In tableview cell I am dynamically showing some messages and images,If i am having more images
showing in horizontal scroll. now what my task is Clicking on particular image need to show that image in full page view, i have done the code, but my problem is clicking on any image showing last image in full view.
Can anyone please help me.
if (contents.Count > 0)
_scrollView = new UIScrollView (){Tag = 1002};
//_image = new UIImageView (UIImage.FromBundle("placeholder.png"));
_scrollView.Frame = new RectangleF (0, rowHeight, 320, 300);
_scrollView.PagingEnabled = true;
_scrollView.Bounces = true;
_scrollView.DelaysContentTouches = true;
_scrollView.ShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator = true;
//_scrollView.ScrollRectToVisible (new RectangleF (320, 0, 320, 480), true);
int x = 35;
bool setRowHeight = true;
int scrollwidth = 0;
foreach (var contentItem in contents)
if (contentItem.FilePath.Length != 0)
//_image.SetImage (new NSUrl (contentItem.FilePath), UIImage.FromBundle ("placeholder.png"));
//_image.Tag = 1001;
_image = new UIImageView(FromUrl(contentItem.FilePath)) { Tag = 1001 };
_imagePath = contentItem.FilePath;
_image.Frame = new RectangleF(x, 0, 250, _image.Image.CGImage.Height);
x = x + (Convert.ToInt32( Bounds.Width));
scrollwidth = scrollwidth + Convert.ToInt32( Bounds.Width);
_scrollView.ContentSize = new SizeF (scrollwidth,150);
_scrollView.Add (_image);
if (setRowHeight) {
rowHeight += _image.Image.CGImage.Height + 10;
setRowHeight = false;
// ================
var doubletap = new UITapGestureRecognizer();
doubletap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single tap
doubletap.AddTarget(this, new MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector("DoubleTapSelector"));
_image.AddGestureRecognizer(doubletap); // detect when the scrollView is tapped
_image.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
// =================
public void OnDoubleTap(UIGestureRecognizer sender)
FullImageViewControler fullImageViewController = new FullImageViewControler(_imagePath);
UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController(fullImageViewController, true, null);
In this Application, i have a car class with a method called Spawn (which should draw the object on a Canvas which i defined in the XAML file). I call the Method in MainWindow, but when I run my program, there is no car being drawn onto the Canvas.
Here is the Spawn method:
public void Spawn(Canvas cvs)
cvs = new Canvas();
carBody.Width = 70;
carBody.Height = 120;
carBody.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color);
Canvas.SetLeft(carBody, SpawnLocation.X);
Canvas.SetTop(carBody, SpawnLocation.Y);
Rectangle[] tires = new Rectangle[4];
Rectangle[] windows = new Rectangle[2];
Label lblBrand = new Label();
RotateTransform rotation = new RotateTransform();
// Reifen
tires[0] = new Rectangle()
Fill = Brushes.Black,
Width = 20,
Height = 30
Canvas.SetLeft(tires[0], -9);
Canvas.SetTop(tires[0], 18);
tires[1] = new Rectangle()
Fill = Brushes.Black,
Width = 20,
Height = 30
Canvas.SetLeft(tires[1], 61);
Canvas.SetTop(tires[1], 18);
tires[2] = new Rectangle()
Fill = Brushes.Black,
Width = 20,
Height = 30
Canvas.SetLeft(tires[2], -9);
Canvas.SetTop(tires[2], 80);
tires[3] = new Rectangle()
Fill = Brushes.Black,
Width = 20,
Height = 30
Canvas.SetLeft(tires[3], 61);
Canvas.SetTop(tires[3], 80);
// Fenster
windows[0] = new Rectangle() // Front
Fill = Brushes.White,
Width = 50,
Height = 40
Canvas.SetLeft(windows[0], 0);
Canvas.SetTop(windows[0], 0);
windows[1] = new Rectangle() // rear
Fill = Brushes.White,
Width = 50,
Height = 50
Canvas.SetLeft(windows[1], 0);
Canvas.SetTop(windows[1], 0);
// Label Automarke
lblBrand.Width = 40;
lblBrand.Height = 23;
lblBrand.Content = Brand;
// Add2Canvas
for (int i = 0; i < tires.Length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < windows.Length; i++)
if (Direction == "nord")
rotation.Angle = 0;
rotation.CenterX = SpawnLocation.X;
rotation.CenterY = SpawnLocation.Y;
carBody.RenderTransform = rotation;
else if (Direction == "süd")
rotation.Angle = 180;
rotation.CenterX = SpawnLocation.X;
rotation.CenterY = SpawnLocation.Y;
carBody.RenderTransform = rotation;
else if (Direction == "west")
rotation.Angle = 90;
rotation.CenterX = SpawnLocation.X;
rotation.CenterY = SpawnLocation.Y;
carBody.RenderTransform = rotation;
else if (Direction == "ost")
rotation.Angle = 270;
rotation.CenterX = SpawnLocation.X;
rotation.CenterY = SpawnLocation.Y;
carBody.RenderTransform = rotation;
Calling the methodMainWindow:
Car car1;
public MainWindow()
car1 = new Car("Audi", Colors.Red);
car1.Direction = "west";
car1.SpawnLocation = new Point(550, 340);
Thanks in advance!
Fixed it! I initialized the argmument of my Spawn method, it now works after I deleted it.
My method looked like this first:
public void Spawn(Canvas cvs)
cvs = new Canvas();
carBody.Width = 70;
I initialized my the Argument, but since i don't wanna create a new Canvas, i deleted these two first lines of my method.
public void Spawn(Canvas cvs)
carBody.Width = 70;
carBody.Height = 120;
carBody.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color);
Now its working fine.
I am trying to make a Windows Form that shows display data from data a table. Every thing is working fine until I start scrolling in the Form using the auto scroll property.
I don't know why that's happening. I hope someone can help me.
private void allShowsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Load All the Shows from the database
DataTable dt = accesse.LoadAllShows();
// Create the allShows From
Form allShows = new Form();
// Create the Controls for the AllShows form.
PictureBox[] pic = new PictureBox[dt.Rows.Count];
Label[] showName = new Label[dt.Rows.Count], season = new Label[dt.Rows.Count], eps = new Label[dt.Rows.Count], typ = new Label[dt.Rows.Count];
TextBox[] txtShowName = new TextBox[dt.Rows.Count], txtSeason = new TextBox[dt.Rows.Count], txtEps = new TextBox[dt.Rows.Count], txtTyp = new TextBox[dt.Rows.Count];
// AllShows Form properties
allShows.BackColor = Color.White;
allShows.Font = new Font("Calibri", 14f, FontStyle.Regular);
allShows.ForeColor = Color.Black;
allShows.Size = new Size(1050, 700);
allShows.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
allShows.AutoScroll = true;
allShows.AutoScrollMargin = new Size(0, 18);
// Variables
int y = 325; // the distens bettwen the controls on the Y and X.
bool xTurn = false; // the axies turn.
int yTurnNum = 0; // the y turn number.
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
// PictureBox Poster Properties
pic[i] = new PictureBox();
pic[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
pic[i].Size = new Size(162, 288);
pic[i].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
pic[i].Image = Image.FromFile(dt.Rows[i][4].ToString());
// Label showName Properties
showName[i] = new Label();
showName[i].Text = "Show Name: " + dt.Rows[i][0];
showName[i].AutoSize = true;
// Label Season Properties
season[i] = new Label();
season[i].Text = "Season: " + dt.Rows[i][1];
season[i].AutoSize = true;
// Label Eps Properties
eps[i] = new Label();
eps[i].Text = "Episodes: " + dt.Rows[i][2];
eps[i].AutoSize = true;
// Label Typ Properties
typ[i] = new Label();
typ[i].Text = "Typ: " + dt.Rows[i][3];
typ[i].AutoSize = true;
if (xTurn)
// Sitting the location of the controls on the X turn
pic[i].Location = new Point(515, pic[i - 1].Location.Y);
showName[i].Location = new Point(687, showName[i - 1].Location.Y);
season[i].Location = new Point(687, season[i - 1].Location.Y);
eps[i].Location = new Point(687, eps[i - 1].Location.Y);
typ[i].Location = new Point(687, typ[i - 1].Location.Y);
xTurn = false;
// Sitting the location of the controls on the Y turn
pic[i].Location = new Point(15, 15 + (yTurnNum * y));
showName[i].Location = new Point(187, 20 + (yTurnNum * y));
season[i].Location = new Point(187, 55 + (yTurnNum * y));
eps[i].Location = new Point(187, 90 + (yTurnNum * y));
typ[i].Location = new Point(187, 125 + (yTurnNum * y));
yTurnNum += 1;
xTurn = true;
catch (Exception ex)
tools.ShowErrorMessageBox(ex.Message, "Error");
I hope this gif will help you to understand what is happening.
enter image description here
I have C# project already done but im having issue with printing it's charts when comes out with more pages of data points, i got the scroll bar work when start getting more pages so the user can review all data on all pages but i could not find how to make the print preview shows them or print them,
when click on print, it shows only the first page on the print preview and same thing when print it out.
her is the print code:
PrintPreviewDialog ppd = new PrintPreviewDialog();
ppd.Document = this.chart1.Printing.PrintDocument;
((Form)ppd).WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
chart1.Printing.PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
chart1.Printing.PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 0;
chart1.Printing.PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 0;
chart1.Printing.PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 0;
chart1.Printing.PrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 0;
and here is the chart load code:
public void loadChart(string sqlvalue)//load chart method
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 55;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 35;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Interval = 5;//control how many lines/Interval
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Enabled = true;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.Zoomable = true;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
// chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = 10;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1;
//X AXES label angle
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Angle = 60;
da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlvalue, cn.connect());
this.chart1.DataSource = dt;
this.chart1.Series["left"].XValueMember = dt.Columns[3].ToString();//date data
this.chart1.Series["left"].YValueMembers = dt.Columns[1].ToString();//spindle 1 data
this.chart1.Series["Right"].YValueMembers = dt.Columns[2].ToString();//spindle 2 data
//label the series lines, Backcolor and forcolor
chart1.Series[0].LabelBackColor = Color.Red;
chart1.Series[0].LabelForeColor = Color.White;
//datapoint marker's color, bordercolor,style and size
chart1.Series[0].MarkerColor = Color.White;
chart1.Series[0].MarkerBorderColor = Color.Black;
chart1.Series[0].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
chart1.Series[0].MarkerSize = 8;
//datapoint marker's color, style and size
chart1.Series[1].MarkerColor = Color.White;
chart1.Series[1].MarkerBorderColor = Color.Black;
chart1.Series[1].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
chart1.Series[1].MarkerSize = 8;
chart1.Series[1].LabelBackColor = Color.Blue;
chart1.Series[1].LabelForeColor = Color.White;
//Chart background lines color
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.Silver;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.Silver;
// enable autoscroll
chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.AutoScroll = true;//------------
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomable = true;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(0, 15);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll;
// set scrollbar small change to the target size
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.SmallScrollSize = 15;
Legend left = new Legend();
Legend LC = CustomCloneLegend(chart1, left);
chart1.Padding = Padding.Empty;
ChartArea CA = chart1.ChartAreas[0];
CA.Position = new ElementPosition(4,6, 100, 90);
Thank you for your time and help, here is the chart code update:
private static Image MergeImages(List<Image> imageList)
var finalSize = new Size();
foreach (var image in imageList)
if (image.Width > finalSize.Width)
finalSize.Width = image.Width;
finalSize.Height += image.Height;
var outputImage = new Bitmap(finalSize.Width, finalSize.Height);
using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(outputImage))
var y = 0;
foreach (var image in imageList)
gfx.DrawImage(image, 0, y);
y += image.Height;
return outputImage;
The second method:
List<Image> ChartsToImages(List<Chart> charts)
var imageList = new List<Image>();
foreach (var c in charts)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
c.SaveImage(ms, ChartImageFormat.Png);
var bmp = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(ms);
return imageList;
and this code
var chartList = new List<Chart> { chart1 };
var imageList = ChartsToImages(chartList);
var finalImage = MergeImages(imageList);
finalImage.Save("D:\\Junk.png", ImageFormat.Png);
Im not sure is that what you mean by your first comment, but i found this code here under Converting chart to image questions. this code convert and saves the chart in the same amount of pages but i need to show them in the printpreviewcontrol and print them.
Below code refers to the as per page count starting point and ending point based printing. And Grid view value chars are row loop based counting the page.
private int numberOfItemsPerPage = 0;
private int numberOfItemsPrintedSoFar = 0;
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
int height = 480; //page height stating point
for (int l = numberOfItemsPrintedSoFar; l < dataGridView2.Rows.Count; l++)
numberOfItemsPerPage = numberOfItemsPerPage + 1;
if (numberOfItemsPerPage <= 25) // 25 is Page Line Item
if (numberOfItemsPrintedSoFar <= dataGridView2.Rows.Count)
height += dataGridView2.Rows[0].Height;
e.Graphics.DrawString(dataGridView2.Rows[l].Cells[0].FormattedValue.ToString(), dataGridView2.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 8), Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(5, height, dataGridView2.Columns[0].Width, dataGridView2.Rows[0].Height));
e.Graphics.DrawString(dataGridView2.Rows[l].Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString(), dataGridView2.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 8), Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(170, height, dataGridView2.Columns[0].Width, dataGridView2.Rows[0].Height));
e.Graphics.DrawString(dataGridView2.Rows[l].Cells[2].FormattedValue.ToString(), dataGridView2.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 8), Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(290, height, dataGridView2.Columns[0].Width, dataGridView2.Rows[0].Height));
e.Graphics.DrawString(dataGridView2.Rows[l].Cells[3].FormattedValue.ToString(), dataGridView2.Font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 8), Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(345, height, dataGridView2.Columns[0].Width, dataGridView2.Rows[0].Height));
e.HasMorePages = false;
numberOfItemsPerPage = 0;
e.HasMorePages = true;
numberOfItemsPerPage = 0;
numberOfItemsPrintedSoFar = 0;
I have an issue regarding printing multiple pages using the code below. It always prints only the last page. Can you guys please help me?
using (var rasterizer = new PdfRasterizer(pdfInputPdf))
// Create a JpegImageFormat object.
var jpegImageFormat = new JpegImageFormat(100);
// Create a FixedImageSize object with required width and height.
var imageSize = new PercentageImageSize(400);
// Save the image.
var imageData = rasterizer.Draw(jpegImageFormat, imageSize);
using (var pd = new PrintDocument())
var margins = new Margins(0, 40, 0, 40);
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = margins;
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Color = true;
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = false;
pd.PrintPage += (sender, args) =>
PrintPage(text1, text2, imageData, pd, args);
And this class:
private static int counter = 0;
private static void PrintPage(string text1, string text2, byte[][] imageData, PrintPageEventArgs args)
foreach (var b in imageData)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(b))
var i = Image.FromStream(stream);
CreateNotApprovedWatermark(i, text1, text2);
if (args.PageSettings.PrinterSettings.CanDuplex)
args.PageSettings.PrinterSettings.Duplex = Duplex.Horizontal;
var m = args.MarginBounds;
if (i.Width / (double)i.Height > m.Width / (double)m.Height) // image is wider
m.Height = (int)(i.Height / (double)i.Width * m.Width);
m.Width = (int)(i.Width / (double)i.Height * m.Height);
args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, m);
if (counter <= 2)
args.HasMorePages = true;
args.HasMorePages = false;
I found a easy solution to my problem after quit some trial and error:
using (var rasterizer = new PdfRasterizer(new Foxit.PDF.Rasterizer.InputPdf(pdfData)))
// Create a JpegImageFormat object.
var jpegImageFormat = new JpegImageFormat(100);
// Create a FixedImageSize object with required width and height.
var imageSize = new PercentageImageSize(400);
// Save the image.
var imagePages = rasterizer.Draw(jpegImageFormat, imageSize);
using (var pd = new PrintDocument())
var margins = new Margins(0, 40, 0, 40);
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = margins;
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Color = true;
pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = false;
var pageNumber = 0;
pd.PrintPage += (sender, args) =>
PrintPage(pageNumber, text1, text2, imagePages[pageNumber], args);
if (pageNumber < imagePages.Count())
args.HasMorePages = pageNumber != imagePages.Count();
The problem was placement of the HasMorePages property.
Is it possible to create my own custom MessageBox where I would be able to add images instead of only strings?
I also wanted this feature, so I created WPFCustomMessageBox, a WPF clone of the native Windows/.NET MessageBox which supports extra features like custom button text.
WPFCustomMessageBox uses static methods just like the standard .NET MessageBox, so you can plug-and-play the new library without modifying any code. Most importantly, I designed this control so it looks identical to the original MessageBox.
I created this library because I wanted to use verbs for my MessageBox buttons to help users better understand the functionality of the buttons. With this library, you can offer your users button descriptions like Save/Don't Save or Eject Fuel Rods/Don't do it! rather than the standard OK/Cancel or Yes/No (although you can still use those too, if you like).
The WPFCustomMessageBox message boxes return standard .NET MessageBoxResults. It also offers the same features as the original MessageBox like MessageBoxIcons and custom message box captions.
WPFCustomMessageBox is open source, so you can grab the code or make improvements here:
You can add WPFCustomMessage to your project via NuGet:
Here is the code needed to create your own message box:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MyStuff
public class MyLabel : Label
public static Label Set(string Text = "", Font Font = null, Color ForeColor = new Color(), Color BackColor = new Color())
Label l = new Label();
l.Text = Text;
l.Font = (Font == null) ? new Font("Calibri", 12) : Font;
l.ForeColor = (ForeColor == new Color()) ? Color.Black : ForeColor;
l.BackColor = (BackColor == new Color()) ? SystemColors.Control : BackColor;
l.AutoSize = true;
return l;
public class MyButton : Button
public static Button Set(string Text = "", int Width = 102, int Height = 30, Font Font = null, Color ForeColor = new Color(), Color BackColor = new Color())
Button b = new Button();
b.Text = Text;
b.Width = Width;
b.Height = Height;
b.Font = (Font == null) ? new Font("Calibri", 12) : Font;
b.ForeColor = (ForeColor == new Color()) ? Color.Black : ForeColor;
b.BackColor = (BackColor == new Color()) ? SystemColors.Control : BackColor;
b.UseVisualStyleBackColor = (b.BackColor == SystemColors.Control);
return b;
public class MyImage : PictureBox
public static PictureBox Set(string ImagePath = null, int Width = 60, int Height = 60)
PictureBox i = new PictureBox();
if (ImagePath != null)
i.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;
i.Location = new Point(9, 9);
i.Margin = new Padding(3, 3, 2, 3);
i.Size = new Size(Width, Height);
i.TabStop = false;
i.Visible = true;
i.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(ImagePath);
i.Visible = true;
i.Size = new Size(0, 0);
return i;
public partial class MyMessageBox : Form
private MyMessageBox()
this.panText = new FlowLayoutPanel();
this.panButtons = new FlowLayoutPanel();
// panText
this.panText.Parent = this;
this.panText.AutoScroll = true;
this.panText.AutoSize = true;
this.panText.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
//this.panText.Location = new Point(90, 90);
this.panText.Margin = new Padding(0);
this.panText.MaximumSize = new Size(500, 300);
this.panText.MinimumSize = new Size(108, 50);
this.panText.Size = new Size(108, 50);
// panButtons
this.panButtons.AutoSize = true;
this.panButtons.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
this.panButtons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;
this.panButtons.Location = new Point(89, 89);
this.panButtons.Margin = new Padding(0);
this.panButtons.MaximumSize = new Size(580, 150);
this.panButtons.MinimumSize = new Size(108, 0);
this.panButtons.Size = new Size(108, 35);
// MyMessageBox
this.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(8F, 19F);
this.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
this.ClientSize = new Size(206, 133);
this.Font = new Font("Calibri", 12F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
this.Margin = new Padding(4);
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.MinimizeBox = false;
this.MinimumSize = new Size(168, 132);
this.Name = "MyMessageBox";
this.ShowIcon = false;
this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
public static string Show(Label Label, string Title = "", List<Button> Buttons = null, PictureBox Image = null)
List<Label> Labels = new List<Label>();
return Show(Labels, Title, Buttons, Image);
public static string Show(string Label, string Title = "", List<Button> Buttons = null, PictureBox Image = null)
List<Label> Labels = new List<Label>();
return Show(Labels, Title, Buttons, Image);
public static string Show(List<Label> Labels = null, string Title = "", List<Button> Buttons = null, PictureBox Image = null)
if (Labels == null) Labels = new List<Label>();
if (Labels.Count == 0) Labels.Add(MyLabel.Set(""));
if (Buttons == null) Buttons = new List<Button>();
if (Buttons.Count == 0) Buttons.Add(MyButton.Set("OK"));
List<Button> buttons = new List<Button>(Buttons);
int ImageWidth = 0;
int ImageHeight = 0;
int LabelWidth = 0;
int LabelHeight = 0;
int ButtonWidth = 0;
int ButtonHeight = 0;
int TotalWidth = 0;
int TotalHeight = 0;
MyMessageBox mb = new MyMessageBox();
mb.Text = Title;
if (Image != null)
Image.MaximumSize = new Size(150, 300);
ImageWidth = Image.Width + Image.Margin.Horizontal;
ImageHeight = Image.Height + Image.Margin.Vertical;
List<int> il = new List<int>();
mb.panText.Location = new Point(9 + ImageWidth, 9);
foreach (Label l in Labels)
l.Location = new Point(200, 50);
l.MaximumSize = new Size(480, 2000);
Labels.ForEach(l => l.MinimumSize = new Size(Labels.Max(x => x.Width), 1));
mb.panText.Height = Labels.Sum(l => l.Height);
mb.panText.MinimumSize = new Size(Labels.Max(x => x.Width) + mb.ScrollBarWidth(Labels), ImageHeight);
mb.panText.MaximumSize = new Size(Labels.Max(x => x.Width) + mb.ScrollBarWidth(Labels), 300);
LabelWidth = mb.panText.Width;
LabelHeight = mb.panText.Height;
foreach (Button b in buttons)
b.Location = new Point(3, 3);
b.TabIndex = Buttons.FindIndex(i => i.Text == b.Text);
b.Click += new EventHandler(mb.Button_Click);
ButtonWidth = mb.panButtons.Width;
ButtonHeight = mb.panButtons.Height;
//Set Widths
if (ButtonWidth > ImageWidth + LabelWidth)
Labels.ForEach(l => l.MinimumSize = new Size(ButtonWidth - ImageWidth - mb.ScrollBarWidth(Labels), 1));
mb.panText.Height = Labels.Sum(l => l.Height);
mb.panText.MinimumSize = new Size(Labels.Max(x => x.Width) + mb.ScrollBarWidth(Labels), ImageHeight);
mb.panText.MaximumSize = new Size(Labels.Max(x => x.Width) + mb.ScrollBarWidth(Labels), 300);
LabelWidth = mb.panText.Width;
LabelHeight = mb.panText.Height;
TotalWidth = ImageWidth + LabelWidth;
//Set Height
TotalHeight = LabelHeight + ButtonHeight;
mb.panButtons.Location = new Point(TotalWidth - ButtonWidth + 9, mb.panText.Location.Y + mb.panText.Height);
mb.Size = new Size(TotalWidth + 25, TotalHeight + 47);
return mb.Result;
private FlowLayoutPanel panText;
private FlowLayoutPanel panButtons;
private int ScrollBarWidth(List<Label> Labels)
return (Labels.Sum(l => l.Height) > 300) ? 23 : 6;
private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Result = ((Button)sender).Text;
private string Result = "";
This took me 2 days to write. I hope it works for anyone that needs it.
I've implemented a WPF MessageBox fully customizable via standard WPF control templates:
The class WPFMessageBox has the exact same interface as the current WPF MessageBox class.
Implemented as a custom control, thus fully customizable via standard WPF control templates.
Has a default control template which looks like the standard MessageBox.
Supports all the common types of message boxes: Error, Warning, Question and Information.
Has the same “Beep” sounds as when opening a standard MessageBox.
Supports the same behavior when pressing the Escape button as the standard MessageBox.
Provides the same system menu as the standard MessageBox, including disabling the Close button when the message box is in Yes-No mode.
Handles right-aligned and right-to-left operating systems, same as the standard MessageBox.
Provides support for setting the owner window as a WinForms Form control.
Sure. I've done it by subclassing System.Windows.Window and adding the capacity to show various kinds of content (images, text and controls), and then calling ShowDialog() on that Window:
public partial class MyMessageBox : Window
// perhaps a helper method here
public static bool? Show(String message, BitmapImage image)
// NOTE: Message and Image are fields created in the XAML markup
MyMessageBox msgBox = new MyMessageBox() { Message.Text = message, Image.Source = image };
return msgBox.ShowDialog();
In the XAML, something like this:
<Image Name="Image" DockPanel.Dock="Left" />
<TextBlock Name="Message" />
I was in need like you and I have found this source and modified the way I wanted and you could get the most benefit out of it
here is the link
this is what it looks like by default: