I tried to solve it, but it's really hard to me because I`m not good at Active directory...
Code is below, Please share your knowledge.
//ppk: department key column, pk:user key column, row : Source DataTable's row
void CreateADUser(string ppk,string pk,DataRow row)
string pass = GetPass(pk,row,LogSections.AD);
DirectoryEntry addept = adm.FindOU(ppk);
//principal path
string sOU = adm.GetPrincipalPath(addept);
var aduser = adm.CreateNewUser(sOU, pk, pass, pk, null, null, adm.sDomain);
SetAdUserProperties(pk, pass, row);
void SetAdUserProperties(string pk,string pass,DataRow row)
if (row == null) return;
//list of mapped column(AD User attributes)
List<ADMapping> MappingPatterns = GetAdMappings(Words.User,false);
//Columns name of Source Data table's row
var colnames = Tool.GetColNames(row);
//get user proterties
var aduser = adm.GetUser(pk);
//directory entry of users
var de=aduser.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry;
//looping mapped column of user attributes
foreach (var ADMap in MappingPatterns)
string val = ADMap.Mapping;
//mapped columns value
val=Util.ReplaceColPattern(val, row);
SetProperty(de, ADMap.CN, val);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pass))
var UserPkColumn = AppConfigHelper.GetAppString(Words.SourceUserPKColumn);
UserPkColumn = Util.GetActualColName(UserPkColumn);
QueryHelper.Update(QueryHelper.ConnectionString, Words.ShadowUserTable
,new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("#passwd", pass) }
, new SqlParameter("#"+UserPkColumn,pk));
public void SetProperty(DirectoryEntry oDE, string sPropertyName, object sPropertyValue)
if (sPropertyValue != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sPropertyValue.ToString()))
if (oDE.Properties.Contains(sPropertyName))
oDE.Properties[sPropertyName].Value = sPropertyValue;
oDE.CommitChanges(); //exception here.
catch (Exception)
I also asked this question to other forums, and finally got it.
Before DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges(); set UserPropertyCache property to true
and call the RefreshCache method.
It's hard to see what's the cause of the issue here as we're not seeing what attributes you are trying to set.
That said, you can't just add an attribute if it doesn't exist on your AD object so this part of your code definitely has an issue :
if (oDE.Properties.Contains(sPropertyName))
oDE.Properties[sPropertyName].Value = sPropertyValue;
//The following line will never work in this context
If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say you're either trying to set an attribute that can't be set, or the User you're adding doesn't have all it's mandatory attributes set.

Insert with Linq-to-SQL sometimes fails

I have a project that inserts personal information to a table and details into another table. But sometimes personal information cannot be recorded, however details are recorded. As below code part, firstly personal information are inserted, then details. But sometimes personal information doesn't get saved and userId returns 0, So details are saved. I don't know why it doesn't work. Any idea?
public int ConferenceIdyeGoreKisiBilgileriniKaydet(string orderId)
KisiselBilgilerBal kisiBilgileri = (KisiselBilgilerBal)Session["kisiselBilgilerSession"];
registrationCode = GenerateGeristrationCode();
string toplamMaliyet = Session["toplamOdeme"].ToString();
PersonalInformation.SavePersonalInformations(kisiBilgileri, registrationCode,conferenceName);
int userId = AuthorPaperDetaylari.AdVeSoyadaGoreIdGetir(kisiBilgileri.f_name, kisiBilgileri.l_name);
AuthorPaperDetaylari.SaveAuthorPaperDetails(authorPaperDetay, userId); // save details via userId.
return userId;
This method saves personal information.
public static void SavePersonalInformations(KisiselBilgilerBal kisiBilgileri,string registrationCode,string conferenceName)
string cs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteSqlServer"];
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext(cs);
DBpersonalInformation personalInfo = new DBpersonalInformation();
personalInfo.f_name = kisiBilgileri.f_name;
personalInfo.l_name = kisiBilgileri.l_name;
personalInfo.university_affiliation = kisiBilgileri.university_affiliation;
personalInfo.department_name = kisiBilgileri.department_name;
personalInfo.address1 = kisiBilgileri.address1;
personalInfo.address2 = kisiBilgileri.address2; =;
personalInfo.state = kisiBilgileri.state;
personalInfo.zipCode = kisiBilgileri.zipCode; =; =; =;
personalInfo.orderId = kisiBilgileri.orderId;
personalInfo.registrationCode = registrationCode; = DateTime.Now;
personalInfo.conferenceName = conferenceName;
catch (Exception)
This method saves details
public static void SaveAuthorPaperDetails(AuthorPaperDetailsBal authorPaperDetay, int userId)
string cs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteSqlServer"];
DBWebDataContext db = new DBWebDataContext(cs);
DBAuthorPaperDetail authorPaperDetail = new DBAuthorPaperDetail();
authorPaperDetail.paper_title = authorPaperDetay.paperTitleDetails;
authorPaperDetail.conference_maker_id = authorPaperDetay.confMakerId;
authorPaperDetail.additional_paper_title = authorPaperDetay.additionalPprTtle;
authorPaperDetail.areYouMainAuthor = authorPaperDetay.mainAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.feeForFirstAuthorPaper = authorPaperDetay.registerFeeForFirstAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.feeForAdditionalPaper = authorPaperDetay.regFeeForAdditionalPape;
authorPaperDetail.feeForParticipCoAuthors = authorPaperDetay.regFeeForCoAuthors;
authorPaperDetail.userId = userId;
authorPaperDetail.firstCoAuthorName = authorPaperDetay.firstCoAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.secondCoAuthorName = authorPaperDetay.secondCoAutho;
authorPaperDetail.thirdCoAuthorName = authorPaperDetay.thirdCoAuthor;
authorPaperDetail.toplamOdeme = authorPaperDetay.toplamMaliyet;
catch (Exception)
I don't know why it doesnt work. Any idea?
catch (Exception)
Well, that explains pretty much everything... don't do this. Ever. The database layer is trying to tell you what the problem is, and you are sticking your fingers in your ears, hoping that'll make it go away. If I had to guess: maybe an occasional timeout due to being blocked by another SPID.
If you can't do anything useful or appropriate with an exception, just let it bubble to the caller. If it gets to the UI, tell the user about it (or just log the issue internally and tell the user "There was a problem").
Also, a LINQ-to-SQL data-context is IDisposable; you should have using statement around db.
In addition to Marc's answer... You are calling SubmitChanges twice. If you want atomic data storage, you should call it once. You can use relational properties to create an object graph, and submit the whole graph at once.
public void SaveParentAndChildren()
using (CustomDataContext myDC = new CustomDataContext())
Parent p = new Parent();
Child c = new Child();
myDC.Parents.InsertOnSubmit(p); //whole graph is now tracked by this data context
myDC.SubmitChanges(); // whole graph is now saved to database
// or nothing saved if an exception occurred.
} //myDC.Dispose is called for you here whether exception occurred or not

