Where is the mysterious EntityFramework database? - c#

In my main project, I have configured a connection string to my database like this:
<add name="DefaultStoreConnection" "provider....">
In my infrastructure project, I have a database context with a default constructor that passes the connection name to the base class:
public DatabaseContext() : base("DefaultStoreConnection") {}
As soon as my application starts, EF generates a 'store.sdf' (SQLCe database) in the application output folder (\bin).
Now, I wanted to reset all migrations and start with a plain database. I deleted the 'store.sdf' in the \bin directory, deleted all migration files and then called in the Package Manager Console:
Enable-Migrations -Force -ProjectName "MyInfrastructureProject" -StartUpProjectName "MyMainProject".
This worked fine, a new migrations configuration class was generated. Then I ran:
Add-Migration Initial -ProjectName....
And then the following line appears:
A previous migration called 'Initial' was already applied to the target database
Where? Where does this migration has been applied to? Where can I reset this 'migration'?

It should be in a folder containing all the migrations, but it's possible that it's deleted after it has been applied to database. You can see list of applied migrations in __MigrationHistory table of your target database. If you wish to rescaffold the database, empty the __MigrationHistory table.

I run to the same problem as you. After a day of google search without a single useful help, i figured it out myself that this is Visual Studio bug where your solution have more than one Mvc projects. The add-migration will check on the older Mvc project to create migration file for your current project (that is why i call it BUG).
To avoid this, you should only use one Mvc project per solution.

Have a look at the app_data folder of your project.


EF Core 3.1: Deleted all Migrations and the Database, how to recreate all tables in a new database?

I deleted all migrations in the migrations folder and also deleted the database in SQL Server.
I know - now - these shouldn't be done, but I need to re-create the database structure to keep the application.
I tried 'add-migration initial' but the it simply generates an empty migration file and an snapshot file. If I try the 'remove-migration' then it complains about some missing migration file.
Is there anyway to 'reset' the snapshot like I just had created the DBContext, so it will create all the tables as in the current DbSet definitions?
I think the following solutions can help you:
First of all, make sure that the database is completely deleted because you said that the database was deleted in SQL. (After you create the first migration, a table called __EFMigrationsHistory is created, where the migration records are stored, if the database is not completely deleted, you must delete this table).
Second, delete the Migrations folder completely.
In the third step, run the following command.
Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations -Force
In the last step, run the following command
Add-Migration Initial
Steps :
Delete the state: Delete the migrations folder in your project
Delete the __MigrationHistory table in your database (may be under
system tables)
Run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations -Force
Use with or without -EnableAutomaticMigrations
And finally, you can run:
Add-Migration Initial
Also this two link can help you :
Reset Entity-Framework Migrations
It seems the problem was in my project!
As #CodingMytra pointed in the comments, there were an active reference to the old database in my project. For some reason it was not rebuilding and not updating, thus not reflecting the changes in the models/dbcontext.
I created a new, empty project, imported all source files, generated a 'Initial' migration and updated the dabase successfully.
Thanks for all replys!

How to safely drop Compact SQL database migration history

I'm developing a WPF app utilizing a SQL Server Compact 4.0 database. For the course of this project, we made several changes in the model structure with a number of code-based and later with automatic migrations. They all are stored in the _MigrationHistory table and represented by several migration classes.
Now it appeared that I need to considerably change the model. Since the app is still in the development phase, dropping data in the database is not a concern. I would like to get rid of the whole previous migration history and start a new clean model. So my question is what steps are to remove the whole history of migrations and start a new history with automatic migrations in the future.
What parts of the project must be deleted and how to do it safely?
First Make sure your project is backed up and your database is also backed up. In case something goes wrong.
If your project is setup using entity framework code first,
In the project you can delete all the migration files in the 'Migrations' folder except 'MigrationConfiguration.cs' contained within the project that is using entity framework.
Also if you are not concerned with dropping the database, then go-ahead and delete the entire database, then create a new one with the same name that is configured in your database context connection string found in your project's config file.
Rebuild your solution and create a new migration by typing the command in the package manager console 'add-migration' and provide a name. This will create a new migration to create the database for all your code first models. If the generated migration file looks correct, then run 'update-database' in the package manager to apply the migration to your empty database.

How to generate Entity Framework Objects from script

I am working on a entity framework project generating the Entity classes using the New-> ADO.NET Entity Data Model -> Code First From Database. I then select nearly 100 tables to generate (not all tables are suitable to go in the model).
Problem is I am regularly updating the schema, and the only way to refresh the model seems to be to delete and start again, which is fine except I have to re-select the nearly 100 tables again.
Is there any easy way of scripting this generation process?
You should look into using Entity Framework Migrations and start doing your schema changes from the code itself
Set the CompanyName.ProjectName.Infrastructure.EfRepository (the project which has your DbContext) as start up project of the solution
Open the Package manager console
Choose CompanyName.ProjectName.Infrastructure.EfRepository as default project
Run the following commands:
Enable-Migrations -ConnectionStringName "EfDataRepository"
Add-Migration Initial -ConnectionStringName "EfDataRepository"
Update-Database -ConnectionStringName "EfDataRepository" -Script -SourceMigration:0
Then delete the auto-generated Migrations folder within the EF project!
Where EfDataRepository is the connection string name.

How to change database after altering model in MVC?

I'm new to ASP.NET and I'm working on this project that uses MVC. It's a simple website development project, and it uses SQL Server CE (.sdf) as the database.
I would like to change a couple of the underlying models, but that causes errors in the database.
I understand that I would need to change the database, and I know it's possible to create models automatically from the database.
I'm wondering if there is any way to create a database from the models. i.e. I don't mind losing all the data, but is there a way for me to change the models and then create a database that supports the existing models.
I hope that makes sense
Yes it possible to
Here is how you can do it.
There are two approaches to accomplish this task.
Method-1. (Via Package Manager Console)
This approach for the Code First.
Open your project and go to Package Manager Console as follows
Tools--> Nuget Package Manager--> Package Manager Console
First Enable Migrations in your project.Type following in console.
enable-migrations -contexttypename yourContextName
This command will add a Migrations folder in your project inside this folder you will
see Configuration.cs inside this file you will see a seed method
protected override void Seed(YourContext context)
you can use this method to seed your database.
Now run following command in your package manager console
add-migration anyNameOfInitialMigrations
Finally To update the database simply run following command.
Best approach for Model First.
Open your .edmx file.
Right Click--> on the model and then select "Generate Database From Model"
Make Sure you have proper connection strings in your web.config.

The model backing the '--Context' context has changed since the database was created - but db is new production database

I've got this error for the 762nd time but this time I am getting it as soon as I attempt to access my Production site, straight after deleting the 'production' database on Azure and then publishing my site.
The model backing the 'PropertyContext' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database
I deleted the database because I couldn't fix this issue any other way but it still doesn't work.
Some important points:
I'm using EF6 and publishing to Azure.
This is 1 of 2 projects/sites that uses the same Repo project. I have no
problems with the other one, just this one.
I have tried publishing the problem project first (after deleting the db) and
second with the same result.
I have tried deleting both WEBSITES and the DB from Azure and starting again
I have tried deleting all migrations and starting with a fresh data model
I have tried the following in my Global.asax (in both projects)
Database.SetInitializer PropertyContext>(null); <-- SO won't let me put the first <
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<PropertyContext, MyConfiguration>());
new PropertyContext().Database.Initialize(true);
I'm using .net 4.5
Why am I getting this error on a new database and how can I get this site to work?
Just ran into the same error in ASP.Net application. In my case I did not use Code First, but I used standard ASP.Net authentication provider which apparently uses Code First, and authentication was broken because of this issue.
Here is quick and dirty solution is you don't care much about existing user records:
For me the solution was to drop the dbo.__MigrationHistory table, authentication started working fine after that. Be aware! This solution is not for everyone! This will fix the problem, but it is potentially risky.
If you cannot afford to lose data in AspNet* tables:
ASP.Net authentication provider automatically creates tables in your database:
The tables are empty by default, if you haven't created any new logins for your web site, you can use "quick and dirty" solution above. If you do care about preserving user information or just curios how Code First migrations work, follow these steps:
Open your Web.config file and check the name of the connection string you have for your database. It will be one of the records under <connectionStrings> element.
Open Package Manager Console:
Tools –> Library Package Manager –> Package Manager Console
In Package Manager Console window, use a drop-down to set Default Project. Make sure this is the project that contains ASP.Net authentication provider code.
Execute command:
Update-Database -ConnectionStringName MyConnectionStringName
Replace the MyConnectionStringName with the actual name you looked up in web.config.
As a result of this command you will see a new folder "Migrations" with a bunch of code generated by the Update-Database command. Re-build and re-deploy your app, your new migration code will be executed on startup and would bring the database schema in sync with an updated version of ASP.Net authentication provider code.
When using Code First with Migrations, your database creates a table called __MigrationHistory to track the current schema. When you run your application your Entity Framework will check this table to make sure that the database schema matches your database entities. If they do not match, you will get this error.
To update your database follow these steps:
Open the Package Manager Console (View -> Other Windows -> Package Manager Console) in Visual Studio
In the Package Manager Console Window, there is a drop down with your projects in, make sure it is set to the project that contains your DbContext
Make sure that the project that contains your App.Config / Web.Config file is "Set as Startup Project" (If you have multiple Configs, it must be the one with the Database Connection String defined.
Type Update-Database -ConnectionStringName MyConnString where MyConnString is the name (not the actual connection string) of your connection string in your App.Config / Web.Config
If you get an error like this: "Unable to update database to match the current model because there are pending changes and automatic migration is disabled."
You should enable Automatic Migrations and try again.
To enable Automatic Migrations
In the Migrations folder (in the project with your DbContext), open Configuration.cs.
Make sure the Constructor contains: AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
To stop Entity Framework/DbContext from monitoring changes on your database you could simply delete the __MigrationHistory table in your database. It is then up to you to make sure that the database remains updated manually.
MSDN article here
The solution from this is to use the static method SetInitializer and bind to the context a Null value. If you are working on a Web solution, the best position to write the code is in the Application_Start of your Global.asax.cs file.
protected void Application_Start()
I got a similar problem this morning. Suddenly the error appeared and couldn't be resolved:
The model backing the 'ApplicationDbContext' context has changed since
the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update
the database
I have one project for MVC and another project for the model, context and repositories. I've been working on it for weeks but today it said stop.
I have tried to delete database, enable-migration, add-migration and update-database so many times that I've lost count. I've added initializers to MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion as well as DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges. All in vain...
What finally made it work was to move model, context and repositories into the MVC project (not something I was keen on)...then it worked right out of the box without any code changes at all (besides namespaces)! Very strange...
I've read so many blog posts during the day trying to solve this problem. One of them (I don't know which one) mentioned a bug in Visual Studio 2013 where reference to DLL files weren't always updated as they should, suggesting that my MVC project missed out something when I was running add-migration and update-database in my separate project. But it's just a guess.
I'm using EF 6.1 and .Net 4.5.1 in my solution.
Got a similar problem! Answer is here
(Rick Anderson)
There are two approaches to resolving the error:
Have the Entity Framework automatically drop and re-create the database based on the new model class schema. This approach is very convenient when doing active development on a test database, because it allows you to quickly evolve the model and database schema together. The downside, though, is that you lose existing data in the database — so you don't want to use this approach on a production database!
Explicitly modify the schema of the existing database so that it matches the model classes. The advantage of this approach is that you keep your data. You can make this change either manually or by creating a database change script.
I have spent some hours trying to solve this problem. One project was working, the other one wasn't.
I had different projects referencing different versions of Entity Framework. In my case, I had a Console app and a Windows Service app, both referencing a third project containing code first classes and DbContext.
After running Update-Package EntityFramework everything worked fine in both projects.

