C# Draw Random Rectangles - c#

i wrote a little code like one from Flappy Bird (game) and in one of my timer i wrote the following code but when i'm starting this timer it's just showing me one up and one down pipe 3 times and then the painting just going black and it's showing me no more pipes. If you guys telling me where's the problem, that would be thankful..
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Pipe1[0] + PipeWidth <= 0 | start == true)
Random rnd = new Random();
int px = this.Width;
int py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
var p2x = px;
var p2y = py + PipeDifferentY;
int[] p1 = { px, py, p2x, p2y };
Pipe1 = p1;
Pipe1[0] = Pipe1[0] - 2;
Pipe1[2] = Pipe1[2] - 2;
if (Pipe2[0] + PipeWidth <= 0)
Random rnd = new Random();
int px = this.Width;
int py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
var p2x = px;
var p2y = py + PipeDifferentY;
int[] p1 = { px, py, p2x, p2y };
Pipe1 = p1;
Pipe2[0] = Pipe2[0] - 2;
Pipe2[2] = Pipe2[2] - 2;
if (start == true)
start = false;
And here is the declares:
int[] Pipe1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int[] Pipe2 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int PipeWidth = 55;
int PipeDifferentY = 140;
int PipeDifferentX = 180;
bool start = true;
Here is the Load Form part:
Random rnd = new Random();
int py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
int py2 = py + PipeDifferentY;
int[] p1 = { this.Width, py, this.Width, py2 };
Pipe1 = p1;
py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
py2 = py + PipeDifferentY;
int[] p2 = { this.Width + PipeDifferentX, py, this.Width + PipeDifferentX, py2 };
Pipe2 = p2;
Here is the painting part:
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightCyan, new Rectangle(Pipe1[0], 0, PipeWidth, Pipe1[1]));
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightCyan, new Rectangle(Pipe1[2], Pipe1[3], PipeWidth, this.Height - Pipe1[3]));
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightCyan, new Rectangle(Pipe2[0], 0, PipeWidth, Pipe2[1]));
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightCyan, new Rectangle(Pipe2[2], Pipe2[3], PipeWidth, this.Height - Pipe2[3]));
And the first timer has just:

You have a stray Pipe1 at the bottom of your Pipe2 if statement.
Try change declares to:
List<int> Pipe1 = new List<int>();
List<int> Pipe2 = new List<int>();
int PipeWidth = 55;
int PipeDifferentY = 140;
int PipeDifferentX = 180;
bool start = true;
and timer function to:
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Pipe1[0] + PipeWidth <= 0 | start == true)
Random rnd = new Random();
int px = this.Width;
int py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
var p2x = px;
var p2y = py + PipeDifferentY;
Pipe1[0] = Pipe1[0] - 2;
Pipe1[2] = Pipe1[2] - 2;
if (Pipe2[0] + PipeWidth <= 0)
Random rnd = new Random();
int px = this.Width;
int py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
var p2x = px;
var p2y = py + PipeDifferentY;
int[] p1 = { px, py, p2x, p2y };
Pipe2[0] = Pipe2[0] - 2;
Pipe2[2] = Pipe2[2] - 2;
if (start == true)
start = false;
and your load form part:
Random rnd = new Random();
int py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
int py2 = py + PipeDifferentY;
py = rnd.Next(40, (this.Height - PipeDifferentY));
py2 = py + PipeDifferentY;
Pipe2.Add(this.Width + PipeDifferentX);
Pipe2.Add(this.Width + PipeDifferentX);
painting part should be ok


DrawPolygon() erases the old polygon when drawing

I set the points and when the points of the same color form a square, I draw a polygon. But when a new square is formed, the old one disappears.
can you tell me how to make sure that when drawing a new polygon, the old one does not disappear?
in the checkpoint() function, I check whether there is a square of points of the same color and return e coordinates for drawing.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Class1 Class1 = new Class1();
private CellState currentPlayer = CellState.Red;
public const int SIZE = 11;
public const int Icon_Size = 30;
public Form1()
//ставит точки
protected override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
var p = new Point((int)Math.Round(1f * e.X / Icon_Size), (int)Math.Round(1f * e.Y / Icon_Size));
if (Class1[p] == CellState.Empty)
Class1.SetPoint(p, currentPlayer);
currentPlayer = Class1.Inverse(currentPlayer);
private void OnPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(Icon_Size, Icon_Size);
//рисуем сеточку
using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Gainsboro, 0.1f))
for (int x = 1; x < SIZE; x++)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, x, 1, x, SIZE - 1);
for (int y = 1; y < SIZE; y++)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, 1, y, SIZE - 1, y);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
//рисуем точки
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
for (int x = 1; x < Form1.SIZE; x++)
for (int y = 1; y < Form1.SIZE; y++)
var p = new Point(x, y);
var cell = Class1[p];
if (cell != CellState.Empty)
brush.Color = StateToColor(cell);
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(brush, x - 0.2f, y - 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
using (var PenP = new Pen(Color.Black, 0.1f))
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
int i = Class1.CheckPoint()[0];
int j = Class1.CheckPoint()[1];
int cp = Class1.CheckPoint()[2];
if (cp == 1)
PenP.Color = Color.Red;
brush.Color = Color.IndianRed;
Point[] a = { new Point(i, j), new Point(i + 1, j), new Point(i + 1, j + 1), new Point(i, j + 1) };
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(brush, a);
e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(PenP, a);
if (cp == 2)
PenP.Color = Color.Blue;
brush.Color = Color.RoyalBlue;
Point[] a = { new Point(i, j), new Point(i + 1, j), new Point(i + 1, j + 1), new Point(i, j + 1) };
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(brush, a);
e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(PenP, a);
//условие смены цвета под ход игрока
Color StateToColor(CellState state, byte alpha = 255)
var res = state == CellState.Blue ? Color.Blue : Color.Red;
return Color.FromArgb(alpha, res);

C# UWP Render InkStrokes in InkCanvas Seperately

enter image description here
I have captured points data from bamboo slate,and converted them to Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkStroke data.Then I put them in a InkPresenter.StrokeContainer rendered like this image above.Strokes sticked to each other,how can I seperate them?
This is my code below.
private void DataDisplay()
List<InkPoint> list = new List<InkPoint>();
List<InkStroke> strokes = new List<InkStroke>();
InkDrawingAttributes drawingAttributes1 = new InkDrawingAttributes();
drawingAttributes1.Color = Colors.Black;
drawingAttributes1.Size = new Size(1, 1);
InkStrokeBuilder builder = new InkStrokeBuilder();
inkCanvas.InkPresenter.IsInputEnabled = true;
foreach (var item in data.Stroke)
string[] strArray = item.Split(',');
for (int i = 9; i <= strArray.Length - 5; i += 5)
float x = float.Parse(strArray[i]) / 30;
float y = float.Parse(strArray[i + 1]) / 30;
float pressure = float.Parse(strArray[i + 2]) / 1000;
Point point = new Point(x, y);
InkPoint ip = new InkPoint(point, pressure);
Matrix3x2 matrix3X2 = new Matrix3x2(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
InkStroke newStroke = builder.CreateStrokeFromInkPoints(list, matrix3X2);

Draw a Triangle through three points, with known coordinates enclosed within the Triangle

I'am trying to Draw a Triangle in through three points, with known coordinates enclosed within the Triangle.
I wrote this algorithm to do all this, but the code is slow.
Can anyone give me another easy and faster way to draw a Triangle?
I have got the algorithm of drawing the line from this site but do not mention the post sorry.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class Form1 : Form
int Screen_height;
int Screen_width;
List<int> Pointsx = new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> Pointsy = new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> edge_one_Tranglex= new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> edge_one_Trangley = new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> edge_two_Tranglex = new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> edge_two_Trangley = new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> edge_three_Tranglex = new List<int>(new int[] { });
List<int> edge_three_Trangley = new List<int>(new int[] { });
int edge = 1;
Bitmap bmp;
int start = 0;
int center_x;
int center_y;
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Screen_height = panel1.Height;
Screen_width = panel1.Width;
Console.WriteLine(" " + Screen_height + "," + Screen_width);
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (start == 0)
var sw = new Stopwatch();
bmp = new Bitmap(panel1.Width, panel1.Height);
panel1.BackgroundImage = (Image)bmp;
panel1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None;
//from x to x2 and from y to y2
//D_line(100, 10, -100, 20);
D_Triangle(-300, 10, 100, 20, 100, -100);
Console.WriteLine("" + sw.Elapsed);
start += 1;
public void D_line(int x, int y, int x2, int y2)
center_x = Screen_width / 2;
center_y = Screen_height / 2;
line(center_x + x, center_y - y, center_x + x2, center_y - y2);
public void line(int x, int y, int x2, int y2)
int w = x2 - x;
int h = y2 - y;
int dx1 = 0, dy1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy2 = 0;
if (w < 0) dx1 = -1; else if (w > 0) dx1 = 1;
if (h < 0) dy1 = -1; else if (h > 0) dy1 = 1;
if (w < 0) dx2 = -1; else if (w > 0) dx2 = 1;
int longest = Math.Abs(w);
int shortest = Math.Abs(h);
if (!(longest > shortest))
longest = Math.Abs(h);
shortest = Math.Abs(w);
if (h < 0) dy2 = -1; else if (h > 0) dy2 = 1;
dx2 = 0;
int numerator = longest >> 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= longest; i++)
//putpixel(x, y, color);
bmp.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Red);
//my code
if (edge == 1)
if (edge == 2)
if (edge == 3)
if (edge >= 4)
if (!Pointsx.Contains(x) || !Pointsy.Contains(y))
numerator += shortest;
if (!(numerator < longest))
numerator -= longest;
x += dx1;
y += dy1;
x += dx2;
y += dy2;
// edge_two_Trangle.ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine(p));
void D_Triangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
D_line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
D_line(x2, y2, x3, y3);
D_line(x3, y3, x1, y1);
int a = edge_two_Tranglex.Count();
for(int i =1; i < a -1;)
line(center_x + x1, center_y - y1, edge_two_Tranglex[i], edge_two_Trangley[i]);

Image rotation performance improvement

I am writing code for image rotation. But performance is so bad.
When I use 10000 x 10000 image, it took about 100 minutes. I want to speed up up to < 1~3 min, but I don't know how I can improve this code.
This code is for huge size images (over 4gb), and process single line of image sequentially.
I attach full code. First I do x-y movement transformation, after that I perform angle transformation.
Here is code for this. Environment is .net framework 4.6.2, 64bit.
Test code: I used "emgucv3 and speedycoding" library from nuget package
flatten method is from speedycoding , and Image<Gray, byte> from emgucv3
Image<Gray,byte> img = new Image<Gray, byte>(imgpath);
PointD[] posdList = new PointD[4]
new PointD(-1024,48),
new PointD(-3264,0),
new PointD(639,-2016),
new PointD(3119,1696)
var data = img.Data.TointArray();
var dataW = img.Data.GetLength(1);
var dataH = img.Data.GetLength(0);
var strideW = dataW % 4;
var strideH = dataH % 4;
posdList = posdList.Select( x => new PointD( x.X * ratio + dataW/2, x.Y * ratio+dataH/2 ) ).ToArray();
img = img.Resize( dataW + ( strideW == 0 ? 0 : 4 - strideW ), dataH + ( strideH == 0 ? 0 : 4 - strideH ), Inter.Cubic );
data = img.Data.TointArray();
dataW = img.Data.GetLength(1);
dataH = img.Data.GetLength(0);
var srcdata = img.Data.Flatten();
byte[][] temprers;
using (MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream(srcdata))
temprers = Run(mstream, dataW, dataH, posdList);
This is main run code.
public static byte[][] Run(MemoryStream bytestream, int w, int h, PointD[] pos3)
Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();
var srcPos = new AffinePos(pos3[0], pos3[1], pos3[2], pos3[3]);
var trsData = srcPos.ToTrnsData(w, h);
var xc = trsData.XSrcCnter;
var yc = trsData.YSrcCnter;
var xmax = Math.Max(w - xc, xc) * 2;
var ymax = Math.Max(h - yc, yc) * 2;
byte[][] R1 = CreateJagged(ymax, xmax);
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
var data = new byte[w];
bytestream.Seek(i * w, SeekOrigin.Begin);
bytestream.Read(data, 0, w);
var reshaped = data.Reshape(1, w).ToJagged();
xytransform(ref R1, trsData, reshaped, i, xmax, ymax);
var w1 = R1[0].Length;
var h1 = R1.Length;
var degree = trsData.Angle * 180 / Math.PI;
double radian = trsData.Angle;
double cosRadian = Cos(radian);
double sinRadian = Sin(radian);
int newWidth = (int)(w1 * Abs(cosRadian) + h1 * Abs(sinRadian));
int newHeight = (int)(h1 * Abs(cosRadian) + w1 * Abs(sinRadian));
Console.WriteLine( "Create Jagged (sec)" );
byte[][] R2 = CreateJagged(newWidth, newHeight);
Console.WriteLine( stw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 );
Console.WriteLine( "Length : {0} / (ms)", R1.Length );
for (int i = 0; i < R1.Length; i++)
var reshaped = R1[i].Reshape(1, w1).ToJagged();
Stopwatch stwinnter = new Stopwatch();
rotateGeneral(ref R2, trsData, reshaped, i, w1, h1);
Console.WriteLine( stwinnter.ElapsedMilliseconds );
return R2;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
public static void xytransform(ref byte[][] target, TrnsData data, byte[][] src, int hidx, int xmax, int ymax)
var h = src.GetLength(0);
var w = src[0].GetLength(0);
var tcenterX = (int)xmax / 2;
var tcenterY = (int)ymax / 2;
var xshift = (int)(data.XSrcCnter - tcenterX);
var yshift = (int)(data.YSrcCnter - tcenterY);
for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
if (i - xshift >= 0
&& j - yshift >= 0
&& i - xshift < target[0].Length
&& j - yshift < target.Length)
var yidx = (j - yshift + hidx).ToString();
var xidx = (i - xshift).ToString();
if (j - yshift + hidx * h < target.Length
&& i - xshift < target[0].Length)
{ target[j - yshift + hidx * h][i - xshift] = src[j][i]; }
public static void rotateGeneral(ref byte[][] target, TrnsData data, byte[][] G, int hidx, int oldw, int oldh)
double radian = data.Angle;
var newWidth = target[0].Length;
var newHeight = target.Length;
double cosRadian = Cos(radian);
double sinRadian = Sin(radian);
int centerX = oldw / 2;
int centerY = oldh / 2;
int diffX = (newWidth - oldw) / 2;
int diffY = (newHeight - oldh) / 2;
double sourceX, sourceY;
int isourceX, isourceY;
int isourceX2, isourceY2;
int h = G.Length;
var temptarget = target;
Parallel.For( 0, target.Length ,
y =>
for (int x = 0; x < temptarget[0].Length; x++)
var dx = x - (centerX + diffX);
var dy = y - (centerY + diffY);
var xres = dx * cosRadian - dy * sinRadian;
var yres = dx * sinRadian + dy * cosRadian;
var srcX = xres + centerX;
var srcY = yres - hidx * h + centerY;
var isourceX_ = (int)Math.Round( srcX );
var isourceY_ = (int)Math.Round( srcY );
if (isourceY_ < G.Length
&& isourceY_ >= 0
&& isourceX_ < G[0].Length
&& isourceX_ >= 0)
temptarget[y][x] = G[isourceY_][isourceX_];
//catch (Exception es)
// Console.WriteLine( es.ToString() );
} );
target = temptarget;
transData class is this
public struct TrnsData
public double Innerw;
public double Innterh;
public int H;
public int W;
public int XSrcCnter;
public int YSrcCnter;
public int XShift;
public int YShift;
public int dX;
public int dY;
public double Angle; // radian
public class AffinePos
public PointD LB;
public PointD LT;
public PointD RT;
public PointD RB;
public AffinePos(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)
LB = new PointD(x1, y1);
LT = new PointD(x2, y2);
RT = new PointD(x3, y3);
RB = new PointD(x4, y4);
public AffinePos(PointD lb, PointD lt, PointD rt, PointD rb)
LB = lb;
LT = lt;
RT = rt;
RB = rb;
This is extension method for create TrnsData
public static TrnsData ToTrnsData
(this AffinePos srcPos, int w, int h)
var innerh = PosL2(srcPos.LB, srcPos.LT);
var innerw = PosL2(srcPos.RT, srcPos.LT);
var trgPos = srcPos.MoveToCenter(new PointD(w / 2.0, h / 2.0)); // ok
var fcenterX = srcPos.GetCenter().X;
var fcenterY = srcPos.GetCenter().Y;
var lcenterX = trgPos.GetCenter().X;
var lcenterY = trgPos.GetCenter().Y;
var xshift = lcenterX - fcenterX;
var yshift = lcenterY - fcenterY;
var dx = srcPos.LT.X - srcPos.RT.X;
var dy = srcPos.LT.Y - srcPos.RT.Y;
double radian;
if (Abs( dx) < 0.0001)
radian = 1.5708;
else if (Abs(dy) < 0.0001)
radian = 3.14159;
radian = Math.Atan(dy / dx);
return new TrnsData()
H = h,
W = w,
XShift = (int)xshift,
YShift = (int)yshift,
Innerw = innerw,
Innterh = innerh,
XSrcCnter = (int)fcenterX,
YSrcCnter = (int)fcenterY,
dX = (int)dx,
dY = (int)dy,
Angle = radian,
and additional extension method
public static byte[][] CreateJagged(int h, int w)
byte[][] output = new byte[h][];
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
output[i] = new byte[w];
return output;

XNA 2D TileEngine Mouse clicking issue

My problem is that clicks only get registers on the lower right corner and in some cases not even there it seems to get worse the longer you stray from the 0.0 and the likes the worse it gets.
public void Render(SpriteBatch B, Camera C)
Vector2 firstSquare = new Vector2(C.Position.X / 32, C.Position.Y / 32);
int firstX = (int)firstSquare.X;
int firstY = (int)firstSquare.Y;
Vector2 squareOffset = new Vector2(C.Position.X % 32, C.Position.Y % 32);
int offsetX = (int)squareOffset.X;
int offsetY = (int)squareOffset.Y;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 26; x++)
Tile T = GetTile(x + firstX, y + firstY);
if (T == null)
T.RenderWithCamera(B,new Vector2((x*32)-offsetX,(y*32)-offsetY));
public void CheckClick(float mx, float my,Camera C)
Vector2 firstSquare = new Vector2(C.Position.X / 32, C.Position.Y / 32);
int x = (int)firstSquare.X;
int y = (int)firstSquare.Y;
Vector2 squareOffset = new Vector2(C.Position.X % 32, C.Position.Y % 32);
int offsetX = (int)squareOffset.X;
int offsetY = (int)squareOffset.Y;
int vx = (int)mx / 32;
int vy = (int)my / 32;
float x1 = vx + x;
float y1 = vy + y;
int maxX, maxY;
maxX = C.Width / 32;
maxY = C.Height / 32;
Console.WriteLine("MAX_X:" + maxX + "MAX_Y:" + maxY);
Tile T = GetTile(x1, y1);
Rectangle A = new Rectangle((int)mx, (int)my, 1, 1);
if (T == null)
{ Console.WriteLine("No Tile found"); return; }
if (T.IsInside(A))
Console.WriteLine("Not inside?");
Tile S = null;
S = new Wall((int)x1, (int)y1, 0);
if (S != null)
tiles2[(int)T.pos.X, (int)T.pos.Y] = S;
Console.WriteLine("Clicked Tile at X:" + T.pos.X + "Y:" + T.pos.Y);
public bool IsInside(Rectangle B) // TILE
Rectangle rectA = new Rectangle((int)Last_pos.X, (int)Last_pos.Y, icon.Width, icon.Height);
Console.WriteLine("A:" + rectA.X + "A.y:" + rectA.Y + "B.X:" + B.X + "B.Y:" + B.Y);
return true;
return false;
Here's how I like to handle clicking a tilemap.
int xTile = Math.floor((Mouse.X + CameraBounds.left) / Tile.width);
int yTile = Math.floor((Mouse.Y + CameraBounds.top) / Tile.height);

