Chow to count of 1/10 of a second - c#

I am trying to figure out how to count 10 times each second and display it.
I have an int called countpoints which is what the user starts with points. Lets say 800.
I would like to drop 10 points each second but showing each point falling instead of every 10 points like my script below does.
here is how I have done so far:
if(miliseconds <= 0){
if(seconds <= 0){
seconds = 59;
else if(seconds >= 0){
countpoints = countpoints-10;
miliseconds = 100;
miliseconds -= Time.deltaTime * 100;
This runs in void update and here countpoints falls by 10 each second. but i would like to be able to show the numbers drop down like a stopwatch each second. How do i do that?
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance :-)

You should use coroutine for that calculation instead of in Update(). It can be very easy with the coroutine. You just need to start croutine and then wait for 0.1 seconds and decrease counterpoints by 1. Again call that coroutine inside that to keep it running. Just add condition whenever you want to keep on calling it.
private int countpoints=800;
private float t=0.1f;
private int noOfSeconds=90;
private int min;
private int sec;
private int temp=0;
void Start ()
IEnumerator StartTimer ()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(t);
min = noOfSeconds/60;
sec = noOfSeconds%60;
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label(new Rect(100f,100f,100f,50f),countpoints.ToString());
GUI.Label(new Rect(100f,160f,100f,50f),"Time : "+min.ToString("00")+":"+sec.ToString("00"));

You could just do it in the Update method and decrement the points once every 100ms, you need to take care of not rounding things up or down as the error would be systematic and you'll get choppy results.
Using coroutines won't work as expected as the interval is not guaranteed.
private float _milliseconds = 0;
private int points = 800;
void Update()
_milliseconds += * 1000;
if( _milliseconds > 100 )
//add updating GUI code here for points
_milliseconds -= 100;
You won't get choppy decrements as the _milliseconds are decremented by 100, so even if there are differences in the duration of the frames in the long run you'll get a proper handling.
One problem with the script is if frames take a lot more than 100ms consistenly , but if it takes that long you probably have bigger problems:D


What Is The Shortest WaitForSeconds Time Possible, Except 0?

Using yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
within an IEnumerator, what is the shortest wait time other than 0? I have tried using a float number and have tried as low as 0.00001f for the waitTime, however i'm not sure if there is a limit or not?
The purpose is that I am having a player's coins added one unit at a time, so the meter is 'filling up' rather than instant. I have tried searching but I cannot seem to find the answer to what the shortest limit is for WaitForSeconds, so if anyone knows I'd greatly appreciate the answer.
Additionally, my code is as follows if anyone has any input on how I can speed up the process without making it instant, as it's just not quite quick enough and the player is having to sit for a while waiting for the coins to be added to the meter at the end of the game.
IEnumerator AddCoins()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
while (userGainedCoins > 0)
if (addingSoundPlaying == false)
addingSoundPlaying = true;
if (userGainedCoins == 1)
userCoins += 1;
userGainedCoins -= 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("User Coins", userCoins);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
addingSoundPlaying = false;
I think it doesn't have a minimum time, it just waits until it reaches a certain amount before waiting. If you want, you can just add multiple coins at a time. I usually try not to mess with these kinds of things, and instead of messing with the coins, I would just mess with the value it displays. You could have a script that holds the number of coins and increases/decreases it based on the timestep. Something like this:
public int coins = 100;
public int displayedCoins = 0;
private void Update() {
int change = Mathf.CeilToInt(300 * Time.deltaTime);
if (displayedCoins < coins)
displayedCoins = Math.Min(displayedCoins + change, coins);
displayedCoins = Math.Max(displayedCoins - change, coins);
and with this you can just set the amount and forget about it, and it works with gaining and losing coins. You can also change the change value to something like int change = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Abs(coins - displayCoins) * Time.deltaTime) to make it have an ease-out effect, or whatever you want. (I didn't test this code.)

Execute if-statement after fixed amount of time

I don't know if this is an easy question or not.
I'm trying to write a single function that slows down the player and returns them to normal speed after a certain amount of time. I founds some answers online but they all use a second function to set a timer, but I'm trying to contain the whole thing in one function.
I've already tried this:
public void slowDown(float slowAmount, float durationSlowed)
var playerInfo = player.GetComponent<FPSMovement>();
playerInfo.speed *= slowAmount;
float lengthSlowed = Time.time + durationSlowed;
if(Time.time > lengthSlowed)
playerInfo.speed /= slowAmount;
and calling it with:
slowDown (0.5f, 2f)
It manages to slow down the player, but doesn't return their speed to normal.
What am I missing here?
I assume this is unity.
You probably want to do it with IEnumerators and Coroutines. They distribute code to be executed over multiple frames. Something like this:
IEnumerator SpeedUp() {
speed *= 2;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);
speed /= 2;
void Update (){
if(Input.GetKeyDown(***YOUR KEY HERE***)) {
This will double the speed of your character, wait 2 seconds, and halve it. If you want to add a cooldown to the amount of times you can add speed, just drop a boolean check.

Is there a funcion in C# to decrease the value of a int or double?

i am trying to make a script for players health stamina hunger and thirst. I am trying to make hunger and thirst decrease over time by 0.1 over a time of 3 minutes but i don't know if there is a function to do so (also i did the stamina as a int beacuse i want to keep it round). I am new to programing so it might sound like a dumb question. Here's the code i am working with.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Player_Stats : MonoBehaviour {
public double Health;
public double Thirst;
public double Hunger;
public int Stamina;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Health = 100;
Thirst = 100;
Hunger = 100;
Stamina = 100;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
The best way would be to use a coroutine, like this
IEnumerator DecreaseStats(){
float startTime =;
while( - startTime < 3*60){ // less than 3 mins has passed
hunger -= 0.1f;
thirst -= 0.1f;
yeild return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); // wait for 0.5 seconds (tweak this time)
Then call this function whenever you want this decrease to begin
This will run alongside your update method, and you can call it wherever you like in code
First of all, you need to keep track of time.
double time;
void Update () {
time += Time.deltaTime;
Then you need to check if the time has passed
double targetTime;
void Update () {
if ( time >= targetTime ) {
time -= targetTime;
hunger -= some number
thirst -= some number
I understand that you want to decrease Hunger and Thirst by 0.1 every 3 minutes, A specific function like that in C# it doesn't exist as i know but you can create one with the Sleep() method, Here is the code:
public static void Update (double health,double thirst,double hunger,int stamina)
hunger = hunger - 0.1;
thirst = thirst - 0.1;
//Console.WriteLine("Hunger: "+hunger.ToString()+" Thirst: "+thirst.ToString());
It wait 3000 milliseconds (if you want 3 minutes you have to make it 3*60*1000 milliseconds), and then it decrease the two variables.
This is just a basic example you have to work on it and i think you must run it as a separate thread. I Hope i did help you & good luck with your game.

Change a value of 5 to 1 over exactly 600ms [duplicate]

So when my character gets hit by the enemies fire breath, I want to create the feel of the character being set on fire. So while the character is on fire I want him to lose a specific amount of health for a specific amount of time.
For example; lets say he is on fire for 3 seconds and I want to make him lose 30 health for being on fire, how would I evenly distribute losing 30 health for 3 seconds? I dont want the 30 damage to be applied instantly to the health, I want it to slowly tick away at the players health so that at the 3 second mark 30 damage has been dealt.
The game is being made with c#.
This is just like moving Gameobject over time or doing something over time. The only difference is that you have to use Mathf.Lerp instead of Vector3.Lerp. You also need to calculate the end value by subtracting the value you want to lose over time from the current value of the player's life. You pass this into the b or second parameter of the Mathf.Lerp function.
bool isRunning = false;
IEnumerator loseLifeOvertime(float currentLife, float lifeToLose, float duration)
//Make sure there is only one instance of this function running
if (isRunning)
yield break; ///exit if this is still running
isRunning = true;
float counter = 0;
//Get the current life of the player
float startLife = currentLife;
//Calculate how much to lose
float endLife = currentLife - lifeToLose;
//Stores the new player life
float newPlayerLife = currentLife;
while (counter < duration)
counter += Time.deltaTime;
newPlayerLife = Mathf.Lerp(startLife, endLife, counter / duration);
Debug.Log("Current Life: " + newPlayerLife);
yield return null;
//The latest life is stored in newPlayerLife variable
//yourLife = newPlayerLife; //????
isRunning = false;
Let's say that player's life is 50 and we want to remove 2 from it within 3 seconds. The new player's life should be 48 after 3 seconds.
StartCoroutine(loseLifeOvertime(50, 2, 3));
Note that the player's life is stored in the newPlayerLife variable. At the end of the coroutine function, you will have to manually assign your player's life with the value from the newPlayerLife variable.
I suppose, what you are looking for is a Coroutine. Check out here and here for the documentation. It will allow you to do your custom health reducing actions separately from update function. Using coroutines you can make something happening by ticks, and you can determine how much time the tick is.
You could use couroutines. Something like this:
void OnHitByFire()
StartCoroutine(DoFireDamage(5f, 4, 10f));
IEnumerator DoFireDamage(float damageDuration, int damageCount, float damageAmount)
int currentCount = 0;
while (currentCount < damageCount)
HP -= damageAmount;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(damageDuration);
So this is what I ended up doing. It causes the character on fire to lose 30 health and you can see the health ticking down instead of it happening over intervals.
IEnumerator OnFire()
bool burning = true;
float timer = 0;
while (burning)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
hp -= 1;
timer += 0.1f;
if (timer >= 3)
burning = false;

beginner trying to implement a timer in a for loop c#

I'm very new to c# and coding in general and am having some problems implementing a timer in a for loop. Basically, the bit of code below is trying to create a number representative of trash output by an island at set intervals, with each output weighted based on island population to be a bit less predictable. it then adds the generated trash figure to a total. The problem I'm having is that the way tutorials use the Timer class means creating an 'Intervaltimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)' function outside of Main() and I can't work out how to then add whatever is generated by this back to the weights[] array in the Main(). All I really want to do is as soon as the compiler goes into the for loop, tell it to wait 'x' ticks, then continue. Thread.Sleep isn't an option because this is to go in unity, so would interrupt other things. apologies if the code below is a bit gory!
class Program
public static double trashperstan8 = 600 * 3.21;
public static int population = 1000;
public static double trashperpersperday = 1;
public static double interval = 60;
public static double intperday = 1440 / interval;
public static double trashperint = population * trashperpersperday * (interval / 1440);
public static int weightnum = population / 200;
static void Main(string[] args)
double Trashlevel = new double();
double stand8sfilled = new double();
Timer intervaltimer = new Timer((interval / 30) * 1000);
for (int inti = 0; inti < intperday; inti++)
/* at this point, I want to basically tell the code: each time you go
through the for loop, wait for x number of ticks then do the method */
double[] weights = new double[weightnum];
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < weightnum; i++)
double weightcontrib = rand.NextDouble();
weights[i] = weightcontrib;
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", Array.IndexOf(weights, weightcontrib), weightcontrib);
double finalweight = 2 * (weights.Sum() / weightnum);
Console.WriteLine("final weight " + finalweight);
double weightedtpi = trashperint * finalweight;
Trashlevel = Trashlevel + weightedtpi;
stand8sfilled = stand8sfilled + (weightedtpi / trashperstan8);
Console.WriteLine("trash level " + Trashlevel);
Console.WriteLine("stand8s filled " + stand8sfilled);
private static void Intervaltimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
All I really want to do is as soon as the compiler goes into the for loop, tell it to wait 'x' ticks, then continue. Thread.Sleep isn't an option because this is to go in unity, so would interrupt other things.
Solution 1: Don't write a loop at all. The timer already is logically a loop.
Write a method that is the "body" of the "loop".
"Starting the loop" is activating a timer where the body method is the event handler and the timer fires every n milliseconds
"Terminating the loop" is deactivating the timer.
Solution 2: Write a loop, don't use a timer.
Make the method async and then await Task.Delay(whatever); to asynchronously wait for your delay. Your method will suspend when it hits the await, and resume at some point after the delay task is complete.
The latter is probably the better solution in that the code more closely resembles your description of it.
I don't know enough about Unity to say which is the better solution in their framework.

