I have an application that supports subdomains. Each subdomain represents a company and thus each subdomain potentially looks and feels like an extension of their own website.
This is done using a companyId which is obtained by this method:
/// <summary>
/// Get our company based from the URI host
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A company</returns>
public Company GetTenant()
var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["domain"];
var currentHost = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["HOST"];
var defaultUri = GetUriFromUrl(host);
var currentUri = GetUriFromUrl(currentHost);
foreach (var company in this.GetAll("Settings"))
if (CheckCompanyByUri(company, currentUri))
return company;
if (!currentUri.IsLoopback && !CompareUrls(currentUri, defaultUri))
throw new Exception("The URL you have specified is not in our systems: " + currentUri.Host);
return null;
So, I have now built an api and want to use OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions but the problem is that the Users for each company are different and are obtained by using the CompanyId.
static Startup()
using (var uow = new UnitOfWork<SkipstoneContext>())
var service = new CompanyService(uow, null);
var company = service.GetTenant(); // HttpContext is not available at this point (so getting the url is impossible)
if (company != null)
var companyId = company.Id;
UserService = new UserService(uow, null, companyId);
PublicClientId = companyId;
OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId, UserService),
AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/Account/ExternalLogin"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
AllowInsecureHttp = true
I don't have access to HttpContext from the Startup class, so is there anyway I can actually get access to the current requested URL from startup?
This isn't available at startup. You will either need to setup separate Virtual Directories in IIS (if you're using it) and have actual different apps handling each virtual directory.
Otherwise you will need to filter on each individual request (most webframeworks have some kind of routing engine for this).
Startup runs, as its name points out, on startup of your application. It's the entry point of the web application. It sets up the stack of middleware, including your application as the last item in the stack.
This means, there is not necessarily any request at that stage.
What you want is to write a middleware that you will plug at the begining of the OWIN pipeline.
In that middleware, you can intecept the request, analyze any parameters you want, and redirect your user before you hit any of you application code.
Is that of any help?
pseudo code example :
public class MyMiddleware : OwinMiddleware
public MyMiddleware(OwinMiddleware next)
: base(next) { }
public override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
//Analyze the request.
//find the client id
in startup :
But you will probably find more relevant examples with some quick google fu :
Here he deals with authentication, and has a redirect in the middleware :
I have several Asp.Net Core Web APIs that use Bearer authentication and IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation middleware to introspect tokens, authenticate the user and create claims. This works fine for HTTP requests.
I am in the process of configuring these APIs to also be MassTransit endpoints (for both Publishing and Consuming messages) using RabbitMQ as transport. I followed the instructions here for adding MassTransit to the API and for setting up message consumers. A typical workflow will be something like:
HTTP Request to API > Publish message on MassTransit > RabbitMQ > Message consumed in another API
What I'm struggling to understand is how I can create a ClaimsPrincipal when consuming messages off the bus so that I know which user to perform actions on behalf of? Where it's not an HTTP request there is no AuthenticationHandler being invoked.
What I've tried so far:
I thought I'd approach this by passing a token (and/or individual claim values) in message headers. The publish part seemed easily enough as MassTransit allows adding any number of custom headers when publishing messages using MassTransit.PublishContextExecuteExtensions.Publish. This allowed me to get messages onto the transport with information identifying a user and this info can be viewed in a consumer by manually viewing the headers e.g.
public class SomeEventConsumer : IConsumer<SomeEventData>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<SomeEventData> context)
var token = context.Headers["token"];
At this point I could take the token and call the Introspection endpoint in Identity Server manually but then I'd need to:
Do this in every consumer every time and then ...
... pass that information down to logic classes etc manually instead of making use of IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Claims or by wrapping the claims and using Dependency Injection.
To address point 1 I created a new custom middleware ...
public class AuthenticationFilter<T> : IFilter<ConsumeContext<T>> where T : class
public void Probe(ProbeContext context)
var scope = context.CreateFilterScope("authenticationFilter");
public async Task Send(ConsumeContext<T> context, IPipe<ConsumeContext<T>> next)
var token = context.Headers.Where(x => x.Key == "token").Select(x => x.Value.ToString()).Single();
// TODO: Call token introspection
await next.Send(context);
public class AuthenticationFilterSpecification<T> : IPipeSpecification<ConsumeContext<T>> where T : class
public void Apply(IPipeBuilder<ConsumeContext<T>> builder)
var filter = new AuthenticationFilter<T>();
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate()
return Enumerable.Empty<ValidationResult>();
public class AuthenticationFilterConfigurationObserver : ConfigurationObserver, IMessageConfigurationObserver
public AuthenticationFilterConfigurationObserver(IConsumePipeConfigurator receiveEndpointConfigurator) : base(receiveEndpointConfigurator)
public void MessageConfigured<TMessage>(IConsumePipeConfigurator configurator)
where TMessage : class
var specification = new AuthenticationFilterSpecification<TMessage>();
public static class AuthenticationExtensions
public static void UseAuthenticationFilter(this IConsumePipeConfigurator configurator)
if (configurator == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configurator));
_ = new AuthenticationFilterConfigurationObserver(configurator);
... and then added that into the pipeline ...
IBusControl CreateBus(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
return Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
// etc ...
And this is where I'm stuck. I don't know how to authenticate the user for the scope of the request. Where it's not an HTTP request I'm not sure what best practice is here. Any suggestions or pointers would be gratefully received. Thanks...
I've just been watching a Kevin Dockx course on Pluralsight that covers this scenario on Azure Service Bus, but the same principal would apply to Mass Transit or any other asynchronous communication between services using a message bus. Here's a link to the section: Securing Microservices in ASP.NET Core
Kevin's technique is to include the access token (JWT) as a property on the bus message and to then validate this in the consumer using IdentityModel.
To summarise:
In the Producer:
Get the Access Token from the request (e.g. HttpContext.GetUserAccessTokenAsync()).
Set this as a property in the message before sending.
In the Consumer:
Use IdentityModel to get the IdP Discovery Document
Extract the public signing keys from the discovery response (these must be converted to RsaSecurityKey)
Call JwtSecurityTokenHandler.ValidateToken() to validate the JWT from the message. This returns a ClaimsPrincipal if successful.
If you're concerned about Access Token expiration, you can make use of the datetime that the message was enqueued as part of the token validation logic in the consumer.
Here's how the validator works (simplified):
var discoveryDocumentResponse = await httpClient.GetDiscoveryDocumentAsync("https://my.authority.com");
var issuerSigningKeys = new List<SecurityKey>();
foreach (var webKey in discoveryDocumentResponse.KeySet.Keys)
var e = Base64Url.Decode(webKey.E);
var n = Base64Url.Decode(webKey.N);
var key = new RsaSecurityKey(new RSAParameters
{ Exponent = e, Modulus = n })
KeyId = webKey.Kid
var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
ValidAudience = "my-api-audience",
ValidIssuer = "https://my.authority.com",
IssuerSigningKeys = issuerSigningKeys
var claimsPrincipal = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().ValidateToken(tokenToValidate,
tokenValidationParameters, out var rawValidatedToken);
return claimsPrincipal;
I have created an IdentityServer4 application, if I login inside that application the user claims are all good. If I login from another client application (MVC) the UserInfo endpoint doesn't return the same claims.
The IdentityServer is configured with ASP.NET Identity, so the UserProfile is already configured to return all UserClaims, like the one I created.
I don't understand why it's not showed on consent view or it's not included in UserInfo endpoint result
Please check for the below points if they can solve your issue
1.) Your Identity resource and API resource should have the required UserClaims.
2.) Check if there is some custom logic to issue requested claims for userinfo endpoint in your profile service.
public class ProfileService : IProfileService
public async Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
if (context.Caller == IdentityServerConstants.ProfileDataCallers.UserInfoEndpoint)
//custom logic to add requested claims
3.) Try to make the property 'GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint=true' in your MVC client AddOpenIdConnect configuration.
have you configured your IdentityResources?
Something like:
public static List<IdentityResource> GetIdentityResources()
// Claims automatically included in OpenId scope
var openIdScope = new IdentityResources.OpenId();
// Available scopes
return new List<IdentityResource>
new IdentityResources.Profile(),
new IdentityResources.Email(),
new IdentityResource(Constants.RolesScopeType, Constants.RolesScopeType,
new List<string> {JwtClaimTypes.Role, Constants.TenantIdClaimType})
//when false (default), the user can deselect the scope on consent screen
Required = true
I am trying to figure out how to best use the HttpClient class in ASP.Net Core.
According to the documentation and several articles, the class is best instantiated once for the lifetime of the application and shared for multiple requests. Unfortunately, I could not find an example of how to correctly do this in Core so I’ve come up with the following solution.
My particular needs require the use of 2 different endpoints (I have an APIServer for business logic and an API driven ImageServer), so my thinking is to have 2 HttpClient singletons that I can use in the application.
I’ve configured my servicepoints in the appsettings.json as follows:
"ServicePoints": {
"APIServer": "http://localhost:5001",
"ImageServer": "http://localhost:5002",
Next, I created a HttpClientsFactory that will instantiate my 2 httpclients and hold them in a static Dictionary.
public class HttpClientsFactory : IHttpClientsFactory
public static Dictionary<string, HttpClient> HttpClients { get; set; }
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IOptions<ServerOptions> _serverOptionsAccessor;
public HttpClientsFactory(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IOptions<ServerOptions> serverOptionsAccessor) {
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<HttpClientsFactory>();
_serverOptionsAccessor = serverOptionsAccessor;
HttpClients = new Dictionary<string, HttpClient>();
private void Initialize()
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// ADD imageServer
var imageServer = _serverOptionsAccessor.Value.ImageServer;
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(imageServer);
HttpClients.Add("imageServer", client);
// ADD apiServer
var apiServer = _serverOptionsAccessor.Value.APIServer;
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiServer);
HttpClients.Add("apiServer", client);
public Dictionary<string, HttpClient> Clients()
return HttpClients;
public HttpClient Client(string key)
return Clients()[key];
Then, I created the interface that I can use when defining my DI later on. Notice that the HttpClientsFactory class inherits from this interface.
public interface IHttpClientsFactory
Dictionary<string, HttpClient> Clients();
HttpClient Client(string key);
Now I am ready to inject this into my Dependency container as follows in the Startup class under the ConfigureServices method.
// Add httpClient service
services.AddSingleton<IHttpClientsFactory, HttpClientsFactory>();
All is now set-up to start using this in my controller.
Firstly, I take in the dependency. To do this I created a private class property to hold it, then add it to the constructor signature and finish by assigning the incoming object to the local class property.
private IHttpClientsFactory _httpClientsFactory;
public AppUsersAdminController(IHttpClientsFactory httpClientsFactory)
_httpClientsFactory = httpClientsFactory;
Finally, we can now use the Factory to request a htppclient and execute a call. Below, an example where I request an image from the imageserver using the httpclientsfactory:
public async Task<ActionResult> GetUserPicture(string imgName)
// get imageserver uri
var imageServer = _optionsAccessor.Value.ImageServer;
// create path to requested image
var path = imageServer + "/imageuploads/" + imgName;
var client = _httpClientsFactory.Client("imageServer");
byte[] image = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(path);
return base.File(image, "image/jpeg");
I’ve tested this and it work great on my development environment. However, I am not sure if this is the best way to implement this. I remain with the following questions:
Is this solution thread safe? (according to the MS doc: ‘Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe.’)
Will this set-up be able to handle a heavy load without opening many separate connection?
What to do in ASP.Net core to handle the DNS problem described in ‘Singleton HttpClient? Beware of this serious behaviour and how to fix.’ located at http://byterot.blogspot.be/2016/07/singleton-httpclient-dns.html
Any other improvements or suggestions?
If using .net core 2.1 or higher, the best approach would be to use the new HttpClientFactory. I guess Microsoft realized all the issues people were having so they did the hard work for us. See below for how to set it up.
NOTE: Add a reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Http.
1 - Add a class that uses HttpClient
public interface ISomeApiClient
Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetSomethingAsync(string query);
public class SomeApiClient : ISomeApiClient
private readonly HttpClient _client;
public SomeApiClient (HttpClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<SomeModel> GetSomethingAsync(string query)
var response = await _client.GetAsync($"?querystring={query}");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var model = await response.Content.ReadAsJsonAsync<SomeModel>();
return model;
// Handle Error
2 - Register your clients in ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) in Startup.cs
var someApiSettings = Configuration.GetSection("SomeApiSettings").Get<SomeApiSettings>(); //Settings stored in app.config (base url, api key to add to header for all requests)
services.AddHttpClient<ISomeApiClient, SomeApiClient>("SomeApi",
client =>
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(someApiSettings.BaseAddress);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-key", someApiSettings.ApiKey);
3 - Use the client in your code
public class MyController
private readonly ISomeApiClient _client;
public MyController(ISomeApiClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAsync(string query)
var response = await _client.GetSomethingAsync(query);
// Do something with response
return Ok();
You can add as many clients and register as many as needed in your startup with services.AddHttpClient
Thanks to Steve Gordon and his post here for helping me use this in my code!
In answer to a question from #MuqeetKhan regarding using authentication with the httpclient request.
Firstly, my motivation to use DI and a factory was to allow me to extend my application easily to different and multiple API’s and have easy access to that throughout my code. It’s a template I hope to be able to reuse multiple times.
In the case of my ‘GetUserPicture’ controller decribed in the original question above, I indeed for simplicity reasons removed the authentication. Honestly however, I am still in doubt if I need it there to simply retrieve an image from the imageserver. Anyhow, in other controllers I definitely do need it, so…
I’ve implemented Identityserver4 as my authentication server. This provides me with the authentication on top of ASP Identity.
For authorization (using roles in this case), I implemented IClaimsTransformer in my MVC ‘and’ API projects (you can read more about this here at How to put ASP.net Identity Roles into the Identityserver4 Identity token).
Now, the moment I enter my controller I have an authenticated and authorized user for which I can retrieve an access token. I use this token to call my api which is of course calling the same instance of identityserver to verify if the user is authenticated.
The last step is to allow my API to verify if the user is authorized to call the requested api controller. In the request pipeline of the API using IClaimsTransformer as explained before, I retrieve the authorization of the calling user and add it to the incoming claims.
Note that in case of an MVC calling and API, I thus retrieve the authorization 2 times; once in the MVC request pipeline and once in the API request pipeline.
Using this set-up I am able to use my HttpClientsFactory with Authorization and Authentication.
On big security part I am missing is HTTPS of course. I hope I can somehow add it to my factory. I'll update it once I've implemented it.
As always, any suggestions are welcome.
Below an example where I upload an image to the Imageserver using authentication (user must be logged in and have role admin).
My MVC controller calling the ‘UploadUserPicture’:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public async Task<ActionResult> UploadUserPicture()
// collect name image server
var imageServer = _optionsAccessor.Value.ImageServer;
// collect image in Request Form from Slim Image Cropper plugin
var json = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Form["slim[]"];
// Collect access token to be able to call API
var accessToken = await HttpContext.Authentication.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
// prepare api call to update image on imageserver and update database
var client = _httpClientsFactory.Client("imageServer");
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("image", json[0])
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("api/UserPicture/UploadUserPicture", content);
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.OK);
API handling the user upload
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public ActionResult UploadUserPicture(String image)
dynamic jsonDe = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(image);
if (jsonDe == null)
return new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
// create filname for user picture
string userId = jsonDe.meta.userid;
string userHash = Hashing.GetHashString(userId);
string fileName = "User" + userHash + ".jpg";
// create a new version number
string pictureVersion = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
// get the image bytes and create a memory stream
var imagebase64 = jsonDe.output.image;
var cleanBase64 = Regex.Replace(imagebase64.ToString(), #"^data:image/\w+;base64,", "");
var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cleanBase64);
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
// save the image to the folder
var fileSavePath = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath + ("/imageuploads"), fileName);
FileStream file = new FileStream(fileSavePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogDebug(LoggingEvents.UPDATE_ITEM, ex, "Could not write file >{fileSavePath}< to server", fileSavePath);
return new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
memoryStream = null;
file = null;
// update database with latest filename and version
bool isUpdatedInDatabase = UpdateDatabaseUserPicture(userId, fileName, pictureVersion).Result;
if (!isUpdatedInDatabase)
return new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
return new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.OK);
For situations when you can't use DI:
using System.Net.Http;
public class SomeClass
private static readonly HttpClient Client;
static SomeClass()
var handler = new SocketsHttpHandler
// Sets how long a connection can be in the pool to be considered reusable (by default - infinite)
PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
Client = new HttpClient(handler, disposeHandler: false);
Reference https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/http-requests?view=aspnetcore-5.0#alternatives-to-ihttpclientfactory
This question is very similar to what I want to know. I've got a web api service on an azure cloud service with Application Insights configured. On the request information portal, that is generated automatically, I want to add a custom http header that's a part of the request into the information that is being logged with each request. The question is how do I do this?
I've tried using a telemetry initializer like below, but this fails (as in I don't see the information on the portal). I also added this in the global.asax
public class PropertyTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
private readonly HttpContext httpContext;
public PropertyTelemetryInitializer(HttpContext httpContext)
this.httpContext = httpContext;
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
this.AddTelemetryContextPropertFromContextHeader(telemetry, "xyz");
this.AddTelemetryContextPropertFromContextHeader(telemetry, "abc");
this.AddTelemetryContextPropertFromContextHeader(telemetry, "123");
private void AddTelemetryContextPropertFromContextHeader(ITelemetry telemetry, string headerKey)
var requestTelemetry = telemetry as RequestTelemetry;
telemetry.Context.Properties[headerKey] = this.httpContext.Request.Headers[headerKey] ?? string.Empty;
telemetry.Context.Properties[headerKey] = this.httpContext.Request.Headers[headerKey] ?? string.Empty;
Also is there a way to do this from the controller method itself? Something similar to the below (note: the below does not work)?
public async Task<Something> GetSomething()
var requestTelemetry = new RequestTelemetry();
var result = await this.Service.GetSomethingAsync();
requestTelemetry.Properties["result"] = result.ToString();
return TypeMapper.Map<Model.Something, Something>(result);
/// <summary>
/// Adds the custom headers to request telemetry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="controller">The controller.</param>
/// <param name="requestTelemetry">The request telemetry.</param>
public static void AddCustomHeadersToRequestTelemetry(this ApiController controller, RequestTelemetry requestTelemetry)
if (controller == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("controller");
if (requestTelemetry == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("requestTelemetry");
requestTelemetry.Context.Properties["abc"] = controller.Request.GetABCFromHeader();
requestTelemetry.Context.Properties["xyz"] = controller.Request.GetXYZFromHeader();
requestTelemetry.Context.Properties["123"] = controller.Request.Get123FromHeader();
Using TelemetryInitializers is the right solution. Some comments:
var requestTelemetry = telemetry as RequestTelemetry;: you do not use requestTelemetry after that. I guess you wanted to check for null.
Adding telemetry initializer in the Active configuration should be fine. You can also consider moving it to the applicationinsights.config
Custom properties do not show up in the portal immediately. Have you tried to reopen IE after some time and check your request again?
Can you debug? Do you see that you get in your tememetry initializer? Do you see any AI specific traces in search?
Regarding your second question. Right now telemetry initializers are the only (official) way to get to the autogenerated RequestTelemetry (which is actually in the HttpContext). There are plans to make most of the classes in web public and eventually open source it. But there is no ETA yet. If you create and track request yourself you can add custom properties as you mentioned.
UPDATE: Starting from 2.0.0-beta3 autogenerated request telemetry is accessible though HttpContext extension method: System.Web.HttpContextExtension.GetRequestTelemetry
I am self-hosting a OWIN Web API using these code snippets:
class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
var route = config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("DefaultApi", "{controller}");
I would like to run some code when my Web API service shuts down. I'm looking for something like HttpApplication.Application_End, a Disposed event, or a well-placed override void Dispose().
How do I run code when the Web API service shuts down?
I think there is a better way to get the CancellationToken:
var properties = new AppProperties(app.Properties);
CancellationToken token = properties.OnAppDisposing;
AppProperties is under namespace Microsoft.Owin.BuilderProperties, which comes from this nuget package: http://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Owin/
The description of property OnAppDisposing says:
Gets or sets the cancellation token for “host.OnAppDisposing”.
Please refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.owin.builderproperties.appproperties%28v=vs.113%29.aspx
This can be achieved by getting the host's cancelation token and registering a callback with it like so
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var context = new OwinContext(app.Properties);
var token = context.Get<CancellationToken>("host.OnAppDisposing");
if (token != CancellationToken.None)
token.Register(() =>
// code to run
I was told by someone on the Katana team that this key is for host specific functionality and therefore may not exist on all hosts. Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb does implement this, but I'm not sure about the others.
The easiest way to verify if this will work for you is to check app.Properties for the host.OnAppDisposing key.
This is the same as arthas's answer but I've made it into an extension method
public static IAppBuilder RegisterShutdown(this IAppBuilder app, Action callback)
if (app == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(app));
var properties = new AppProperties(app.Properties);
var token = properties.OnAppDisposing;
if (token != CancellationToken.None)
return app;
Because then you can easily register shutdown actions like this
app.RegisterShutdown(() => Serilog.Log.CloseAndFlush());