IP Camera stop streaming after some time - c#

I am working on one application where I want to use IP camera for displaying video streaming and and some other major operations on image captured by the IP Camera.
Libraries used in Camera capture
For Camera Capture : Emgu.CV Library
Below is the code which I am using in C#.
Variable Declaration
private Capture capture; //takes images from camera as image frames
private Emgu.CV.UI.ImageBox img; // Dynamic Picture Controls
private int nCam; // no of cameras
Code for Processing Image
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
// Live Streaming Display
Image<Bgr, Byte> ImageFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
// If Ip camera try to reinitialize the IP camera
if(ImageFrame == null)
capture = new Capture(URL);
ImageFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
ImageFrame = ImageFrame.Resize(img.Width, img.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);
img.Image = ImageFrame;
// Here I am doing some other operations like
// 1. Save Image captured from the IP Camera
// 2. Detect faces in Image
// 3. Draw Face markers on Image
// 4. Some database based on result of Face Detection
// 4. Delete image File
// continue Looping for other Ip Cameras
catch (NullReferenceException e)
Now, The Problem is after some time the QueryFrame() provide null value and camera Stop streaming.
Can any one tell me why this is happening?
How I can resolve this problem?
If any more information is needed Please Let me know.
Thanks in Advance.

Sorry about the delay but I have provide an example that works with several public IP cameras. It will need the EMGU reference replacing with your current version and the target build directory should be set to "EMGU Version\bin" alternatively extract it to the examples folder.
Rather than using the older QueryFrame() method it uses the RetrieveBgrFrame() method. It has worked reasonably well and I have had no null exceptions. However if you do replace the ProcessFrame() method with something like this
You should not be attempting to do any operations if the frame returned is Image is a nullable field and should not have a problem if _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame(); returns null if there is a problem then there is a bigger issue.
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
//If you want to access the image data the use the following method call
//Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = new Image<Bgr,byte>(_capture.RetrieveBgrFrame().ToBitmap());
if (RetrieveBgrFrame.Checked)
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
Image<Bgr, Byte> ImageFrame = frame.Resize(img.Width, img.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);
// Here I am doing some other operations like
// 1. Save Image captured from the IP Camera
// 2. Detect faces in Image
// 3. Draw Face markers on Image
// 4. Some database based on result of Face Detection
// 4. Delete image File
// continue Looping for other Ip Cameras
//else do nothing as we have no image
else if (RetrieveGrayFrame.Checked)
Image<Gray, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveGrayFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
if (frame != null) DisplayImage(frame.ToBitmap());
On a separate note your comment 'continue Looping for other Ip Cameras' may cause several issues. You should have a new Capture constructor for each camera camera you are using. How many camera are you using? and what public ip camera are you using so I can attempt to replicate the issue? The reason for the separate constructor is that ip cameras take a while to negotiate connections with and constantly Disposing of the original construct and replacing it will play havoc with the garbage collector and introduce no end if timing issues.
If your camera is returning null frames after a timeout period then I would check to see if there is an issue with the setup or maybe your connection is so slow it disconnects you to reduce lag to others there are various causes but this is not a code problem. You can use c# alone to acquire the data to a bitmap and then pass this to an Image type variable. There is a great article here:
I've adapted this so you can use a HttpWebRequest as a final check to see if the stream is alive although there are still null exceptions that will be produced here:
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
string url;
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
//***If you want to access the image data the use the following method call***/
//Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = new Image<Bgr,byte>(_capture.RetrieveBgrFrame().ToBitmap());
if (RetrieveBgrFrame.Checked)
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
if (frame != null)
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
// get response
WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
//get stream
Stream stream = resp.GetResponseStream();
if (!stream.CanRead)
//try reconnecting the camera
captureButtonClick(null, null); //pause
_capture.Dispose();//get rid
captureButtonClick(null, null); //reconnect
else if (RetrieveGrayFrame.Checked)
Image<Gray, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveGrayFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
if (frame != null) DisplayImage(frame.ToBitmap());
private void captureButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
url = Camera_Selection.SelectedItem.ToString(); //add this
... the rest of the code
To display multiple webcams you would create a class to handle the Capture construct and processframe event. Ideally you would raise an purpose built event call that would include a camera identifier as the frameready event call does not call this. I have to make things easier created a form with as a MDI parent and opened an object to manage the capture variables and frame ready event. The Alpha version is available here:


How To Extract specific Frame using AForge Library

I'm trying to extract a specific frame from a video file. I have a frame that I want when I play a video file with the aforge library. I call a new frame event, and if the new frame matches my specific frame, then it shows me a message: "Frame Match". This specific frame randomly appears in a video file. Here is my code:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
IVideoSource videoSource = new FileVideoSource(#"e:\media\test\a.mkv");
playerControl.VideoSource = videoSource;
playerControl.Start( );
videoSource.NewFrame += new AForge.Video.NewFrameEventHandler(Video_NewFrame );
private void Video_NewFrame(object sender, AForge.Video.NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
//Create Bitmap from frame
Bitmap FrameData = new Bitmap(eventArgs.Frame);
//Add to PictureBox
pictureBox1.Image = FrameData;
//compare current frame to specific fram
if (pictureBox1.Image == pictureBox2.Image)
MessageBox.Show("Frame Match");
pictureBox2.image is a fixed frame that I want to match. This code is working fine when I play video files and extract new frames, but I am unable to compare new frames to specific frames. Please guide me on how to achieve this.
You can take a look at:
var capture = new FileCapture(#"C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\Wildlife.wmv");
capture.Seek(<yourFrameIndex>, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var image = capture.ReadAs<Bgr, byte>();
or you can use standard IEnumerable like:
var capture = new FileCapture(#"C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\Wildlife.wmv");
var image = capture.ElementAt(<yourFrameIndex>); //will actually just cast image
Examples are included.
moved to: https://github.com/dajuric/dot-imaging
As far as I can understand your problem the issue is that you can't compare image to image this way. I think you will find that the way to do this is to build a histogram table and then compare image histograms.
Some of the related things to look into are:
how to compare two images
image comparer class form VS 2015 unit testing
The second one is from unit testing library so not sure of performance (haven't tried myself yet)

Picturebox getting big red X but I can't detect or fix it

I am currently working with AForge, and have an on new frame event that posts the frame, as a bitmap, into a picturebox. 90% of the time it works great... UNLESS I fiddle with something on the winform. Changing a combo box, moving the window, or anything like that risks causing the Picturebox to switch from the video to a big red X. Code sample below:
private void connectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
cam = new VideoCaptureDevice(captureDevices[CameraSelectComboBox.SelectedIndex].MonikerString);
cam.NewFrame -= Handle_New_Frame; //Just to avoid the possibility of a second event handler being put on
cam.NewFrame += new AForge.Video.NewFrameEventHandler(Handle_New_Frame);
MessageBox.Show("An error has occured with connecting to the specified webcam. The application will now close!");
private void Handle_New_Frame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
if (bitmap != null)
bitmap.Dispose(); //Without this, memory goes nuts
bitmap = new Bitmap(eventArgs.Frame);
catch { }
//Draw some stuff on the images
bitmap = AdjustBrightness(bitmap, brightnessMeter);
bitmap = ApplyContrast(contrastMeter, bitmap);
bitmap = Draw_Top_Line(bitmap);
bitmap = Draw_Bottom_Line(bitmap);
//Set the image into the picturebox
videoPictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
frameRate++; //Keep track of the frame rate
GC.Collect(); //Without this, memory goes nuts
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate {
if (videoPictureBox1.Image == videoPictureBox1.ErrorImage)
I put a break on the if (videoPictureBox1.Image == videoPictureBox1.ErrorImage) and it is evaluating to false, even when the big red X is up, because the image is actually being set to the bitmap. So cam.Stop() and cam.Start() never run (not sure if that would even help, but I figured I would give it a try).
videoPictureBox1.Refresh() is running every time, but again- it's not making a difference. Still have the big red X.
As I said before: if I start the video and touch nothing, the big red X will never happen. But the moment I start changing combo boxes, or dragging the form itself around, the chance of the big red X goes up exponentially. Sometimes I can flip through the combo box 10-12 times before it happens, other times it happens the second I click the combobox. :-\
Can anyone explain what is happening here and perhaps offer a suggestion on the best method to go about fixing it? I'm still very new to threading, so I've been struggling to wrap my head around exactly what is happening here and the best way to fix the issue! Any nudges in the right direction would be a huge help!
In the end, I wrapped EVERYTHING in in the Handle_New_Frame in an invoke. It completely removed the big red X issue, permanently. >_>
private void Handle_New_Frame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
if (bitmap != null)
bitmap.Dispose(); //Without this, memory goes nuts
bitmap = new Bitmap(eventArgs.Frame);
catch { }
//Draw some stuff on the images
bitmap = AdjustBrightness(bitmap, brightnessMeter);
bitmap = ApplyContrast(contrastMeter, bitmap);
bitmap = Draw_Top_Line(bitmap);
bitmap = Draw_Bottom_Line(bitmap);
//Set the image into the picturebox
videoPictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
frameRate++; //Keep track of the frame rate
GC.Collect(); //Without this, memory goes nuts
Shawn Hargreaves has an excellent, concise writeup of the "big red X of doom". I found it very helpful in the general case of dealing with WinForm components suddenly showing the red "X".
In summary:
This is caused by a control throwing an exception out of the OnPaint event.
Once it is thrown, that control will continue to show the red X and skip firing OnPaint.
To debug, set the debugger to catch Common Language Runtime Exceptions, and then do whatever you normally do to get the red X. The debugger will stop right where it is happening, allowing you to investigate and hopefully figure out a way to prevent it.
try using the clone in places where you use the bitmap.
videoPictureBox1.Image = (Bitmap)bitmap.Clone();
Just to sum it up, this is a tested bare minimum that shows no red cross for me, even when resized, started, stoped or resolution changed.
public partial class PictureBoxVideo : Form
public PictureBoxVideo()
var videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
var videoSource = new VideoCaptureDevice(videoDevices[0].MonikerString);
videoSource.NewFrame += Handle_Very_New_Frame;
private void Handle_Very_New_Frame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate {
pictureBox.Image = new Bitmap(eventArgs.Frame);
Please note, that we call videoSource.Start(); from the GUI-(creation)-thread, but the call back handler (Handle_Very_New_Frame) is called from the video (worker) thread.
I think that's why we need both, the Invoke and the new Bitmap, so the new bmp will also be generated from the gui-thread. But I'm just guessing here, as I couldn't come up with a proof.

Imitating MSpaints drawing methods

For graphics exercises and some self-improvement sorta stuff, i've decided to basically just mess around and try and recreate some of the functionality of paint within a winform. I've got a lot of the standard ones to work, for example paint can, drawing dots around the cursor, free hand draw and what not, however i'm a little puzzled as to how paint does the mid-drawing animations. For example;
To draw a simple line i can simply get mouse coordinates on MouseUp and MouseDown events, and use the graphics class to draw a line between the two.
However, on MSpaint whilst drawing a line, you get almost a "preview" of the line after you click the first point, and whilst dragging it to the second point the line follows your cursor, but i'm a little stuck as to how this would be done? Does it involve constant redrawing of the line and the graphics device? It'd be great if someone could give me some hints / inner knowledge, i've had a search around the internet but can't REALLY find anything of use..
And very modern via ControlPaint.DrawReversibleLine method :)
Point? startPoint;
Point? endPoint;
private void Form_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
startPoint = PointToScreen(e.Location);
private void Form_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (!startPoint.HasValue)
if (endPoint.HasValue)
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleLine(startPoint.Value, endPoint.Value, Color.White);
endPoint = PointToScreen(e.Location);
ControlPaint.DrawReversibleLine(startPoint.Value, endPoint.Value, Color.White);
private void Form_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
startPoint = null;
endPoint = null;
Bitmap/raster software makes use of two memory buffers: one is the current "persisted" canvas that contains the pixels that the user has modified explicitly, the second is the framebuffer on the graphics card which is used to display the canvas on-screen.
Making the bitmap document appear on-screen is done by simply copying the raw bytes of the in-memory bitmap document to the framebuffer (if the framebuffer has a different byte-format or color-depth than the in-memory bitmap then you need to perform a conversion. GDI can do this for you if necessary, but let's just assume everything is 32-bit ARGB).
In WinForms, the framebuffer is exposed by the Graphics argument passed into your Control.OnPaint override.
You can implement these "preview" effects using one of two approaches:
The first approach is used today, and has been for the past 17 years or so (since Windows 95). The in-memory bitmap is copied to the framebuffer whenever the screen needs to be updated, such as a single mouse movement (of even 1px). The preview effect (such as the line the user would be painting once they release the mouse button) is then drawn on-top. The process is repeated as soon as the user's mouse moves again, so to update the preview.
You'd have something like this:
public class PaintingCanvas : Control {
private Bitmap _canvas = new Bitmap();
private Boolean _inOp; // are we in a mouse operation?
private Point _opStart; // where the current mouse operation started
private Point _opEnd; // where it ends
public override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.DrawImage( _canvas ); // draw the current state
if( _inOp ) {
// assuming the only operation is to draw a line
g.DrawLine( _opStart, _opEnd );
protected override OnMouseDown(Point p) {
_inOp = true;
_opStart = _opEnd = p;
protected override OnMouseMove(Point p) {
_opEnd = p;
this.Invalidate(); // trigger repainting
protected override OnMouseUp(Point p) {
using( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( _bitmap ) ) {
g.DrawLine( _opStart, _opEnd ); // a permanent line
_inOp = false;
1980s Flashblack
In ye olden days (think: 1980s), copying the bitmap from memory to the framebuffer was slow, so a surprisingly good hack was using XOR painting. The program assumes ownership of the framebuffer (so no overlapping windows would cause it need to be copied from memory). The preview line is drawn by performing an XOR of all of the pixels that the line would cover. This is fast because XORing the pixels means that their original colour can be restored without needing to recopy the pixels from memory. This trick was used in computers for many kinds of selection, highlight, or preview effect until recently.
highlightOrPreviewColor = originalPixelColor XOR (2^bpp - 1)
originalPixelColor = highlightOrPreviewColor XOR (2^bpp - 1)

MediaLibrary.SavePicture fails when fed with a used stream

I need to save the photo that was captured with the CameraCaptureTask, in the Media Library of the phone, and at the same time I want to show this photo in an Image control. The thing is that I first try to rotate the image by accessing its Exif data, so as it appears with the correct orientation in the Image control.
private void cameraTask_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
int angle = GetAngleFromExif(e.ChosenPhoto);
WriteableBitmap currentImage = DecodeImage(e.ChosenPhoto, angle);
photoImage.Source = currentImage;
MediaLibrary medialibrary = new MediaLibrary();
medialibrary.SavePicture("test.jpg", e.ChosenPhoto);
The code crashes in the last line, with the error:
Value does not fall within the expected range.
What is possibly going wrong here?
Thank you in advance.
Before calling the SavePicture method, you should set the Stream back at the beginning, like this:
e.ChosenPhoto.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

How can I get a EmguCV ImageBox image?

I'm trying to select a pixel color of the frames of my webcam. So I capture the frames an show then in a ImageBox without any problem. But when I try to access the image stored on ImageBox when I double click on the ImageBox I get a CvException. The exception pop when I try to get the pixel of the image.
OpenCV: unrecognized or unsupported array type
This is how I capture the frames:
// On Form Load
Application.Idle += ProcessFrame;
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
if (cap != null)
using (Image<Bgr, byte> frame = cap.QueryFrame())
if (frame != null)
imageFrame = frame;
imageBoxFrame.Image = imageFrame;
Bgr color = imageFrame[50, 100];
And in DoubleClick Event:
private void imageBoxFrame_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (treeViewObjects.SelectedNode is ColorNode && !isTracking)
if (imageFrame == null)
Emgu.CV.UI.ImageBox imageBox = (Emgu.CV.UI.ImageBox)sender;
Image<Bgr, byte> image = (Image<Bgr, byte>)imageBox.Image;
Bgr color = image[e.X, e.Y]; // This line causes the Exception
Apparently the image is not null.
What I doing wrong? Maybe something with thread things?
(Question answered by the OP and Answer posting requested. See Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat) )
The OP wrote:
I solved it.
I just need to Clone the image because the using statement erase image data. So, on ProcessEvent I just need to clone the frame to imageFrame.
imageFrame = frame.Clone();
And have another problem. The correct way to access the pixel data is by [Y,X] not [X,Y].
Bgr color = image[e.Y, e.X];

