Trim a string in c# after special character - c#

I want to trim a string after a special character..
Lets say the string is str="arjunmenon.uking". I want to get the characters after the . and ignore the rest. I.e the resultant string must be restr="uking".

How about:
string foo = str.EverythingAfter('.');
public static string EverythingAfter(this string value, char c)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return value;
int idx = value.IndexOf(c);
return idx < 0 ? "" : value.Substring(idx + 1);

you can use like
string input = "arjunmenon.uking";
int index = input.LastIndexOf(".");
input = input.Substring(index+1, input.Split('.')[1].ToString().Length );

Use Split function
Try this
string[] restr = str.Split('.');
//restr[0] contains arjunmenon
//restr[1] contains uking

char special = '.';
var restr = str.Substring(str.IndexOf(special) + 1).Trim();

Try Regular Expression Language
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program
static void Main()
string input = "arjunmenon.uking";
string pattern = #"[a-zA-Z0-9].*\.([a-zA-Z0-9].*)";
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(input, pattern))
if (match.Groups.Count > 1)
for (int ctr = 1; ctr < match.Groups.Count; ctr++)
Console.WriteLine(" Group {0}: {1}", ctr, match.Groups[ctr].Value);
Group 1: uking

Personally, I won't do the split and go for the index[1] in the resulting array, if you already know that your correct stuff is in index[1] in the splitted string, then why don't you just declare a constant with the value you wanted to "extract"?
After you make a Split, just get the last item in the array.
string separator = ".";
string text = "";
string[] parts = text.Split(separator);
string restr = parts[parts.length - 1];
The variable restr will be = "evil"

string str = "arjunmenon.uking";
string[] splitStr = str.Split('.');
string restr = splitStr[1];

Not like the methods that uses indexes, this one will allow you not to use the empty string verifications, and the presence of your special caracter, and will not raise exceptions when having empty strings or string that doesn't contain the special caracter:
string str = "arjunmenon.uking";
string restr = str.Split('.').Last();
You may find all the info you need here :

I think the simplest way will be this:
string restr, str = "arjunmenon.uking";
restr = str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);


How to remove a portion of string

I want to remove word Test and Leaf from the specified string beginning only,not from the other side,so string Test_AA_234_6874_Test should be AA_234_6874_Test,But when i use .Replace it will replace word Test from everywhere which i don't want.How to do it
This is the code what i have done it
string st = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
st = st.Replace("Test_","");
You could use a regex to do this. The third argument of the regex replace method specifics how many times you want to replace.
string st = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
var regex = new Regex("(Test|Leaf)_");
var value = regex.Replace(st, "", 1);
Or if the string to replace only occurs on the start just use ^ which asserts the position at start of the string.
string st = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
var regex = new Regex("^(Test|Leaf)_");
var value = regex.Replace(st, "");
If you know that you allways have to remove the first 5 letters you can also use Substring which is more performant.
string st = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
var value = st.Substring(5, st.Length - 5);
The simplest way to do this is by using a Regular Expression like so.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
namespace RegExTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
var matchText = "Test";
var replacement = String.Empty;
var regex = new Regex("^" + matchText);
var output = regex.Replace(input, replacement);
Console.WriteLine("Converted String: {0}", output);
The ^ will match text at the beginning of the string.
Consider checking whether the string starts with "Start" and/or ends with "Trim" and decide the end and start positions you'd like to maintain. Then use Substring method to get only the portion you need.
public string Normalize(string input, string prefix, string suffix)
// Validation
int length = input.Length;
int startIndex = 0;
startIndex = prefix.Length;
length -= prefix.Length;
if (input.EndsWith (suffix))
length -= suffix.Length;
return input.Substring(startIndex, length);
Hope this helps.
string wordToRemoveFromBeginning = "Test_";
int index = st.IndexOf(wordToRemoveFromBeginning);
string cleanPath = (index < 0) ? st : st.Remove(index,
Use a regular expression.
var str1 = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
var str2 = "Leaf_AA_234_6874_Test";
str1 = Regex.Replace(str1, "^Test", "");
str2 = Regex.Replace(str2, "^Leaf", "");
Regex.Replace parameters are your input string (str1), the pattern you want to match, and what to replace it with, in this case a blank space. The ^ character means look at the start of the string, so something like "MyTest_AAAA_234_6874_Test" would stil return "MyTest_AA_234_6874_Test".
I am gonna use some very simple code here
string str = "Test_AA_234_6874_Test";
string substring = str.Substring(0, 4);
if (substring == "Test" || substring == "Leaf")
str= str.Remove(0, 5);

Getting text from string between two characters

I am trying to pull apart a string and get the text between two "#"'s. I have found ways to do it in Java and php and I am assuming they are similar in C#, i just jeep failing and pretty sure its PEBKAC. So I though I would ask.
Example- I want to programatically pull out "filenameid" and "Name" from this string:
Try splitting:
String source = "#filenameid#30day#Name#.xls";
String[] chunks = source
.Split(new Char[] { '#' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
then take appropriate chunks:
String id = chunks[0];
String period = chunks[1];
String name = chunks[2];
Use capturing groups.
Get the string you want from group index 1. Note that lookarounds won't work here.
If your string has same format always you can do the following:
string a = "#filenameid#30day#Name#.xls";
string fileID = split[1];
string name = split[3];
You can achieve it using Regex.
void Main()
const string Expression = #"#([^#]*)*#";
const string TestSample = #"'#filenameid#30day#Name#.xls'";
Regex regex = new Regex(Expression);
.Select(match => match.Captures[0].Value.Replace("#", ""))
Here is a low-level solution for the problem:
static void Main(string[] args) {
string text = "#filenameid#30day#Name#.xls";
int frameStart = 0;
int match = 0;
// loop on characters
for(int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
char c = text[i];
switch(c) {
case '#':
// evaluate frame (text between meshes)
switch(match) {
// match at index 1
case 1:
Console.WriteLine(text.Substring(frameStart, i - frameStart));
// match at index 3
case 3:
Console.WriteLine(text.Substring(frameStart, i - frameStart));
// move to next frame
frameStart = i + 1;
// count of matches is match + 1

How to concatenate a string with blankspaces?

I need to create a 10-character string. If the string has less than 10 characters i need to append blank spaces till complete the entire 10-character string. I do the following but I have no succes, the result string has only one blank space concateneted in the end:
public void MyMethod(string[] mystrings)
mystring[i].PadRight(10- mystrings[i].length)
// Here I need a 10 char string. For example:
// "1234567 "
Thank you.
You could use String.PadRight:
mystring = mystring.PadRight(10, ' ');
(You can omit the second parameter, as in your case, when you use spaces).
Note however, that if mystring is already longer than 10 characters, it will remain longer. It is not clear from your question, if you need a string with exactly 10 characters length. If so, then do something like:
mystring = mystring.PadRight(10).Substring(0, 10);
You can use string.Format with a custom format string:
mystring = string.Format("{0,-10}", mystring);
You need to use the string.PadRight method:
string result = mystring.PadRight(10);
try this
string str = "cc";
int charstoinsert = 10 - str.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < charstoinsert; i++)
str += " ";
Try with following function
#region GetPaddedString
private string GetPaddedString(string strValue, int intLength)
string strReturn = string.Empty;
string _strEmptySpace = " ";
int _vinLength = strValue.Length;
if (_vinLength < intLength)
strReturn = strValue + _strEmptySpace.PadRight((intLength - _vinLength));
strReturn = strValue;
return strReturn;
GetPaddedString("test", 10)
This should do the trick:
str.PadRight(10, ' ').Substring(0, 10)
try this
string mystring= "sd";
while (mystring.Length <= 10)
mystring+= " ";

strip out digits or letters at the most right of a string

I have a file name: kjrjh20111103-BATCH2242_20111113-091337.txt
I only need 091337, not the txt or the - how can I achieve that. It does not have to be 6 numbers it could be more or less but will always be after "-" and the last ones before ."doc" or ."txt"
You can either do this with a regex, or with simple string operations. For the latter:
int lastDash = text.LastIndexOf('-');
string afterDash = text.Substring(lastDash + 1);
int dot = afterDash.IndexOf('.');
string data = dot == -1 ? afterDash : afterDash.Substring(0, dot);
Personally I find this easier to understand and verify than a regular expression, but your mileage may vary.
String fileName = kjrjh20111103-BATCH2242_20111113-091337.txt;
String[] splitString = fileName.Split ( new char[] { '-', '.' } );
String Number = splitString[2];
Regex: .*-(?<num>[0-9]*). should do the job. num capture group contains your string.
The Regex would be:
string fileName = "kjrjh20111103-BATCH2242_20111113-091337.txt";
string fileMatch = Regex.Match(fileName, "(?<=-)\d+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value;
String fileName = "kjrjh20111103-BATCH2242_20111113-091337.txt";
var startIndex = fileName.LastIndexOf('-') + 1;
var length = fileName.LastIndexOf('.') - startIndex;
var output = fileName.Substring(startIndex, length);

How to make a first letter capital in C#

How can the first letter in a text be set to capital?
it is a text. = It is a text.
public static string ToUpperFirstLetter(this string source)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
return string.Empty;
// convert to char array of the string
char[] letters = source.ToCharArray();
// upper case the first char
letters[0] = char.ToUpper(letters[0]);
// return the array made of the new char array
return new string(letters);
It'll be something like this:
// precondition: before must not be an empty string
String after = before.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + before.Substring(1);
polygenelubricants' answer is fine for most cases, but you potentially need to think about cultural issues. Do you want this capitalized in a culture-invariant way, in the current culture, or a specific culture? It can make a big difference in Turkey, for example. So you may want to consider:
CultureInfo culture = ...;
text = char.ToUpper(text[0], culture) + text.Substring(1);
or if you prefer methods on String:
CultureInfo culture = ...;
text = text.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(culture) + text.Substring(1);
where culture might be CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, or the current culture etc.
For more on this problem, see the Turkey Test.
If you are using C# then try this code:
Microsoft.VisualBasic.StrConv(sourceString, Microsoft.VisualBasic.vbProperCase)
I use this variant:
private string FirstLetterCapital(string str)
return Char.ToUpper(str[0]) + str.Remove(0, 1);
If you are sure that str variable is valid (never an empty-string or null), try:
str = Char.ToUpper(str[0]) + str[1..];
Unlike the other solutions that use Substring, this one does not do additional string allocations. This example basically concatenates char with ReadOnlySpan<char>.
I realize this is an old post, but I recently had this problem and solved it with the following method.
private string capSentences(string str)
string s = "";
if (str[str.Length - 1] == '.')
str = str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1);
char[] delim = { '.' };
string[] tokens = str.Split(delim);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
tokens[i] = tokens[i].Trim();
tokens[i] = char.ToUpper(tokens[i][0]) + tokens[i].Substring(1);
s += tokens[i] + ". ";
return s;
In the sample below clicking on the button executes this simple code outBox.Text = capSentences(inBox.Text.Trim()); which pulls the text from the upper box and puts it in the lower box after the above method runs on it.
Take the first letter out of the word and then extract it to the other string.
strFirstLetter = strWord.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
strFullWord = strFirstLetter + strWord.Substring(1);
text = new String(
new [] { char.ToUpper(text.First()) }
this functions makes capital the first letter of all words in a string
public static string FormatSentence(string source)
var words = source.Split(' ').Select(t => t.ToCharArray()).ToList();
words.ForEach(t =>
for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++)
t[i] = i.Equals(0) ? char.ToUpper(t[i]) : char.ToLower(t[i]);
return string.Join(" ", words.Select(t => new string(t)));;
string str = "it is a text";
// first use the .Trim() method to get rid of all the unnecessary space at the begining and the end for exemple (" This string ".Trim() is gonna output "This string").
str = str.Trim();
char theFirstLetter = str[0]; // this line is to take the first letter of the string at index 0.
theFirstLetter.ToUpper(); // .ToTupper() methode to uppercase the firstletter.
str = theFirstLetter + str.substring(1); // we add the first letter that we uppercased and add the rest of the string by using the str.substring(1) (str.substring(1) to skip the first letter at index 0 and only print the letters from the index 1 to the last index.)
Console.WriteLine(str); // now it should output "It is a text"
static String UppercaseWords(String BadName)
String FullName = "";
if (BadName != null)
String[] FullBadName = BadName.Split(' ');
foreach (string Name in FullBadName)
String SmallName = "";
if (Name.Length > 1)
SmallName = char.ToUpper(Name[0]) + Name.Substring(1).ToLower();
SmallName = Name.ToUpper();
FullName = FullName + " " + SmallName;
FullName = FullName.Trim();
FullName = FullName.TrimEnd();
FullName = FullName.TrimStart();
return FullName;
string Input = " it is my text";
Input = Input.TrimStart();
//Create a char array
char[] Letters = Input.ToCharArray();
//Make first letter a capital one
string First = char.ToUpper(Letters[0]).ToString();
string Output = string.Concat(First,Input.Substring(1));
Try this code snippet:
char nm[] = "this is a test";
if(char.IsLower(nm[0])) nm[0] = char.ToUpper(nm[0]);
//print result: This is a test

