C# - Static events on non-static classes - c#

There are situations where I'm quite fond of static events, but the fact that I rarely see them in other people's code makes me wonder if I'm missing something important. I found a lot of discussions about static events on this site, but most of them deal with situations that I'm not interested in (like on static classes) or where I wouldn't think of using them in the first place.
What I am interested in are situations where I might have many instances of something and a single instance of a long-living "manager" object that reacts to something on those instances. A very simple example to illustrate what I mean:
public class God {
//the list of followers is really big and changes all the time,
//it seems like a waste of time to
//register/unregister events for each and every one...
readonly List<Believer> Believers = new List<Believer>();
God() {
//...so instead let's have a static event and listen to that
Believer.Prayed += this.Believer_Prayed;
void Believer_Prayed(Believer believer, string prayer) {
public class Believer {
public static event Action<Believer, string> Prayed;
void Pray() {
if (Prayed != null) {
Prayed(this, "can i have stuff, please");
To me, this looks like a much cleaner and simpler solution than having an instance event and I don't have to monitor changes in the believers collection either. In cases where the Believer class can "see" the God-type class, I might sometimes use a NotifyGodOfPrayer()-method instead (which was the preferred answer in a few similar questions), but often the Believer-type class is in a "Models"-assembly where I can't or don't want to access the God class directly.
Are there any actual downsides to this approach?
Edit: Thanks to everyone who has already taken the time to answer.
My example may be bad, so I would like to clarify my question:
If I use this kind of static events in situations, where
I'm sure there will only ever be one instance of the subscriber-object
that is guaranteed to exist as long as the application is running
and the number of instances I'm watching is huge
then are there potential problems with this approach that I'm not aware of?
Unless the answer to that question is "yes", I'm not really looking for alternative implementations, though I really appreciate everyone trying to be helpful.
I'm not looking for the most pretty solution (I'd have to give that prize to my own version simply for being short and easy to read and maintain :)

One important thing to know about events is that they cause objects which are hooked to an event not to be garbage collected until event owner is garbage collected, or until event handler is unhooked.
To put it into your example, if you had a polytheistic pantheon with many gods, where you promoted and demoted gods such as
new God("Svarog");
new God("Svantevit");
new God("Perun");
gods would remain in your RAM while they are attached to Believer.Prayed. This would cause your application to leak gods.
I'll comment on design decision also, but I understand that example you made is maybe not best copy of your real scenario.
It seems more reasonable to me not to create dependency from God to Believer, and to use events. Good approach would be to create an event aggregator which would stand between believers and gods. For example:
public interface IPrayerAggregator
void Pray(Believer believer, string prayer);
void RegisterGod(God god);
// god does
// believer does
prayerAggregator.Pray(this, "For the victory!");
Upon Pray method being called, event aggregator calls appropriate method of God class in turn. To manage references and avoid memory leaks, you could create UnregisterGod method or hold gods in collection of weak references such as
public class Priest : IPrayerAggregator
private List<WeakReference> _gods;
public void Pray(Believer believer, string prayer)
foreach (WeakReference godRef in _gods) {
God god = godRef.Target as God;
if (god != null)
god.SomeonePrayed(believer, prayer);
public void RegisterGod(God god)
_gods.Add(new WeakReference(god, false));
Quick tip: Temporarily store event delegate as listeners might unhook their event handlers
void Pray() {
var handler = Prayed;
if (handler != null) {
handler(this, "can i have stuff, please");
Having in mind details you added about your scenario (huge number of event invokers, constant and single event watcher) I think you chose right scenario, purely for efficiency reasons. It creates least memory and cpu overhead. I wouldn't take this approach generally, but for scenario you described static event is very pragmatic solution that I might take.
One downside I see is flow of control. If your event listener is created in single instance as you say, then I would leverage singleton (anti)pattern and invoke method of God from Believer directly.
God.Instance.Pray(this, "For the victory!");
godInstance.Pray(this, "For the victory!");
Why? Because then you get more granular control over performing action of praying. If you decide down the line that you need to subclass Believer to a special kind that doesn't pray on certain days, then you would have control over this.

I actually think that having an instance even would be cleaner and defiantly more readable.
It is much more simple to view it as, an instance is preying, so his pray event gets trigger. And I don't see ant downsides for that. I don't think that monitor changes is not more of a hustle than monitoring the static event. but is the correct way to go...
Monitoring the list:
Change the list to be an ObservableCollection (and take a look at NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs ).
Monitor it by:
public class God {
readonly ObservableCollection<Believer> Believers = new ObservableCollection<Believer>();
public God() {
Believers = new ObservableCollection<T>();
Believers.CollectionChanged += BelieversListChanged;
private void BelieversListChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args) {
if ((e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove || e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace) && e.OldItems != null)
foreach (var oldItem in e.OldItems)
var bel= (Believer)e.oldItem;
bel.Prayed -= Believer_Prayed;
if((e.Action==NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add || e.Action==NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace) && e.NewItems!=null)
foreach(var newItem in e.NewItems)
foreach (var oldItem in e.OldItems)
var bel= (Believer)e.newItem;
bel.Prayed += Believer_Prayed;
void Believer_Prayed(Believer believer, string prayer) {


Raising event inside event

I am trying to get an event to trigger once the code resulting from the trigger of another event finished working. To me, this means that I have to trigger the second event just at the end of said code.
The first event, here, is directly taken from the Vimba Camera API I'm using, and it works perfectly fine. I read a few things on how to call an event properly (particularly the first anwer here), but I can't get my second event to run properly. I probably misunderstood something, but what ?
Here is a pseudo-code version of what I wrote :
public partial class Form1 : Form
public delegate void SecondEventHandler(int[] myData);
public event SecondEventHandler SomethingHappened;
//Doing a lot of things irrelevant here
myObj.OnFirstEvent += new Obj.OnFirstEventHandler(this.OnFirstEvent);
private void OnFirstEvent(Data data)
//Doing things, and preparing myData
SomethingHappened += new SecondEventHandler(HandleSomethingHappened);
void HandleSomethingHappened(int[] myData)
//Working with myData
If you want to raise methods attached to second event:
private void OnFirstEvent(Data data)
//Doing things, and preparing myData
var h = SomethingHappened;
if(h != null)
h(pass your int[] parameter)
Actually, the easiest yet the cleanest way to achive this is called continuation-passing-style. OnFirstEvent(Data data) should become OnFirstEvent(Data data, Action<int[]> continuator). Whenever it is not null, your code calls it.
However I do warn you: don't let it grow and spread all over your code. It's hard to debug and maintain from a long-term perspective. If you'd expect such an approach to be used extensively, then take a look in reactive extensions.

Implementation of BeginUpdate and EndUpdate

1) I'm working on a project and I saw this piece of code, I don't understand what is the point of the Monitor.Lock statement. Can someone explain what its trying to do?
2) the postscript underscroll in the parameter name is really annoying, anyone else seen this naming convention?
public class FieldsChangeableHelper<T> : IFieldsChangeable<T>
object _lock;
int _lockCount;
FieldChanges<T> _changes;
public FieldsChangeableHelper()
_lock = new object();
_lockCount = 0;
public void AddChange(T field_, object oldValue_)
if (_changes == null)
_changes = new FieldChanges<T>(field_, oldValue_);
_changes.AddChange(field_, oldValue_);
if (RaiseEvent(_changes))
_changes = null;
#region IFieldsChangeable Members
public void BeginUpdate()
if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _lockCount) == 1)
public void EndUpdate()
if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref _lockCount) == 0)
FieldChanges<T> changes = _changes;
_changes = null;
protected bool RaiseEvent(FieldChanges<T> changes_)
if (_lockCount == 0 && Changed != null && changes_ != null)
Changed(this, changes_);
return true;
return false;
public event FieldsChanged<T> Changed;
Monitor.Lock locks the portion of code when multiple thread tries to execute the same piece in parallel. It is made to ensure that only 1 guy is altering/executing the context. Look at the MSDN.
Although its best practice that the locking object is always static, but in your case it is not. Which might pose some problem if your instantiating multiple objects on an open type.
Note one thing, in generics static on open T is different for different type, i.e static member in an Open Type class in your case is different for T i.e DateTime, string, etc.
In csharp, private members of a type are usually named with prefixed _
The way i read it: BeginUpdate() ensures that the current thread calling has exclusive access to the instance and that change events practically will be batched and raised once EndUpdate is called. The author wanted to deal with recursion by itself (e.g. calling BeginUpdate() on the same thread multiple times) and a mechanism to batch UpdateEvents untill after the lock has been released. Because, there is a potential deadlock when raising Events when you still have a lock on yourself. event subscribers might want to access your members and therefore have to lock the sender instance which is already locked.
The whole conditional locking is not required (if my analyses is correct ofcourse) since locks based on the Monitor class are recursive and counted.
There is another problem with the locking mechanism, that is: currently when one thread holds a lock. The second thread wont even wait for the lock but will simply continue without a lock since the lock is conditional! this seems like a big bug!
Regarding the naming convention. I use it myself for a way of differentiating privates from parameters and locals. Its a preference which many C# coding conventions recommend. This helps in a case like this:
void Method(int number)
// no need to refer to this since:
//this.number = number;
// can be replaced with
_number = number;

How to enforce constraints between decoupled objects?

Note - I have moved the original post to the bottom because I think it is still of value to newcomers to this thread. What follows directly below is an attempt at rewriting the question based on feedback.
Completely Redacted Post
Ok, I'll try to elaborate a bit more on my specific problem. I realise I am blending domain logic with interfacing/presentation logic a little but to be honest I am not sure where to seperate it. Please bear with me :)
I am writing an application that (among other things) performs logistics simulations for moving stuff around. The basic idea is that the user sees a Project, similar to Visual Studio, where she can add, remove, name, organise, annotate and so on various objects which I am about to outline:
Items and Locations are basic behaviourless data items.
class Item { ... }
class Location { ... }
A WorldState is a Collection of item-location pairs. A WorldState is mutable: The user is able to add and remove items, or change their location.
class WorldState : ICollection<Tuple<Item,Location>> { }
A Plan represents the movement of items to different locations at desired times. These can either be imported into the Project or generated within the program. It references a WorldState to get the initial location of various objects. A Plan is also mutable.
class Plan : IList<Tuple<Item,Location,DateTime>>
WorldState StartState { get; }
A Simulation then executes a Plan. It encapsulates a lot of rather complex behaviour, and other objects, but the end result is a SimulationResult which is a set of metrics that basically describe how much this cost and how well the Plan was fulfilled (think the Project Triangle)
class Simulation
public SimulationResult Execute(Plan plan);
class SimulationResult
public Plan Plan { get; }
The basic idea is that the users can create these objects, wire them together, and potentially re-use them. A WorldState may be used by multiple Plan objects. A Simulation may then be run over multiple Plans.
At the risk of being horribly verbose, an example
var bicycle = new Item();
var surfboard = new Item();
var football = new Item();
var hat = new Item();
var myHouse = new Location();
var theBeach = new Location();
var thePark = new Location();
var stuffAtMyHouse = new WorldState( new Dictionary<Item, Location>() {
{ hat, myHouse },
{ bicycle, myHouse },
{ surfboard, myHouse },
{ football, myHouse },
var gotoTheBeach = new Plan(StartState: stuffAtMyHouse , Plan : new [] {
new [] { surfboard, theBeach, 1/1/2010 10AM }, // go surfing
new [] { surfboard, myHouse, 1/1/2010 5PM }, // come home
var gotoThePark = new Plan(StartState: stuffAtMyHouse , Plan : new [] {
new [] { football, thePark, 1/1/2010 10AM }, // play footy in the park
new [] { football, myHouse, 1/1/2010 5PM }, // come home
var bigDayOut = new Plan(StartState: stuffAtMyHouse , Plan : new [] {
new [] { bicycle, theBeach, 1/1/2010 10AM }, // cycle to the beach to go surfing
new [] { surfboard, theBeach, 1/1/2010 10AM },
new [] { bicycle, thePark, 1/1/2010 1PM }, // stop by park on way home
new [] { surfboard, thePark, 1/1/2010 1PM },
new [] { bicycle, myHouse, 1/1/2010 1PM }, // head home
new [] { surfboard, myHouse, 1/1/2010 1PM },
var s1 = new Simulation(...);
var s2 = new Simulation(...);
var s3 = new Simulation(...);
IEnumerable<SimulationResult> results =
from simulation in new[] {s1, s2}
from plan in new[] {gotoTheBeach, gotoThePark, bigDayOut}
select simulation.Execute(plan);
The problem is when something like this is executed:
stuffAtMyHouse.RemoveItem(hat); // this is fine
stuffAtMyHouse.RemoveItem(bicycle); // BAD! bicycle is used in bigDayOut,
So basically when a user attempts to delete an item from a WorldState (and maybe the entire Project) via a world.RemoveItem(item) call, I want to ensure that the item is not referred to in any Plan objects which use that WorldState. If it is, I want to tell the user "Hey! The following Plan X is using this Item! Go and deal with that before trying to remove it!". The sort of behaviour I do not want from a world.RemoveItem(item) call is:
Deleting the item but still having the Plan reference it.
Deleting the item but having the Plan silently delete all elements in its list that refer to the item. (actually, this is probably desireable but only as a secondary option).
So my question is basically how can such desired behaviour be implemented with in a cleanly decoupled fashion. I had considered making this a purview of the user interface (so when user presses 'del' on an item, it triggers a scan of the Plan objects and performs a check before calling world.RemoveItem(item)) - but (a) I am also allowing the user to write and execute custom scripts so they can invoke world.RemoveItem(item) themselves, and (b) I'm not convinced this behaviour is a purely "user interface" issue.
Phew. Well I hope someone is still reading...
Original Post
Suppose I have the following classes:
public class Starport
public string Name { get; set; }
public double MaximumShipSize { get; set; }
public class Spaceship
public readonly double Size;
public Starport Home;
So suppose a constraint exists whereby a Spaceship size must be smaller than or equal to the MaximumShipSize of its Home.
So how do we deal with this?
Traditionally I've done something coupled like this:
partial class Starport
public HashSet<Spaceship> ShipsCallingMeHome; // assume this gets maintained properly
private double _maximumShipSize;
public double MaximumShipSize
get { return _maximumShipSize; }
if (value == _maximumShipSize) return;
foreach (var ship in ShipsCallingMeHome)
if (value > ship)
throw new ArgumentException();
_maximumShipSize = value
This is manageable for a simple example like this (so probably a bad example), but I'm finding as the constraints get larger and and more complex, and I want more related features (e.g. implement a method bool CanChangeMaximumShipSizeTo(double) or additional methods which will collect the ships which are too large) I end up writing more unnecessary bidirectional relationships (in this case SpaceBase-Spaceship is arguably appropriate) and complicated code which is largely irrelevant from the owners side of the equation.
So how is this sort of thing normally dealt with? Things I've considered:
I considered using events, similar to the ComponentModel INotifyPropertyChanging/PropertyChanging pattern, except that the EventArgs would have some sort of Veto() or Error() capability (much like winforms allows you to consume a key or suppress a form exit). But I'm not sure whether this constitutes eventing abuse or not.
Alternatively, managing events myself via an explicitly defined interface, e.g
asdf I need this line here or the formatting won't work
interface IStarportInterceptor
bool RequestChangeMaximumShipSize(double newValue);
void NotifyChangeMaximumShipSize(double newValue);
partial class Starport
public HashSet<ISpacebaseInterceptor> interceptors; // assume this gets maintained properly
private double _maximumShipSize;
public double MaximumShipSize
get { return _maximumShipSize; }
if (value == _maximumShipSize) return;
foreach (var interceptor in interceptors)
if (!RequestChangeMaximumShipSize(value))
throw new ArgumentException();
_maximumShipSize = value;
foreach (var interceptor in interceptors)
But I'm not sure if this is any better. I'm also unsure if rolling my own events in this manner would have certain performance implications or there are other reasons why this might be a good/bad idea.
Third alternative is maybe some very wacky aop using PostSharp or an IoC/Dependency Injection container. I'm not quite ready to go down that path yet.
God object which manages all the checks and so forth - just searching stackoverflow for god object gives me the impression this is bad and wrong
My main concern is this seems like a fairly obvious problem and what I thought would be a reasonably common one, but I haven't seen any discussions about it (e.g. System.ComponentModel providse no facilities to veto PropertyChanging events - does it?); this makes me afraid that I've (once again) failed to grasp some fundamental concepts in coupling or (worse) object-oriented design in general.
Based on the revised question:
I'm thinking the WorldState class needs a delegate... And Plan would set a method that should be called to test if an item is in use. Sortof like:
delegate bool IsUsedDelegate(Item Item);
public class WorldState {
public IsUsedDelegate CheckIsUsed;
public bool RemoveItem(Item item) {
if (CheckIsUsed != null) {
foreach (IsUsedDelegate checkDelegate in CheckIsUsed.GetInvocationList()) {
if (checkDelegate(item)) {
return false; // or throw exception
// Remove the item
return true;
Then, in the plan's constructor, set the delegate to be called
public class plan {
public plan(WorldState state) {
state.IsUsedDelegate += CheckForItemUse;
public bool CheckForItemUse(Item item) {
// Am I using it?
This is very rough, of course, I'll try to add more after lunch : ) But you get the general idea.
(Post-Lunch :)
The downside is that you have to rely on the Plan to set the delegate... but there's simply no way to avoid that. There's no way for an Item to tell how many references there are to it, or to control its own usage.
The best you can have is an understood contract... WorldState agrees not to remove an item if a Plan is using it, and Plan agrees to tell WorldState that it's using an item. If a Plan doesn't hold up its end of the contract, then it may end up in an invalid state. Tough luck, Plan, that's what you get for not following the rules.
The reason you don't use events is because you need a return value. An alternative would be to have WorldState expose a method to add 'listeners' of type IPlan, where IPlan defines CheckItemForUse(Item item). But you'd still have to rely that a Plan notifies WorldState to ask before removing an item.
One huge gap that I'm seeing: In your example, the Plan you create is not tied to the WorldState stuffAtMyHouse. You could create a Plan to take your dog to the beach, for example, and Plan would be perfectly happy (you'd have to create a dog Item, of course). Edit: do you mean to pass stuffAtMyHouse to the Plan constructor, instead of myHouse?
Because they're not tied, you currently don't care if you remove bicycle from stuffAtMyHouse... because what you're currently saying is "I don't care where the bicycle starts, and I don't care where it belongs, just take it to the beach". But what you mean (I believe) is "Take my bicycle from my house and go to the beach." The Plan needs to have a starting WorldState context.
TLDR: The best decoupling you can hope for is to let Plan choose what method WorldState should query before removing an item.
Original Answer
It's not 100% clear to me what your goal is, and maybe it's just the forced example. Some possibilities:
I. Enforcing the maximum ship size on methods such as SpaceBase.Dock(myShip)
Pretty straight-forward... the SpaceBase tracks the size when called and throws a TooBigToDockException to the ship attempting to dock if it's too big. In this case, there's not really any coupling... you wouldn't notify the ship of the new max ship size, because managing the max ship size isn't the ship's responsibility.
If the max ship size decreases, you would force the ship to undock... again, the ship doesn't need to know the new max size (though an event or interface to tell it that it's now floating in space might be appropriate). The ship would have no say or veto on the decision... The base has decided it's too big and has booted it.
Your suspicions are correct... God objects are usually bad; clearly-delineated responsibilities make them vanish from the design in puffs of smoke.
II. A queryable property of the SpaceBase
If you want to let a ship ask you if it's too big to dock, you can expose this property. Again, you're not really coupled... you're just letting the ship make a decision to dock or not dock based on this property. But the base doesn't trust the ship to not-dock if it's too big... the base will still check on a call to Dock() and throw an exception.
The responsibility for checking dock-related constraints lies firmly with the base.
III. As true coupling, when the information is necessary to both parties
In order to dock, the base may need to control the ship. Here an interface is appropriate, ISpaceShip, which might have methods such as Rotate(), MoveLeft(), and MoveRight().
Here you avoid coupling by the virtue of the interface itself... Every ship will implement Rotate() differently... the base doesn't care, so long as it can call Rotate() and have the ship turn in place. A NoSuchManeuverException might be thrown by the ship if it doesn't know how to rotate, in which case the base makes a decision to try something different or reject the dock. The objects communicate, but they are not coupled beyond the Interface (contract), and the base still has the responsibility of docking.
IV. Validation on the MaxShipSize setter
You talk about throwing an exception to the caller if it tries to set the MaxShipSize to smaller than the docked ships. I have to ask, though, who is trying to set the MaxShipSize, and why? Either the MaxShipSize should have been set in the constructor and be immutable, or setting the size should follow natural rules, e.g. you can't set the ship size smaller than its current size, because in the real world you would expand a SpaceBase, but never shrink it.
By preventing illogical changes, you render the forced undocking and the communication that goes along with it moot.
The point I'm trying to make is that when you feel like your code is getting unnecessarily complicated, you're almost always right, and your first consideration should be the underlying design. And that in code, less is always more. When you talk about writing Veto() and Error(), and additional methods to 'collect ships that are too large', I become concerned that the code will turn into a Rube Goldberg machine. And I think that separated responsibilities and encapsulation will whittle away much of the unnecessary complication you're experiencing.
It's like a sink with plumbing issues... you can put in all sorts of bends and pipes, but the right solution is usually simple, straight-forward, and elegant.
You know that a Spaceship must have a Size; put the Size in the base class, and implement validation checks in the accessor there.
I know this seems excessively focused on your specific implementation, but the point here is that your expectations aren't as decoupled as you expect; if you have a hard expectation in the base class of something in the derived class, your base class is making a fundamental expectation of the derived class providing an implementation of that; might as well migrate that expectation directly to the base class, where you can manage the constraints better.
You could do something like C++ STL traits classes - implement a generic SpaceBase<Ship, Traits> which has two parameterizing Types - one that defines the SpaceShip member, and the other that constrains the SpaceBase and its SpaceShips using a SpaceBaseTraits class to encapsulate the characteristics of the base such as limitations on ships it can contain.
The INotifyPropertyChanging interface was designed for data binding, which explains why it doesn't have abilities you're looking for. I might try something like this:
interface ISpacebaseInterceptor<T>
bool RequestChange(T newValue);
void NotifyChange(T newValue);
You want to apply constraints on actions, but applying them on the data.
Firstly, why changing Starport.MaximumShipSize is allowed? When we "resize" the Starport shouldn't all the Ships take off?
Those are the kind of questions to understand better what needs to be done (and there is no "right and wrong" answer, there is "mine and yours").
Look at the problem from other angle:
public class Starport
public string Name { get; protected set; }
public double MaximumShipSize { get; protected set; }
public AircarfDispatcher GetDispatcherOnDuty() {
return new AircarfDispatcher(this); // It can be decoupled further, just example
public class Spaceship
public double Size { get; private set; };
public Starport Home {get; protected set;};
public class AircarfDispatcher
Startport readonly airBase;
public AircarfDispatcher(Starport airBase) { this.airBase = airBase; }
public bool CanLand(Spaceship ship) {
if (ship.Size > airBase.MaximumShipSize)
return false;
return true;
public bool CanTakeOff(Spaceship ship) {
return true;
public bool Land(Spaceship ship) {
var canLand = CanLand(ship);
if (!canLand)
throw new ShipLandingException(airBase, this, ship, "Not allowed to land");
// Do something with the capacity of Starport
// Try to land my ship to the first available port
var ports = GetPorts();
var onDuty = ports.Select(p => p.GetDispatcherOnDuty())
.Where(d => d.CanLand(myShip)).First();
// try to resize! But NO we cannot do that (setter is protected)
// because it is not the responsibility of the Port, but a building company :)
ports.First().MaximumShipSize = ports.First().MaximumShipSize / 2.0

Raising an event thread safely

I'm sure I've seen this around before but I'm wondering how I should raise an event thread-safely.
I have a message despatch thread which looks somthing like.
while(_messages > 0){
Message msg;
// get next message
if (MessageDispatched != null)
MessageDispatched(this, new MessageDispatchedEventArgs(msg.Msg, msg.Params));
I can see that it may be posible for MessageDispatched to be come null after the check. from a MS blog I've seen:
var handler = MessageDispatched;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new MessageDispatchedEventArgs(msg.Msg, msg.Params));
Which does stop the possibility of the reference becoming null after the check occurring. I'm wondering how to handle the case where the delegate is disposed (or even if it can?)
Should I just need to stick a try / catch around it, as its probably very rarely going to occur?
After reading answers I've considered making my class to handle this - quickly it looks something whats below, but I'm running into a few issues which make it not as clean as I want - maybe someone has an idea how to do that?
public class ThreadSafeEvent<TDelegate>
// where TDelegate : Delegate why is this a non allowed special case???
List<TDelegate> _delegates = new List<TDelegate>();
public void Subscribe(TDelegate #delegate)
lock (_delegates)
if (!_delegates.Contains(#delegate))
public void Unsubscibe(TDelegate #delegate)
lock (_delegates)
// How to get signature from delegate?
public void Raise(params object[] _params)
lock (_delegates)
foreach (TDelegate wrappedDel in _delegates)
var del = wrappedDel as Delegate;
del.Method.Invoke (del.Target, _params);
The latter structure will make sure you won't get a null reference exception calling the handler on non-Itanium architectures.
However, it leads to another possible issue -- it's possible for a client that registered an event handler to have the handler called after it's been removed. The only way to prevent that is to serialize raising the event and registering the handler. However, if you do that, you have a potential deadlock situation.
In short, there are three potential classes of ways this can break -- I go with the way you've done it here (and MS recommends) and accept that it is possible for an event handler to get called after it is unregistered.
Please, check this out: Checking for null before event dispatching… thread safe?
Read this post from Eric Lippert : Events and Races

Unsubscribe to child object prop changed events

Say I have a object Client that has a child StatusType object. Both implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
The Client subscribes to the prop changed event in the property after checking for null and making sure value is different
public StatusType Status
get { return _status ?? (_status = this.GetNewStatusType()); }
if (!(_status ?? (_status = this.GetNewStatusType())).Equals(value))
_status.PropertyChanged -= Status_PropertyChanged;
_status = value;
_status.PropertyChanged += Status_PropertyChanged;
Client listens for property changed events and bubbles it up.
void Status_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnPropertyChanged("Status." + e.PropertyName);
Both Client and StatusType inherit from EntitiesBase, which does the actual heavy lifting of implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.
So my actual question is do I need have Client unsubscribe from StatusType.PropertyChanged event for memory reasons? If so, should I use a deconstructor, or have client implement IDisposable?
If I was to use a deconstructor, would it look something like this?
if (_status != null)
_status.PropertyChanged -= Status_PropertyChanged;
_status = null;
Thanks in advance. There are times in our application where we might have over 1000 clients in memory and I want to make sure I am being efficient.
You could be creating a memory leak if these clients remain in memory indefinitely and their AppDomain is never unloaded. IDisposable might be a better route as you will have a deterministic approach to cleaning up the handlers you no longer need.
[Edit] Keep in mind that even though you may remove the delegate from the event's invocation list you will not free up the memory until the GC runs.
Also this might be of interest to you: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa970850.aspx

