Does an IO monad make sense in a language like C# - c#

After spending a lot of time reading and thinking, I think I have finally grasped what monads are, how they work, and what they're useful for. My main goal was to figure out if monads were something I could apply to my daily work in C#.
When I started learning about monads, I got the impression that they are magical, and that they somehow make IO and other non-pure functions pure.
I understand the importance of monads for things like LINQ in .Net, and Maybe is very useful for dealing with functions that don't return valid values. And I also appreciate the need to limit statefulness in code and to isolate external dependencies, and I was hoping monads would help with those too.
But I've finally come to the conclusion that monads for IO and handling state are a necessity for Haskell, because Haskell has no other way to do it (otherwise, you couldn't guarantee sequencing, and some calls would be optimized away.) But for more mainstream languages, monads are not a good fit for these needs, since most languages already handle and state and IO easily.
So, my question is, is it fair to say that the IO monad is really only useful in Haskell? Is there a good reason to implement an IO monad in, say, C#?

At work, we use monads to control IO in our C# code on our most important pieces of business logic. Two examples are our financial code and code that finds solutions to an optimization problem for our customers.
In our financial code, we use a monad to control IO writing to and reading from our database. It essentially consists of a small set of operations and an abstract syntax tree for the monad operations. You could imagine it's something like this (not actual code):
interface IFinancialOperationVisitor<T, out R> : IMonadicActionVisitor<T, R> {
R GetTransactions(GetTransactions op);
R PostTransaction(PostTransaction op);
interface IFinancialOperation<T> {
R Accept<R>(IFinancialOperationVisitor<T, R> visitor);
class GetTransactions : IFinancialOperation<IError<IEnumerable<Transaction>>> {
Account Account {get; set;};
public R Accept<R>(IFinancialOperationVisitor<R> visitor) {
return visitor.Accept(this);
class PostTransaction : IFinancialOperation<IError<Unit>> {
Transaction Transaction {get; set;};
public R Accept<R>(IFinancialOperationVisitor<R> visitor) {
return visitor.Accept(this);
which is essentially the Haskell code
data FinancialOperation a where
GetTransactions :: Account -> FinancialOperation (Either Error [Transaction])
PostTransaction :: Transaction -> FinancialOperation (Either Error Unit)
along with an abstract syntax tree for the construction of actions in a monad, essentially the free monad:
interface IMonadicActionVisitor<in T, out R> {
R Return(T value);
R Bind<TIn>(IMonadicAction<TIn> input, Func<TIn, IMonadicAction<T>> projection);
R Fail(Errors errors);
// Objects to remember the arguments, and pass them to the visitor, just like above
Hopefully I got the variance right on everything for doing this without higher order types,
which is how we used to do this. We now use higher order types in c#, more on that below.
Here, to avoid a higher-order type, the AST for monadic actions is included by inheritance
In the real code, there are more of these so we can remember that something was built by .Select() instead of .SelectMany() for efficiency. A financial operation, including intermediary computations still has type IFinancialOperation<T>. The actual performance of the operations is done by an interpreter, which wraps all the database operations in a transaction and deals with how to roll that transaction back if any component is unsuccessful. We also use a interpreter for unit testing the code.
In our optimization code, we use a monad for controlling IO to get external data for optimization. This allows us to write code that is ignorant of how computations are composed, which lets us use exactly the same business code in multiple settings:
synchronous IO and computations for computations done on demand
asynchronous IO and computations for many computations done in parallel
mocked IO for unit tests
Since the code needs to be passed which monad to use, we need an explicit definition of a monad. Here's one. IEncapsulated<TClass,T> essentially means TClass<T>. This lets the c# compiler keep track of all three pieces of the type of monads simultaneously, overcoming the need to cast when dealing with monads themselves.
public interface IEncapsulated<TClass,out T>
TClass Class { get; }
public interface IFunctor<F> where F : IFunctor<F>
// Map
IEncapsulated<F, B> Select<A, B>(IEncapsulated<F, A> initial, Func<A, B> projection);
public interface IApplicativeFunctor<F> : IFunctor<F> where F : IApplicativeFunctor<F>
// Return / Pure
IEncapsulated<F, A> Return<A>(A value);
IEncapsulated<F, B> Apply<A, B>(IEncapsulated<F, Func<A, B>> projection, IEncapsulated<F, A> initial);
public interface IMonad<M> : IApplicativeFunctor<M> where M : IMonad<M>
// Bind
IEncapsulated<M, B> SelectMany<A, B>(IEncapsulated<M, A> initial, Func<A, IEncapsulated<M, B>> binding);
// Bind and project
IEncapsulated<M, C> SelectMany<A, B, C>(IEncapsulated<M, A> initial, Func<A, IEncapsulated<M, B>> binding, Func<A, B, C> projection);
public interface IMonadFail<M,TError> : IMonad<M> {
// Fail
IEncapsulated<M, A> Fail<A>(TError error);
Now we could imagine making another class of monad for the portion of IO our computations need to be able to see:
public interface IMonadGetSomething<M> : IMonadFail<Error> {
IEncapsulated<M, Something> GetSomething();
Then we can write code that doesn't know about how computations are put together
public class Computations {
public IEncapsulated<M, IEnumerable<Something>> GetSomethings<M>(IMonadGetSomething<M> monad, int number) {
var result = monad.Return(Enumerable.Empty<Something>());
// Our developers might still like writing imperative code
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
result = from existing in r1
from something in monad.GetSomething()
select r1.Concat(new []{something});
return result.Select(x => x.ToList());
This can be reused in both a synchronous and asynchronous implementation of an IMonadGetSomething<>. Note that in this code, the GetSomething()s will happen one after another until there's an error, even in an asynchronous setting. (No this is not how we build lists in real life)

I use Haskell and F# regularly and I've never really felt like using an IO or state monad in F#.
The main reason for me is that in Haskell, you can tell from the type of something that it doesn't use IO or state, and that's a really valuable piece of information.
In F# (and C#) there's no such general expectation on other people's code, and so you won't benefit much from adding that discipline to your own code, and you'll pay some general overhead (mainly syntactic) for sticking to it.
Monads also don't work too well on the .NET platform because of the lack of higher-kinded types: while you can write monadic code in F# with workflow syntax, and in C# with a bit more pain, you can't easily write code that abstracts over multiple different monads.

You ask "Do we need an IO monad in C#?" but you should ask instead "Do we need a way to reliably obtain purity and immutability in C#?".
The key benefit would be controlling side-effects. Whether you do that using monads or some other mechanism doesn't matter. For example, C# could allow you to mark methods as pure and classes as immutable. That would go a great way towards taming side-effects.
In such a hypothetical version of C# you'd try to make 90% of the computation pure, and have unrestricted, eager IO and side-effects in the remaining 10%. In such a world I do not see so much of a need for absolute purity and an IO monad.
Note, that by just mechanically converting side-effecting code to a monadic style you gain nothing. The code does not improve in quality at all. You improve the code quality by being 90% pure, and concentrating the IO into small, easily reviewable places.

The ability to know if a function has side effects just by looking at its signature is very useful when trying to understand what the function does. The less a function can do, the less you have to understand! (Polymorphism is another thing that helps restrict what a function can do with its arguments.)
In many languages that implement Software Transactional Memory, the documentation has warnings like the following:
I/O and other activities with side-effects should be avoided in
transactions, since transactions will be retried.
Having that warning become a prohibition enforced by the type system can make the language safer.
There are optimizations can only be performed with code that is free of side effects. But the absence of side effects may be difficult to determine if you "allow anything" in the first place.
Another benefit of the IO monad is that, since IO actions are "inert" unless they lie in the path of the main function, it's easy to manipulate them as data, put them in containers, compose them at runtime, and so on.
Of course, the monadic approach to IO has its disadvantages. But it does have advantages besides "being one of the few ways of doing I/O in a pure lazy language in a flexible and principled manner".

As always, the IO monad is special and difficult to reason about. It's well known in the Haskell community that while IO is useful, it does not share many of the benefits other monads do. It's use is, as you've remarked, motivated greatly by its privileges position instead of it being a good modeling tool.
With that, I'd say it's not so useful in C# or, really, any language that isn't trying to completely contain side effects with type annotations.
But it's just one monad. As you've mentioned, Failure shows up in LINQ, but more sophisticated monads are useful even in a side-effecting language.
For instance, even with arbitrary global and local state environments, the state monad will indicate both the beginning and end of a regime of actions which work on some privileged kind of state. You don't get the side-effect elimination guarantees Haskell enjoys, but you still get good documentation.
To go further, introducing something like a Parser monad is a favorite example of mine. Having that monad, even in C#, is a great way to localize things like non-deterministic, backtracking failure performed while consuming a string. You can obviously do that with particular kinds of mutability, but Monads express that a particular expression performs a useful action in that effectful regime without regard to any global state you might also be involving.
So, I'd say yes, they're useful in any typed language. But IO as Haskell does it? Maybe not so much.

In a language like C# where you can do IO anywhere, an IO monad doesn't really have any practical use. The only thing you'd want to use it for is controlling side effects, and since there's nothing stopping you from performing side effects outside the monad, there's not really much point.
As for the Maybe monad, while it seems potentially useful, it only really works in a language with lazy evaluation. In the following Haskell expression, the second lookup isn't evaluated if the first returns Nothing:
doSomething :: String -> Maybe Int
doSomething name = do
x <- lookup name mapA
y <- lookup name mapB
return (x+y)
This allows the expression to "short circuit" when a Nothing is encountered. An implementation in C# would have to perform both lookups (I think, I'd be interested to see a counter-example.) You're probably better-off with if statements.
Another issue is the loss of abstraction. While it's certainly possible to implement monads in C# (or things which look a little bit like monads), you can't really generalise like you can in Haskell because C# doesn't have higher kinds. For example, a function like mapM :: Monad m => Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] (which works for any monad) can't really be represented in C#. You could certainly have something like this:
public List<Maybe<a> mapM<a,b>(Func<a, Maybe<b>>);
which would work for a specific monad (Maybe in this case), but It's not possible to abstract-away the Maybe from that function. You'd have to be able to do something like this:
public List<m<a> mapM<m,a,b>(Func<a, m<b>>);
which isn't possible in C#.


How does the functional programming recommendation for static methods influence testability?

The more I dive into functional programming I read the recommendation to favor static methods in favor of non-static ones. You can read about that recommendation in this book for example:
Of course that makes sense if you think about functional purity. A static function stands there and says: "I do not need any state!"
However, how does that influence testability? I mean, isn't it that a system with a lot of static methods becomes a pain to test (since static methods are hard to mock)? Or does mocks play a minor role in functional programming and if so: why?
Since there are doubts if the book really makes that recommendation. I will quote a little more. I hope thats ok for Oliver Sturm.
Use Static Methods
Static methods is one of the basic ideas worth considering as a general guideline. It is supported by many object oriented programmers, and from a functional point of view, functions can be made static most of the time. Any pure function can be made static.
Some may argue that the idea of always passing around all parameters means you're not exploiting the ideas of object orientation as much as you could. That may in fact be true, but then perhaps it is because object orientation concepts don't give as much consideration to issues of parallel execution as they should.
Finally, a guideline to recommend: when you have written a method that does not require acces to any field in the class it lives in, make it static!
Btw, there have been good answers so far. Thanks for that!
One way of looking at this is that for functional programming you only need to mock state (by providing suitable inputs) that is required by the specific function. For OO programming you need to mock all of the state required for the inner working of the class.
Functional programs also have the side benefit that you can guarantee that repeating the same test with the same input will give the same result. In classic OO you have to guarantee not just the same input, but the same overall state.
In well architectured OO code, the difference will be minimal (as classes will have well defined responsibility) but the requirements for a functional test are still a strict subset of the equivilent OO test.
(I realise that functional programming styles can make use of OO via immutable objects - please read mentions of OO above as 'object oriented programming with mutible state')
As pointed out by Fredrik, the important part about functional methods is not that they are static, but that they do not mutate the state of the program. A 'pure' function is a mapping from a set of inputs to a set of outputs (same input always gives same result), and has no other effect.
I think that static methods per se is not the problem, the problem comes when they start to operate on static data. As long as the static method takes input as argument, operates on it and returns a result, I see no problems testing them.
Even when I am not pursuing a functional approach in my code, I tend to make methods static whenever I can. But I think very carefully before introducing static state, or a static type.
All "state" in pure functional programming comes from the inputs. To unit test functional programs you create test inputs and observe the outputs. If your methods can not be tested by giving them test inputs and observing the output they are not functional enough.
In functional programming you would want to mock functions instead of objects. So if you want to test function f without depending on some ComplicatedAndLongFunction in
myx = g(x);
y = ComplicatedAndLongFunction(myx);
myy = h(y)
return myy;
you may want to decouple f from the ComplicatedAndLongFunction by injecting the latter into f:
f(x, calc)
myx = g(x);
y = calc(myx);
myy = h(y)
return myy;
so you can specify the behavior of calc in you test.
This raises the question (in my head at least) if there are mocking frameworks that make it easy to specify expectations on functions without having to revert to objects.

Whose responsibility is it to cache / memoize function results?

I'm working on software which allows the user to extend a system by implementing a set of interfaces.
In order to test the viability of what we're doing, my company "eats its own dog food" by implementing all of our business logic in these classes in the exact same way a user would.
We have some utility classes / methods that tie everything together and use the logic defined in the extendable classes.
I want to cache the results of the user-defined functions. Where should I do this?
Is it the classes themselves? This seems like it can lead to a lot of code duplication.
Is it the utilities/engine which uses these classes? If so, an uninformed user may call the class function directly and not receive any caching benefit.
Example code
public interface ILetter { string[] GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe(); }
public class A : ILetter { public string[] GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe()
return new [] { "Aardvark", "Ant" };
public class B : ILetter { public string[] GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe()
return new [] { "Baboon", "Banshee" };
/* ...Left to user to define... */
public class Z : ILetter { public string[] GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe()
return new [] { "Zebra" };
public static class LetterUtility
public static string[] GetAnimalsThatStartWithLetter(char letter)
if(letter == 'A') return (new A()).GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe();
if(letter == 'B') return (new B()).GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe();
/* ... */
if(letter == 'Z') return (new Z()).GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe();
throw new ApplicationException("Letter " + letter + " not found");
Should LetterUtility be responsible for caching? Should each individual instance of ILetter? Is there something else entirely that can be done?
I'm trying to keep this example short, so these example functions don't need caching. But consider I add this class that makes (new C()).GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe() take 10 seconds every time it's run:
public class C : ILetter
public string[] GetAnimalsThatStartWithMe()
return new [] { "Cat", "Capybara", "Clam" };
I find myself battling between making our software as fast as possible and maintaining less code (in this example: caching the result in LetterUtility) and doing the exact same work over and over (in this example: waiting 10 seconds every time C is used).
Which layer is best responsible for caching of the results of these user-definable functions?
The answer is pretty obvious: the layer that can correctly implement the desired cache policy is the right layer.
A correct cache policy needs to have two characteristics:
It must never serve up stale data; it must know whether the method being cached is going to produce a different result, and invalidate the cache at some point before the caller would get stale data
It must manage cached resources efficiently on the user's behalf. A cache without an expiration policy that grows without bounds has another name: we usually call them "memory leaks".
What's the layer in your system that knows the answers to the questions "is the cache stale?" and "is the cache too big?" That's the layer that should implement the cache.
Something like caching can be considered a "cross-cutting" concern (
In computer science, cross-cutting concerns are aspects of a program which affect other concerns. These concerns often cannot be cleanly decomposed from the rest of the system in both the design and implementation, and can result in either scattering (code duplication), tangling (significant dependencies between systems), or both.
For instance, if writing an application for handling medical records, the bookkeeping and indexing of such records is a core concern, while logging a history of changes to the record database or user database, or an authentication system, would be cross-cutting concerns since they touch more parts of the program.
Cross cutting concerns can often be implemented via Aspect Oriented Programming (
In computing, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm which aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. AOP forms a basis for aspect-oriented software development.
There are many tools in .NET to facilitate Aspect Oriented Programming. I'm most fond of those that provide completely transparent implementation. In the example of caching:
public class Foo
[Cache(10)] // cache for 10 minutes
public virtual void Bar() { ... }
That's all you need to do...everything else happens automatically by defining a behavior like so:
public class CachingBehavior
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) { ... }
// this method intercepts any method invocations on methods attributed with the [Cache] attribute.
// In the case of caching, this method would check if some cache store contains the data, and if it does return it...else perform the normal method operation and store the result
There are two general schools for how this happens:
Post build IL weaving. Tools like PostSharp, Microsoft CCI, and Mono Cecil can be configured to automatically rewrite these attributed methods to automatically delegate to your behaviors.
Runtime proxies. Tools like Castle DynamicProxy and Microsoft Unity can automatically generate proxy types (a type derived from Foo that overrides Bar in the example above) that delegates to your behavior.
Although I do not know C#, this seems like a case for using AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming). The idea is that you can 'inject' code to be executed at certain points in the execution stack.
You can add the caching code as follows:
IF( InCache( object, method, method_arguments ) )
RETURN Cache(object, method, method_arguments);
ExecuteMethod(); StoreResultsInCache();
You then define that this code should be executed before every call of your interface functions (and all subclasses implementing these functions as well).
Can some .NET expert enlighten us how you would do this in .NET ?
In general, caching and memoisation makes sense when:
Obtaining the result is (or at least can be) high-latency or otherwise expensive than the expense caused by caching itself.
The results have a look-up pattern where there will be frequent calls with the same inputs to the function (that is, not just the arguments but any instance, static and other data that affects the result).
There isn't an already existing caching mechanism within the code the code in question calls into that makes this unnecessary.
There won't be another caching mechanism within the code that calls the code in question that makes this unnecessary (why it almost never makes sense to memoise GetHashCode() within that method, despite people often being tempted to when the implementation is relatively expensive).
Is impossible to become stale, unlikely to become stale while the cache is loaded, unimportant if it becomes stale, or where staleness is easy to detect.
There are cases where every use-case for a component will match all of these. There are many more where they will not. For example, if a component caches results but is never called twice with the same inputs by a particular client component, then that caching is just a waste that has had a negative impact upon performance (maybe negligible, maybe severe).
More often it makes much more sense for the client code to decide upon the caching policy that would suit it. It will also often be easier to tweak for a particular use at this point in the face of real-world data than in the component (since the real-world data it'll face could vary considerably from use to use).
It's even harder to know what degree of staleness could be acceptable. Generally, a component has to assume that 100% freshness is required from it, while the client component can know that a certain amount of staleness will be fine.
On the other hand, it can be easier for a component to obtain information that is of use to the cache. Components can work hand-in-hand in these cases, though it is much more involved (an example would be the If-Modified-Since mechanism used by RESTful webservices, where a server can indicate that a client can safely use information it has cached).
Also, a component can have a configurable caching policy. Connection pooling is a caching policy of sorts, consider how that's configurable.
So in summary:
The component that can work out what caching is both possible and useful.
Which is most often the client code. Though having details of likely latency and staleness documented by the component's authors will help here.
Can less often be the client code with help from the component, though you have to expose details of the caching to allow that.
And can sometimes be the component with the caching policy configurable by the calling code.
Can only rarely be the component, because it's rarer for all possible use-cases to be served well by the same caching policy. One important exception is where the same instance of that component will serve multiple clients, because then the factors that affect the above are spread over those multiple clients.
All of the previous posts brought up some good points, here is a very rough outline of a way you might do it. I wrote this up on the fly so it might need some tweaking:
interface IMemoizer<T, R>
bool IsValid(T args); //Is the cache valid, or stale, etc.
bool TryLookup(T args, out R result);
void StoreResult(T args, R result);
static IMemoizerExtensions
Func<T, R> Memoizing<T, R>(this IMemoizer src, Func<T, R> method)
return new Func<T, R>(args =>
R result;
if (src.TryLookup(args, result) && src.IsValid(args))
return result;
result = method.Invoke(args);
memoizer.StoreResult(args, result);
return result;

A "Function lookup table" in place of switches

I came across some code recently that replaces the use of switches by hard-coding a
Dictionary<string (or whatever we would've been switching on), Func<...>>
and where ever the switch would've been, it instead does dict["value"].Invoke(...).
The code feels wrong in some way, but at the same time, the methods do look a bit cleaner, especially when there's many possible cases. I can't give any rationale as to why this is good or bad design so I was hoping someone could give some reasons to support/condemn this kind of code. Is there a gain in performance? Loss of clarity?
public class A {
public int SomeMethod(string arg){
switch(arg) {
case "a": do stuff; break;
case "b": do other stuff; break;
public class A {
Dictionary<string, Func<int>> funcs = new Dictionary<string, Func<int>> {
{ "a", () => 0; },
{ "b", () => DoOtherStuff(); }
... etc.
public int SomeMethod(string arg){
You can change the behaviour at runtime of the "switch" at runtime
it doesn't clutter the methods using it
you can have non-literal cases (ie. case a + b == 3) with much less hassle
All of your methods must have the same signature.
You have a change of scope, you can't use variables defined in the scope of the method unless you capture them in the lambda, you'll have to take care of redefining all lambdas should you add a variable at some point
you'll have to deal with non-existant indexes specifically (similar to default in a switch)
the stacktrace will be more complicated if an unhandled exception should bubble up, resulting in a harder to debug application
Should you use it? It really depends. You'll have to define the dictionary at some place, so the code will be cluttered by it somewhere. You'll have to decide for yourself. If you need to switch behaviour at runtime, the dictionary solution really sticks out, especially, if the methods you use don't have sideeffects (ie. don't need access to scoped variables).
For several reasons:
Because doing it this way allows you to select what each case branch will do at runtime. Otherwise, you have to compile it in.
What's more, you can also change the number of branches at runtime.
The code looks much cleaner especially with a large number of branches, as you mention.
Why does this solution feel wrong to you? If the dictionary is populated at compile time, then you certainly don't lose any safety (the delegates that go in certainly have to compile without error). You do lose a little performance, but:
In most cases the performance loss is a non-issue
The flexibility you gain is enormous
Jon has a couple good answers. Here are some more:
Whenever you need a new case in a switch, you have to code it in to that switch statement. That requires opening up that class (which previously worked just fine), adding the new code, and re-compiling and re-testing that class and any class that used it. This violates a SOLID development rule, the Open-Closed Principle (classes should be closed to modification, but open to extension). By contrast, a Dictionary of delegates allows delegates to be added, removed, and swapped out at will, without changing the code doing the selecting.
Using a Dictionary of delegates allows the code to be performed in a condition to be located anywhere, and thus given to the Dictionary from anywhere. Given this freedom, it's easy to turn the design into a Strategy pattern where each delegate is provided by a unique class that performs the logic for that case. This supports encapsulation of code and the Single Responsibility Principle (a class should do one thing, and should be the only class responsible for that thing).
If there are more number of possible cases then it is good idea to replace Switch Statement with the strategy pattern, See this.
Applying Strategy Pattern Instead of Using Switch Statements
No one has said anything yet about what I believe to be the single biggest drawback of this approach.
It's less maintainable.
I say this for two reasons.
It's syntactically more complex.
It requires more reasoning to understand.
Most programmers know how a switch statement works. Many programmers have never seen a Dictionary of functions.
While this might seem like an interesting and novel alternative to the switch statement and may very well be the only way to solve some problems, it is considerably more complex. If you don't need the added flexibility you shouldn't use it.
Convert your A class to a partial class, and create a second partial class in another file with just the delegate dictionary in it.
Now you can change the number of branches, and add logic to your switch statement without touching the source for the rest of your class.
(Regardless of language) Performance-wise, where such code exists in a critical section, you are almost certainly better off with a function look-up table.
The reason is that you eliminate multiple runtime conditionals (the longer your switch, the more comparisons there will be) in favour of simple array indexing and function call.
The only performance downside is you've introduced the cost of a function call. This will typically be preferable to said conditionals. Profile the difference; YMMV.

How to get optimization from a "pure function" in C#?

If I have the following function, it is considered pure in that it has no side effects and will always produce the same result given the same input x.
public static int AddOne(int x) { return x + 1; }
As I understand it, if the runtime understood the functional purity it could optimize execution so that return values wouldn't have to be re-calculated.
Is there a way to achieve this kind of runtime optimization in C#? And I assume there is a name for this kind of optimization. What's it called?
Edit: Obviously, my example function wouldn't have a lot of benefit from this kind of optimization. The example was given to express the type of purity I had in mind rather than the real-world example.
As others have noted, if you want to save on the cost of re-computing a result you've already computed, then you can memoize the function. This trades increased memory usage for increased speed -- remember to clear your cache occasionally if you suspect that you might run out of memory should the cache grow without bound.
However, there are other optimizations one can perform on pure functions than memoizing their results. For example, pure functions, having no side effects, are usually safe to call on other threads. Algorithms which use a lot of pure functions can often be parallelized to take advantage of multiple cores.
This area will become increasingly important as massively multi-core machines become less expensive and more common. We have a long-term research goal for the C# language to figure out some way to take advantage of the power of pure functions (and impure but "isolated" functions) in the language, compiler and runtime. But doing so involves many difficult problems, problems about which there is little consensus in industry or academia as to the best approach. Top minds are thinking about it, but do not expect any major results any time soon.
if the calculation was a costly one, you could cache the result in a dictionary?
static Dictionary<int, int> cache = new Dictionary<int, int>();
public static int AddOne(int x)
int result;
if(!cache.TryGetValue(x, out result))
result = x + 1;
cache[x] = result;
return result;
of course, the dictionary lookup in this case is more costly than the add :)
There's another much cooler way to do functional memoization explained by Wes Dyer here: - if you do a LOT of this caching, then his Memoize function might save you a lot of code...
I think you're looking for functional memoization
The technique you are after is memoization: cache the results of execution, keyed off the arguments passed in to the function, in an array or dictionary. Runtimes do not tend to apply it automatically, although there are certainly cases where they would. Neither C# nor .NET applies memoization automatically. You can implement memoization yourself - it's rather easy -, but doing so is generally useful only for slower pure functions where you tend to repeat calculations and where you have enough memory.
This will probably be inlined (aka inline expansion) by the compiler ...
Just make sure you compile your code with the "Optimize Code" flag set (in VS : project properties / build tab / Optimize Code)
The other thing you can do is to cache the results (aka memoization). However, there is a huge initial performance hit due to your lookup logic, so this is interesting only for slow functions (ie not an int addition).
There is also a memory impact, but this can be managed through a clever use of weak references.
As I understand it, if the runtime
understood the functional purity it
could optimize execution so that
return values wouldn't have to be
In your example, the runtime WILL have to compute the result, unless x is known at compile time. In that case, your code will be further optimized through the use of constant folding
How could the compiler do that ? How does it know what values of x are going to be passed in at runtime?
and re: other answers that mention inlining...
My understanding is that inlining (as an optimization) is warranted for small functions that are used only once (or only a very few times...) not because they have no side effects...
A compiler can optimize this function through a combination of inlining (replacing a function call with the body of that function at the call site) and constant propagation (replacing an expression with no free variables with the result of that expression). For example, in this bit of code:
AddOne can be inlined:
5 + 1;
Constant propagation can then simplify the expression:
(Dead code elimination can then simplify this expression even further, but this is just an example).
Knowing that AddOne() has no side effects might also enable the a compiler to perform common subexpression elimination, so that:
AddOne(3) + AddOne(3)
may be transformed to:
int x = AddOne(3);
x + x;
or by strength reduction, even:
There is no way to command the c# JIT compiler to perform these optimizations; it optimizes at its own discretion. But it's pretty smart, and you should feel comfortable relying on it to perform these sorts of transformations without your intervention.
Another option is to use a fody plugin
you can decorate methods that should be cached. When using this you should of course take into consideration all the comments mentioned in the other answers.

Ab-using languages

Some time ago I had to address a certain C# design problem when I was implementing a JavaScript code-generation framework. One of the solutions I came with was using the “using” keyword in a totally different (hackish, if you please) way. I used it as a syntax sugar (well, originally it is one anyway) for building hierarchical code structure. Something that looked like this:
CodeBuilder cb = new CodeBuilder();
// Generate some function code
// Generate some more code
It is working because the Function and the While methods return IDisposable object, that, upon dispose, tells the builder to close the current scope. Such thing can be helpful for any tree-like structure that need to be hard-codded.
Do you think such “hacks” are justified? Because you can say that in C++, for example, many of the features such as templates and operator overloading get over-abused and this behavior is encouraged by many (look at boost for example). On the other side, you can say that many modern languages discourage such abuse and give you specific, much more restricted features.
My example is, of course, somewhat esoteric, but real. So what do you think about the specific hack and of the whole issue? Have you encountered similar dilemmas? How much abuse can you tolerate?
I think this is something that has blown over from languages like Ruby that have much more extensive mechanisms to let you create languages within your language (google for "dsl" or "domain specific languages" if you want to know more). C# is less flexible in this respect.
I think creating DSL's in this way is a good thing. It makes for more readable code. Using blocks can be a useful part of a DSL in C#. In this case I think there are better alternatives. The use of using is this case strays a bit too far from its original purpose. This can confuse the reader. I like Anton Gogolev's solution better for example.
Offtopic, but just take a look at how pretty this becomes with lambdas:
var codeBuilder = new CodeBuilder();
codeBuilder.DefineFunction("Foo", x =>
codeBuilder.While(condition, y =>
It would be better if the disposable object returned from cb.Function(name) was the object on which the statements should be added. That internally this function builder passed through the calls to private/internal functions on the CodeBuilder is fine, just that to public consumers the sequence is clear.
So long as the Dispose implementation would make the following code cause a runtime error.
CodeBuilder cb = new CodeBuilder();
var f = cb.Function("foo")
// Generate some function code
function.Add(something); // this should throw
Then the behaviour is intuitive and relatively reasonable and correct usage (below) encourages and prevents this happening
CodeBuilder cb = new CodeBuilder();
using(var function = cb.Function("foo"))
// Generate some function code
I have to ask why you are using your own classes rather than the provided CodeDomProvider implementations though. (There are good reasons for this, notably that the current implementation lacks many of the c# 3.0 features) but since you don't mention it yourself...
Edit: I would second Anoton's suggest to use lamdas. The readability is much improved (and you have the option of allowing Expression Trees
If you go by the strictest definitions of IDisposable then this is an abuse. It's meant to be used as a method for releasing native resources in a deterministic fashion by a managed object.
The use of IDisposable has evolved to essentially be used by "any object which should have a deterministic lifetime". I'm not saying this is write or wrong but that's how many API's and users are choosing to use IDisposable. Given that definition it's not an abuse.
I wouldn't consider it terribly bad abuse, but I also wouldn't consider it good form because of the cognitive wall you're building for your maintenance developers. The using statement implies a certain class of lifetime management. This is fine in its usual uses and in slightly customized ones (like #heeen's reference to an RAII analogue), but those situations still keep the spirit of the using statement intact.
In your particular case, I might argue that a more functional approach like #Anton Gogolev's would be more in the spirit of the language as well as maintainable.
As to your primary question, I think each such hack must ultimately stand on its own merits as the "best" solution for a particular language in a particular situation. The definition of best is subjective, of course, but there are definitely times (especially when the external constraints of budgets and schedules are thrown into the mix) where a slightly more hackish approach is the only reasonable answer.
I often "abuse" using blocks. I think they provide a great way of defining scope. I have a whole series of objects that I use for capture and restoring state (e.g. of Combo boxes or the mouse pointer) during operations that may change the state. I also use them for creating and dropping database connections.
I wouldn't call it abuse. Looks more like a fancied up RAII technique to me. People have been using these for things like monitors.

