When I use:
CloudIdentity identity =
new CloudIdentity()
Username = "files.user",
APIKey = "pswd",
var _storage = new CloudFilesProvider(identity);
Authentication fails. I figured that the problem is that I have a LON account and the default authentication target is US cloud instance. On openstack.net wiki, I saw the below example.
IIdentityProvider identityProvider = new CloudIdentityProvider();
var userAccess = identityProvider.Authenticate(new RackspaceCloudIdentity{
Username = "MyUserName",
Password = "MyPassword",
CloudInstance =CloudInstance.UK});
In the latest version of the library, RackspaceCloudIdentity has Domain parameter instead of CloudInstance. I guess the example is out dated.
How do I use the Domain parameter? Or is there a better way to authenticate with LON cloud instance?
Rackspace uses global authentication now, so the only difference between the US and UK accounts is the credentials you pass in. If authentication is failing then one of the following is the likely issue:
Your username and/or API key for the CloudIdentity instance are not correct.
The identity service experienced an outage of some sort at the particular moment you tried to authenticate.
Authentication is succeeding, but another error occurred which you have attributed to failed authentication (you didn't provide any exception details so I can't rule this out).
I have been seeing the same error. I believe that it is something to do with child accounts created via the UI. They do not have a DefaultRegion correctly set (it is null).
The only way around this is to use the parent account, or alternatively to manually set the region on every API call.
I want to use JIRA API to access data from my company's JIRA instance. The steps of login process on internet browser are:
Type https://mycompanyname.atlassian.net
Direct to login page.
Type my company email address
It re-directly to Microsoft authentication page, click "Continue".
Type password of my Azure AD domain account.
Select a method to verify my identify (I select way of verifying code sent to my bind mobile)
My questions are:
1.How can I finish above steps by C# code?
2.Does my application need the mobile text code verification for every instance?
I want to put my application on Azure function as a timer trigger to run some data from JIRA. However, I get stuck at first step-authentication.
I do not know if you have already solved your issue. But from an azure function there is a few steps you will need to take.
In Azure use Managed Identity, you will need this for function to get some details you will save into Keyvault
Have a Keyvault ready cause you gonna need it to get some secrets out of it
Create your Function app and install Atlassian.SDK - can see documentation here
In the dependency injection of your function call
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddAzureKeyVault(secretClient, new KeyVaultSecretManager())
container.Register(p => Options.Create(config.Get<ConfigDetailsModel>()))
In your Jira service use the following to signin
public JiraService(IOptions<ConfigDetailsModel> config)
_config = config.Value;
var jira = Jira.CreateRestClient(_config.JiraUri, _config.JiraUserName, _config.JiraApiKey);
var result = await jira.Projects.GetProjectsAsync();
Go to https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens and create an API key for your password as plaintext passwords are not supported anymore by Jira.
Save your username, password and url into keyvault, make password expire at some point.
This should work. Unfortunately the OAUTH way, more secure than the basic way is not really geared towards system-to-system way, well not that I could find, as it requires a user input to allow verification code. If you do not mind moving the flow out of function and into a user flow with OAuth then best article I found is here, but you need to copy additional things from his github to get it to work. I got this flow working in Blazor, and tried to get it to work in my Servicebus triggered function.
The only way I could get the Jira stuff to work in function for service-to-service was to use basic Auth either via the Atlassian.SDK or Httpclient
Note SDK makes life somewhat easier than writing own http client stuff
var client = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri(_config.JiraUri)
var authenticationString = $"{_config.JiraUSerName}:{_config.JiraApiKey}";
var base64EncodedAuthenticationString = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(authenticationString));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", base64EncodedAuthenticationString);
var project = await client.GetAsync($"rest/agile/1.0/epic/{projectId}");
var content = await project .Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
When you create an API key in Jira for use in code, know that the API key in JIRA is tied to the person who created it.
It should be an Admin account
Create a global break glass account to manage this, you do not want an apikey tied to a user that might leave in a few months
This break glass account should belong to your DevOps team and no one else who can exploit this api key
I want to authenticate User against the MS Active Directory Server.
As there is two namespaces available for doing that I want to go with System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.
Current I am validating the User using following code
var valid = false;
var credentials = new NetworkCredential("user01", "password01");
var serverId = new LdapDirectoryIdentifier("");
var conn = new LdapConnection(serverId, credentials);
valid = true;
Above code is validating User correctly but It is also validating against the Old Password.
How Can I get rid this?
I have checked following Questions
Validate a username and password against Active Directory?
Why does Active Directory validate last password?
The highest voted answer in the second question you linked to has everything you need to know. The only way an old password is ever allowed is if NTLM is the authentication mechanism used. If you want to prevent that, you have to tell it to only use Kerberos and not NTLM:
var conn = new LdapConnection(serverId, credentials, AuthType.Kerberos);
I saw your comment on that answer, saying that with that, all authentication fails, even with the right password. That just means that Kerberos authentication isn't working. That's a whole other troubleshooting mess. If the server you are running this on is joined to the same (or trusted) domain as the user you are authenticating, then there really is no reason Kerberos shouldn't work. But if the server is outside of the domain, it can be troublesome to set up Kerberos.
Here's some reading on that:
Kerberos Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Kerberos Authentication problems – Name resolution issues
Or you might decide to just ignore this and let it use NTLM. It only allows an old password for 1 hour after the change anyway.
I've created a new user account in my test AAD tenant, say testuser1#mytenant.onmicrosoft.com and set a password for it. This new account is a member of a security group that can access a specific Web API. I'm trying to write a test (a console program) that non-interactively obtains an access token using the user credentials and the app id as audience and then calls an endpoint.
How do I do that?
I'm trying to write a set of integration security tests for my Web API application. The application uses AAD groups it gets as a set of claims and treats them as roles. So I want a set of test user accounts with a known password with different roles to test behavior of an endpoint under different security contexts. The approach worked for me for years with classic AD (where I could impersonate a user using login/password pair and perform a SOAP call to a service with Windows Auth enabled).
I could use a set of app registrations instead of test user accounts and get a token without no problem using client_id/client_secret pair but assigning an enterprise application to a security group requires premium AAD tier which is very expensive :(
This is basically what Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) grant flow is for.
You give Azure AD your app's credentials with a user's credentials and you get an access token.
This flow should not be used for authentication typically, as it exists in the standard mainly as a legacy upgrade path.
And it does not work with federated users, users with MFA or with an expired password.
However, your case of an automated test is one of the scenarios where I think its usage is acceptable.
Here is an example of the call in C#:
string tokenUrl = $"https://login.microsoftonline.com/joonasapps.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/token";
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, tokenUrl);
req.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<string, string>
["grant_type"] = "password",
["client_id"] = "23d3be1b-a671-4452-a928-78fb842cb969",
["client_secret"] = "REDACTED",
["resource"] = "https://graph.windows.net",
["username"] = "testuser#joonasapps.onmicrosoft.com",
["password"] = "REDACTED"
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var res = await client.SendAsync(req);
string json = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
ADAL.NET does not expose an overload for doing this AFAIK so you need to do it manually like this.
You'll need to replace the parameters with your app's credentials + your user's credentials of course.
The token URL also needs your tenant id or domain name.
Change the resource parameter to your API's client id/app ID URI.
By "non-interactively" are you referring to the login window? If so given the flow and architecture you've described, this is not possible. How else would you get the users credentials?
You should use this article as a reference when building your solution so you understand the various OAuth 2.0 flows and options, including those for a native application.
I have a Dynamics 365 v9 organisation hosted online. I have a set of Azure Functions hosted in an Azure Function App on a different tenant to my Dynamics organisation.
I've created web hooks using the Dynamics Plugin Registration Tool, which at certain events (such as when a Contact is created in Dynamics), POST data to my Azure Functions via their endpoint URLs.
Authentication between Dynamics 365 and my Azure Functions is achieved by passing an x-functions-key value in the HTTP request's authentication HttpHeader.
The Azure Functions receive data from the event in Dynamics in the form of a RemoteExecutionContext which I can read using the following code:
using System.Net;
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
var jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
How can the Azure Function then authenticate back with the calling Dynamics 365 organisation to read and write data?
What I've tried
Xrm Tooling
The simplest way to authenticate would be to use the CrmServiceClient from Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.dll. However, I don't necessarily have a username and password to provide the CrmServiceClient's constructor. Perhaps credentials could be passed securely via the HTTP POST request?
Application User
I've tried registering an Application User in Dynamics. I supply the client id and client secret to my Azure Functions, but authentication fails because the user is in a different tenant to my Azure Functions.
Considered Solutions
One object of the received jsonContent string is called ParentContext . Perhaps this can be reused to authenticate back with the calling Dynamics organisation.
Marc Schweigert has recommended using S2S and has provided a sample to his AzureFunctionApp repository. If I can get this approach to work I'll post the solution here.
I wouldn't have thought you can sensibly use the 'real' users credentials to connect to CRM.
I would use a service account to connect back into CRM. Create a new CRM
user especially for this purpose, if you make the user non-interactive you shouldn't consume a license. You can then use the credentials of that service account to connect to CRM using CrmServiceClient. Alternatively have a look at Server to Server authentication.
If you are able to deliver a user id to your Function App, you use the service account to impersonate 'real' users via the CRM web services.
To impersonate a user, set the CallerId property on an instance of
OrganizationServiceProxy before calling the service’s Web methods.
I have done something similar recently, but without relying on the Azure subscription authentication functionality for connecting back into D365. In my case calls were coming to Azure functions from other places, but the connection back is no different. Authentication does NOT pass through in any of these cases. If an AAD user authenticates to your Function application, you still need to connect to D365 using an application user, and then impersonate the user that called you.
First, make sure that the application you registered in Azure AD under App Registrations is of the type "Web app / API" and not "Native". Edit the settings of the registered app and ensure the following:
Take not of the Application ID, which I'll refer to later as appId.
Under "API Access - Required Permissions", add Dynamics CRM Online (Microsoft.CRM) and NOT Dynamics 365.
Under "API Access - Keys", create a key with an appropriate expiry. You can create multiple keys if you have multiple functions/applications connecting back as this "App". I'll refer to this key as "clientSecret" later.
If the "Keys" option isn't available, you've registered a Native app.
I stored the appId and clientSecret in the application configuration section of the Function App, and accessed them using the usual System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings collection.
The below examples use a call to AuthenticationParameters to find the authority and resource URLs, but you could just as easily build those URLs manually using the countless examples online. I find this will just update itself if they ever change, so less work later.
These are simple examples and I'm glossing over the need to refresh tokens and all those things.
Then to access D365 using OData:
string odataUrl = "https://org.crm6.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/"; // trailing slash actually matters
string appId = "some-guid";
string clientSecret = "some key";
AuthenticationParameters authArg = AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromResourceUrlAsync(new Uri(odataUrl)).Result;
AuthenticationContext authCtx = new AuthenticationContext(authArg.Authority);
AuthenticationResult authRes = authCtx.AcquireTokenAsync(authArg.Resource, new ClientCredential(appId, clientSecret)).Result;
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) {
client.TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (2);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", authRes.CreateAuthorizationHeader ());
using (HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, $"{odataUrl}accounts?$select=name&$top=10")) {
using (HttpResponseMessage res = client.SendAsync(req).Result) {
if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
else {
// cry
If you want to access D365 using the Organization service, and LINQ, use the following. The two main parts that took me a while to find out are the format of that odd looking organization.svc URL, and using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.WebServiceClient.OrganizationWebProxyClient instead of Tooling:
string odataUrl = "https://org.crm6.dynamics.com/xrmservices/2011/organization.svc/web?SdkClientVersion=8.2"; // don't question the url, just accept it.
string appId = "some-guid";
string clientSecret = "some key";
AuthenticationParameters authArg = AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromResourceUrlAsync(new Uri(odataUrl)).Result;
AuthenticationContext authCtx = new AuthenticationContext(authArg.Authority);
AuthenticationResult authRes = authCtx.AcquireTokenAsync(authArg.Resource, new ClientCredential(appId, clientSecret)).Result;
using (OrganizationWebProxyClient webProxyClient = new OrganizationWebProxyClient(new Uri(orgSvcUrl), false)) {
webProxyClient.HeaderToken = authRes.AccessToken;
using (OrganizationServiceContext ctx = new OrganizationServiceContext((IOrganizationService)webProxyClient)) {
var accounts = (from i in ctx.CreateQuery("account") orderby i["name"] select i).Take(10);
foreach (var account in accounts)
Not sure what context you get back in your Webhook registration, not tried that yet, but just making sure that there's a bearer token in the Authorization header generally does it, and the two examples above inject it in different ways so you should be able to splice together what's needed from here.
This is something I'm curious about as well but I have not had the opportunity to experiment on this.
For your second option have you registered the application and granted consent in the target AAD?
When they grant consent, your registered application will be added to the Azure AD Enterprise applications list and it is available to the users of the Azure AD tenant.
Only after an administrator has granted consent, you must then create the application user in the subscriber’s Dynamics 365 tenant.
I believe the root of the access issue is related to the Application's Service Principal Object (the Object local to the target Tenant)
Service Principal Object
In order to access resources that are secured by an Azure AD tenant, the entity that requires access must be represented by a security principal. This is true for both users (user principal) and applications (service principal). The security principal defines the access policy and permissions for the user/application in that tenant. This enables core features such as authentication of the user/application during sign-in, and authorization during resource access.
Consider the application object as the global representation of your application for use across all tenants, and the service principal as the local representation for use in a specific tenant.
Using S2S you can use AcquireToken to retrieve the Bearer
var clientcred = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(aadInstance, false);
AuthenticationResult result = authContext.AcquireToken(organizationUrl, clientcred);
token = result.AccessToken;
ExpireDate = result.ExpiresOn.DateTime;
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
I have a .NET 4.6.2 Windows client application which needs to get an authentication token from our on-premise ADFS server and use it to call an ASP.NET Core REST API. It's client name, id (GUID) and re-direct URI have been registered with ADFS. I am using the latest ADAL (v3.13) library to facilitate the authentication. I am attempting to get a token as demonstrated in the ADAL sample code like this:
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://<adfs-sts-server>/<rest-api-host>", false);
var result = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(<rest-api-resource-uri>, clientId, redirectUri, new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto));
The AcquireTokenAsync call returns an error, saying: The browser based authentication dialog failed to complete. Reason: The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
Can anyone tell me:
Is the "requested URI" refered to in the error the https://<adfs-sts-server>/<rest-api-host> or <rest-api-resource-uri>?
Do I need to register <rest-api-host> or <rest-api-resource-uri> with ADFS in some way, and if so how?
Any other information I need to get this to work?
Using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) to provide authentication for on-premise endpoints from a Windows Client
Configuring ADFS
There are 2 parts to configuring ADFS.
Register the client application with ADFS
ADFS needs to be able to identify the application requesting user authentication, whether it be a service, WPF application, Web client or Office Add-in. I have gone generic and added the following client, which we can use for most of our C# requests; we may need to register a new client with different callback for Web clients.
Use one of the many tools out there to generate a GUID for the client ID.
* CLIENT_ID and APP_NAME should be unique.
* For a web client the redirect URI is where the auth service will redirect your call after authenticating the user. It should be an endpoint where you can process the token and continue with your client application. The redirect URI is not really used with rich clients/services/add-ins.
CLIENT_ID = 26E54EC9-7988-4DAE-A527-483A8A78B1C6
APP_NAME = Investplus
DESCRIPTION = Invest+ rich client suite
REDIRECT_URI = https://server/redirect-adfs.html
Instructions for Client registration
(may be possible in a wizard, but this is what I found on the web and it worked fo us)
Log on to the AD FS server as administrator and open a Windows PowerShell command window.
Enter the following command. In Windows PowerShell
Add-AdfsClient -ClientId <CLIENT_ID> -Name <APP_NAME> -RedirectUri <REDIRECT_URI>
Register the resource to be accessed ('Relying Party' in ADFS speak)
I found this link useful, it takes you through the steps of the wizard for setting up a relying party.
Instructions for Relying Party registration
The administrator on the server team will need to use the ADFS Add Relying Party Trust Wizard, and under the "Select Data Source" step select Enter data about the relying party manually.
Values you need to supply for this wizard:
DISPLAY_NAME = "MyInvestApi" (Unique display name for this Relying party)
PROFILE = "AD FS Profile"
URL = "https://server/api" (Unique URL for this RP)
ADD_ONE_OR_MORE_IDENTIFIERS = eg. "urn:myInvestApi" and "https://server/api"
when given the opportunity, Add Claim Rules:
ATTRIBUTE_STORE = Active Directory
SELECT_USEFUL_ATTRIBUTES = User-Principal-Name; Email; Display-Name
Configuring/Coding the Client application
Microsoft provides Active Directory Authentication Libraries (ADAL) for a range of platforms and languages from C# to Javascript, and from iOS to Cordova to Node.
The API exposed has changed significantly in each major version: I am using the latest C# library, currently 3.13.5.
The library makes the coding very simple, just a few lines; where I had problems was:
I couldn't find an explanation of what URL to use for the ADFS
Secure Token Service (STS)
I couldn't find documentation of the whole process as I am doing here (most documentation focussed on Azure FS), I struggled to work out
how the values provided to ADFS for Client and Relying party mapped
to the values used in the code.
What is the ADFS endpoint/URL to use in code?
Microsoft's best practice is to name your ADFS/STS server URL https://sts.domain.com (some people use https://adfs.domain.com, ask your server admins). However, if you try to hit this from a browser you'll get a 404 - Not found and trying to retrieve a token in the code, the ADAL library reports:
The browser based authentication dialog failed to complete. Reason: The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
This is how I found the endpoint to use:
ADFS pubishes federation metadata at 'https://sts.domain.com/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml'
Extract this file and open in a text editor.
When configuring the Relying Party, we specified "Enable Support for WS-Federation Passive Protocol" when specifying our resource endpoint, so search the XML for PassiveRequestorEndpoint.
Use the <Address> from this node - in my case https://sts.domain.com/adfs/ls/. I don't know if this will always be the value, or if it is specified when ADFS is setup and therefore potentially different per site.
What other values to use in the code?
We want our client app to retrieve a JSON Web Token (JWT) from ADFS which we can pass to our protected resource for authentication/authorization purposes.
At its most simple, the access token can be retrieved in 3 lines of code + configuration, and this will show how to translate what we have configured in ADFS to the values required by ADAL:
var stsEndpoint = "https://sts.domain.com/adfs/ls/";
var relyingPartyIdentifier = "urn:myInvestApi"; // Tenant in Azure AD speak, but this is an on-premise service
var authority = stsEndpoint + relyingPartyIdentifier;
var restResourceUrl = "https://server/api";
var redirectUri = "https://server/redirect-adfs.html";
const string CLIENT_ID = "26E54EC9-7988-4DAE-A527-483A8A78B1C6";
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false);
var asyncRequest = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(restResourceUrl, CLIENT_ID, redirectUri, new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto));
var accessToken = asyncRequest.Result.AccessToken;
Useful references
ASP.NET Core Token Authentication Guide
ADAL - Native App to REST service - Authentication with ACS via Browser Dialog
Create a line-of-business Azure app with AD FS authentication
OAuth 2 Simplified
To issue the token for the web API, we need to make the ADFS to aware it by creating a relying party trust for the web API. And when we add a replying party we need to specify the identifiers for the replying party like figure below(Windows Server 2012 R2):
Then we can use this identifiers as the resource URI to acquire the token for this replying party. Please ensure that the resource URI is correct as you config like figure above.
And here is an article about developing with ADFS using OAuth:
Developing Modern Applications using OAuth and Active Directory Federation Services
Depending on the version of asdf, you may be able to use 'discovery' to obtain the endpoints to use.
Have a look at this post for more details: http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2015/08/21/openid-connect-web-sign-on-with-adfs-in-windows-server-2016-tp3/