Pass C# interfaces/classes to F# - c#

I have an existing project written in C#. I would like to move part of its business logic to F#.
MyObjectX is a C# class that runs scientific algorithms.
For MyObjectX to run it needs to implement a couple of interfaces, and some dependencies that are injected via methods (not constructor). Example:
public class MyObjectX(): IMathSolver, IBusinessSolver
//private fields
private int operationMode;
private ISignalProvider signal;
//Inject dependcy via method
public void SetSignalProvider(ISignalProvider signal)
this.signal = signal;
//implemention of above interfaces
public double MethodMathSolver()
public double Method1BusinessSolver()
public double Method2MathSolver(IResultProvider provider)
var x = provider.GetValueAtTime(0.1);
So now I would like to implement MyObjectX in F#. What is the best way to do that so i can be as functional as possible in my code?
Make the existing C# MyObjectX behave as a wrapper/facade between the rest of C# classes and the F# library were the algorithms are implemented in F# modules.
Write a F# class of MyObjectX class that implements the interfaces, and probably call other F# modules.
Or non of them. please advise.
Also what is the best way to pass the dependencies of C# to F# like 'IResultProvider/ISignalProvider'? Do i need to use mutable variables that will get populated with the dependencies via functions in F#?
Please advise. if you can share a code sample i would be thankful.

I think you could choose between 1 and 2. These are certainly the two most reasonable approaches.
I think that the option 2 might be better, because the F# implementation can then stay in simple F# modules using the most idiomatic F# style (such as passing functions around as arguments). The idiomatic F# code is not always easy to use from C#, so if you wrap it in an F# class that implements the required C# interfaces, you are hiding the "F# details" from the C# code, which is good.
Have a look at:
F# Component Design Guidelines which says more things about how to design F# components in a way that makes them easy to use from C#.
Interfaces (F#) on MSDN and Interfaces page at F# for Fun and Profit for more details about how to actually write such interface implementation in F#.

FWIW, the (more or less) direct translation of MyObjectX is
type MyObjectX() =
let mutable operationMode = 0
let mutable sp : ISignalProvider = Unchecked.defaultof<ISignalProvider>
member this.SetSignalProvider signal = sp <- signal
interface IMathSolver with
member this.MethodMathSolver () =
member this.Method2MathSolver provider =
let x = provider.GetValueAtTime 0.1
interface IBusinessSolver with
member this.Method1BusinessSolver () = 0.0
although I had to guess at a couple of the interface definitions.
However, this isn't particularly functional. For more information about moving from an object-oriented to a functional mindset, see

So long as the interface is defined in an assembly referenced by the F# project you can just implement MyObjectX directly
type MyObjectX(signal : ISignalProvider) =
let mutable operationMode : int = 0; // assuming this changes
interface IMathSolver with
member x.GetMethodMathSolver() : double =
// ...
member x.MethodBusinessSolver() : double =

Take a look at the F# documentation. It is possible to create .NET classes and interfaces trivially and to use those within the language.
If you are looking to use IoC, you should have no problem injecting an F# implementation into a C# module and vice versa. Just have a play!

I'd say go for (1).
That way, you'll have make your life easier referencing F# from other F# code, and the wrapper should be trivial to write. That will aslo add a level of indirection, letting you change the C# interface or the F# code without affecting the other side of the system.


How to properly partition code in a C# functional library?

As a premise one of a key difference of FP design about reusable libraries (for what I'm learning), is that these are more data-centric that corresponding OO (in general).
This seems confirmed also from emerging techniques like TFD (Type-First-Development), well explained by Tomas Petricek in this blog post.
Nowadays language are multi-paradigm and the same Petricek in its book explains various functional techniques usable from C#.
What I'm interested here and, hence the question, is how to properly partition code.
So I've defined library data structures, using the equivalent of discriminated unions (as shown in Petricek book), and I project to use them with immutable lists and/or tuples according to the domain logic of mine requirements.
Where do I place operations (methods ... functions) that acts on data structures?
If I want define an high-order function that use a function value embodied in a standard delegates Func<T1...TResult>, where do I place it?
Common sense says me to group these methods in static classes, but I'd like a confirmation from people that already wrote functional libs in C#.
Assuming that this is correct and I've an high-order function like this:
static class AnimalTopology {
IEnumerable<Animal> ListVertebrated(Func<Skeleton, bool> selector) {
// remainder omitted
If choosing vertebrated animal has N particular cases that I want to expose in the library, what's the more correct way to expose them.
static class VertebratedSelectorsA {
// this is compatible with "Func<Skeleton, bool> selector"
static bool Algorithm1(Skeleton s) {
static class VertebratedSelectorsB {
// this method creates the function for later application
static Func<Skeleton, bool> CreateAlgorithm1Selector(Skeleton s) {
// ...
Any indication will be very appreciated.
I want to quote two phrases from T. Petricek, Real World Functional Programming foreword by Mads Torgersen:
[...] You can use functional programming techniques in C# to great benefit,
though it is easier and more natural to do so in F#.
Functional programming is a state of mind. [...]
I feel there's a necessity to further clarify the question. The functional mentioned in the title strictly relates to Functional Programming; I'm not asking the more functional way of grouping methods, in the sense of more logic way or the the way that make more sense in general.
This implies that the implementation will try to follow as more as possible founding concepts of FP summarized by NOOO manifesto and quoted here for convenience and clarity:
Functions and Types over classes
Purity over mutability
Composition over inheritance
Higher-order functions over method dispatch
Options over nulls
The question is around how to layout a C# library wrote following FP concepts, so (for example) it's absolutely not an option putting methods inside data structure; because this is a founding Object-Oriented paradigm.
Also if the question got response (and various comments), I don't want give the wrong impression that there has been said that one programming paradigm is superior than another.
As before I'll mention an authority on FP, Don Syme, in its book Expert F# 3.0 (ch.20 - Designing F# Libraries - pg.565):
[...] It's a common misconception that the functional and OO programming methodologies compete; in fact, they're largely orthogonal. [...]
Note: If you want a shorter, more-to-the-point answer, see my other answer. I am aware that this one here might seem to ramble & go on forever & talk past your issue, but perhaps it will give you a few ideas.
It is difficult to answer your question without knowing the exact relationship between Animal and Skeleton. I will make a recommendation about this relationship in the second half of my answer, but before I do that, I will simply go along with what I see in your post.
First I will try to infer a few things from your code:
static class AnimalTopology
// Note: I made this function `static`... or did you omit the keyword on purpose?
static IEnumerable<Animal> ListVertebrated(Func<Skeleton, bool> selector)
If you have designed that function according to functional principles, it should have no side-effects. That is, its output relies only on its arguments. (And in a semi-object-oriented setting, perhaps on other static members of AnimalTopology; but since you didn't show any, let us ignore that possibility.)
If the function is indeed side-effect-free (and does not access static members of AnimalTopology), then the function's type signature suggests that it is possible to derive an Animal from a Skeleton, because it accepts something that acts on Skeletons and returns Animals.
If this is also true, then let me assume the following for the sake of being able to give an answer:
class Skeleton
public Animal Animal { get { … } } // Skeletons have animals!? We'll get to that.
Now it is obvious that your function is impossible to implement, since it could derive Animals from Skeletons, but it doesn't receive any Skeleton at all; it only receives a predicate function that acts on a Skeleton. (You could fix this by adding a second parameter of type Func<IEnumerable<Skeleton>> getSkeletons, but...)
In my opinion, something like the following would make more sense:
static IEnumerable<Animal> GetVertebrates(this IEnumerable<Skeleton> skeletons,
Func<Skeleton, bool> isVertebrate)
return skeletons
.Select(s => s.Animal);
Now, one might wonder why you are guessing animals from their skeletons; and isn't the bool property "is vertebrate" an inherent property of an animal (or skeleton)? Are there really several ways to decide on this?
I would suggest the following:
class Animal
Skeleton Skeleton { get; } // not only vertebrates have skeletons!
class Vertebrate : Animal { … } // vertebrates are a kind of animal
static class AnimalsExtensions
static IEnumerable<Vertebrate> ThatAreVertebrates(this IEnumerable<Animal> animals)
return animals.OfType<Vertebrate>();
Please note the use of extension methods above. Here's an example how to use it:
List<Animal> animals = …;
IEnumerable<Vertebrate> vertebrates = animals.ThatAreVertebrates();
Now suppose your extension method did more complex work. In that case, it might be a good idea to put it inside its own designated "algorithm type":
interface IVertebrateSelectionAlgorithm
IEnumerable<Vertebrate> GetVertebrates(IEnumerable<Animal> animals);
This has the advantage that it can be set up / parameterized e.g. via a class constructor; and you could split up the algorithm into several methods that all reside in the same class (but are all private except for GetVertebrates.)
Of course you can do the same kind of parameterization with functional closures, but in my experience that quickly gets messy in a C# setting. Here, classes are a good means to group a set of functions together as one logical entity.
Where do I place operations (methods ... functions) that acts on data structures?
I see four common approaches (in no particular order):
Put the functions inside the data structures. (This is the object-oriented "method" approach. It is suitable when a function acts only on an instance of that type. It is perhaps less appropriate e.g. when a function "draws together" several objects of different types, and spits out an object of yet another type. In this case, I would...)
Put the functions inside their own designated "algorithm classes". (This seems reasonable when the functions do much or complex work, or need to be parameterized/configured, or where you might want to split the algorithm into several functions that you can then logically "group" together by putting them in a class type.)
Turn the functions into lambdas (a.k.a. anonymous delegates, closures, etc.). (This works well if they're small and you only need them in one specific place; the code won't be easily reusable in a different place.)
Put the functions in a static class and make them extension methods. (That's how LINQ to Objects works. It is a hybrid functional & object-oriented approach. It takes some extra care to get the discoverability / namespacing issue right. Many people will think this approach breaks "encapsulation" when taken too far. For a counter-argument, read the excellent C++ article "How Non-Member Functions Improve Encapsulation"; substitute "extension method" for "non-member friend function".)
Note: I could go into each of these in more detail if people want, but before I do that, I'll wait and see what kind of feedback this answer receives.

Implement method decorators in C#

In python is possible to implement function decorators to extend the behavior of functions and methods.
In particular I'm migrating a device lib from python to C#. The communication with device can generate errors which should reraised with custom exception.
In python I would write like this:
#device_error_wrapper("Device A", "Error while setting output voltage.")
def set_voltage(self, voltage):
Safely set the output voltage of device.
self.__handle.write(":source:voltage:level {0}".format(voltage))
This method call would expand to
self.__handle.write(":source:voltage:level {0}".format(voltage))
except Error:
raise DeviceError("Error while setting output voltage.", "DeviceA")
With this pattern you can easily wrap and extend methods without having to write every try-except clause in every method.
Is it to possible to implement a similar pattern using C#?
If the implementation of the decorator (device_error_wrapper) is needed, please tell.
As others have pointed out, tools like PostSharp allow you to weave in the cross cutting logic during (actually, after) compilation.
The alternative is to do it in runtime. Some IoC tools allow you to define the interceptors which are then added to proxy classes to your implementation. This sounds much more complex then it really is, so I will show an example based on Castle DynamicProxy.
First you define your class which needs to be wrapped.
public class OrderManagementService : IOrderManagementService
public virtual Guid CreateOrder(string orderCode)
Order order = new Order(orderCode);
order.Save(order); // ActiveRecord-like implementation
return order.Id;
RequiredPermission serves as a decorator here. The class itself is adorned with Interceptor attribute specifying the handler for the interface method calls. This can also be put into configuration, so it is hidden from the class.
The interceptor implementation contains the decorator logic
class SecurityInterceptor : IMethodInterceptor
public object Intercept(IMethodInvocation invocation, params object[] args)
MethodInfo method = invocation.Method;
if (method.IsDefined(typeof(RequiredPermission), true) // method has RequiredPermission attribute
&& GetRequiredPermission(method) != Context.Caller.Permission) {
throw new SecurityException("No permission!");
return invocation.Proceed(args);
private Permission GetRequiredPermission(MethodInfo method)
RequiredPermission attribute = (RequiredPermission)method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredPermission), false)[0];
return attribute.Permission;
There are some drawbacks, however:
with DynamicProxy you can only wrap interfaces and virtual methods.
you need to instantiate the object via IoC container and not directly (which is not a problem if you already use IoC container)
You can achieve something similar using Aspect Oriented Programming. I've only used PostSharp in the past but it's not free for commercial use though.
There are other AOP solutions out there and you can certainly achieve something similar using Mono.Cecil, but it would require more work.
Reza Ahmadi wrote a nice little introduction article called Aspect Oriented Programming Using C# and PostSharp. It can give you a clear enough idea of what to expect and how it works.
There's no easy way to implement such decorators in C# - custom Attributes are by default only descriptive. There are however projects that extend C# compiler or runtime so that you can actually use this. I think the best one is PostSharp. With it you can define such method decorator ("aspect" in general) and the method gets wrapped during compilation like you need.
I've also seen this implemented by actually wrapping your classes by decorator classes, but that's a lot of work and I don't think it can be done in a really general way. Wikipedia shows this in Decorator Pattern article
As others have mentioned you are looking for AOP. PostSharp is a good post compile solution, but Castle DynamicProxy is a runtime AOP solution.

Is there a convenient way to map all interface methods onto a subobject?

Suppose I need to inherit from two classes in C#. This is not allowed, so I can do the following: inherit from one of the classes and include the other class as a member variable, inherit from its interfaces and reimplement all methods of those interfaces by redirecting them onto that member variable:
interface SecondBaseInterface {
void FirstMethod();
void SecondMethod();
class MyClass : FirstBaseClass, SecondBaseInterface {
public void FirstMethod()
public void SecondMethod()
SecondBaseClass secondBase = new SecondBaseClass();
now this works, but if there's a lot of methods in SecondBaseInterface it will require lot of typing of code that in fact does nothing useful and I'll have to maintain that code in case SecondBaseInterface changes.
Is there some C# feature that would tell the compiler "for all methods of SecondBaseInterface please call corresponding methods of this member variable" or some other convenient way to do such massive redirection?
There is no simple language feature that springs to mind, here are a few ideas:
Use .NET4.0 DynamicObject, where you can add properties / members on the fly.
Use Aspect Oriented Priogramming, or IL Weaving to add a mixin. See PostSharp for example.
Use some form of code generation, e.g. ReSharper.
I'd like to have that opportunity too, but I don't think it exists. Don't be afraid of doing this, though, if you really need a class that can act as both of its superclasses: it's the well-known delegation pattern (as you probably know).
I think almost every seasoned C# developer has probably wished for this at some stage - especially those who are former Delphi developers. It's called "implementation by delegation", and it was available in Delphi.
In fact the man responsible for this Delphi feature, Steve Teixeira, now works at MSFT. Here's a blog entry where he talks about it.
Unfortunately C# can't do this as the the CLI doesn't support implementation by delegation.
I know the pain.
So much that I've started my own project to solve this: NRoles.
This brings a form of trait (pdf) to C#.
Your code would look like this:
class FirstRole : Role {
public void FirstMethod() { ... }
public void SecondMethod() { ... }
class SecondRole : Role {
class MyClass : Does<FirstRole>, Does<SecondRole> {
You can also implement interfaces through the roles, and they'll be carried over to the composing class.

Polymorphic Numerics on .Net and In C#

It's a real shame that in .Net there is no polymorphism for numbers, i.e. no INumeric interface that unifies the different kinds of numerical types such as bool, byte, uint, int, etc. In the extreme one would like a complete package of abstract algebra types.
Joe Duffy has an article about the issue:,guid,14b37ade-3110-4596-9d6e-bacdcd75baa8.aspx
How would you express this in C#, in order to retrofit it, without having influence over .Net or C#?
I have one idea that involves first defining one or more abstract types (interfaces such as INumeric - or more abstract than that) and then defining structs that implement these and wrap types such as int while providing operations that return the new type (e.g. Integer32 : INumeric; where addition would be defined as
public Integer32 Add(Integer32 other)
return Return(Value + other.Value);
I am somewhat afraid of the execution speed of this code but at least it is abstract.
No operator overloading goodness...
Any other ideas?
.Net doesn't look like a viable long-term platform if it cannot have this kind of abstraction I think - and be efficient about it.
Abstraction is reuse.
This is an example implementation type signature so far:
public struct Integer32 : INumeric<Integer32, Int32>, IOrder<Integer32, Int32>
Compensating for the lack of covariant return types.
Someone has already gone to the effort of writing something which may solve your delemma. It's called Generic Operators, and is available in the Miscellaneous Utility Library.
The csharp language team is already looking into this. If you want a view onto the future of type classes in C# start reading at
It seems to have the support of Mads Torgesson so it's not just a random post by a wandering Haskell fanboy.
The example given of a typeclass or shape in C# land is
public shape SGroup<T>
static T operator +(T t1, T t2);
static T Zero { get; }
notice this is not like an interface. It is declaring static method that belong to SGroup. Read on for more details and discussion.
If you plan to use C# 4.0 then you can easily simulate generic mathematical operations using dynamic. Here is an example of a simple addition function (for more information see this blog):
public static T Add<T>(T a, T b) {
dynamic ad = a;
dynamic bd = b;
return ad + bd;
I haven't played with this, so I can't say much about the performance. There will certainly be some performance price for using dynamic, but I think the DLR should be able to do very effective optimizations if you'll invoke the function multiple times. In fact, I won't be surprised if it had similar performance profile as Generic Operators mentioned above.

Should C# have multiple inheritance? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I have come across numerous arguments against the inclusion of multiple inheritance in C#, some of which include (philosophical arguments aside):
Multiple inheritance is too complicated and often ambiguous
It is unnecessary because interfaces provide something similar
Composition is a good substitute where interfaces are inappropriate
I come from a C++ background and miss the power and elegance of multiple inheritance. Although it is not suited to all software designs there are situations where it is difficult to deny it's utility over interfaces, composition and similar OO techniques.
Is the exclusion of multiple inheritance saying that developers are not smart enough to use them wisely and are incapable of addressing the complexities when they arise?
I personally would welcome the introduction of multiple inheritance into C# (perhaps C##).
Addendum: I would be interested to know from the responses who comes from a single (or procedural background) versus a multiple inheritance background. I have often found that developers who have no experience with multiple inheritance will often default to the multiple-inheritance-is-unnecessary argument simply because they do not have any experience with the paradigm.
I've never missed it once, not ever. Yes, it [MI] gets complicated, and yes, interfaces do a similar job in many ways - but that isn't the biggest point: in the general sense, it simply isn't needed most of the time. Even single inheritance is overused in many cases.
Prefer aggregation over inheritance!
class foo : bar, baz
is often better handled with
class foo : Ibarrable, Ibazzable
public Bar TheBar{ set }
public Baz TheBaz{ set }
public void BarFunction()
public Thing BazFunction( object param )
return TheBaz.doSomethingComplex(param);
This way you can swap in and out different implementations of IBarrable and IBazzable to create multiple versions of the App without having to write yet another class.
Dependency injection can help with this a lot.
One of the issues with dealing with multiple inheritance is the distinction between interface inheritance and implementation inheritance.
C# already has a clean implementation of interface inheritance (including choice of implicit or explicit implementations) by using pure interfaces.
If you look at C++, for each class you specify after the colon in the class declaration, the kind of inheritance you get is determined by the access modifier (private, protected, or public). With public inheritance, you get the full messiness of multiple inheritance—multiple interfaces are mixed with multiple implementations. With private inheritance, you just get implementation. An object of "class Foo : private Bar" can never get passed to a function that expects a Bar because it's as if the Foo class really just has a private Bar field and an automatically-implemented delegation pattern.
Pure multiple implementation inheritance (which is really just automatic delegation) doesn't present any problems and would be awesome to have in C#.
As for multiple interface inheritance from classes, there are many different possible designs for implementing the feature. Every language that has multiple inheritance has its own rules as to what happens when a method is called with the same name in multiple base classes. Some languages, like Common Lisp (particularly the CLOS object system), and Python, have a meta-object protocol where you can specify the base class precedence.
Here's one possibility:
abstract class Gun
public void Shoot(object target) {}
public void Shoot() {}
public abstract void Reload();
public void Cock() { Console.Write("Gun cocked."); }
class Camera
public void Shoot(object subject) {}
public virtual void Reload() {}
public virtual void Focus() {}
//this is great for taking pictures of targets!
class PhotoPistol : Gun, Camera
public override void Reload() { Console.Write("Gun reloaded."); }
public override void Camera.Reload() { Console.Write("Camera reloaded."); }
public override void Focus() {}
var pp = new PhotoPistol();
Gun gun = pp;
Camera camera = pp;
pp.Shoot(); //Gun.Shoot()
pp.Reload(); //writes "Gun reloaded"
camera.Reload(); //writes "Camera reloaded"
pp.Cock(); //writes "Gun cocked."
camera.Cock(); //error: Camera.Cock() not found
((PhotoPistol) camera).Cock(); //writes "Gun cocked."
camera.Shoot(); //error: Camera.Shoot() not found
((PhotoPistol) camera).Shoot();//Gun.Shoot()
pp.Shoot(target); //Gun.Shoot(target)
camera.Shoot(target); //Camera.Shoot(target)
In this case, only the first listed class's implementation is implicitly inherited in the case of a conflict. The class for other base types must be explicitly specified to get at their implementations. To make it more idiot-proof, the compiler can disallow implicit inheritance in the case of a conflict (conflicting methods would always require a cast).
Also, you can implement multiple inheritance in C# today with implicit conversion operators:
public class PhotoPistol : Gun /* ,Camera */
PhotoPistolCamera camera;
public PhotoPistol() {
camera = new PhotoPistolCamera();
public void Focus() { camera.Focus(); }
class PhotoPistolCamera : Camera
public override Focus() { }
public static Camera implicit operator(PhotoPistol p)
It's not perfect, though, as it's not supported by the is and as operators, and System.Type.IsSubClassOf().
Here is a very useful case for multiple inheritance that I run into all of the time.
As a toolkit vendor, I cannot change published API's or I will break backwards compatibility. One thing that results from that is that I cannot ever add to an interface once I have released it because it would break compilation for anyone implementing it -- the only option is to extend the interface.
This is fine for existing customers, but new ones would see this hierarchy as needlessly complex, and if I were designing it from the beginning, I would not opt to implement it this way -- I have to, or else I will lose backwards compatibility. If the interface is internal, then I just add to it and fix the implementors.
In many cases, the new method to the interface has an obvious and small default implementation, but I cannot provide it.
I would prefer to use abstract classes and then when I have to add a method, add a virtual one with a default implementation, and sometimes we do this.
The issue, of course, is if this class would likely be mixed in to something that is already extending something -- then we have no choice but to use an interface and deal with extension interfaces.
If we think we have this problem in a big way, we opt for a rich event model instead -- which I think is probably the right answer in C#, but not every problem is solved this way -- sometimes you want a simple public interface, and a richer one for extenders.
C# supports single inheritance, interfaces and extension methods. Between them, they provide just about everything that multiple inheritance provides, without the headaches that multiple inheritance brings.
Multiple inheritance isn't supported by the CLR in any way I'm aware of, so I doubt it could be supported in an efficient way as it is in C++ (or Eiffel, which may do it better given that the language is specifically designed for MI).
A nice alternative to Multiple Inheritance is called Traits. It allows you to mix together various units of behavior into a single class. A compiler can support traits as a compile-time extension to the single-inheritance type system. You simply declare that class X includes traits A, B, and C, and the compiler puts the traits you ask for together to form the implementation of X.
For example, suppose you are trying to implement IList(of T). If you look at different implementations of IList(of T), they often share some of the exact same code. That's were traits come in. You just declare a trait with the common code in it and you can use that common code in any implementation of IList(of T) -- even if the implementation already has some other base class. Here's what the syntax might look like:
/// This trait declares default methods of IList<T>
public trait DefaultListMethods<T> : IList<T>
// Methods without bodies must be implemented by another
// trait or by the class
public void Insert(int index, T item);
public void RemoveAt(int index);
public T this[int index] { get; set; }
public int Count { get; }
public int IndexOf(T item)
EqualityComparer<T> comparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
if (comparer.Equals(this[i], item))
return i;
return -1;
public void Add(T item)
Insert(Count, item);
public void Clear()
{ // Note: the class would be allowed to override the trait
// with a better implementation, or select an
// implementation from a different trait.
for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
public bool Contains(T item)
return IndexOf(item) != -1;
public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
foreach (T item in this)
array[arrayIndex++] = item;
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
public bool Remove(T item)
int i = IndexOf(item);
if (i == -1)
return false;
return true;
return GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
yield return this[i];
And you use the trait like this:
class MyList<T> : MyBaseClass, DefaultListMethods<T>
public void Insert(int index, T item) { ... }
public void RemoveAt(int index) { ... }
public T this[int index] {
get { ... }
set { ... }
public int Count {
get { ... }
Of course, I'm just scratching the surface here. For a more complete description, see the paper Traits: Composable Units of Behavior (PDF).
The Rust language (from Mozilla) has implemented Traits in an interesting way: they noticed that traits are similar to default interface implementations, so they unified interfaces and traits into a single feature (which they call traits). The main difference between traits and default interface implementations (which Java now has) is that traits can contain private or protected methods, unlike traditional interface methods that must be public. If traits and interfaces are not unified into a single feature, then another difference is that you can have a reference to an interface, but you can't have a reference to a trait; a trait is not itself a type.
I actually miss multiple inheritance for one specific reason... the dispose pattern.
EVERY time that I need to implement the dispose pattern, I say to myself: "I wish I could just derive from a class that implements the dispose pattern with a few virtual overrides." I copy and paste the same boiler-plate code into every class that implements IDispose and I hate it.
I would argue against multiple inheritance simply for the reason you state. Developers will misuse it. I've seen enough problems with every class inheriting from a utility class, just so you can call a function from every class without needing to type so much, to know that multiple inheritance would lead to bad code in many situations. The same thing could be said about GoTo, which is one of the reasons it's use is so frowned upon. I think that multiple inheritance does have some good uses, just like GoTo, In an ideal world, where they were both only used when appropriately, there would be no problems. However, the world is not ideal, so we must protect bad programmers from themselves.
YES! YES! and YES!
Seriously, I've been developing GUI libraries my entire career, and MI (Multiple Inheritance) makes this FAR easier than SI (Single Inheritance)
First I did SmartWin++ in C++ (MI heavily used) then I did Gaia Ajax and finally now Ra-Ajax and I can with extreme confident state that MI rules for some places. One of those places being GUI libraries...
And the arguments claiming that MI "is too complex" and such are mostly put there by people trying to construct language wars and happens to belong to the camp which "currently doesn't have MI"...
Just like functional programming languages (like Lisp) have been taught (by the "non-Lispers") as "too complex" by non-functional programming language advocates...
People are afraid of the unknown...
I'm happy that C# does not have Multiple Inheritance, even though it would sometimes be convenient. What I would like to see instead is the ability to provide a default implementation of an interface method. That is:
interface I
void F();
void G();
class DefaultI : I
void F() { ... }
void G() { ... }
class C : I = DefaultI
public void F() { ... } // implements I.F
In this case, ((I)new C()).F() will call C's implementation of I.F(), while ((I)new C()).G() will call DefaultI's implementation of I.G().
There are a number of issues that the language designers would have to work out before this could be added to the language, but none that are very hard, and the result would cover many of the needs that make Multiple Inheritance desirable.
I have been working with C# since it was first available as an alpha/beta release and have never missed multiple inheritance. MI is nice for some things but there are almost always other ways to achieve the same result (some of which actually end up being simpler or creating an easier to understand implementation).
Multiple inheritance in general can be useful and many OO languages implement it one way or another (C++, Eiffel, CLOS, Python...). Is it essential? No. Is it nice to have? Yes.
I challenge everyone who votes me down to show me any example of multiple inheritance that I can't easily port to a language with single inheritance. Unless anyone can show any such sample, I claim it does not exist. I have ported tons of C++ code (MH) to Java (no-MH) and that was never a problem, no matter how much MH the C++ code used.
Nobody could ever prove so far that multiple inheritance has any advantage over other techniques you mentioned in your post (using interfaces and delegates I can get exactly the same result without much code or overhead), while it has a couple of well known disadvantages (diamond problem being the most annoying ones).
Actually multiple inheritance is usually abused. If you use OO design to somehow model the real world into classes, you will never get to the point where multiple inheritance makes actually sense. Can you provide a useful example for multiple inheritance? Most of the examples I've seen so far are actually "wrong". They make something a subclass, that is in fact just an extra property and thus actually an interface.
Take a look at Sather. It is a programming language, where interfaces do have multiple inheritance, as why not (it can't create a diamond problem), however classes that are no interfaces have no inheritance whatsoever. They can only implement interfaces and they can "include" other objects, which makes these other objects a fixed part of them, but that is not the same as inheritance, it's rather a form of delegation (method calls "inherited" by including objects are in fact just forwarded to instances of these objects encapsulated in your object). I think this concept is pretty interesting and it shows you can have a complete clean OO language without any implementation inheritance at all.
(for voting)
one of the truly nice and (at the time) novel things about the DataFlex 4GL v3+ (I know, I know, Data what?) was its support for mixin inheritance - the methods from any other classes could be reused in your class; as long as your class provided the properties that these methods used, it worked just fine, and there was no "diamond problem" or other multiple-inheritance "gotchas" to worry about.
i would like to see something like this in C# as it would simplify certain kinds of abstraction and contruction issues
Instead of multiple inheritance, you can use mixins which is a better solution.
I think it would over-complicate things without providing enough ROI. We already see people butcher .NET code with too-deep inheritance trees. I can just imagine the atrocities if people had the power to do multiple inheritance.
I won't deny that it has potential, but I just don't see enough benefit.
While there are certainly instances where it can be useful, I have found that most of the time when I think I need it, I really don't.
A colleague wrote this blog about how to get something like multiple inheritance in C# with Dynamic Compilation:
I think its simple really. Just like any other complex programming paradigm, you can misuse it and hurt yourself. Can you misuse objects (oh yes!), but that doesn't mean OO is bad in itself.
Similarly with MI. If you do not have a large 'tree' of inherited classes, or a lot of classes that provide the same named methods, then you will be perfectly fine with MI. In fact, as MI provides the implementation, you'll often be better off than a SI implementation where you have to re-code, or cut&paste methods to delegated objects. Less code is better in these cases.. you can make an almighty mess of sharing code by trying to re-use objects through interface inheritance. And such workarounds don't smell right.
I think the single-inheritance model of .NET is flawed: they should have gone with interfaces only, or MI only. Having "half and half" (ie single implementation inheritance plus multiple interface inheritance) is more confusing than it should be, and not elegant at all.
I come from a MI background, and I'm not scared of or burnt by it.
I have posted this here a couple of times but I just think it is really cool. You can learn how to fake MI here. I also think the article highlights why MI is such a pain even if that was not intended.
I neither miss it or need it, I prefer to use composition of objects to achieve my ends. That is really the point of the article as well.
I've used multiple inheritence in C++ myself too, but you really have to know what you're doing in order to not get yourself in trouble, especially if you have two base classes which share a grandparent. Then you can get into issues with virtual inheritence, having to declare every constructor you're going to call down the chain (which makes binary reuse much harder)... it can be a mess.
More importantly, the way the CLI is currently built precludes MI from being implemented easily. I'm sure they could do it if they wanted, but I have other things I'd rather see in the CLI than multiple inheritence.
Things I'd like to see include some features of Spec#, like non-nullable reference types. I'd also like to see more object safety by being able to declare parameters as const, and the ability to declare a function const (meaning that you are guaranteeing that the internal state of an object won't be changed by the method and the compiler double checks you).
I think that between Single Inheritence, Multiple Interface Inheritence, Generics, and Extension Methods, you can do pretty much anything you need to. If anything could improve things for someone desiring MI, I think some sort of language construct which would would allow easier aggregation and composition is needed. That way you can have a shared interface, but then delegate your implementation to a private instance of the class you would normally inherit from. Right now, that takes a lot of boiler plate code to do. Having a more automated language feature for that would help significantly.
I prefer C++. I've used Java, C#, etc. As my programs get more sophisticated in such an OO environment, I find myself missing Multiple Inheritance. That's my subjective experience.
It can make for amazing spaghetti can make for amazingly elegant code.
I believe languages like C# should give the programmer the option. Just because it maybe too complicated does not mean it will be too complicated. Programming languages should provide the developer with tools to build anything the programmer wants to.
You choose to use those API's a developer already wrote, you dont have too.
Give C# implicits and you will not miss multiple inheritance, or any inheritance for that matter.
No I do not. I use all other OO features to develop what I want. I use Interface and object encapsulation and I am never limited on what I want to do.
I try not to use inheritance. The less I can everytime.
No unless Diamond problem is solved. and you can use composition till this is not solved.
No, we came away from it. You do need it now.
If we introduce Multiple Inheritance then we are again facing the old Diamond problem of C++...
However for those who think it's unavoidable we can still introduce multiple inheritance effects by means of composition (Compose multiple objects in an object and expose public methods which delegate responsibilities to composed object and return)...
So why bother to have multiple inheritance and make your code vulnerable to unavoidable exceptions...

