How to open a form in same window in WPF application - c#

I am learning c# WPF application.
I have a menu which has a dropdown list. In the dropdown there are 3 other items.
Now on clicking an item i want to display the form in the same window.
What i did is that i have created a new wpf form and navigated it from the previous page.
But now i want to open it in the same page itself.
Please help
<DockPanel Height="43" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="dockPanel1"
<Menu Height="47" Name="menu1" Width="Auto" DockPanel.Dock="Top"
VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
<MenuItem Header="_Entry Form" >
<MenuItem Header="_Student Details" Name="studentDetails" Click="studentDetails_Click_1"/>
<MenuItem Header="_Faculty Details" Name="facultyDetails" />
<MenuItem Header="E_xit" Name="exit" />
private void studentDetails_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// to navigate to a new page
Student std = new Student();
Now i donot want to navigate just display the student page in the same window

Firstly, you'll need to add XAML that represents the Student class, probably a bunch of TextBoxes, wrapped in some kind of container, like a Border, Grid, or StackPanel, and set the Visibility property of the container to Collapsed.
When the button is then clicked, you can populate the text boxes (or other UI elements) with the appropriate Student parameters, then set the container's Visibility property to Visible.
I would really recommend you check out the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern, though. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it's well worth the investment.


Populating RibbonComboBox

I am learning WPF and have spent waaaay too much time trying to solve this simple task.
My goal is to add two RibbonComboBoxes to a ribbon control. One for Categories, and another for Subcategories. Whenever the user changes the Category, I would like to have the Subcategories combo box update to show the subcategories for the current category.
<RibbonTab Header="Home">
<RibbonGroup Header="Category">
<RibbonComboBox Label="Category:" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" SelectionBoxWidth="250" Focusable="False">
<RibbonGallery Name="galCategory" DisplayMemberPath="Text" SelectedValuePath="Value">
<RibbonComboBox Label="Subcategory:" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" SelectionBoxWidth="250">
<RibbonGallery Name="galSubcategory" DisplayMemberPath="Text" SelectedValuePath="Value">
I found that only by adding the RibbonGallery element, I can access methods that allow me to populate the combo box. However, while my data shows in the list, the items cannot be selected by the user. (Clicking items in the list has no effect whatsoever.)
Can anyone tell me how to populate these controls?
Note: Bonus points to anyone who can tell me how to make the two combo boxes align up to each other regardless of the length of text in the label!
Add a RibbonGalleryCategory control inside RibbonGallery and then populate it. Add a selection change event listener to RibbonGallery:
<RibbonComboBox Label="Category:" Name="rcmbCategory" SelectionBoxWidth="100" Height="20" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center">
<RibbonGallery Name="galCategory" DisplayMemberPath="Text" SelectedValuePath="Value" SelectionChanged="RibbonGallery_SelectionChanged">
<RibbonGalleryCategory Name="rgcCategory"/>
public MainWindow()
for(int i=0;i<=10;i++)
private void RibbonGallery_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> e)
Refer to CodeProject: RibbonComboBox for more information.

Element is already the child of another element when doesnt exist?

I'm trying to programatically create a button flyout, within my XAML I have:
<Button x:Key="LaunchFlyout" Content="LAUNCH">
<Flyout Placement="Top">
<Grid Width="200" Height="200">
<Rectangle Fill="Red" Width="100" Height="100" />
<Rectangle Fill="Green" Width="100" Height="100" />
Nested within grids I have:
<Grid x:Name="launchBtn_grid" Grid.Column="1">
And then in my code within the Page_Loaded method I have:
bool hasContainer = localSettings.Containers.ContainsKey("appStatus");
if (!hasContainer) {
Button button = (Button)this.Resources["LaunchFlyout"];
else {
Button button = new Button();
button.Content = "LAUNCH";
button.Click += launch_btn_Click;
When I debug this, it reaches the IF statement and reaches this line launchBtn_grid.Children.Add(button); and then I get this error Element is already the child of another element.
Does anyone understand why? I have already looked and they dont already exist so I don't understand why it is giving me this error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I'm not sure in what context/use case your are doing that, but it feels weird to me to have an actual control as a Resource (not a DataTemplate, Style, etc).
If you only want to have 1 button of the 2 different template, why not switch Visibility on the 2 instead of loading controls from your code behind ?
Going forward with the idea, just add both buttons in the Grid within your XAML and switch their Visibility according to the setting you read.
There is a BooleanToVisibilityConverter within the framework to help you with this.

How to handle a DataTemplate inside a tab?

My name is Andrea this is my first post ever.
Frequently you have helped me as a simple reader, now I'm writing because I wanted to direct support.
I have to create and a tab control and with a button "Add Tab" I have to add a new tab with the same content.
Up to this everything is fine.
Within Tab I have a textedit and a combobox.
My problems are two:
1 How do I load the contents of the combobox for each tab I add?
2 Every time I write the text of and a edit tab override also edit the text of the other tab.
Here the code:
Data Template in Xaml:
<DataTemplate x:Key="tabItemContent">
<dxlc:LayoutGroup Orientation="Vertical" Header="Target Description" IsCollapsible="True">
<dxlc:LayoutGroup Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpace="4" >
<dxlc:LayoutItem Label="Name" Margin="10">
<dxe:TextEdit x:Name="TextEdit_NameTarget"/>
<!--Nation e Label-->
<dxlc:LayoutGroup Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpace="12" >
<dxlc:LayoutItem Label="Nation" Margin="10">
<ComboBox x:Name="ComboBox_TargetNazione" />
private void Button_Click_Add(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DataTemplate tabItemDataTemplate = this.TryFindResource("tabItemContent") as DataTemplate;
DXTabItem tabItem = new DXTabItem();
tabItem.Header = "New Tab";
tabItem.ContentTemplate = tabItemDataTemplate;
Here's where to load the list into the combobox:
private void LoadComboBoxNation()
ComboBox_TargetNazione.ItemsSource =
Thank you all for the help that you can give me.
DataTemplates require a simple but fundamental requirement to work properly: you should use the ViewModel-First approach.
Ideally, your tab control should have a Binding to some ViewModel. Then, if you want another tab to appear, you should use your button click to call a Command in your ViewModel, then the ViewModel would add another item to your TabControl ItemsSource property (which would be some collection), and the new item would be displayed "automagically" with its respective DataTemplate.
The idea of WPF is to replace all this imperative code in the View (like the one you posted) with a more indirect one, where your only worry is to manipulate things in the ViewModel, and the "Dumb View" just follows.
Hope this helps, but don't hesitate to ask for additional details in the comments.

Context Menu Style not applied until right click

I have a context menu attached to a button on a toolbar on one of my controls in WPF (.NET 4.0). The context menu has a style assigned to it in the XAML that defines the context menu. Left clicking on the button opens the button's context menu if it isn't opened already.
Here's the relevant XAML:
<Button x:Name="fileButton" Foreground="White" Margin="7, 0, -3, 0" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" MaxHeight="70" MaxWidth="78" MinHeight="55" MinWidth="62" Style="{DynamicResource ImageButton}" utils:WpfImageUtil.Image="{StaticResource fileButton}" Template="{DynamicResource GlassButton}" Content="File" Visibility="Visible" Click="fileButton_Click">
<ContextMenu Style="{DynamicResource ContextMenuStyle}">
<MenuItem x:Name="saveMenuItem" Header="Save" Click="saveMenuItem_Click" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" />
<MenuItem x:Name="saveDrawingMenuItem" Header="Save Drawing" Click="saveMenuItem_Click" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" />
<MenuItem x:Name="openMenuItem" Header="Open" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}">
<MenuItem x:Name="openFromFile" Header="From File" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" />
<MenuItem x:Name="openFromDesktop" Header="From Desktop" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}" />
<MenuItem x:Name="iconsMenuItem" Header="Icons" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}"/>
<MenuItem x:Name="prefsMenuItem" Header="Preferences" Style="{DynamicResource MenuItemStyle}"/>
ContextMenuStyle is defined in a resource dictionary that is properly referenced.
When the context menu is opened with a left click, the style I have defined isn't applied to the menu, as shown below:
However, if the user right-clicks and opens the context menu the traditional way, the style is applied as expected:
Afterwards, left-clicking the button will show the style correctly:
I have been trying to figure this out for some time, but haven't been able to come up with any reason that this issue occurs. It seems like some kind of bug to me, but I'm not entirely sure. I also don't know what happens at the lower level when controls are right-clicked on that would cause the style to get applied correctly.
You should assign ContextMenu Style property in code (FindResource method msdn):
private void fileButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (fileButton.ContextMenu.Style == null)
fileButton.ContextMenu.Style = this.FindResource("ContextMenuStyle") as Style;
fileButton.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true;
ContextMenu Overview (
A ContextMenu is attached to a specific control. The ContextMenu
element enables you to present users with a list of items that specify
commands or options that are associated with a particular control, for
example, a Button. Users right-click the control to make the menu
appear. ...
When you right-click on the control, style will be applied to the ContextMenu. So if you want to open ContextMenu in code, you should check if style is equal null and if it's true, you should assign appropriate style.

Is it possible to put a user control into a context menu

I don't know if this is possible but does anyone know if there is a way to put a user control inside a context menu, I have a dialog for adding items to a list but I would like when I click the add button for the control to be displayed in the context menu instead. (dont like having a lot of dialog's in my app).
Here is what I tried but it doesn't work:
<Button Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="1" Content="Add Item" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
Is there a way to achieve this? (or something similar)
You could try this link, it looks like you might be able to extend ContextMenu like John Dunn did to meet your needs.

