How to Group by the sum of another Group by? - c#

I am trying to do a Group By the sum of another Group By.
What is the correct way to do this in LINQ ?
The below query does not work but it is intended to demonstrate the logic I am tyring to achieve.
from so in TblServiceOrders
join sologs in TblSOLogs on so.SONumber equals sologs.SONumber
where so.DateClosed >= new DateTime(2014,01,17)
where so.DateClosed <= new DateTime(2014,01,17)
where sologs.ElapsedHours != 0 || sologs.ElapsedMinutes != 0
group new {sologs.ElapsedHours, sologs.ElapsedMinutes} by sologs.SONumber into g
group new {g.Sum (x => x.ElapsedHours), g.Sum (x => x.ElapsedMinutes)} by "Totals" into t
select new {
AverageHours = t.Average (x => x.ElapsedHours)
AverageMins = t.Average (x => x.ElapsedMinutes)

I've got the query working below. Now the next mystery is why I can't use it to populate a DataGridView in VS. :-(
Working Query:
from so in TblServiceOrders
join sologs in TblSOLogs on so.SONumber equals sologs.SONumber
where so.DateClosed >= new DateTime(2014,01,17)
where so.DateClosed <= new DateTime(2014,01,17)
where sologs.ElapsedHours != 0 || sologs.ElapsedMinutes != 0
group new {sologs.ElapsedHours, sologs.ElapsedMinutes} by sologs.SONumber into g
group new {hours = g.Sum (x => x.ElapsedHours), mins = g.Sum (x => x.ElapsedMinutes)} by "Totals" into t
select new {
Average = t.Average (x => (x.hours * 60) + x.mins),
Count = t.Count ()
Note the:
hours = g.Sum (x => x.ElapsedHours), mins = g.Sum (x => x.ElapsedMinutes)


Adding Summed columns together using Linq

I am wondering if there is an easier way of adding together summed columns inside a group by query using Linq. I am wanting to check wether column1 + column2 is greater than 2250, and if so do something...
Below is a snippet of code im using, a much slimmed down version for use here
from contact in _db.Worksheets
join person in _db.MyTable on contact.Email equals
orderby contact.ShiftDate ascending
select new
EmployeeNumber = person.EmployeeNumber,
Overtime1= contact.Overtime1,
Overtime2= contact.Overtime2,
ShiftDate = contact.ShiftDate,
} into t1
group t1 by t1.EmployeeNumber into pg
select (new
OvertimeTotal = pg.Sum(x => x.ShiftDate >= vStart1 && x.ShiftDate <= vEnd1 ? x.Overtime1 : 0)
+ pg.Sum(x => x.ShiftDate >= vStart1 && x.ShiftDate <= vEnd1 ? x.Overtime2 : 0) > 2250 (....then do something)
I was wondering if you could do something like the below. (Which I have tried and it doesnt work)
I am using entity framework too, so realise there may be complications converting this type of query
OvertimeTotal = pg.Sum(x => x.ShiftDate >= vStart1 && x.ShiftDate <= vEnd1 ? x.Overtime1 + x.Overtime2 : 0)
It would help if you specify what you want when there is overtime. The following will return the employee numbers with overtime.
The approach is a little different from yours, as it filters the worksheet records before joining with the person records for optimization reasons. It then filters to just the employees that have overtime.
I'm assuming an employee has overtime if overtime1 + overtime2 of all their shifts in the specified date range adds up to more than 2250.
var employeesWithOvertime = _db.Worksheets
.Where(w => w.ShiftDate >= vStart1 && w.ShiftDate <= vEnd1)
.Join(_db.MyTable, w => w.Email, p => p.EmailAddress, (w, p) => new
EmployeeNumber = p.EmployeeNumber,
Overtime1 = w.Overtime1,
Overtime2 = w.Overtime2
.GroupBy(x => x.EmployeeNumber)
.Select(g => new
EmployeeNumber = g.Key,
OvertimeTotal = g.Sum(x => x.Overtime1 + x.Overtime2)
.Where(x => x.OvertimeTotal > 2250);

DefaultIfEmpty() does not handle empty collections

I've been trying to left join the table and they are in a one-to-many relationship.
I have written a SQL query and trying to convert it into LINQ for my ASP.NET Core application.
My sql query is as follows:
SELECT ap.SystemId,
COUNT(ap.Name) [Count]
FROM ApplicationForms ap LEFT JOIN AccessAreaCheckBoxes cb
ON n ap.RecordId = cb.RecordId
WHERE EndDate IS NULL AND (Checked IS NULL OR Checked = 1)
GROUP BY ap.SystemId, ap.AccessRequiredToId, cb.AccessAreaManagementId, ap.EquipmentTagId
SQL Result
And my LINQ is as follows:
var active = _context.ApplicationForms
.Where(w => w.EndDate == null)
.Where(w => (w.AccessAreaManagement == null || w.Checked == true)),
x => x.RecordId,
y => y.RecordId,
(x, y) => new { ApplicationForms = x, AccessAreaCheckBoxes = y })
.SelectMany(x => x.AccessAreaCheckBoxes.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(x, y) => new { x.ApplicationForms, AccessAreaCheckBoxes = y })
.GroupBy(g => new { g.ApplicationForms.System, g.ApplicationForms.AccessRequiredTo, g.AccessAreaCheckBoxes.AccessAreaManagement, g.ApplicationForms.EquipmentTag })
.Select(s => new RecordViewModel
System = s.Key.System.Name,
AccessRequiredTo = s.Key.AccessRequiredTo.Name,
AccessArea = s.Key.AccessAreaManagement.Name,
EquipmentTag = s.Key.EquipmentTag.Name,
Count = s.Count()
Everything is working well except it doesn't show the rows with the NULL value.
Did I miss out something in my LINQ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This is what I do in the end, post here for your reference.
var active = (from ap in _context.ApplicationForms
join cb in _context.AccessAreaCheckBoxes
on ap.RecordId equals cb.RecordId into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ap.EndDate == null
&& (j2.AccessAreaManagement == null || j2.Checked == true)
group new { ap.System, ap.AccessRequiredTo, j2.AccessAreaManagement, ap.EquipmentTag }
by new { System = ap.System.Name, Building = ap.AccessRequiredTo.Name, AccessArea = j2.AccessAreaManagement.Name, Equipment = ap.EquipmentTag.Name } into grp
select new RecordViewModel
System = grp.Key.System,
AccessRequiredTo = grp.Key.Building,
AccessArea = grp.Key.AccessArea,
EquipmentTag = grp.Key.Equipment,
Count = grp.Count()

Entity framework filtering data by time

I am so sorry from the question, but I can not take a period from a DateTime. for exemple: If I have date "10.10.2016 7:00", 10.10.2016 10:00", I need to take only the rows with the time between "6:00" and "8:00". Next is my code by return an error : "can not use TimeOfDay ",help me please
ds.TrafficJamMorning = (from row in orderQuery
where row.AcceptedTime.TimeOfDay >= new TimeSpan(6, 30, 0) &&
row.AcceptedTime.TimeOfDay <= new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0)
group row by row.AcceptedTime.Date
into grp
select new TrafficJamPeriodInfo
CurrentDateTime = grp.Key,
ReceptionCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Reception),
InternetCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Internet),
ExchangeSystemCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.ExchangeSystem)
TimeOfDay Is not supported by the linq provider and it does not know how to parse it into sql. Use instead DbFunctions.CreateTime:
Also instantiate the timespans before the linq query so you do not instantiate a new object every time
var startTime = new TimeSpan(6, 30, 0);
var endTime = new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0);
var result = (from row in orderQuery
let time = DbFunctions.CreateTime(row.AcceptedTime.Hour, row.AcceptedTime.Minute, row.AcceptedTime.Second)
where time >= startTime &&
time <= endTime
group row by DbFunctions.TruncateTime(row.AcceptedTime) into grp
select new TrafficJamPeriodInfo
CurrentDateTime = grp.Key,
ReceptionCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Reception),
InternetCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Internet),
ExchangeSystemCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.ExchangeSystem)
Looking again at the question - If all you want to check is that it is between 2 hours then use the Hour property (This won't be nice to write if you want to check for example Hour and Minues and in that case I'd go for my first suggestion):
var result = (from row in orderQuery
where row.AcceptedTime.Hour >= 6
row.AcceptedTime.Hour < 8
group row by DbFunctions.TruncateTime(row.AcceptedTime) into grp
select new TrafficJamPeriodInfo
CurrentDateTime = grp.Key,
ReceptionCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Reception),
InternetCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Internet),
ExchangeSystemCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.ExchangeSystem)
I use the following where clause on my IQueryable:
var query = dbContext.GetAllItems().AsQueryable();
//... other filters
query = query.Where(item => item.AcceptedTime.Hour > 6 && item.AcceptedTime.Hour < 8);
//... other filters
return query.ToList();
Hope it helps. This also works for Oracle + Odac.
ds.TrafficJamMorning = (from row in orderQuery
DbFunctions.DiffMinutes( DbFunctions.TruncateTime(row.AcceptedTime), row.AcceptedTime) >= 6 * 60 + 30 &&
DbFunctions.DiffMinutes( DbFunctions.TruncateTime(row.AcceptedTime), row.AcceptedTime) <= 9 * 60 + 30
group row by DbFunctions.TruncateTime(row.AcceptedTime)
into grp
select new TrafficJamPeriodInfo
CurrentDateTime = grp.Key,
ReceptionCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Reception),
InternetCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.Internet),
ExchangeSystemCount = grp.Count(r => r.OrderOriginId == (int)OrderOrigin.ExchangeSystem)
I had a similar problem.
You can compare the date parts instead.
where row.Year > s.Year && r.Month > s.Month && row.Day > s.Day

Group by and MIN() in LINQ

Trying to convert the below SQL query to LINQ, but I'm stuck at grouping by ClientCompany.
SELECT TOP 300 ClientCompany,
CASE WHEN MIN(FeatureID) = 12 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as Sort
ON Ad.ID = AdFeature.AdID
WHERE (AdFeature.FeatureID = 13 OR AdFeature.FeatureID = 12)
AND SiteID = 2
GROUP BY ClientCompany
My attempt to convert this to LINQ:
(from a in Ads
join af in AdFeatures
on new {
join1 = a.ID,
join3 = 2
} equals new {
join1 = af.AdID,
join3 = af.SiteID
let sort = (
af.FeatureID == 12 ? 1 : 0
orderby sort descending
where af.FeatureID == 13 || af.FeatureID == 12
select new { a.ClientCompany, sort } ).Take(300)
How would I use MIN(FeatureID) and GROUP BY ClientCompany in LINQ, so that I only get a single row per ClientCompany back?
This worked! Based on Daniel Hilgarth's answer. Is there anything that can go horribly wrong with this solution?
Ads.Join(AdFeatures, x => x.ID, x => x.AdID,
(a, af) => new { Ad = a, AdFeature = af })
.Where(x => x.AdFeature.FeatureID == 12 || x.AdFeature.FeatureID == 13)
.Where(x => x.AdFeature.SiteID == 2)
.GroupBy(x => x.Ad.ClientCompany)
.Select(g => new { ClientCompany = g.Key, Sort = g.Min(x => x.AdFeature.FeatureID) == 12 ? 1 : 0 })
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Sort)
Try this:
Ads.Join(AdFeatures, x => x.FeatureID, x => x.FeatureID,
(a, af) => new { Ad = a, AdFeature = af })
.Where(x => x.AdFeature.FeatureID == 12 || x.AdFeature.FeatureID == 13)
.Where(x => x.AdFeature.SiteID == 2)
.GroupBy(x => x.Ad.ClientCompany)
.Select(g => new { ClientCompany = g.Key,
Sort = g.Min(x => x.AdFeature.FeatureID) == 12 ? 1 : 0 });
Please note, I changed the left outer join into an inner join, because your original query accesses AdFeature unconditionally, making it effectively an inner join .
hi I would write it like that
context.Ads.Where(ad => ad.AdFeatures.Any(feature => (feature.FeatureID == 13 || feature.FeatureID == 12) && feature.SiteID == 2))
.GroupBy(ad => ad.ClientCompany)
.Select(ads => new
cc = ads.Key, sort = ads.SelectMany(ad => ad.AdFeatures)
.Select(feature => feature.FeatureID)
.Min() == 12
.OrderBy(arg => arg.sort).Take(300);
Try this:
(from a in ads
join af in AdFeatures on a.ID equals af.AdID into g
from x in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
where x.FeatureID == 13 || x.FeatureID == 12
where x.SiteID == 2
orderby a.Sort descending
group a by a.ClientCompany into g2
from x2 in g2
let sort = g2.Select(T => T.FeatureID).Min() == 12 ? 1 : 0
select new { a.ClientCompany, Sort = sort }).Take(300);
Why do you need grouping anyway?

create a query for date and average values

I need to select date and average values from a datacontext's table and I need to group it by year and by month.
In SQL it will look like this
select Year(data) as years, Month(data) as months, Avg(value) as prices from Prices
group by Year(data),MONTH(data)
order by years, months
I've created a LINQ query
var query0 = from c in dc.Prices
where Convert.ToDateTime( >= 0
&& Convert.ToDateTime( <= 0
&& c.idsticker.Equals(x)
group c by new { ((DateTime), ((DateTime) }
into groupMonthAvg
select groupMonthAvg;
But I don't know how to get average values in result
Use the Average function.
var query0 = from c in dc.Prices
where Convert.ToDateTime( >= 0
&& Convert.ToDateTime( <= 0
&& c.idsticker.Equals(x)
group c by new { ((DateTime), ((DateTime) }
into groupMonthAvg
select new
years = groupMonthAvg.Key.Year,
months = groupMonthAvg.Key.Month,
prices = groupMonthAvg.Average(x=>x.value)
Just use the Average function in your select:
var query0 = from c in dc.Prices
where Convert.ToDateTime( >= 0
&& Convert.ToDateTime( <= 0
&& c.idsticker.Equals(x)
group c by new { ((DateTime), ((DateTime) }
into groupMonthAvg
select new {
YearAverage = groupMonthAvg.Average(x=>x.Year),
MonthAverage = groupMonthAvg.Average(x=>x.Month)
This should do it:
var query0 = from c in dc.Prices
where Convert.ToDateTime( >= 0
&& Convert.ToDateTime( <= 0
&& c.idsticker.Equals(x)
group c by new { ((DateTime), ((DateTime) }
into groupMonthAvg
select new { Year = groupMonthAvg.Key.Year, Month = groupMonthAvg.Key.Month, Average => groupMonthAvg.Average(i => i.value) };

